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Beauty and the Beast (Wolf and Rumpleteaser)


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Name: Arias

Name meaning: "Handsome boy"

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Species: Human

Family: Father and two elder sisters


Personality: Arias has a quiet demeanor but it always kind and generous to others. He is quite a book worm and is unlike the other men who like to show off and work out. Arias keeps to himself and seems to be oblivious to his handsome outward appearance. He is the type that likes simple things and doesn't mind doing things like housework or other things typically deemed "Women jobs".


Bio: Arias lost his mother when he was very young and grew up with his elder sisters and Father. Their father was quite rich and always gave them everything they wanted. Of course, one day they lost everything when their father's cargo ship sank in a storm and were forced to move out to the country and live like the poor as they now were. Arias fell into doing all the chores around the house while his sister's complained about their new life wishing for their old one back.


One day, Arias's father gained all that was lost and headed out to sell his goods. When he did, he asked what the three children wanted. His sisters wanted dresses and other extravagances while Arias asked for a simple rose. He wasn't being modest, he just couldn't think of something. Of course the next time they saw their father, he was telling Arias that he had to leave and go to some castle hidden within the woods.




"Father, I don't understand.... Why must I go there? Where am I going?" Arias, the village "Beauty" was unsure as to why his father was acting so strange. Of course, his father didn't explain anything as he gathered a few of Arias's things into a bag and shoved them into his arms before pushing him out of the house. "Father, Please," the soft voice called but his father shut the door almost completely, leaving it open just a crack.


"I am sorry Arias... I truly am... The master of the place has forced me to send one of my children there in exchange for having taken a rose, and food from there. I couldn't send your sisters for they are merely girls. As a boy, you'll be alright... Please, if you don't he will probably kill all of us or something," he father finally said, tears welled in his eyes. It broke his heart to have to do this, so much he rushed it hoping to make it less painful. But alas, it did not. "I truly am sorry Arias.." the man said choking back tears.


Arias's eyes filled with tears as well and he dropped the small sack and pushed the door back open to hug his father one last time. "I shall convince him it was a misunderstanding," he said, holding his father tightly before hurrying out the door once again. It was a warm spring day, nearly summer, sunny and bright but the dark cold that weighed in Arias's heart was stronger. He didn't know what was going to happen but at least he could finally do something for his family since he wasn't very strong and not such a good protector. This was something he could do and if he could convince this Master of the castle that it was all a misunderstanding, then he could return home within a day or two. He figured it may take some talking to get it all figured out.




Arias had traveled for hours... So long so that the mid morning had now turned to dusk. He had no idea where he was going... His father hadn't given him any real instructions... Arias had just been wandering the woods hoping to find a castle? It sounded ridiculous. Still, he trusted his father and knew he had no reason to lie. Why send your child out for nothing?


The male beauty wandered around finding it growing colder and colder and it seemed to be something more than just the change in daylight that was causing such a drop. As he looked down, Arias could actually see the frost built on the snow as every step was now met with a fresh crunch... What was going on? Snow? when it was nearly summer? How could that be a thing?!


Just then, Arias heard the sound of distant howling and pounding paws running not too far from him. The male startled before starting to run as fast as he could. He ran and ran not even realizing the wolves weren't following him until he finally stopped having broken through the underbrush to a clearing where he saw before him, a huge castle. This had to be it, the garden of roses.. Just like the one he had on him... The large structure just as it was described....


The male slowly crept up the front stairs, the sun setting beyond the horizon as he knocked on the door, still catching his breath from sprinting, his feet hurting from walking in the woods all day long. The door itself was quite large and extravagant, beautiful and well made. He knocked again, louder this time as he hadn't heard anyone beyond the door. Though, when he did, it seemed to creek open a bit. Arias froze. He remained still for a minute before pushing the door farther.


"Hello?!" He called. He stepped out of the snow and into the warmth of the castle. It was rather toasty in here so Arias brushed off the snow and reached into his bag pulling out the rose and holding it close. "Hello?!" He called again. "I was sent here by my father... He said that I must come here... He's not really a thief.. He was getting that rose for me so I must be the thief." He paused. "I brought the rose back... I'm sorry it was taken... I'm here to take my Father's place..." he tried... Was there anyone actually in this place? It was rather dark... He couldn't see more than what the light from the door provided. Everything else was cast in shadows.

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Name: King Beau d'Artes

Name meaning: Beautiful arts

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heteroflexible

Age: 519

Species: Enchanted human


Family: His mother, father and younger sister are long dead. Their descendants have grown up and had children of their own. He used to watch them through his magic mirror but has lost interest through the years. His sister's descendants are strangers to him now. It's not as if he will ever meet them.


Personality: Beau is coarse. He has manners and has been brought up to be refined, he simply chooses not to use them. He is a beast, what should he care how people perceive him? On the surface he is uncaring and acts as if he's higher than worrying about what people think but in fact he is very insecure about his looks and his beastly nature. He hides himself away from a world he believes will not accept him the way he is.


Biography: Beau's father was always away on business so he lived with his mother, the Queen of Avalon. She was a harsh woman who always pushed him and his sister to excel. They each had their own studies to do to be the perfect husband, wife king and nobility. She had ideas for a big family but her husband was never interested in pleasures of the flesh. He was too noble for that and she loathed it. She took out her frustrations on the hired help, even going as far as to have her own page boy to give her pleasure. They were always careful so no illegitimate children were born, which would have had her beheaded. It was something everybody knew but never said, especially to the King of Avalon.


Beau was originally a warm and affectionate child who loved playing with other boys and girls his own age. He would sneak out whenever he could, dressed as a village boy, and play ball or marbles with the other children. His mother soon caught on and gave him a strict governess who would follow the queen's wishes. More and more work was piled upon him. If he became proficient at flute, he was given the piano to learn. If he finished one book, he was given others to complete. There were always dance lessons with his sister, etiquette lessons and even cooking and gardening lessons so he would become more well rounded.


The Queen of Avalon was always there, overseeing his and his sister's education and maturation. She was a harsh mistress to them, which turned them into harsh adolescents. They grew to be like her, valuing perfection above all else. They had to be the best, be seen with the best and only associate with the best of everything. Beau learned to despise imperfection, considering it to be a fault or sign of laziness. He kept people around him only so long as they were perfect and discarded them if they showed their flawed selves.


Beau's sister married early and moved to live with her new husband, the Crown Prince of Tuloch. Beau was happy to see her get away from their mother but sad as well, for it meant he was left alone in the castle. Sure, he had many followers and admirers but no friends or close companions. His mother was always trying to find the perfect match for him but he became bored of each of his suitors soon after he met them. There was no connection. It was said he was too cold and unfeeling for love. Others said he was waiting for the perfect bride, one whom did not exist.


When Beau was the age of twenty-five, his father passed and his mother soon after. He was left alone to rule his kingdom as he pleased. He was a good king, as far as kings go, but he cared nothing for the poor, impoverished and those lesser than him. They wore dirty clothes, had dirty faces and ate dirty food. He wanted nothing to do with them.


It was winter in the kingdom of Avalon and all the servants of his castle were having a splendid time indoors. They were having a slumber party in the Great Hall. All the mattresses had been laid out and there was plenty of hot cocoa to go around. Servants in their best dresses and suits mingled with guests in magnificent frocks. It was Midwinter's Eve, the fires in the Great Hall were blazing high and a decorated pine tree acted as a centrepiece for everyone to admire. There was music playing, singing and dancing. Even the new King of Avalon came down to enjoy the revelry for a while. The people in the castle were completely oblivious to the winter storms outside.


Suddenly, the great front doors swung open and an icy wind blew in through the castle, carrying a drift of snow and an old woman in tattered, brown clothes. She looked like a monk who had lost her way long ago or a hermit who had just come out of recluse. Her clothes smelled of soot and she trailed mud wherever she went. The doormen tried to usher her out and shoo her away but she would not leave. She demanded to see the lord of the castle immediately.


The King of Avalon sighed when he heard about the commotion and groaned when he was advised to see the visitor. The people inside the Great Hall watched him so he decided it was best to attend his unwelcome visitor. When he saw her, however, he turned up her nose at her. He would have nothing to do with her. No, he had no spare rooms for her and not even a glass of milk for her belly. He would not have such an unwholesome creature ruining his Winter's Eve party. He ordered the doormen to throw her out, for he would not touch her himself, then went to close the great front doors.


A blinding light appeared before him and the wizened hag grew in stature until she was fifteen feet tall. She now appeared as an angelic beauty with long, flowing hair and glittering with diamonds. The king threw the doors open and begged for her forgiveness. He welcomed her into his home to share his food and rest for the night but it was too late.


The monk scorned him for turning her away, based on her appearance alone. She condemned him as shallow and cold hearted. She would punish him severely for turning her away, for she was the High Priestess of the Fair Folk. She had been travelling through the forest and lost her way in the winter storms. He would spend eternity as an imperfect, hideous beast, never ageing and never changing unless he, himself changed within. Only when his heart melted and somebody loved him and was willing to marry him for who he was inside, would he ever break the spell. His castle would be his prison. He would be feared and hated everywhere he went, for he was now an ugly beast of a creature.


The king begged for her forgiveness, saying he would change his ways, but she refused him. He had to learn. He had to change inside, only then would the spell be released. All those inside the castle would be cursed to remain as smaller, more humanoid beasts too, as they needed to learn the same lesson and would keep him company through the long winters. She would, however, give him a gift to make his passing easier. It was a mirror that could see everywhere and take him anywhere. It was a cruel gift, for no matter where he went, he would not be welcomed. No matter what he saw, he could not be there. He was trapped in his body and in his castle.


With that, the High Priestess enchanted the entire castle, the people inside it and the king himself. A great forest grew all through Avalon, covering entire villages. The people in the villagers were turned to animals and those inside the castle were turned into demi-human beasts of a smaller stature than the king. Those inside the kingdom of Avalon would never change and never age until their king fell in love and married. The kingdom was trapped too, remaining on Midwinter's Eve day and night for all eternity.


The High Priestess left back the way she came, into the dark and snowy night. Nothing was left of her, not even footsteps.


The following morning, the king ordered all the windows to be shut, all the curtains to be closed and all the mirrors to be smashed. He kept his "gift" locked away in the tallest tower so nobody would find it. In that way, he shut out the world completely and resigned himself to his fate as a beast forever. Nobody would ever love him now that he was ugly.

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It was always midwinter in Avalon Forest but nobody celebrated. The pine tree was taken down and the decorations packed away. The castle was dark and many of the rooms left unused. Furniture was covered in white sheets and doors locked. There was very little light to see by, which suited the residents well for they did not want to see what they had become. They had grown used to the dark and the silence in almost five-hundred years since the curse had been placed upon them. They never left the forest and never traded with anyone, so they had learned to become self-sufficient. Things were only repaired when if they were needed. The inhabitants lived an dispirited existence. No music played, there was no dancing and even the children of the castle remained quiet at all times. They hid away in the nursery and only ever played when there were no adults around to scold them.


'Who is that?' someone whispered in the shadows.

'I think it's the merchant's son,' came the whispered voice of a woman.

'A son?! He sent his son! That will never do.'



There was the sound of wooden, clunking hooves coming down the an enormous spiral staircase. It seemed to take a while and the creature walked slowly. In the dark of the castle, it was impossible to see who it was. The thing stopped at the foot of the staircase and sniffed.


'Enter!' came a loud, booming voice.


'Take his bag and his cloak. Lock the doors behind him,' the proud, masculine voice ordered.


Two somethings rushed forward. They yanked the bag from from Arias's hands, pulled the cloak off his back and hurried away before they could be seen. Another came forward and slammed the doors behind Arias, leaving him in the dark. Only when the doors were closed did the beast take the final few steps down the staircase.


'Your father was my guest, was he not?' the voice asked, then paused to wait for an answer.


'Did he or did he not feed his horse with my hay, eat his fill at my table and sleep in one of my beds?' the beast asked.


'Tell me, was your father grateful for my hospitality?' he asked, again waiting for an answer.

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Arias could hear whispers and chatter in the shadows around him but was unable to tell who or where they were coming from. He looked around but then, a booming voice came clear from in front of him startling him some. It was strange... the sound of the foot steps that clunked down... perhaps stairs? Upon the command, Arias carefully stepped forward, cautious of every step he took before stopping some distance in the room. What a terrifying vibe...


As the next words left the booming voice, he startled and attempted to hold onto his things but his bag was pulled from his grip and the cloak stripped from his back. Arias was wearing something simple, a blue shirt tucked into his pants. It fit well around his chest if not too big for he was always a bit thin, and the sleeves, while fitted at the shoulders, flared outward slightly by the cuffs. He wears simple brown pants and black slip on shoes. As well as a simple dark burgundy cloak his father threw to him before sending him off. A cloak that had now been pulled from his grasp leaving the boy nothing to clutch or hold onto, making him feel quite exposed to the unknown figure before him.


Everything was happening so fast, the door, locked behind him, creatures of something, he didn't know since he was unable to see them, and a terrible force he still couldn't see before him. "He... uh... Yes," Arias replied to the first question sheepishly. He didn't actually know the story as he wasn't told what happened only that he had to go or this... thing... would kill his whole family.


"I... suppose he could have..." Arias said, just as meekly as the last time. "I... I'm sure he was grateful... My father is always grateful of those who show kindness to him," he said just a bit more confidently.


"Please, I'm sorry if he offended you or anything. Please let me apologize on his behalf and forgive his blunders," Arias said bowing a bit.

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'LIES!' the beast bellowed.


The beast charged forward, running the whole way between the stairs and the young man. He grabbed the man by the shirt and continued to plough forward until he'd slammed the beauty into the locked door. He pinned him there, one monstrous hand at his throat and one gripping onto the wrist that held the rose. He lifted the man up easily, with the strength of ten men, and gripped tight at the man's throat.


'YOUR FATHER IS NOTHING MORE THAN AN UNGRATEFUL THIEF!' the beast bellowed into the young man's face. Spittle landed on the young man's cheeks and forehead. They were so close the young man would smell the beast's breath upon his face. It wasn't foul smelling but it was still too close for comfort.


'I showed your father kindness and what do I get in return? He stole one of my precious roses. Does he know nothing of how tenderly I keep my roses? How much effort I put in to support them through this everlasting winter?' he demanded. 'I will not forgive him!'


The creature growled and huffed before letting the human drop to the floor. He stood over him, proud and hateful. He was tall, taller than seven feet including his horns. He had shaggy hair and deer's ears to the sides of his head. His nose was wide and his eyes were angular. His legs were more like the hind legs of a deer and ended in hooves rather than feet. The strangest thing about him, however, was his skin. It looked as if he were made of polished tree bark with anthropomorphic features such as nipples and a belly button. He was wearing nothing besides a simple, tattered pair of short pantaloons that were loose around his legs but tight around his knees, ending in tattered ruffles. They must have once been navy blue but now they were worn grey with age.


'You will stay here and take your father's place as my prisoner. Should you try to leave, I will kill you and all your family,' the beast spat down at the young man on the floor. 'You will eat with me or not at all. You will sleep with me or not at all. You will leave the castle with me or not at all. I am your lord and master now. Do you understand?'

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Arias jumped at the other's loud and bellowing voice and tried to back away as the other rushed him, grabbing his throat and pushing Arias back with such force, he was pushed into the door, lifted off the ground and held by his throat with one enormous hand, the other holding tightly to Arias's wrist where he still had the rose from his father clutched in his hand. The small human choked and grabbed at the creature's paw on his throat with his free hand trying to gasp for as much air as possible. It wasn't working as tears built slightly within his eyes.


The foul breath that leaked from the creature was just as suffocating as the hand clinging to his throat with great force. "He.... didn't.... mean.... to...." the boy heaved with what little air he managed to get into his lungs. Just before Arias had lost all his strength, However, he was released, falling to the floor in a heap, coughing and choking. He was terrified of the creature before him and shook in fear of him, looking up with what little strength he had.


Never had Arias ever laid eyes on such a creature before and was truly horrified. How could someone be turned into something so terrifying. Arias lowered his head and curled up slightly within himself, the hand with the rose, carefully at his throat while the other held his wrist that was still throbbing from having been grabbed. Why was this creature so rough?! Arias sobbed silently to himself for a few seconds as the other continued to speak making his demands.


With a quick sniffle, Arias nodded. "I understand.... I will follow your rules," he said still sobbing slightly. He felt so weak and useless right now; tiny and insignificant. The only thing on his mind now was to protect his family. No matter what it took and when he found an opening, Arias knew he would try to escape the first moment he had.


Finally, the small human gathered his strength and got to his feet holding out the rose in an open hand. Arias's palm was covered in blood from squeezing the stem of the rose as tightly as possible when he'd suddenly been pinned. "This is yours and I've come to return it... Please... Forgive my father," he said with as much confidence he could muster.

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The creature huffed and sniffed at the air. He growled down at the pathetic coward he'd been sent. This was what he'd been given?! This weak little thing that cried from being shouted at? Pathetic! How would the curse ever be broken if this was what came stumbling through his doors? It should have been the man's sisters, not him! The beast wasn't even that attracted to men! Sure, he'd tested them out but had never gone as far as to sleep with them.


'Do you not know that once a rose is plucked, it is dead?' he snarled, raising his lip to bare his teeth. He had the sharp teeth of a carnivore.


'Keep your rose,' he growled. 'My rose for your life - that was the trade negotiated between your father and me. If you do not accept, I will take a sister in your stead. A sister would suit me better.'


The beast's deer-like ears moved up then down at the sides of his head. He took a deep breath and seemed to settle a bit. He reached out and plucked the rose from the man's hand a moment. He was looking at the blood though, sniffing it with his wide nostrils flaring. He came forward and licked the man's hand where the blood was then stood back and clicked his fingers. A servant, looking much like a diminutive form of the beast, came forward and bowed low.


'Get our guest a bandage for his hand and a vase for his rose,' the beast ordered.


'Yes, my king,' the creature replied, bowing again before scurrying off.


'You are not to hurt yourself while in my care,' the beast instructed as he handed the rose back to the man. 'What do you call yourself?'

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Arias flinched again as he was yelled at. He really wanted to explain that his father may not have known it belonged to the beast or that he didn't realize the significance of a single rose. This was all Arias's fault to begin with. He was the one that asked for the rose causing his father to take one and now, here he was... Prisoner to this beast. The young male wanted to say how It tended to help the actual plant grow if the bloomed roses were pruned and cut off but he simply kept his mouth shut on the subject.


"No," he quickly protested. "Please don't take my sisters... I will stay here in their place," he admitted lowering his head some. This was so humiliating. What was he suppose to do and why was this beast so persistent on having someone... It was one rose so why keep Arias here like some kind of pet? it was strange but he knew he couldn't back down now or the beast would find his family and take his sisters.


While Arias held the rose out, it was plucked from his hand and for a second he thought the beast would accept it back. However, instead he grabbed the boy's wrist again and licked the blood from his hand. Arias jumped for sure and pulled his hand back towards his chest, holding it close as the beast snapped his fingers and gave out orders to the creatures in the shadows.


"Guest? I thought I was your prisoner," he snapped rather harshly. The male found a bit of his voice as he tired to make his way away from the door and away from this nightmarish creature. "And what of you?! Are you going to hurt me? What if I get hurt on accident? What would happen if I accidentally died?" Arias demanded an answer. His strength certainly was something. That crying heap a short while ago was finding it in him to talk back.


The servant returned quickly and bandaged up Arias's hand before taking the rose to place in a vase. "Arias," he stated simply as the rose was returned to him and then immediately given to a servant to place in a vase. "What do they call you?" He asked.

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The beast snarled as the young man jumped back and clasped his hand to his chest. He knew he was hideous; he didn't need to be reminded. His ears drooped slightly without him noticing and he shot the man a nasty glare with bared teeth. He raised one wooden, clawed hand and slashed the brunette man across the face. He then gripped the man by the wrist and yanked him forward so their bodies were touching. He wrapped one arm low around the man's body, holding their bodies together as if they were in an intimate dance. The younger man would feel how cold and unnatural that wooden torso was.


'Do not question me. Would you prefer to be treated as a prisoner or an honoured guest?' he snarled. He looked down at the man he was holding, baring down at him with a fiery intensity. 'If you do not like my servants treating you as an honoured guest, I can always make arrangements to have you locked up as my prisoner.'


'Do not talk back to me!' the creature shouted, grabbing the young man by the shoulders and shaking him as if trying to rattle the head from his shoulders. 'You are mine and I will do what I want with you!'


The beast snorted and his nostrils flared. What was he getting himself into? This one was crying one minute and demanding the next! It would only infuriate the beast in time, perhaps even drive him mad. This was not what he had planned when he'd told the merchant to send one of his children.


'Arias, I am called Beast,' he replied. There was no need to know his real name. It was long forgotten in ageing history books. Nobody referred to him as Beau any more and he scorned the name, for it reminded him of how beautiful he had once been. He was no longer Beau.

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Arias yelped slightly as his face was suddenly slashed. He went to go place his hand over the wound when his wrist was grabbed and he was pulled forwards into the beast. He was pressed right up against that unnatural torso. It was hard and cold, completely made of wood. Honestly, how was this even possible? Arias was held tightly, feeling the arm around his waist and holding him in place as if he were some dame a man was putting the moves on. How disgusting. Of course, Arias simply frowned at him without putting up a struggle. He had already been injure twice now, he had to start planning carefully his next move.


"It doesn't matter how I'm treated for you are taking my freedom by force. That's called imprisonment," he said calmly but with a sharp edge to it. Arias really couldn't help but be strict with the beast. He was rude, and violent, not to mention demanding as all hell.


The next thing he knew, Arias was grabbed by the shoulders and being violently shaken. There really was no end to this beast's manhandling. There was nothing gentle about him and if one of his sisters had come, they'd be killed by now by this beast. Arias was already feeling dizzy from being shook but also from the blood all over his face. He could feel the area starting to swell and it was getting hard to see out of his left eye.


"Then I shall call you Beast." Thankfully, Arias was able to keep his thoughts to himself that time since all he wanted to say was that he'd call the beast what he was but didn't.


From this position, it was easy for the beast to feel just how thin Arias really was. He was scrawny and his body had curves like a girl's. He was clearly a male, anyone could see that but from this close of an encounter, his waist screamed thin beauty. He truly would have been perfect for the beast if only he'd been born a girl. Arias Was just done being so close and wanted to pull away but the beast was far stronger than he was.

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'If it does not matter how you are treated, then I suppose I will do what I want with you,' he growled, leaning over so his face was right up against Arias's. 'You will see if you prefer to be treated as a prisoner or an honoured guest.'


The beast snatched up Arias into his arms and carried him away, up the stairs and through a hall until they got to a luxurious, overstated bedroom. It was the height of opulence and was as large as a small house back in the villages at the edge of the forest. It even had a grand piano and upholstered lounges around a finely carved, wooden coffee table. The bed, however, was the centrepiece of the room. It was large enough for three people to sleep comfortably and was decked out with soft pillows and lush blankets to keep out the winter cold. Its bedposts were a deep walnut colour and the curtains were of royal green velvet. Currently the curtains were pulled back and the sheets perfectly folded.


The giant, faun-like creature threw Arias down on the bed and immediately got to stripping off the smaller man's pants. He bent down over the man, left hand pinning him down by the shoulder while the right hand tugged at the man's undergarments. He was rough about what he was doing, with a sense of angered urgency rather than any real care about what he was doing. By now the human would realise he was going to be raped.


'I would never harm an honoured guest but a prisoner I can do what I like with,' he said in a gruff voice. He didn't even look up from what he was doing. He just whipped off the man's shoes, pants and undergarments with one hand. He didn't bother with his own pantaloons just yet. He wasn't actually aroused by this and was more trying to put Arias in his place. He'd rather scare the young man out of his snappish, tearful and annoying personality than break him on the first go.

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Arias stiffened as the beast drew his face so close to his own before speaking. That foul breath... again right in his face. Arias thought he was going to pass out or be sick by the scent but he managed to stay on his feet. That was, until the male was snatched up and carried carelessly up the stairs, down the hall and to a huge bedroom that was almost the size of his entire house back home. Of course, Arias didn't really have any time to admire its extravagance as he was thrown onto the bed and pinned down.


What was the beast planning? If he were to treat Arias like a prisoner... wouldn't a dungeon or something suit him better? Although, it wasn't long before the small human realized what was really happening. By then, it was already too late and his pants, undergarments, as well as his shoes had all been stripped away. For just a moment he couldn't believe what was about to happen might actually be happening.


"Don't touch me!!!" He screamed out in horror as he tried hopelessly to escape. This beast was far stronger than Arias ever could be but either way, he fought and struggled, kicking as much as he could and trying to get out from under the huge paw on his shoulder. Nothing seemed to be working but he was trying anyway. Arias was desperate to not get raped but his fear was blinding him and if he simply said he wanted to be treated as a guest, he probably wouldn't go through with this but that wasn't what was happening.


"HELP!!!!" He screamed to no one in particular as he attempted to punch and kick his way free, nearly in tears from what was to come. What was he... what could he do? This beast was far stronger than him and had him completely pinned and stripped with only the simplest of movements. The struggle could easily be heard outside of the room but Arias didn't think anyone would come to his rescue.

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'If you are my prisoner, I will touch you as much as I please!' the beast shouted. He raised his wooden hand and clocked Arias over the ear with a force that threatened to knock him unconscious. At the least, Arias's ear would be ringing for the next minute or so.


'You will learn your place or you will suffer,' the beast growled. He grabbed one of the young man's legs and spread it wide so he could fit himself between the man's naked thighs. He then grabbed the young man's wrist with one hand then let go of the man's shoulder so he could grab the other wrist. The man was still trying to kick and punch but he was no match for the larger, stronger beast. When the beast had both wrists gripped tightly in his left hand, he lowered his body down slightly so they were almost touching. He brought his knees up to dig into Arias's soft, milky thighs and bent forward so his lips were just above the man's ear.


'You are mine now, Arias,' he whispered gruffly. 'I am the king of this castle and nobody here will stop me from doing what I want with you. If I fuck you blind, they will pretend not to hear your screams.'


The beast put all his weight on the hand gripping tight to Arias's wrists while the other one tenderly stroked down Arias's cheek and neck. The beast grinned, baring his teeth against the sensitive flesh of Arias's temple. He kissed the man softly on the temple then snarled.


'HELP HIM! HELP HIM! THE PRISONER IS ABOUT TO BE RAPED BY A HIDEOUS BEAST!' he shouted at the top of his lungs, even though his lips were still close to Arais's ear.


'Do you hear that, Arias?' the beast asked with a pause. 'That is the sound of a castle full of people who will do nothing to save you. Now, would you prefer to be my honoured guest, your every whim taken care of by my staff... or would you prefer to be my prisoner, fucked and tormented at every chance? Do you see the difference or should I continue to demonstrate?'


One rough, wooden hand travelled lower down Arias's body and slipped up under his shirt. The beast smoothed his hand over the man's chest and swirled a fingertip around the man's belly button. He continued to play with the man's torso without going down to the exposed privates just yet. He was going to torment the man a little longer in case he decided to be a good boy and submit. If it took too long, however, the beast may very well get aroused and start to relieve his pent up sexual frustrations.

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Arias was momentarily paralyzed when his ear was suddenly struck, causing his vision to blur and his ear to ring. The male's entire brain was suddenly rattled and it was taking him a minute to recover. When he finally did, he found the beast positioned between his bare legs, and his wrists held above his head by one very large paw. Damn, how did he end up in such a terrible position?! To think that the reason he was here, the reason this was all happening to him was all because of a simple rose... One that he asked for and his father kindly tried to obtain. Now he was being attack and humiliated by a beast.


As the beast leaned in and spoke directly into Arias's ear, the male could still hear the ringing but was trying his best to get his brain to focus more. There was no way... Someone in this castle must know that this was wrong... He was a guy after all... What good would keeping him even do? Not to mention the fact that he had no idea what two guys did. What would even be the point in attacking him?


The weight on his wrists began to increase and Arias let out a low growl as he felt the pain grow more and more. Even though he was being pressed into such a soft bed, the beast's paw was heavy, and sharp, pressing more weight than Arias had ever dealt with. As the beast began to stroke his hand down Arias's bleeding face, smearing the blood from his cheek to his chin and down his neck, the pain of that touch stung harshly. His face was so close again... Damn... it hurt.... Arias clenched up as the other screamed in his already ringing ear, eyes tight and praying for it to end as soon as possible. His words were crude, voice sharp and dangerous, taunting the human and showing a form of dominance.


Arias was almost in tears at this point as he slowly blinking trying to get his eyes to focus again. Damn he was rattled. The next words were almost hard to hear... Arias was losing hearing in that ear but he got the gist of it... No one was coming to save him... ever... He was stuck here alone with this terrifying creature.... as a prisoner or as a guest.... who cares now... It didn't seem like he would be able to get out of here right away...


As the anger slowly began to boil in his belly, Arias looked over at the beast, eyes filled with tears but with a sharp coldness he showed his bitter side. "You're nothing but a disgusting animal who only gets what he wants by brute force," he steamed. Ok so maybe that was a bit harsh but now the beast was just playing with his torso. He kept running hot and cold, playing with him or striking him hard. Arias wasn't playing around anymore.

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"You're nothing but a disgusting animal who only gets what he wants by brute force," Arias steamed.


'So you have chosen,' the beast replied in a low, heavy growl.


It wasn't the way he wanted things to go but so be it. Arias was incorrigible. He seemed determined to believe he was a prisoner who needed to be treated as a prisoner. He could not look past the misshapen exterior to even wonder what lay beneath. It didn't matter. Arias wasn't the one to break the spell. Even if the man could love a hideous beast, they could never marry or bare children for they were both males. The beast wasn't gay either. He was not sexually attracted to Arias, though he admitted the man was the most attractive man he'd seen. He was good for the meantime, something to brighten the halls and distract from the dark emptiness of spending eternity in an isolated castle full of hideous beasts.


'If that is what you see, that is what you shall get,' the beast said in a sorry voice. He lowered his head and licked away the blood. His lips travelled down Arias's cheek to suck at his neck while his hand smoothed over the man's body. He suddenly bit down on Arais's neck with sharp teeth, at the same time grasping hard at the smaller man's cock. The tip of his thumb dug into the man's tip and he pushed his wooden nail inside the tiny opening, wriggling it around and trying to force it in further. He tasted blood in his mouth and only bit harder on Arias's neck, making sure to leave a mark that would symbolise that Arias now belonged to the beast. If it faded, the beast would only bite him again.


The beast growled before hunching himself over so he could bend lower over the man's body. He lifted up the man's blue shirt and bent low to trace his tongue all the way from the neck to the hip. He moved up again, sniffing the man's body and nipping at the skin. It felt good to do this again. He hadn't had sex in such a long time. He found himself aroused by the man's scent, the warmth of his body and his perfect youth. The beast reached down and cupped the man's cock, squeezing it as gently as his rough hands could. He felt the shape of it, the length of it and how it reacted to his grip. He'd never actually touched a male before and was curious as to how another man's cock felt, having been given a wooden appendage so many years ago.


'Your member is very soft, just like the rest of you. I could crush it in my hand,' he said, then proceeded to clench it in his wooden hand until it bruised. He continued to get a feel of Arias's cock with one hand while he sucked his lips against Arias's chest. His coarse lips brushed against the man's warm skin until he stopped at the left nipple. He flicked his soft, wet tongue across it before parting his lips wide and biting down hard around it until it pierced the skin. The beast was not a bloodsucking vampire but since his transformation he had enjoyed the taste of a little raw blood. Now he had a fresh source of it beneath him.


Soon the beast was stroking at a steady pace, trying to get the weaker man hard. He curled his hand around the younger man's cock and started to pump it from base to tip, pulling the foreskin over the head. He used his knees to spread the man's legs wider and looked down at the man's cock for the first time.


'Look at it, Arias. Look at my hand upon your cock,' the beast growled. He let go of Arias's sore and battered wrists then gripped onto his hair, yanking his head forward so he was forced to look at the beast's hand on his cock. The beast pulled all the way over the head and flicked at the tip with his wooden fingertip. He traced around the tip a few times then pulled all the way down to the base. 'Have you ever had sex before? How far have you gone with another person?'

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The beast's tongue was thankfully not wooden like the rest of his body. It was soft, warm, and wet just like a human's but it still stung to have that tongue run all across the left side of his face where the beast had scratched him earlier. It was as if Arias was the only one not allowed to hurt himself because when he clenched the rose, the hand got bandaged but he got clawed across the face and nothing... Instead he got scooped up and was no in this position. Damn everything hurt... Not to mention his ear was still ringing pretty badly.


The beast started off rather gently, his large hand roaming over the human's body while his tongue slid down his neck... That was of course until Arias suddenly felt a sharp pain in his neck as he was bit. He let out a small growl trying to hold back from yelling in pain. Of course, that was nothing compared to what was happening to Arias's lower body. As the thumb dug into the tip of his member, foreskin pulled back already. The tip of the claw passed through the small slit but he continued to wriggle his finger trying to stuff the whole damn claw in. "That hurts!!!" Arias shouted and began to squirm his legs hoping to get into some better position... It wasn't happening sadly. Not to mention the beast's fangs digging deeper into his neck clearly looking to leave a mark. The pain between the two... it was hard to focus and harder to tell which was worse.


From there the beast seemed to use his tongue to explore Arias's smooth and pale skin, from neck to hip and back up again. His hand was still holding onto Arias's cock, squeezing it surprisingly gently as he stroked it with a wooden hand. "Stop... this feels disgusting!!!" He said. It wasn't just that he was being stroked by wood... though still not the most comfortable thing to feel, Arias hated being touched like this at all. It was so foreign to him and the beast wasn't exactly what he expected his first time to be like.


And just like that, the beast made mention of how easy it would be to crush Arias and then proceeded to do so, squeezing his cock tightly in that strong grip making Arias whimper and spasm as he struggled in vein to be free. "Hurts..." he squeaked, voice a bit higher pitched than before. Damn... He was trying to bruise it.... It hurt... Next thing Arias knew, he was suddenly bit around his left nipple leaving another bloody mark. The Human yelped like a puppy being kicked and continued to whimper.


What was the beast trying to do now? It hurt so much... He was stroking the human trying to get him hard but of course, Arias really wasn't into it and remained soft. He was in too much pain to feel anywhere turned on. Though, there was suddenly a relief on his wrists which was happily welcomed but the beast simply found a fist full of hair to hold onto and pulled Arias's head up to see just what the cruel creature was doing to him.


"I'm not like you..." That was all he could say feeling a bit embarrassed knowing he really hadn't done anything like this with anyone before... Not even a girl even though he really could have had any girl he wanted. Of course, he was a bit dense in this department so who knows... "Let go of me!!" He growled, voice still a bit higher than it had been and he clenched his fists ignoring the pain in his left hand and swung both hands down on the beast's head. That probably hurt Arias a lot more than it did the beast but it was worth a try and he continued to struggle, pushing on the beast's face trying to squirm away. One hand soon instinctively came to his head trying to get that hand off his hair.

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The beast moaned softly as he continued to taste and smell the human's body. He wasn't hard yet but he was aroused enough to enjoy himself. He opened his mouth and sucked at the salty skin. He was not a gentle creature but he was certainly treating Arias gently for the moment. A low growl escaped him and he exhaled a hot breath onto wet skin. He was starting to want more of this perfect creature he had before him. He wanted to hear the man's moans and cries. He wanted to feel his shudders and shivers. He wanted to smell the man's arousal and his sweat.


'It is disgusting, is it?' he growled. 'You will learn to enjoy it in time.'


The dominant male continued to torment the younger man's cock, scratching inside the tip and scraping his sharp claws against the length of the organ. He pulled down to grip at the shaft, then clenched it tight and twisted it as far as he could. He twisted it a little more before going back the other way. The beast then bent and pulled at the cock in all different directions before yanking it as far from Arias's body as he could. He wrenched at the cock and gripped it as hard as he possibly could so it wouldn't escaped his grasp... then he moved onto the balls, giving them the same brutal treatment.


'Does this mean I am your first?' the beast asked, then sighed. He pressed his head into the younger man's belly. 'That is too bad. This will not be easy for you.'


The beast almost regretted what he was going to do next but he had to do it. He had to put Arias in his place. He couldn't have Arias thinking he could do what he wanted. It was a battle of wills that the beast was determined to win. He forced the man to look at his cock being worked over and looked back up at the young man. He was almost willing to go easy on the young man until the thing swung at him with both hands. The beast snorted and shook his head before a deep snarl crossed his face.


'FOOL!' the beast shouted. 'I was going to be gentle with you but now I see you would rather be fucked senseless!'


The beast got off the bed and stood up, still gripping Arias's hair in his fist. He didn't care if Arias struggled or fought against him. What could the man do to a wooden giant? The creature dragged Arias by the hair over to a dressing cabinet and rummaged through it with one hand until he found a long hair ribbon. He gave Arias a sharp look and dragged him back over to the bed. The beast raised one hoof and struck Arias in the guts, sending him back onto the bed. The beast dragged him up further onto the bed and climbed on top of him again. This time he didn't bother to hold the man down but worked quickly to tie the man's flaccid cock up tight enough to constrict the blood flow. He finished with a bow tied in a double knot then leaned back to admire his work.


'Do you know what this does? No matter how hard you get or how full you get, you will not be able to release. I am going to fuck you, Arias, I am going to fuck you until you are blue,' the beast explained.


Arias was grabbed again, this time by the hips. The beast spun the young man's body around and positioned himself on top of the young man. He grabbed the man by the hair, yanked his head up and stuck his fingers inside the man's mouth. He felt around and played with the tongue with his wooden fingers before pulling out and gripping the man's hips with his left hand. His right hand got to work on his cock, stroking it until it was hard enough to shove inside the younger man. Arias was yanked into position, his legs spread just wide enough for the beast to enter. The beast leaned back and pressed the tip of his wooden cock against the man's tight ring of muscle. He pushed forward.


The head slipped just inside the hole and the beast paused a moment. He moved his left hand to grab at Arias's shoulder and gripped it hard. With one heavy snarl, he bucked forward and plunged his cock into the man's arse. His cock was so huge, it only went half way in on the first thrust. The beast pulled back and charge din for another thrust, then another, than another. Soon he was pounding and battering the young man's arse as if it were made of putty. He growled, baring his yellowed teeth. If it was at all possible, his cock got harder and thicker. It was tearing Arias apart at the seams. There was no lubricant, there was no preparation, just the repeated pounding of that brutal cock.


The beast let go of Arias's shoulder and reached down to grab his wrist instead. He pulled it behind the man then reached down with his other hand to do the same. He used the man's arms to anchor him while he continued to hammer his cock into the hole like a battering ram. As he thrust forward, he pulled back on the man's hands so he collided with that thick, wooden beast. He kept going, even as Arias's arse began to bleed he kept going. Soon the beast's cock was slick with Arias's blood, which only served as lubricant to make the beast slip in easier. The wetter Arias's arse became, the deeper the beast's cock went until it was beating at the end of his colon.

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The beast was so cruel. He tormented Arias's cock, grabbing at it, pulling and twisting it until the human was crying out in pain. All he wanted was for it to stop... The claw in the tip, digging at his sensitive flesh, the scraping of the shaft and the pulling and jerking this way and that, He was in so much pain... But what could he do? "IT HURTS!!!" Arias cried out, practically screaming for help that would never come. Couldn't the servants come in and tell there master this was no way to treat a human? He'd die by the end of it if this kept up!! Still, no one did come and the beast continued his assault.


It wasn't until after Arias hit the beast full force with both hands did he realize just how wrong he was. If he'd simply laid there and taken it, he'd have been played with and treated gently but that wasn't what happened. In fact, the beast seemed to lose it the moment that Arias struck him. It was only at that moment that Arias realized the beast was actually being gentle with him. As much as it hurt, it wasn't like what was about to happen.


Arias was dragged off the bed by his hair, screaming out and grabbing the beast's wrist for some kind of relief but it didn't matter much, the grip alone was enough to cause major problems. The small human was screaming out and crying for help despite knowing that no one would come. Still, he couldn't stop himself as the beast dragged him to the dresser, rummaged through it and then proceeded to drag him right back to the bed. Arias kicked and struggled trying to get free but was quickly pulled back to the bed and felt a sharp pain in his gut that made him double over in pain as he was lifted onto the bed.


The beast had kicked him with a hard hoof and tossed him right back onto the bed. Arias cried out, tears beginning to fall as he had no idea what was to come. The beast simply bound his cock with a ribbon, tying it off with a bow and giving the smaller creature a little insight as to what it was for. That was less than comforting. "No... No..." Arias cried out but it was no use, he was flipped onto his stomach and the beast began to position himself on top of the human all over again.


"Stop!!! DON"T DO IT!!!" He screamed before letting out a terrible wail. He was stopped when the beast stuffed two fingers in his mouth causing Arias to shut up for a moment and choke on the gross wooden appendages. The tears streamed down his face, stinging the wounds on the left side as salty beads of water dripped from his eyes to the claw marks. Of course, that was nothing compared to everything else that was happening.


As he felt the beast begin to position something right up against his ass, the human looked back a little in horror. "No..." He whimpered quietly but it was too late, the beast began to push inside until the tip disappeared beyond the tight, soft rim of muscle. "That hurts!!!" He screamed. His voice was useless here but there was no way to hold back... Especially after what happened next. The beast gripped the human tightly, let out a grunt, then forced all his body weight behind a single thrust that tore Arias apart from the inside and yet, only managed to get about half way.


The human let out a terrible wail that let the whole castle know what the beast was doing to him. He screamed so loudly but that didn't seem to matter as the beast pulled back and tried again, then again, and again. Arias was still screaming in pain as his wrists became the anchor for every terrible trust that the beast forced into his body. There was a terrible popping sound from one of Arias's shoulder but honestly, he couldn't tell which as all the max pain came to his bleeding ass. The beast got faster and harder, taking advantage of the blood lubricant while the human continued to cry in agony.


Of course, everything got so much worse so suddenly. There was no helping it as Arias was somehow hard?! He couldn't even let off a load but that didn't matter.... Even if he could, he couldn't understand why he was so hard!!! It hurt... everything hurt... The human was still crying and screaming out enough for the whole castle to hear him as that sharp wooden dick, that seemed to get bigger and bigger, deeper and deeper with each trust. Arias regretted everything... And in that moment... He wished he was never born.

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The beast kept going. He would fuck the human into oblivion if that's what it took. He tilted his head back and arched his body forward, brutally fucking into the human. He spread his legs wider and his knees dug into the man's calves. The onslaught didn't stop there. Oh no, there was still the other half of the beast's cock to attend to. Even as it ploughed deep into Arias's signoid colon, the beast still tried to fuck him deeper. Arias's very bowels were being twisted and stretched in ways that should never happen as they tried to accommodate the massive intrusion.


'"It hurts!" Is that all you can say?' the beast growled out loud, trying to be heard over the smaller male's cries.


The beast's wooden balls slapped at the young man's arse in a regular rhythm. The beast started to pant in time with his thrusting and let out a low moan. He rolled his head around on his shoulders and looked down at the young man. He bent down over him, resting one hand on the bed beside Arias's head. The other hand snuck around Arias's body and began to fondly his cock. He leaned his head against Arias's head and tilted his face so his lips were brushing up against the back of Arias's ear.


'Look at you, getting hard from my cock. You really are a sick faggot,' he growled.


The beast pulled back all the way, until only the tip remained inside Arias, then plunged his cock all the way in. He bucked a few times while deep inside Arias then let out a low moan. Now he was starting to feel it. A spurt of clear fluid left the beast's cock and for a moment he paused. He inhaled deeply then set to work at a slower pace, though no less deep. He started to focus on the feel of his cock sliding inside the human and the way the hole stretched as if welcoming him in. It was so very tight in there and that cock was so very monstrous in both length and girth. It had ripped Arias open and distended his pucker. How long would it be before Arias was capable of sitting comfortably?


Slowly, surely, the hand on Arias's cock began to move. It was jerky at first and a little rough but soon the beast was massaging Arias's cock as if he really were trying to please the man. He felt what it was like to touch another man's cock and played with it in his hand. It didn't particularly interest him but he wasn't repulsed by it either. He was more doing it to force Arias into arousal. He was going to leave Arias high and dry with no way of relieving himself. Oh, how he was going to wait until Arias begged to cum. He would be a sobbing, moaning, trembling mess but still the beast would not forgive him until he agreed to be the beast's honoured guest.

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Arias couldn't take much more of this but the beast seemed to want to keep going. He was stretching and thrusting into the small human trying to make it so that he could fit in that small hole completely. How could he not say that it hurt? He was being torn apart and opened in ways that his body couldn't, and shouldn't be. He knew that at least one shoulder was probably dislocated but he couldn't tell which if it was even just one or maybe more. Arias whimpered and cried, still screaming out until his wrists were finally released and his arms fell but he could feel the beast pressing into his calves with those wooden knees.


The Beast was finally able to fit into the human completely much to Arias's dismay. He cried and even wanted nothing more than to throw up. His stomach was being pressed in filled in ways he wasn't use to and it made him physically sick. Thankfully though, he managed to not puke all over the bed.


The beast had changed position and dug into the human, even grabbing his cock with one hand. As the beast spoke to Arias, clearly making fun of him, the human could do nothing but cry and lay there. Too much of his body was broken to the point where he was feeling completely useless. He couldn't seem to get his arms to move right, nor could he move his legs and even his head didn't seem able to be moved.


As the beast began to massage Arias's cock, he really could feel it. Maybe it helped that his hips and ass were so numb by now from being fucked raw that he was even able to feel this. Still, he was getting harder and harder with no relief in sight. "Stop..." he whined. Arias was losing himself in this and all he wanted was to be set free. He wanted to cum... He wanted to be free from this terrifying beast. At the same time, he could somehow tell that the beast was really getting into it.. Maybe if he came he'd let Arias go and leave him alone for a little while. That was of course, wishful thinking.


The human was starting to quiet down, now sobbing and letting out the occasional yelp of pain or a whine on how he needed to get relief. Still, he was trying to hold out until the Beast was done with him. He hoped he would be done soon!!! After all, it must have been a long time since he felt pleasure so maybe he would release early... At the same time, Arias was starting to realize just how blurry his vision was getting. He was losing consciousness from all the blood he lost. After all, he had been bit on the neck and around the nipple, his face had been clawed up terribly, and his ass was now leaking a significant amount of blood.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The beast kept going, his furry faun's legs rubbing up against the backs of Arias's smaller human ones. The beast was the cross between a faun and a

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. His upper body was wooden where his lower body was that of a goat. He also had ears and horns like a faun. The cut off between his upper and lower body was around his pelvis. The front of his crotch was wooden where the sides and buttocks of his arse were covered in long, thin fur. There was a crease where the legs met the crotch, which was where the fur became shorter and made way for wood.


There was now blood seeping down Arias's legs and sticking to the beast's fur. It wasn't enough to bleed out though. Even with everything the beast had done to Arias, he still would not have lost enough blood to become faint. The beast could keep on going as long as he liked, which is what he intended to do unless Arias screamed out that he wanted to be the beast's guest.


It seemed like forever that the beast kept up his onslaught. He was panting and a thin film is slick sweat built up on his body. He bent low over Arias and panted into his neck. His breath became hot and came out in sharp gusts against Arias's ear. The beast was starting to slow down but he still plunged his cock all the way into the smaller man's stomach. The beast groaned as he felt his climax building. His cock felt like it was throbbing and he growled into the human's ear. He bared his sharp teeth then traced his tongue up the back of the human's ear. He took the lobe into his mouth and started to suck on it while he continued to stroke the man's penis. He'd never stroked another man off but he assumed it was the same as stroking his own. It would have the same sweet spots. The beast kept pumping with his fingers as he stroked back and forth across the tip with his thumb. He started to use more technique than merely pumping and really started to pleasure Arias as best he good.


'Come on!' he growled into Arias's ear. 'Get into it!'


After going slow, the beast started to speed up again until his movements became frantic. He was panting heavily now and grunting with every thrust. Finally, he let out a loud groan and jammed his cock all the way into Arias's sigmoid colon. He arched back and pressed his hand down on Arias's back as the waves of pleasure rolled over him. He gave a few more sloppy pumps at Arias's cock and gripped it tight. A moment later he'd plunged his dick in as far as it could go.




The beast let go of Arias's cock and grabbed both hips so he could pound into Arias's arse even deeper. He tilted his head back and kept pounding as the wave of heat and sensation washed over his body. After going so long without, the orgasm kept going and going until the beast was finally spent. He bent forward and lay slack on top of Arias's body. The beast let out a low growl and continued to pant for perhaps a minute longer before finally pushing himself off Arias's body.


Arias was left on the bed while the beast walked back to his dresser to get a handkerhcief. He wiped himself off and put his pantaloons back on before coming over to survey the damage. He looked Arias over then flipped him over. The beast's nostrils flared and he snorted. Arias was a mess. There was a literal fount of blood and cum leaking from his arse. His beautiful face was scratched up and there were the bite marks the beast had given him too. He'd have to be cleaned up and tended to at the very least. The beast scooped Arias up in his arms and started to carry him towards the infirmary. He would sit by the man and see that he was properly taken care of before locking him away.


'Why are you so stubborn?' the beast growled. He looked over the limp thing in his arms and growled. 'This all would have been avoided if you'd stopped acting like a prisoner.'

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Arias shifted slightly and tried to push himself up a little bit. As he looked, there was a pretty bad blood stain on the bed from his face and the blood was streaming down his legs from his ass hole... However, it wasn't enough for him to be losing consciousness like this... Moving was just so difficult and his body was burning up... Damn did he hurt so much. He tried to use his shaking arms but his shoulders couldn't work right. He collapsed back the way he was and found himself simply losing consciousness from the pain of being raped.


Next came the beast's breathing and growling in Arias's ear. It was terrifying as the beast could bite him again... could even take off his ear. After all, if a human could rip another human's ear off with their teeth, there was no way that a beast couldn't do it with ease. After all, he had the strength of at least ten men.


Arias tensed up when his ear was suddenly licked, that hot and smelly breath continued to fill Arias's nostrils making his already teary eyes water up a little more. Damn he really couldn't do anything, this beast was just going to have his way with the human and move on. At this point, that smaller creature was wishing death would take him soon for this was truly Hell he was living in.


"No more," his voice cracked horribly as Arias touched the beast's hand with one of his own. He gently touched the hand stroking his penis as it was all he could do. The human no longer had the strength to fight back and couldn't take the pain in his balls much longer. They were throbbing horribly and being stroked off certainly wasn't helping him even a little bit. "It hurts so much..." he whimpered and continued to paw at the hand to be released. He wanted to cum so badly and run away but he couldn't move at all. Even moving his fingers like this was a struggle.


Arias was able to breathe a little when things slowed down but that didn't last too long as the beast then pressed on the human's back, forcing him into the bed more as he picked up speed and struck Arias's insides like a ram to the point he thought he was going to throw up. The human groaned and screamed out some as the beast reached his climax and bucked in real hard. He made sure he was as deep into the human's body as he could go before shooting off a load that seemed to continue to pour into him with as little mercy as the one shooting it off.


The small creature was completely limp with the exception of his penis now as he was hard as a rock looking for his own relief. The build up inside Arias now was so much that he could feel his stomach protruding just a tiny bit as if he had eaten too much for dinner.


Once the beast fully pulled out of the human, blood and cum easily poured from the gaping hole and Arias was pressed down with the weight of the beast on top of him. The beast weighed a lot and Arias could hardly breathe under him. Not to mention the painful erection he was now laying on. Damn did that hurt. Though, eventually the beast got himself up and Arias was flipped shamelessly onto his back where he was panting heavily and his eyes were really out of it.


Arias did manage a growl of pain as he was lifted off the bed, one arm being left hanging downward which only increased the pain in his shoulder. Maybe he was less sure that his shoulders weren't dislocated... As the beast spoke to him, Arias looked away stubbornly with a slight huff. "How can you tell someone they lost their freedom and still expect them to think they are being honored guests?!" He was fuming slightly.


"Now, put me down I don't want to be around you... I just want to be left to die..." He said, those built up tears escaping in streams. Arias was clearly shaken by his ordeal and just wanted to run away and hide for a while.

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The beast ignored Arias when the man begged him to stop. He simply batted the man's hand away and continued pumping it until he was finally satisfied with the man. He was done with him. He'd got what he wanted, now it was time to clean him up so he didn't get an infection.


'It's your choice how you want to be treated. I suppose you like being raped and locked away,' he said with a roll of his eyes. He shifted Arias in his arms, uncomfortable with what the man said.


'I'm not putting you down. I'm taking you to the infirmary to be cleaned up,' the beast said, he sighed heavily and rolled his shoulders. 'You're insufferable.'


The beast carried Arias down the stairs and through the castle to the infirmary wing to the far, western edge of the castle. He laid the young man down on one of the beds and waited for the nurse to approach. She bowed low before coming up to look over Arias.


'Master, what seems to be the problem?' the diminutive creature asked.


'He needs to be cleaned up. Get some cream inside him to ease the pain and disinfect the area. Don't take the ribbon off him though, not unless he agrees to be a guest rather than a prisoner,' the beast instructed.


'Will that be all, my Lord?' she asked.


'Yes, that will be all. Thank you,' he said calmly. He then sat back in his chair to watch what was happening. He didn't leave Arias's side for an instant.


The beast watched as his servants came forward and rolled him onto his back. They were very gentle with him after what had happened and worked silently to take care of him. First they sponge bathed all of his body and towelled him dry. The cum was scraped out of his arse and his insides were flushed out into a bedpan. Next, the head nurse lathered up her hand with salve and slipped her hand inside the man's hole. She spread the salve all through him before pulling out. Last of all, one of the younger nurses tended to his other bites and scratched by rubbing ointment on them and placing gauze or bandages over them. When he was all fixed up they bowed to their master and took away their tools.


'Feeling any better?' the beast asked Arias. 'You know this didn't have to happen. It is you who decided you wanted to be treated like this.'

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Arias grumbled and turned away from the beast. He didn't have the strength to get away or even fight back but his face was swelling up to the point he could no longer see out of his left eye so all he had to do was turn his head and he wouldn't have to look at the beast anymore. There was so much blood everywhere that the small human was completely gross and sticky. He could even feel a terrible chill... Though that was probably also because he was naked and the fact that it wasn't exactly warm in this castle with it being winter outside and clearly the beast didn't really need the castle to be warm. Despite all that, there was a pretty bad warmth where Arias really didn't want it, and his legs were squirming slightly as he really wanted a release from the heat and pain in his groin.


When the small human was placed back down, he groaned more and tried to stay away from the beast but it seemed that he wasn't planning on leaving Arias's side for an instant. Damn did he feel horrible. As the smaller creatures gently moved Arias onto his back and bean to help take care of his injuries, He waited until his arms were fixed before trying to get away from the smaller creature.


"Please stop... I can't take being touched anymore..." he said gently towards the small critter. Arias tried to get the other to stop touching him and wanted to get the ribbon off his member. Of course, he wasn't able to and had to lay back down to get treated. It wasn't hard to get the human to lay back down as he was completely worn out and his hips hurt so much that he really didn't have the strength to even sit up.


As soon as he felt the cream touching his ass, he squirmed and tried to get away. "Stop!!! No, no more!!!!" He began to freak out and somehow started to fight back even more. Arias clearly did get affected by being raped. "Please no more!!! I will be your guest just make it stop!!!!" He started to cry and curl up away from the beast and the one trying to help heal him. Arias was shaking and panting as he really wanted to get the ribbon off his member. "Please... Let me cum..." he whimpered and continued to pant, feeling dizzy and hot as he laid there.


It took a little time but the servants were able to do their work and Arias was laying there with a painful erection and all wrapped up and healthy. Still, he hated what was happening to him. "I'll be your guest... so please let me cum..." he whined.

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The beast stood up and helped the nurses hold Arias down as the head nurse smeared her cream-covered hand through the young man's damaged hole. He looked at Arias struggle and squirm, a sad look on his face. As the young man turned away, the beast gently stroked his hand across the back of the man's head. He waited for the nurses to finish what they were doing before rolling Arias on his back again.


'Shhh, shhh. That's all I ask. I'm going to take it off now,' he said soothingly.


The creature stood tall and untied the knots holding the ribbon in place. He then unwound it and placed the ribbon on the bedside table. With one look at Arias, he took hold of the man's cock and began to stroke it slowly. He doubted it would take long for the man to cum.


'Nurse! Get me a cloth!' he ordered.


Once he had the cloth, he began pumping faster. He pressed his thumb gently against the tip and swirled it around the slit as he moved his hand up and down. He held the cloth in his other hand, ready to catch the cum as it sprayed out. He continued working like that patiently. He kept going until Arias finally got his release. He didn't say anything and didn't torment the young man, just let him cum in his own time. He had the cloth ready and covered the head of Arias's cock with it to catch everything that released. He didn't want to get Arias all dirty again so soon after his sponge bath.


'There. It's done,' the beast announced.


The beast stepped back and handed the dirty cloth to one of the nurses to take care of. He then scooped Arias up in his arms once more and carried him back upstairs to the same bedroom he'd just been raped in. The sheets were all fresh and the floors had been washed. There was no sign of what had just happened in there. The beast set Arias down on the bed and pulled the thick covers over him so he wouldn't freeze. The bed was cold but it would soon warm up with Arias in it.


'I'll get someone to stoke the fire,' he said in as soft a tone as his gruff voice could manage. He stroked his fingers through Arias's hair and leaned forward to kiss him on the forehead.


'Don't leave this room or I'll have to chain you to the bed,' he said firmly. 'I'll be back later with some food. Rest.'

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