Sosuke0549 Posted July 14, 2017 Share Posted July 14, 2017 MY CHARACTERS Field Agent: 3 Name: Shinn Kurosaki Alias: KILL JOY Age: 22 Occupation: "I'm up for anything! " Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Purple Gender: Male Sexuality: Bi-Sexual Postion: Seme Personality: Flirtatious. He enjoys teasing his team mates, but doesn't really get serious with anyone. He's jokeful and helps lighten up the mood when things get way too serious. Shinn try's to live with no regrets. He's a jokeful person And can be very arrogant and annoying at times. He's always trying to lighten the mood. But secretly he is very depressed and sees just how fucked up the world really is. He loves playing pranks on the others so ( WATCH OUT!) he's always trying to make others laughs and pretends to be clumsy for others expense.* He usually flirts with everyone but sometimes comes off as a complete asshole but he's a very kind and hard working person. Likes: -animals, kids, Mockfights ( like fighting his team mates for fun) pranks, and jokes Dislikes: Bullies, Pranks or jokes on himself and people who act like there better then him. Bio:Shinn joined the force recently. He's a good person and field agent however he is known to be a loose cannon, and therefore was put into a new task force, but He's pretty optimistic about it. Others: Shinn has scar on his left leg he got as a kid and has a tattoo on the back of his right shoulder saying in readable cursive, " Living life with no regrets. " And has another tattoo on his left bicep of just two thick black lines. Like a henna tattoo, it's just there. -Shinn has multiple piercings on his ears, but that's it... -Shinn also has a little sister who he loves dearly. -Weapon of choice (knives, swords, throwing stars, anything sharp) Field Agent: 4 Name: Hinata Ryuuzaki Alias: SHADOW Age: 19 Occupation Assassin ( Sniper ) Eye Color: Light Blue Hair Color: Light Blue Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight Personality: Keeps to herself, quiet, doesn't Really try to show much emotion, but her emotions are their. She's a very strong person and hates appearing weak and never try's to befriend others or get into relationships.. people always die. "I don't need friends", she'd say. She acts like a hard ass but will cring When she sees something cute. A kitten, teddy bear, a baby etc. No matter how hard she try's she's still your avenge girl. Likes: Guns and cute things Dislikes: Many things Bio: Her father was the best field agent in the organization/ government, until he was killed in the line of duty. He taught her everything she knows and Hinata pretty much came forward to take her father's place. She wants to live up to everyone's expectations, and be just like her father, but many doubt her abilities because she's a female. Others: Has a childish fear of Thunder and Lighting, Enjoys fighting And Sparing, but her passion is shooting . She's so fixated on being like her old man.. that she doesn't know how to have fun. She's always on the edge. - Weapon of choice (sniper) Hacker: Name: Kai Katsuya Alias: Crash Age: 20 Occupation: " never really gave it any thought " Eye Color: Grey Hair Color: Dark Brown (almost black) Sexuality: Gay Position: Uke Personality: Kai is very distant and quiet, he keeps to himself and mutters to himself a lot.He is very smart but is rather dull, he's kind of a plain slate, until you realize he has a good heart, kind of. He's rather complicated to understand. Like(s): Kids, video games, technology, candy, sci fi movies, animals. Dislike(s): money hogs , sports, the government, alcohol, drugs. Bio: Kai grew up in an orphanage, until he was adopted by a lesbian couple. He loved them very much until they died in a car accident. He turned to hacking because he was always a smart kid and found it challenging and fun. He would steal money form organizations, and money hogs and give it to the less fortunate, like orphanages, cancer research, animal rescues and etc. He's your moder day Robbin Hood. Getting Caught: It had been four days since he hacked into the police's data base and fired half the cops in the city for having child porn or for other reasons. Mostly because they were bad cops to begin with. He was arrested because a old partner He did business with turned him in- He was then charged with countless other crimes once they discovered his code name "CRASH". He was charged with Stealing, vandalizing other web sites, breaking the law- and WAY more. he was sentenced to life imprison. But a lot of people saw him secretly as a hero. Others: He is almost always seen with some type of technology in his hands. He wears glasses, and when he can't hack something He throws a temper tantrum and says things he doesn't mean. He can't stand the sight of blood, and has a fear of drowning since he never learned how to swim. Strategist: Name: Shun Yagami Alias: RAZOR Age: 26 Occupation: "Being better then my opponent" Eye Color: Dark Green Hair Color: Dark Grey Gender: Male Sexuality: Gay Postion: Seke Personality: A charming smart Ass, who's* slick, jokful, and very competitive and cold hearted. He's dark. He doesn't care about anyone other then himself. Likes: loves bored games , video games, or anything to challenge his brain, and Working out Dislikes: Losing, Animals. People who don't listen to him Bio: Shinn was a champion at pretty much every thing he did and enjoyed playing board games when he was young , However he realized that all the money was in selling war tactics to the highest bidder, stealing hiddem secretes from the government and fucking with people's emotions. He was charged with terrorism and sentenced to life in prison. Getting Caught: Was sold out by a unhappy client. Others: Wears his glasses for show, they make him feel smart. Hinata walked down the organizations long and narrow hallway. The florence lights hitting her soft cream colored skin. She stopped when she reached the door. Room E12... Behind this door she'd meet her new team mates... for the most part they were all criminals and she..along with another Agent were assigned to watch over them.. and form a group... the Hound Corps. They would do under cover jobs and follow the organizations orders with out question.. so basically... they'd do the organizations dirty work and keep it away from the public. She stepped forward letting the door automatically slide open. She walked inside and didn't acknowledge the criminals in the room. There were two guards by the door with stun guys if they tried any thing funny. She took a seat at the only empty chair at the table. She sat across from Shinn, another agent who grinned at her. "We've been waiting for you... Shadow. " She glanced at the purple haired male but said nothing to him. "My name his Hinata Ryuuzaki And across from me is Shinn Kurosaki... We are both agents of C.O.R.P.S. an elite task force that handles the affairs too dirty for public eyes. You gentleman have been selected to join the Hound Corps. A group that will handle under ground jobs when necessary. The organization will turn to us and we will be expected to handle any matter discreetly." She was beautiful... clearly a buzz kill, her eyes were cold and yet her voice was soft like any other females but rather firm and stern. "You have a choice...You can except this offer and use your talents for a better cause.. or.. you can refuse and return to your jail cells... " She touched the table and the room grew dark. The table glowed, coming to life as holograms appeared. Each person was shown a holographic list of everything that would happen if they agreed to join. The food they'd eat The living arrangements The bed time The rules The requirements for agreeing. It was all right in front of them. A contract. HOUND CORPS You have been giving a rare opportunity. If you agree to join the C.O.R.P.S. you will be assigned a code name. You will be dead to the public eye. You must follow your superior's orders and agree to have a chip implanted in your body. This chip will monitor your vital signs, keep track of where you are at all times and paralyze you when you are considered* a threat to another or are misbehaving. Any attempt to escape or betrayal will result in death, any attempt to remove your chip will be known and you will be punished. The list went on and on. ----------------------------------------------------- Kai sat in the room, his hand bound by unbreakable hand cuffs. He kept looking at the ground not really trying to look at the others who were with him. What was going on? Why were they even here? The door suddenly opened and he looked up seeing a girl. She was wearing a full black fitted body suit, made out of elastic. Her hair was this light blue color which matched her eyes. She sat down and quickly began talking. Be dogs or stay prisoners. This organization was offering them a way out. If they agreed to follow them. Kai quickly read over the list put in front of him. It would be in his best interest to agree. He wasn't too happy with the chip being implanted in him but... He understood that it was necessary. He was use to working alone. And had no interest in being apart of a team but... if he agreed he'd get out of here, he'd have a chance to taste a little bit of freedom again. He glanced at the male next to him, He was an agent just like Hinata... Shinn. He was also wearing a tight black fitted body suit. The other must of know he was looking because he looked back at him and grinned. Kai quickly* looked away. --------------------------------------------------------- "Where do I sign." Shun spoke up. The handsome male was eyeing Hinata the entire time since she walked in. The Dark haired male didn't even read the contact that was placed before him , he was rather captivated by how graceful Hintia appeared.* He saw this as a potential game. A thrilling game! A challenge ~ and becoming a faithful mutt of the government was far better* then being locked up for decades. He was now very intrestered and Intrigued. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yukio Takamiya Posted July 15, 2017 Share Posted July 15, 2017 Field Agent: 1 Name: Tsukihara Shiki Alias: KO (pronounced by letter, kay-oh) Age: 20 Occupation: Combat specialist. "I'll take on any opponent." Eye colour: Heterochromatic eyes. Right eye is red, left eye is amber. Hair colour: Blood red Gender: Male Sexuality: Bi-sexual Position: Seme Personality: Fierce on the outside, soft on the inside. Basically Tsundere. He takes comradeship very seriously and strives to protect what's important to the very end. Shiki never loses focus on the given goal no matter the situation, thus rarely fails an assignment given. Which is why he was one of the best fighters for the local crime syndicate. Loyal to the very end once he decides to trust. Like(s): Learning any form of martial arts, dogs, coffee, formidable opponents and star gazing. Dislike(s): Enemies, annoying individuals, children and the syndicate that betrayed him. Bio: Shiki first learnt taekwondo at the age of 7 and realised that he had the knack for it. A year after that, he had already achieved the highest dan of the art. That was when his parents decided he was a genius at martial arts. Thinking it would be beneficial, they started letting him learn arts like kendo and aikido, which of course he aced within a short time as well. Shiki enjoyed learning them of course. He even considered gong pro for mixed martial arts once, but that dream was crushed when his father's business failed and the family found out that he had borrowed a large sum of money from the local crime syndicate to keep his business up for as long as possible. In attempt to free his family of the large debt, Shiki offered himself up instead, to work in the syndicate until he could no longer be used. The leader of the syndicate accepted the fighting genius. So at the age of 10, Shiki worked for the syndicate, and a big help he was at espionage seeing how no one would suspect him at his age. It took a while, but the syndicate actually became a place where he could call 'family' and for 9 years, he stayed with them. Until they betrayed him, leaving him to be captured in their place. And Shiki finally knew that despite what he felt, he was just another pawn that could be replaced at any time. Getting caught: The syndicate had been involved in a gun fight with another gang and Shiki had to, as usual, be on the 'front lines' as the strongest. The authorities came and Shiki was instructed to fight them while his comrades fled, with the promise that they would come for him if he was caught, and if he wasn't, he was to return when the storm had calmed. Shiki was caught eventually, sentenced to life imprisonment for murder and assaulting officers. For a year he waited, and no one came to get him out, and he finally realised that he had be abandoned and betrayed by his comrades. Others: Has multiple scars on his bodied from various injuries acquired throughout the years. Field Agent: 2 Name: Ichikawa Kuro Alias: Hunter Age: 23 Occupation: Profiler. "I know you through your actions and the traces you leave behind." (A profiler is basically someone who is able to identify likely characteristics of another individual through their actions or traces they leave behind. Basically making that person easier to find once he knows the way they thinks.) Eye colour: Red Hair colour: Dark violet Gender: Male Sexuality: Homosexual Position: Seke Personality: Forever calm in all sorts of situations. An extremely clear thinker. Logical. Practical. Lazy as fuck. Plain weird. Like(s): Sleeping, bathtubs(always found in them even though he's not taking a bath), mixing lollipops in cup noodles. Dislike(s): Working hard. Nagging. Bio: Kuro has always been an observer since young. His senses misses nothing, and his brain never forgets anything he sets his sight on. His observational skills were the best of the best. He was recruited into a private school that specializes in training secret agents once. But Kuro got bored of the obedient life he led and leaked confidential information to a terrorist organization. From then on, he worked together with them secretly, loving the thrill of not getting caught. Until that day the terrorist organization decided to launch their plan. Getting caught: The day the organization launched their plan to attack a well populated city, the espionage training center received intel that confidential information had been leaked. It wasn't easy tracing it to Kuro since he was a skilled profiler that could predict the way a person thinks just through their actions. That meant that he made no mistakes. he was only caught because an unknown hacker named Crash managed to trace his cyber movements. So with obvious evidence against him, Kuro was manhandled personally by the authorities and thrown into the world's most heavily guarded prison, sentenced to life imprisonment for terrorism support. Others: If he can't be found anywhere else, he can definitely be found in the bathtub eating cup noodles with lollipops and basically doing everything in there. Weapons Specialist Name: Tsukishima Kyouhei Alias: Bomber Age: 21 Occupation: Pyro-technician. "Everything should just burn." Eye colour: Red Hair colour: Black Gender: Male Sexuality: Straight, later homosexual Position: Uke Personality: Quiet and reclusive. But secretly sadistic, loves to see fire and explosions destroying everything. Stubborn and hates listening to others, especially when he knows that he's right. Like(s): Inventing new pyro-technology, any kind of explosive or weapon, milk and reading. Dislike(s): People who interrupts him when he's trying out new stuff(though it's because his inventions are dangerous) and sweets. Bio: Kyouhei graduated early at the top of his course at pyro-technology. He knew every weapon there is to know about and strives to create better weapons. However, after a year of working with the military in inventing new weapons, Kyouhei decided he had enough. He couldn't stand working in teams especially since no one listened when he was right all the time. They decided they knew better and the weapons never worked out the way he wanted them to. Kyouhei decided to go into illegal weapons dealing, selling weapons to all sorts of individuals or organizations. What's best is that he had the freedom to invent whatever he wanted. Explosives, firearms, daggers and whatnot, you name it, he has it. Getting caught: One of his clients was caught by the authorities. And of course the weapons he sold would be discovered. And seeing how his weapons were all on danger level A, Kyouhei had to be captured immediately. So caught he was, and thrown into a heavily guarded prison for the world's most dangerous. Others: Able to dismantle and assemble any weapon in record time. And in any situation whereby there are no weapons, he is able to create a makeshift weapon from the simplest materials such as wood and nails. Doctor/Medic Name: Sakuraga Kei Alias: God Hands Age: 24 Occupation: Underground Doctor. "If I can't save you, then no one else can." Eye colour: Cyan Hair colour: White Gender: Male Sexuality: Bisexual Position: Seke Personality: Likes to tease others to rile them up. Sarcastic most of the time. Doesn't believe that there is a single doctor that's better than him. Proud to be the best and determined to stay he best. Often doesn't mean what he says. Like(s): Medical studies, reading, snow, challenges and dissecting living organisms for study. Dislike(s): Being threatened, overly curious individuals and untidiness. Bio: Kei was recognised as a prodigy at the age of 15 when he got his Masters degree in the medical field. There wasn't a thing that he couldn't do. But one day, a surgical accident occurred due to his first assistant's mistake, causing the patient's life. And for some reason, there seemed to be a silent agreement among the surgeons present at that time, to push all the blame on Kei. So being accused of a mistake he didn't make, Kei was forced to leave his profession, his accomplishments and rights of a doctor confiscated as well. Feeling bitter, he decided that working alone would be better, since he didn't make mistakes and there was no one to pull him down. He became an underground doctor, illegally treating patients and performing unauthorized surgeries for patients of any background. Criminals, prostitutes that wanted abortion, or even providing drugs and poisons for murder purposes. Getting caught: The area his clinic was in was raided by the authorities for suspicious activity. And since a unregistered private clinic was there, it was investigated and Kei could do nothing about the evidence found against him. After all, his clinic was stocked full with illegal drugs and medical equipment. So into prison he goes for illegal drug dealing and unauthorized medical treatments. Others: As long as a person hasn't been brain dead for more than an hour, or their heart hasn't stopped for more than five minutes, he can definitely save them. ----------------- The inmates had no awareness of how much time had passed since they were imprisoned. In this enclosed prison, the sun never shone through and they were never allowed to leave their cell. This was the difference between the world's most heavily guarded prison and regular prisons. The inmates imprisoned here, are all recognised as extremely dangerous criminals that can never be released back into the world to cause havoc and destruction. But for the first time ever, six doors were opened and six inmates were escorted out. With four guards flanking each person, and heavy chains dragging on their limbs, there wasn't the slightest chance for escape. They were escorted into an empty room with a purple haired male seated right in the middle. He didn't seem like a guard, so could he be the prison warden? Of course, the prisoners had no way to know for sure. One of the inmates in particular, Shiki, was suspiciously eyeing the unknown man. The door opened once again, and a woman entered. "My name his Hinata Ryuuzaki And across from me is Shinn Kurosaki... We are both agents of C.O.R.P.S. an elite task force that handles the affairs too dirty for public eyes. You gentleman have been selected to join the Hound Corps. A group that will handle under ground jobs when necessary. The organization will turn to us and we will be expected to handle any matter discreetly." "You think we'll join your stupid organization just cause we're told to? How stupid can you get?" An inmate by the name of Kyouhei scoffed. He hated being ordered around the most. But despite saying what he did, it was impossible to not be intrigued by the offer given to them. After all, he couldn't do what he loved most in this prison. If by using their 'talents' meant that he could create weapons, then he was definitely in. "You have a choice...You can except this offer and use your talents for a better cause.. or.. you can refuse and return to your jail cells... " "I don't know. It seems rather interesting. I'm bored to death in that cell." A prisoner by the name of Kei mused. He didn't want to be stuck his whole life in a cell doing nothing after all. He'd go insane one day if that boredom continued. The contract was flashed to the prisoners, and after reading it's contents... "I'm in." "I'm in." "I'm in." "I'm in." Four voices spoke simultaneously. After all, the living arrangements were much more comfortable than the cells. Screw the chips, it couldn't be worse than a cell with completely no freedom. And what's best is that they could once again put their skills to good use. If they thought about it, there were no cons to this offer at all. Other than the fact that their movements were watched and controlled all the time. But at least, this was another chance for them to 'live'. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sosuke0549 Posted July 16, 2017 Author Share Posted July 16, 2017 "Well...that was easy. " Shinn said, giving* Hinata his full attention. The female glanced at him, clearly unfazed and unamused. Did she ever show emotion ? Hinata slowly stood , her eyes piercing. "Very well..I look forward to working with you all..." The viridity eyed female gave the prisoners a quick bow before leaving the room. Perhaps she had business elsewhere ? Despite everyone being so eager, Kai hadn't given a answer, however he knew he'd sign. He no longer desired to be imprisoned. He wanted to taste the outside world again. To able to decide what he wanted to eat and to have his finger tips hacking away on a keyboard. Oh how he missed that addicting sound. Kai was slightly surprised that Hinata bowed to them. They were suppose to be the lowest of the low.. They were criminals! And yet she gave them some shed of respect? Was she not going to be their superiors ? Shun's eyes followed Hinata as she left, along with Shinn's, however the purple haired male gave a long whistle once she was gone. "I don't think I've ever seen her smile. " He suddenly said, His attention falling on his now- new teammates. Unlike his fellow comrades , Shinn seemed to smile far too much. "Alright..." He rubbed the back of his head, as if he didn't wanna be bothered with this. He stood and walked over to one of the guards near the door. The man handed Shinn what appeared to be a odd shaped gun. It was sleek, and made of metal and glass. It was very small , and barely fit in his hand. "Know what this is?" He continued to smile , gesturing the question to Kyouhei. "Or..maybe you do ? He glanced at Kei before his eyes finally fell on his Kai "Ah~ You first. " He said coming up behind the younger male.* He grabbed him by the shoulder and placed the barrel against the back of Kai's neck. Kai tensed feeling Shinn touch him and the coldness of the medal. "Don't worry.. It shouldn't hurt that much. " He reassured him before he pulled the trigger. Kai let out a painful yell, bitting down on his lip. The sharp metal blades pieced his skin forcing the forgin object into his skin.* The mark it would leave behind was patically unseeable and the pain fadded quickly. "Ahh! ..tch.." " See that wasn't so bad..who's next ~" Soon Shinn made his way to everyone. Now that all the former prisoners had chips. It was safe to release their chains and bounds. The two guards that had been baricading the doors, moved from their positions to free the males. Their eyes still very much full of hatred. "Thanks guys." He faintly laughed before handed the tool back to one of the guards. "Now that that's settle. " He slipped his hands in his pockets before greeting his new free teammates. "Will all of you follow me- I don't know about you but I'm ready to leave. This place feels like a prison! I don't know how you all survived. " He snickered.* Kai rubbed his wrists , as if he could make the deep impressions in his skin disappear. It felt so nice to have the weight of the chains off him. He rubbed the back of his neck. His eyes slightly widened. He couldn't feel a thing. How small was that chip they gave them ? His attention turned to Shinn, when the happy-go-lucky male asked them all to follow. Kai quickly did so... How long was he locked away ? Months? Perhaps a year? Time practically stood still behind these concrete walls. "Watch it. " Shun hissed at Kai who accidentally bumped into him. "..S-sorry" The strategist glared at him before pushing up his glasses and walking ahead of him,* in fact. He made sure he was the first to walk out the door, following Shinn.* He could careless about anyone here.. He only cared about himself. Kai was the shortest male there, and most likely shared the same hight as Hinata, maybe even a few finishes taller but he was deafinly short. If anyone looked at him, you'd just assume he was still in high school. Kai stood by a white haired male, he didn't say anything , but he couldn't help but stare at him. He found his snow white hair and cyan eyes charming. He was far more approachable then all the others. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "After you~" Shinn smiled as he held the car door for his teammates. After going threw many doors requiring his hand print and once for a retina scan, the males were all outside. Judging by where the sun was poisoned , Shun assumed that it was around 2 in the afternoon. To be able breath fresh air and see that pretty blue sky again was...breathtaking. Kai couldn't help but feel nostalgic, he had took this view for granted all his life. Inside the tinted black limo car, not only would they find the inside large and rather comfy, They'd discover Hinint alreadylr in a seat. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yukio Takamiya Posted July 20, 2017 Share Posted July 20, 2017 If Shiki had to contemplate all that had happened so far, he would say that this offer came as a complete surprise to him and the other inmates. No one would have guessed that such an organization existed in this world, much less sponsored by the government. And of all the inmates, the six of them were chosen to give their aid. Ironic really, it all seemed rather ridiculous but the fact is...this was really happening. He was really leaving the prison he had stayed in for nearly a year. Kei's eyes remained on the woman as she opened the door and left. A smirk threatened to lift his lips but he forced it down. What had happened during the past five minutes was enough to have the other inmates in the cells envying the six of them for the rest of their lives. Too bad though, that no one would ever know what happened to the six of them. Dead to the world as Hinata mentioned, which meant that everyone here would assume they'd been execute or something. "Know what this is?" Shinn suddenly whipped out a small chip insertion device and Kyouhei visibly stiffened. He knew what that was alright, seen it many times in his field. How people would use it to bend others to their will, like how it was being done to them right now. Though it was of course because they had already consented. "Or.. maybe you do?" Kei smiled plainly at the question directed at him. He had seen it too of course. Multiple times, he had been the one asked to insert the chip into an unconscious individual. In fact, he had owned one until it was confiscated along with all his other precious equipment during his arrest.\ Kuro watched curiously as the agent pressed the barrel of the gun-like device against the other inmate's neck. He knew that the device wasn't meant to kill them but somehow he imagined the guy's head going boom after the trigger was pulled. He shook his head at the ridiculous thought and focused on what was before him. The trigger was pulled and the inmate yelped in pain... That's it? How disappointing. It was just a device to insert the chip. Before long, it was his turn and he hissed at the pain of sharpness cutting into his flesh. Yet when he felt for a mark, there was nothing. Not even a drop of blood. Proved how fine the chip was that the cut wasn't big enough for blood to flow out. One by one, their restraints were removed. Shiki rubbed at his wrist, his arms felt so light all of a sudden. This nostalgic yet foreign feeling reminded him that agreeing to this was the best choice he had made. His life had been at risk his whole life and this was no different. Not that he was complaining. A life without danger and thrill was never what he had asked for, he would surely enjoy this 'freedom' they had been given. Kei had his hands in his pockets as they prepared to exit the room. The brief interaction between Kai and Shun hadn't gone unnoticed by him. He didn't understand how someone as timid as Kai could have ended up in the world's most heavily guarded prison. "Hey there," he smiled at Kai when the small male started sticking close to him. "You look young, what brought you to this beautiful place?" ============ The walk out of the prison proved to be rather long and difficult. And even if an inmate were to escape, he wouldn't be able to leave through the electric barb wires. Besides, the prison stood on a lone island. The only way out was a long drive to the docks and leaving the island by boat. If anyone were to escape, it would be a long swim to the mainland that was physically impossible. They would either drown or be caught before then. Finally, they exited the large grey building where a large Limousine stood waiting. Kyouhei inhaled deeply, an odd sense of bliss overwhelming him. How long hasit been since he was locked up here? Cause it felt like forever. Now that he was out, he wondered how he ever survived this place without losing his mind. Considering the kind of person he was, he would never have been able to stay put in one place for so long without going crazy. "This feels nice." He mumbled softly. "It sure does," Kei responded, a small smile gracing his features. Kyouhei ignored him and entered the car first. What surprised him was the stern blue head that had already been seated in the vehicle. Way for things to be awkward, he thought as he avoided eye contact with the lady. when all the others had boarded, the car headed for the docks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sosuke0549 Posted July 27, 2017 Author Share Posted July 27, 2017 "Hey there, You look young, what brought you to this beautiful place?"[/Quote] Kai was a little surprised that someone was talking to him, especially since he wasn't one to talk much. He shrugged at Kei's question , his face rather expressionless. "...stealing. " He gave a very small smile toward the other before turning his attention to something else. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Shinn wasn't very overjoyed like the others once they stepped outside. He had always had the freedom to breathe fresh air. He only smiled seeing the inmates expressions and perhaps...smiles. The prison was set on a island and the only way off was by boat. It was a rather small island so the drive wouldn't be very long. He remembered the drive up to the prison was only about 40 minutes.* Shinn wondered if any of the others have been in a limousine before. "Did ya miss it? Shinn asked Shun who had stopped to admire the sky. There were a few clouds in the sky and the sun was stunning. It had to have been 80 degrees outside. A perfect beach day. Shun smirked as a slight breeze found its way threw his dark grey locks. "Yeah..." Shinn's eyes widened for a brief moment before he laughed. He had read Shun's* file and knew he was a very cocky person. A charming smartass as he recalled reading but... He actually sounded sincere. "What's so funny. " He glared. He hadn't found anything funny about what he said. " I'm just laughing because you sounded sincere. Which isn't really like you. " Shun stared at the field agent. Hearing that, he knew that him and Hinata must of read up on them. What exactly did their files hold ? He couldn't help but wonder if he could get a hold of those files and get dirt on the others. He rolled his eyes following Kei. Shin was the very last person to get in, grinning at each of his new teammates as he held the door for them. After shutting the door sat beside Hinata. He didn't bother asking her why she had gotten a limo for them, he remembered that they were suppose to be in a government van that put the inmates in the back and had them up front ,not to mention a electric fence seprating them. It comforted him to know that Hinata didn't always follow the rules. "Alright ! Were off. Isn't this exciting ?" Shinn didn't seem to ever stop talking. " You guys wanna listen to music ? I bet you guys missed music huh? I bet they didn't have music there. Or did they ? What do you all wanna listen to ? I'm fan of hip hop. Or like the popular music now days- but not techno. That stuff just sounds weird.* Don't you think it sounds weird? How about Rocket ? There a really cool band. I work out to their Space alum. Have you heard their new album? Oh wait...probably not. It just came out. --" It was like the man didn't breath when he talked. He acted like a college kid hanging out with some new friends. Eager to be liked. "Shinn..." He was cut off by Hinata who didn't seem interested in listening to Shinn's favorite band. "Ouch..your glare could scare 100 men away. "Shut up.. I doubt they wanna listen to your boy band. You should learn to listen more and talk less. " "'s just so..awkward in here." She sighed, crossing her arms and glancing out the window, she seemed to be lost in thought now that Shinn had finally stopped talking. Shun had watched* Shinn's and Hinata's interaction. It was hard to not watch. He knew Shinn was defiantly going to get on his nerves. Kai found the two interesting. They clearly were friends. How long had they known each other ? Kai was the only person who actually answered Shinn's questions. Although since Shinn talked so much and had so many questions,he hadn't said much. Just that they didn't have music in prison. A few mintues passed with out any sound. It was dead quiet and the atmosphere was quite..tense. Shinn couldn't stand it anymore. He cleared his throat , turning to Shiki who just happened to be sitting the opposite side of him.* "Sooooo Shiki right ? What kind of music do you listen to ?" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The car ride wasn't to long, and in no time they arrived on the beach. The water was a unbeliveable light blue. When the limousine came to a stop, Hinata made sure she was the first one out, she left the door open for the others and made her way to the water. On the shore was a S-55 submarine. It was a old mold and was typically used for tourists back in the 1990's although it was clearly re-molded and upgraded. The female field agent disappeared inside the sub, leaving the door open. "We better get moving before she leaves without us. " Shinn grinned motioning for the others to get going. Kai and Shun stepped out , their eyes turning to the sea. Wow...its so pretty.. The hacker thought as he made his way to the submarine. He couldn't believe he was seeing this again. "Find a seat and strap in. " Hinata muttered, as she patiently waited in the driver seat. Shun did as he was told and sat behind the female. He was quite impressed by her. "Are you always this bossy?" He smirked a little, wanting to tease the little lady. She ignored the strategist , crossing her arms. Shun started to laugh. "I'll take that as a yes. " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "We're here~" Shinn lit up as Hinata pulled into their underwater base. It took them hours to get there. "Gentlemen welcome to the Underwater base 5- double 0-767. Or what I like to call ..Litha. Isn't that a better name ? The whole numbers things is always over done. " He smiled as the sub made contact with the building. Medal rodes clipped onto the submarine and pulled it inside a empty room. The hatch that had let them in closed and the water was now being drained out of the room. "Pretty cool right ? Litha was built about 12 years ago. Another number operation under classified files...But now it's our hideout." Once the room was drained of the water. The lights came on and the submarine door opened. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Listen up...I'm giving each of you a C2 Pad. I image you all know how to operate one. On it is a map of the base, weapons available , food we currently have , and it will hold your plans for future missions. " Hinata stood in the living room, handing the males their Pads. The pad was transpart and very light weight. It was waterproof and practically unbreakable. "If there's something you want to eat, that's not on the list , you can put whatever you want on the list for our next shipment. As for clothes. Each of you have $500 dollars free to use for clothes- order what you would like, and in a few days they will come with our food shipment. We get a new shipment every 3 weeks starting 2 days from now. So you'll all have something to wear a day from tomorrow. As for now- you all have suites similar to mine and Shinn's in your rooms if you want to change...Any questions ?" Underwater Base Living Room Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yukio Takamiya Posted July 31, 2017 Share Posted July 31, 2017 Kei's eyebrows rose at the younger boy's answer. It wasn't something he expected the boy to have done. Hell, he looked like he didn't even dare to leave his room to brave the outside world. How on earth would he be stealing?!.... Oh... The question was 'how?' The boy may not have stolen directly, there were plenty of ways to commit theft. Seemingly satisfied with the answer he thought of, Kei nodded while smiling. "I see I see... and your name? I'm Kei..." He trailed off after seeing that the other had started paying attention to something else. Meh, whatever... ============== When everyone had piled onto the car, it drove off. And with nothing to do in the mean time, Kuro's bad habit of staring at others came into play. Unconsciously, he had already started observing his new team despite not knowing their names at all. First, the talkative purple head, Shinn. Pretentious was the first word that came into his head. Perhaps some of his enthusiasm may be from the heart. But people who are overly cheerful, usually are like that because they're trying to hide their real pain. So this man, most probably didn't have a good past. Especially since he was in this line of work...ordinary people who enjoyed life wouldn't be here. Next was the woman, Hinata. Extremely cold, no-nonsense and down-to-business, was what she had been displaying since their meeting. She didn't express much but Kuro could still get a few characteristics from her. Not letting herself be distracted by unnecessary factors shows that she has a strong sense of duty. But a strong sense of duty didn't just cut it. She was overwhelmingly devoted to her work, which meant that she didn't want to disappoint. There were expectations she wanted to meet. And the details of that, was none of Kuro's business, thus he moved on to the next person. The boy wearing glasses, Kuro had yet to know his name. Very timid, his eyes always looking around meant that he was cautious of others. So, introverted was what described him. Kuro's eyes landed on the boy's hands, more specifically, his nails. Short and blunted, the boy had a habit of biting his nails, which meant that he had a reason for always keeping them short. Typing? If that was the case, then Kuro had a good guess what was the boy's profession was. Kuro couldn't really see anything special about the red eyed man. He looked perfectly normal as far as the eye could tell. But his nonchalant attitude about everything told Kuro that this man was incredibly selfish. he would be the type to save himself first ahead of others. The type who didn't care about anyone else besides himself, and someone who liked seeing others suffer. Kuro decided then, that he would want nothing to do with this man, to avoid unnecessary trouble himself. Kuro didn't even notice Shinn's endless chatter and Hinata snapping at him as he continued to observe the others. The bespectacled man was another pretentious one. Kuro could tell sarcasm apart from sincerity very well, something which he noticed from the very first time that man started speaking in the white room. He didn't know exactly what the man did, but his profession could be broken down to a limited few. Starting from his fingers, slim and long plus neatly cut nails, which meant that the man had very deft fingers. Meticulous in whatever they did, capable of gentle yet stealthy actions. So this man's profession was definitely something very technical. An extremely skilled pickpocket, a hacker, or a surgeon, those were the few professions that Kuro could cut down to. Before he had enough time to access the others though, Kuro had already fallen asleep, just as quick as he had just been awake. Shiki had been staring out of the window, ignoring everybody when he suddenly heard Shinn's voice address him. He turned to face the man, contemplating whether he should answer the man. Did Shinn peg him as the type who would listen to music? He continued to watch the man in silence for a while. Finally, he uttered one word,"None", and went back to looking out of the window. ================= They finally reached the sea and Kuro woke up again from his short nap. He stepped out of the car with the others and followed them into the submarine. Wordlessly, he found a seat and prepared to fall back asleep, only to notice the interaction between Hinata and the grey haired man. Kuro hadn't noticed much about him since he hadn't spoken much. But he did notice that the man had a short temper. And his earlier interaction with Hinata told Kuro that he likes digging up the weakness of others. And the most common reason why someone would do that is because they'd want to exploit that weakness. So...a strategist? And people like that would be most cautious of not revealing their own weaknesses, someone who didn't like losing. After realising this, Kuro smiled. Things would be very interesting for himself then, because he was the very person who excelled in finding weaknesses. He and this gray haired man, are two opposite sides of a magnet, complete opposites. Their skills went against each other. And he somehow knew that he other would despise him once he realised this fact. Deciding that he was too lazy to think anymore, Kuro went back to sleep. The moment Kyouhei saw the submarine, he entered a sort of daze. Eyes moving all over the underwater vehicle, trying to figure out its model and after realising that it had been remodeled - tried to see if any weapons like missiles had been installed. He hadn't seen anything close to a weapon in years, so it wouldn't be odd if he would get excited at something that had the possibility of becoming a weapon. As he stood there, Shiki silently walked past him into the sub and Kei had to break him out of his stupor before the both of them walked in together. =============== "We're here~" "Gentlemen welcome to the Underwater base 5- double 0-767. Or what I like to call ..Litha. Isn't that a better name ? The whole numbers things is always over done. " "Pretty cool right ? Litha was built about 12 years ago. Another number operation under classified files...But now it's our hideout." Kyouhei snorted. As usual, he had to make things sound so exaggerated. Shiki, Kuro, Kyouhei and Kei all unstrapped themselves and headed for the door that had opened when the water was all gone. And when they stepped into the structure, everyone had to admit that it was rather impressive. The whole place was the epitome of high-tech. ================= "Listen up...I'm giving each of you a C2 Pad. I image you all know how to operate one. On it is a map of the base, weapons available , food we currently have , and it will hold your plans for future missions. " The four men received their C2 pads and started browsing through it as Hinata briefed them on what was to happen. "Any questions ?" "So we've settled in, when do we start work?" Kuro immediately asked, straight to the point. From what he could tell, it made no sense that they would have a few days to adapt to the place. Criminals like themselves wouldn't have such a privilege. So the only possible case would be that a job would come for them in at the most two days. But Kuro wanted a definite answer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sosuke0549 Posted August 2, 2017 Author Share Posted August 2, 2017 "So we've settled in, when do we start work?"[/Quote] Hinata was slightly taken aback by Kuro's interest. The fact that the red eyed male went straight to the point. Funny...she remembered reading his file, memorized it in fact..and Kuro was the lazy type, despite his excellent profiling skills. She would continue to keep a very close eye on him. "Tomorrow." "Wow-already ?" Hinata glared at her partner. "Please take your job here seriously." "I do. I do." He gave a awkward laugh. Shinn wasn't the type to read his missions thoroughly and because of this, he often appeared as if he doesn't know much. However, he could easyly take on the role of being a hard ass and be just as serious as Hinata. In fact- he could ) lead the group ( he and her did share the same rank ) and yet despite all that , Shinn had no desire to be a leader. He gladly left that job to Hinata. "We are the rest of the world..." Kai muttered, looking through his C2 Pad. He didnt really intend to be heard but odds are, someone heard him. Without saying anything, Shun left the group to go find his room. They weren't assigned rooms, so he wanted to be the first to pick his..not that it really mattered since a lot of them were similar with only small diffances. "Dismissed.." Hinata muttered as she was already walking away from the males. She quickly made herself at home, finding a spot on the living room couch and reading on her phone. Kai was already fiddling with his C2 Pad. Oh how he missed technology. He pushed up his glasses as he walked away, his fingers were like speed demons glidding across the glass. Kai walked into the very first avavbile room and claimed it as his, However he quickly lost interest in the pad once his eyes fell on the high speed comtuper in his new room. "..I'm..impressed.." His voice low as his hands grazed the hard drive and computer screen. He took a seat in front of his shinny new toy. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - As the others left, Shinn's eyes fell on Shiki. After reading the red heads files, he was quite interested in him. "Hey Shiki.." He addressed him as if they were friends , giving him a rather warm and yet exciting smile. "Once you settle in and all- you wanna hit the training room? Maybe spare? I'd love to see some of your moves. " Shinn really enjoyed mock gave him a chance to learn new moves and techniques, and he had heard so many storys about "K.O" . He was dieing to see if the story's about how he fights were true. Hinata overheard Shinn and was slightly intreged. She also secretly wanted to see how Shiki fought , considering how Shinn and her were the top fighters in the organization. She couldn't help but wonder if they were a match for him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yukio Takamiya Posted August 3, 2017 Share Posted August 3, 2017 "Tomorrow." Just as he'd thought. It had been planned beforehand that there would be an assignment before they were recruited. This first assignment though, would probably be the most crucial as well. It was where their individual skills would be observed and judged. How good they were, and whether they were worth keeping. Of course, even if they were to fail or lose their lives on duty, it wouldn't matter to anyone. They were dead to the world, and a bunch of criminals were nothing to this organization. After getting the answer he wanted, Kuro nodded to Hinata and turned away, randomly opening a door that hasn't yet been claimed. Once in the room, Kuro had to nod with satisfaction, the room was relatively large with practically everything he needed. As well as a handheld laptop where he could store all his profiled data. But tired as he was, Kuro didn't go to the bed like one would normally do. Instead, he grabbed the laptop and headed straight for the bathroom, his red eyes lighting up as soon as he realised that there was in fact a bathtub provided for agents, and big enough for two. He didn't strip his clothes, nor did he take of his shoes. With the C2 pad and laptop still in hand, Kuro stepped into the bathtub and settled down comfortably. Switching on his C2 pad, he proceeded to order a whole box of cup noodles as well as lollipops. He hadn't eaten those in a long while now. ============ "We are the rest of the world..." Kei whom had been standing beside Kai, heard the soft mutter and looked at the shorter boy. Smiling, he said"That's not entirely bad y'know? Don't sound so depressed." Patting Kai's head, he continued,"Being dead to world means that we won't be easily found, thus we're not in danger of having our identities exposed since our personal files can't be found in any public databases. It'll be easier to stay alive that way." "Dismissed.." After which, Kei yawned and mumbled about needing sleep before he went into a room. The room was relatively the same as Kuro's and the others, with the exception of an extra door at the back of the room. Kei opened it and whistled with a satisfied smile on his face.Aah...seems like this room was intended to be mine after all... The interior room was a personal lab where he could do his own medical research, create vaccines for the organization or even treat any injuries. The medical equipment provided were of the latest medical technology. And this was what reminded Kei that he didn't make the wrong decision. ================ As for Kyouhei, the moment Hinata had dismissed them, he was already on his way to the next available room. The moment he entered it, he flopped down right on the bed. As a criminal, it would be understandable if he wasn't provided with his own research facility. But Kyouhei's eyes focused in on a lone door at the back of the room. Walking towards it, he opened it to find a large room stocked full with weapons and ammunitions as well as all the materials he would need to invent better weapons that the world wouldn't know of. Seeing all this, Kyouhei smiled coldly.So as long as I have this chip embedded in my neck, I guess they have nothing to worry about... Not that he was complaining though, this was more than he could ask for. "Hey Shiki.." Shiki who was on his way to his room, paused in his steps and turned back to look at Shinn, waiting for him to continue. "Once you settle in and all- you wanna hit the training room? Maybe spar? I'd love to see some of your moves. " Shiki who hadn't fought in a long time obviously wouldn't turn down a chance to train once again. There wasn't much to do other than rest if he went back to his room. So Shiki turned to face Shinn,"We can go now. Any rules to sparring other than not killing your opponent?" His body was itching for some movement, and Shiki had to admit that he wanted to see the skills of these agents. Whether or not he would find them challenging, because strictly speaking, he seldom got serious in a fight. But being agents of high rank, Shiki knew that they didn't climb all the way up with sheer luck and no skills, he had to take them seriously to a certain degree. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sosuke0549 Posted August 8, 2017 Author Share Posted August 8, 2017 "That's not entirely bad y'know? Don't sound so depressed."[/Quote] Kai was slightly surprised that someone heard him and that Kei actually tried to ...comfort him? "Being dead to world means that we won't be easily found, thus we're not in danger of having our identities exposed since our personal files can't be found in any public databases. It'll be easier to stay alive that way." [/Quote] Kai wasn't sure what to say to that so he just nodded and left. So far Kei appeared to be the most friendliest crimial. He wondered exactly how he ended up here. What was his past? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The underwater base that the underground organization provided them was rather large. Inside the massive structure were ten bed rooms which held ten bathrooms,* a training room, living room and kitchen , a library , a medical room, and a weapons room. It could be considered a agents paradise. "We can go now. Any rules to sparring other than not killing your opponent?"[/Quote] Shinn smirked. "We'll spare using a point system. When it comes to sparing Hinata and I follow the rules of The International Taekwondo Federation* which* allows a greater variety of more dangerous techniques to be used in sparring. Punches to the head are allowed but no strikes whatsoever to the back of the head, jumping punches and kicks are scored more highly than their standing variations.* The point system is this: + Flying attack to the head or mid-section: One Point. +Jumping hand attack to the mid-section: One Point. +Foot attack to the mid-section: One Point. +Perfect block: One Point. +Kick to the head: Two Points. +Flying hand attack to the head: Two Points. +Flying kick to the head: Three Points. Also single points are deducted for attacking with the knees, elbows or forehead, extra heavy contact, loss of temper, or attacking a downed opponent. He turned to Hinata, knowing the female was listening and was quite interested in seeing how this turned out. "Hinata will be our score keeper..first one to reach 20 points wins. " The purpled haired male then turned back to Shiki with excitement in his eyes. "And of course we wear gear." Hinata frowned slightly as the two males left for the training room. She soon followed after them. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Don't expect me to go easy on you." Shinn's smirked in a cocky tone. You could tell he was extremely excited to fight the other. He was already fully dressed in his gear. Wearing mits and a head guard. He stood on the black mat with eager foot steps. Hinata sat on the side lines , her hand to her chin as she waited patiently for the two males to be ready. "Are you both ready?" "Hell yeah! Bring it ~" The female rolled her eyes at her partners stupidity. "Begin.." She muttered and silently began to count in her head. As soon as the match started Shinn went for the attack , giving the red head a barrage of punches. He then followed that up with a failed upper cut , but did make contact to Shiki's skin with a sudden kick to the chest. He then withdrew, his feet practically gliding on the mat. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yukio Takamiya Posted August 10, 2017 Share Posted August 10, 2017 "We'll spare using a point system. When it comes to sparing Hinata and I follow the rules of The International Taekwondo Federation* which* allows a greater variety of more dangerous techniques to be used in sparring. Punches to the head are allowed but no strikes whatsoever to the back of the head, jumping punches and kicks are scored more highly than their standing variations.* The point system is this: + Flying attack to the head or mid-section: One Point. +Jumping hand attack to the mid-section: One Point. +Foot attack to the mid-section: One Point. +Perfect block: One Point. +Kick to the head: Two Points. +Flying hand attack to the head: Two Points. +Flying kick to the head: Three Points. Also single points are deducted for attacking with the knees, elbows or forehead, extra heavy contact, loss of temper, or attacking a downed opponent. Hearing the rules, Shiki nodded not finding a problem with them and followed Shinn into the training room. With his level of expertise, Shiki didn't need gear, and he didn't like using them as well. But seeing how Shinn was using them, he thought that perhaps he should follow the rules and put on the gear provided. Stepping onto the black mat, Shiki felt a wave of euphoria overcome him. The nostalgia he felt when once again preparing for a fight was overwhelming him, he hadn't fought in so long. Shiki clenched his fists, fighting somehow felt foreign to him now that he was coming back to it. He tested a few punches, they were solid enough. Then tested a mid level kick, followed by a fast spinning high kick, just to get his feel back. When he was ready, Shiki stepped onto the black mat to face Shinn. "Don't expect me to go easy on you." "I hope you won't." he replied and readied his stance, knees bent and arms in front of him with both fists clenched. "Are you both ready?" Shiki nodded silently. "Begin.." In a split moment, Shinn was in front of him, greeting him with a multitude of punches. But Shiki wasn't fazed by this. In his experience of fighting, Shiki had long learned how to incorporate the different styles of martial arts he learned to fit different situations. In this case, he used Wing Chun(close-ranged combat). With his fists clenched, he used his arms to block Shinn's fists, then quickly redirected all of his punches to the sides, all these happened within moments of when the fight started. Usually by this time, Shiki would have given Shinn a blow to the forehead using his palm, a common Wing Chun move to disorientate an opponent who was close enough. But since it was against the rules to attack the forehead, he focused on defence instead. He evaded the uppercut just barely by bending his knees and dodging sideways down. But Shinn didn't stop there, by the time Shiki had righted himself, Shinn's foot was seen incoming and he had no choice but to block, protecting his chest with his arms crossed. The force of the kick caused him to take a step back, but that was it. "The agents of the C.O.R.P.S. aren't lacking if I had to say so myself," He commented. "It's my turn to attack now then." As soon as he stopped speaking, Shiki was no longer standing at where he was before. Instead, he was already behind the man and in position to deliver a round-house kick to the side of Shinn's head. The kick wasn't hard enough to knock someone out, but Shiki did put in enough force to disorientate a person. It was a good thing Shinn wore a head guard or the impact would have been worse. In normal occasions, Shiki was famous for his critical point attacks to quickly disable his enemies. But since this was a friendly spar, he would drag it out, experience it, enjoy it and learn from it. In fact, as a genius, he learned from every fight he got into, and it was never enough, he had to learn more and more, like a drug he could never break away from. Shinn managed to turn a little before he saw the kick coming, though he didn't have enough time to lift his arm and block it. He managed to minimise the impact by backing away a little and Shiki's foot hit his head instead of his calve. He stumbled but Shiki didn't stop there. Since the agent was giving him the common respect of giving his best, Shiki would return the same courtesy by getting serious. His attacks came in non-stop at an unimaginable speed that none of his opponents from before had been able to avoid, and he wanted to see if an agent as highly trained as Shinn could. His next attack was a kick to Shinn's abdomen, then followed by a jump and spin for more momentum to his kick that was once again aiming for Shinn's head. His moves weren't this flashy usually but right now, Shiki was getting excited and his attacks were mainly to stack up on his score, so of course he had to be flashy. And he wasn't about to give Shinn any time to recover. (I know you said I could control your character here but I don't dare to do so too much XD. I'll let you take his response from here ^^') Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sosuke0549 Posted August 15, 2017 Author Share Posted August 15, 2017 "The agents of the C.O.R.P.S. aren't lacking if I had to say so myself, It's my turn to attack now then."[/Quote] Wha? Shit he's fast! Shinn barely had time to react as the red head appeared behind him , delivering a round-house kick to the side of his head. He barely blocked it, and the sudden attack made him stumble. Despite having his arm up he still felt the* repercussions of the assault. Now that he was off balance. Shiki struck his head. Even though Shinn saw the kick coming he couldn't dodge it, however* he did managed to minimise the impact by backing away slightly. Damn it! Shinn struggled to block and dodge the other. Shiki's attacks came* non-stop at an unimaginable speed.* He couldn't really keep up with the other , and yet he was doing extremely well. He'd be able to dodge one or two hits only to be struck in the face or body. After blocking a punch , Shiki landed a kick to his* abdomen, knocking the wind right out of him. He gasped - stunned. Shiki's attack continued* followed by a jump and spin kick to his head. Shinn's body quickly hit the floor. His mouth filling with blood.* The moment Shinn hit the ground , he lost the advantage in the fight and he knew his opponent wouldn't give him a chance to get back up, so in that split second , Shinn kicked his leg right in front of the criminals feet. The kick was full of so much force that it put Shiki to the mat as well. Now...things were even again. Shinn went for the attack again trying to get on top of the other , his fits flying. For a moment it appeared as if they were wrestling. He was only able to land one good punch to Shiki's handsome face before he was kicked off of him. Shinn bit his lip. Now that the two had got some distance , they could both regain their footing and stand. Shinn was ready to go again, but he quickly dropped his stance and hands hearing Hinata's voice. "Shiki wins." Shinn spit the gathering blood from his mouth, frowning. "What already? Damn.." The match hadn't even lasted a minute. Shinn turned to Shiki offering a bloody smile as he removed his head gear. "Wow. I guess the story's are true. You really can fight. You kicked my ass" He laughed, pushing his hair from his eyes. Hinata's eyes hadn't left Shiki once. She had observed the match with out batting a eye lash. As if studying the criminal . She glanced at Shinn before slowly standing to leave. "I'm leaving. " "Already ? What about our fight ? What'd ya think ?" The purple haired male asked her just as she reached the door. Hinata stopped for a moment and looked back at the two of them. "..Its wasn't bad ...however...I've seen stray cats fight better then you two.." She muttered with very little emotion , the door closing behind her. "..Ouch.." He smiled faintly as he turned to Shiki. "Moody much? " He smirked a little as he began to put his gear away. "If stray cats fought like that then I'd defiantly pay money to see it. Wouldn't you? Hahaha just image. Hahaha a cat..hahaha. Doing karate. HAHAHA!" Shinn broke out into a hysterical laugh. He suddenly found the image of two cats wearing gear and punching and kicking each other to be very comical. Shinn was a good guy.. His personality was one that drew people to him. And even though his laugh was slightly* obnoxious it was contagious. A laugh that made other people laugh. When Shinn finally calmed down he took a deep breath giving Shiki his charming kind and warm smile. "That was a good fight Shiki. May be you could show me some of your moves next time. " He headed towards the door. "Man I'm starving !! You hungry ? Lets go raid the kitchen !" Shinn hurried off like a eager child. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yukio Takamiya Posted August 18, 2017 Share Posted August 18, 2017 Shiki didn't feel much, most of the time, he was nonchalant about everything around him. The only times he actually enjoyed himself was when fighting, other than that, nothing interested him. However now, Shiki couldn't deny that he was rather impressed that Shinn could dodge a few of his attacks. But that wasn't enough, no one had ever best him in a fight whenever he got serious, and it wouldn't be easy to. And under his barrage of attacks, Shinn too, fell... But it didn't end there apparently, Shiki felt a force attack his legs and he felt forward. On normal occasions, a kick to his legs wouldn't even make him stumble, but he didn't expect it, thus not balancing himself properly. Thankfully, due to his inhumane ability to react quickly, he was able to brace his fall with his hands, preventing himself from being rendered completely vulnerable. Shinn didn't stop there though, before Shiki could collect himself, the attacks came in again. Quickly, he dodged a few while trying to put some distance between them. A fist caught his cheek before he decided to kick Shinn off him. After that, he did a back flip into standing position to increase their distance. For a while there, things had gotten slightly challenging, Shiki had enjoyed himself, but unfortunately, Hinata chose that moment to end the match. Was it over already? It felt too swift, but matches usually did end quickly when he got serious. Shiki had to admit that Shinn was better than he thought, even professional fighters would have a hard time dealing with him. But Shinn was still far from defeating him, that much was true. "Wow. I guess the story's are true. You really can fight. You kicked my ass" Shiki removed his head gear and nodded. He knew what stories Shinn meant, and they were most definitely true. People have seen him fight, and he was famous in the underworld. It wasn't surprising for his information to be dug up so easily. "..Its wasn't bad ...however...I've seen stray cats fight better then you two.." Shiki was removing the rest of his gear when he heard this. His heterochromatic eyes moved to look at the woman who was leaving the room.Stray cats huh... Now that was a first. He usually got looks of awe whenever he bested an opponent. But this woman had a look of indifference when she saw his fight. Shiki knew that he was the best, perhaps it was just her then. "If stray cats fought like that then I'd defiantly pay money to see it. Wouldn't you? Hahaha just image. Hahaha a cat..hahaha. Doing karate. HAHAHA!" Shinn's laughter was loud, bright, and most importantly, genuine... All his life, the laughters Shiki had heard were full of malice, motives, that sent shivers down his spine. People put on facades, be it for whatever reasons to get what they wanted. Over time, Shiki had gotten used to it, he never laughed, but he could tell whether or not they were real. Shinn's laughter was real, he could tell, because no fake laughter could get Shiki to smile. Shinn's laughter had affected him, causing his lips to lift up, just the slightest bit. "Man I'm starving !! You hungry ? Lets go raid the kitchen !" Shinn talked a lot, much more than Shiki ever did. But strangely, he didn't find it a nuisance like he did most of the time. Shiki wordlessly followed him to the kitchen, having not eaten since the morning, he was feeling rather hungry. And after eating, he would take a quick shower before resting. ====================== Meanwhile in the bath tub...... Kuro was typing quickly into his laptop without rest. Recording the information he deduced earlier that day about his new colleagues. He didn't need to do this usually since he had a good memory. But if he was going to make this his profession, sooner or later, he was going to be doing a lot more profiling, and he didn't want to confuse which info belonged to whom. Tomorrow, they would be starting their first mission, Kuro was not looking forward to it. He wanted to sleep all day if he could, but everyone knew that it wasn't possible. His mood plummeted at that thought.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sosuke0549 Posted September 6, 2017 Author Share Posted September 6, 2017 { Next Day } Hintia sat in the living room with a empty plate by her side. She still wore the same attire as yesterday however you could tell she took a shower since her hair was still a little damp. She was swiping through her C-2 Pad. Occasionally stopping to type but mostly reading something and as always..she barely held any expressions. In the open room you could smell pancakes and bacon.. Hinita had cooked herself breakfast but the female had made far too much for just one person to eat alone. "Morning. " Shinn smiled, as he entered to open space. He yawned tiredly as he approached her. "..W-wait..what's that smell?" He began sniffing the air like a hungry animal. "My breakfast." "Seriously ?!" He quickly followed his nose to the kitchen and his eyes lit up. "This looks amazing ! You did this ? Holy... This is a lot " "You may have some.. I'm done eating. " He glanced at the unfazed female. Realizing what she had done. Hinita actually made breakfast for everyone. Shinn smiled warmly as he made himself a plate.So she did have a soft side. "Thanks.* I didn't know you could cook. " "There's a lot you don't know. " Shin shrugged as he sat at a table and took a seat, already digging into his food. Shun entered the living space with a rather tired look on his face. He went straight to the kitchen to make himself some coffee not really bothering to greet Hinata or Shin. He only acknowledge the food for a split second before turning away with his cup and taking a seat on the opposite side of Hinata. Even when Shinn greeted* him he still ignored the other. "Wow..someones not a morning person. Your not gonna eat? " "What do you think. " He bit back sharply. "Definitely not a morning person. " Shinn grinned, stuffing his cheeks with pancakes. "I sent you the have two hours to come up with a plan strategist." Shun glanced at the female before sighing and pulling out his device to look over the message. "The most I'll need is 30 minutes. " He said confidently. Hinata stood, grabbing her dishes to put in the sink just as Kai came into the room, wearing a tight fitted body suit. Kai was very thin, and today he had his hair pulled back in a small pony tail, however a few wild strains escaped his hair tie. He was quickly hit with the smell of food and his cute face twisted in confusion. "Hey Kai. Digging the new look. I made breakfast if-- Ow!" Hinata quickly smacked Shinn up side the head, glaring at him. She cleared her throat ,irritated. How dare he try to take credit for her cooking. "I mean...Hinata made breakfast if you...want some. " He faintly laughed, rubbing the back of his head. "..Thank you.." Was all he said to the female as he began to make himself a small plate, once he was done he sat across from Shinn. Unlike his team mate he ate slow small bits. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yukio Takamiya Posted December 25, 2017 Share Posted December 25, 2017 The next after Kai to emerge from the stairs was Kyouhei, stretching as he walked. He was, like the other agents, dressed in the tight-fitting suit they were given. Kyouhei was only slightly taller than Kai, but despite his size, his body was evenly proportioned and lean muscles were visible, evidence that he had trained to be able to lift heavy weapons. All in all, Kyouhei had a very attractive body. Silently, he walked to the kitchen and got his own breakfast before taking his own seat in the living room and started eating. The next to enter the living space was Kei, releasing the stratigistg an audible yawn as he did. The medic clearly wasn't a morning person as one could tell from the visible crease in his brow. "Whose idea was it again, for us to be up this early?" He grumbled in the midst of another yawn. Sleepily, he got himself a full plate of breakfast and plonked down next to the strategist. "Hm? What are you doing?" He asked, leaning into the other's personal space to get a closer look at the device. Moments later, footsteps were heard as Shiki came into view. He lazily surveyed the area before going to sit down beside the tiny dark haired boy. He didn't have the habit of eating breakfast, which explains why he didn't head to the kitchen. The living space was quiet, just how he liked it and he didn't seem to mind the awkward atmosphere. Shiki didn't know any of the people here aside from Shinn whom he had the pleasure of sparring against the previous day. Returning to the current situation at hand, it seems that Kuro was the only one who wasn't present yet. And it didn't seem like he was going to be down at any moment soon. As a matter of fact, said person was still sound asleep in the bathroom, not showing any signs of awakening... -------------------------------------- After twenty minutes, it became apparent that the profiler was still not awake. Seeing how the others were either busy eating or doing their own stuff, Shiki who was doin nothing stood up with a sigh. "I'll go get him." He made his way up the stairs again, uncomfortable at the though that he was going to be entering a stranger's room. Upon reaching the door, Shiki opened the door slightly...only to see an empty room. Frowning, he opened the door fully and walked into the room. Strange, did the profiler manage to outsmart the chip implanted into his neck and found a way to escape? Somehow, Shiki found that impossible but one could never know. He didn't know the abilities Kuro possessed and if the guy could truly escape. Amidst his thoughts, Shiki's sharp ears picked up the sound of steady breathing. It appears that Kuro was still around, just not in the room. He quickly made his way to the only other room there was, which was the bathroom. And there he was, sleeping curled up in the small space, hugging his laptop to his chest. No matter how he looked, Shiki was certain that Kuro's position was uncomfortable, how does one fall asleep that way. Detecting the disturbance in his prviate space, Kuro's eyes slowly opened. His head had been leaning against the clean walls of the tub, but unfortunately, that left a bit of strain on his neck. Resisting the dull ache, he lifted his head to stare a Shiki. The two men stared at each other for a good amount of time before Kuro got out of the tub himself. He vaguely remembered that this was the only person out of everyone else whom he hadn't yet gotten any info from. It was partly because Kuro hadn't been paying attention to him. But the critical fact was that this man was silent, in fact too silent that his presence had become minimal...enough to escape Kuro's eyes that he'd even forgotten to profile Shiki. This made Kuro cautious, he didn't like that someone like this was among the group, even if he was a force to reckon with. He would have to keep a closer eye on this guy if he wanted to get any info on how the man is like. Upon ensuring that the violet haired individual was fully awake, Shiki didn't stay any longer and exited the room. he decided not to think too much of what he saw from the other's eyes, that underlying wisdom he could see from someone so young. The man wasn't simple, that much he could tell, all of them weren't... Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sosuke0549 Posted January 2, 2018 Author Share Posted January 2, 2018 Hinata continued to read through the files of their first mission, thinking of multiple soulations but was curious as to what Shun would suggest. She wouldn't begin debriefing the team until everyone was accounted for. After Kyouhei entered, Kei was next and he obviously wasn't a morning person. "Whose idea was it again, for us to be up this early?" [/Quote] Hinata glanced at their medic "Mine. "She said bluntly before returning to her reading. Shun groaned in irritation when Kei sat next to him, stuffing his face with food "Can't you go somewhere else and eat. " He hissed. "Hm? What are you doing?"[/Quote] The other asked, invading his personal space. He quickly moved away. "There's this amazing thing called personal spca--" He suddenly cut himself off staring at Kei. He lips twitched into a smirk. "Your our medic right? Can you create vaccinations to poisons with genetic capabilities ? "His eyes lit up with excitement as he pulled up a sample of a biohazard chemical concocted with dangerous and highly contagious illegal substances. "Take a look at this." He grinned before turning to Hinata. "I got an idea. " When Kai finished eating he took care of his dishes and joined his fellow teammates in the living room, taking a seat next to Hinata. He kept his head low, not making eye-contact with anyone and keeping his C-2 pad close. Moments later Shiki entered the room, and joined them, skipping breakfast. Shinn joined Shiki, taking a seat next to him, smiling. Shinn was the only person in the room who could offer a genuine smile. Hinata sighed checking the time. Everyone was here expect for Kuro. Could he still be asleep ? "I'll go get him."[/Quote] Hinata glanced at Shiki before nodding "Make it quick. " When everyone was here and accounted for, Hinata pulled up a projection of their mission. "Here is our first mission. A unknown biohazard is being released in Tokyo train stations. Symptoms include sudden blisters appearing on the skin, followed by nauseous-ness, dizziness then fainting. If the victims are left untreated within four hours, they fall into complete body and heart failure, resulting in death. So far our target is unknown, and has attacked two train stations, infecting over two hundred civilians." "Why wait so long to respond? "Because the first attack was assumed to be a pipe leak and by the time the results came back from a lab, a second attack occurred. With two constitutive attacks in the same place, and victims suffering the same symptoms the government and police officials realized they were dealing with something bigger. "Can we assume we're dealing with a terrorist. " Hinata glanced at their profiler wondering if he could possibly get any info on their target. "Its possible but Its more likely that our target is native. Terrorists usually target more populated areas, so they can kill more people, and after, they brag about it, but there hasn't been any indication that this was a terrorist group. Hinata 's eyes fell on Shun who appeared to be paying attention. "Any ideas strategist." Shin grinned, pushing up his glasses. He took over the projection , and put up a map of the Tokyo. Marked on it was the two train stations the target had already attacked. "Our guy has attacked. Here...and I estimated where he'd most likely attack again. Which would be Toei Substaion or Tokyo Metro. But Tokyo Metro has 142 stops. Looking at his last two attacks he attacked around late afternoon, when the trains are highly populated. Satation 47 is in the center of Tokyo. I bet that will be his next target if he attacks Tokyo Metro. " He changed the projection, typing on his C-2 pad and pulled up a list of the chemicals in the biohazard. "So here's the plan. Shinn and Shiki will go to Toei Station and Hinata and Kuro to Station 47 of Tokyo Metro. My guess is, this guy is bringing a gas bomb hidden as your every day object , leaving it on the train and exiting the station just before it goes off so the biohazard won't effect him. So you guys will set yourself on the train and look for our guy. Scan for any suspicious behavior and try to locate the bomb before it goes off. We'll give each person a communicator in case you find the bomb and it's set on a timer, we'll have Kyouhei instruct you on how to disarm it and if worse comes to worse and the bomb goes off, you four will still be alive because Kei will be injecting you with a vaccine and we'll also prepare the vaccine for mass consumction to cure the victims of this guys next attack should we fail to prevent it. " He shrugged looking cocky. "oh- and Kai and I will be watching you guys through the train stations cameras, I'm sure you can easily hack into those right ?" Kai slowly nodded. "Wow I'm impressed. Though why do you assume our perpetrator is a guy?" Shin shrugged. "Just a hunch." Hinata rolled her eyes standing. "I approve of your plan. I sent everyone a file of the plan and data gathered on our perpetrator thus far, do with it as you wish. Agents. We leave in two hours. " Without another word, Hinata exited the room. Kai was pretty quite throughout the debriefing he really had no objections to Shun's plan. It appeared to be a sold and decent plan. Shinn smirked at Shiki, looking far to excited to have him as a partner. "Our first mission and we are partners! Up top!" He waited for a high-five, but when Shiki didn't return it, he simply high-fived himself. "Alright! Say. You wanna spare again? We got time to kill and I really want you to teach me that technic of yours. " "Looks like you got some work to do. " Shun stood, crossing his arms as he observed their medic. "I got nothing else better to do so...I could assist you. Although I don't know a thing about being a quack doctor. " Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yukio Takamiya Posted March 6, 2018 Share Posted March 6, 2018 Kei hadn't expected for anyone to actually answer to his grumbles but when Hinata did, the awkwardness actually made him shut up for once as he continued digging into his food. "There's this amazing thing called personal spca--" This only made Kei smirk and leaned closer to Shun if only to make him more annoyed. It was one of his favorite things to do, annoying people who were easily annoyed. "Your our medic right? Can you create vaccinations to poisons with genetic capabilities ? " "Mmm yeah, they don't call me God Hands for nothing. What about it?" Kei asked with his mouth full. He took the device from Shun and glanced through it briefly, studying the molecular structure of the biohazard before concluding. "It's a very common virus actually. It isn't easy to figure out if you aren't me but the molecular structure was tweaked slightly to resemble something completely new. Normal researchers wouldn't guess that this virus originated from Lyssavirus, what we commonly know as rabies. Not surprising since the symptoms of this virus is so vastly different from Lyssavirus." Kei then shrugged, ignoring the fact that he just praised himself shamelessly, "Meh, nothing I can't handle." When Kuro and Shiki arrived, Shiki went back to his original seat and Kuro curled up on another couch, closing his eyes and not showing any signs that he was listening, even though he was. After listening to both Hinata and Shun, Kuro's brows furrowed and his eyes opened. "You missed one point Hinata-san," he sleepily dragged out as he sat up. "Terrorists tend to target crowded places, yes, but they've targeted the train stations during non-peak hours." Kuro paused and let out a long yawn, "That was to throw the authorities off. We're dealing with terrorists, their next attack will be in roughly four hours, the time for commuters to get off work and school." And with that, he curled up on the couch again. At this time, the silent Kyouhei spoke up,"Our strategist refers to the target as one, but you refer to the target as 'them', mind elaborating more?" Kuro's eyes opened again as they looked at Shun, then he closed them again,"He's most likely wrong," he said simply. "If my prediction is right, you'll see why after we view a CCTV footage of the latest attack." When the footage was up, Kuro observed it carefully. "Pause it," he suddenly said. The footage was paused, the image showed people walking through the entrance of the train station. One of them was a pregnant lady with a slightly unnatural posture, her unnatural walk was barely discernible and only someone with Kuro's level of observation could have noticed it. In addition to that, she was holding her tummy too excessively, which suggested that she didn't want something to drop, lastly, her body size did not proportion itself to her large tummy. Any idiot would know that pregnant ladies would put on quite an amount of weight especially when it came to that stage of pregnancy. Kuro pointed his observations one-by-one. "What I'm trying to say basically is, Shun was right about the biohazard being smuggled in as your everyday item. But it would be impossible for the gas to spread to every nook and cranny of the station with just one dose, which only means that more than one person is helping to smuggle a few doses into the station. And that tummy there, is our virus. My advise is immediate arrest upon sighting." "Oooooh... so now we have a face. That lady probably wasn't afraid of showing her face cause she didn't think she'd be suspected. The authorities wouldn't suspect her of course, that doesn't mean we're the same hahaha," Kei couldn't help but comment. "Kei, that laughter sounds fake, shut up." Kuro didn't bother anymore after explaining and went back to sleep. Shiki was about to go back but the call out from Shinn made him nod and followed the guy to the training rooms. As for kei, he headed straight for his room where his lab was. "I got nothing else better to do so...I could assist you. Although I don't know a thing about being a quack doctor. " Kei nodded in approval,Well of course the least you could do was offer to help, since you were the one who said I had to create a vaccination for mass consumption. I guess you had an idea of how much work that is huh," his sarcastic character was coming out again. Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sosuke0549 Posted March 31, 2018 Author Share Posted March 31, 2018 Kai listened to Shun's strategy and didn't really have anything to say about it. He stayed quiet however, not everyone agreed with Shun. Kuro was the first to disagree and speak up. "You missed one point Hinata-san," [/Quote] Kai's eyes fell on the other, listening. When Kuro spoke, Hinata quickly gave the other her full attention crossing her arms. "What is it." "Terrorists tend to target crowded places, yes, but they've targeted the train stations during non-peak hours. That was to throw the authorities off. We're dealing with terrorists, their next attack will be in roughly four hours, the time for commuters to get off work and school." [/Quote] Hinata titled her head to the side considering this. He is our profiler...and I read his file...he's more then impressive. She briefly thought to herself before turning to Shun. "I take it you didn't consult with Kuro about your theory before making your strategy. He makes a sold point that I can't ignore. I understand that you are use to working solo but times have changed. " Her voice firm and unforgiving. "From now on, before you present to the team any plan, you must have Kuro's approval along with a detailed report of his profile theories." "Seriously ?" Shun asked, looking slightly annoyed. At this time, Kyouhei spoke up, "Our strategist refers to the target as one, but you refer to the target as 'them', mind elaborating more?" [/Quote] When he said that Shun glared at Kuro. There eyes met, and Shun made sure to get across to the other that he didn't like him. "He's most likely wrong, If my prediction is right.[/Quote] "Excuse me ! My plans are--" " You'll see why after we view a CCTV footage of the latest attack."[/Quote] Shun froze as Kuro suddenly took over and pulled up footage that he carelessly overlooked. It was true that Shun was a genius when it came to strategizing but he was no profiler and sadly he still hadn't realized that he can't create the best strategy with out all the facts... "Pause it,"[/Quote] The paused footage showed people walking through the entrance of the train station. One of them was a pregnant lady, to most people it appeared natural but to Kuro and Hinata they noticed it was slightly unnatural, her walk unnatural. Hinata stared at the female. "Hmm...somethings off about her." Hinata was skilled but not nearly as skilled as Kuro. She noticed something was off about the pregnant female but had no idea why or how to justify it. "What are you talking about ? Its just a pregnant lady. " Hinata looked at Kuro, slightly curious. " Explain. " When Kuro began to explain himself and point out all of his observations Kai, Hinata and Shinn were impressed. Shun was more irritated and slightly dumbfounded then ever and he held his tongue, sulking. "Wow you figured all that out from just a 7 second video. Holy shit that's scary! " Hinata rolled her eyes at her comrades comment. "What I'm trying to say basically is, Shun was right about the biohazard being smuggled in as your everyday item. But it would be impossible for the gas to spread to every nook and cranny of the station with just one dose, which only means that more than one person is helping to smuggle a few doses into the station. And that tummy there, is our virus. My advise is immediate arrest upon sighting."[/Quote] "We didn't ask for your advice. " Shun muttered under his breath, rolling his eyes. As Hinata listened she couldn't help but wonder if she should keep Kuro at the base. Since Kai could hack into the camera she could have Kuro scanning for people in both locations who looked or acted suspicious. "Oooooh... so now we have a face. That lady probably wasn't afraid of showing her face cause she didn't think she'd be suspected. The authorities wouldn't suspect her of course, that doesn't mean we're the same hahaha,"[/Quote] Kei added, laughing. "...That is true..but assuming that Kuro is correct...we still don't know who her friends are or how many other terrorists we are dealing with, we still must stay vigilant. "Kei, that laughter sounds fake, shut up."[/Quote] "I kinda like it. Reminds me of chucky. " Shinn grinned. Hinata sighed, snapping her fingers. "Lets remain focused. We will continue as planned but we are taking Kuro's theory into consideration. If any of you see this female, you are to arrest her on site. We leave in two hours." With out another word, she exited the room. Shinn was thrilled to go spare with Shiki and to be honest, Shinn had far to much energy needed for one person. When Kei responded to Shun's comment he frowned. Well of course the least you could do was offer to help, since you were the one who said I had to create a vaccination for mass consumption. I guess you had an idea of how much work that is huh,"[/Quote] " Tch- I'm not actually gonna help you and if little miss princess thinks I'm actually going to listen, let alone pair up with sleepy head over there, she's in for a rude awakening. " Shun hissed. "...I don't like you.." Kai muttered under his breath, before standing and looking at Kei. "Um..I'm not sure I'll be any help but...I'll help you or at least try too.. " Shun sighed and quickly turned to leave in a rude and stuck up manner. Kai's eyes followed after him before returning to Kei."..I'm..not sure if having him as our strategist is the best idea..." He said softly but it wasn't loud enough for the rest of his teammates to hear. [ 3 hours later ] Hinata hid herself amongst a crowd of people waiting for the next train. "All clear. She muttered into her hidden microphone. Every three minutes the agents were suppose to give a status report. Her eyes continued to scan the area for their target. Shun and Kai watched their comrades from back at the base, thanks to Kai's hacking skills they had access to every camera at the station. Shun was the one communicating with them, his eyes dead set on his the others. "Nothing." Shinn added. Shun sighed checking the time. If their terrorists were going to strike, then they were running late. Where the hell are you...Which one will you trike first? He smirked a little , getting a slight thrill at playing this sort of game with their target. Hinata sighed, leaning near a pillar when her eyes spotted a pregnant women decending the stairs. She hid her face using a hat and large sunglasses but judging by the way she walked, and held her belly, something was off about her. "Target acquired, at my 6 o'clock. Precending to apprehend now. Kuro, cover me. " Hinata kept her head low as she quickly approched their target from behind. She suddenly grabbed the females arm and in a matter of seconds, pinned the confused women to the ground. "Ma'am, you are under arrest. " The girl struggled slightly against Hinata, a smile on her face as their eyes met. She started to laugh. "You fell for it." She whispered and Hinata's eyes widen as a orange gas was suddenly released into the air, pouring out of the girls stomach. "EVERYONE EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY!" She shouts, and the moment the people see the gas, they run screaming, assuming its that same gas that everyone's been hearing about on their local news channel. Hinata doesn't bother covering her mouth, having faith that Kei's vaccine would protect her. She spoke into her communicator. Choas all around her, it was difficult to hear her. "Code red. The gas has--" Hinata pauses mid sentence as she tried to stand, only to feel her body tremble. What? My ...body... Her body began to feel heavy and with every passing moment her vision became blurry. Shit! She's a decoy! " Hinata covered her mouth in an effort to stop breathing in the fumes but it was far too late. The moment she stood, was the moment she and countless others fell to the ground. Hinata was out cold in less then 20 seconds. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Hinata ? Kuro? Guys!! What's going on over there?! All Shinn could hear was choas and screaming followed by dead silence. He started to panic when Hinata was no longer responding to them or Kuro. "Shun! What's going on?!" "...Hinata is down. The girl who we thought was the target was a decoy. I believe she released sleeping gas, half of the city police is on there way there. " He informed Shinn before turning to their hacker. "Kai pull up a map of the city and keep track of all the police offers in the area. " Kai nodded, tapping away on his keyboard. Shun spoke into his headset. "Kuro. Do you read me? Are you alright ?" As the majiory of the police force and bomb squads are sent to the opposite side of town to come to the aid of the civilians at Station 47 of Tokyo Metro. The enemy was assembling and beginning their real attack. "Shiki and Shinn. Your on stand by. " "What? But why?! We should head over there right now! Our --" "Do as I say! Something is clearly wrong here, these guys aren't amitures. They planned this out. Stay put, I get the feeling that there's more. Be more on your guard then ever. " And just as Shun said that, the next train pulled into the station. As the doors opened, all that was heard was the firing of guns and shells hitting the floor. The underground train station was filled with people screaming and many running for their lives. The station became a bloody massacre. "SHIT!" Shin threw himself behind a pillar and with out thinking, began firing back. Covering the running pedestrians. "EVACUATE IMMINENTLY! Run now!!! Don't stop!!" He shouted. He spoke into his communicator. "Shiki. You alright? " He muttered. He popped his head out from behind his shelter seeing a few injured people. 12 dead, 9 injured...Shit this is bad. Shinn wanted to protect the injured and get them out, but their mission was to take out the enemy first. The group that made the attack stepped off the train, 15 people in total. All heavily armed with guns and wearing masks over their faces however the most horrifying part was that each and every single person had the a large gas bomb stapped to their bodies. "Lets move! To the surface!!! Kill any survivors!" One of them shouted and they began to charge Shiki and Shinn. "S-Shun...are you seeing what I'm seeing?" "Yes...whatever you do...don't let them get to the surface. If any one of those bombs goes off outside....thousands will be affected. " Shinn slowly lowered his gun. It wouldn't be smart to aimlessly fire at them, they didn't want to risk the bullet hitting the bomb and going off. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The target was never the train stations but Tokyo city! How could I have not seen this? This plan is...too well thought out for a simple terrorist group...someone must be pulling the strings! Shun bit his lip turning to Kai. "Can you hack into any of the Tokyo city's tv's or billboards and send a message to all cilivailns in the near by area to imminently evacuate ?" "Y-yeah but...its gonna take some time..25..maybe 40 minutes " "Damn it! That's not fast enough! "I could hack into a phone tower and get a ping on everyone in the area and send their phones a text message to evacuate. I can do that in...maybe 10 minutes." "Do it. Hey Kyouhei. Here. " He handed the bomb specialist a communicator of his own to stick in his ear. "When Shiki and Shinn take out all the targets we're gonna need you to help guide them on disabling the bombs. " "Shinn. Shiki. We notified the police and bomb squad but in all honesty I doubt they'll get to you in time. There 35 minutes away." "Great. So no back up. " He muttered, pulling the trigger and instantly killing one of the bombers with a clean head shot. He ducked behind a trashcan taking heavy fire. For their first mission. It would seem Hound Corps was screwed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yukio Takamiya Posted June 11, 2018 Share Posted June 11, 2018 Despite Shun's obvious dislike for him, Kuro only felt amusement. He expected this, and perhaps was even looking forward to it. Ever since he profiled Shun, he knew that there would only be competition between them. Kuro didn't do his job based on observational skills alone, to be a skilled profiler, he had to be an exceptional psychologist as well. Naturally he'd be interested in the human mind as well, and Shun, was his latest target of interest. Not that the others weren't exceptional, but as a human being, Kuro would also naturally be more interested in the person most similar to himself. " Tch- I'm not actually gonna help you and if little miss princess thinks I'm actually going to listen, let alone pair up with sleepy head over there, she's in for a rude awakening. " With his eyes still closed, Kuro's lips lifted the barest bit before he fell asleep. It seems things won't be as boring as before anymore, agreeing to join Hound Corps was the best thing he'd done so far. -------- "..I'm..not sure if having him as our strategist is the best idea..." At this, Kei's eyes moved to look at the smaller boy. His signature smirk once again appeared on his lips as he replied in a similar soft volume so that Shun didn't hear,"It won't be that way for long, just watch." With that, he led both Shun and Kai to the lab. The next three hours were spent on the creation of the vaccine. With further reanalysis of the virus, Kei was able to create a sample of the vaccine before he handed the sample to Shun and Kai, teaching them how to reproduce the sample. With the three of them working on it simultaneously, a large amount of vaccine enough for commuters who would possibly be infected -- was created. It was unfortunate though, if they knew the terrorist target was the whole of Tokyo City, they would have done their best to create enough for the population. In the meantime, our resident weapon specialist had hauled a large bag of weapons to the living area where Kuro lay still asleep on the couch. Excitedly, he shook the violet head awake. "Hey profiler, it's our first ever assignment since we got here. Help me take a look, will these weapons do?" He dragged the large bag of weapons which his thin arms supposedly couldn't bear the weight -- closer to Kuro. One by one he pulled the weapons out. Handguns, big machine guns, knifes and daggers, there were all possible sorts of weapons available. Kuro raised a brow at the sight, he thought it was pretty impressive even though they didn't need all these at all. Perhaps others might think that Kyouhei was being a little to excited over a mission, but Kuro could tell that his excitement was caused by the desire to use the weapons. And he wasn't wrong, Kyouhei did want to use the weapons, he wanted to shoot anyone he saw, see his bombs go off and feel the raging hot flames. And that brought them to their current situation. A sulky Kyouhei sitting at base together with Shun and Kai, his bag of weapons sat by his feet, untouched. He didn't understand why he couldn't go onto the field with the others, and now he had nothing to do... --------- "Target acquired, at my 6 o'clock. Precending to apprehend now. Kuro, cover me. " Silently, Kuro followed behind Hinata, they were moving casually so as not to raise unnecessary caution. But as soon as the gas was released, all hell broke loose. Unlike Hinata, Kuro managed to hold his breath in time. But right now, the target was no longer of any importance. Kuro had failed to realize was their actual plan was earlier, but as soon as the sleeping gas was released, he knew. If the target was the train station, they wouldn't be stalling for time with sleeping gas but instead release the virus immediately, which also means that the target was most likely the city. Kuro realized this almost at the same time Shun had. "Hinata ? Kuro? Guys!! What's going on over there?! Kuro heard Shinn's voice calling for them over the mic but made no respond for fear that the gas would enter his system. Wasting no time, he hauled Hinata over his shoulder in a firemen's carry and rushed out of the station with the crowd that was also decreasing in numbers due to the sleeping gas. But he knew it wasn't safe just yet, the terrorists could release the virus into the air at any time. He had to hurry and determine where the real handler of the virus was. "Kuro. Do you read me? Are you alright ?" Again, Kuro didn't respond, he wasn't yet out of range of the gas and was quickly running out of breath. Still, he ignored the rising pain in his diaphragm and continued to move away from the building with Hinata over his shoulder. Only when he was sure the gas would no longer reach him did Kuro then release his breath and dropped to the ground, Hinata went down with him. Sounds of Kuro gasping, coughing and wheezing could be heard over the microphone, he had held his breath for over 3 minutes, an impressive feat even for someone like him. Then he spoke breathlessly,"I'm..haah.....alright. The...haah......handler of the virus...should be close. Cameras......haah......look for anyone or anything suspicious, be it human, pet or car, don't miss even the slightest clue. " ----------- "Shiki and Shinn. Your on stand by. " The moment Shun said this, Shiki knew that the situation was no longer in their favor. Moment later, the next train pulled in. 'BANG BANG BANG' "SHIT!" Shiki didn't bother hiding, citizens were dying and he had to do all he could to stop the gunmen. At top speed, he ran towards and into the train, barely avoiding bullet that came his way. Shiki didn't flinch, it wasn't the first time he faced firearms barehanded, plus he never used weapons despite knowing how. Back to the current situation, Shiki had reached one of the gunmen. He unleashed a few fast moves and in 3 seconds, he had killed two men with well-aimed hits to their vitals. "Shiki. You alright? " "Yes," Shiki replied as he crushed the collarbone of his opponent with one hand. "I'll take care of them here, you guard the entrance to the subway and shoot anyone who approaches." Shiki continued when he saw that Shinn had lowered his gun to avoid further problems. He of course had no doubt in Shinn's skills but he had to reassure the other, to tell him that they could pull through this, that he could trust in Shiki as well. "I can handle them." ----------- " Hey Kyouhei. Here. " A communication device landed in his palm. Kyouhei stifled a snort of disdain as he put it into his ear. So now they needed him, hmph! "What time are the bombs set to go?" He asked lazily. Shiki's sharp eyes took a glance amidst the chaos and replied,"Eighty seconds, ngh!" A bullet caught his shoulder from behind and he twisted around, rushing towards his attacker and killing the man with a high kick, the back of his knee gripping the man's nape before he gave it a harsh twist. While watching the cameras, Kyouhei replied,"Should be plenty of time. Listen carefully, no matter what bomb it is, you'll see the control box which I'm sure anyone can recognize. Cut of every wire you see connected to that box." "WHAT?! That's crazy! Even I know you have to choose the right color to cut." Kei whom had started working on the vaccines again after hearing Shun's conclusion on the terrorist target -- exclaimed loudly at Kyouhei. The thought of randomly cutting all the wires was suicide! It was common sense that one wire would trigger the bomb! Kyouhei turned to look at Kei in irritation,"Are you, or am I, the weapons specialist here?! The thing about digitalized bombs here is that a program controls the bomb. Hell, even Kai could hack into that control box to stop the bomb but it takes too much time. The bomb is controlled by a program so the fastest way to stop it is to severe its connection to the microprocessor within that box. Not that you understand what I'm saying anyway, tch!" "You're right, I didn't get any of that. Oh well!" Kei replied and went back to his task at hand. ------------- Ignoring the argument on the other end, Shiki together with Shinn had finally gotten rid of all the gunmen. Ignoring the terrifying thought of cutting all the wires, they did what Kyouhei instructed as the fastest speed possible, only stopping to relax when all 15 bombs had been disabled. But at that moment, another loud boom resounded. Shiki turned towards the sound and his eyes widened in horror before he turned back to Shinn who was closer to the entrance of the tunnel. "RUN!!!" One end of the train had exploded, and each cabin simultaneously started exploding towards the second end of the train. By this time, only the two of them remained in the tunnel, everyone else had evacuated. But the explosion of the train was causing the tunnel to cave in, Shiki wouldn't make it out. "GET OUT SHINN!!!" He didn't forget to shout. It had only been two days but Shinn had quickly become a friend to him, naturally Shiki wouldn't want him to get hurt. Seconds later, the tunnel caved in upon him. Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sosuke0549 Posted June 18, 2018 Author Share Posted June 18, 2018 Shun stared at the monitor in front of him, his eyes scanning for Kuro. The orange gas made it impossible to see anything, making the subway cameras useless. Shun cradled his ear, listening to the commotion in the background, however it was hard to make out. Was Kuro...running? Almost two minutes went by before Shun and the rest of the team heard Kuro gasping, coughing, and wheezing followed by the sound of the city, police cars and sirens. Was he holding his breath? Shun didn't want to admit it but...he was quite impressed. He must of been holding his breath for at least three minutes while running! "I'm..haah.....alright. The...haah......handler of the virus...should be close. Cameras......haah......look for anyone or anything suspicious, be it human, pet or car, don't miss even the slightest clue. "[/Quote] Shun bit his lip. How could he have been so wrong?! So careless?! He was about to request a status report on Hinata when all hell broke lose. The other station was being attacked. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Chaos surrounded them and had struck with deadly precision. However, Shiki didn't hesitate. Shinn was taken aback by how quickly his partner jumped into action. The man didn't even bother taking shelter. Shinn watched as the red head ran towards the gunmen and into the train! Is he insane!!! Running into the train was suicide! Right..? Shinn would of never believed it if he hadn't witnessed it first hand, but Shiki was avoiding the gun fire! Every bullet that came his way, he somehow dodged it, even at point blank range! What was even more remarkable was that Shiki was barehanded and was taking out the terrorists one by one! H-He's incredible... I-I've never seen anybody fight like that before..I guess...his code name makes sense now...Shinn's eyes could barely keep up as he saw his comrade kill two gunmen in seconds with well-aimed hits to their vitals. At this very moment, he was glad that Shiki was on their side because he'd hate to fight the guy in a serious fight. Even after all his training and boot camp, he knew his fighting was no match for Shiki. "I'll take care of them here, you guard the entrance to the subway and shoot anyone who approaches." [/Quote] Shinn nodded, offering a smirk and a quick thumbs up. "You can count on me!" After seeing what Shiki was capable of in a matter of seconds and the fact that he immediately jumped into action to protect the running and injured civilians, Shinn had nothing but respect for him. Even if he was a criminal, anyone willing to protect or save someone else was a good and decent person in his eyes. In Shin's eyes...they were equals. He did as he was told, and made a B-line toward the entrance, sliding behind a pillar and taking heavy fire once more. Three gunmen were heading straight for him. "I can handle them."[/Quote] "Alright." Shinn's smirk subsided as the three man rushed him, each pointing there guns at him. He peaks from behind his pillar, punching Man A in the face, only to whip around to the other side of the pillar and grab Man B's wrist pointing the gun away from his face just before he pulled the trigger. Bullets hit the ceiling as Shinn punched Man B in the gut, while turning around briefly to kick Man C in his stomach, causing him to fall backwards. Using his free hand Shinn slips his gun underneath Man B's chin and pulls the trigger with zero hesitation, killing him instantly. He quickly uses his dead body as a shield as Man A starts firing at him again in close proximity. "DAMN YOU!!" He forces the dead body on his attacker and quickly grabs the mans gun, stepping behind him and knocking the weapon out of his hands. "What the!! Who the hell are you guys!!" The poor man didn't know what was coming next as Shinn shot him in the back of the head, his body falling face first. "BASTARD!!" Man C tackled him to the ground, a knife in his right hand as he struggled to stab him. "I'LL KILL YOU!!" Shinn had accidentally dropped his gun and was now wrestling with Man C. It took him a few seconds, but he managed to get behind the other and force him into a head lock, he quickly dropped his knife. The man clawed at Shinn's arms. "Ahh -" SNAP Shinn ruthlessly snapped the mans neck like a twig. He sighed heavily, rushing to his feet and picking up his gun. He glanced over at Shiki. He was almost done neutralizing the rest of the terrorists " Hey Kyouhei. Here. "[/Quote] Shinn tensed hearing Kyouhei's voice. "Kyouhei. What should I do?"Shinn approached one of the dead body's kneeling down beside it. "What time are the bombs set to go?"[/Quote] "Eighty seconds, ngh!"[/Quote] "Yeah, what he said. " "Should be plenty of time. Listen carefully, no matter what bomb it is, you'll see the control box which I'm sure anyone can recognize. Cut off every wire you see connected to that box."[/Quote] Shinn was shunned. He had never heard of such a thing. "A-are you sure--" "WHAT?! That's crazy! Even I know you have to choose the right color to cut." [/Quote] So Shinn wasn't thr only person who thought this idea was crazy. He could hear Kei and Kyouhei bickering in the mic. "Are you, or am I, the weapons specialist here?! The thing about digitalized bombs here is that a program controls the bomb. Hell, even Kai could hack into that control box to stop the bomb but it takes too much time. The bomb is controlled by a program so the fastest way to stop it is to severe its connection to the microprocessor within that box. Not that you understand what I'm saying anyway, tch!"[/Quote] "Alright. " Shinn pulled out his pocket knife and quickly started to cut any and all wires he saw connected to the control box. In just a few seconds he had disabled and turned off three bombs, franticly cutting wire after wire. With only five seconds to spare, Shiki and Shinn not only took out all 15 gunmen but also deactivated all the bombs strapped to their bodies. When they had finally finished Shinn sighed heavily his eyes scanning for the injured. Luckily they all managed to escape. "Shun..the mission is complete, how much longer till back up and the paramedics gets here. " "Ten minutes. " "Roger." Just as Shinn took a step forward a loud boom resounded, making him stumble. His eyes widened as turned to see where the horrifying sound came from. "Shinn! Shiki! What's going on?! Shun quickly lost camera footage of the two. "Kai! " "I don't know- I-it wasn't me. " "W-what?" "RUN!!!"[/Quote] Shinn felt his heart skip a beat as he witnessed an explosion, his eyes widening in horror as each cabin simultaneously started exploding towards the second end of the train. Smoke and fire quickly filling the tunnel. The sudden explosions of the train were causing the tunnel to cave in, and the way things were looking, Shiki wouldn't make it out in time. "GET OUT SHINN!!!" [/Quote] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Shun bit his lip as the monitors in front of him were full of black and white static. He raised his fist only to bring it down on the desk in frustration. He had called out to Shinn and Shiki, requesting a status report several times, but no answer. They were completely blind...and since Hinata was still unconscious, Shun didn't know what to do. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - It all happened so fast but before he had realized what happened, Shinn had found himself outside. Dust and dirt covering his body. He was covered in scraps and bruises. Shiki had told him to run...and....he did. Shinn stared at the rocks and rubble that had trapped and most likely killed his comrade.This...this can't be happening. The only people outside were the injured, and thanks to Kai, most of the street was clear of bystanders. Shinn could hear the sirens of police and ambulances just around the corner as well as shouting, but it was very faint. The faint shouting came from his communicator, which had fallen out of his ear when he was running out of the tunnel. "S..Shiki.....SHIKI... SSSSSHHHHHIIIKKKIIII!!!!!" Shinn screamed, already grabbing and tossing aside the rockets that blocked his way. "ANSWER ME!! SHIKI!!H-HANG ON! P-PLEASE HANG ON!! SHIKI!" In seconds the police and paramedic's had finally arrived, and seeing how frantic Shinn was, they quickly gathered that more people might be trapped underneath ground. The police had to remove Shinn from the wreckage by force as the fire department stepped in. Shinn urged them to help his friend. "Please- my comrade is down there! He's down there and needs help! " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ 1 Hours Later ] Hinata slowly regained conscious, a gas mask over her face and the sound of panic entered her ears. He slowly sat up, realizing she was on a stretcher, paramedics and police surrounding her as they tried to contain and help the victims of the gas attack. She quickly removed her gas mask and stumbled to her feet, she had lost her communicator. Damn it... "Uh- ma'ma you shouldn't be up right now --" "I'm fine. Her eyes scanning for Kuro. 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Yukio Takamiya Posted August 12, 2018 Share Posted August 12, 2018 Kuro was practically blind to what was going on, on the other end. All he could hear was Shinn's and Shun's shouting and eventually, he could no longer hear Shinn. Thing's weren't going well for them at all, he had no idea what to do if he didn't know what was going on. Hinata was laying beside him unconscious and he could do was stay and watch her. "Shun, what is going on? Tell me what you see on the cameras? Anything that can give us a clue on what's going on."he instructed. From the corner of his eye, he saw the paramedics approaching them. This wasn't going to be good... "Keep talking, I'll be listening... By the way, Kai, I need you to create false identities for Hinata and myself in the quickest time possible. Add it to the government's database, then give me whatever information you've created. We have 40 seconds maximum starting from now." "Are you okay Sir?" One of the paramedics asked when they arrived. Kuro could feel an oncoming headache, he already knew what was going to happen. "Is this lady your companion? I'm going to need to take down your identification as well as your friend's." There it is... Standard procedure, asking for one's identity, as he suspected. Kuro was dead to the world and he didn't know a thing about Hinata. Fuck...was the only thing that appeared in his head at the moment. It was a good thing he told Kai what to do but they hadn't hit the 40 second mark yet, Kuro had to stall some time for Kai. "Hurry up Kai,"he whispered as softly as he could knowing the other could hear him. "Pardon Sir?" the paramedic asked when he noticed Kuro whispering. Kuro started to shake, clenching his knees together, his arms wrapping around his legs. "I-I'm sorry... I think some time to calm down. Please give me some time to gather myself." He was a pretty good actor if he had to say so himself. "I understand Sir, this must have been a great shock to you. Take all the time you need," the paramedic replied. It was all up to Kai now... ((Could I trouble you to skip Hinata's part until my next post when we've gotten the identity part done? Then we could get to the part where Hinata awoke? Sorry >. ----- Twenty minutes after the tunnel caved in, Shiki awoke... Where am I? He thought, his ability to think temporarily disabled. Shiki tried to sit up but his head hit something above him. It was a outer casing of the train that had exploded. Somehow it had protected him from being flattened by countless huge debris. But he wasn't going to last long if he didn't find a way to get out soon. Oxygen was scarce here and he just might suffocate to death even if he weren't killed by the fallen concrete. With a heave, Shiki gave the case a hard push in attempt to get it off, he didn't know how much debris was stacked on top of him but it had to be a lot since he was in the deepest part of the tunnel when it collapsed. Shiki was buried pretty deep and it would take some time for rescue to reach him, he would have suffocated by then. Shiki had to climb out himself with everything he had. "Arrghhhh!" The bullet wound he received earlier seared with excruciating pain. Shiki was honestly surprised he wasn't dead yet, the wound hadn't stopped bleeding ever since he received it. And this further weakened Shiki. He couldn't give up if he wanted to live though. Trying his best to tolerate the pain, he gave the case another shove. "Ngh..." It wasn't moving at all... Shiki was breathing heavily by now, sweat lined his hairline, trailed down his neck and dripped onto the ground. No doubt he was right at the bottom of all that debris, it was impossible to make his way out. Shiki was going to die here... Not allowing himself to panic, Shiki stilled his breathing. He couldn't afford to hyperventilate and waste the limited air he had left, he had to last till rescue reached him. But his wound was making it accessively hard for him to not take quick breaths. In this case, there was only one thing he could do... Coming from a martial arts background, it was inevitable that Shiki would be taught various ways to remain calm in the event of an emergency or extreme danger. One of it was meditation. It allowed him to go into a trance, shutting down all body functions and be oblivious of everything that was going on around him. This allowed him to require minimum energy intake, which means he could go for long periods of time without food and water. Of course, since his body wasn't working, he didn't need that much air either. He could at least survive till he was rescued. Shiki closed his eyes and cleared his thoughts, he started breathing to a certain rhythm and eventually, he knew nothing. The Shiki now looked exactly like someone who had just died. ----- "Fuck! Why didn't I think that disarming the digital bombs could trigger a potential bomb in the train?!" Kyouhei slammed his fist on the glass table. Fortunately, he wasn't strong enough to break it. "Let it go Kyou, you couldn't have known there was another bomb." Kei stated grimly. The base now was currently basked in silence, the atmosphere extremely grim. No one knew what to do next. According to the camera footage of the tunnel, it most probably collapsed if it managed to damage the camera. So Shinn and Shiki was most probably dead. Kuro and Hinata were fine but they couldn't leave their location at the moment. What they had to worry about most was how to find the terrorist with all their field agents out of commission. Kyouhei agitatedly got off his seat "You don't get it! I know all there is to know about weapons. These people are professionals, no idiot would make a terrorism so simple. Those bombs were too easy to deactivate that there had to be something behind it! And no one allowed you to shorten my name!"he sat back down in a huff and started biting his nails in a frenzy. Then he stood up again and started pacing the room. Out of all the members, Kyouhei was supposedly the least likely to be anxious, but it was partly his fault for not realizing the obvious outcome of having another potential bomb. The guilt ate at him and he felt he had to do something to make up for his mistake. Finally he stopped and turned to Shun. "Shun, let me go onto the field and get a clear update on the situation. I'm useless here anyway, I might as well make myself useful." Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sosuke0549 Posted September 23, 2018 Author Share Posted September 23, 2018 This was bad...really really bad. Shun held his head in his hands, struggling to come up with a solution to the problem they currently faced. They were blind and no longer had there two leaders. Think! Think damn it! I know Kuro and Hinata made it out, would it be best to have them return to base? No...She's still out...We need to know what happened to Shiki and Shinn...did they make it out? Or ....are they... "Shun, what is going on? Tell me what you see on the cameras? Anything that can give us a clue on what's going on."[/Quote] Shun clenched his teeth, his tone hostile. "Don't you think I would of already told you that! The train station Shinn and Shiki were in collapsed. So we lost footage and neither of them are responding. " His voice begins to soften, he fell silent for a moment before getting an idea."Wait a second...Kai hack into any cameras near the train station, and start scanning faces. We need to know if they made it out alive. " The hacker nodded, typing away on his keyboard. Hacking was no easy job, however Kai made it look like child's play, just how smart was he? To be able to decode, memorize, and solve problems simultaneously in his head and under pressure. Shun lightly paced behind the hacker, as if doing so would give him an idea. "Keep talking, I'll be listening... By the way, Kai, I need you to create false identities for Hinata and myself in the quickest time possible. Add it to the government's database, then give me whatever information you've created. We have 40 seconds maximum starting from now."[/Quote] Kai blinked, before sighing softly and pushing up his glasses. Out of everyone he appeared to be the most calm and collected person in the room. "Your lucky I can multitask." He muttered under his breath, he rolled over to a different computer monitor that was to the left of him beginning to hack into separate files, his eyes scanning over countless names as he opened and closed multiple web pages. As he did this his head would snap back and forth from different monitors, having four to work with. He switched from monitor to monitor, trying to please everyone's needs. "Hacking into the governments database will take too much time...but....I have a better idea." He pulled up Kuro's criminal mug shot and photo shopped him into a tux. When it came Hintata's picture, Kai just used her federal ID photo. "Hurry up Kai,"[/Quote] "Fuck! Why didn't I think that disarming the digital bombs could trigger a potential bomb in the train?!"[/Quote] Kyouhei slammed his fist on the glass table, clearly just as frustrated as Shun. "Let it go Kyou, you couldn't have known there was another bomb." [/Quote] "He's right...we were fucking blind..." Kyouhei suddenly got off his seat, ranting. "You don't get it! I know all there is to know about weapons. These people are professionals, no idiot would make a terrorism so simple. Those bombs were too easy to deactivate that there had to be something behind it! And no one allowed you to shorten my name!"[/Quote] "Could you guys keep it down. Its kinda hard to multitask with you shouting. " He muttered. Kyouhei sat back down again in a huff, biting his nails, only to get up again and pace the room. He could hardly keep his nerves under control. Shun was the exact same way. "You have a point there...who ever we're dealing with is smarter than we bargond for. Perhaps we're not dealing with a terrorist group at all..." " Done, Your identities have now been sent to your C2 pad. Use those to identify yourself. Kenji Ranmaru and Emiko Haruno. I recommend you pose as a couple." "What'd you do?" Shun asked, unsure of how the other came up with those names so quickly. "Hacking into the governments database and creating false identities would take to long and if I got caught it would cause problems. But hacking into medical records and the recently descent is much safer and less guarded. The firewalls are child's play. Identify theft is far safer in this situation since it can take 3-7 days for the government to update records, and these two passed away last night and fit Kuro and Hinata's age range quite nicely." "Ghosting?" "Bingo." "I'm...actually impressed. " Kai shrugged, moving to another monitor. "That means very little coming from you." Shun glared at the other, but didn't have the energy to say something back. Now was clearly not the time. He continued to hover over Kai, hoping the camera would maybe catch sight of his comrades. "Shun, let me go onto the field and get a clear update on the situation. I'm useless here anyway, I might as well make myself useful."[/Quote] Shun glanced at Kyouhei, taking a moment to consider his offer. He fell silent for a momemt. He has a point. I can't assess the situation if I don't know anything. I'm blind so its difficult to make a good call. "Got a face match. " Kai said, his computer making a beeping sound. Shun's eyes quickly fell to the computer screen, feeling a wave of relief wash over him. Shinn was alive! "Shinn looks pretty beat up. " He zoomed in on him, getting a good look at his face. "And Shiki?!"Kai shook his head. "Still no sign of him. " Shun's brief joyful expression quickly faded...Shiki was still no where to be found. If he wasn't with Shinn was it safe to assume that he didn't make it out? He rubbed the back of his neck feeling rather useless even though they now knew Shinn was ok. As his mind jumped to the multiple conclusions his eyes suddenly widened. "That's it!!! " He suddenly got an idea. "How could I forget! Kai- check Shiki's chip! Remember that all of us had a chip implanted in the back of our necks to keep us in line and monitor our vitals. Even reveal our location. Can you get inside the database and check. "'ll take a few minutes tho... "Hurry." He glanced at Kyouhei, wanting to somewhat thank him for his offer to go out on the field it was no longer necessary. So he simply nodded to the other before touching his communicator that still rested against his ear, checking up on Kuro. "We got eyes on Shinn and we are going to check Shiki's chip to find out his location and are things on your end. As soon as you can, I want you and Hinata to go to Tokyo Metro and retrieve Shinn and hopefully Shiki. It looks like he might of gotten caught in the blast and trapped under the debris. " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - It took Kai roughly 20 minutes to access Hinata's private files on them, as well as there chips. The hacker quickly pulled up Shiki's information, seeing that the other was still alive- but just barely. "Kei..come take a look at this." Since Kei was there medic, he would most likely be able to assess the situation and give them a estimate on weather or not Shiki was going to make it. "He must be trapped in the his heart rate suppose to be that low?" Shinn helplessly watched the fire department dig and search the debris. He had told them where he thought Shiki was and there was already a medic team standing by. To everyone else it appeared the fire department was moving quickly but to Shinn they couldn't be more slow. He couldn't help but blame himself, he had left Shiki behind and the man risked his life to save him, by telling him to run. Please be ok Shiki....please be ok!! He sighed sitting near a police car, all he had to do was flash his ID and was quickly left alone, not even the sergeant asked questions. The only questions he got was from the medics who tried to help him and treat his wounds, but he quickly sent them away, he was beat up but he wasn't hurt too badly. The only person he was concerned deeply for was Shiki. How much longer was this gonna take? How badly was he injured? How much oxygen did he have left?! I lost my communicator but...I still need to get in touch with the team, let them know what's going on.. He slowly pulled out his C2 pad and recorded a two minute video of himself, address the situation, and his health before sending the video to Hinata and Kai's computer. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ 1 Hours Later ] Hinata slowly regained conscious, a gas mask over her face and the sound of panic entering her ears. She slowly sat up, realizing she was on a stretcher, paramedics and police surrounding her as they tried to contain and help the victims of the gas attack. She quickly removed her gas mask and stumbled to her feet, she had lost her communicator. Damn it... "Uh- ma'ma you shouldn't be up right now --" "I'm fine." She muttered, her eyes scanning for Kuro. How long was she out? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yukio Takamiya Posted June 11, 2019 Share Posted June 11, 2019 The time it took Kai to get their identities ready, Kuro spent his time taking deep breaths while trembling to put up a show for the authorities. It would have been easier for Hinata to just flash her ID if she had been alone but with Kuro added to the mix, that was out of the question. Finally, he got affirmation from Kai and took out his C2 pad: "I dropped my ID some time earlier during the uproar but I have both my girlfriend and my own particulars saved. Here." He held out the C2 pad to the man, lying without batting an eyelid. After taking down both their particulars, the man gave Kuro a comforting smile: " Everything is fine now, you're in safe hands Kenji-san. Let us move your girlfriend into the emergency shelter for medical attention." Nodding, he allowed the men to place Hinata on a stretcher and followed them into the civilian's shelter. When they had settled down, Kuro sat by Hinata's unconscious form and took the time to process everything that had just happened while waiting for her to wake up. Just then, his communicator crackled: "We got eyes on Shinn and we are going to check Shiki's chip to find out his location and are things on your end. As soon as you can, I want you and Hinata to go to Tokyo Metro and retrieve Shinn and hopefully Shiki. It looks like he might of gotten caught in the blast and trapped under the debris. " "Roger, we'll head there as soon as Hinata is back into action." So far... he knew that the subway where Shinn and Shiki was, had collapsed. Shiki's current situation wasn't determined and Shinn was in no condition to give them any instructions. Both Hinata and Shinn was out of commission and here he was, unable to do anything but wait for Hinata to awake before they could set off. He was half tempted to leave on his own but that wasn't the best course of action. It wasn't wise to leave Hinata alone and unconscious here... in fact, it wouldn't even be the best idea for both of them to leave when Hinata awoke. This was an area where civilians were gathered and as statistics had shown, the terrorists targeted crowded areas. He had to wait for Hinata to awake, then one would stay and one would leave. -------------- "Kei..come take a look at this." "Hm?" Kei placed the vial of vaccine that he was holding into the case that was going to be sent out, then stood up and walked towards the monitors where Kai was working. "What is it?" He could see various graphs and pictograms indicated on the monitors and on closer scrutiny, he realized they were analytic graphs on Shiki's condition through the chip. After a knowing glance through the data, Kei's eyes darkened. "He must be trapped in the his heart rate supposed to be that low?" He's obviously trapped in there Shun, as we've gathered," Kei replied sarcastically. And no... I reckon he's barely even breathing from how low his heart rate is. We need to get him out as quickly as we can. At this point, even Kei was no longer in the mood to joke around. He hadn't told the others but judgind by how low that heart rate is, Shiki might just die within the next five minutes. "Shinn," he spoke into his communicator. "Has the rescue team not reached him yet? Shiki might not make it if they don't hurry." His eyes returned to the monitor as he took in the slow moving waves of the the graph. There was something he couldn't place a finger to... something different. "Kai, let me listen to his pulse.... also, print out a copy of the graph from the last ten seconds. When he had gotten what he needed, Kei listened intently to Shiki's heartbeat while looking through the graph. There it was... "His heartbeat is slow... but it's too regular for someone who is about to die." Kyouhei who had been silent the entire time suddenly spoke up: "A piece of malfunctioning equipment would show also irregularities but Shiki's heartbeat is too regular for something that's struggling to keep working." Then Kuro who had been listening to the conversation, cut in through the communicator: "He's not dying. Skilled martial artists often meditate to keep a strong and calm mentality to ensure they never make the smallest mistakes that could prove to be fatal during emergency situations. But meditation doesn't stop there... when a person is in complete control of their mind, they can control their brain to shut off certain functions of the body. We all know how strong Shiki is... doing something like this isn't hard for him. Plus, it's the only way for him to hold out until rescue arrives. "I see..." Kei responded. "We'll still have to hurry though... he can reduce his intake of oxygen but the temperature of his body is abnormally low. I'm positive that he's already lost quite the amount of blood. We can't dally any longer. Rush them Shinn." ----------------- Meanwhile, under the debris, Shiki continued to lay motionless. His bullet wound had failed to stop bleeding and blood had already soaked a good amount of his suit... ----------------- Back to where Kuro was... Hinata was showing signs of awakening. "Uh- ma'am you shouldn't be up right now --" "I'm fine." Kuro chose that moment to play his role and grabbed her arm gently, placing his other hand on her back. "It's fine, I'll take care of her. Thank you very much for your help," he gave the medic a dazzling smile that seemed natural. Only those who knew him would know how in-genuine that smile was. "Ah... o-okay, take good care of your girlfriend, I'll get back to work." When the medic left, Kuro's face returned to its original expression. He then started to fill Hinata in on what transpired while she was unconscious. Then finally, gave her his views on what should be done. "One of us should probably stay here just in case, this area is a good target spot after all. Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sosuke0549 Posted September 16, 2019 Author Share Posted September 16, 2019 Shun rolled his eyes at Kei's sarcastic remark, but his look of irritation quickly changed when the quack doctor made it very clear that Shiki's life was deteriorating. "Shinn, Has the rescue team not reached him yet? Shiki might not make it if they don't hurry."[/Quote] "He dropped his communicator, idiot." "I just got a video from Shinn, I'll send a message to his C2 pad and let him know that the rescue team needs to hurry. " "Kai, let me listen to his pulse.... also, print out a copy of the graph from the last ten seconds.[/Quote] "..Okay.." The dark haired male did as he was asked, quickly handing the printed out graphs to Kei. "What are you even doing. " "His heartbeat is slow... but it's too regular for someone who is about to die."[/Quote] "So...what? Your saying he's ok?" He blinked, falling silent as Kyouhei and Kuro spoke filling them in on there thoughts. It seems Shun should of read Shiki's file, because if he had, he might of known Shiki was meditating. His comrades were honestly complete mysterys to him. "I see...We'll still have to hurry though... he can reduce his intake of oxygen but the temperature of his body is abnormally low. I'm positive that he's already lost quite the amount of blood. We can't dally any longer."[/Quote] ----------------- Shinn, checked his C2 pad, reading the message he had received from Kai, frowning slightly. He bit his lip and shouted at the fire fighters, telling them to hurry, he was rather confident on where Shiki might be, so he was trying his best to direct them but had to stay away in case another bomb went off. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meanwhile as her team spiraled into chaos Hinata finally regained consciousness with Kuro by her side. She glanced at the other, taking in her surrounding, but tensed up when Kuro grabbed her arm. "It's fine, I'll take care of her. Thank you very much for your help,"[/Quote] She simply went along with it, nodding and giving the medic a small smile. "Ah... o-okay, take good care of your girlfriend, I'll get back to work." [/Quote] Kuro lied to the medics and said they were a couple. Once the man was gone she turned to Kuro looking serious. "What happened." Immediately Kuro filled her in on the situation, before finally slipping in his opinion at the end. "One of us should probably stay here just in case, this area is a good target spot after all."[/Quote] "No...we were obviously a diversion, and even if something did happen now, with just one of us, we wouldn't be able to do anything, we are at the disadvantage, the entire block is blocked off and sworming with police. I think they can handle the rest, we are not needed her. " There job was to do things in secret, and prevent things like this from happening, and seeing as they somewhat failed their mission, all they could do now is regroup, report what happened, and be done with it. And even if Kuro was right and something did happen here, like another bomb going off or the deadly poison being released to the public, or even another mask shooting attack, they needed to be alive to catch the fuckers behind it all, not directly in the line of fire. "Your communicator. " Her tone commanding as she asked for Kuro to hand it over. Immideatly everyone back at the base fell quite hearing her voice. It sent chills down Shin's spine. "Listen up and listen well, Kuro and I are returning to base immideatly, and Kai, please inform Shinn to do the same once Shiki is retrieved, if he's injured and needs immideate medical attention, let the medics stabilize him before sending him back to base. If he's dead, Shinn knows what to do. We will regroup and go over every last detail of this mission, and make sure this doesn't happen again. Kai, I need you to compile a list of major hospitals across the country, and send the vaccine Kei made to them. Make sure all of them are sent out by the time we get back, Shinn and Shiki were able to stop the toxic poison from reaching the public, but we can be sure this isn't over, at some point this unknown enemy might try to do this again, and letting every main hospital in the country have the counter to it is imperative. We might not of stopped them from causing all this chaos, but we will stop them on their future plans....We are done here. Over and out. " She removed the communicator from her ear and slipped it into her pocket as she stood. Quickly looking over her body to make sure she wasn't injured before glancing back at Kuro. She stared at him for a moment, as if mentally judging him, before turning away and hastly walking threw the crowd of hurt and confused civilians until she was outside the tent, knowing Kuro was falling right behind her. She immideatly found her way to a police officer showing him her badge. "Send over your sargent as well as a officer who can escort us back to C.O.R.P.S headquarters...and let them know we'll be needing two aqua jets. " "Y-y..y..yes ma'am!!!" She watched as the police officer ran away with his tail between his legs. It was amazing how capable she was, instantly taking charge and giving orders, and being able to think so clearly and efficiently. She was remarkable. When the Sargent came she stepped away from Kuro to pravitly speak with him for a few minutes before returning to his side as a police car pulled up in front of them. She opened the door for her partner, her eyes on her C2 pad, not even looking at him. "Get in..." Once Kuro did as he was told, she followed in behind him, and shut the door as they began to make their way back to C.O.R.P.S where there'd be a aqua jet waiting to take them 'home'. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "I got something!" Shinn tensed up hearing a man shout. Had they finally found Shiki?! Was he okay? Was he alive?! "I NEED A MEDIC AND A STRETCHER OVER HERE STAT!" Shinn felt his heart sink, only able to watch as a few men rushed over to the ruble and begin to pull out a body. Please...please... Let him be ok! Shinn feared that his partner was badly injured or worse, dead. He still couldn't forget the way he looked at him, and how he didn't even hesitate to push him out of the way, no doubt saving his life. Shiki had to be ok! He had to! Otherwise, how would Shinn ever repay his debt to him, how could he thank him if he was gone? The secret agent continued to pace back and forth on the other side of the yellow tape, watching as the medics put Shiki on a stretcher and rushed him to a ambulance. "W-wait! I'm his partner! How is he!" He walked with the medics, keeping up with their pace. His eyes widened seeing that Shiki was bleeding. How much blood had he lost? When did that even happen! "He's lost a lot of blood, he'll need a transfusion. It looks like he was shot in the lower abdomon, We have to get him to a hospital. " Shinn quickly flashed his badge, stopping the women as the rest of the people quickly put Shiki in the abundance. "I'll give him some of my blood, I'm type O, if you can just get him stable enough to where his life is no longer in danger, my team has our own private doctor. Don't take him to a hospital unless it's absolutely necessary....Please, just save his life here and now, and I'll take him back with me. " "W-what are you? A cop?" "Y-yeah...something like that..." He gently released her, seeing how reluctant she was to not take Shiki to a hospital. The stranger heaved a heavy sigh, and ushered Shinn inside the ambulance with Shiki, shutting the door. "Don't leave!!! We are staying here!" She shouted to the driver. She turned to Shinn pulling out a needle. "Roll up your sleeve..." "T-thank you Mrs. --" "Don' can thank me after we save your partners life. " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - { 6 hours later } Hinata stood before her team, all of which were accounted for except Shiki, who was recovering in the clinic. Once the female medic stopped his bleeding, and gave Shiki some of Shinn's blood, he became stable enough to transport to C.O.R.P.S headquarters and then back to base, where Kei took control, and attended to his injuries, removing the bullet from his abdomen and stitching him up in record breaking time. He had a few minor injuries like cuts and bruises from the blast, just like Shinn, but those didn't take very long for Kei to tend to. Shun was standing, leaning against the wall clearly sulking, while Shinn and Kai were sitting on the couch apart from each other. They had all gathered in the living room, no doubt about to go over there mission. "I'd like to start off with what we did right. and Shiki did a great job. You were out gunned. Out numbered and unprepared for such an attack, and yet you both were able to stop those terrorists from reaching the surface and releasing the toxic gas in a highly populatated area, there's no telling how many lives you saved today...." She crossed her arms, her eyes moving over to Kai and Kei. "You two exceeded my expectations, and I'm thankful that you're apart of this team. I doubt we would of gotten far without your hacking skills and your medical expertise. " Kai was a little surprised hearing Hinata praise him. It was something he greatly missed. "...Thank you..."She glanced at Kyouhei. " And as for you, though your knowledge would have been far useful out there in the field, you were still able to contribute to the team by informing us of the bombs, and there's no doubt in my mind that had you been there, you would of been able to disable them before they went off and injured one of our own and killed the hurt civilians underground." She locked eyes with each and every one of her partners, her tone so intimidating that it felt like it shouldn't be coming out of such a cute looking girl. "Headquarters is considering this mission a success but because of our lack of knowledge, and team work twenty three people died today, and thirty six of them were injured including one of our own! That is not acceptable... Shun! Come here.." "Me?.... You can't be serious.." She glared at him, clearly not joking. Slowly the strategist stepped forward, not expecting the hard slap that came across his face and had him stumbling backwards. He was completely shocked! Did Hinata just slap him?! He looked up at her with wide eyes, holding his red stinging cheek, at a lost for words. Why? Why did she do that?! "What the hell!!" "You are our strategist and yet you failed miserably today...You were to focused on your own needs you forgot that your part of this team. Kuro had mentioned to you the theory of terrorists and you completely ignored him, and its clear to me that you know nothing about your team mates, you stumbled your way threw today's mission, and its a miracle Shiki is still alive. You no longer work alone, and your comrades should always be a main priority. From now on you and Kuro will over see our missions together, and you both will agree on a course of action....This is a team are no better then the rest of us. This will be your only warning, if you can't be part of this team, then you can go back to poison and rot in a cell for all I care. But we field agents put our lives in your hands and I need to know if your callable enough to lead us efficiently...." Shun frowned slightly as Hinata lectured him, embressing him in front of the entire team. He already felt like a dumbass, he already knew he messed up! He didn't need her pointing it out!"Fine...." Hinata turned back to the rest of her team. "Rest up...we will be receiving another mission in the next few days..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yukio Takamiya Posted April 11, 2020 Share Posted April 11, 2020 A few days had gone by, by the time Shiki finally awoke. A typical scent you'd find in hospitals, invaded his nose and Shiki opened his eyes to greet the sight of the white ceiling. His mind struggled to remember what happened as he battled the pain in his shoulder and tried to get up. Bracing himself against the rails of the bed, Shiki groaned and sat up. He remembered now... they were on a mission. He had gotten shot and the tunnel caved in on him. In all honesty, Shiki hadn't expected to get out of there alive, he'd just been taking his chances and trying to stay alive for as long as possible. He'd used to think that he wouldn't really mind if he died. But now that he had gotten that close to death, Shiki found that he was thankful that help had gotten to him in time. The door opened and Shinn stepped in. Shiki stared at him, somewhat at a loss... he hadn't expected to see him first. Shiki had only known Shinn for a few days before they went on that mission. He hadn't thought he'd be able to look out for someone like that either. Sure, he had come to quickly like the guy. He was cheerful, outgoing and made Shiki feel welcomed. But fact remained that they hadn't even been friends. "Y-you're finally awake!" Shinn stammered out as he quickly made his way towards Shiki. Shiki had been unconscious for so long that he was almost afraid that the red head wouldn't ever wake up. Shinn couldn't help but feel... bad. If only they were better prepared... If only he had moved fast enough, then perhaps this wouldn't have happened. For some reason, the thought of Shiki never waking up again, terrified him. He owed this man everything. He saved his life, and the crazy part was that he didn't have to. He was a trained government agent while Shiki was a criminal. "How are you feeling? I'll call Kei so that he can take another look at you." Shiki had saved his life and gotten badly injured while he was unable to do anything! For days, he'd sat by his bedside worried that he might have costed Shiki his life. It frustrated him to no end that he wasn't able to do anything! He would never forget the look that Shiki had when he was screaming for him to run... It threw him off. He had never seen Shiki look so... anxious? Shinn was at a loss... Why had Shiki done it? Why did he have that look on his face? Why did he save him? "I'm fine, you don't have to call Kei. He's done a pretty good job of stitching the wound. All we need to do is wait for it to heal." Shiki grabbed Shinn's arm, barely preventing him from bolting out the door. Shinn bit his lip, he didn't look sold on the idea of not notifying Kei. But... when Shiki touched him... he couldn't help but notice that all of his anger and anxiety started to fade. With a reluctant sigh, he nodded. "Fine..." "But I'm parched." Shinn chuckled and quickly poured Shiki a glass of water from the flask at the bedside. The atmosphere was beginning to lighten up. "How long have I been out?" Shiki suddenly asked. The door opened again and Kei entered, "It's been over a week. We'd have left for our next assignment without you if you didn't awake by the end of the week" Shinn decided to leave to inform Hinata that Shiki had awoken, but not before instructing Kei to give Shiki another check up to see if he'd be fit for field work. Kei nodded then turned back to Shiki, "Time to change your bandages." Shiki allowed him to remove the bandages but gave him a cautionary stare when Kei pulled out a container of salve-looking substance. "Don't give me that look. This miracle drug was developed specially for you, Hinata's instructions." Then Kei started to grumble inaudibly to himself as he applied the salve on the wound, but Shiki's sharp ears managed to pick up on what he was saying. "Yeah I'm such a miracle doctor. Ask for any drug and you'll get it. Gimme a virus vaccine, here ya go. Gimme something to speed up healing in time for the next mission, here ya fokin go. Go be a doctor yourself if you think it's so easy." Shiki couldn't help the smile that reached his face. "It's because Hinata knows how skilled you are, that she expects you to do the impossible." Kei snorted in response but stayed silent and continued to bandage up the wound. He knew of course, he'd just wanted to vent. He'd spent just a day to analyze chemicals and created the salve as soon as Hinata asked, just in case he couldn't make it in time. He hadn't even been sure of its effects until he tested it directly on Shiki. Risky as it was, he trusted in his own skills enough that it wouldn't kill Shiki at least. "Alright. Rest up for the next few days until the day of the mission. You should be good to go then as long as we apply this daily for you." Kei stood up and left the clinic, leaving Shiki to his own devices. And Shiki laid there till Shinn came in with Hinata, having nothing else to do. "I've briefed the others on the next mission, we'll leave as soon as you're ready for action. According to Kei, you should be ready to go in another 4 days. Everything you need to know is in your C2 Pad. I'll be leading the infiltration, let me know if you have any other questions." Shiki took his C2 Pad that Shinn had retrieved for him from his room and started reading through the mission debrief. They would be sneaking on a cargo ship said to be smuggling illegal weapons into the country. Their job was to sink the ship without leaving any traces behind. The location and time were all stated as well as the entirety of the ship's structure. Kai would hack into ship's control system to buy them as much time as possible, as well as giving them directions on where to go. Based on that, Kyouhei would be planting the bombs while the others launch a full-blown shoot out. Kyouhei would be devising a plan on how the bombing would go then brief them before they departed. -------------------------- 3 days later... Shiki left the clinic where Shinn stood outside waiting for him. Together, they walked towards the living space where everyone else was waiting to receive Kyouhei's briefing. After a while, Kyouhei entered the room carrying a medium sized bag with him. He lifted it onto the table and unzipped the bag to reveal its contents. "Hinata informed me that we needed to travel light to sneak in more conveniently. So I prepared something else in place of bombs, but is equally lethal." He took out a small cloth pouch from among the other pouches in the bag and held it out for everyone else to see. "In this bag, contains a mixture of metal oxides that will produce a thermite reaction when a certain level of heat is acquired. In it, I've included a hand-made miniature smoke canister that will produce just enough heat to ignite the bomb the moment we activate it with this." Kyouhei held up a small remote. "The smoke canisters will release smoke all at the same time. When that happens, these pouches will emit heat of over 3000 degrees celsius that will trigger the fire alarm and activate the sprinklers. The water would then start a phreatic explosion, the results won't be small, every single one of us has to be off the ship by then, no mess-ups. With that said, if Hinata allows it, I'll keep this remote with me. But otherwise..." He held the remote out towards Hinata. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sosuke0549 Posted 19 hours ago Author Share Posted 19 hours ago (( WE BACK !!!! )) Shun sat in the living room sliding through his C2 Pad and double checking his plan. The over all goal was to sink the ship, and given eveything that happened on their last mission, Shun felt slightly guilty. Of course he would never admit it but he couldn't help but feel responsible... So he came up with a plan to minimize danger. This time he was sending in Hinata, Shinn, Kyouhei, and Kuro. He thought about sending in Shiki but wanted to give him alittle more time to recover, even if he was finally awake. The four would sneak on to the ship and plant bombs in several locations, avoiding unnecessary attention. Once planted, they would simply retreat and detonate the bombs after gaining a safe distance. Since the ship will be in the middle of no where, even if a few people on the ship managed to survive the blast, they would eventually drown at sea with no way to request help. In order to make sure things went smoothly, Kai would hack into the ships surveillance system and have drones watch the ship from above. -------------------------- Shinn couldn't help but smirk seeing Shiki finally on his feet again. " The K.O. king has finally returned. " He joked, nudging his shoulder. They hadn't really talked about what happened...nor did Shinn thank Shiki for his selfless act...but at this point it didn't have to be said...because now there was this bond between them. A new found friendship and deep level of respect. Shinn knew that Shiki had his back...and because of that...he had his. He owed him...and for that Shinn would be forever greatful. As the two walked in to the living-room they saw that everyone else had arrived except for Kyouhei. Shun was on the couch. Hinata leaning aginest the glass and staring out into the ocean. She seemed to be lost in thought. Kai was fiddling with a rubix cub, laying on the couch across from Shun. Come to think of it...they were all a odd bunch...and yet...Shinn could see how forming a team like this could be beneficial to the organization. They had only been an official team for a couple of days and yet...Shinn was actually starting to like it all. This odd suicide squad. Shinn threw himself on the couch and kicked up his feet, he only spoke when Kyouhei finally entered the room. "Finally ~ the gangs all here. " His eyes followed Kyouhei as he rolled his and threw a medium sized bag on the table in front of him. Slowly the team started to gather around him. Kyouhei was their weapons specialist and had quite the reputation in the underground. Apparently the guy could make a deadly weapon out of anything. Shinn corrected his posture and leaned forward, curious to see what was inside the bag. [ "Hinata informed me that we needed to travel light to sneak in more conveniently. So I prepared something else in place of bombs, but is equally lethal." ] Shun titled his head ever so slightly. ( I guess is doesn't really matter what we long as the ship sinks.) He thought to himself. " What did you have in mind." He took out a small cloth pouch and held it out for everyone else to see. [ "In this bag, contains a mixture of metal oxides that will produce a thermite reaction when a certain level of heat is acquired. In it, I've included a hand-made miniature smoke canister that will produce just enough heat to ignite the bomb the moment we activate it with this."] He held up a small remote and continued, [ "The smoke canisters will release smoke all at the same time. When that happens, these pouches will emit heat of over 3000 degrees celsius that will trigger the fire alarm and activate the sprinklers. The water would then start a phreatic explosion, the results won't be small, every single one of us has to be off the ship by then, no mess-ups. "] " I see... " Shun nodded. " That is insane," Shinn grinned. Impressed by it all. [ " With that said, if Hinata allows it, I'll keep this remote with me. But otherwise..." ] Hinata immediately took the remote. " I will do it. " Its not that Hinata didn't trust Kyouhei...she didn't trust any of them quite yet. The only person she didn't have to worry about betraying her was Shinn. She turned to Shun. " What have you come up with." There she goes..always so straight to the point and bossy. Shun sighed and quickly pulled up a projection of the ships schematics. " You'll take a submarine and breech the surface about a mile away from the ship, you'll have to swim the rest of the way and board the ship undetected. You'll place the powder and canisters at these locations as shown on the screen. I simply want you four to get in and get out without drawning unnecessary attention." Shun also didnt want or need anyone else on the team getting injured. " Stealth it is~" Shinn grinned. " Very well... As Hound C.O.R.P members our mission is to handle things discreetly. The less attention we draw to ourselves, the better. " Hinata spoke. Kai bit his lip feeling a little shy. "U-um..a-about your plan. Ships are extremely isolated...I can't hack into the surveillance system without a access point... With drones I can scramble the radio frequency, radars and maybe even their sonar capabilities...but that's about all I can do. I don't have any way of gaining access to their surveillance. Ships aren't computers. " Shun crossed his arms. " Then all the more reason to get in and get out. You'll provide support at a distance. " He turned to Kyouhei. " As an added measure, do you think you can add some fire power to Kai's drones incase the others run into trouble?" Having a handful of drones that had guns on them could he useful, especially since they didn't know what weapons being carried on the ship. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ 18 Hours Later ] "Delta... secured." Shinn muttered in his communicator. Each location where they needed to place the bombs was given a name using the phonetic alphabet. Sneaking on to the ship was the easy part, and given that it was two in the morning many of the crew members were asleep and there wasn't alot of people patrolling the ship. He didn't like the fact the he was dripping wet and freezing but...this was definitely better then getting shot at and nearly poisoned in a subway station. " Im only seeing four bodies on deck, looks like their armed..." Kai informed his teammates watching from his computer screen. He was operating about 10 drones that were circulating around the ship, each one containing 100 bullets and a mixture of metal oxides in case Kai needed a drone to self destruct or cause a distraction. KAI: "Kuro...ten metters to your left, coming around the corner." HINATA: " Alpha, secured." SHINN:" Anyone else kind of hungry?" HINATA:" Not now.." Hinata growled. Causing Shinn to laugh. " Hahaha, your is alittle late....Echo. Secured~" " Moving inside, heading for the control room... Kyouhei. Status. " Shinn had just finishing placing his last bomb on the deck of the ship. The ship was massive and was caring over 100 cargo creates. He doubted all of them had weapons but it wouldn't suprise him either. He waited, staying hidden at the stop of the deck on stand by. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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