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Right now, I...

Yaoi Eater

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Mood: agitated

Status:trying not to perv that singature again

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status:-

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:-



Dressed in:a towel( got out of the shower and im too lazy to get dressed for now)

Listening:30 seconds to mars - stronger

Watching: that hot signiture O_o


Thinking:i think u know the answer to that 1

Dating: still myself

Love: yaoi

Annoyed:at my hair beying wet


Missing:the time when i knew verry little about life in genneral

Wanting: for the dudes in that signiture to actually kiss

Can't wait: to dye my hair blue

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Mood: a bit sad

Status: This weather is completely insane >.

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: -

Drinking: -

Dressed in: a red with white blouse and pants

Listening: The Willowz - Repetition (remix by Sharkslayer ; this guy is awesome...cool remixes)

Watching: outside, on the window...one moment is sunny, the other one is cloudy...one moment is nice and pleasant, the other one is windy and it gets chilly >.

Reading: The picture of DG

Thinking: I need to move somewhere where the weather is always pleasant...is there such a place? Probably no

Dating: don't think so....although some friends asked me to go out tonight...but dunno, I'll think about it

Love: yeah

Annoyed: a bit

Hate: no

Missing: yes...

Wanting: a pleasant weather...to stay in the hammock and read, while the sun is warming me and I swing slowly...*Sighsighsighsigh* but ofc I'm asking too much >.

Can't wait to: .....

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Mood: good

Status: waiting for my lunch

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status:-

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:-

Eating: not yet

Drinking: -

Dressed in: white t-shirt and jeans

Listening: Linkin Park

Watching: the questions


Thinking: what to write

Dating: ?

Love: yaoi + my friends + my friends here + my family

Annoyed: at the mess in my room

Hate: -

Missing: some friends

Wanting: some fun.. maybe a party? :D

Can't wait: to visit Japan

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Mood:tired/ mellow

Status: just finished lunch

Location:@table@ home

Y!M/Skype status: ?

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:-



Dressed in:summer wear(Cheshire cat t-shirt)


Watching:kaizoku sentai gokaiger, city hunter + 10 other dramas

Reading:Harry potter 1

Thinking:want next ep of city hunter + want to see takumi 5



Annoyed:with stupid people


Missing:my friend who lives halfway around the world

Wanting:to find someone I can talk to in Japanese

Can't wait to:go to the US, then Japan, then Korea^_^

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Mood: Amazed

Status:Singing along with ~Seki-ray~

Location:My bed

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:-

Eating:just ate a slice of bread with liver paté and pickles

Drinking:soon coffee

Dressed in: Long tank top

Listening: Gackt - ~Seki-Ray~

Watching:Re-watching my MARS~Vististor from the sky~DVD

Reading:Memnoch the Devil

Thinking:"I want my new things... Gackt has the greatest voice"


Love: ...shopping new things of my fandome?

Annoyed:..at my empty wallet.

Hate: seing Gackt collapse on stage >__>

Missing: Kat

Wanting: MOON in SACD Hybrid format *__* And at least one of the platinum boxes... Dmanit, I want 'em all T_T

Can't wait to: Get my new things ehehe

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Mood: Creative.

Status: Drawing Kiriwar & Gunji going at it (almost) and downloading horror movies.

Location: Asami's penthouse. *smirk*

Y!M/Skype status: --

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: --

Eating: Nothing right now. Had rice with vegetables at lunch. (:

Drinking: Fresh water.

Dressed in: Brown t-shirt and jeans.

Listening: DOES.

Watching: Natsume Yuujinchou-san, yay~! (^_^)

Reading: Viewfinder fanfictions. Perfectly written ones. *drools*

Thinking: That Kamui really does have a severe samurai fetish. Raf's messy hair is sexy.

Dating: Raf.

Love: Chaos and disorder; stretching, hearing my bones crack and my muscles tense and then relax. Feels so good.

Annoyed: At the soreness of my neck and back.

Hate: Filth. People in general. My bad memory. Me, you and Raf. The Universe. Nothing in particular. (:

Missing: The target. Hm... More like the point. Of my best friend mounting the tent and camping in the middle of my room for several days, now.

Wanting: A massage. A katana. Tatoos. (Raf's going to give me the first right about now. Feel free to give me the second. The third will be taken care of soon~)

Can't wait to: Destroy the World. *grins*

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Mood: Thoughtful

Status:ignoring everything to write on S-CONSCIOUS

Location:an uncomfortable chair

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:-


Drinking:nope, should get myself something to drink though

Dressed in: Black top, jeans

Listening: Gackt - Papa Lapped a Pap Lopped

Watching:the screeeeeen

Reading:Memnoch the Devil, and what I'm currently writing

Thinking:about how the story should continue

Dating: my Gackt-calendar ... (I'm obviously joking, idiot)

Love: the feeling after having worked out

Annoyed:..at my empty wallet.

Hate: -

Missing: the days when the smallest of my clothes were slightly loose

Wanting: more fandomes R_R give money please...

Can't wait to: get the package (6 days left!)

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Mood: Fangirlish?

Status:Movies on rainy days

Location:Uncomfortable chair

Y!M/Skype status:offline

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:--



Dressed in:bigh plaid shirt and jeans

Listening:Gackt's voice? *__*

Watching:re-watching Moon child for the tenth time or so

Reading:Memnoch the Devil (half-way there~~)

Thinking:About how goddamn adorable Sho is

Dating:the coffee mug, great companion :p

Love:my Moon child DVD *_*

Annoyed:about the DVD not having japanese subs, though I don't mind not having subs at all (there is english subs on it!)

Hate: -

Missing:The woods surronding the place I used to live...

Wanting: a new external HDD

Can't wait to:get out on a walk

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Mood: Self-cannibalism.

Status: Drawing. I woke up with tons of ideas flooding my mind. R-18 stuff. Tsumari, morning-perving-time. My nose is bleeding and no, it's not because of what you're thinking (it actually happens to me every now and then).

Y!M/Skype status: --

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: --

Eating: Nothing yet, I am waiting for lunch. (:

Drinking: Just drank coffee. The perpetual fresh water.

Dressed in: Black Slipknot t-shirt and jeans.

Listening: A Perfect Circle.

Watching: Random horror movies. (*_*)

Reading: Durarara!! novel.

Thinking: That I need more manga by Koshino. Izaki is awesome. I'm hungry. My mother tried a new cheese recipe and wants to use me as guinea-pig: "Dream on, woman." -says I.

Love: "All humanity! Except Shizu-chan, of course~" ...Shut up, Izaya. (-_-)

Annoyed: At tsunderes. Most of the time. (.__.)

Hate: Stereotypes (?)

Missing: Rena and her cleaver of doom. Talking about doom, now I'm craving an episode of Invader Zim. Nezu and Brohnie and Rei.

Wanting: Shizuo & Izaya's voice clock. I want it. Bad.

Can't wait to: Catch you, straddle you, chain you and rip you apart. *lick lips*

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Mood: Manic

Status: stay away from me i mite do f*cked up stuff

Y!M/Skype status: Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity!

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: --

Eating: just had breakfast at 4 in the afternoon

Drinking: coffee (adicted 2 it)

Dressed in: random stuff that i can spill other stuff on and not mind

Listening: 30 Seconds to Mars - Stronger (cover) - cant get it out of my head

Watching: my cat being a retard

Reading: -

Thinking: "Catch you, straddle you, chain you and rip you apart. *lick lips*" runs away with her hands up, screaming!

Love: cigarettes

Annoyed: At not having cigarettes atm

Hate: -

Missing: smoking

Wanting: -_- to smoke duuuh!!

Can't wait to: pointless to type it..

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Mood: Thoughtful

Status:Feeling old and solving crosswords

Location: feels like I'm in a sauna

Y!M/Skype status:-

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:正人 (=masato)

Eating:nothing yet

Drinking:thinking of starting another pot of coffee

Dressed in:just plaid shirt, jeans got too hot lol

Listening:Gackt :3

Watching: the screen

Reading:the crossword

Thinking:about solutions to the crosswords...

Dating: my computer, it's nice to me XD


Annoyed:about the warm humidity today


Missing:Kat. Rei and Jenow... Uhm an ice latte from espresso house...

Wanting: for the time to go just a lil' faster

Can't wait to:get to see Gackt live and at the same time meeting Mino-san

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Mood: kinda sleepy

Status: no status? don't have atm

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: breakfast...in about 10-15 minutes

Drinking: nothing

Dressed in: some clothes

Listening: an online radio

Watching: nothing

Reading: ......

Thinking: about my breakfast

Dating: not for a while

Love: same things I suppose

Annoyed: no

Hate: no

Missing: an ice-cream

Wanting: to type correctly...my fingers seems to hit only the wrong letters >.

Can't wait to: eat

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Mood: Happy

Status: Online

Location: In my room on top of my bed.

Y!M/Skype status: Offline

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: No one

Eating: Cereal/Porridge in about a minute

Drinking: Lemsip tea as I think I am come down with a cold.

Dressed in: A long sleeve shirt and 3/4 length jeans and flip flops

Listening: The birds outside my windows

Watching: The computer screen as I type

Reading: This reply

Thinking: I am soooooo hungry

Dating: Robert Pattinson or Tamashita Tomohisa (Wishing!)

Love: TOFFEE!!!!

Annoyed: At myself for having gone to sleep late and having to wake up early. Need sleep

Hate: Celery, Maramite.....Stereotypical blonde type of people

Missing: My headphones.

Wanting: To go back to sleep.

Can't wait to: Get out the house and go visit my friend in the country.

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Mood: Mean.

Status: Brushing my teeth, studying and drawing.

Location: Purgatory.

Y!M/Skype status: --

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: --

Eating: --

Drinking: Fresh water.

Dressed in: Black shirt and purple pants.

Listening: Saya No Uta OST.

Watching: The Orphanage. (*_*)

Reading: The Melancholy Death Of Oyster Boy & Other Stories (again), The Embalmer, Franken Fran.

Thinking: About Aliens.

Dating: Filipe & Ana.

Love: Asami. Tim Burton. Pumpkins.

Annoyed: Nope.

Hate: Boobs. Mine, yours and everyone else's.

Missing: The scent of tobacco. Incense. The Winter.

Wanting: To swim.

Can't wait to: Undergo metamorphosis.

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Mood: Slightly annoyed

Status: Don't know what to do

Location: the 27th realm

Y!M/Skype status: --

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: --

Eating: --


Dressed in: black shorts and a huge plaid shirt

Listening: Gackt

Watching: The screen...

Reading: Memnoch the Devil

Thinking: About nothing and everything

Dating: -

Love: coffee...

Annoyed: Yeah...

Hate: The sight of my father eating. I'm thouroghly disgusted.

Missing: Having internet in my bedroom >__>

Wanting: Internet in my own bedroom, some peace and quiet.

Can't wait to: move to an apartment of my own.

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Mood: - PLAIN

Status: - loving micky yoochun

Location: - infront of PC

Y!M/Skype status: --

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: --

Eating: - my lunch

Drinking: - water

Dressed in: black skirt and light blue blouse

Listening: - to rain shower

Watching: - the strong rain

Reading: --

Thinking: - my friends here in the forum

Dating: --

Love: --

Annoyed: --

Hate: --

Missing: - this forum, posting threads and chit-chat with my friends here

Wanting: - FULL EPISODE of MISS RIPLEY (but impossible cause it's still airing, haha)

Can't wait to: - watch Miss Ripley (later, at night, :D hihi )

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Mood: sneaky :D

Status: that's the way we like to...watch yaoi ofc =)))

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: nothing

Drinking: cappuccino

Dressed in: a blouse and pants

Listening: Francisco- hands up looool

Watching: the cappuccino and the screen

Reading: I started to read "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen (Soooo classic) and "Crime and Punishment" by F.M Dostoyevsky

(with y or i, depending on the country). The first one is for school, and the second for my own pleasure

Thinking: that my cappuccino is still a bit hot >.

Dating: -

Love: yaoi

Annoyed: no

Hate: no

Missing: a talk with Kate

Wanting: many things

Can't wait to: .....

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Mood: flirty :p

Status: want to chat to my friends here

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: soon

Drinking: maybe?

Dressed in: a green t-short and pants

Listening: j-rock

Watching: the screen

Reading: the questions

Thinking: at a party :D

Dating: -

Love: yaoi and all of you of course :p

Annoyed: no

Hate: no

Missing: a party in the chatroom

Wanting: many things

Can't wait to: have fun :D

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Mood: Excited (:

Status:Waiting and waiting and waiting some more (:

Location:Fangirl heaven?

Y!M/Skype status:offline

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:-


Drinking:Water with lemon

Dressed in:shorts and top

Listening:GACKT - DYBBUK

Watching:The screen (: WIll be watching dorama later with Iro

Reading:Memnoch the Devil, funny book.

Thinking:that it's been a long time since I last met Iro.

Dating: That cute guy in Fuma no Kojiro... nah jk~ He is cute though ^__^


Annoyed:Not at all (:

Hate: nothing right now ^__^


Wanting: To go to a con~

Can't wait to: Get my things and see if I got admitted to uni!

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Mood: Crazy

Status: yesh!!~~~ BBQ BBQ BBQ BBQ BBQ!!~~~~~~


Y!M/Skype status:-

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:-

Eating:Curry Chicken with rice.


Dressed in: Tee &Shortpant



Reading: Screen

Thinking: Ice Rink Ice Rink Ice Rink Ice Rink


Love: someone i still love :)



Missing: that person

Wanting: money XD

Can't wait to: Going to KL KL KL KL KL...XD

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Mood: Happy~

Status:Kicking ass in the arcade

Location:Gackt kingdom... duh.

Y!M/Skype status:offline

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:-


Drinking: coffee (great mix btw LOL)

Dressed in: still shrots and top

Listening:Gackt - Etude

Watching:the screen

Reading:the convo in the chat~

Thinking:About how funny it is that Gackt could in fact be ARASHI's secret sixth member *inside joke*

Dating:having a date with FUruichi in the cr, ofc, mentioned user doesn't know it yet... xDDD

Love:spending time messing around with Iro.

Annoyed: over my hurting tummy ):

Hate:not having money to spend.

Missing: cons! I want to go to a con damnit!

Wanting: read previous line... And oh, I want money to expand my collection :3

Can't wait to: go to stockholm with Iro and Markus and meet Mino and see GACKT

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Mood: chill

Status: songs exchange!!

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: invisible

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: Lucian =)))

Eating: nothing

Drinking: -

Dressed in: same as before

Listening: same :D

Watching: what he's sending me lol

Reading: what he writes, what I write...

Thinking: too many things...but mostly that he's funny =))

Dating: -

Love: yaoi 4ever

Annoyed: -

Hate: -

Missing: something to drink

Wanting: see above

Can't wait to: .....

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Mood: Competitive

Status:Enjoys winning :p

Location:Magnum garden..? *inside fangirl joke*

Y!M/Skype status: online

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:--

Eating:Cinnamon bun


Dressed in: PJ's lol


Watching:Slightly watching the Australia-Sweden game in Ladies soccer WC

Reading:Memnoch the Devil (awesome book I tell ya!)

Thinking:About how I'll make poor Közi suffer in the next chapter of S-CONSCIOUS

Dating:Twitter, perhaps~

Love: Cinnamon. It's yummy. And uhm... Gackt? 8) And friends and family etc. etc. etc...

Annoyed:about people being to unsocial

Hate:losing. Really hate losing lol

Missing:The triplets. The fun of cons. Mino. Kat.

Wanting: To win. To go to cons. To get my things that I've waited sooo long for (3 days to release!)... Money. I seriously need money. And a new external HDD.

Can't wait to: get that lovely package (: get some money to spend on more lovely things lol. Move into my own apartment.

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Mood: bored. In the worst way possible...

Status: hm?

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: -

Drinking: -

Dressed in: shorts and a shirt...it's hot

Listening: One Republic - marchin' on

Watching: nothing

Reading: Pride and prejudice

Thinking: that I'm probably gonna watch another episode of Qaf...it's the only way I can get rid of boredom

Dating: -

Love: same things as before, I guess...

Annoyed: at my mood

Hate: being bored

Missing: I dunno...

Wanting: to be more optimistic

Can't wait to: watch Qaf....

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