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Yuri On Ice Rewatch


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, I'm #teamsub as well (in more ways than one). XD


But yeah, dubs can be awkward sometimes. Plus I've been exposed to Japanese all my life and understanding a bit of it due to having Japanese relatives, it just natural.


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, thank you for zooming in on that Victor bum. You have cleansed my soul.:cuteonion52:

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originally #teamdub


so. i've rewatch the 1st episode. & here's my 2cent about this 'lame' anime.

i thought i will stopped being amazed on how the animation was done. nope. i'm still amazed by how the animation was done. all the moves, man. so gorgeous. and i already forgot how adorable chubby yuki ha.. also that last shot of viktor. still gets me everytime!! & people keep wondering if this BL or not hehe..


okay. that's all. thank you.


rewatch in sub for this ep. rating 3.5/5. point 5 for viktor shot at the end

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Yes, nendoriod can change expression. They give you extra for it. You can use clothes or expression from other nendoriods as well. It is fun, isn't it ?


I think purchase limit is kind like Japanese thing. When I was living in Japan, more than 10 years ago. Even in the groceries store. If there are 3 banana left, you cannot buy all 3..you can buy one, need to leave some for other customers too. I don't know if there are policy from company or the store CDJapan is the same tho'


I don't have any special reason for not unbox them that why I told you don't ask why lol. I think more like I don't have space for them. My hobbies are all in closet. My family and some friends know but not my colleagues, so all of them will needs to stay in 2 of my extra rooms,and not all over the house, and as you know I have million Nyanko sensei here and Mao Asada and ton of books and Magazines, so there are no room to display Yuri on ice figures, and I don't really play with nendoriod either, so there is kind like no reason for me to unbox them >


No worries Mochi Yuri and Yurio are coming..at least one each lol



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I bought them all, so yep the infamous Viktor is one of them >



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I am with you guys about No.6 I have read light novel way back when I was still in Japan and fall in love with it completely. When I first know about the animation, TBH, I was pretty worry, but I am glad that No.6 was produced by studio Bones.



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yes, Natsume yuujinchou is one of a kind. This one have gotten my undying love.


Jay...have you ever watch Shin Sekai Yori? English name is From the new world. If you haven't yet. try it. There is same sex relationships, but it is so dark that I was down for weeks. Not bloodshed dark, but all the logic behinds it, and after finish it you can erase all negative feeling by watching Natsume again


Here some Nyanko sensei from my collection for you



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BTW, I am team #Raw ;P

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Finished episode 1!! like

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said the animation is just wow, the amazing moves! 3.8 stars from me!! Yurio is just so adorable with his love of tiger-print things ;)
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oh my gosh! Nyanko-sensei !! i would take a swim in that box of Nyanko's, they are sooo coot!

I havent watched Shin Sekai,, il check it out tho, thanks for the recc

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  Jay19 said:
Finished episode 1!! like
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said the animation is just wow, the amazing moves! 3.8 stars from me!! Yurio is just so adorable with his love of tiger-print things ;)
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oh my gosh! Nyanko-sensei !! i would take a swim in that box of Nyanko's, they are sooo coot!

I havent watched Shin Sekai,, il check it out tho, thanks for the recc


I think Shin sekai should suit your taste Jay19. First couple episodes I really don't know what to expected, and then when I finished watching it I don't know what I feel either. lol


I have like 500 + Nyanko sensei now ..I really can't wait for the new season. I am so happy you like Natsume Yuujinchou too

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  Aquatic said:
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, I'm #teamsub as well (in more ways than one). XD


did you just go there?!

yep, you went there... and I love it xD


and hey, my friend, welcome to the club!:D (both of them xD)


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oh my god, you're right - YOI is not really yaoi, isn't it? I guess I've read so many djs & fanfics by now (thank you for the influence,

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, the whole new world has been opened to me xD) that it's canon in my head..


but yeah, it's debatable, isn't it? Weird xD


and thank you for the review!:D I still haven't watched it yet, I will be back in a few hours to rave about animation too..


P.S. chubby Yuri gives me life.

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oh wow, Racheal, I haven't realized it, but I NEED a nendoriod in my life! The Yurio one.. do they deliver outside of Japan?


And it's very interesting aboutt he purchase limit - it's a very foreign concept for a Western mentality, where the goal is to sell as much as possible. It's weird, it makes sense and it's very interesting. Thank you for telling me about this!


aha, it's funny how you say your hobbies are in the closet..:D I'm sorry that's how it is, but I totally get it - most people don't know about my BL obsession, for example.


But on the other hand, most of these things become more valuable with time, so if you never unbox them, in 10 years or something you can sell them for a very good price! (yep, I'm practical xD) So you have never unboxed a single nendoriod?


P.S. I need a picture when Yurio comes. It's my #purchasegoals now xD wait, I wonder if there is one for Parasyte...

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imagine a nendoroid of Migi?? *off googling*


and yep, yep, you guys convinced me, I'm definitely watching No.6 after YOI.. excited!:D


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THANK YOU! for talking about Yurio instead of Viktor.. he takes too much off the spotlight from another Russian beauty.. I adore him:D ahah, ok, I will go watch it myself in 10 minutes:D I'm excited:D

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Yes, you can order from CD-Japan or amiami, but they need to be pre- order after that you will have to get it from Yahoo Auction through Buyee.com which the price will be very. Both amiami and cd-japan will not charge you until they send out your package. Cd-japan will pending your credit card tho' You can PM me if you need more detail.



It is ok. I always talk to my mom about BL Novels I read. Sometime the whole book >



For you Mochi



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I spilled the tea I wasn't drinking!! Wow, so good! (& so wrong!) & so beautiful & so right!! ThANK you for that image, I'm off to watch the show now, where he is like 15 or something xD At least longer hair here makes me hope he is older here:D and he plays safe too, which is good!

Anyway, the picture is saved for further reference xD


Thank you so much for the info on the purchase,

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! I'm not sure how quickly do they all sell out? I think I would like to get one, but not right today because it seems like a lot of hassle to go through & I'm lazy xD

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you can get it from amazon



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You got discount for Yurio too.

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holy shit, I just got Prime! This is like a match made in heaven! He has even got cat ears, for Christ sake!

Except, am I ready to introduce this thing to my life? What if I like it? What if i won't be able to stop? What if I will need to buy one of this each week just to keep myself satisfied? Like that's a legit scary thought, especially if you're living on a budget xD


and thank you so much, my friend!:) it's such a cute one..!


- - - Updated - - -


And pirozhki..

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, he is eating pirozhki.. ah, I'm weak

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  Mochi said:
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holy shit, I just got Prime! This is like a match made in heaven! He has even got cat ears, for Christ sake!

Except, am I ready to introduce this thing to my life? What if I like it? What if i won't be able to stop? What if I will need to buy one of this each week just to keep myself satisfied? Like that's a legit scary thought, especially if you're living on a budget xD


and thank you so much, my friend!:) it's such a cute one..!


Just got one, and don't look at anything anymore. The price is really good. it's almost the same price you buy it directly from Japan and don't have to pay international shipping at all.

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I love it, but at the same time I HATE the fact that it's cheaper than Viktor & Yuri's ones! That's just not fair at all! xD Yurio deserves to cost just as much!


Aha, thank you for finding this one & I will let you know if I buy it..^^ What will win - Yurio's cuteness or Mochi's budgeting skills? I wonder..^^

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  Mochi said:
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I love it, but at the same time I HATE the fact that it's cheaper than Viktor & Yuri's ones! That's just not fair at all! xD Yurio deserves to cost just as much!


Aha, thank you for finding this one & I will let you know if I buy it..^^ What will win - Yurio's cuteness or Mochi's budgeting skills? I wonder..^^


I am pretty sure Yurio will win lol

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, wow you got a small heaven there! :) I always wanted that body pillow things, but since I can't choose between my anime husbands and boyfriends, I am stuck :(


I have seen No.6 anime multiple times already but didn't read the novel? Should I?

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, sorry my friend. I did an important damage in a short time it seems xD


Btw, I will possibly watch the anime in a few hours.. I just love how it rekindled my love of ice-skating.. Let me kindly drop my forever loop for the last month here..

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, I find your lack of faith disturbing xD


but you're probably right as well xD


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I know NOTHING about ice skating (besides the fact that Racheal loves Mao Asada (I will do some research tonight) & that Yurio was based on Yulia Lipnitskaya, whose video I watched and she is amazing), but that looks incredible! So beautiful!


And yep, yep, the damage is done & I'm a convert now.. good job!:D:D (I'm THAT close to checking out Egoist.. I got sacred off by the art, but it's omegaverse,no?)

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It's okay!! I know close to less, but that pair.. they take my breath away

Oh I didn't see Mao Asada before, I have to go watch! Correct me if I'm wrong but I think Victor is based on Evgeni Plusenko and Yuri is based on Yuzuru Hanyu..


About Egoist, it's omegaverse but it'll only leave you restless because the final chapters are missing :( but I can totally recommend "Twoframe"s works..

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I always have faith in you


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I did think about body pillow, but as I mentioned before. All my hobbies have to be confined in two of my secret rooms lol I also addict to Coyuchi and don't think I can give up on them too. I bought this sets without thinking, but will probable never used it.



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I actually had to Google Coyuchi (//▽//) Are those linens? OMG so very hot!! :D Yurio is so cute and hot at the same time, I don't know what to do with him :D


I am also a closet fujoshi but being an anime-lover it is all very well known in the family.. I grew up with Sailor Moon and Candy, so they all kind of accepted it I think :D But being a fujoshi, that'll be a shock!

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Is.. that.... YURIO?

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, you have a chance to sleep with Yurio (well, ON Yuro) & you're passing it up?!!! It's breaking my heart T_T


But an amazing, amazing set!:D


And Racheal I will check out her videos right after I actually watch the first episode xD

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oh wait I know of Eugeni Plushenko too! I just didn't realize Viktor was based off him! xD


Oh wait, is Egoist unfinished/dropped or just not fully translated yet? If it's dropped, I prefer not to pick it up xD It would hurt too much xD


- - - Updated - - -


The Real Yuriy Plisetskiy - Yulia Lipnitskaya



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I will send you some links later ok? I like Yagudin more than Plushenko tho' You have to watch his 2002 Olympic program both Sp and FS. They are amazing..my favorite of all time.


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Yuri on ice are all cotton and polyester. They are very soft ..too soft I think >



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I grew up with dragon ball Z, yu yu hakusho, and all CLAMP mangas ..I read candy candy too >

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I've never even heard of Yagudin! Now I have got to see it... thank you so much, Racheal, I'm looking forward to the links!^^


P.S. I think I'm going to join the rewatch tomorrow after all xD No YOI for me tonight or i will oversleep xD

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Aaaaah I finished rewatching ep. 1~ I have to say, rewatching really let's you notice things you haven't when you first watched it and now I have a LOT of realizations about the characters (as far as ep. 1 of course)


First off, Yuuri. I realized just how truly an amazing skater he is. Him pulling off Victor's Stammi Vicino program even with that added weight is just amazing. *claps*


Then there's Yuuko who is basically cupid. An angel on earth. Victuuri's holy mother XD


And Yurio, our precious angry kitten. After having already watched the entirety of the anime and knowing his and Yuuri's background, seems like he's provoking or coaxing Yuuri to step up his game rather than to threaten him even if that's how it looks like in the first episode. He's so precious


AND THEN THERE'S VICTOR, the walking sex god. I have nothing else to say. XD



Oh, and another thing is, the animation really is unbelievable. So smooth. So beautiful. Plus, the opening song.



Report done! :D

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  Racheal said:
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I bought them all, so yep the infamous Viktor is one of them >

Racheal, are you saying that the one in the pic is the toned-down version?? oh my, i wonder how the first prototype of Viktor's ass-ets looks like >///article about how the character designer of the anime has this obsession towards butts XD so that's why you find a lot of emphasis on this particular anatomy in most of the skaters in YOI. bless him! >///


ahh.. the opening song,

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i remember having chills every time i hear it >.


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! i have no idea you were this obsessed with Yurio!!


and i love love Yuzuru Hanyu


p/s: you guys make me want to watch the anime right now >.

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I can only imagine how good sleeping on them would be xD Oh thank you, I've never online shopped for beddings, I'll keep the brand in my mind xD


Oh, I never saw/read them but as 7-8 year old, Candy was quite traumatic. I mean it took me a while to accept Antony was gone :(


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I think Egoist just wasn't translated, rest assured, as an experienced rss feed, i'll let you know xD

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I totally agree with the opening song! I wanted to make it a ringtone but couldn't find a quality version :(

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