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Stranger Than Fiction (Shisu-Chan00+BunBun)


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Jude looked over before he looked back at the road, "it's complicated..." he mumbled. He had so many feelings about Roman; he hated him but at the same time he longed for him, and it made him feel sick and sad at the same time. There was that part of him that wanted to kill Roman, but at the same time he didn't think he would be able to. "I mean... he didn't really start feeding on me until I started getting into the church... so maybe... maybe his family put him up to it." If Ethan was here he would probably smack Jude hard in the back of his head. Maybe it was because he fed off of him for so long, or maybe it was because he lost that year of his life and he really didn't know himself. He only knew what Ethan and his family told him, and their perspective of anything supernatural is negative - even more so when Jude first came into their life.


"I think I'll always love him, if I'm being honest with you. Sometimes you just can't... get rid of that part of yourself." Jude defended himself, looking over at Luke with a smile. "He really was a great guy. Every year on my birthday he would wake me up with breakfast in bed, and every morning he would kiss my face until I woke up." Jude smiled in nostalgia, though it was a bittersweet smile. Ethan always thought Jude was still hung up on him because of that year he controlled him as a puppet, but Jude hoped that wasn't it... Maybe he was just holding out hope, because there was hope? Or maybe... he was just damaged goods. Luke said he deserved better, but Jude just... didn't think he did. "Though... what he did to me was... painful. Don't get me wrong I want to hurt him, but... I also want answers."

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Luke looked away from Jude and sighed lightly, "So...I think I would be the same way. When you love someone it never goes away. Though..." he paused a moment and shook his head with a soft chuckle. "Have you been in love since him? Since Roman...?" he asked his eyes moving back to Jude. "You're stuck on him because you've not loved since him huh? Do you ever have time for yourself while working this job? It's taxing is it not?" he shifted in his seat and looked to Jude with a light smile. "You need to move on Jude! Don't be stuck on something thats in the past, specially to someone who is a monster like myself. You...are such a good guy I mean you saved my life more than once and I can't thank you enough for that. You don't deserve to have your heart played on a string by some guy who didn't even care to come after you if he was still alive. Hell...even my relationship wasn't perfect...and it was so new I don't think I truely loved him but if that ever happened I wouldn't stay moping around and holding onto someone that is never ever coming back. Would you even want him to come back? Whose to say that he wont do it again?" He said with a sigh lightly clasping Jude's shoulder though it was accidently still a little rough causing him to pull back slightly. "All I'm saying is...You should get back out there. Find someone who would really charish you...then maybe take them on the road with you. Maybe save a handsome man again and make him into your lover" He wiggled his brows playfully.


Luke didn't mean himself with that statement but that was exactly what had happened. Jude had saved him and they were now going to be together almost 24/7 for god knows how long. It was apparent that they would grow fond of each other. it wasn't like they fought with one another or anything, they were compatible and it was only the third day of being together. Luke enjoyed the others company and his conversation, but he never thought that they may be something...in the future. He didn't think past today. He was trying so hard to hold it all together at this very moment he couldn't think of anyting other than the road infront of them.

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Jude's face flushed a visible pink when Luke asked if he's loved anyone since. "N-no. I can't fall in love again, I mean just..." His ears felt hot from embarrassment, and he smiled back at Luke. He hadn't thought about getting back into the dating scene for years! There was really no time. Sure, he's slept with a few people, but that was usually to steal a few bucks or because they were going to pay for a hotel room - though he wasn't about to tell Luke that. He looked over at him with a little smirk when he said that he should save someone, and make him his lover. "I guess I could date you," Jude teased with a genuine laugh. "Really my only options are you, Ethan, or Ethan's brother. Out of the three, I guess you're the best option."


His eyes flashed up at one of the roadside signs, that told him about the nearest restaurants. Luke had to be hungry... or maybe even a little tired? It was a stressful day for him. "Hey, are you hungry?" He asked seriously, giving him a sideways glance. "And if you're tired you can sleep in the car. It won't bother me none."

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Luke was more than shocked to hear Jude's words but they pulled a soft laugh from his lips. "Wow I mean by the looks of it Ethan is an ass so I can't imagine what his brother is like. I guess I am your only option huh?" he said playfully back with a smirk of his own. He would miss being close to someone all the time, though he wouldn't put that onto Jude. He wouldn't make his new savior his rebound. That just wasn't fair to him and he wouldn't do that. Luke moved his eyes outside the car realizing they were headed in the exact direction Jude had said. It didn't shock him, I mean why did Jude have to lie to him? He had no reason to so of course they were headed to the right place.


The sound of food caused Luke's stomach to growl and he blushed lightly. "I would love something to eat. I'm surprisingly not tired...so if anything you should sleep and hook up my phone to GPS and let me drive. Not like you have a control problem do you? There is no way you can drive from here to there without taking any breaks." Surprisingly Luke was starving and his stomach was not being quiet about it. It made sure that the two of them knew it was hungry, by the looks of it their options were some small diners. Cute little things with the greasy burgers you can only find on the road.

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The sound of the stomach roaring made Jude smile ear to ear. "That answers that question," he said with a tiny laugh. He took a hand off the steering wheel to grab a cigarette from the middle console, his eyes still glued to the road. He was constantly driving, so multi-tasking wasn't a hard thing for him in the slightest. He reached for the lighter, his eyes drifting to Luke for a second when he offered to drive instead. He smiled just a little and nodded. "That would actually be amazing," Jude said, pulling out of the freeway to get to the closest diner. It had been a while since Jude had slept, and it was starting to get to him now that Luke had said something. "Let's get something to eat, and then you can drive until I wake up and we'll switch. Sound good?"


Jude pulled into a small 50's themed diner, that had a large neon sign that read BEST BURGER IN AMERICA. Jude highly doubted it, but he was willing to give it a shot. He opened his car door and hopped out, before he lifted both of his arms to stretch. His eyes moved over to Luke, giving him a half smile. How was he even holding up? Jude knew Luke didn't want to talk about it, but it worried him that if he didn't then he would never recover... though he was willing to give him time before he asked him about his feelings.

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Luke smiled softly and let a nod move his head. "Sounds good to me. I'm starving." When they pulled off the freeway he felt that hunger inside of him grow even faster. Was he really that hungry? He remembered eating not that long ago. Could it be the change? He didn't know, he would have to ask Jude later possibly at dinner. The small diner they pulled up to was full of character and it caused Luke to let a soft chuckle past his lips. When Jude got out Luke wasn't far from him as he walked around the truck. "Its adorable..." he breathed out as he looked up at the large neon sign that flickered every once in awhile.


Luke could tell that Jude was worried about him but he didn't really want to talk about himself. Sure if Jude asked he would talk to him, it might even help but right now he just wanted to forget about it all. Pretend he was still a normal person who was just on a roadtrip and headed home in a few days. As they entered the diner he heard the door open with a soft 'ding' and a waitress behind the counter smiled brightly. She drawled to them, "Hello there boys! Go ahead and sit wherever!" She was overly happy and her southern accent was super thick. It made Luke want to vomit. He lightly grabbed Judes wrist pulling him left of the doorway away from the other few patrons that were sitting around the restaurant. As soon as he grabbed him his hand let him go as he walked his way to a small booth beside a jukebox. HE was starving so as he slid into the booth he was already grabbing the menu and looking it over trying to find something good to fill his stomach.

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Jude waved awkwardly at the waitress, before Luke pulled him away. He let out a startled squeak, and then a chuckle. He rolled his eyes and shook his head when they sat at their seats. "Weren't you excited?" Jude teased, sticking out his tongue playfully. He grabbed the menu and carefully looked it over, his eyes flashing over to Luke... His face fell, but he covered it with the menu so Luke wouldn't see. Luke was already getting that special hunger only werewolves got. He looked over the menu at Luke, "I'm paying, so get whatever you want. I've got enough money." Jude said with a little smile, his eyes falling back to the menu. Maybe he should tell him? Maybe hint to it? "Um... meat is the best thing to eat." Jude said softly, "It might help just a little."


Jude had taken the time to get to know a few werewolves, who were very open about their entire experience. Thankfully his nosiness was useful in this situation, so at least it paid off. He was excited for Luke to meet a few of the werewolves he knew, so he didn't feel like a monster. If there was anything Jude didn't want, it was for Luke to feel like he was some evil demented monster. "Oh, I think I might get a burger too. That western one sounds good... you can never have too much barbecue sauce."

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Luke felt eyes on him and he peered up to Jude his eyes flashing back down to the menu. He listened silently as Jude spoke to him and he simply sighed afterwards. "Meat...right..." He nodded softly and looked over the menu feeling more than starved. He was silent for a long time before the waitress came back and he smiled up to her. "I will have two southwestern burgers with fries and a water please." HE spoke softly to her, she gave him a bad vibe. He didn't really look to her and didn't really want to talk to her. Luke waited patiently for Jude to order and then he turned to look at him as the waitress left.


"She gives me a weird vibe...anyway...does the hunger ever go away? I'm assuming it has to do with the change right?" He leaned forward slightly looking down at the table. "I know you've been wanting to ask me about it all night...I'm not stupid I have eyes and can tell that you have something you want to say." He chuckled lightly. "I'm okay...if thats what you want to know. I'm just scared is all..." He played with the napkin that was on the table next to him trying not to look at Jude knowing that if he did he would probably break down and tell him everything that was going on in his mind.

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Jude filed away the comment about the waitress, thinking that maybe he was sensing something different. He looked over at Luke when he leaned forward, his cheeks turning a bright pink when said that he knew Jude wanted to talk about it. There was a lon while Jude didn't talk about what happened to him, and even now he was still paying the price for it. Maybe talking would save Luke from that same fate? His eyes shifted over to his hand, so he cupped it reassuringly. "It will be okay, Luke." Jude said softly, giving his hand a nice squeeze. "We'll make it work out, and then when you get to my friend we'll be gravy."


Jude didn't want Luke to feel like he was alone in this, because he wasn't. Even though Jude could only truly understand the tip of it all, he was there for Luke every step of the way. "We got this Luke... I promise." Jude said, pouring every ounce of his emotion into the sentence. He gave his hand another squeeze, before letting it go with a soft smile. "We're partners now Luke, so I got your back."

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Luke tilted his hed slightly and smiled a little at the cute blush that covered the males cheeks. "I...know." He smiled softly and lightly squeezed the others hand gently. He was a little sad when the hands were pulled away from him but he tried not to let it bother him. "So...what happens if a full moon comes before we can get to your friends...? Jude, I'm terrified..." He shook his head and looked out the window. "I watched that thing tear James apart...he was screaming in agony through the entire process Jude. You can tell me that everything is going to be okay but you don't have to go through it...you just have to watch me and if I try and attack you, you shoot me." He laughed heartlessly and moved his head into his hands.


He didn't want to kill anyone. Luke was a good guy, he didn't want to hurt anyone. That was the last thing he wanted to do. His nose started to work and he moved his head toward the kitchen. Almost as soon as he smelled it his ears started to pick up sounds from across the restaurant. Two truckers were eating with one another and giving them nasty looks, "Those faggots...did you see them holding hands? Stupid that the president didn't put an end to that shit..." One spoke spitting on the floor like it was their bodies after being mangled and beaten. It was like a fire inside of Luke was set off, his entire face turned sour and he shook his head clicking his tongue. "What assholes...can I turn my hearing off or does it not work like that?"

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The mere thought of shooting Luke hurt Jude's heart. In the short amount of time Jude came to know Luke, he really liked him as a friend. He was the kind of guy he could have a drink with. Jude had killed many things in the years he's done this job, but killing Luke would be the hardest... he didn't think he would be able to, though Jude kept that to himself. "Look," he went to say but quickly shut his mouth when Luke overheard the truckers. His eyes wondered around the cafe, until they settled on the two truckers. They looked like they were all talk... Jude could take them, but he wouldn't. A mischievous smile crossed Jude's face, and he looked over at Luke. "We can give them a show, if you want? Maybe they'll leave? Or maybe they'll pick a fight, and get their asses whooped." Jude was never one to turn down a fight, especially when they were talking about his sexuality.


Jude moved over towards Luke's seat, and hooked his arm up with his before resting his head against his shoulder. It was weirdly comfortable, but he pushed that thought aside. His thumb ran across Luke's arm, almost comfortingly. They would talk about everything else later... when there was no fear of people overhearing them. There could be another hunter, and if they knew what Luke was it would get ugly. For now, Jude was going to have a little fun. He looked up at Luke, trying to fake the look of adoration. "Play along," Jude whispered.

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Luke laughed softly not really understanding what Jude was going to say but it was like this guy was able to wipe away the anger in his heart like it was nothing. He tilted his head and looked at Jude then to the truckers, "A show...?" he asked lightly only to find Jude on his side of the booth leaning against him like it was the most normal thing in the world. Luke was overly warm to himself so he was self consious that Jude would get hot being this close to him. Luke looked down to Jude and smiled softly as if he was in love with Jude. It wasn't too hard, he was liking him as a friend as it was so he couldn't help but feel something for him. "Play along huh...?" He asked softly and moved a hand to cup Jude's cheek sliding a thumb over his skin. "How much of a show are you willing to give them?" He asked tilting his head slightly hearing the truckers get even more upset that they were doing such a provocative showing infront of them.


Luke didn't wait a beat. He was eating up every word they said. "Thats disgusting. What a disgrace to humanity." The fat man spoke shaking his head with disgust. The other trucker turned looking back at the two of them, "Ugh..thats gross. To think they have the balls to do that in a public place where there could be children around. Least they aren't making out or worse..."


This gave Luke a thought and he moved slightly into Jude, "Play along..." He whispered softly before closing the distance between them like it was natural. Their lips softly collided and Luke pulled the other closer as if he did indeed kiss Jude all the time. He kissed him like it was normal, natural, like they had been doing it for years now. That slow kiss was breif and he pulled away slightly wanting to give Jude a moment to change his mind about playing along with their little tricks. Almost as soon as he pulled back the door dinged and the truckers had left in a horrible fit yelling at them for being homosexuals who were disgracing their good nation. Luke dropped his eyes slightly and smiled, "Sorry...I figured a show should be the best it could be right?" he asked and let his hand drop from Judes face.

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Jude caressed Luke's arm, "play along?" He repeated with a soft laugh, letting Luke close the distance between the two. He could hear his heart beat thump against his chest. The kiss happened so quickly that it took a few seconds for Jude to register what was really happening. Eventually he kissed back trying to match the faked passion, but if felt off to him. When Luke pulled away he couldn't help but look at Luke with a bit of surprise. He didn't even notice the two truckers leave until they started yelling about them being gay. His head turned to look at them, the world slowly starting to feel real again. A smile crossed his lips, and then eventually laughter. "Holy shit, man." Jude said, wiping the tears out of his eyes. "That was great. Nice touch with the kissing," Jude said as he got up lightly slapping Luke's arm, "not too shabby." He gave him a playful wink and sat back down in his seat.


He looked outside, watching the truckers angrily pack into their vehicles. He threw his head back, sighing happily. "Man, this is going to be great. I haven't had this much fun since I started this whole hunting thing." He laughter faded and he shook his head, looking over at Luke with a smile.


- - - Updated - - -


Jude caressed Luke's arm, "play along?" He repeated with a soft laugh, letting Luke close the distance between the two. He could hear his heart beat thump against his chest. The kiss happened so quickly that it took a few seconds for Jude to register what was really happening. Eventually he kissed back trying to match the faked passion, but if felt off to him. When Luke pulled away he couldn't help but look at Luke with a bit of surprise. He didn't even notice the two truckers leave until they started yelling about them being gay. His head turned to look at them, the world slowly starting to feel real again. A smile crossed his lips, and then eventually laughter. "Holy shit, man." Jude said, wiping the tears out of his eyes. "That was great. Nice touch with the kissing," Jude said as he got up lightly slapping Luke's arm, "not too shabby." He gave him a playful wink and sat back down in his seat.


He looked outside, watching the truckers angrily pack into their vehicles. He threw his head back, sighing happily. "Man, this is going to be great. I haven't had this much fun since I started this whole hunting thing." He laughter faded and he shook his head, looking over at Luke with a smile.

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Luke waited a moment and he looked down at Jude and he felt...strange. It was all strange, he pulled away slightly and then he started to laugh when Jude did. It was all suddenly a joke but Luke was actually really surprised he had kissed Jude. He would never do something like that ever. The realization that he was single again hit him hard and the smile on his face dropped instantly. "I'm glad you find me amusing. I would rather us have a good time than be stuck together and hate each other. Sorry for kissing you...thats not...I shouldn't do that even to piss some truckers off." He rubbed the back of his neck with a sigh, "Its not right....5 hours ago I was in a serious relationship and now I'm kissing my partner? Least it was all in good fun and it didn't mean anything. I guess...it just reminds me that I don't have Brett anymore..." he said softly and looked up seeing the smile on Judes face made him smile a little and shake his head. "Sorry! I didn't mean to get depressing. I think those assholes got a little more than they paid for!" he chuckled half heartedly.


The waitress came back carrying their food and quickly sat it onto the table. Luke was starving and as those burgers were placed infront of his face he felt his stomach growl. He smiled brightly, all signs of sadness gone as the thought of food filled his mind. "Thank god! I'm starving!" He reached over and grabbed a fry from Jude's plate and ate it playfully. "You'll have to tell me if yours is good cause I may get a third burger. Pfft, least I can stay hella fit and still eat like a pig." He shook his head and laughed happily.

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Jude's entire being went silent when he mentioned his boyfriend... or, ex-boyfriend. Brett - it was a nice name. He rubbed his wrists, the thought of Roman trying to force itself into his head like a battering ram to a door. His smile faded just for a second, but it forced itself back onto his face when Luke looked back up at him. He smirked when he mentioned the truckers, "yeah..." He said softly, looking outside to see that they had left. Jude zoned out for a moment, thinking about nothing too important to stick in his head. It wasn't until he heard Luke going on about food, that he turned his head to face him. His eyes looked over at the stolen frech fry, a genuine smile on his face. "Fry thief," He teased, stealing one of Luke's as retribution.


"I don't eat much, so you'll probably end up eating the rest later." Jude said as he grabbed his rather stuffed burger, and brought it to his mouth. He never ate too much; sure he got incredibly hungry at times, but usually a few bites would be enough to sustain him. His mother always chalked it up to being half bird, but he never had the wings to show for it. He looked over to Luke after he finished his bite and shrugged, "most men would envy you. My dad gained weight easily... but then he always had a control problem when it came to deep fried food. I grew up next to this restaurant that served deep friend pickles, and I feel like we ate there almost every week." Jude laughed, rolling his eyes while he took another bite.


Jude missed that restaurant more than anything. It was his comfort food for most of his teenage years. Though he swore he would never go back; it would put his family at risk, and he wasn't ready to face Roman... but would he ever? Jude wondered if Luke would end up like him, but he hoped he wouldn't. Jude grew to be a bit of a coward when it came to dealing with anything from his past, and it's kept him from a lot in this job. He knew where everyone in his family loved to go, and where they might be. This caused several cities to be none travel zones, which ended up costing a few peoples lives. That was a guilt Jude would carry forever.

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Luke could tell that he had hit a nerve for Jude as well and he instantly felt bad. He knew that this feeling was not alien to Jude who had been single now for a long while. Luke felt guilty for even bringing Brett up in that way, it wasn't fair to Jude and it wasn't right. He was happy to see a smile back on his face and the line about fry thief made Luke laugh. He winked and smiled gently, "Right back at you." he shifted and ate one of his french fries again with a soft sigh chewing it up as he listened to Jude speak. "What do you mean you don't eat a bunch?" Luke chuckled softly and shook his head picking up his own burger. "Oh well more for me anyway. This partnership will work out just great." he took a bite of his own burger and let out a soft moan of contentment as he chewed and swallowed the bite.


Luke laughed softly and sat the burger down lifting up his shirt exposing his abs which seemed to have grown slightly, "I'm more than happy to keep a body like this and eat like a fat ass." he chuckled and dropped his shirt back snatching another fry from Judes plate with a playful grin on his face. Luke watched Judes' face as he spoke about his past, it was always nice. Luke was different than most men, he actually paid attention to what people said and looked interested about it. Luke was more than interested in Judes past, specially this roman character.


"So...do you miss the restaurant? I'm sure you have alot of memories there right...? Have you...been back home since you left?" he asked softly taking another bite of his burger and then another. Before he knew it the first burger was gone and he was moving onto the plate of fries that was left behind. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. I know you're rather closed off about this kind of stuff I just figured it might help to talk about it...? me leaving my family has probably brought up your past." he spoke kindly and honestly as he looked across the table to Jude. Luke could practically feel the waitress staring at them. As if she was trying to hear what they were saying, it was bothering him more than usual so he wanted to keep their conversation far from supernatural talk and mostly into their personal lives.

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Watching Luke so happy and content with his food filled him with a little warmness in his heart. He smiled, sipping on his drink as he watched the other eat. It was so weird... he was just eating, but it was almost kind of cute watching him wolf the food down. The question caught him off guard, and he blushed just a bit. He put the drink back on the table and shook his head with a smile, "no... it's alright. We're partners now, so I'm happy answering these questions for you." Maybe not happy, but willing anyways. He paused, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked back on his home town, his family... everything. "I haven't been back since I left. I miss the restaurant, and my family... but going back home means..." He paused, sighing softly as his eyes looked up at the moon outside. "It means putting everyone I know in danger." Jude looked down sadly, before his eyes looked back up at Luke.


"But yeah... I have plenty of memories there. One time my cousin got us all kicked out because she wanted to start a food war. She took a handful of food, and threw it at this other kid and screamed, 'FOOD WAR.' Of course I joined in, and a few other kids and teenagers, and even an adult." Jude said, giving a full belly laugh at the memory. "My dad ended up having to beg the owner to let us back, it was fucking great." He wiped a tear from his eyes, chuckling a little as he tried to compose himself. Jude was too busy laughing to notice that Luke felt a little uneasy. Usually he was so aware of his surroundings, but he just got caught in the moment.


He took a deep breath and leaned his head back. Something about the ceiling reminded him that he forgot his wallet in the car, what about the ceiling was beyond him but he couldn't pay for dinner without it. Jude got up with a bright and happy smile, "I forgot my wallet in the car. Don't run off on me." He gave Luke a tiny wink, before he left the diner.

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Luke was shocked to see that blush cover his cheeks and it caused a soft smile to fill his own. He was happy that Jude was willing to talk to him about that. It...brought a warm feeling to his heart to hear that Jude was more than willing to open up to him. Luke had opened up to him so it was only fair that Jude would do the same, though Luke didn't think it would come so early. Luke knew that the question was a little...out of no where and that it was a little uncomfortable for Jude to answer but Luke was actually interested in his partner. He wanted to get to know him and become close to him so they could be better coworkers on their trip. Luke smiled a little and nodded, "I'm sorry... That sounds like an amazing place filled with amazing people. I'm sure one day you'll find yourself back there when the playing feild settles down some." He smiled a little to Jude trying to brush off that feeling of uneasiness and anxiety that was settling in his stomach.


Luke was finishing the last bite of his second burger when he heard Jude stand and wink to him causing Luke to flush a little and nod. "I won't go anywhere!" he said and waved. The waitress came over and cleared the plates on Luke's side, "Can you bring a box for him please? He went to get his wallet." he smiled up to her the nicest he could unable to scratch the feeling that she was a little too nice and a little too fake. She simply nodded and trotted away with two plates on her arms and grabbed a box bringing it back to the table.


"You boys want dessert?" She asked in her southern drawl.


"Nah I think we are alright. We need to get back on the road." He looked out the window looking at Jude rummaging through the truck.


"Where y'all headed?"


"Ah up north. We are visiting family."


"Oh? Right...you're together right? Cute...well flag me down when he gets back." She spoke and then nodded before tottering off back toward the other customer who was silently drinking coffee in the far booth. Luke absently tapped his foot looking back out into the night for Jude who should be coming back any minute.

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Jude fumbled for his keys when he got to his car. When he finally found the keys, he pressed it into the hole and went to turn it but was suddenly tapped on his back. "Luke, you dork I thought I told you to stay..." Jude said rolling his eyes as he went to face who he thought was Jude. Instead, it was one of the two truckers. "Hey, you fag. You ruined me and my friends appitite." He cussed, grabbing Jude by the sweater, and slammed him against the car hard. "You really think you can flaunt that shit in these parts? There were children in that diner." He cussed, before spitting into Clyde's face. Clyde honestly seemed unfazed until he spat in his face. He's seen monsters that terrified him as a child, really a homophobic trucker didn't scare him at all.

"Yeah, but hate his learned asshole. You're not born with it." Jude said before kicking the trucker hard in the balls. He let go of Jude, and bent over to hold his family jewels. "Fuck!" He screamed, going to sit up straight but before he could Jude slammed his forearm into his throat with made the man fall to the ground gasping for air. "Look, I can eat assholes like you for dinner. If you had half a brain, you would turn back, drive away, and leave me and my boyfriend alone." Jude said in a threatening tone, grabbing the truckers hair so he could look at him. "If you stay I might have to give you a black eye, and a I doubt you want to be bruised or cut by a gay man. It might ruin your ego." He let go of his hair, and watched as he scurried away with his tail tucked in between his legs. Jude just shook his head and turned back to his truck to unlock it.


One the truck was unlocked, he reached into the middle console and grabbed his wallet. Took him long enough... how long was he even gone? Why didn't Luke come to check on him? A bad feeling sank into his gut, and he quickly rushed back into the diner.

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Luke was impatient but he looked down at his phone and read that it was only five minutes since Jude had left. Sure he could be worriied about him but he couldn't be overly worried. He tapped his fingers on the table hearing a fight erupt behind the counter. He tilted his head and listened in, the tapping on the counter dying so he could listen. It was a fight between the waitress and the cook.


"You bitch! I told you to get those boys! I've seen that kid around here before...hes a hunter...for people like us." The cook hissed out looking out into the diner quickly to see if Jude was back yet causing Luke to duck his head away as if he wasn't paying attention. It was highly unlikely that the two of them knew he wasn't human.


"Tch...its hard when they make a scene and everyone in the diner wants to kick their ass. Someone will notice if I take him! But fine if its that big of a deal I'll take the hunk throw him in the van and lead the other hunter to the cellers. Then the clan can kill him, simple as that." The woman spoke back her southern drawl that had been so homey was now lost and replaced with what sounded like a new yorker accent. Luke scoffed softly and looked down at his watch, 20 minutes and counting. Where was Jude? Luke stood and headed toward the doors only to hear the soft click as the deadbolt slid to, locking him inside. He tried the door hearing a womans laugh behind him, what were they? They were using magic?


Luke slammed his fist into the door and shook his head with a soft chuckle, "Fuck...me..." He turned and the woman was standing infront of him pointing a gun to his chest.


"Follow me loverboy. We have a few plans for you and your friend. Not because you're gay of course, but because you're hunters." She said sternly and pushed the gun into his chest and then motioned to the back door. "Get walking."


Luke laughed softly holding up his hands, "Glad you're not abducting me for a homophobic reason. Good to know." He thought it was more than funny that she felt the need to explain that to him. He checked his watch again, Jude would be back any moment and he would be wondering where he was. Luke wasn't scared like he was when he was human, he felt in control of his fear and knew right away that Jude would be able to find him. This of course meant dropping something of his to let Jude know he was headed out the back. He looked toward the woman who was now walking behind him with a gun to his back and he moved his hands into his jacket lightly pulling out his keys. "Shouldn't you take these? It's practically a weapon." He moved setting them on the counter where the back door was.


"Oh...you're right...just shut up and keep walking. Do you have anything else on you?" She asked sternly causing Luke to snort.


"You're more than welcome to frisk me love but you won't find anything." He was always a charmer and women were no different than men. He flicked a small grin to her seeing her roll her eyes and push him forward some. Of course it wasn't really a push as much as a nudge considering Luke was forever bigger than her. He still acted like it pushed him forward and he nodded opening the door to the back and going to the van where he was tied up and thrown into the back. He cursed under his breath as he heard the engine start up. Jude if he was outside would hear this and know something was up. No one else was really in the diner and if they were their cars were parked next to Jude, not around the back.

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Jude walked into the diner, his eyes flashing over towards the table to find the Luke was gone. Panic started to settle into his heart, and he quickly moved to the bathrooms. "Luke," Jude called out, waiting around to see if he could hear his companion. "Shit," He cussed, punching a wall before running back to the main diner. His eyes wondered around, until they landed on a familiar set of keys. He ran over to them, clutching the keys in his hands. Something was wrong... was Luke trying to tell him something? Was he abducted? He rushed back outside, hearing an engine rev up around the back. He sprinted to the back, arriving just in time to catch a small van speeding out of the driveway. His hands clutched at the keys until he could feel the keys make an imprint on his skin, and ran to his truck. Thankfully due to all the excitement from earlier, the car was unlocked and ready to go. He hopped into the car, turning the engine over before he sped out after the truck.


Jude tried his hardest to follow a car behind, his heart beating in his chest out of sheer panic. Luke had already been through so much; he discovered this new addition to the world he lived in, became a werewolf, and had to leave his life behind. Now he was being abducted by god knows what, to fuck knows where! Jude ran his hands through his hair, trying to stay calm. Though to be fair, was there really any way to stay calm in a situation like this? He trailed the car, trying to be as discreet as possible. Who knows what would happen if they caught him following the van... what would they even do to Luke? The thought made him sick.

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Luke tilted his head back against the cool metal of the van. There were an array of things back here that suggested these people were not good people. There were old to go containers, possibly from a long trip. There were tools for cars, knives, and then there was an ax covered in blood. There were also and assortment of rusted nails and bolts rolling around in the back of the van with Luke. He pulled against his bonds as he listened to the woman speak to the cook in the seat next to her, "He's not normal. I'm telling you. I don't think this guys is a hunter." She spoke looking over the the cook in fear.


"What the fuck could he possibly be?" He asked looking over to her. "He looks like a common human, just with a hunting background!"


"I'm telling you something feels off about him. He's...hard as a rock when I pushed him. And he's warm." She said looking back to the road not even paying attention to the truck that was trailing them.


"What? You're saying this asshole is a werewolf? I highly doubt that Nina he's got normal eyes anyway." He waved a hand and shook his head dismissing Luke's possible monster background.


The binds easily snapped off leaving a small trace of rope burn but nothing more. He moved looking around and then looked back up at the front of the van. He could take them both out in a split second, but cutting off their heads wasn't a guaranteed kill seeing as they were inhuman. He leaned his head back denting the side of the van causing the man to look back, "Shut the fuck up!"


Luke glared at him before he heard them drive off the highway. Sounded like they took an exit and then turned left driving down a two lane road probably. He could hear the gravel under the wheels of the tires as they turned off this road onto what felt like a gravel driveway. Where the hell were they taking him? They had to be 30 minutes from the diner already. It wasn't long that gravel turned to dirt and they finally stopped. They hopped out of the car and came to the back only to be jumped by Luke. The woman opened the back so that was the one he threw onto the ground and started running. He was fast too but apparently these assholes weren't going to let him escape.


The sound of a gunshot rang out over the clearing followed by a pained scream from Luke. He fell to the ground holding his thigh feeling the warmth of blood sliding down his leg, "You asshole!" He screamed out and stood again as the woman ran to him and grabbed him roughly. Luckily the wound would heal in a matter of minutes and he could try again. He looked up at the stars as they dragged him to an abandoned building wandering where Jude could be.

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Wgen the van pulled off the highway and into the gravel rode, he turned off his headlights before he turned into the rode himself. His heart beat ferociously in his chest. A million scenarios flashed through his head, and none of them were pretty. They were going to kill Luke... and it would be all his fault. He felt like such a dumb ass for leaving the diner, abd leaving Luke unattended... Luke knew little about the world Jude did, so it was a rookie mistake leaving Luke. What would Ethan or his family say about this? He dug his fingers into yhe steering wheel, and chewed at his cheeks like gum. His eyes were glued to the car, and his heart tried so hard to stay positive. When he saw the car stop, hr drove just a bit of ways before parking his car.


He knew nothing about the creatures he was facing, so he quickly grabbed his duffel bag that was full of things just for thia situation; the contents held a variety of different knives and bullets, and it even had holy water, wolvesbane water, and so much more. He pulled the bad over his shoulder and strapped a handgun to his hip, before he quickly got out of the car. In the distance he heard a gun go off, and panic started to settle in his heart even further. Luke was dead... oh god. He shook his head, trying to keep his cool. He crouched down, hiding behind a bush. A quiet sigh of relief exited his lips when he saw the people drag Luke into an abandoned building. His jaw tightened in anger for himself and the people who were stupid enough to pull this. He eas going to kill them, and it was going to be bloody. Jude waited until they got into the building to run out from behind the bush, and crept into the building. He crouched down, hiding behind a filing cabinet. Jude kept his hand on his gun, ready to fire at any moment. There was no used barging in if Jude had no clue what he was dealing with... unless they did something to Luke.

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Luke heard the soft sound of moving brush in the distance and he smirked lightly only to feel an elbow in his gut causing him to cough up lightly, "What are you smiling at asshole? Walk." The guy spoke throwing luke onto the floor of what looked like used to be a living room. "I'll get things ready downstairs. This guy...isn't human. His leg is already healing. We will have to cut him and keep the wounds open in order to bleed him correctly." The cook said looking over Luke and chuckling lightly.


"He was a werewolf! I told you!" The woman smiled brightly and looked down to luke only to pout. "He's too pretty. What a pitty. I'll take him down to the basement and get him started." She moved lightly and Luke started to move on his own. He looked over to her completely confused, she was moving him without even touching him. They went downstairs, his entire body feeling numb. He leaned his head back against the wall that he was placed next to only to whimper from the pain. "Oh hush it, I'm going to hurt you more." She said leaning over and crawling onto Luke's lap. He was sitting in a chair against the wall and now he was being straddled by a possible witch. Perfect.


"Tch...I hope you know I don't roll your way." He smirked lightly hearing the soft clank of chains next to his head. He looked up seeing they were attached to the concrete ceiling. They were quickly clamped around his wrists and his arms were hiked over his head stretching him out slightly.


"Oh I know...though I have little toys to make you like me you know, if I wanted to." She leaned forward and kissed his neck lightly as her nails dug into his shirt, ripping it with her nails. He pouted lightly shaking his head, "Shush." She spoke sliding her hands over Lukes chest as if it was her favorite meal. "Alright handsome. This is gonna hurt." She held up a hook and smiled evily before pushing it into the skin under his ribs. Luke cried out in pain feeling the silver pierce his skin. He cried out once more feeling the hook, which was attached to another chain, was hiked up further pulling his rib cage up slightly.


"Tch...you bitch..." He spat at her his head lowering in pain as blood trailed down his side. She smiled brightly tilting his face up and kissing him only to pull away with a bleeding lip. She slapped him hard and spat the blood out onto the ground.


"You'll pay for that you prick." She grabbed another hook sliding it under his left side this time. Luke leaned his head back crying out in pain feeling hot tears slide down his cheeks. Where the hell was Jude, he swore he heard him earlier.


"Why do you need me? huh?" He asked through pants looking over to her. She only hummed and grabbed a knife sliding it between her fingers. "Tell me why you want me. You're going to kill me anyway right?" He asked groaning as the knife was imbedded into his stomach and pulled across. He coughed up blood tightening his hands against the chains that held his arms suspended above him.


"You're right, but I won't tell you anything." She pat his face leaving the knife in his skin and putting a bucket under the chair to catch the blood dripping from the open wound in his stomach. The hooks were only there to keep him weakened and unable to heal. Luke groaned lowly looking up at the cieling, "Jude..." He whispered the mans name like it was a prayer trying to break free from the chains with no avail.

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Jude's eyes darkened when the woman lead him into the basement, without even touching Luke. Witches... great; when they were good they were really useful, but when they tampered with the dark arts they were just a pain in the ass. He waited until Luke and the woman were gone, keeping his eyes on the cook. If he could kill one, it would make their chances greater... it would make Luke's chances greater. He just needed to do it in a way they couldn't hear him in the basement. He turned to his bag, digging around until he grabbed his five inch hunting knife. Leaving his bag over by where he hid, Jude snuck by, hiding behind the couch. He took a deep breath, listening closely to every little footstep. The cries in the basement could reach Jude's ears, and it made him sick to his stomach. He needed to rush downstairs to help Luke... But the cook had to die first.


Jude quietly followed the cook, trying his best to move when the cook moved and hide behind things. This wasn't his first job, so he learned how to stalk his prey quietly. He felt his body go numb, a feeling he usually got when he was getting ready to kill someone. Maybe it was something left over from the year he was a puppet, or maybe it was something that most humans felt. All he knew is that he was ready, and that someone wasn't coming out alive. Jude held the knife in his hands, clutching it tight. He slowly moved to the cook, looking him down like a lion would a zebra. In one quick swoop, Jude grabbed the cooks hair, covered his mouth, and slit his throat. After the body fell to the ground, he wiped his knife on his clothing and walked back to the staircase that led to the basement.


Jude crouched back down again, trying to keep that numb feeling. He didn't want to feel sorry for them... why would he? They had a choice to live peaceful lives, but instead they have some murder house used for god knows what. How many people died here? What rituals were they trying to do here? Whatever they were trying to do here, they weren't going to live to do it again. Jude was on a mission, and he almost always got the results he wanted.

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