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I think I would feel really awkward, and I would probably try to reject them


But it depends on who asked me, if it was somebody I really didn't get along with well I would say no but if it was somebody who I get along with and don't get angry with all the time then I might say yes


I don't know though, I'd probably think it was a joke because I have very low self confidence

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  • 4 weeks later...
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I really don't know what I should do.

I actually think that one of my female (I'm girl) friend like me or something. I don't hate her but if she really likes me and confess I couldn't go out with her (if she asks). But I don't want to hurt anyone so I'll just explain that I don't want to hurt her but I just cannot return the love.

There is actually some girls I gladly would date because they are so cute~ :3

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  • 2 weeks later...

If i like that person why not? I'm bisexual for now, i had relationships with boys and girls, and i dont really care about the sexuality. It's more frustrating i think that, even if you are bisexual, you can't find a person to love. In my case this is how it works.

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  • 5 months later...

I think I don't know what to do... But, if they are my friends, ignoring them is something not a good thing to do because my circle of friends is girls only. Boys don't like me much! Haha, either way, I don't like them much too.


Just like Last Sky said, I totally agree you! They really pissed me off!


I have a few friends who are lesbian and I still friends with them. ^^

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  • 3 weeks later...

uh,, first of all i am straight,, maybe i would thank her because she likes me but instead of having romantic feelings for one another i would just tell her that we could still be friends.. XD

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Depends..If I like hanging out with that person and we generally have a fun time together I'd probably give it a shot ^^

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i would just think :

disgusting ...

and maybe scary ...

it's kinda weird but even though I'm girl I'm sacred of them .

i hate them also .

but all my friend are girls .

i don't think i ever spoke to a boy .

weird ; ha ?!

if something like that happened i would just avoid her .

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This has actually happened to me in middle school.

My best friend since elementary school confessed to me and said she loved me.

I didn't freak out or get disgusted by what she said to me I just casually said that I'm straight and that I'm sure there's a girl out there that would be better suited for her.

We didn't get a weird awkward silence between us and just went on with our life.

Still today we're still best friends in college and she's happy with her girlfriend : )

But i guess it just depends on the person and how they react to the situation.

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amayakaida, I don't like that kind of attitude. And I won't tolerate that negativity to spread this community. You think girlxgirl is disgusting and yet likes yaoi?




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amayakaida, I don't like that kind of attitude. And I won't tolerate that negativity to spread this community. You think girlxgirl is disgusting and yet likes yaoi?



girlxgirl disgust me not because their homo .

i have Heterophobia .

you see ...

that's not why it disgust me .

it is just that i can't stop hating girls .

i'm girl .

and that means i hate myself too .

but i can't change it .

it's just who i am .

so ...

when it comes to girl x girl ...

it will just disgust me .

because it means two girls .

just it .

nothing more .

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Hm, it depends on if I'm attracted to that girl as well. If I'm also attracted to her, I wouldn't have a problem accepting her, but if I didn't feel the same way, I would try to let her know that in the gentlest way possible, and say I still want to be friends.

Although, one of the girls I chat with, has mentioned she thinks she just has these flings because she's waiting to meet me in real life. To be honest, I probably wouldn't have trouble accepting her, but that's probably also because she's one of the friends with whom I'm completely comfortable, despite having only talked to her through chat and I still haven't figured out whether I'm straight, bi or lesbian. But then again, it's not like I ever had a partner before ...

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Hmm good question, I don't know what my reaction would be. I am straight and I don't see my self with a girl (as in a serious relationship). I would definitely thank her for her confession because it takes a lot of courage to tell someone you like that you like them (what with the fear of rejection and all). I would not avoid her either, I'll try to keep things as they were (as much as possible).


But then again, I am a person with an open mind so if it happens that I do develop feelings for her I would consider dating her. (But the chances of that happening are pretty low ^^)

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  • 1 month later...

ignore, I had this one sitch, my classmate had a crush on me and showing me the slightest hint of confession. I know that you should reconsider the feeling of that person, but i'm straight so i'd always evade her.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wouldn't know what to do at first, speechlessness is what comes to mind at first, lol. Then I really guess it depends how good of a friend they are and if you also feel some attraction to them.

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I'd say no.. mainly because I hate being asked out and being confessed to.. I would much rather confess/ask out the other person. Just because I would of already confessed by that time.. I am not someone to hold back. So if I asked her out than sure! ;D

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Well, for starters I'm stright, so I'd surely say no, but I guess in the best way possible. The thing is, I have a problem rejecting people I care about (not only in this kind of situations), I tend to be too subtle or to avoid the matter as much as I can. It ends up draging the situation for way too long. I really don't know how people solve these situations without making the relationship forever akward or simply ending it.


But to answer this, it'd be probably a rotund but diplomatic no.

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I would have no problem depending on the friend, but I would feel awful if it was someone I cared for. Plus I wouldn't mind being chased for a change rabbit13

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If I truly considered her a friend I'd say yes. I'm a really quiet person around strangers and the only way anyone would be able to get me to talk is talking to me about something I like until I open up as well, pestering me until I talk to her or, it it's in the classroom(First day of school usually), the teacher asks me to do something that involves talking. I have a lot of people I talk to and I don't know who considers me a friend or an acquaintance, but I know who are the people I'm really close to. So those who are close to me are the only ones who are gonna get a positive answer. If I think that we're not really that close, I'd say no properly, and as nicely as I could. Completely ignoring her will break her heart and upset her. I used to really like one of my best friends (she's a girl, as am I) and when she forced me to confess who I liked and I said it was her she pretended like it didn't happen and completely ignored me. She treated me like she would treat me like she would treat any person that she knows but she wasn't close to. After we graduated, she still kept in touch with all of our friends but completely cut me off, even changing her number and going offline when I was online. I think it was an over reaction, it wasn't like I was stalking her or forcing her to accept my feelings but it would hurt for your friend if you just ignored her.

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If I wasnt involved with anyone at the time then I would probably say yes. The only time this has happened to me was when a friends girl friend confessed, it was quite scary but I was polite but firm then ran away

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  • 1 year later...

same gender..well, accepting the feeling different from really going out with the person.. i will accept the feelings but it doesn't mean that i will go out with her.

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  • 1 month later...

Ignore it. I mean, they're my friend but I wouldn't say anything mean about it. I'll accept it, but I will reject them. But we'll still be friends. I wouldn't want to lose anymore friends.

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wouldn't it be best to go with how you feel toward the person. If you like them back, accept their feelings. If you don't like them in that sense, you let them down gently. that's what i'll do. :hamtaro-005 (19):

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