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Petty Complaints


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Post all your petty (or not so petty) complaints here! We'll cheer you up hopefully lolol.


My PC: I had to buy a packet of paper and I needed 150 but could only find packs of 100 so now I have 50 extra papers lying around my apartment. They'll probably be there forever too.

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I’m very Happy tomorrow is my last day at work before my annual vacations, but at the same time I know tomorrow I’m gonna have to work like....200% more because I have to get everything ready and delivered before I left.



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Oh i like this thread allready.


I found in a store, probably the most stupied thing to buy that i have seen (for this week so far at least) -_______-

..... ..... ....


In a small dam darn box... effing-Confetti....And not even alot. more like "One hand full" of confetti.

What the hell is wrong with kids these day..1Whhyyy do you want confetti in the first Place?! its messy to Clean up and you will find pices of it eons after it was used. 2...its stupied.


Man i like this thread :D

:_red_fox 5

I feel so much more better now :D

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RIP I know the day has already passed lol but hopefully seeing this in your mentions reminds you how awesome it is it's over

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lmaoooo a handful of confetti?? when you're in a festive mood but have no friends

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you just described my life thank you

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My petty complaint: my brother ate my favorite ice cream that I had been saving when he came over. Ideas to get him back? Please be extreme thank you.

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If this ain't a perfect thread for me, I don't know what is.. xD


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poison in the next ice cream. nothing less would suffice


As for my own personal little problems, I have spent the last 2 months training my body & soul to sleep during the day & be active at night and now I can't seem to break the cycle no matter how hard I try.. It's starting to affect my actual life O_o

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Either hot sauce in the next batch of ice cream OR changing the language on his phone to something obscure and watching him struggle trying to understand traditional Finnish...

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I feel you.... for me a sort of "shoch therapy" would usually do the trick (i.e just wake up really early one day), but I know some people who do the opposite (going to sleep later and later until you finally go back to normal human hours)


Also, I have a hole in my sock, but no will power to get up and change it.

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I love it. It's gonna be a close call between your idea or
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's idea.


Mochi, you should try meditation. I recently started and downloaded a couple of apps to help me and my sleep has gotten a lot better since then.


I HATE HOLES IN SOCKS. I mainly wear sandals lol. I don't have the emotional energy to deal with that.

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well lol- last week i met a friend that i didn't meet for along time because he's studying abroad, i was pretty excited and nervous too~ so when we met at the airport, i ran to hug him but here my shoe decided to tear off... As i fall!!





That moment i really wanted to buried myself alive :")

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- that's my plan every day - to wake up very early and then not to sleep till late, but I usually end up caving & catch a nap somewhere, which of course makes it impossible to fall asleep at the right time.. URG.. good BL books don't help either, btw:D

but you know what does? I had problems with the internet, so I actually went to bed at 8 pm last night and slept till morning.. A radical, but practical solution!:D


P.S. who won in the bottle you vs the sock?

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I can't get into it at all! I tried so many times - but I just feel like I'm doing something wrong when I try to practice.. I need clear rules instead of "relax & focus on your breathing".. which apps are you using?

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O_O I'm so sorry to hear that.. I could easily imagine myself in that situation, except that my friend would probably laugh at me as well..


My petty complain of the day is that someone cancelled on me today before I had the chance to do it myself xD I look less cool now:D

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Oh how I feel you... but at least something worked! :Dancing: btw I think problems with the internet are the solution to almost everything (didn't have WiFi for half of the day and so I started preapering things for exams, which I've been putting off for a few days now). In the end I had to get up and get ready to this family gathering we had so I changed the faulty socks XD


Also, in the proccess of getting ready I walked into my door, knee first (at least not face first, seeing that also happened in the past). I'm such a graceful person.

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ahah relatable! I've also watched a movie for the first time in 12 (!) months & did some budgeting (yep, I'm that hip). So no internet can be a real productivity boost!

have you ever tried some restricting extensions like stayfocuced & the similar? they are cruel, but also work:( too bad I keep disabling them xD

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never tired any of those but I don't think I have enough will power XD Although it's probably a good idea since my concentration is somewhat... fluid. Maybe I'll give it a try- thanks for the advice! :D

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ble good luck:D (And good luck with the exams as well - I hope they will go smoothly! :leaf12:

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LOLOL I'm sorry I feel bad for you but if I was that friend that would have made my dad lmao

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I'm using meditation (blue circle) and headspace (orange circle) . Actually, I have ADHD that doesn't allow me to clear my mind or concentrate but these apps really helped me relax my body.


- - - Updated - - -

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RIP your knee

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I will google them, thanks!:D


Petty complain - still woke up in the middle of the night. Urg

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rip your nail

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heart I mean literally same. I've just accepted that my apartment will always be in some state of chaos.

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heart I mean literally same. I've just accepted that my apartment will always be in some state of chaos.

Yeah it's hard doing it alone. Working on getting a cleaner to help me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think my teeth might be moving back to the wrong place a bit. I feel like there is a bit of space between my front teeth & I never saw it before.I wore braces for three (!) years, I can't handle this:(

petty? maybe! justified after spending so much money on braces? YES!


*went back to crying*

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if it makes you feel better, I'm pretty sure I have gingivitis. I have a loose permanent tooth (not loose loose but I also feel it moving a bit). I'm going to a dentist tomorrow. I'll pray for the both of us lololol.

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