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Right now, I...

Yaoi Eater

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Mood: Like someone who slept for ages

Status: -

Location: Home

Y!M/Skype status:-

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:-

Eating: Butter Cookies :D

Drinking: Black iced tea

Dressed in: Pajamas

Listening: -

Watching: YO forum

Reading: YO forum stuff :D

Thinking: I shuold try to do this more often...

Dating: Hubbie

Love: Everyone who loves me :p

Annoyed: After i slept so good, no way :D

Hate: Same as above :D

Missing: Things and time like today :)

Wanting: Things and time like today lol

Can't wait to: a thing and time like today.... :D

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Mood: meh!

Status: freezing

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status:-

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:-

Eating: -

Drinking: energy drink

Dressed in: white shirt, jeans

Listening: HIM

Watching: the screen

Reading: posts on the forum

Hate: -

Missing: my friends, grandparents

Wanting: too many things to count

Can't wait to: play on PS

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Mood: Happy !

Status : Cleaned the house... Except my room.. :F

Location: Home - living room - on the sofa.

Y!M/Skype status:N/A

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:N/A

Eating: Nothing

Drinking: Apple juice

Dressed in: jogging pant and T-shirt.

Listening: Erfff... The neighbor who mows his lawn

Watching: Screen

Reading: What I write

Thinking: Nothing....

Dating: My dear husband.. :p

Love: my hubby and friends

Annoyed: Now, Nothing...

Hate: my right leg...

Missing: my brother

Wanting: Peace and a quiet place....

Can't wait to: seeing my brother.. :)

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Mood: Happy !

Status : excited ( watching tennis)

Location: Home - living room - on the sofa.

Y!M/Skype status:N/A

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:N/A

Eating: Nothing

Drinking: rloiboos and bitter orange tea

Dressed in:my pink panter pajama

Listening: Nadal's match

Watching: a hot man playing tennis

Reading: the result 2-2

Thinking: what I'm going to do afterwards

Dating: no one of course

Love: my niece

Annoyed: my neigbour's listening Flamenco

Hate: my memory

Missing:my cousin

Wanting: the easy tone reebok

Can't wait to: read Brohne's new story

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Mood: Happy

Status:just wake up..with his message open lool

Location: All man heart

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: Fried egg with Rice

Drinking: Soy bean

Dressed in: t-shirt + short pant

Listening: -

Watching: strong Heart

Reading: screen

Thinking: shopping

Dating: secret

Love: secret

Annoyed: -

Hate: -

Missing: My family

Wanting: Tshirt

Can't wait to: Korea Trip

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Mood: Hyper

Status: Can't wait to see the match

Location: My room, where did you think? :p

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: nothing right now

Drinking: nothing now

Dressed in: blue-shirt, pants

Listening: some jrock

Watching: your profile? :p

Reading: these questions

Thinking: secret

Dating: secret

Love: secret

Annoyed: -

Hate: -

Missing: all my friends

Wanting: the school not to begin so soon

Can't wait to: yeah, watch the match + talk to you

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Mood: not really happy

Status: In heaven

Location: in bedroom

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: Fish with rice etc

Drinking:plain water

Dressed in: formal cloth

Listening: JYJ in heaven

Watching: JYJ in heaven Mv

Reading: Screen

Thinking: Korea

Dating: .......

Love: All member here



Missing: someone? :p

Wanting: Too see Someone

Can't wait to: trip to Korea

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Mood: weird

Status: Questions arise o_O

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: sandwich...kinda left aside :D

Drinking: soda...not MD this time

Dressed in: tracksuit cause it's comfortable

Listening: a club song...I think...

Watching: my writing

Reading: Piercing by Ryu Murakami :x

Thinking: so complicated O_O and scary...and...

Dating: .........

Love: love is kinda...too complicated right now

Annoyed: no

Hate: not anymore :D Got rid of it :D yay

Missing: holiday T_T summer T_T

Wanting: the things above, pretty please? :)

Can't wait to: get another holiday T_T

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Mood: Awesome!

Status: I Like. :)

Location: My Office

Y!M/Skype status: NIL

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: NIL

Eating: air

Drinking: Ice Lemon Tea

Dressed in: Uniform top + Jeans + Brown Jacket

Listening: Mika - Relax, Take it Easy

Watching: How my staff slacks

Reading: Yo Forum

Thinking: "Is it how the way i thought it would be?"

Dating: *sigh*

Love: the small little chat we have

Annoyed: that i have to be away for 3 days.

Hate: nothing

Missing: erm... ya... that's... ya. XD

Wanting: For it to go the way i wish it is

Can't wait to: get pass the 3 days and be back!

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Mood: ok

Status: who need that

Location: somewhere far from u

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: -

Drinking: orange juice

Dressed in: pe tee

Listening: my cousin talkin about 'wat will u do if u left 3 months to live...'

Watching: my cousin talkin

Reading: -

Thinking: wat will u do if u really left 3 months?

Dating: haha

Love: off days :D

Annoyed: -

Hate: wakin up early

Missing: ya, u

Wanting: a new laptop

Can't wait to: your return

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Mood: Hopeless

Status: Why does it always have to be like that?

Location: somewhere cold

Y!M/Skype status:

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:

Eating: not in a mood

Drinking: not in a mood

Dressed in: pink t-shirt and pants

Listening: a voice that I hate

Watching: his moves

Reading: pc

Thinking: why does it have to bring the past? it's over already..

Dating: I dont think so.. fighting is the right word

Love: anger

Annoyed: temper

Hate: people around me

Missing: no one

Wanting: a peaceful romance

Can't wait to: study

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Mood: Sick

Status: Through my falls, you've been my best friend - Mirror on the wall.

Location: On my bed

Y!M/Skype status: /though it's MSN/ Anime Time

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: A few friends

Eating: Nothing

Drinking: Ice Tea

Dressed in: Shorts and t-shirt

Listening: Jrock

Watching: About to watch Nura

Reading: -

Thinking: Wonderin' if the dude above me is fine

Dating: I wonder (:

Love: Headache

Annoyed: My lower lip, it's bleeding

Hate: To have so much to do,yet so off time

Missing: I wonder (:

Wanting: To pass my exam

Can't wait to: Huh

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Mood: good

Status: still thinking about a status...

Location: my desk

Y!M/Skype status:

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:

Eating: Nothing

Drinking: Nothing

Dressed in: Shorts and t-shirt

Listening: random songs

Watching: the screen

Reading: the questions, so I know what to answer

Thinking: about many things


Love: many persons

Annoyed: the holiday is too short

Hate: just annoying people

Missing: yes

Wanting: to go in another trip

Can't wait to: don't know...

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Mood: pissed off


Location:my bed

Y!M/Skype status:

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:


Drinking:a beer

Dressed in:

Listening:tight black jeans, grey asymetrical blouse, black heel

Watching: DBSk vids

Reading:a friend's letter

Thinking:why am I so stupid

Dating:no one, never will be


Annoyed:at friends

Hate: not being a man

Missing: a friend

Wanting: a friend

Can't wait to:another beer.....

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Mood: Meh..

Status: I need some cheese

Location: bedroom

Y!M/Skype status: busy

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:…….

Eating: sweets

Drinking: irn bru

Dressed in: tank top and boxers

Listening: Malice Mizer- Illuminat


Reading: Manga

Thinking: about what happened last night

Dating: nobody

Love: no far from it

Annoyed: yes

Hate: no not at the moment

Missing: a certain someone

Wanting: that certain someone

Can't wait to: catch some zzzzzz

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Mood: Bored

Status: Soooooo lazy

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: I'm just a little dead girl living her dream..

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: my ex-boyfriend

Eating: -

Drinking: Milk

Dressed in: Hello Kitty pyjamas

Listening: KissxSis-Balanced Kiss

Watching:the screen

Reading: -

Thinking: about cosplay-ing Ritsuka

Dating: -

Love: Family, Friends, Yaoi Otaku Forum

Annoyed: -

Hate: -

Missing: My EBFFEL T T

Wanting: tickets to Japan for me and my friends

Can't wait to: kiss Aoi

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Mood: Blah

Status: Fucking cold

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: online

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: -

Drinking: -

Dressed in: jeans, NIN-shirt, hoodie

Listening:Blue October - Schizophrenia

Watching:the screen

Reading:basically what I'm writing atm

Thinking:"I should make dinner... But... Nah"


Love: Mana-sama, good music

Annoyed:Yeah, the other guy here kinda annoys me

Hate: health care lines


Wanting: To watch Bunraku, to sleep, to be able to draw a decent picture, some food, some company...

Can't wait to: get my packages..? Speak japanese fluently?

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Mood: tired

Status: kinda bored

Location: the study

Y!M/Skype status: offline

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: -

Drinking: ice tea

Dressed in: jeans, X Japan 2011 tour shirt

Listening: bunny love - breakerz

Watching: nothing


Thinking: about telling my aunt i'll be at her house on saturday

Dating: -

Love: sleeping, concerts

Annoyed: at my headache

Hate: the kreb's cycle

Missing: my bed, rachie

Wanting: more food

Can't wait to: see Versailles on sunday

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Mood: Happy

Status: So much to do

Location: on a chair

Y!M/Skype status:

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:

Eating: no

Drinking: no

Dressed in: blue t-shirt and pants

Listening: some music

Watching: the forum

Reading: the text here :p

Thinking: what to do next

Dating: no

Love: yeah, many people

Annoyed: not annoyed

Hate: no one

Missing: yeah, some persons :p

Wanting: a new car, a new pc, a new phone, etc. lol

Can't wait to: be in holidays again

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Mood: Hyper

Status:My heart goes boom boom boom boom Because of you, I can’t breathe breathe


Eating: Fried Noodle

Drinking: Plain Water

Dressed in: Formal Cloth

Listening: HITT,B1A4,MISS A,Block B,2NE1 & MBLAQ

Reading: Screen

Thinking: My mind still at Seoul

Missing: DNT,HITT and B1A4 MTV Recording

Wanting: DNT Poster

Can't wait to: Bali and Seoul again~~~

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Mood: tired + happy

Status: relaxing

Location: my desk

Y!M/Skype status:

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:

Eating: nothing now

Drinking: coffee

Dressed in: sport

Listening: some good music

Watching: YO

Reading: the questions, to know what to answer :p

Thinking: about my weekend (yeah)

Dating: no one is curious, I can bet :p

Love: :p

Annoyed: at waking up early in the morning

Hate: no one

Missing: yeap

Wanting: another holiday

Can't wait to: too many things to mention

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Mood: a little tired


Location: on the floor

Y!M/Skype status:

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:

Eating: nothing

Drinking: nothing

Dressed in:

Listening: Teenage Dream - Katty Perry

Watching: FB, Taoxanh, YO


Thinking: when will it stop raining?



Annoyed ( scared:))) : physical education

Hate: no one

Missing: some friends

Wanting: money

Can't wait to: watch "Lost in paradise" >_>


Dating: no one is curious, I can bet

Matti, you lost, i'm curious tumblr_loao7gTn841qgcfpd-1.gif

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Mood: Amused


Location: My room

Y!M/Skype status: --

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: Talking with Bloodysadist in person ;D ;D ;D

Eating: Nothing

Drinking: Coffee

Dressed in: Uh,complicated. ;D

Listening: To Bloody's laughter

Watching: How is Bloody laughing ;D ;D ;D

Reading: The question is what I am not reading ;D

Thinking: What the fuck is wrong with Bloody ;D(and how could I spit on my own desk ;D ;D )

Dating: My stuffed animal ;D

Love: I love my socks ;D ;D

Annoyed: LOL


Missing: My.....grapes >_> Bloody stole them away ;D

Wanting: Considering that Bloody threatened me with 'grapes in the ass', I am wanting to make it through the day without being stuffed with grapes =_='

Can't wait to: See your laughing face ;DDDD

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Mood: Happy

Status: Think About Moving

Location: Soul

Y!M/Skype status:-

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:-


Drinking: Plain water

Dressed in: Pyjamas

Listening: HITT

Watching: -

Reading: -

Thinking: About someone in my mind ?

Annoyed: someone

Hate:Ah Kua

Missing: Seoul,Haraboji,Halmoni,Hui Gyeong,Taerang,Jaehoon etc

Wanting: JYJ album

Can't wait to: Flying To Bali and Seoul :))

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Mood: zappy!

Status: hungry!

Location: somewhere on this planet :p

Y!M/Skype status: grr

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: no one

Eating: nothing...just air!

Drinking: black tea with milk, yum yum

Dressed in: sport

Listening: You're Beautiful OST

Watching: YO...and something else ..>.>

Reading: what others post

Thinking: about someone and something

Dating: myself in the mirror lol

Love: loving my Hachi

Annoyed: at myself

Hate: the fact that my hair doesn't listen to me T.T

Missing: some points :p hahha, no one and nothing in particular

Wanting: something forbidden

Can't wait to: get it! [which won't happen :p]

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