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Right now, I...

Yaoi Eater

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Mood: confuse...

Status: headaches now

Location: somewhere around

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: my mom away for trip... nothin left...

Drinking: -

Dressed in: tee and short

Listening: x japan

Watching: your highness

Reading: here

Thinking: some idiot egghead

Dating: ...

Love: hmm... money

Annoyed: some person

Hate: workin

Missing: my mom

Wanting: please don ask me anymore question...

Can't wait to: next week to come

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Mood: Moody

Status: Stress

Location: Hometown

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:-

Eating: Rice with chicken

Drinking: Plain Water

Dressed in: Pyj

Listening: -

Watching: -


Thinking: Family Problem

Dating: -

Love: -

Annoyed: Someone


Missing: my Twin sister

Wanting: Kev

Can't wait to: Trip to Korea

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Mood: pretty good

Status: down with a cold

Location: far from u

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: -

Drinking: -

Dressed in: long shirt and jeans

Listening: G

Watching: him shaking his manboobs XD

Reading: not really

Thinking: 'damn he's hot'

Dating: Can I date G, please? xD

Love: nice music

Annoyed: over people snoring and not being able to sleep properly

Hate: not knowing

Missing: a contract.

Wanting: to sleep, to see G again, to meet a few people...

Can't wait to: get a fucking apartment!!!

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Mood: ok

Status: waiting for dinner

Location: here..

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: not yet

Drinking: -

Dressed in: t-shirt and jeans

Listening: outside

Watching: this screen

Reading: these questions

Thinking: hmm.. at too many things to name here

Dating: ?

Love: do you really want to know?

Annoyed: no

Hate: no

Missing: a secret? (am I to mysterious today ? :p)

Wanting: to visit all the Asian countries :D

Can't wait to: have a party (as always :p)

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Mood:Sleepy and hungry



Y!M/Skype status:I donðt use any of these unlesss emails

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:....

Eating:Nothing :c


Dressed in:Pj's

Listening:Toradora ed - Vanilla salt

Watching: Darker than Black Ova's,Jigoku shoujou Futakomori,Beelzebub,No6,Naruto Shippuden,bleach,One piece

Reading: D.gray man,Cat Paradise,Chi's sweet home,Jack frost

Thinking:My back hurts


Love:My family and friends : DD


Hate:Being alone

Missing:My mom

Wanting:to see my family

Can't wait to: see my mom and family

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Mood: not so bad

Status: Maybe there's still hope. :)

Location: in my room

Y!M/Skype status: NIL

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: NIL

Eating: too late for food (it's 5am now... e_e)

Drinking: NIL (too lazy to get out of my chair)

Dressed in: T-shirts and pants

Listening: Adele - Someone Like you

Watching: My work

Reading: words on my work

Thinking: i'm so dead tomorrow

Dating: No one

Love: Someone (still)

Annoyed: by my carelessness

Hate: Tuesdays and Wednesday

Missing: That Someone (too)

Wanting: Thursday to come soon

Can't wait to: V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N

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Mood: insomniac >.

Status: too many questions...no answer

Location: here

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: it's 2 a.m....who eats at this hour? O_O

Drinking: -

Dressed in: pajamas...

Listening: Leona Lewis - Collide

Watching: the screen

Reading: same

Thinking: that this world is so......yeah

Dating: -

Love: yaoi fiction :D

Annoyed: that I can't sleep T_T

Hate: ............

Missing: sleep

Wanting: sleep

Can't wait to: fall asleep T_T

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Mood: good

Status: Trying to answer these questions? :p

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: I'm still waiting for dinner

Drinking: ?

Dressed in: T-Shirt and jeans

Listening: the sound outside

Watching: the screen

Reading: these questions

Thinking: what to answer plus if my dinner will take long (cause I'm starving)

Dating: do you really want to know?

Love: a secret?

Annoyed: no

Hate: no

Missing: maybe, maybe not

Wanting: to visit all countries in Asia

Can't wait to: have fun :p

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Mood: Friendly

Status: Stupid Person i ever meet

Location: All man heart

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:-

Eating: -

Drinking: plain water

Dressed in: tee + shortpants

Listening: Iu



Thinking: my Parent

Dating: -

Love: Myself

Annoyed: stupid person

Hate: -

Missing: AJ

Wanting: AJ

Can't wait to: Otakfuse + Trip to Korea.

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Mood: ok, i guess

Status: ...

Location: somewhere around

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:-

Eating: -

Drinking: -

Dressed in: tee and short

Listening: girugamesh

Watching: -

Reading: some story

Thinking: later

Dating: :p

Love: hmm... still thinkin

Annoyed: stupid HZ and HH... suck >

Hate: -

Missing: some egghead

Wanting: to off at saturday

Can't wait to: afternoon buffet :D

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Mood: happy (wow, that's surprising O_O )

Status: a little bit of feel good ;)

Location: here

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: nothing

Drinking: mountain dew....I drink this a lot O_O

Dressed in: just some clothes

Listening: Jamie Lidell - Little bit of feel good :D

Watching: the awesome fan made video of Chrolli with this song yoyo3

Reading: same as before

Thinking: that my life would have been so sad without yaoi T_T

Dating: -

Love: Chrolli :7yoyo10:

Annoyed: nooooo

Hate: Right now? No

Missing: the summer T_T

Wanting: more of Christian and Oliver :x

Can't wait to: watch more

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Mood: Slightly homesick

Status: down with a cold, stressed out and rather sad.

Location: hostel

Y!M/Skype status: online

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:Prince Iro

Eating: -

Drinking: -

Dressed in: jeans and shirt

Listening: Gackt - Memories

Watching: Yaoi Eater's signature...

Reading: not really

Thinking: sooo tired

Dating: nope

Love: G?

Annoyed: being far away from my friends and my G-collection and my room sucks.

Hate: -

Missing: friends, my room, my collection, having a home

Wanting: to sleep.

Can't wait to: see the room I'll rent tomorrow and moving in...

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Mood: fine

Status: .......

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: not online

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: nobody atm

Eating: nothing

Drinking: MD...again ^^"

Dressed in: pajamas

Listening: Rihanna - Complicated

Watching: the screen........

Reading: s##t >.

Thinking: about Chrolli, about the movie I saw today (I was so surprised that it didn't have a sad end....usually gay-themed movies have very sad endings...this one was cute :) )

Dating: -

Love: this song....it's really nice...thanks Nico for showing it to me

Annoyed: ........

Hate: ............

Missing: biking...I really wanna go tomorrow to bike

Wanting: to go biking

Can't wait to: go biking :D

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Mood: good

Status: I got the money back :D

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: I ate already

Drinking: I wish

Dressed in: t-shirt and jeans

Listening: some music

Watching: the screen

Reading: the questions here

Thinking: that I don't want the school to begin

Dating: ?

Love: are you curious?

Annoyed: -

Hate: -

Missing: maybe..

Wanting: to have more vacation

Can't wait to: visit all the Asian countries and to go to a party :D

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Mood: Nice

Status: Trying to get my stories up. :)

Location: My office

Y!M/Skype status: Nil

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: Nil

Eating: nothing

Drinking: coke

Dressed in: Jeans and uniform top

Listening: 方炯鑌 - 壞人

Watching: YO's forum

Reading: my story

Thinking: how should i do it?

Dating: Still waiting.

Love: Someone.

Annoyed: by my staff

Hate: for now, nothing

Missing: That person

Wanting: to go home...

Can't wait to: have my off days consecutively...

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Mood: Gloomy

Status: unsure

Location: My attic room

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:-

Eating: salty stuff that goes with cocktails

Drinking: A bit of a cocktail

Dressed in: tee and jeans

Listening: Santa Maria (Del Buen Ayre) by Gotan Project

Watching: movie trailers on youtube

Reading: Border (when I'm not doing something else)

Thinking: I'll get to that later

Dating: :p

Love: no one at the moment

Annoyed: Because I have to make dinner soon

Hate: wishing for impossible things

Missing: that missing person - long time gone

Wanting: Sleep

Can't wait : for something interesting to happen

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hahaha, interesting :D


Mood: calm

Status: I have to study, buuut...

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: offline

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: none, maybe I'll just skip breakfast..

Drinking: mineral water

Dressed in: baby blue pajamas (I just woke up -__-)

Listening: ...still too lazy to get my ipod now

Watching: some Japanese bangumi in my laptop

Reading: forums in YO XD

Thinking: should I go to groceries today?

Dating: nobody~

Love: my family XD

Annoyed: because I have an exam next week

Hate: that I have to study for it

Missing: NEWS, they haven't release anything lately :(

Wanting: to have unlimited connection to internet =__="

Can't wait to: meet my friends after this holiday :)

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Mood: bored

Status: no chocolate :(

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:-

Eating: nothing

Drinking: nothing

Dressed in: just some clothes....

Listening: Sean Paul - Temperature

Watching: the screen

Reading: nothing atm

Thinking: that I'm not really ok with going to see him right in his first day back....

Dating: ..........

Love: Chrolli

Annoyed: no, not really

Hate: ...........

Missing: an ice-cream

Wanting: to sleep

Can't wait to: .........

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Mood: emotional breakdown

Status: so happy ;~~;

Location: hostel >_

Y!M/Skype status: online

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: Prince Iro, Axelex, Zeraphim

Eating: nothing

Drinking: nothing

Dressed in: jeans and shirt

Listening: Gackt - 桜草

Watching: the screen

Reading: the thick course compendium

Thinking: I hope my money comes tomorrow... and... I'VE FINALLY GOT A HOME ;__;

Dating: nope

Love: nice people

Annoyed: not at all :D


Missing: my friends back in Skane

Wanting: to sleep, to get settled in

Can't wait to: ...tomorrow? :D

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Mood: relaxed

Status: I need more holiday T_T

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: nothing

Drinking: :D MD...the last drops

Dressed in: casual clothes

Listening: Adam Lambert - Fever XD

Watching: a picture

Reading: The confessions of a mask....that book for school can wait....

Thinking: why I dislike school so much? Oh, wait....

Dating: no

Love: many things....some people (actually, I'm not so sure about it...._.)

Annoyed: not right now.....

Hate: ........

Missing: sunny days T_T

Wanting: a longer holiday

Can't wait to: find out the contest's results :5yoyo34:

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Mood: so happy

Status: drinking Ice Tea

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: -

Drinking: Ice Tea

Dressed in: jeans and a tank top

Listening: various jrock songs

Watching: how much Ice Tea I got left

Reading: the questions in this game

Thinking: that I finally met my old friend again

Dating: -

Love: too many things

Annoyed: -

Hate: -

Missing: going shopping

Wanting: to go shopping :D

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Mood: Angry

Status: Me2day Activated mode

Location: All men heart

Y!M/Skype status:-

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:-

Eating:Chicken with Sambal

Drinking:Green Guava juice

Dressed in:t-shirt + shortpant

Listening: -

Watching: Mukodono


Thinking: Trip to Bali

Dating: -

Love: family and Friend

Annoyed: Ah Kua

Hate: Ah Kua

Missing: My twin

Wanting: New Cellphone

Can't wait to: Trip to korea

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Mood: Mixed feelings

Status: No status for now...

Location: Office

Y!M/Skype status: NIL

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:NIL


Drinking:Lemon tea + Coke Light + Sprite

Dressed in:Uniform and Jeans

Listening: Radio Fm

Watching: YO

Reading:Right now i... Forum

Thinking: of giving up

Dating: No one

Love: ......

Annoyed: by Myself

Hate: nothing

Missing: ...

Wanting: Better luck

Can't wait to: say everything out.

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Mood: Annoyed

Status: -

Location: at home as usual all dressed up and no place to go

Y!M/Skype status: just signed off

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: I talked to my friend Bob^^

Eating: chewing gum does that count?

Drinking: noooothing

Dressed in: black (duh!)...well black jeans, black shirt and striped socks (purple and black)

Listening: BUCK-TICK (surprise!)

Watching: the Forum

Reading: this thread^^

Thinking: "can't the fracking clock move faster!"

Dating: my L plushie

Love: Hisashi Imai *sighs and drifts of to dreamland*

Annoyed: that my Versailles tickets STILL haven't arrived

Hate: see above -.-

Missing: well I wish I could say Hisashi Imai but that's in my dreams I guess..

Wanting: Hisashi Imai NOOOOOOOOOOW and I want it BAD

Can't wait to: see Versailles!

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Mood: Sleepy

Status: 8 full hours in the lab makes you kinda tired.

Location: home(?)

Y!M/Skype status: online~~

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: Prince

Eating: soon I'll eat candy, yum~

Drinking: nope... have a feeling the other tenant is going to get me drunk tonight *lol*

Dressed in: jeans and sweater

Listening: to all kinds of sound

Watching: the screeeeeeen. *yawn*

Reading: what I'm writing, I suppose

Thinking: "I wanna go out drinking... but damn I'm tired... I need clean clothes. And massage. Uuuuughhhh"

Dating: nope

Love: A certain Camui and Mana-sama *_*

Annoyed:children crying is annoying.

Hate: ... children...?

Missing: hugs. My friends. Triplets and chewing toy~

Wanting: DRUG PARTY DVD T_T (it's 28 000Y, please give me some money .___.)

Can't wait to: get my copy of The End of the Day Limited edition single :D

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