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Unexpected reencounter [Yukonwolfspirit&Hideki] (Private)


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That Yukie had once more in his life thought about suicide and according to the doctors even attempted it was a lot for him to digest. It had already been shocking to hear that the other had tried to kill himself when he had been alone in Japan and this was probably a situation that was much tougher than that. Well, Ethan was there now but his presents didn’t make the other’s life any more normal again.


It was nearly impossible for him to really understand what was going on in the other’s brain and what that was doing to him even though he tried to get it. It just seemed confusing and maybe that was exactly what the brain damage caused within Yukie, confusion and uncertainty.


What followed made a cold shiver run down Ethan’s spine and it hit him hard that the other was worried that all this was too much to him and that he feared of ruining his life.

“I would never blame you for this or for the difficulties this might cause.” He said and he meant it as he said it.

But he couldn’t deny that he feared that it would get too much for him himself. And there was no way that he could assure the other that it wouldn’t because there wasn’t a guarantee for that and he didn’t know how it would turn out himself, he just knew that he wanted to be there for the other.

“I can’t promise that I will make everything right but I can say that I really want you in my life again, regardless of what has happened to you.”

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  • Yukonwolfspirit


  • -Hideki-


“...if your being honest then...I want you to let me forget sometimes and I want to be allowed to be hurt or confused...I hate being monitored like I’m crazy and I hate how they don’t trust me to even shower alone” Yukie replied as he sipped his water more mulling over his next request. “I don’t want to feel caged up in a room I want to be able to go outside and if I desire try to live a normal life and create new memories to learn off of...I know the confusion won’t leave and I can’t fix all my issues but I know some can be fixed if I feel like I’m not locked up all the time it makes my issues worse and it creates a lot of fear..I don’t like anyone at the hospital and I don’t trust them becaus I can’t remeber who touches me and pokes at me...it’s maddening always watching over my shoulder and feeling like I can’t stop them if they do hurt me” Yukie explained a lot of these issues having been fucking him up more mentally and causing a lot of stress and furthering his depression and adding that to him feeling unsafe to sleep was driving him more over the edge. “I told the doctor this...and he just drugged me for the night...so I stopped tellin them what’s wrong and if you tell them they will do it again” Yukie whispered as he tried to calm himself down taking afew deep breaths as he excused himself and went off to the bathroom needing some space to fully calm down since he was aware it wasn’t an empty restaurant.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It was understandable to him that Yukie wanted his personal space and personal freedom back and Ethan wasn’t the hospital, he wouldn’t monitor him and neither Jakes nor his home had been created after George Orwell’s 1984. He also didn’t intent to treat him like a child he would just be there if he needed him and have the nurse there for medical care. She had seemed to be a nice woman with really good references.


“I promise you that I will not step into the shower with you. Well, unless you would like to shower together with me or let me watch that is.” He assured him with a wink even though he wasn’t sure how good the timing was for a comment like that. Then again, everything that would lighten up the mood and the atmosphere was probably welcome, at least to Ethan.


The red head was unpleasantly surprised when he heard how the doctors at that hospital treated their patients and that they had just drugged Yukie when he had talked about his worries and concerns. “I won’t tell them. And tomorrow you’ll come with me and your new nurse to Jakes house.” He informed him but he didn’t get a reply because the other excused himself for the bathroom.


A deep sigh escaped him and he buried his head into his hands for a moment. He had expected that returning to his home town to be unpleasant and painful but he hadn’t had a clue of how severe and horrible things would happen and that a return would impact his life again. This town really had never done him any good and now it had fucked Yukie over as well.


He sat there, nibbling on his drink, looking around, drumming onto the table while he waited for the other to return from the bathroom.

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“...ugh... men’s rooms are gross” Yukie mumbled as he sat down clearly calmer and more at ease as he took his drink and sipped it lightly somewhat thinking. “I wouldn’t mind you joining me to shower...or watching...from what I figured out I don’t have many boundaries when it comes to bathing and showering with others...though being somewhere crowded is a different story” Yukie admitted as he smirked and set his drink down. “Though I do want to return the favor and take you out on a date” Yukie admitted more warm-hearted and a lot nicer to Ethan then he was to anyone else.

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  • 2 weeks later...

He nodded. Public toilets were gross. “Yes.” He said “But I don’t really care. I only go there to take a piss anyway and I am out of there within seconds. I just avoid touching the door handle however I can.” He let the other know and while this sure wasn’t a sophisticated topic it was much better than only discussing depressing things.


It surprised him that Yukie actually considered taking a shower with him and it made him smile at the same time and he liked the idea of doing that sometime soon. When they had been teenagers Ethan had even started to avoid going swimming with Yukie because his best friend’s half naked figured covered all wet from the water had turned him on and Ethan had been uncomfortable while trying to hide his unwanted erection the whole time in a ridiculously obvious way.


The red head smiled at Yukie when the white haired told him he wanted to take him out on a date. “Usually I’m the one who takes guys out on the dates but because it’s you I’ll make an exception and allow you to take me out.” He said and winked at the other.

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“Good be dressed nicely for a sit down restraunt and then a movie after” Yukie replied with a chuckle as he smirked and sipped his drink enjoying the sugary taste. “And then maybe..we could go back to your place” he admitted his cheeks reddening a little as he tried to be a little more dominate trying to find his place in their strange relationship and clearly trying out new things.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ethan laughed. ”Sure! I’ll look like the prince out of your dreams.” He joked because he actually only had packed his business suits because he hadn’t suspected to go on a date while he had to stay in that town again. They were decent enough for a restaurant though.


The red head smirked when he saw the other’s cheeks redden after he had made his intentions clear to him. “You’re cute when you blush like that.” He commented and leaned back into his chair a little. “We sure can. It’s not my place though; I currently reside at Jake’s place. I live at the other end of the country, remember.”

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“And I’ve been told I lived over seas” Yukie replied being a smart ass as he smirked...”Besides I think the wall should be thick enough for whatever might happen” Yukie added with a small smile as he snuggled up to Ethan and relaxed quite happy to have the man by his side even if he did forget why Ethan visited and who he was he knew he wouldn’t ever not trust or be afraid of his dear friend. “If not we can get a hotel...my bank cards cleared and all of my money was sent here and I approved my house being sold so I could live near you”

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“Well, you apparently did. I didn’t know before the school reunion and I was surprised when you told me.” He admitted looking into the other’s eyes.


The ginger laughed when he heard that and leaned over to Yukie taking the man’s hands into his own.

“It’s a solid built house. You can moan and scream my name in ecstasy however loud you want.” Ethan responded with a cocky smile.


It confused him a little that Yukie was talking about getting an apartment close to him while they had spoken about him moving in with him for the whole last day but he shoved that away and didn’t ask anything regarding that now.

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“And when your not working we can come visit me and my nurse” Yukie added with a small smile as he looked at Ethan...” I want us to get to know each other before I move in...I kinda just got thrown into your life by accident it would be rude for me to ruin any plans you made” yukie admitted as he looked down gently letting go of Ethan’s hands. “ I want you to be able to come back in a month and still want me to move in of your own choice not because you feel the need to care for me”

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It was a weird perspective talking about getting to know each other since they had basically grown up together and had experienced and shared that much. Then again they hadn’t met in years and things had changed and before the accident it had seemed as if they actually hadn’t known each other anymore after all. Maybe this was not such an odd perspective.


“Even though I wouldn’t say that you were thrown into my life, more like you reappeared in my life, I respect that.” He let the other know when a waiter appeared at their table and finally brought the pizza they had ordered. Now Ethan realised just how hungry he was, he was nodding towards Yukie and started to eat rather greedily. “I’ll be looking forward to spending time with you.” He said with his mouth full of pizza. When he had swallowed the pizza down he continued talking. “I’m especially glad that I don’t have to hide my attraction anymore. I still don’t get how I even managed it at that time. Have you never gotten suspicious of anything? Not even me hiding my boners when we were swimming together?” he asked in an amused way forgetting that the other had lost his memory for a second.

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“Well now I know you got boners when thinking of me” yukie admitted with a laugh as he ate a slice of pizza and thought to himself a little. ”From what I was told through some old friends of mine back home I was openly gay at school and often got the shit best out of me in collage until I met others who accepted me...they told me we became friends because I was able to tell they where in the closet so to say, so I assume I did have some idea you where gay but didn’t make a move because I was to shy or something in life happened” yukie replied not remembering his parents death all to well which in a way was a blessing.

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He laughed at that. “Yeah, it was really awkward. Plus, it made me feel guilty for seeing my friend that way and having such fantasys too.” The businessman confessed.


Ethan listened as he found it quite interesting what Yukie had to say to that. “Well, you weren’t openly gay in high-school, if I had known you were gay I wouldn’t have been that scared of you rejecting me if you found out about me. I thought you’d be disgusted if you knew.” He let the other know and sighed.


“At college I didn’t mind anyone knowing too though. That was because I had left this town and had resided in another more open-minded environment and I never got any shit for it there, it freed me actually.” He said taking another bite of the pizza. “I’m sorry to hear that it didn’t go that well for you in college though.” The red head added.

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“Oh no it worked out eventually ended up making some good business connections with a lot of owners who where looking for a fun time...truth be told I slept around a lot” yukie admitted finishing his slice of pizza before sipping his drink. “If your ever interested I could give you their info” yukie added as he sighed a little. “My friends are glad your taking care of me somewhat...they worry I don’t think things though and will get in a mess and they won’t be there to help me”

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Ethan chuckled as the other confessed that he had been sleeping around to him another time.

“I know. You’ve proudly told me that for some reason when we first reencountered each other on the school reunion.” He informed Yukie and scratched his chin.


“I never really slept around. I’m probably more conservative when it comes to relationships.” The ginger said and then listened to the offer of giving him his friends contact data. Ethan shrugged. “Well, you can but I don’t know if it will lead to something. I work for a large company and I make a lot of money but I don’t own the company. But in case they wanted to expand to Japan this might be helpful later on.” He concluded and finished his pizza.

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“The men would give them a good deal I owned half of their companies in collage” yukie admitted as he smirked. “I still do” he added as he finished his drink not eating much since his body was still getting use to eating a lot of food in one sitting since he snacked all day in the hospital.

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  • 2 weeks later...

“I see.” He said taking another sip of his drink. “You sure seem to have made it over there.” He added while he waited for the other to finish his pizza too his thoughts drifting off.

It surprised him a little that Yukie had seemed to be some kind of business mogul in Japan but it didn’t really interest him all too much either, as he was much more interested in Yukie on a personal level than as a business contact anyway.

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“Mmh I took a few business classes in collage and enjoyed the fact I could earn money quickly” yukie admitted as he smiled a little and relaxed. “Though as fun as it is running an empire you also make a shit ton of enemies...I burned a few bridges when I was younger” yukie admitted with a sly smirk as he played with his medical bracelet a little. “How is work and life for you...are you staying in a hotel?” Yukie asked curiously.

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  • 1 month later...

“I can imagine that.” Ethan said not all too interested in talking about work. “I only ever burned one bridge.” He said and this was the bridge to his home town and everyone and everything in it. But destiny had played a trick on him and had forced him back for his company and so far it had been completely disastrous. “No. As you should know since we’ve been talking about this a lot and we had planned that you would stay there when you would leave hospital for now too, I am not staying at that hotel anymore but at Jake’s.” He answered. “As far as my life goes, I am doing really great in the city. I have great friends, a decent job, everything is good. I wasn’t thrilled about having to return here but it is only temporarily and I’ll be glad when I can go back home.” He explained.

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“You know it would be easy just to skip staying with a friend and head home...I’m sure if you fill out some paperwork you could take me early...I’m not that much of a danger to society” yukie mumbled as he blushed and looked away. “I want you to be happy and well I’m sure I could find a place where I can be happy also but still get to see you” yukie added as he sighed and ran a hand through his short hair in an awkward way. “Worse comes to worse and I just leave notes all over the house to remind me of things”

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There was a warm smile appearing on his face at Yukie’s words and Ethan couldn’t help himself to find it cute how the other blushed. The ginger had always found the other cute and it had not changed during all those years in the slightest. He took the other male’s hand and stroked it with his thumb. “I would love to get you out of the hospital earlier and I will try.” He told him. “But I returned here for my work, remember? What means that I still have to stay in this town for a couple of weeks until my work here is done and I can head home, with you.” He reminded the other. “I’d still love to take get you out of the hospital today already and have you staying with me at Jake’s. I’d like to be close to you.” He confessed looking into the other’s eyes.

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“...I don’t have to worry about you and jake together right?” Yukie asked as he looked at Ethan and held his hand gently enjoying the warmth and slight closeness.”Don’t worry they will let me out...I cause to much trouble for the doctors trying to always correct them on what doses I prefer” yukie replied with a devilish snicker as he sighed... “If I don’t have to worry about jake or anyone else then you wouldn’t mind us sleeping together until we move?” Yukie asked his tone light and joking but somehow at the same time serious.

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When Yukie wanted to be assured that Ethan didn’t have anything going with Jake he couldn’t hold back a laugh. The mere idea of Jake and him was completely absurd. “No, of course not.” He assured him with a wide smile still chuckling. “It’s Jake we’re talking about here. He is straight and has a son and even if he wasn’t straight I would never do anything with him. Even though he has changed and has been a nice guy so far and I am trying to completely forgive him for all the bullying and the degradation back in school I would never be intimate with him or have any deeper feelings for him.” The red head explained.


Ethan’s hazel eyes looked into Yuki’s when the other asked him if he wouldn’t mind them sleeping together. “I certainly wouldn’t mind that.” He made clear. “I’d love to share a bed with you actually.” The financial manager told the other with a happy smile before he leaned over the table in the pizza restaurant, took Yuki’s chin with his free hand and pulled him over a little so that their lips could meet and Ethan could kiss him. It was a deep, loving kiss that drew the attention of the townspeople onto them but Ethan didn’t care about those folks judging looks and the condemning whispering that started to make the round in the restaurant because two men had just kissed each other and most of the people in the deeply Christian small town found that immoral.

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