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Right now, I...

Yaoi Eater

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Mood: a good mood

Status: waiting for dinner

Location: my desk

Y!M/Skype status:

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:

Eating: still waiting..

Drinking: I whish

Dressed in: black pants & blue bouse

Listening: my favorite songs

Watching: YO

Reading: the questions, to know what to answer

Thinking: do I post too often?

Dating: nope

Love: you? :p

Annoyed: not annoyed

Hate: no one

Missing: yeap

Wanting: another holiday

Can't wait to: for the weekend to come

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Mood: well

Status: Friday, please come faster!

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: nothing

Drinking: nothing

Dressed in: tracksuit

Listening: The Saturdays - Notorious :D

Watching: my mom doing some stuffs around here >

Reading: books for school

Thinking: that I'm kinda hungry

Dating: -

Love: YO and good friends :p they know themselves :D

Annoyed: nooo

Hate: -

Missing: ..........

Wanting: to sleep

Can't wait to: 2morrow

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Mood: bad

Status: -

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: nothing

Drinking: nothing

Dressed in: short and tee

Listening: some songs that i don undertstand

Watching: one piece

Reading: -

Thinking: next week...

Dating: u tell me

Love: my dog

Annoyed: next week

Hate: roadshow, stocktake

Missing: watever

Wanting: everythin that i cant afford now

Can't wait to: for tomorrow

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Mood: A bit restless

Status: So many things to do today.

Location: My living room

Y!M/Skype status: Invis

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: no one

Eating: Breakfast

Drinking: Chai Latte

Dressed in: Grey sporty pants, black top and purple hoody .. relaxed

Listening: To the siren from an emergency vehicle in the distance (wonder what have happened)

Watching: The news in the tv

Reading: The High Lord by Trudi Canavan

Thinking: About the things I need to do today

Dating: Narh taking a break from dating

Love: Sex

Annoyed: A bit at myself for being a bit uneasy

Hate: Atm Fridays

Missing: Something I shouldn't be missing

Wanting: So many things.. but could really use a massage right now, I feel a bit tense.

Can't wait to: see one of my best friends who will come tomorrow and stay for a couple of days. Haven't seen him for 3 months since we live so far away from each other.

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Mood: ok

Status: spending time around

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: nothing

Drinking: nothing

Dressed in: pants and t-shirt

Listening: some kpop

Watching: some videos

Reading: -

Thinking: it's finally Friday

Love: my friends, familly

Annoyed: -

Hate: -

Missing: some friends

Wanting: the weekend to last 5 days

Can't wait to: meet some friends tomorrow

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Mood: Good

Status: I want to eat fries >.> XDD

Location: the kitchen XD

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: Sandwich

Drinking: Nothing

Dressed in: Pajamas

Listening: Daichi Miura

Watching: YO

Reading: The posts in the forum XD

Thinking: About some things XD

Dating: No one maybe XD

Love: Myself LOL

Annoyed: Not at all

Hate: School XD

Missing: Someone

Wanting: The next weekend to come

Can't wait to: The fries to be ready XD

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Mood: btw annoyed & funny


Location: my living room

Y!M/Skype status:

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:

Eating: veggie sandwich

Drinking: guinness

Dressed in: red t-shirt

Listening: wrong number (Dbsk)

Watching: Junsu

Reading: Matti’s message

Thinking: should I go for another beer….

Dating: myself

Love: my new boots

Annoyed: with my hairdresser..

Hate: no one

Missing: a warm body

Wanting: another beer

Can't wait to: only girls trip to London

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Mood:a good mood

Status: finishing manga: The Cornered Mouse and The Carp

Location: at home

Y!M/Skype status: online

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: its saturday...

Eating: not eat about 2 days

Drinking: coffe and some juice

Dressed in: pajamas

Listening: obsession-avantura

Watching: at my desktop

Reading: the questions, to know what to answer

Thinking: some bad, I should actually work instead of reading mangas

Dating: no

Love: no

Annoyed: littel bit

Hate: no one

Missing: yes

Wanting: usagi-san.

Can't wait to: for...i self dont know.

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Mood: sad

Status: the weather is so autumn like :(

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: cake that my mom bought today

Drinking: nothing

Dressed in: a shirt and pants

Listening: The Storm - Lost in the fire :msn_red_fox 15

Watching: this page

Reading: same books for school

Thinking: at how awesome the lyrics of this song are...and the song itself...

Dating: -

Love: warmth

Annoyed: yeah, at the cold weather >.

Hate: cold weather

Missing: holidays...T_T

Wanting: that book

Can't wait to: receive it asap

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Mood: cool

Status: hot, hot, hot, hate hot

Location: my living room

Y!M/Skype status:-

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:



Dressed in:white jeans, red t-shirt, red sneakers,white & red kitty socks (love them)

Listening: Tvxq BUT

Watching: Changmin... hehehe

Reading:in a couple of minutes Ian McEwan's Saturday

Thinking:lord I've to work tomorrow

Dating: no one, thanks

Love: my new sneakers... so cool!



Missing:my friends

Wanting: my new sneakers

Can't wait to: my new sneakers... hehehe

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Mood: Tired

Status: “Dying Student”

Location: bedroom

Y!M/Skype status: busy

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:

Eating: nothing

Drinking: whiskey

Dressed in: PJs

Listening: neighbour’s dogs barking -_-

Watching: the big bang theory

Reading: manga

Thinking: about college deadlines

Dating: myself lol

Love: myself xD

Annoyed: at myself

Hate: early mornings

Missing: lie in

Wanting: sleep

Can't wait to: get paid so I can go get new shoes (:

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Mood: Cozy

Status: sneezing but heading back for bed

Location: home

Y!M/Skype status:offline

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:-

Eating:just had brunch - french toast

Drinking: milk

Dressed in:PJ's

Listening: the sound of my lappie's fan. Poor thing ;__;

Watching: the screen. Perhaps watch one of my G DVDs?

Reading: The Kiss by Kathryn Harrison

Thinking: I really don't feel like studying today.

Dating: nope.

Love: my bed

Annoyed: nah, not really

Hate: nope

Missing: friends.

Wanting: my packages, money, another cup of coffee etc...

Can't wait to: when mom and Vic comes to visit~

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Mood: ok

Status: Friday, Friday =)) But I didn't receive the book :( Maybe Monday?

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: soon I hope

Drinking: nothing

Dressed in: some pants and a sweatshirt cuz it's cold >.


= love and a bit of teasing ^^

Watching: the video :cuteonion46:

Reading: another book for school... I should have been reading The Clockwork Angel, but I didn't receive it... :(

Thinking: if it's gonna come Monday

Dating: -

Love: :D

Annoyed: noo

Hate: -

Missing: the sun

Wanting: that book T_T

Can't wait to: read it

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Mood: excited

Status: preparing to go shopping

Location: home

Y!M/Skype status: offline

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:-

Eating: a soup

Drinking: nothing

Dressed in: warm clothes

Listening: music

Watching: the screen

Reading: nothing

Thinking: what to buy

Dating: yes

Love: my lover

Annoyed: no

Hate: no

Missing: summer

Wanting: a pizza

Can't wait to: go shopping

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Mood: meh!

Status: writing on a project, just finished watching an anime

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: -

Drinking: water

Dressed in: a white t-shirt and jeans

Listening: -

Watching: the screen

Reading: these questions and a business magazine

Thinking: about this project

Dating: :p

Love: many people

Annoyed: at the teacher

Hate: having to work on this project in weekend

Missing: summer break lol

Wanting: to get this thing done

Can't wait to: finish the project and have spare time

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Mood: great

Status: hmm..

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: no

Drinking: no

Dressed in: black t-shirt and jeans

Listening: to a rock song

Watching: the screen

Reading: these questions (of course :p)

Thinking: about.. someone?

Dating: maybe, maybe not

Love: maybe you? :p Am I your secret admirer?

Annoyed: no

Hate: no

Missing: yes

Wanting: to meet some friends tomorrow

Can't wait to: have fun

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Mood: cool

Status: sleepy

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status:on line

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: Ana, more than talking laughing


Drinking:a bit of water

Dressed in:blue t-shirt, it's still very hot...

Listening:[TAKE ME AWAY] U-kiss, let's cry for a little...

Watching:some old pics



Dating:no one


Annoyed:no one

Hate:no one

Missing:today... my dad a lot....

Wanting: november to come

Can't wait to: you...

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Mood: nostalgic

Status: that weird laughing but almost crying feeling

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: offline

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating:just finished my chocolate balls lol

Drinking: nothing, the coffee is finished.

Dressed in:my old school tee and jeans

Listening:Malice Mizer - Brise

Watching:videos of MM

Reading:study litterature

Thinking: G I love 'em


Love:my family

Annoyed:not really

Hate:not right now

Missing:my friends back home and my family

Wanting: to have a TV in my place and a BR player. Need more money T_T

Can't wait to: meet mom next week

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Mood: Happy

Status: Finally got internet in the new apartment ...

Location: Living room

Y!M/Skype status: Online

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: /

Eating: /

Drinking: /

Dressed in: Black hoodie, black pants.

Listening: f(x)

Watching: /

Reading: Forums xD

Thinking: Yay, got internet x]

Dating: Nope

Love: Music

Annoyed: at the people that made us wait for the internet for 2 weeks

Hate: the people above ^

Missing: My hometown

Wanting: Chocolate

Can't wait to: Visit my parents

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Mood: Funny...

Status: Excited....NOT IN THE WRONG WAY... :F

Location: In the living room on my favorite sofa with the laptop on my knees

Y!M/Skype status: N/A

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: N/A

Eating: * Burpp* Just finished... :S

Drinking: Coffee.. Again and again...:D

Dressed in: a trouser with T-shirt.

Listening: Nothing

Watching: ^_~ ... the Screen and the demon kittens... NO Don't "SLURP" in my coffee.. :F

Reading: the forum...:p

Thinking: What i will make for dinner tonight... When I will push myself for cleaning the house...lolll

Dating: Hummm... Yes.. The same husband than before.... I hope.. :F

Love: Family and the kittens

Annoyed: Today.. ABout nothing.. :)

Hate: None

Missing: My brother

Wanting: Nothing for now...

Can't wait to: go outside of my COUNTRY.... :|

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Mood: sad

Status: fucking cold here

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: online

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: Prince色

Eating:nope, thinking of making a sandwich tho

Drinking: nope.

Dressed in:jeans, t-shirt, shirt, blanket.

Listening: Gackt - Fragrance

Watching:the screen.

Reading:study litterature *sob*

Thinking: I hate sundays


Love: my family

Annoyed:about it being freezing in here


Missing:my friends back home and my family.

Wanting: company. Money. Well, needing money. Something to do.

Can't wait to: meet mom next week

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Mood: Serious

Status: Multitasking at maximum

Location: Bedroom

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: -

Drinking: Water

Dressed in: Underwear

Listening: Architects - Day In Day Out

Watching: Youtube videos

Reading: Cisco networking book

Thinking: About existence, and about new song I came up with

Dating: Forever alone ...

Love: My guitar and dancing half naked when no one's around

Annoyed: That there is so much to read before next lecture...

Hate: My freezing hands although it's not cold here

Missing: What once was

Wanting: To focus on studying but everything is distracting

Can't wait to: Start placement year

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Mood: hmm

Status: sleepy

Location: my home

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: -

Drinking: -

Dressed in: still in pjs

Listening: blue tomorrow

Watching: -

Reading: hello kitty site

Thinking: im so tired

Dating: ...

Love: my rest day

Annoyed: by hello kitty

Hate: still hello kitty

Missing: someone

Wanting: less roadshow

Can't wait to: next off day

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Mood: Hello Kitty Blink Blink

Status: Just buy me a gift Hello Kitty Sweater u Stingy :p

Location: Office

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: Sardine with Tomato Sauce

Drinking: Plain Water

Dressed in: Blouse + Long skirt

Listening: Someone babbling here kkkk

Watching: -

Reading: screen

Thinking: My Korea Friend

Love: memories at Korea

Missing: someone

Wanting: Hello Kitty accessories

Can't wait to: My birthday~~~~~~~~~~

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Mood: tired

Status: shivering….

Location: my bed

Y!M/Skype status: off line

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: off line

Eating: nothing, snif, snif….

Drinking: water

Dressed in: pajamas & black yukata….

Listening: someone saying silly things

Watching: my matti screen

Reading: a txt

Thinking: in a chicken hamburger

Dating: no one, thanks

Love: ……

Annoyed: my stomach flu

Hate: no one or nothing

Missing: a good meal

Wanting: a chicken hamburger

Can't wait to: my new books to come…

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