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POTM • March 2018 ❤ WHITE DAY ❤


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❤ What is White Day? ❤


White Day was first celebrated in 1978 in Japan.

It was started by the National Confectionery Industry Association as

an " answer day " to Valentine's Day on the grounds that

men should pay back the women who gave them chocolate

and other gifts on Valentine's Day.


In 1977, a Fukuoka-based confectionery company,

Ishimuramanseido, marketed marshmallows to men on March 14,

calling it Marshmallow Day (マシュマロデー Mashumaro Dē).


Soon thereafter, confectionery companies began marketing

white chocolate. Now, men give both white & dark chocolate,

as well as other edible and non-edible gifts, such as jewelry or

objects of sentimental value, or white lingerie to women from

whom they received chocolate on Valentine's Day one month earlier.

Flowers and other gifts are also given on this day.


Eventually, this practice spread to the neighboring

East Asian countries of South Korea, China, Taiwan and Vietnam.

In those cultures, White Day is for the most part observed in a similar manner.

As a note in Japan, if chocolate given to a man a month prior was giri choco,

the man may not be expressing actual romantic interest [a social obligation].

(You can search on Wiki about giri choco)




❤ R U L E S ❤


• Your profile must be your own design creation •

And not copied from someone's else profile.

It must contain at least one pic to be valid


The images used don't have to be your own creation,

anything you find or have in your personal collection works!


• To customize your profile go to "Customize my Profile" •

Up in the right of your VM box


•The profile must not contain any pornographic material in its design•

Only light Yaoi/Anime/Manga material allowed, this includes your avatar,

profile image, signature, cover albums.


• You can only submit your OWN profile •


• The Profile must be accessible for all Registered Members of YaoiOtaku•

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you must disable them from your Settings.


• To submit your profile just post •

“Entering my Profile for the POTM”


• Do NOT double post! •


• Read the Game Rules and everything else! •




❤ P R I Z E S ❤


Every participant will receive 1000 points for submitting his/her profile

and will get them as long as it respects Rule no.1!


• The WINNER will get 5000 points




❤ D E A D L I N E ❤


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Entering my Profile for the POTM *cross fingers*


though i'm not sure if my profile complied with this month's theme >.

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First of all, thanks for participating!



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The winner will get

5000 points





All participants got the promised

1000 points





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I hope you have a great week!




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