BunBunTheCatSnake Posted December 4, 2017 Share Posted December 4, 2017 Reveal hidden contents Name: Simon Greymen Age: 26 Height: 5'7 Likes: *Has a full on coffee addiction *Sex *Going to the clubs Dislikes: *Commitment *When people catch feelings *When people call him a slut Simon woke up, groaning softly as he sat up. He ran his fingers through his messy black locks of hair, letting out a soft yawn. He looked down at a rather handsome man sleeping next to him. Was his names James? Jon? Jacob? He knew the guy told him when Simon was trying to reel him in, but he honestly didn't care to know his name - he wanted to know his dick size. Simon stepped out of bed, only for the man to swing his arms around his waist. "Babe... stay in bed. Maybe we can even go for another round?" The man said, kissing a trail from his spine to his neck. Simon looked back at him, capturing his lips one last time before pulling away. "You... have to go." Simon said, pushing the stranger away. The man looked taken back, and even a bit offended, and who could blame him? After a few minuets of the man complaining about how Simon was a heartless asshole, and that he was going to tell everyone about how much he sucked in bed he left. Them leaving was the second best part. Besides, Simon started his new job today, and he needed to get ready without any distractions. He got up, and hopped into the shower to wash away any scent of his indecent actions last night. He needed to come off as professional. After Simon got ready, he hopped into his car and sped down the street. He was a bit nervous about starting this new job. The only reason he left his last job was because they were going under, and they let everyone else go. It was another secretarial job, and he found himself to be quite handy with office work. It wasn't exactly how Simon pictured his life at this moment, but at least it paid the bills. He found an empty parking spot, and turned into it before getting out of the car and heading to the office. After asking a few people where the CEO's office was, he finally found his way. He looked down at the empty desk, before his eyes flashed towards the door. He took a deep breath, before he knocked softly against the wood. "Um... Hi. It's Simon Greyman... Your new secretary." He announced, suddenly feeling himself start to get a bit shaky. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mik3la Posted December 5, 2017 Share Posted December 5, 2017 Reveal hidden contents Name: Nick Carter Age: 27 Likes: *Music *sex *relaxing nights Dislikes: *being rejected *animals *lazy people Time changes a person. So did it for Nick. From the kid who was crazy and would get into trouble, he became this successful man from today. He was a CEO of a firm that was investing in different projects to help the world, making the world a better place so to say. It was hard but the reward of good work was extremely satisfying. Today was the day he was going to get his new secretary, or at least that's what he was hopping off. He also hoped that the new one wasn't as lazy or idiot as the last one who was to busy to fascinated over him and ignore the work they had to do. Sometimes it could have been because of him but still. They had to keep it professional, at least in the office. He was at his desk preparing a few documents for his next meetings that he had during the day when he heard a knock on the door. It wasn't the fact that the person got there earlier than their appointment that got him freeze. No. It was the name that he didn't heard in years. Simon Greyman, his teenage love that rejected him because he didn't want a relationship, just fuck buddies. How could he forget him. It was the moment that his heart broke and turned him in the asshole that he is today. Straitening his back he tried to maintain a neutral expression and position. After all, he was the CEO and Simon came for a job opportunity. Now this is what i call it Karma. Leaving the papers aside, he lifted his eyes towards the door and spoke as calmly as possible, even if on the inside he was burning. "Come in Mr. Greyman. Have a sit", he could be such a good actor. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BunBunTheCatSnake Posted December 6, 2017 Author Share Posted December 6, 2017 Simon walked into the room the second he heard the okay to walk in. He looked over at the CEO with a smile, though it soon faded when he realized who he was talking to. Shit, he thought with dread. Out of all the men that he turned down, Nick stuck with him the most. Their relationship lasted longer than any of his other flings lasted, and he was even friends prior to them fucking. Simon slept with a lot of men, he always hoped he would never have to run into Nick again. Simon forced that smile, and sat down from across his desk. Unlike Nick, Simon could be an open book if he didn't prepare beforehand. "Good morning sir." Simon said as he held out his hand to shake Nicks. He hoped that Nick didn't remember him, but that was just fools hope. How could Nick not remember Simon? He was so cold when he turned him down, and then to just ignore him completely afterwards? Nothing changed with how Simon ended his relationship with his sex partners, but he never thought it would bite him in the ass this hard. Simon needed this job, he was desperate, and now his fate landed in Nick's hands. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mik3la Posted December 11, 2017 Share Posted December 11, 2017 "I just looked over your resume. I have to say that i am very surprise to see the works you have done in the past and also the reviews i received from you previous employees" he added leaning his back on the chair, playing with the corners from the papers on his desk. " I still have to ask, why this company?" he asked looking at the other. "I mean, one of your previous employees is one of our competitors" he added being serious. That was something that caught his eye. He could be a spy sent by the other company. Who knows. "Or better say ... Tell me something about you. I'm not a person who believed what is said on the paper. I like to have a small chat with my new possible recruiters. Not to mention that you are applying to be my secretary" he added smiling cocky in the corner of his mouth. "So ... I'm all ears" he said leaning in forward, resting his arms on the desk, keeping his grey eyes on the boy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BunBunTheCatSnake Posted December 13, 2017 Author Share Posted December 13, 2017 The first question caught Simon off guard, but thankfully he was prepared to be asked it! He knew what he was stepping into before he handed in his resume. He went to open his mouth and explain that he thought it would be a lot more beneficial working here, because he ran his previous company out of business... however, he couldn't get any of that in, before he changed the question. This... he was not expecting... Usually this question was asked a lot, but not from a previous sex friend that ended horribly. "Well... I guess, besides what it says on the paper..." He could feel his entire face go red. "Well... um... I... I have a dual major of English and art. I wanted to be a comic book artist and writer, but that got me far." Simon laughed awkwardly, feeling his chance of getting this job slowly going down the drain. "But I guess my degree also helps me with secretarial duties. I can write an email decently." Simon could feel Nick's eyes look through his soul, and it made him uncomfortable. "I... I also um... I swear I'm a lot better talking to people, when I'm not in an interview." Simon joked, rubbing the back of his neck. He broke eye contact with Nick, and he hated himself for it. He probably wasn't going to get this job anyways, so what was the point? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mik3la Posted December 13, 2017 Share Posted December 13, 2017 Nick smiled hearing the other talk. He never thought that even after this long time he was still had feelings for the other. After all that happened he thought he would never see him again, but apparently , Karma was a bitch. A battle was running inside of him. One who wanted to ignore the boy and make him turn around and close the door behind and the other that wanted him around. Biting his lip he sigh, starting to clean his desk. It was his last interview and the evening so he needed to go home. "Very well then. Tomorrow I expect you to be here at 7 A.M short with two cups of coffees. One for me and one for you. I need my coffee or otherwise I will not be in a good mood" he said getting up from his chair getting closer to the boy. "And you don't want me to see me angry" he added winking at the other. "With all these been said you're free" he clapped his hands taking his jacket from the back of his chair. "Mind if i join you till the main entrance hall?" he added keeping his eyes on the other. He had to admit that time didn't make much changes. It only made him even good looking. He had to keep his feet cold not to get burn again like the last time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BunBunTheCatSnake Posted December 16, 2017 Author Share Posted December 16, 2017 Simon's eyes lit up when Nick told him he got the job. This was turn of events! "T-thank you!" Simon said happily, going to shake Nick's hand but his hand retreated. "Okay coffee got it. I know an amazing coffee shop, so I got this!" He said, getting up from his seat and grabbing his briefcase. "Thank you sir, I will not disappoint you." It was clear that Nick didn't remember Simon, otherwise he would have never hired him in the first place... Unless Nick had forgiven Simon? Simon's eyes flashed up to Nick when he had asked him to join him. He offered the male a smile and nodded, "yeah sure. That seems fun." Simon walked out the door, his hand tightly clutching the briefcase. "It's kind of cool that you built this business. I can barely build a sand castle." Simon joked, his eyes flashing over to Nick. "How'd you do it? Did you major in business or something?" Simon asked, curious on how Nick from high school managed to get... well... here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mik3la Posted December 20, 2017 Share Posted December 20, 2017 Nick took his coat and his briefcase and walked along Simon towards the elevator. It seemed that Simon got curious about him and how he manage to grow in this business. He was right to be curious, because back in high school he wasn't the brilliant genius guy who knew what he was going to do in his life. No, he was a reckless son of a bitch who was enjoying life to the extreme. Reaching the elevator and pushing the button, he looked back at the boy thinking if he should stop the act and let him know that he remembered him. That he remembered how he acted and what he said back then after all they shared and went through. He sigh preparing his answer which was a vague one. "Hard work i guess ...... and also father left the company on my hands after he retired" he added smiling looking at the boy. He missed him and wondered how he's been. When the elevator doors opened he got in and pushed the ground floor button waiting for the other to join him in."And about what you said ..... As far i can remember you were a pretty good sand castle builder" he added looking up at the sign with the floor's numbers. That was one of the memories that he liked. It was on their summer vacation, where all started. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BunBunTheCatSnake Posted December 22, 2017 Author Share Posted December 22, 2017 Simon's head turned and he looked at Nick when he mentioned the sand castles. Shit, shit, shit, shit! Simon thought to himself, his eyes shifting around the room. He remembered him, and there was no way he could get out and away from him that wouldn't be rude. "O-oh..." Simon said looking down at his feet. "Well, um... hi..." He said awkwardly, trying to find the right words, but failing miserably. What was there to say? Hey, I remember that summer! We ended up having en extreme amount of sexual tension, and we fucked for the first time under the dock. No. That was a huge no. "You... got this company now... I'm so proud of you." He said awkwardly, his face beat red at this point. The elevator opened, and they were suddenly faced with the whole company. Would they notice his face? Oh god... what would they think? Why was he so conscious about how he looked now? He looked down at his feet, his throat dry with words he wanted to say, but couldn't. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mik3la Posted December 22, 2017 Share Posted December 22, 2017 He stopped for a second when they reach the ground floor looking over his shoulder to the boy. "Are you coming Mr. Greymen?" he asked very formally, but noticing that the boy started to blush and getting nervous. Narrowing his eyes he wondered what got in the other. It wasn't that hard to act as before. It should have been something normal for him. After all, he was the best actor he ever saw in his life. He moved back to the boy and bend a little so that he can whisper in his ear, setting his hand on the others back. "If you don't want people to ask questions or stare i think it would be best for you to start walking" he said looking after the boy in the eyes, taking a few steps away from him and walking towards the front door to get his car. "Do you need a ride?" he asked Simon casually waiting for the doorman to get his car from the parking lot. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BunBunTheCatSnake Posted December 25, 2017 Author Share Posted December 25, 2017 Simon could feel his skin crawl when Nick touched his back. He looked over at his arm, and stepped way akwardly from it. "Oh.. yeah..." He rubbed his face, trying to compose himself before he walked through the office with Nick. His heart was beating like a drum, andhe could feel those panicked beats in his stomach. The feeling of nausea swept over him, but it was fleeting. He walked with Nick, looking down at his feet quietly. His eyes looked up to see the doors, and he could feel joy sweep over him. Thank god, Simon thought to himself. He wanted to run through those doors, but he knew it would look bad. The sudden question made Simon smile awkwardly at him. "Oh... no... I have a car. I guess I'll see you tomorrow with two coffee's." He said as he shot finger guns at him while he looked away. He turned on his heels and hurried to his car. He quickly hopped into the front seat and fumbled for his keys, before he pushed them into the ignition and turned the key. Instead of firing up, the engine made a gurgling type of noise. Out of desperation, Simon tried over and over again... but alas, no luck. "Fuck..." Simon said, resting his head on the steering wheel. Who did he know that could give him a ride? He knew that his mom would let him use her other car, so getting around would be no issue... it was just getting it that was. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mik3la Posted December 25, 2017 Share Posted December 25, 2017 He nodded with understatement although he was burning inside. The fact that he touched him again after so long it sent electricity down his spine. He never thought that he would feel it again, but apparently, old feelings will never disappear even after so many years. it was a controversy feeling. he was happy to see that he was still feeling something for the other but at the same time angry for being so stupid again, because he knew that the other didn't changed and would never work between them. As he was waiting for his car to arrive he looked at Simon as he was getting in the car and trying to get away from the place. He smiled in amusement. It would seem that the universe was on his side this time. When he car arrived he got in an drove right near the boys car, stopping and letting the window down, hitting the horn for a second. "Still not wanting that ride?" he asked smiling cheesy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BunBunTheCatSnake Posted December 27, 2017 Author Share Posted December 27, 2017 Simon gently hit his head against the steering wheel as he tried to think of someone other than Nick that could help him out. However everyone he knew was either at work, or probably wouldn't do it in the first place. Almost as if the universe was out to get him, a loud honk pulled him out of his thoughts. With his head still on the steering wheel, he looked over at Nick dreadfully. That cheesy smile of his made Simon want to vomit... however, Nick was Simon's only chance to get to work in the morning. "Fine..." He grumbled as he got out of his car, and slowly hopped into Nicks. He sat in the seat furthest than him, his body pressed against the door. "Thanks..." He mumbled, his hand pressed against his hand. Why? Why would Simon run into Nick of all people? Was the universe trying to give him his karma, because this was just going way too far. Nick was one of the only men Simon actually had fun with. He didn't sleep with him because it sounded okay at the time, he slept with him because it was exciting and each time was different. Nick was the only one that never ceased to surprise Simon. Each time with Nick was like the first time, and it made Simon feel... special back then. However, all good things have to end. Simon never slept with anyone that could stir emotion like Nick, and now he was faced with him again. This time it was different though; back then they were stupid teenagers, and now Nick held his future in his hands. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mik3la Posted December 29, 2017 Share Posted December 29, 2017 Nick nodded and start driving, setting up the radio on to kill the silence between them. It was quite awkward to drive with someone on your wright but not talking, so the music was perfect to animate the situation. "Same old address?" he asked turning left downtown to take a short detour which was making the trip shorter and make it possible for Simon to get home earlier. "Would calm down? I'm not going to eat you" he added laughing when he saw the boy's position on the chair making him laugh. not yet at least .... i have a lot of plans for you .... "What's the problem?" he asked skipping an eye on the boy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BunBunTheCatSnake Posted December 29, 2017 Author Share Posted December 29, 2017 Did Nick know where Simon's old childhood home was even now? It was oddly sweet, but it also reminded him how things ended between the two. "No... not anymore. I moved out almost exactly after high school." He said, looking over at Nick for a short second. "Though I do live downtown... Right next to the bar Rainbow Bridge." He lived in a bad neighborhood; the kind that people lock their doors at all hours, and walking down the street at night (or even in broad daylight) might cost a wallet. The only saving grace was the gay bar Rainbow Bridge, where he spent most of his evenings. Living next to it was a bit noisy, but at least it made it easier to bring someone home. The next question caught Simon off guard. "Nothing," he said quickly, chewing at his lip anxiously. "Nothing at all." He couldn't wait to be back at home, and away from the human personification of karma. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mik3la Posted January 23, 2018 Share Posted January 23, 2018 "Alright" he said slowly narrowing his eyes, figuring which neighborhood the boy was talking about. He was wondering how did he end up in that area and why did he moved so far away. What had happened home? There were so many questions that he wanted to asked but he knew that the other was already feeling awkward and he didn't want to extent the conversation into a delicate subject. Driving pass the bridge he turned on the ale where the bar was and stopped right on the other side of the road from the bar. "Be safe and have a good night Simon", he said looking at the boy with concern. "See you tomorrow at work, ok?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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