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Simple childish acts...


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(kinda thought of this) :leaf18:



. .we usually had some childish personalities, may we are an adult or teens, so what childish act/s you think you do in some cases?




. .there are times that when i do endearments with my family and closest friends, i talk childish, lol, and i also couldn't sleep without a pillow to hug on :leaf5:


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I have many childish things I do lol


-I pout when I don't get my way and sometimes end up crying

-I still sleep with a night light because I'm afraid of the dark

-I love having stuffed animals on my bed with me

-I still like sleeping with a blanket


And I have many many more lol

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I have many childish things I do lol


-I pout when I don't get my way and sometimes end up crying

-I still sleep with a night light because I'm afraid of the dark

-I love having stuffed animals on my bed with me

-I still like sleeping with a blanket


And I have many many more lol


. .but that's really cute :leaf12:

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must have pillow at my leg.and when i want to buy something expensive got not enough money i will hug my sister with kawai face make her buy it to me hehehe.and when i shopping with my friend and i want her to treat me ...i'm just smiling and wink2 to food corner area and she know what i want hehehehe...

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must have pillow at my leg.and when i want to buy something expensive got not enough money i will hug my sister with kawai face make her buy it to me hehehe.and when i shopping with my friend and i want her to treat me ...i'm just smiling and wink2 to food corner area and she know what i want hehehehe...


. .i already imagined it, hahaha, like a kitty, cute :leaf5:

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must have pillow at my leg.and when i want to buy something expensive got not enough money i will hug my sister with kawai face make her buy it to me hehehe.and when i shopping with my friend and i want her to treat me ...i'm just smiling and wink2 to food corner area and she know what i want hehehehe...


I do that too but to my boyfriend when I want him to buy me something lol. I just look at him like this--->:cuteonion57: lol. That's how I get all my anime stuff lol :p

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My stuffed animals......I named them all



Green Apple

Mr.Moo Moo

and . . .


yesh i know its very childish but what the hell i dont care

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My stuffed animals......I named them all



Green Apple

Mr.Moo Moo

and . . .


yesh i know its very childish but what the hell i dont care


. .sooo cute :msn_red_fox 6

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. .wahahaha


. .i supah supah liked your answers guys, it made me say, (CUTE), and nothing but (CUTE), word, lol :cuteonion57:

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I talk while pouting which amuses my partner A LOT.


I would utter expressions like nyaah, myuuu, gyuuu, nyaarrr when i'm bored and annoyed.


I love dinky cheap plastic and rubber jewelry. I don't like gold jewelry 'cause it's so adult-like.


I clap like a kid when I'm happy and actually say "yey" on cue.


I don't like 'adult' candies like licorice and mint.


Whenever I'm in the mall or any public place, I am easily distracted by food.

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I talk while pouting which amuses my partner A LOT.


I would utter expressions like nyaah, myuuu, gyuuu, nyaarrr when i'm bored and annoyed.


I love dinky cheap plastic and rubber jewelry. I don't like gold jewelry 'cause it's so adult-like.


I clap like a kid when I'm happy and actually say "yey" on cue.


I don't like 'adult' candies like licorice and mint.


Whenever I'm in the mall or any public place, I am easily distracted by food.



. .lol, that's so cute yojichan :leaf5:

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I do so, so many childish things. I run around saying things like, "I'm a lion!" My favorites are: Lion, T-Rex, and a monster. I do this until the person I'm attacking laughs.


I sometime runs around and say "I'm an airplane!" or "VROOM VROOM!"


I play children's games for nostalgia.


I'm easily amused and pleased.


I have a tiny attention span.


I'm, for some reason, in general adorable to the majority of people.


But it's okay cause my partner loves my cuteness XD.

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I make fun of others all the time. Either being expressionlessly sarcastic or sporting a mocking smirk.


If I don't like a person I don't bother acknowledging her/his existence. I don't talk or look, I do not even wish to share my oxygen with said person. I say I don't like people in the face. Even if I talk about them on their back they are already perfectly aware of my opinion of them. What I say in the back I say in the face first.


My friends enjoy treating me like the doll of the group so I gained the habit of always having piggy back rides given to me and being carried around all the time. It's actually kind of fun.


I don't care if I'm at home, outside, in other's people's house or in the most expensive and elegant restaurant in the universe: I always sit in cross-legged, seiza, half-lotus or weird random positions.

While in the same topic, fetal position aside, I sleep in ways that don't come to anyone's mind.


I always talk mockingly while giving the impression of being extremely polite. Although I use polite speech I don't use honorifics with anyone, even if the person is older, important or not even an acquaintance in the first place, I talk to them as if I've know them for ever. I use sarcasm an irony all the time. Stoic and dead-pan snarker much.


I find extremely cute things that the great majority of humanity finds disgusting and hideous. I wanna hug them and take them home with me and take care of them (living beings) and decorate my room with them (inanimate objects).


I'm always singing and making cartoonish sounds, and sometimes overly dramatic reactions, just to piss people off.


I used to scribble all over the freshly painted walls with crayon.



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. .so weeeeeeeeeeird...


. .(but intrigued me so much) rabbit16 -->( i like this emoticon, haha :D )


. .you're an interesting person to know, (so UNIQUE) lol, rabbit14

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@ cloudy


Thank you, I'm glad I amuse you. rabbit16 (the new emoticons are so cool, xD)

By the way, I also love Paramore *.*

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@ cloudy


Thank you, I'm glad I amuse you. rabbit16 (the new emoticons are so cool, xD)

By the way, I also love Paramore *.*





. .you do???, ahehehe, i'm glad you also like paramore, foxy2 foxy3

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i sleep with alot of stuffed animals (sometimes i bring one every day in the living room)i do it less now cause i have 3 hamsters


i hide a little behind any one when i talk to someone for the first timeyoyo7 i know its very embarrassing at my age:leaf8:

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i sleep with alot of stuffed animals (sometimes i bring one every day in the living room)i do it less now cause i have 3 hamsters


i hide a little behind any one when i talk to someone for the first timeyoyo7 i know its very embarrassing at my age:leaf8:


. .i found your answer still really cute, especially your "hiding thing", :) , me i don't hide 'cause i just can't look straightly to someone especially when i know he/she is staring at me rabbit0

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. .i found your answer still really cute, especially your "hiding thing", :) , me i don't hide 'cause i just can't look straightly to someone especially when i know he/she is staring at me rabbit0


well, your also shy like me ^_^ i also avoid eye contact

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  • 3 weeks later...

I dunno if this is childish but:

-i put a lot of poster in my room's wall

-though i dont wear pink tee cuz i usually wear black, i want my pillow case and bed sheet in pink.


And, though im the eldest, i cry to get what i want. HAHAHAHA

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  • 3 months later...

I buye dolls (monser high), I name all my thing, I giggle when I think things are funny, I talk to myself, I say goody. If I board I say aleins did it out of no were, I like toys, I watch cartoons, I sing to myself, and I make funny voices just to make myself laugh. I cry, pout, put my hand on my hips and act silly when ever I can.onion3

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So cute all of you :D

I can't think of anything other than all my toys (anime characters like Inuyasha and tiny robots) and I love to have lots of pillows. I'm extremely shy. Oh and I'm told I have a rather childish sense of humor


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well im not an adult but i should've been in a mature state (16 years old)

but im always childlish....

i love to pout...i speaks weirdly and childlishly when im with my friends...

i also love to sulk when i didnt get what i want *eg my mom wont buy be some chocolate i will sulk and stays in room alone*

i also hate to listen to people's advice and act like a child...

most importantly i love running in shopping mall becoz i think itz fun...lol

and the childlish thing that i love the most is giving things and people "new name" by doubling their names..

i even name my food...like "bun~bun"...my cat name.."tom~tom"

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i like the subject of the thread lol

so um here are my childish acts :

i have to sleep with my SPECIAL teddy bear or i will cry ( sometimes lol ) i even take it to my cousins house thats if im going to sleep there

i get angry sooooooooo easily and then i go to my room to cry or get out my anger and i stay mad until the 2 or 3 next days omg i hate it when im angry i even hate myself >o

sometimes i skip my medicine maybe all the time when i dont see any effect after the first try xD

i get afraid when im alone at night in my home so i have to carry a hand light with me x3

and maybe thats about it lol ill add more if there is ^^

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Well when a 29 year old woman gets mistaken by her kid school friends mother's, has for me being his sister is bad...

I was about to cry then....

I'm not a very childish person, i'm really not, however, i do not look 29 years old, and yeah i feel glad about it, but when people don't believe your age in a negative matter, it's really complicated, it's really not ,my face...it's what i wear... My everyday clothes are just like your average teenager :p I have piercings and i always do wierd things to my hair... i only look "normal" at work :D

There's this small thing i also do, only with kids, i swear....i talk "babyish" anytime i'm around a small kid or a baby...

My kid has speech therapy cause he still can't talk very well, and when his pediatrician told me one of the reasons he had that dificulty was because of the way i talked to him, well, i wanted to beat myself up :(


I know by heart, all the cartoons songs i used to watch when i was a kid....and i mean all.......and i'm 29..... this is so wierd... :p

Me and one of my friends when drink a little, we start singing all those songs, and my husband and the rest of our friends just want to shut us up, cause we can sing for hours :D


Think that's all .... :p

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