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Right now, I...

Yaoi Eater

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Mood: Mischievous. *snicker*

Status: Brushing my teeth and browsing Pixiv. (:

Location: In the middle of a tropical rain forest, far, far away from the self-destructive civilization of Man (and there's a beautiful storm approaching

Y!M/Skype status: --

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: --

Eating: Ate rice with egg at luch.

Drinking: Fresh water.

Dressed in: Black & purple shirt and jeans.

Listening: Black Sabbath.

Watching: Trigun: Badlands Rumble.

Reading: Yondemasuyo Azazel-san.

Thinking: About a Samurai Champloo fanart piece I'm stuck on; about Akutabe

Dating: Raf.

Love: Mad Hatter.

Annoyed: Nope.

Hate: ?

Missing: Nezu, Rei and Brohnie.

Wanting: To finish our (mine and Gui's) lastest horror movie script.

Can't wait to: Start shooting it. (*_*)

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Mood: The "I don't give a f***" type of mood

Status: go and....no more vulgar talking here

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: who eats these days? Really? nah, just kiddin' I'm not eating right now

Drinking: .....

Dressed in: clothes....

Listening: some indian beat remixed....from Qaf, season 4 episode 2...but who cares???

Watching: ....

Reading: same

Thinking: that I, again have been disappointed by trusting some a******

Dating: -

Love: me, myself and I. Damn egocentric today

Annoyed: yeah, but I'm not going to let it overwhelm me

Hate: almost :D

Missing: -

Wanting: tomorrow

Can't wait to: tomorrow

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Mood: Happy~ so happy happy~ Happy! :D

Status: brushing my teeth and loking at that yummy nectarine - WHY THE puup~ AM I BRUSHING MY TEETH?! I should had ate (omo, which tense do I need to use I'm totally confused >///

Location: My roomieee~

Y!M/Skype status: online, keke :D

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: nope not really.

Eating: nothing ._.

Drinking: if I'm going to be clumsy today then I'll end up drinking a mix of water and toothpaste :x (I don't hope so !)

Dressed in: yeheeellow~ tee and black pants :3

Listening: One way - Magic *-*

Watching: Hana Yori Dango. I'm almost done with the drama, yipiie~

Reading: -

Thinking: auww~~ :3 I can finally see Kame, Hyun Joong-ah & Mireu~ those "new" cell phones are like a miracle O_O

Dating: -

Love: Hm... that nectarine! X__X

Annoyed: Nooooope :D

Hate: Why should I hate somebody/something? :p

Missing: nothing. Kind of.

Wanting: ... that fruit. But I'm not going to eat it! I'm going to resist!

Can't wait to: go to university :DD

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Mood: Fangirly and superexcited and a bit hyper xD

Status:Dancing along to Vanilla

Location:Rainy Sweden

Y!M/Skype status:-

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:-


Drinking:jsut finished my coffee

Dressed in:NIN-shirt and jeans

Listening:Have Vanilla by Gackt on repeat xD

Watching:the screen :3

Reading:uhm, what I'm writing I suppose

Thinking:hope it won't rain too much when we're walking

Dating:my lappie

Love: ... Gackt and Mana-sama ;__;

Annoyed:about EMS taking forever to ship my package >_>

Hate: uhm... nothing :3

Missing: Iro .___. Rei&Jenow

Wanting: my package... an apartment!!!

Can't wait to:see Gackt and Jon sing

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Mood: good :)

Status: don need one now

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: -

Drinking: -

Dressed in: pj

Listening: savin' me (nickelback)

Watching: -

Reading: Angel Densetsu

Thinking: lion king musical

Dating: hmmm...

Love: hmmm...

Annoyed: -

Hate: the weather :(

Missing: -

Wanting: a new laptop

Can't wait to: 31 july >

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Mood: Stress


Location: so damn busy

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: -

Drinking: -

Dressed in: pj

Listening: savin' me (nickelback)

Watching: -

Reading: -

Thinking: work and other forum..

Dating: hmmm...

Love: hmmm...

Annoyed: Plastic

Hate: faker

Missing: -

Wanting: him g** B*****. :)

Can't wait to: Korea..

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Mood: uncaring type of mood....

Status: "you s-s-suck" :D

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: probably a banana...but a bit later

Drinking: -

Dressed in: pants and a white blouse

Listening: 2ne1-hate you

Watching: the cute video...which is not so cute when the monster appears O_O

Reading: still the same...almost finishing it

Thinking: thaaaaaat..............I'm thinking too much =))

Dating: -

Love: yaoi

Annoyed: at me? nah, not really

Hate: old men...I really do

Missing: my life....as it was yesterday till the afternoon T_T

Wanting: my life back

Can't wait to: finish Sleepwalk and start Dark by JS of course XD

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Mood: Sleepy

Status: trying to catch up with everything I missed yeasterday xD

Location: in the rain

Y!M/Skype status: online

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: Post-modern Sleaze

Eating: a bit of white choc to go with my...

Drinking: ...coffee!

Dressed in: PJs and robe lol

Listening: the foreboding hum of my computer

Watching: Deadman Wonderland

Reading: Vampire Armand

Thinking: wondering about WHEN THE FUCK I'll be able to see Bunraku.

Dating: Yoshi *snicker*

Love: Mad Hatter. Zombie-movies. "Huset vid vägens ände"

Annoyed: about being too warm and the weather >_

Hate: nope

Missing: my triplets ._.

Wanting: To finish chapter 19 of S-CONSCIOUS already >_

Can't wait to: Get my hands on that package... I want my goodies *_*

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Mood: High (but not quite). =D

Status: Reading and drawing and browsing Pixiv.

And how do I say this without having the effect I know it will... Ah well, here goes nothing: my ass hurts. My wrist, too. Again. (-_-)

Location: New World, Raftel.

Y!M/Skype status: --

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: --

Eating: Just finished my watercress soup. Yum.

Drinking: Fresh water.

Dressed in: Black & grey t-shirt and kind-of-blue jeans.

Listening: Placebo.

(Yup, today let the AC-sama rest and let us abuse the near-falling-to-pieces fan instead, for a change.)

Watching: South Park (how I missed watching this thing :'D)

Reading: Art books about anatomy study and sketching. Psychology books. (:

Thinking: About Saint Seiya, all of a sudden. Don't ask why 'cos I have no idea.

Dating: Raf. Akutabe. (*_*)

Love: Mad Hatter. Zombie movies. (You know everything that's good, Nezu.

Annoyed: At the ending of Final Fantasy IX since the very first time I completed it. (.__.)

And the fact that I can't seem to be able to dislike it, regardless.

Hate: Artist's block.

Missing: Nezu, Rei and Brohnie.

Wanting: Raf to die. To draw Kuja in all his flamboyant glory but it's not going very well. (x

Can't wait to: Read the next chapters of Viewfinder, Yorube Naki Mono and Maiden Rose. Continue filming our latest horror movie. Go to the photography exhibit next week.

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Mood: Happy

Status: thinking what I'll do in this vacation

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: offline

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: an orange

Drinking: -

Dressed in: green t-shirt and black training pants

Listening: the wind blowing so hard

Watching: some pvs

Reading: -

Thinking: about the weather, hope it will be ok tomorrow

Dating: -

Love: yaoi, the game, the forum, my friends here

Annoyed: the weather

Hate: -

Missing: visiting another country

Wanting: to go somewhere... anywhere

Can't wait to: go visit some place

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Mood: depressed

Status: All I want...is that things would be the way they were T_T

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: I ate fried cauliflower....

Drinking: water

Dressed in: some pants and a blouse

Listening: David Guetta- It's the way you love me

Watching: the forum

Reading: Crime and Punishment, volume 2

Thinking: at how beautiful are those 2 books by John Saul that came today XD nice cover and quality paper

Dating: Lucian =)) funny and weird as always =))

Love: those books

Annoyed: yeah...I really wish he would leave

Hate: God forgive me, but I think that I strongly dislike him...although he should be pitied...but I do that too, and that's so annoying >.

Missing: my old life...

Wanting: him to leave!!! NOW!!!

Can't wait to: leave myself then....

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Mood: calm down


Location: my bedroom

Y!M/Skype status:-

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:-

Eating: not yet

Drinking: Tea

Dressed in: cardigan + Short pant

Listening: -


Reading: screen

Thinking: him and family problem


Love: my lover

Annoyed: bro in law

Hate: bro in law

Missing: my nephew

Wanting: my nephew

Can't wait to: sleep lol

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Mood: lazy

Status: goin out later

Location: livin room

Y!M/Skype status:-

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:-

Eating: -

Drinking: -

Dressed in: short and tee

Listening: x japan


Reading: -

Thinking: what to get later

Dating: ...

Love: ...

Annoyed: -

Hate: spendin money

Missing: ...

Wanting: holiday

Can't wait to: 31 july

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Mood: Happy

Status:Baking and writing for Goki

Location:The kitchen xD

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:-

Eating: nothing, just ate some apples with cinnamon though (left-overs from the baking>.


Dressed in: my shorts (surprisingly way too big) and a marine blue top

Listening: dad's listening to Eric Gadd >__>

Watching:the screen and the apple muffins

Reading: The Vampire Armand (not getting very far in it)

Thinking: wondering if the muffins is a success or not. They look and smell good anyway.

Dating:G... Lol, no, I wish~

Love: music, baking, yummy yaoi and lovely pics of a certain G and Mana-sama

Annoyed:about not really knowing what to write. About the huuuge shoe-shafes that plagues my poor feet

Hate: music that make me nauseous [that includes dad's music] and not being able to draw perfectly

Missing:Jenow and Rei. Mino-san. Charlie.

Wanting: to go out for a long walk.

Can't wait to:Meet Charlie tomorrow, get an apartment, go to the concert (just 2 weeks left!)~

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Mood: Sleepy ~

Status: make up

Location:my room :3

Y!M/Skype status: - offline

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:- no one

Eating: nothing >.>

Drinking:-tea ^^

Dressed in: black pants and big white t-shirt

Listening: 2ne1 - I am the best

Watching: 1st tab - Naruto, 2 tab - angel beats

Reading: manga - cherry, book - Pride and prejudice

Thinking: totally blank, so freaking sleepy

Dating: Noup -.-

Love: Jrock , Ruki, Riku, Jun, Isshi, Allen Walker, Yu Kanda, etc

Annoyed: wanna go to the library -.-

Hate: i don't know at the moment

Missing: something, don't know what =.=

Wanting: episode 221

Can't wait to: go to school

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Mood: Happy

Status: Don't make me fall if you won't catch me

Location: Behind you :p

Y!M/Skype status: Online

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: No one

Eating: Nope

Drinking: Nope

Dressed in: Ripped jeans and t-shirt

Listening: The Gazette - Tokyo Shinjuu

Watching: -

Reading: nothing at the moment

Thinking: About reading some manga

Dating: Nope

Love: is in the air, but I am on the ground

Annoyed: Nope

Hate: No one

Missing: Sleep

Wanting: Coffee

Can't wait to: Start collage

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Mood: Sleepy go happy

Status: waiting to go into the city and meet up with Axlx

Location:too bright and sunny Sweden

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:-

Eating: nope

Drinking:Soon there will be coffee~

Dressed in: still in my PJs lol

Listening: the buzz of my computer fan

Watching:cute (and hot) vids with Camui~

Reading: The Vampire Armand (soon finished lol)

Thinking: shower or coffee first?

Dating:G's incredibly hot abs and lips x)

Love: funny DEARS, sunglasses n coffee

Annoyed:About the huuuge shoe-shafes that plagues my poor feet

Hate: Not being able to draw perfectly

Missing:Jenow and Rei. Mino-san. Charlie.

Wanting: coffee, my headache is starting to kill me

Can't wait to:Go and have some fun with Axlx today, the concert (13 days *_*)

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Mood: happy

Status: just come home

Location: my room (I just entered it)

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:-

Eating: not now

Drinking: not now, but maybe a coffee wouldn't be bad :D

Dressed in: blue t-shirt & black shorts

Listening: to some music from another room

Watching: the screen

Reading: the q

Thinking: what to answer


Love: should I tell..?

Annoyed: -

Hate: -

Missing: my friends here :D (yeah I already miss you)

Wanting: a party

Can't wait to: have some fun :D

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Mood: Good, as per usual. (:

Status: Just got home, had my math exam today. Downloading weekly episodes of Natsume Yuujinchou San and Gintama. Passing some still life photographs I took a few days ago to the computer. (:

Location: Haven, Maine.

Y!M/Skype status: --

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: --

Eating: Just ate some new vegetarian ball-thing my mom just created and lumped in together for lunch. It was yummy. (She's going to ask me do to something in change for it, I'm sure of it.)

Drinking: Fresh water. Cold beer.

Dressed in: Light blue t-shirt & chess-patterned dark blue, green and white shorts.

Listening: Kaiser Chiefs. AC/CD.

Watching: Haven. =D

Reading: Catching up on One Piece.

Thinking: About my unbecoming habit of scratching myself during sleep. (I've done this ever since I can remember. My back is full of scars from the shoulder to just above my ass. And my nails are really short, I barely leave a bit of white visible when I cut them. How do I do that, I wonder? I love scars so I'm fine with it but it must be quite a show while I'm doing it. I should try filming it...)

Dating: Ana, Dave and Joana.

Love: My scanner! It's finally back! (*_*)

Annoyed: Nope.

Hate: The summer. (I thought it's been hot lately but last night... I had to start sleeping in the bathtub earlier this year. And it's only going to get worse. :/ )

Missing: Storms, rain, thunder, lightning, wind, cold weather.

Wanting: To be handcuffed to L and force him detox from sweets. *snicker*

Can't wait to: Scan my latest drawings and work them with the tablet.

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Mood: Spent. Exhausted. Almost dead :cuteonion8:

Status: That was one epic adventure which shall never again be repeated cuz is f****** tiring

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: chips which I know that will add 1 kg or maybe half....and that will be eliminated successfully Tuesday

Drinking: Pepsi lemon ahhhh :Red_fox11:

Dressed in: black jeans and a sweatshirt

Listening: online radio

Watching: the....smilies :D

Reading: same, vol 2

Thinking: about my legs that hurt T_T from so much walking on the mountain....Sooo spent

Dating: -

Love: the smilies

Annoyed: yep...a little

Hate: yeah. Today 2 more proofs were offered to me to give me even more strong reasons for hating old men. Only men, not women. The old ladies are ok, but not the old, shall I say perverts and oh so disgusting old men. And I know is wrong to hate them but I do. So f****** sue me!

Missing: my old life

Wanting: my life back

Can't wait to: get some rest

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Mood: tired, mischevious

Status: having what we swedish people call "fika" and writing smut

Location: comfy armchair in front of the tellie

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating:nothing right now, will eat cinnamon bun in a min~

Drinking: coffee

Dressed in: Pjs

Listening: the tv

Watching: "Leila bakar"(Leila bakes) on tv

Reading: Vampire Armand (just like 20 pgs left)

Thinking: wondering how the fanservice on the concert will play out~

Dating: -

Love: fanservice *p*

Annoyed: slightly...

Hate: nope

Missing: being thin *pout*

Wanting: to find an apartment before I lose my mind

Can't wait to: get an apartment, move, the concert!!!

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Mood: fine

Status: the forum is back :D good to be here again after...2 days?

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: Bake rolls with garlic

Drinking: nothing

Dressed in: a shirt and black pants

Listening: the sound of my fingers pressing the keyboard's buttons

Watching: the letters

Reading: Pet Sematary and C&P

Thinking: that it was so weird to try to access the forum and then be redirected to some spanish site. I was like O_O wth happened....but now google helped me find the site again

Dating: -

Love: the forum

Annoyed: -

Hate: said it before

Missing: same thing

Wanting: same

Can't wait to: Tuesday

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Mood: very good

Status: I happy the forum is working again

Location: my room

Y!M/Skype status: -

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: -

Eating: soon, ..maybe? :D

Drinking: nothing

Dressed in: t-shirt and black pants

Listening: the sound of the rain

Watching: the screen

Reading: just the questions

Thinking: YO is working again!!!

Dating: -

Love: all my friends here in the forum!

Annoyed: -

Hate: -

Missing: all my friends here, can't wait to meet you again

Wanting: to talk to all my friends

Can't wait to: buy a new PC

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Mood: Amused.

Status: Drawing and pixiv'ing.

Location: Egypt, Hamunaptra.

Y!M/Skype status: --

Talking on Y!M/Skype with: --

Eating: Pineapple.

Drinking: Fresh water.

Dressed in: Green t-shirt and white shorts.

Listening: HIM.

Watching: Outlaw Star, how nostalgic, :'D.

Reading: Yondemasuyo, Azazel-san.

Thinking: That I already downed aprox. 3L of water today but I'm still feeling dehydrated.

Dating: Raf.

Love: Syn's solos. (*_*)

Annoyed: Nn.

Hate: Shopping.

Missing: Liar Game, it's been on hiatus for so long already...

Wanting: To play Final Fantasy, I don't even care which.

The last one I re-played was VII so I guess I'll go for XII now, =D.

Can't wait to: Watch the Trigun movie that finished downloading just now.

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Mood: Yaoi Mood

Status: Yaoi

Location: Yaoi world

Y!M/Skype status:Yaoi

Talking on Y!M/Skype with:Yaoi supporters

Eating: nothing


Dressed in:brown

Listening:To Yaoi




Dating:hot anime guys...XD





Wanting: Yaoi

Can't wait to:do Yaoi related stuff


Usually Yaoi....what do you expect from a Lover?...XD

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