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The Vampyric Song (LoneDigger, Closed, 18+)


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Dameon couldn't stay still, no matter how much he tried to. Not when his Sire had waited for far to long. And only when his Sire had dragged the demon out in him, it sent his senses in overdrive.


So when he felt his Sire sliding into him, he found himself shivering at the sensation. Drawing a soft whimper from his lips and darting his gaze up to meet with Kholodno's again. His fingers slipped lose from his Sire only to wrap his arms around the other's neck again.


His body jerked towards the nip and kiss to his neck. Strangling a playful growl from his lips before leaning closer to his Sire, nipping along the other's neck lightly.

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Kholodno felt like he was melting into Dameon's body as they became one, the younger's inner walls massaging his length as it dug deeper inside.

Pressing the other against the wall with a bit more firmness as he leaned in only to continue his little assault on his kitten's neck, sucking and nibbling on the skin gently to leave his love marks there. That way he would never forgot this, or to whom he belonged to... But the elder vampyre had a feeling that even if hadn't marked the flesh that Dameon already knew that he was his master.

Plus... something just gave him a feeling that his fledgling was really into the whole biting thing, don't know what could have possible gave him that idea...~

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Dameon's body shivered the more Kholodno slid into him. But it was only when he was pushed against the wall with a firmer grip than before. Leaning his head back against the wall with a bit of surprise on his face. Drawing a strangled whimper from his lips. He couldn't help but shudder at the attention to his neck.


But the more that Kholodno nibbled at his neck, the harder the shudders raced through Dameon. His arms tightened around Kholodno's neck a bit more only to shift closer to him. "Mnnh... Master." He whimpered breathlessly. "You mean to tease me to death."


Not that that could really happen to either of them. But the more that Kholodno teased, the more restless Dameon was getting. But could anyone really blame either of them? For so long the both had wanted the same thing in some sense. However, it was now under these circumstances that they had been united in ways that possibly either of them had not foreseen.


Drawing another whimper past his lips, he leaned in closer to give Kholodno's neck a hard nip.

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"You feel amazing...

It's like you are just swallowing me up.


Kholodno purred mentally to Dameon those words of praise as he gave them both a moment to adjust to the new sensation. But it already felt so natural to him, his body belonged to him now.


Do you really feel that I am being too cruel to my kitten?


It wasn't exactly his intention, but he'd be a total liar if he didn't acknowledge that he liked the sense of power it gave him over his fledgling. Too see him squirming against the wall, his body's way of begging for more.

He truly loved Dameon, but he also really loved too see him in such a state.


The blond vampyre let out a short groan at the bite to his neck. Maybe it motivated him, but he always loved a handful. Which his kitten was proving out to be.

So when the elder suddenly began to rock his hip upward almost violently was it him rewarding that behavior, or perhaps even punishing?

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A dark flush raced cross his cheeks at the words that entered his mind. Shivering at the mention of the actions his body was doing to the other. Not that he could control most of what his body did.


But it was the question that had him stilling, still ringing in his mind after he had bitten Kholodno.


Ngh... No Master, your not being crue-


It was his only thoughts before Kholodno suddenly began to move into him with a bit more force. A hard shudder raced through him all the while his arms tightened around his Sire's neck, strangling out a soft moan. His muscles clinching down onto his Sire at the treatment. Maybe he had pushed Kholodno a tad bit much, then again... he couldn't complain. Not when he enjoyed a bit of pain. Maybe that was the understanding between Dameon and his demon.


Ne! Ma-Master... Mmn...

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Does my kitten like being treated a bit roughly?


The elder vampyre hummed out as he pressed his fledgling against the wall again as he brought down his hips, his length pulling out almost completely only to bury itself inside Dameon's body again.

Kholodno moaned slightly, his breath hot against the other's neckside as he couldn't resist the urge to bite him again, and it was more than just a tease, but a full on piercing his fangs through the flesh to suck on the blood for a moment, a taste was all he needed...

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Dameon lifted his half lidded gaze just in time to hear his Sire's question. But even as Kholodno has asked, he hadn't the time to reply before he was being pressed against the wall again.


His mind raced for a short moment before he felt the other begin to slide out of him. Squirming in his Sire's hold with a soft whimper leaving his lips. Tho he didn't have long to wait, he felt his back arch against the wall. In the process of leaning his head back the moment that Kholodno thrusted back into him.


Before Dameon could realize what was going on, the attention was brought back to his neck. But it was the bite that had his body jerking towards Kholodno with a startled hiss leaving his lips. Clearly Dameon had been to lost in his own thoughts and sensations that he was feeling, to have noticed what exactly his Sire was going to do to him.

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Does that feel good?

You're hissing, but I know you love this just as much as I do


Kholodno whispered into Dameon's mind as he drank from his neck while still thrusting against him steadily, if not a bit more roughly now that he had the faint blood lust.

Nothing could have stopped the elder vampyre now that he was in his own heat, all he could think of right now was how the younger tasted and felt was something so amazing he never wanted it to end...


Yet all good things must come to an end, and even Kholodno couldn't last forever and he found himself reaching his climax.

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Dameon jerked at the words in his mind, only to draw out a strangled growl. But it was soon quieted with the way that Kholodno was thrusting into him. However, despite how Kholodno was treating him, Dameon's body had long ago melted for the other.


Arching against Kholodno with a strangled whimper leaving his parted lips. "Nnh..." His fingers trembled as he clinched them to the other. "Mas-Master..." He shuddered only to lean his head back against the wall. He could already feel his muscles clinching harder around his Sire in waves. Warning the both of them that Dameon wasn't going to be able to hold out for to much longer.


Please... Master, your going to make me cum.


He whined into his Sire's mind.

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Go ahead, kitten~ Cum for me


He urged the other on, sucking softly on the younger's neck.

With the way that Dameon's body was squeezing around his length was making it harder for him too, even if he had enough stamina to last this long. Which had impressed him that his fledgling had been able to keep up.

Kholodno dug his nails into the other's hips that he had been holding onto as his body tensed up and with one final violent buck of his hips that pressed the other against the wall as he came hard inside him.

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Dameon bit down on his lower lip harshly at the words in his mind. Shuddering and trying to keep himself from curling into a ball. Not that he really could do so in such a position. Not when Kholodno still had him pinned persay against the wall.


He could think straight, and that was obvious that Dameon was to far gone into the pleasure that raced through his body. So when he was violently thrusted into one last time, his back arched with a loud whimper leaving his lips. His nails dug into Kholodno's shoulders the moment that he suddenly erupted. Sending the sticky mess coating his stomach.


His head pressed back against the wall hard, hard enough that one would wonder if a headache would be the result later on. But it was the hard pants just seconds later that came from Dameon's lips, along with the pleasure drunken look in Dameon's half lidded gaze. "Mng... Nnm." He couldn't get his words to form correctly, and his mind was to much in a fog to get his thoughts to work with him either.

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Kholodno let out a low groan of pleasure when Dameon tightened around him one final time as they both reached their peak.

As much as he loved the sight of his fledgling pinned against the wall and covered in his own seed he did not wish to leave him like that and carefully lowered him back down so that he was cradling the younger in his arms, carrying him back off to the bed that had gone unused for this particular adventure.


He lay Dameon down on his back, leaving him for just a moment before returning with a damp cloth that he used to gently clean over the other's stomach and any other part that needed it. He couldn't have his kitten going to bed all messy, it would simply never do.


The blond crawled onto the bed and settled down next to Dameon, laying on his side with his cheek resting on his hand which was propped up by his elbow as his free hand stroked the other's hair fondly. It seemed he was worried if he had been too rough with him now he was out of the heat his feelings had returned.

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Dameon's body shuddered in aftershocks, unaware that he had been shifted to stand. But the moment his feet touched the floor, his knee's didn't want to support him. So when he was carried off to the bed, he weakly clinched his fingers to Kholodno. Only releasing the other when Kholodno moved to grab something.


A soft incoherent murmur left his lips before turning his gaze to his Sire. The sudden coolness of the damp cloth instantly had Dameon's body tensing with a startled huff leaving his lips. That was until Kholodno finished and returned to the bed.


Dameon found himself curling up to the other almost instantly. His eyes slowly drifting shut as he settled down, nestled up to his Sire. His earlier thoughts of being abandoned again, no longer present in his mind as the fog slowly lifted. The only emotion running through him, was the need for comfort. To be close. In a way a true fledgling should feel. But under all of that, he couldn't help but feel love for the other. Even if he did have that part of him that just wanted to cause trouble. However, that demon in him was to sated to want to try anything.


Maybe that was one of the things about him, that was so misunderstood. Something that none other than a true Sire would see. His demon, it didn't need control. It had no use for the term itself. What that part of him needed the most, was to become sated. To lose the worry and fight that it continued to make throughout the years.

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Was that too cold? I'm sorry...


Kholodno apologized genuinely when he noticed the shocked sort of reaction after he had cleaned him off.

Despite his age, their was still so much he had to learn, and so much he had yet to understand about Dameon's needs.

He was doing his best to figure it all out, but he still felt like he was missing some things and that made him a bit disappointed in himself for not getting it right.


As his brain mulled over those thoughts his hand never stopped caressing and the fingers buried themselves in the strands. He then moved his hand from his hair to the younger's back instead so he could hold him lightly, just laying there for a moment and breathing out so softly it was as if he were asleep, but his grey blues were still wide open and intently gazing at his fledgling in front of him.


You're such a good boy...

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Dameon had seemed to of fallen asleep, or was it that the petting that Kholodno was doing to his hair had lulled him to sleep. Either reason, the look on Dameon's face was one out of contentment. Only the words reaching his mind, caused a weak stirring. Scrunching his nose lightly before settling back down, nuzzling lightly up to his Sire's chest.


And there was where he stayed. Curled up to the elder where he felt safe from the outside world. Hours seemed to pass by like no time at all. But it was the sudden buzzing that broke the silence.


Dameon buried his face more into Kholodno's chest with a soft groan. But the longer that his phone went off in the pocket off his pants, that was still laying on the floor from earlier events. It was starting to become more of an annoyance. "Mnng..."


Slowly detaching himself from Kholodno, his face still sleep drunken before he slipping off the bed. "Nnm... just." He groaned softly before reaching into his pants to grab the phone that was buzzing wildly.


Taking only a short second to try and clear his mind before answering the call. "What?" He murmured grumply. But that was all he could say in that moment, his face fell blank at the words that entered his ear. This clearly wasn't good news.

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Kholodno stayed awake awhile longer, but it wasn't long at all before his own eye lids grew heavy and he already felt so relaxed as it was with Dameon pulled against his side that he allowed himself to sleep.

If only the moment would have lasted longer, but the annoying buzz of technology was calling to the younger vampyre.

The elder had never really excepted phones or other things like that, he was so ancient when he was a human the world did not even have electricity yet.


He wanted to tell the other to ignore it, or better yet he'd have gotten up and taken care of it himself, but it was Dameon's so he let the other answer it.

Surely it was nothing important and the other would be cuddled back up to him again in a few minutes, but it was strangely quiet and he couldn't hear any movement.

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"Dameon! Snap out of it!" The voice on the phone yelled loud enough to wake the dead.


Dameon's body jerked at the much to loud voice that had been right at his ear. Drawing a deep hiss from himself. "What the hell?!" He growled out, narrowing his eyes. "I told you to keep an eye on them when I wasn't around! And now... you let them go off and get themselves into trouble." He wasn't happy, not in the least bit. Had his band had gotten into just normal trouble, it wouldn't of upset him so much.


But this... this was far worse. "When I find them, your ass is fired!" He hissed out in displeasure, slamming the cover shut. But before he could even turn to face his Sire. He reached down to pull on his pants. The only thing in his mind was the need to make sure the band was safe. And with what he was told, he had a bad sensation he knew who was behind all of this. "I swear, if they hurt any of them. I will personally dig my claws into their chests and rip their hearts out." He growled low.


Despite what Dameon had in his mind. The council had no hand in the band's disappearance. Quite the opposite actually. This was someone elses doing, but Dameon wasn't thinking clearly enough to pinpoint whom might of tried to hurt him... or the family he held dear to him, even if they had only been human.

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"Woah there... sit your ass back down. You're not going anywhere without telling me what the hell just happened."


Geez, what happened to the cool and refined mature Kholodno had been replaced by the arrogant younger version of his younger self back when he had first met Dameon.

For some reason whenever things got complicated he tended to revert back to a more immature attitude.


Okay, but seriously now was not the time for him to start acting like a teenager again when he was now Dameon's Sire he needed to start acting like it. And cursing and demanding answers certainly wasn't that.


"I told you before they are no longer your responsibility and to forget them, did I not make myself clear when I said that?"


"...And my responsibility to you now is to keep you safe, and letting you go after something I don't even know what the hell is about is not keeping my promises to you."

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It was the gold swirling in his eyes that had been a dead giveaway that things had gone that far. For Dameon to instantly turn to his demon... this meant war.


But it was the words from his Sire that had his deathlike gaze darting to Kholodno. "You sit down, you can just sit there all you like." He hissed. "BUT I CAN NOT!" he growled out, the muscles under his skin rolling with tension. "Weither you like it or not... Sire" He huffed out. "They are my family!"


It was only those few seconds before his eyes flicked back to their bright blues, as if Dameon himself had resurfaced. Only to lower his head, disliking how the demon had talked to Kholodno. "I... can't just let them be at the hands of monsters, Master." He whimpered softly. "They are only human, they know very little of our kind. They dont know how bad we can get. Even if I am unable to see them again, I just... I dont want them to suffer." He curled his arms tightly around his stomach.


It was clear that Dameon was suffering. Torn between his demon, his Sire, and his band... the band that had grown to be his family. "Please Master... dont let them suffer."

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"That is no longer your or my business. I will not have you putting yourself in danger for their sake's."


Kholodno replied firmly, not about to give into Dameon's pleas so easily this time now that it meant his fledgling could be seriously harmed, imprisoned, and maybe even destroyed. He had no idea what the so called human family was up against, if it was something that they even wanted to get involved with. The elder certainly didn't. But Dameon was incredibly stubborn and he knew that this would turn into another battle.


"Don't be selfish, Childe. You knew this could happen and you don't want to face your own guilt over them, but they are not your family. You know that..."

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Dameon felt himself curling up once again, not from just his Sire's words, but from his suffering. Thoughts of how the bands lives were in danger, and what his Sire was saying only made things worse. Darting his pained gaze away. "They... were the only family I had, Master." He whispered quietly.


But it was his demon surfacing again that pushed Dameon back into his mind with a soft whimper. Dameon's body turned away instantly. "If you wont help them... Then I have no choice." He murmured. "I will not have them suffer... suffer like I did." He left those pained words bringing back old memories that had been buried deep down, hanging in the air.


Making his way out of the room, despite only wearing his pants. He was determined to walk right up to the council and demand the ones he held dear to be released from the cruel torment he no doubtedly believed them to be in. No one hurt his family, he would die at the hands of the devil himself before he would back down.

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"You're going to start with that shit again?"


Now Kholodno was pissed. He knew that Dameon had been hurt in a way that no creature ever deserved to feel, but using that as an excuse to throw his life away? That wasn't okay at all and he was getting tired of it.


"It seems every time I try to help you I'm the one ending up having to clean up the mess when you can't cope! Why can't you just leave it alone?"


The blond vampyre growled as he followed the younger, not letting him just go off so easily this time.

Now Dameon wasn't just some friend or... well, whatever they had been considered back then. This was his fledgling and that meant he would not stand by and let him make another stupid decision to ruin his life.

Because it hurt him too, even more so. Kholodno had always wanted to help him but Dameon never made things easy, but perhaps that was the twisted appeal to this. The struggle to gain something...

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Dameon let a low hiss leave him, turning on his heel instantly only to glare at Kholodno. His golden eyes glowing harshly, despite the markings that had begun to spread over his skin. "I could care less about myself, but when it comes to anyone close to Dameon. I will not stand by to watch him fall into another pitiful state like that again!" He growled out. But it was the truth behind all of this. His pained gaze, the way his body stood.


"You weren't there, when he fell." That was all the demon would let out of that tragic past. Even he knew the pain that had accompanied in that truth. But it was the smirk that tugged at his lips. "Even now, despite having fallen so hard. He still calls for you, silently calling. Just that one strand that he tries so hard to grasp on to." He shook his head. "And now you want to let that strand shatter, by allowing the family he had... Die." Again, turning his glaring gaze to Kholodno. "I wont allow it. Only because you do not understand how important this is to him. You see them as humans... mortals... just beings to feed from." he snorted out.


Turning his gaze away. "but for him, its far more deeper than that. You left him at his most vulnerable. Who else was he to lean on? Who else was going to be his wall?" He asked before making his way out of the door.

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"How is this supposed to be preventative to that! Why would I stop him if I didn't think it was best! He could just as easily fail at saving them and sink back into an even deeper hole!"


Arguing with a demon was probably the stupidest thing Kholodno could have ever thought up of but that's where he was right now.

And oh how he hated that smug look that the demon painted on Dameon's features... whenever he spoke of his past.


"... I couldn't help him back then because I could barely help myself.... I was not the same man I am now... I was selfish and reckless as he was..."


He confessed, but it still didn't seem to solve the problem at hand which was getting the demon to listen to common sense!


"But I am what he needs now! That's why I am trying so hard to protect him from your control... You just love to mess things up, but I'm trying to keep it all together."


All that mattered was that he was here for Dameon now, as his Sire he could be his rock. They were connected by the blood and nothing could break a bond like that... His protective instincts were already in overdrive as he bit down harshly onto his own arm to cut open a main artery, quickly sending his blood to create a barrier between the demon and the door.

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Dameon raised a brow at the tactics to keep him from leaving the house. Watching with mild curiosity as the barrier began to build. Tilting his head just slightly at how Kholodno was trying to keep him from leaving.


"You want him to fall that far?" He asked. "The Dameon you know now would die away, wither into a lifeless shell. Not even you could bring him back from that." He warned only to face Kholodno.


But as quickly as the demons voice had been there, the bright blues surfaced... along with the tears that threatened to fall. But he wasn't in his right mind, not right then. He felt so much pain, so much suffering. So much, that he felt alone all at once.




The title being whimpered out softly, as if a child had whimpered it out. Fear coating that one single word so deeply. His knee's hit the floor despite the markings on his body not fading as quickly as it had once before. It was clear that the demons anger took its toll on Dameon's body and energy.

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