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That I am rudely polite and politely rude, both at the same time. Which is totally true.


Did and/or do you bite your nails?

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I don't watch television at all. It's incredibly rare for me to even spare a look at it.


Are you chewing gum right now?

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I can't decide between Tears, Crucify My Love, Without You, I.V and Kurenai :D


What qualities should a person have to be your best friend?

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Hm, that would be generalizing but oh well.

Basically, my best friend has to be really open minded and has to possess a good sense of humor (I don't care what kind as long as the person has one); those two factors are fundamental or we won't be able to get along at all.

My best friend and I know each other inside out. We have some completely different, as well as some common, interests. We totally agree on some subjects and are complete opposite in others.

My best friend will either argue with me when I do something incredibly stupid or, most of the time, go along and do it with me. My best friend and I treat each other's houses as our own, even when the other isn't there.

He's a person I'm completely comfortable with at all times, in any situation. He's pretty damn smart and he still acts like he's dumb. We are able to have useless idiotic conversations and much as deep philosophical discussions. He's really interesting and fun to be with. A person who can balance seriousness with humor.

A person with defined ideals, that sticks to their perspectives and lives life how he wants.

Ah. I guess I have my perfect ideal of best friend already. Raf.

(P.S.: In theory my best friend should be completely masochistic but in reality he is as sadistic as I am, xD.)



What did you dream about last night?

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Yes and no the last ep I saw was last season, but I really liked the 1st season


when was the last time you stayed up all night?

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today XD


whataya think about perfection and inperfection? ... i seriously HATE perfection, i think inperfection is so much more fun and .. NORMAL! i've been thinking about this like, ALL DAY!

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. .perfection and inperfection in general, no matter on what side you're in, as long as your happy with it, that's all that matters, people just do whatever they want to do, we make our own way, so for me there's no perfection, inperfection nor normal cause i think all people are NUTS (i mean little awkward hidden silliness)... (hey what am i saying XD) :)



. .are you a daydreamer???

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Depends on what you think exotic is, but I do like trying new things


have you ever felt like melting into a puddle in the ground?

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Anything I'm comfortable with. And with that I mean t-shirt and jeans/skinny pants. Or pajamas.

If you're also including footwear it's either sneakers, flip-flops or barefoot. *grins*


Which do you like better, male or female voices?

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Male (:


If you had too, which of these would you choose: no money for a month or no computer for a month?

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Favorite song of all times? That's an incredibly hard question...

How to decide?... Oh my...

Well, one of them would be Emu~For my Dear~ by Gackt. And Last song... Also Au Revoir by Malice Mizer. I guess they're my top three fave songs. The fave of my faves lol.


What was the latest video game you played?

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Hard question dear! hmm... Whisper of the finger, Totally Captivate and Yami no Matsuei are my faves though.


What sports do you play?

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I'm hardly ashamed XD Can't think of something... When my sis got me so drunk that I threw up on the floor? Can't come up with anything better lol.


What do you like most about Yaoi Otaku?

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I like the cool people here (not to mention that the majority are so good looking :p) and the yaoi stuff, of course :D


When did you have your last date?

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