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Right now, I...

Yaoi Eater

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Mood: Too Good

Status: bunch of Hamchoi

Location: yaoi world

Y!M/Skype status: ...

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: Talk with pluto People hurhur

Eating: Chocolate cookies

Drinking: Plain water

Dressed in: shirt + long skirt

Listening: -

Watching: Dramas

Reading: subtitle

Thinking: how to be evil sister hurhurhur

Dating: neh ..dating..hurhur not now please

Love: ofc myself.

Annoyed: bunch of people from pluto loooool

Hate: Hamchoi kikikiki

Missing: Himchan,zelo,Yong guk gosh too many in my list

Wanting: meeting himchan and rest

Can't wait to: Korea~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`

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Mood: good

Status: playing

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: -

Drinking: water

Dressed in: jeans, white t-shirt

Listening: to the TV

Watching: the screen

Reading: these questions

Thinking: about how much I have to study tomorrow

Dating: -

Love: family, friends

Annoyed: at the exams >.

Hate: -

Missing: yeah, many people

Wanting: to get an award in the arcade :p

Can't wait to: finish with the exams

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Mood:Too Good

Status: Ally of Justice...

Location: Yaoi World

Y!M/Skype status: Hamchoi yadda mo~~ >

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: -

Drinking: -

Dressed in: pyjamas


Watching: Dramas

Reading: Subtitle

Thinking: Making cookies

Dating: no,no,no hurhurhur

Love: myself as usual

Annoyed: bunch of hamchoi hurhurhur

Wanting: cookies

Can't wait to: Korea

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Mood: Crazy

Status: If I hear another word from another actor about coffee breaks, there will be blood splattered over my crowbar and a dead body in the booth.

Location: Dorm room

Y!M/Skype status: Tech week, yea!

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: No one.

Eating: Wish I was eating something...

Drinking: Diet Coke

Dressed in: Skirt and blouse...darn school attire

Listening: U2

Watching: Nothing

Reading: Brave New World

Thinking: About what colors to use in each light

Dating: ...*cries*

Love: ...*cries some more*

Annoyed: At the world

Hate: Actors "That doesn't look right." Your face doesn't look right!


Wanting: To go to Tech Crew

Can't wait to: Go to tech crew~

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Mood: Slightly bored, but content

Status: Just finished putting together a book shelf

Location: In my room

Y!M/Skype status: online

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: Kriss, Post-modern Sleaze

Eating:Nothing, but will eat pork chop with whiskey sauce and rice soon *__*

Drinking:Nope, but will soon have a beer

Dressed in: jeans, black tank top, black knitted shirt

Listening: the buzz from my lappie's fan

Watching: the screen

Reading: what I'm writing

Thinking: My room looks nice now~ And "What shall I cosplay on UppCon?"

Dating: Nope

Love: ...Beer?

Annoyed: Slightly.

Hate: Not really

Missing: Kriss ._. and Iro

Wanting: To speak japanese fluently, to be able to draw, to finish my G-collection

Can't wait to: tomorrow (fangirling w friend) :3 and March when I go to my parents again... and UPPCON!!!

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Mood: Good

Status: Moe moe dokyuun

Location: Yaoi World

Y!M/Skype status: aaaa!! it's Akaike kun at gokusen...kyah!!!~~~~

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: Haruka Chan and Ojou Asami

Eating: Chicken with rice

Drinking: Plain water

Dressed in: Pyjamas

Listening: -

Watching: Gokusen 3

Reading: Subtitle

Thinking: Miura look so Macho

Dating: -

Love: myself

Annoyed: -

Hate: -

Missing: Hayong

Wanting: More Maid dress

Can't wait to: Work at maid Cafe hohoho~~~

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Status: "I want to kill my internet!"


Y!M/Skype status: Jah..ohh..jahh..jah ;DD|Nine Inch Nails- The Perfect Drug (music) | TM 4 L

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:Alex-kun

Eating:Sweet corn

Drinking:water o_o

Dressed in: pjs and kimono


Watching:The News

Reading:One of my own fiction novels

Thinking: "I want to cosplay!!!"



Annoyed:By some poosers..:8yoyo13:



Wanting:Good things to happen O-o

Can't wait to:Pass 9th grade

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Mood: Bored

Status: Kinda starting to get a headache

Location: front of lappie

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: Not right now

Drinking: I think I'll have some wine in a while

Dressed in: jeans, striped grey top, black knitted shirt

Listening: Gackt - Secret Garden

Watching: so many dramas rn, one is Vampire Host (japanese drama) and also Shiki (anime).

Reading: Nostradamus by Mario Reading

Thinking: perhaps some juice would be nice? and Angel-TAKA is kinda epic.

Dating: nope

Love: G

Annoyed: not really

Hate: tinnitus.

Missing: Iro. And Kriss and Vicc too. Oh and Charlie

Wanting: a nice, juicy drink! To speak&read japanese fluently

Can't wait to: this summer! UppCon

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Mood: Sleepy.. XD

Status: My eyes are hurting me..

Location: The kitchen.

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: Nope.

Drinking: Water.

Dressed in: normal clothes Lol.

Listening: 장재인 - Please.

Watching: Athena - The goddness of war.

Reading: The questions.

Thinking: What to do today?

Dating: Nope.

Love: What is this?

Annoyed: Nope.

Hate: That I still have one term/semester left before to finish school...

Missing: Not only one person.

Wanting: To see someone.

Can't wait to: April to come.

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Mood: can't describe

Status: humming (Rurouni Kenshin - 1/2)

Location: chair

Eating: chips (done)

Dressed in: common clothes

Listening: 1/2 (in my mind) xD


Thinking: my X-ray result (first time) -excited to see my chest bone structure- XD

Love: everyone and everything

Missing: people

Wanting: people

Can't wait to: see my x-ray result

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mood: Mix up

Status: Waiting

Location: Yaoi world

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: Hokaido Egg Milk Bread

Drinking: Coffee

Dressed in: T-shirt +short pants

Watching: Love keep going(Taiwan Drama)

Reading: subtitle

Thinking: Renew passport

Love: Myself

Missing: someone

Wanting: Free ticket to Seoul next year lol

Can't wait to: Fly to Seoul..

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Mood: Unexplainable

Status: Nauseous

Location: On a chair somewhere

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: Just finished a bowl of tomato soup...

Drinking: I'll get me some coffee or tea in a lil' while

Dressed in: jeans, knitted shirt, tank top.

Watching: the screen

(Re-)Reading: xXxHolic

Thinking: Why oh why did I eat that? I feel so sick.

Love: ... music?

Missing: the way it was.

Wanting: To feel better

Can't wait to: UppCon:12

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Mood:extremely hyper :/

Status:surfing r/ffuuuuuu

Location:im my room :D

Y!M/Skype status: none i barely use Yahoo for chat anyway :/

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: none

Eating:salt and vinegar lays

Drinking: chocolate milk (they actually taste good together O_o)

Dressed in: my pjs!

Listening: to chimneyswift11 play happywheels on yt

Watching: none


Thinking:why am i up at 3AM?

Dating:no one~

Love:n-no one! o///o

Annoyed:by my staticky hair -_-

Hate:not sure

Missing:my aunt katie (my only family member who knows i like yaoi ^.^)

Wanting: nothing in particular

Can't wait to: hug something (no wonder i always get uke on quizzes O_o)

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Mood: Amused.

Status: Pffft.

Location: Mitsu’s bed O_o

Y!M/Skype status:-

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:

Eating: Nothing.

Drinking: Water.

Dressed in: Pyjamas.

Listening: To Mitsu rambling on about my gayness xD

Watching: Mitsu trying to hit me with a water bottle Dx

Reading: Mitsu’s essay, well I’m trying to >__> SORT YA HANDWRITING OUT WOMEN =_=

Thinking: About food *O* me so hungry…

Dating: My laptop ;D ;D

Love: I dunno…stuff =/

Annoyed: At the horrible weather

Hate: some more stuff

Missing: Hmm….

Wanting: FOOOOOD T_T

Can't wait to: Eat all the food 8D

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Mood: bad

Status: broke up

Location: friend's room

Y!M/Skype status:-

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:-

Eating: calcium cracker

Drinking: -

Dressed in: lingerie.

Listening: secondhand serenade & riot

Watching: beloved lappy

Reading: how much point i get it....

Thinking: earn much point, i need to purchase that items on next month…...

Dating: nop

Love: never know it...and dont wanna know

Annoyed: if my friends rushed over me

Hate: being force

Missing: class time

Wanting: live in a far away place which no one know me, start from beginning

Can't wait to: graduate......

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Mood: Pissed.

Status: Balled fists.

Location: Living room.

Y!M/Skype status: Online.

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: Nobody.

Eating: Nothing.

Drinking: Nothing.

Dressed in: Tee and lounge pants.

Listening: To the air purifier.

Watching: Nothing.

Reading: Nothing.

Thinking: "I hope it was worth losing a friend over."

Dating: I'm married.

Love: My husband.

Annoyed: At someone I thought had the capacity to be a decent human being.

Hate: That same person.

Missing: My husband. A lot.

Wanting: To be held.

Can't wait to: See him again.

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Y!M/Skype status:Online

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: BF



Dressed in:T-shirts and Jeans

Listening: Heaven's Drive

Watching: Nothing

Reading: Nothing

Thinking: of the Future

Dating: Yes

Love: My BF


Hate: my X-BF

Missing:My BF

Wanting: to be held

Can't wait to: spend the rest of my life with my BF

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Mood: Oki but tired

Status: Thoughtful

Location: On the sofa in my living room

Y!M/Skype status: Invisible

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: No one they are all sleeping

Eating: Gum

Drinking: Tea

Dressed in: Black sporty pants, black top and grey hoody

Listening: To the tv playing some Danish song

Watching: My screen and the tv now and then

Reading: a book of Craig Nakken : The Addictive Personality: Understanding the Addictive Process and Compulsive Behavior

Thinking: About my life

Dating: I have a bf

Love: Is something I cant live without

Annoyed: Amazingly enough, not annoyed right now

Hate: My addictions

Missing: To have control over my life

Wanting: To live, not just survive

Can't wait to: Lose the last weight to reach my goal..

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Mood: Butterfly in stomach

Status: noodle OD

Location: infront of my dad's laptop.

Y!M/Skype status: Offline

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: i told u it's on9

Eating: Chocolate


Dressed in: Tshirt

Listening: OZ- Ecdysis

Watching: My dad laptop's screen

Reading: Yaoi fanfic and Naitou Taiki's ameblo


Dating: A freak who always make me smile

Love: My new kitty and Naitou taiki

Annoyed: My new school

Hate: Pimples

Missing:My bestfriend and my freak

Wanting: school holiday

Can't wait to:go out with my bestfriends and my freak... I AM GOING TO INTRODUCE HIM!!!! and hoping that my bestfriends won't chop his head off..i promised him that nothing will happen to him *cross my heart*

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Mood: Mix up

Status: Jong kok got nice hair

Location: Asian made lol

Y!M/Skype status: -Pororo ya~~~

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: kuma chan,Biha and Jason

Eating: -

Drinking: Plain water

Dressed in: shirt +shirtpant

Listening: -

Watching: Running man

Reading: -

Thinking: cookies bunny

Love:Just myself

Annoyed: some people

Missing: Bi,goki

Wanting: cookies bunny for free :3

Can't wait to: Korea

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mood: Pissed off on a friend..

Status: Thinking about 10 things in the same time XD

Location: My room

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: Nothing

Drinking: Plain water

Dressed in: Blue shirt and sport pants

Listening: To the silence outside..

Watching: My screen

Reading: These questions

Thinking: Of a lot of thinks in the same time

Dating: Curious?

Love: You

Annoyed: At a friend of mine who borrowed my Playstation without asking for permission

Hate: No one

Missing: Yes

Wanting: To skip school tomorrow

Can't wait to: Get the next vacation

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Mood: Great. (:

Status: -

Location: My bed.

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: Nothing.

Drinking: Ice tea.

Dressed in: Pyjama.

Listening: To my thoughts. o_O'

Watching: My screen.

Reading: These questions.

Thinking: About something that makes me smile.

Dating: Dare you to guess.

Love: Dare you to confess.

Annoyed: At my stupidity. (-_-メ)

Hate: No one.

Missing: -

Wanting: To meet a certain person.

Can't wait to: Get stuff done.

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Mood: Sleepy

Status: Just woke up after about 3 hours of sleep

Location: My bed

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: Nothing

Drinking: Coffee

Dressed in: PJs

Listening: Miyavi - Wake up Honey

Watching: My cat playing around the room

Reading: This post

Thinking: About how silly my cat is

Dating: -

Love: The first coffee in the morning

Annoyed: -

Hate: No one

Missing: A friend

Wanting: To meet that friend

Can't wait to: Fully wake up ∑( ̄□ ̄)

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Mood: Stable but sleepy -_-

Status: Try to calm my self & patience with my inet connection --;;;

Location: on my bed

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: Nothing

Drinking: Tea

Dressed in: Shirt & short pants

Listening: Craig David - Walking Away

Watching: My laptop

Reading: Nothing

Thinking: Lazy to think something right now ... ^^

Dating: My laptop & YO XDDD

Love: My laptop & YO XDDD

Annoyed: With my clumsyness

Hate: Nothing & No one

Missing: My Mom

Wanting: Meet my friend, hang out together & talking all day long with them

Can't wait to: Meet "Weekend" again & sleep all day long... XDDD

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Mood: So-so.

Status: I wanna forget about everything.

Location: the kitchen.

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: Pasta.

Drinking: Water.

Dressed in: Pants,black t-shirt and yellow shirt.

Listening: Jay Park - Know Your Name

Watching: The wall?

Reading: The questions.

Thinking: About many things in the same time.

Dating: Too curious to know?

Love: Me. XD

Annoyed: At my parents.

Hate: No.

Missing: Yeah.

Wanting: To be in vacation.

Can't wait to: Become April.

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