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Right now, I...

Yaoi Eater

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Mood: Tired...

Status: I wish there is a DELETE button in life

Location: Living Room

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: -

Drinking: -

Dressed in: t-shirt & B-ball pants

Listening: My TV's advertisement.

Watching: My TV

Reading: YO forum + [Cling]

Thinking: Physically, Mentally, Emotionally Exhausted.

Dating: No One... yet

Love: Justin & YJ (if you know who they are XD)

Annoyed: Work

Hate: Slackers at work

Missing: Him

Wanting: to leave my job

Can't wait to: go for a vacation

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Mood: Cheerful

Status: sunday night coming to an end

Location: in my bed

Y!M/Skype status: offline

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: just finished crisp bread.

Drinking: Nope.

Dressed in: jeans, my YFC tank top, knitted shirt.

Listening: Luzmelt - Sacrifice

Watching: Just finished re-watching Bunraku *grin*

Reading:The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien

Thinking:"No coffee tomorrow? I'll die!"

Dating: G. Nah, just kidding. I'm dating Genesis :p

Love:... coffee? And uhm... epic movies. LOTR

Annoyed: About being out of coffee filters and money D: And for the photobook being too pricey for me.

Hate:Being broke.

Missing:Some friends. My mom's coffee. My family.

Wanting: A huge cup of coffee. The japanese version of FFVII Crisis Core. To become fluent in japanese. To pass the exam.

Can't wait to: finish this course. Go home for christmas. Getting my things. For Vic to come here...

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Status: Hungry

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: - cake XD

Drinking: C2

Dressed in: blue t-shirt, blue shorts

Listening: -

Watching: -

Reading: -

Thinking: -

Dating: -

Love: JaVic

Annoyed: PE

Hate: PE

Missing: some friends

Wanting: it'll rain on Saturday afternoon T^T


i still can't roll T^T


there is a high posibility i will meet pe teacher again in extra semester



Can't wait to: say goodbye to PE ...

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Mood: -

Status: trying to study

Location:my room

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: nope

Drinking: a glass of red wine (cabarnet sauvignon if you must know)

Dressed in: jeans and sweatshirt

Listening: X Japan - Tears

Watching:the screen

Reading: study litterature

Thinking: "I hate kids..."

Dating: nope

Love: dark chocolate

Annoyed: yup

Hate: kind of...


Wanting: to get the exam over with

Can't wait to: Sunday

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Mood: Annoying

Status:cannot wait for the anime end

Location: -

Eating: dont have appetite

Drinking: Soy bean

Dressed in: Shirt & Shortpant

Listening: I'll Be ok-McFly

Watching: -

Reading: Malay Novel

Thinking: about them.

Annoyed: My nice guy.



Wanting: goki and the old them.

Can't wait to: On Hiatus.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mood: ok

Status: hmm..

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: nope

Drinking: no

Dressed in: winter clothes?

Listening: HIM

Watching: the YO forum

Reading: this questions

Thinking: of someone

Dating: -

Love: to many persons to count them all

Annoyed: no

Hate: no

Missing: yes

Wanting: for the weekend to come, a new PC, a new car etc.

Can't wait to: watch the ATP world tour final

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Mood: Can be better

Status: Heh.

Location: The kitchen

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: No.

Drinking: Water

Dressed in: Homely clothes

Listening: Rihanna

Watching: YO

Reading: The qusetions

Thinking: of many things

Dating: Nope

Love: Heh,dunnoh right now XD

Annoyed: Not exactly

Hate: Nope

Missing: To say yes...

Wanting: For the week end...

Can't wait to: To come Saturday...

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Mood: getting better

Status: relaxing

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: no, but I will soon

Drinking: -

Dressed in: white t-shirt, jeans

Listening: MBLAQ - Cry

Watching: YO

Reading: These qusetions

Thinking: ...

Dating: -

Love: yeah, many people

Annoyed: -

Hate: -

Missing: a lot

Wanting: many things

Can't wait: for the weekend to come

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Mood: Tired

Status: Studying

Location: Living room

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: Nothing

Drinking: Beer

Dressed in: Jeans,and a red shirt

Listening: -

Watching: Two and a Half man

Reading: Hiragana

Thinking: About a test

Dating: -

Love: Music

Annoyed: -

Hate: -

Missing: Yes

Wanting: This week to end

Can't wait: to go back to my hometown

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Mood: Annoying

Status: Final part is missing in my art -_-

Location: room

Y!M/Skype status:-

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:-

Eating: Haribo :p

Drinking: -

Dressed in: jeans and white shirt

Listening: Tokio Hotel

Watching: YO

Reading: -

Thinking: when my exams will finish !!!

Dating: -

Love: My cat :p

Annoyed: hell yeah

Hate: closed mindedness peeps (kinda yeah)

Missing: summer

Wanting: some fun

Can't wait : for weekend !

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Mood: cool

Status: headachy

Location: my place

Y!M/Skype status:offline

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:-

Eating:Just had a sandwich


Dressed in:Pj's

Listening: Gackt - Etude

Watching: Texhnolyze

Reading: LOTR - The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien

Thinking:How the hell do I mke this headache disappear?

Dating: No ._.

Love: chocolate. My fandomes. Week-ends.


Hate:being sick

Missing: Kicki. My family .__.

Wanting: A big piece of dark chocolate and a huge latte

Can't wait to: ... finish my fics.

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Mood: Sleeeeeeeeeepy

Status: so so so so sleepy

Location: my room, in front of my PC.

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:-



Dressed in:t-shirt and pants

Listening: Pick u up - Adam Lambert

Watching: my work... -_-

Reading: my plan of staff roster...

Thinking: i want to sleeeeeep

Dating: none 'coz that person doesn't wants me...

Love: *sigh*

Annoyed: by quite a number of things

Hate: incompetency

Missing: the person who doesn't wants me...

Wanting: tuesday to disappear forever.

Can't wait to: live through weds - sat like a bullet train...

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Mood: :1onion49:on the verge of death

Status: ----

Location: office

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:-

Eating: actually dreaming of eating since i hadn't luch ;__;


Dressed in:suit and shirt

Listening: Boss yelling

Watching: Boss yelling

Reading: acconting books from work...?!

Thinking: Can i shoot him?!

Dating: a special sandwich the store upstairs just brought a flyer about *drool*

Love: the sandwich upstairs...*drooling*

Annoyed: of everything and everyone standing in fronty of me right now---meaning---boss

Hate: Bullying

Missing: Really being at YO ;__;

Wanting: To go home...

Can't wait to: Go home... ;__;

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Mood: ok?

Status: multitasking

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:-

Eating: I ate pasta a while ago

Drinking: just water

Dressed in: a white t-shirt and jeans

Listening: Wenn es keinen Morgen gibt (When Tomorrow Never Comes) - a very beautiful song that my friend nuX sent me last night

Watching: the screen

Reading: YO

Thinking: that weekend has finally come

Dating: -

Love: many persons

Annoyed: a bit

Hate: -

Missing: many persons

Wanting: to visit my grandparents and friends

Can't wait to: see my grandparents

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Mood: fine

Status: -

Location: home

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:-

Eating: ähh ohhh.. to many

Drinking: coffee, water

Dressed in: jeans, sweat

Listening: Se7en - I_m Going Crazy

Watching: Naruto

Reading: here

Thinking: oooh the weekend is to small

Dating: -

Love: :p

Annoyed: no way

Hate: nothing & nobody

Missing: -

Wanting: write Rei a PM and send some Pix

Can't wait to: -

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Mood: happy

Status: Cyworld


Y!M/Skype status:-

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:-

Eating: Ambuyat

Drinking: Plain water

Dressed in: Malaysia Traditional Cloth (baju kurung)

Listening:Sunny hill

Watching: -

Reading: Manga

Thinking: Cyworld

Annoyed: Some people

Missing: My nephew

Wanting: Samsung Tab

Can't wait to: Going to Korea

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Mood: tired

Status: louder music

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: ----

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: ---

Eating: I do not eat I'm on a diet

Drinking: water

Dressed in: Jeans and T-shirt

Listening: Lady Gaga-Monster

Watching: ---

Reading: new messages from friends

Thinking: when will come the weekend




Hate: hm...

Missing: many

Wanting: ---

Can't wait to: came the weekend

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Mood: relieved

Status: I'm back! And I won't go away again, lol =))

Location: the living room

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: an orange

Drinking: the orange juice? Kinda...

Dressed in: warm clothes cuz it's winter

Listening: an online radio

Watching: out on the window

Reading: I have to start another book for school...and as manga, Sekaiichi Hatsukoi

Thinking: about Sk :x can't wait for another episode

Dating: -

Love: the forum. I missed it.

Annoyed: nooooo

Hate: nah

Missing: chit-chatting with friends :D

Wanting: a pizza

Can't wait to: receive the 2 books *yay*

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Mood: Sleepy

Status: Tired after school all day.

Location: Darkness.

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: just finished a cinnamon bun

Drinking: rose-hip tea

Dressed in: jeans, YFC tank top, knitted cardigan

Listening: 砂月 - Veil of Maria

Watching: Re-watching Fuurin Kazan

Reading: J.R.R Tolkien's The Two Towers

Thinking: ... what episode was I watching last time? hmm...

Dating: nope

Love: sleeping

Annoyed: about being woken by kids running and shouting >_>

Hate: feeling helpless.

Missing: My family .___.

Wanting: To pass the exam. To go home.

Can't wait to: the above mentioned things.

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Mood: Annoyed, drained and a bit sad

Status: Frustrated

Location: Living room, but going to sit outside at my balcony relaxing with my book in the sun

Y!M/Skype status: Offline not in mood for talking or writing with anyone

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: Nothing, have lost my appetite

Drinking: X-ray

Dressed in: black hose and a red t shirt

Listening: MYNAME(마이네임) _ Message

Watching: nothing

Reading: rpg - yaoi i'm writing

Thinking: friendship ... i'm kind of sad

Dating: single T.T

Love: my friends. i so love them for beying here for me

Annoyed: at myself

Hate: i hate all the things i love

Missing: my ex-self

Wanting: to be more of an ambitious person

Can't wait to: come tomorrow

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mood: sad

Status: why this always happen to me T.T

Location: Yaoi world

Y!M/Skype status:-

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:-



Dressed in: tshirt+short pant




Thinking: that hypocrite girl

Wanting: Hello Kitty Hairband

Can't wait to: go to beach with cousin

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Mood: Apathetic (Couldn't resist; watching a funny Cloud AMV. XD But seriously, I'm fine~)

Status: 22 years old and still singing along with The Lion King

Location: Your mind...mwahahaha!

Y!M/Skype status: N/A

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: N/A

Eating: Your soul. >> Nah, just kidding. Christmas M&Ms~

Drinking: Cherry-lemonade Kool-aid

Dressed in: Just...clothes. o_O

Listening: Alice Nine - Sleepwalker

Watching: Nothing at the moment

Reading: Where There's Fire - Maureen McKade

Thinking: I should probably be working on my novel right now...

Dating: Single at the moment...unfortunately.

Love: Er...hanging out on here? Seems like it's what I'm doing most of the night anyway. XD

Annoyed: Nah, not really annoyed with anything.

Hate: My microwave for burning my Ramen last night... -Shakes fist at the appliance-

Missing: My dad

Wanting: For my back to stop screaming at me

Can't wait to: Start making cookies today for the holidays~

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Mood: Drained.

Status: -stares blankly-

Location: My own world.

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: Nothing.

Drinking: Coffee.

Dressed in: -stares blankly-

Listening: To my own thoughts -_-

Watching: The screen.

Reading: "Reading".

Thinking: I gotta shower;I gotta buy cigarettes, I gotta work and I gotta wait for the "say what ever you want" to reach 100 pages to re-open it.

Dating: -stares blankly-

Love: =_= I am really not in the mood to be original.


Hate: -yawns-

Missing: Whatever it is.

Wanting: To finish...all the frigging work for once..

Can't wait to: Go get a new hairstyle.

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Mood: Hyper but suffering from summer hatred

Status: Cursing the weather

Location: Australia

Y!M/Skype status: I forgot but can't be bothered looking XD

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: Nobody T^T

Eating: Rum balls

Drinking: Pepsi Max

Dressed in: T-shirt and jeans

Listening: Fatboy Slim

Watching: A computer screen?

Reading: Posts XD

Thinking: How hot it would have to be for me to melt

Dating: Nobody (woe is me XD)

Love: Family (Occasionally)

Annoyed: The moth ramming itself into my laptop screen

Hate: Summer

Missing: Winter

Wanting: A cold rainy day and someone to snuggle with ^^

Can't wait to: Live in a cold summerless place

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  • 2 weeks later...


Status:stress world

Location: Yaoi world

Y!M/Skype status:-

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:-

Eating: Fried noodle

Drinking : Coffee

Dressed in: tshirt+short pan




Thinking: about World

Wanting: Korea

Can't wait to: Annual Dinner

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