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What was the last anime season/episode you watched? 🤔

Guest KatsMH

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I agree. All of the Canon Arcs are pretty interesting. I even read the manga until the end.

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Rokudenashi is quite amusing as well. It has plot compare to those "harem" that do the ecchi and fanservice. There are some Harem/Reverse Harem that are worth watching: Akatsuki no Yona, Grisaia no Kajitsu, etc.


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Currently watching Vatican Kiseki Chousakan.

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I'm currently watching or rewatching Bleach Anime again from beginning to end and now on season 6, the start of the Arrancars season ^^ I got bored of watching Duarara!!


I've also seen 3 episodes of Black Clover but think will wait until it's all been dubbed before watching it again ^^


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Canon Arcs? Are you talking about Bleach or Duarara? What exactly are you agreeing with me on? Lol

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Bleach (: I skipped those filler arcs which is irrelevant to the main story.




Going back to the game. I am watching Fall season, done catching up with:


3-gatsu no Lion 2


Black Clover

Blend S


And currently - Boku no Kanojo ga Majime Sugiru Shojo Bitch na Ken (I'm trying my best to watch this harem/ecchi anime hahaha send help)

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I've been rewatching all the Yu-gi-oh! Animes, spinoffs and movies recently lol


I'm also watching Black Clover and Cardcaptors: Clear Card-hen

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I'm currently re-watching Yuri! On Ice as part of the rewatch challenge by

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lol so guess I'm now on episode 3 :)


As for seasonal anime, I've picked up Devils Line as I'm into vampire romances hehe XD

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ahaha, same as you

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:D I guess it's episode 3 for me next week^^


other than that, I've been stuck on episode 1 of season 2 Attack on Titan ever since it came out.. xD I'm not giving up hopes just yet:D

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I just left off on Aggretsuko which is so much fun! I'll probably finish it tonight, but I'm also in the middle of Dragonball Super, which is entertaining ^_^ I was never THAT into DB until Super came along. Gotta give credit where credit is due. It's good XD

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Dances with the Dragons episode 1 - 12, Darling in the Franxx eps 1 to 5 (I have mixed feelings regarding this anime), the recent episode of Black Clover ^^

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I am now starting with my Spring 2018 anime list lol (I know, I'm late but I really wanted to watch these once finished hahaha)


So yeah, I'm currently watching Devil's Line (Anzai issssssssh so hot


Ah just want to share that I'm inactive for the past month because of Naruto & Naruto Shippuden hahaha. I finished it like 3 months (skipping fillers).

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I've watched "The king's avatar" till the end of the 1st season (12 chp) last night. Now I'm waiting for the season 2 which will come out 2019!!!!! Can't wait

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Still working my way through Dragonball Super. Right now that's the only thing I'm watching when it comes to anime, but there a few that have caught my eye! I just need to get around to watching them haha!

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