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Right now, I...

Yaoi Eater

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Mood: bored

Status: waiting for?

Location: here

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: a banana

Drinking: nothing......

Dressed in: pajamas....is still kind of morning

Listening: Kat Deluna - Drop it low

Watching: the booty shaking lessons lol =)) actually the video :D

Reading: Darkness by John Saul :D

Thinking: thaaaaaaaat I'll probably watch some more American Pie to kill some time *yawns*

Dating: -

Love: meee

Annoyed: at mom

Hate: better don't say it....it's kinda bad :D

Missing: June.....or July....

Wanting: ???

Can't wait to: ......Saturday I suppose

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Mood: defeated

Status: caffeine abstinence

Location: hellhole

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: nothing, thinking about lunch soon

Drinking: nothing... Damn coffee pot is in the dishwasher T_T

Dressed in: jeans and a NIN-T-shirt

Listening: Malice Mizer - Transylvania

Watching: the screen

Reading: what I've written so far in A Night to Remember

Thinking: *blank*

Dating: -

Love: -

Annoyed: about everything pretty much

Hate: not getting an apartment

Missing: Mino, Kat, a place to stay.

Wanting: to meet up with above mentioned people and to have a place to live.

Can't wait to: get a fucking apartment *sob*

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Mood: Lively.

Status: Sketching.

Location: Shinigami Realm.

Y!M/Skype status: --

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: --

Eating: A peach.

Drinking: Fresh water.

Dressed in: Brownish gray shorts and black t-shirt.

Listening: Smashing Pumpkins.

Watching: Back To The Future. Again. :'D

Reading: Arakawa Under The Bridge.

Thinking: "Sister and Maria couldn't be more perfect for each other. Seriously."

Dating: Raf and Mari.


Annoyed: Rarely.

Hate: Scratched CDs/DVDs.

Missing: My long lost white pen drive.

Wanting: A dragon. A huge black one with cool-looking wings. Has to spit fire too. And to have yellow, gold-colored sharp eyes. And when he growls the earth shakes like mad and the tectonic plates drift apart and collide disturbingly fast with shattering strength. (*_*)

Can't wait to: Read the next chapters of my favorite fan-fictions.

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Status:do u hate your face when you put on makeup? You don't have to hate something to improve on it. Nothing wrong with That.


Y!M/Skype status: ....

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: Akinori

Eating: Fried noddle

Drinking: Coffee

Dressed in: Pyjamas

Listening: baek Ji Young

Watching: -

Reading: -

Thinking: shopping.

Dating: Akinori

Love: Akinori

Annoyed: Ah Kua

Hate: B***** S***

Missing: Akinori

Wanting: Lee Joon

Can't wait to:Korea

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Mood: bored

Status: Vampire diaries? Hmmm....I'm kinda skeptical....(what a funny word btw =)) )

Location: here......in the world of...ummm, people O_O

Y!M/Skype status: invisible

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: nothing

Drinking: nothing

Dressed in: shirt and shorts and flip flops.......

Listening: Shontelle - Impossible

Watching: the plant in my room...it's getting bigger O_O

Reading: Darkness by JS and I started The Awakening by Kelley Armstrong XD (from Darkest Powers series.....)

Thinking: about Chonny =)) funny guy

Dating: -

Love: stuffs

Annoyed: yeah

Hate: same

Missing: silence.....and peace

Wanting: the things above

Can't wait to: get it done

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Mood: blah

Status: getting yelled at...

Location: nightmare

Y!M/Skype status: offline

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: nothing

Drinking: coffee

Dressed in: still in PJs

Listening: the sound of my computer fan

Watching: the screen

Reading: soreha tabeta wa ikemasen

Thinking: about what I should do

Dating: -

Love: not really

Annoyed: yeah

Hate: yup

Missing: a place to stay

Wanting: the thing above

Can't wait to: get it...

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Mood: eh, normal I guess

Status: Soooooooo booooooored.......

Location: living room

Y!M/Skype status: offline

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: nobody

Eating: a sandwhich

Drinking: pepsi

Dressed in: PJs

Listening: to the tv

Watching: Doctor Who

Reading: the forums

Thinking: about taking a shower soon

Dating: my boyfiend

Love: I'm still not sure

Annoyed: at my laptop

Hate: a few people

Missing: nobody

Wanting: to do something

Can't wait to: start school :)

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Mood: half hungry, half sad

Status: when something seems too good to be true, be sure it is >.

Location: here

Y!M/Skype status: off...just signed out

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: wishing....maybe later

Drinking: -

Dressed in: shirt and shorts...still hot, but not as in the middle of the summer

Listening: some electro I guess

Watching: the video with chonny =))

Reading: same

Thinking: that the books came today....but the other order couldn't be fulfilled :(

Dating: -

Love: dunno...

Annoyed: yeah

Hate: .......

Missing: silence + peace + loneliness And yeah, money can buy these

Wanting: to be alone T_T

Can't wait to: have a serious talk with mom. Things can't go on this way >.

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Mood: a good one

Status: in the mood on playing tennis :D

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: nothing

Drinking: an energy drink

Dressed in: shirt and shorts

Listening: just to the noise outside

Watching: the screen and outside

Reading: the questions

Thinking: what to do this weekend :D

Dating: hmm..

Love: secret?

Annoyed: no

Hate: no

Missing: yes

Wanting: to play a tennis game (maybe because I'm watching these days a tennis turnament :D)

Can't wait to: have fun

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Mood: Lethargic.

Status: Brushing my teeth. Polishing my (non-existent) organizational skills.

Location: Balamb Garden.

Y!M/Skype status: Offline.

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: Filipe.

Eating: Nothing now. Had eggplant and tomato sauce at lunch.

Drinking: Fresh water.

Dressed in: Jean shorts and black 30STM t-shirt.

Listening: Pearl Jam.

Watching: Jane Eyre.

Reading: Oumagadoki Zoo. Some mangas by Kinoshita Keiko.

Thinking: "When there is only one character in the middle of a huge cast of characters in a parody-suddenly-drama-suddenly-comedy-suddenly-action manga/anime (in which the main, the supporting characters, the villains and everyone else, really, is both completely hilariously stupid and awesomely cool and badass at same time) that still wasn't shown to have even the tiniest bit of an idiotic side in him, to the date, and exudes destructive and murderous intent from every pore... Then you know he's the real sh*t."

Dating: Raf.

Love: ?

Annoyed: Nope~.

Hate: Not being in control.

Missing: The smell of the rain.

Wanting: For it to rain. A gunblade.

Can't wait to: Read the next chapter (third) of Himegoto Asobi~

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Mood: hmm...

Status: playin game

Location: far from u

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: -

Drinking: water

Dressed in: school shirt and short

Listening: to my cousins' gossipin

Watching: here

Reading: no mood

Thinking: x japan...

Dating: :p

Love: :p

Annoyed: work

Hate: workin

Missing: someone

Wanting: long vacation

Can't wait to: 18 september

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Mood: hmm...

Status: playin game

Location: near from u

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: Corn

Drinking: water

Dressed in: Shirt & shortpant

Listening: Kpop

Watching: here

Reading: Yaoi

Thinking: cooking

Dating: ----

Love: you

Annoyed: Some S***

Hate: Hater

Missing: someone

Wanting: Hello Kitty

Can't wait to: Korea

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Mood: bored

Status:supposed to be studying American Literature

Location: in your dreams

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -


Drinking: water

Dressed in: underwear, 45 degrees outside

Listening: through with you ( maroon 5)

Watching: a thick, thick book, damn

Reading: Ted Hughes

Thinking: wanna be in the beach

Dating: no one thanks God

Love: everyone who loves me


Hate: exams

Missing:my dad

Wanting: my car

Can't wait to: London

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Mood: bored and waiting

Status: I feel like writing nonsense :D

Location: here

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: ice cream ^_^

Drinking: nothing

Dressed in: shirt and 3/4 pants that match (wow, that's a surprise O_O)

Listening: Jessie J - Who's laughing now

Watching: my screen

Reading: Darkness... I finished The Awakening (great book)

Thinking: thaaaat it would be such a great Sunday if I were alone...but that's not going to happen T_T

Dating: -

Love: the song? I guess...

Annoyed: at the fact that I start not to care anymore T_T that I'm getting used to the current situation and accepting the fact that I can't do anything about it T_T. But this shouldn't happen :(

Hate: ........

Missing: *sigh*

Wanting: what I had and now I've lost

Can't wait to: sleep

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Mood: Indescribable.

Status: Forcing my eyes open with sheer will-power. Artistic blockage.

Location: Cosmo Canyon. *whistles/hums Cosmo Canyon theme song*

Y!M/Skype status: --

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: --

Eating: Purslane soup. Cigarette.

Drinking: Fresh water.

Dressed in: White and green sleeveless shirt and jean shorts.

Listening: NIN.

Watching: Futurama.

Reading: Moby Dick.

Thinking: About how idiotic my cats are. A pet is the reflection of the owner so I guess I had it coming. (-_-)

Dating: Doumeki and Yashiro. *wishful thinking* Still -or yet again- stuck with Raf.

Love: Yoneda Kou's work. M.Shadows' voice.

Annoyed: Not.

Hate: The pink color. Lentils. Meat.

Missing: Meeting up with Ana and theorizing about the mysteries of existence. Nose-powder theory explains all. *snicker*

Wanting: An eyepatch.

Can't wait to: Go camping. It's going to be great, like always. (:

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Mood: Awake

Status: Friggin insomnia is the suck!

Location: on my butt

Y!M/Skype status: --

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: --

Eating: mini chocolate candies

Drinking: the air

Dressed in: dark blue shirt and checkered pajamas

Listening: the slow hum of the air cooler and someone sucking

Watching: the words as i type them onscreen

Reading: the words as i type them onscreen

Thinking: are we gonna go out later in the day to go shopping? will i be able to get a pair of boots or wedged sandals?

Dating: i'm dating Baba-chan. yes, we're having a cup of tea in a nice cozy cafe in the city. he clearly adores me and i find that very funny why he would feel that way for me. XD

Love: my lover and the fruit of our loins.

Annoyed: the heat, maybe...bills to pay.

Hate: insomnia! ugh! having limited funds.

Missing: certain friends.


Can't wait to: get out of this apartment and move to a better life.

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Mood: Sleepy

Status: Alooone ):

Location: darkness

Y!M/Skype status: --

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: --

Eating: just finished a carrot cupcake

Drinking: Lemon and ginger tea

Dressed in: long checkered shirt and tights

Listening: Malice Mizer - Bel Air

Watching: the words as I type them on screen

Reading: ^same

Thinking: "I'm so full..."

Dating: my computer or something .__.

Love: sleeping, music,..

Annoyed: apartmentsearching

Hate: ...

Missing: certain friends.

Wanting: LOTS AND LOTS OF MONEY AND GOOD SLEEP! And an apartment...

Can't wait to: get out of this apartment and get one of my own...

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Mood: headache. DND

Status: "What's f***ed up and everything's alright"

Location: here

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: chocolate

Drinking: -

Dressed in: t-shirt and 3/4

Listening: Green day - Boulevard of broken dreams.....It doesn't help my headache, but..meh

Watching: the screen

Reading: Darkness

Thinking: why does my head hurt T_T

Dating: -

Love: yeah....yaoi ofc

Annoyed: kinda

Hate: zZz

Missing: July

Wanting: same old stuff

Can't wait to: Friday XD Party :D

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Mood: Hyper

Status: The Happiest Girl In The World

Location: All Man Heart

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:-

Eating: Red Apple

Drinking: Plain Water

Dressed in: T-shirt and Short Skirt + Long Boots

Listening: -

Watching: Hanawake No Yon Shimai

Reading: -

Thinking: Want to be happy

Dating: mmmm

Love: everyone

Annoyed: neh...dont have

Hate: -

Missing: a boy i was meet yesterday

Wanting: My hair grow faster so i can dye it

Can't wait to: Korea

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Mood: sleepy and happy

Status: 'it's yaoi xDD they kissed :p

yeeeeeeeeey :)))'

Location: My room

Y!M/Skype status: offline

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: /

Eating: some cookies :33

Drinking: wateeeer

Dressed in: fluffy 'indian' short skirt with red shirt xD

Listening: Toshiro Masuda - Sadeness and Sorrow

Watching: antique bakery ♥

Reading: viewfinder again

Thinking: about school

Dating: single

Love: Allen, yaoi, books

Annoyed: noup :)

Hate: stupid people, poeple who can't understand their feelings and other people feelings, unpolite people

Missing: going out with my friends -.-

Wanting: to meet them before school starts (some cute korean boys xDD)

Can't wait to: go to school xDD

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Mood: Relaxed

Status: No brains this morning and my eyes in the same HOLE :|

Location: On the sofa.

Y!M/Skype status: N/A -- Don't use it.

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: N/A -- Don't use it.

Eating: Nothing...

Drinking: Coffee

Dressed in: My pant of pyjama and a tank

Listening: Not Music... But I hear one of my cats who eats his food

Watching: O_o Now ?!.. My screen, otherwise how can i write this post !! :p

Reading: I re-read earlier "Heart Strings" .. Really, I think, it's my 7th time :F

Thinking: About finding a new contract for working...

Dating: O_o.... I'm married :)

Love: Yaoi, my husband, my family, YaoiOtaku and friends (New and old)

Annoyed: By people who think that they can resolve a discord by violence...

Hate: WARS

Missing: My brother who is really far for me.... In France !

Wanting: Traveling around the world !

Can't wait to: If all is ok.... In november, I'm going in FRance for seeing my brother and .. In 2014 me and my husband, we want to go in Japan ! I know it's far but, we want to have a lot of money for going there :p

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Mood: Good

Status: The hater love me :)

Location:All man Heart :p

Y!M/Skype status: Ah kua g'gs bored >

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: kev

Eating: Rice+ BBQ fish

Drinking:Milky tea

Dressed in: singlet + shortpant

Listening: Mr Cool Sistar

Watching: Yt

Reading: Screen

Thinking: Food


Love:Kev and my friend here and my family

Annoyed: Ah Kua G'gs

Hate: -

Missing: Kev?

Wanting: Eat sushi yum yum

Can't wait to: Trip to Korea.

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Mood: Exhausted, whiny

Status: I think I need caffeine

Location:youth hostel ):

Y!M/Skype status: 'nya msn suger'

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: Vicc

Eating: nothing, thinking of cooking something though


Dressed in: top, shirt, jeans

Listening: people talking >_

Watching: Malice Mizer's movie Bara no Konrei

Reading: Screen

Thinking: Food...

Dating:nooot really


Annoyed: yup.

Hate: not having a real place to stay

Missing: people. A place to stay.

Wanting: candy/ice cream... Coffee... to sleep.

Can't wait to: get a place to stay (now I feel very repetitive)

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Mood: musical ;)

Status: I think I found a new obsession... :leaf15: Oh, well...

Location: here

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: nothing

Drinking: nothing

Dressed in: half pajamas, half normal pants

Listening: a cool party song XD

Watching: the smilies

Reading: The confessions of a mask by Yukio Mishima

Thinking: that I don't wanna go shopping again with my mom T_T

Dating: -

Love: :D

Annoyed: not right now

Hate: .........

Missing: ummmm...

Wanting: ......

Can't wait to: buy the book 2morrow

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Mood: Confused

Status: Dimitri Belikov. I don't care if you're Strigoi or not.

Location: Taiwan, my room.

Y!M/Skype status: Nil

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: Nil

Eating: Nothing

Drinking: Beer

Dressed in: T-shirt & B-ball pants

Listening: Foo Fighter - Walk

Watching: Nothing

Reading: YO Forum

Thinking: about my decision

Dating: No one

Love: Someone. Vacation.

Annoyed: by Reality

Hate: Reality

Missing: my courage

Wanting: Vacation

Can't wait to: quit my job

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