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A Cursed Love (18+ Private) hal7283 & Shisu-Chan


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Gildir opened the door and saw Wryn sitting on the bed and looking at him worriedly, which was to be expected given what just happened to him, as well as the commotion he'd created downstairs. As much as he wanted to just let Wryn rest and take a good nap, it was simply too dangerous, and too awkward, to stay at Jack's house any longer.


"Sorry father, but we must leave, right now." Gildir said as he approached the bed and reached for Wryn. With the bag in hand he carried Wryn on his back and stood up. He was about to walk out the door but paused. He simply didn't feel like letting Wryn, or make himself, see the bloody scene downstairs again. "They were cultists... Jack and his family, all of them..." Gildir said as he opened the window and jumped off from the second floor, hurting his legs a little when he landed but caused no injuries. Then he walked up to the horse he took from the cult and got them both on the horse.


Soon they were out of the town. With the help of the horse they reached the place where they were attacked much faster than last time, and found most of their luggage still there with the exception of their wallets and a few other valuables. "At least they left our clothes and the medical supplies." Gildir commented as he got down from the horse and began to retrieve their things, then hopped onto the horse again. He turned back to look at Wryn and said: "How about we go a bit further then find somewhere to rest?"

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  • hal7283


  • Shisu-Chan00


Wryn hugged the clothes to him tightly as he watched Gildir come in the room. He relaxed slightly only to feel on edge as Gildir started to speak. His eyebrows knitted together and he shook his head. “What do you mean we need to leave? I don’t understand?” he said softly wiggling his sore body to the edge of the bed. He was soon pulled onto Gildir’s back and he held on tightly. He was shocked to hear what he had to say but there was no time for him to say anything against it. As he was quickly getting put on the horse he tried to situate himself so it wouldn’t be too painful but there was no real way to get around it. A light wince covered his features as he looked down at Gildir.


He wrapped his arms around Gildir’s waist, hiding his face into his shoulder, not wanting to really be awake anyway. He wanted to try and get some sleep but that was probably not going to happen. The horse moved too much under him and by the time they had arrived to where they were attacked his legs felt numb. He watched Gildir slide off the horse and look over some of the things the cultists had left them. It wasn’t much but it was the important things. Wryn was shocked that the attackers hadn’t taken their clothes. Elven clothing was very very nice and high quality, it would make good profit on the market.


He groaned softly as Gildir hopped back on the horse, his added weight causing the horse to shift under them. He lightly hugged him again and nodded to his question. “I’m sore…to say the least that is. I could go another hour or two…maybe…” he smiled lightly up to Gildir and sighed. “I’ll be alright, we need to move anyway, the faster we get away the bigger the chance is we won’t run into this problem again.” He pats Gildir lightly on the stomach and rested his cheek against his back again. He was lying of course but he did know that Gildir needed to get them away from this town or they were going to be in more trouble than normal. He just hoped these few hours wouldn’t last forever.

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Gildir knew very well that Wryn couldn't bear the strain of horse ride for long having endured the torment by the cultists. But as much as he worried about the state of Wryn behind him, Gildir simply couldn't get himself to stop, he just had to get as far away from the village as possible. After all he just found out that the closest thing he had to a friend was the member of the same group of people who did those despicable things to the man he loved. Further more he had just killed said supposed friend, and his family, in cold blood. Even though it was not the first time he killed someone, and at the moment he didn't think much about it, after the fact he couldn't help but be affected. It was more than just the logical conclusion of needing to get to safety, but more of instinctive, impulsive urge of fear and disgust, of the cult, but also of himself.


Eventually it was the painful groan of Wryn which caused him to snap out of his panicked state. "Sorry father... just bare with me for a little longer..." Gildir said as he slightly kicked the side of the horse to make it go forward, though not as fast as before. After travelling for another hour Gildir stopped by a tree near a small stream of water. He let Wryn lay down under the tree to rest while he tied the horse to the tree, then began to set up camp. It didn't take long for him to start a fire and got back beside Wryn.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Wryn sort of forgot about his pain a little, hiding his face down into Gildir’s shirt. Tightening his hands into the small portions he had against his fingers, trying so hard to hold on to both Gildir and reality. Sleep was pulling and pushing him, asking him to lay his head down in its sweet embrace. Of course, riding on a horse with the slow totter of hooves under him meant that sleep was impossible. His body ached, fire rose from every ounce of his being. The cultists weren’t abusive persay but they were incredibly rough with him during their rape session.


Eventually Wryn had too much, letting out a rather pained groan. He had hoped it was quiet enough that Gildir wouldn’t hear but even half elves could hear better than normal humans. He heard a gentle sorry and that he should wait a moment and Wryn just closed his eyes. The movement of the horse started up again, the feeling of the saddle moving under his thighs was like a pen against a sunburn. Unbearable.


After another hour had passed the horse finally stopped. Wryn had apparently dozed off a little without falling off the horse and woke up with a light “hm”. He was helped down from the horse and was laid down under a tree to rest. He sighed softly and rolled onto his side, pulling the small backpack he had under his head as a mackshift pillow. He silently observed Gildir as he set up their small camp. He would be lying if he said he didn’t feel a little guilty for not helping out. Gildir always did so much for him and Wryn could only do so little.


A fire was starting to be made with the dry parts of fallen sticks around them and Gildir seemed to finally be finishing the camp set up. Wryn, while watching his new partner, started to doze thanks to the rhythmic movements of Gildir. Once his son sat down next to him though his eyes blinked open and he sighed softly. “Sorry…I know I’m slowing us down…at this rate it will need to feast again before the next town..” he hugged the small bag closer with a sigh. “I’m worried about the mark on my body…do you think others will see it by chance and you know…” he trailed off but the implication was there. Would other members of the cult in other towns see the mark and abduct him again? Using him again? “feeding” the mark as they liked to call it and abusing his body? The obvious fear was on his face and it was strange because normally Wryn was not afraid of much. He had fought many men, battled many monsters, and fought in a few wars as a healer but this was just something no man could come back from so easily.

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Gildir was finally able to settle down and rest a little after the camp was set. He sat beside Wryn and sighed heavily as an overwhelming sense of helplessness and fatigue weighed down on his shoulders. He was a little surprised when he heard Wryn's voice, given how tormented and exhausted he must be after the horse ride. "Father you should rest...." Gildir said as he touched Wryn's cheek gently, and he frown after hearing what Wryn said about his "mark". He got down and laid beside Wryn, wrapped his arms around the elf and said: "That's not going to happen Wryn, not again! I swear as long as I live, I won't let any of those cultists lay a finger on you!"


Gildir tried his best to comfort Wryn, but there was simply no way he could take away all of Wryn's worries. After all, they're just two Elves on a dangerous journey in this unforgiving world, with the destination so so far away. Even from the stand-point of a traditional adventuring party, they'd at least need another close-combat fighter to guard their caster (Wryn) while Gildir fights at the front. But it wasn't like the two had money to spare to hire a body guard, and even if they did, Gildir wouldn't trust a stranger for Wryn's safety.


Gildir tightened his hold and gave Wryn a light kiss. He'd just called Wryn by his name and it was not for sex, but Gildir thought it was perhaps more appropriate to do so in Wryn's moment of weakness. After all he must feel quite weak and fragile after what he'd been through, the least he should worry about was to be the strong "father" of the family. Gildir wanted to make sure Wryn could feel safe again, that someone would make sure everything was going to be okay, if even just for a brief moment. He whispered gently: "Take some rest Wryn. Don't worry, I'm here. I'll protect you... Nobody is going to hurt you, I promise..."

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P.S. This is something I made for reference:







This is the part of the world where "A cursed love" began. On the upper left you'd find the Elvan village where Wryn and Gildir were from. Two small towns were on the edge of the woods where they first encountered the mysterious cult.


On the central plains there were many small kingdoms and city states, collectively known as the "Central States." While constantly fighting and competing among themselves, they'd unite against any outside threats which try to expand their influence into the region, such as the Kingdom of Nordia in the north, Ardinsland in the east, and Rudonia in the south. The Dwarven kingdom of Dwarnia lies in the mountains on the west, but they rarely involve themselves with the humans on the plains.


South of Rudonia lies the dessert kingdom of Halphasan. Its harsh climate limited the extent it could expand, but also prevented it from being a target of attack. Halphasalan's main export product was its people, as it simply couldn't support a large population. So many of the lower class found themselves being sold into slavery to Rudonia by land, or to Ardinsland and Nordia by sea.


The cave where Wryn's supposed cure could be found was in a cave near the coastal town of Lindanos, which was technically a part of Halphsalan, but was in practice an independent city state given the wealth and influence it has.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Wryn did not feel very safe and his magic seemed to be a little less powerful. He felt like it had everything to do with the mark. The fact that it was growing harder and harder to go long periods without sex. His words seemed to bother Gilder for he lightly touched his cheek and then laid beside him, pulling him into a hug. He then assured him that no one was going to get ahold of him as long as Gildir was here. It was a nice gesture but it didn’t soothe the feeling of worry in the pit of his stomach.


He lightly snuggled into Gildir’s arms hugging him back tightly. He knew they were sorely outnumbered if anyone tried to ambush them. He was weak, mentally and physically at the moment and could not help Gildir out even if he wanted to. He was practically dead weight. He lightly shifted in his sons arms and peered back up at him with a soft sigh. A gentle kiss was placed on him and he smiled gently, hardly unable to hide it. “Thank you…I know you’ll do your best to protect me.”


He shifted once more and lightly laid in his sons arms. “You don’t mind…laying here with me do you?” he asked softly welcoming the comfort that came from the hug between the two of them. He wanted nothing more than to hide in these arms forever, hoping to never be found out again. He laid his head down on Gildirs chest, lightly closing his eyes with a soft yawn. Sleep came to him faster than he thought and those warm arms didn’t help any. He was quickly fast asleep, breathing heavily against Gildir’s chest.

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Gildir watched as Wryn snuggled in his arms which brought some comfort to his mind. "Of course I don't mind. Please rest father. I'll be right here with you." He whispered as Wryn rest his head on Gildir's chest and yawned. It didn't take long for Wryn to fall asleep, and Gildir could see that this time, Wryn was finally relaxed and resting peacefully. Seeing Wryn's sleeping face also eased Gildir's troubled mind. Even though by all reason they were still in quite a lot of danger, and they'd be helpless if the cult attack them while they rested, seeing Wryn like this just removed any sense of caution or alertness from the half Elf, and soon enough he felt his eyelids getting heavier and heavier, until he too, joined Wryn in peaceful slumber.


It was clear that both father and son were utterly exhausted, and by the time Gildir woke up it was already the next day. Gildir opened his eyes and smiled as he found Wryn still resting in his arms. He moved carefully trying his best not to disturb Wryn's sleep, then went to start a fire so he could prepare some food for both of them. He made a simple stew from some dried meat and vegetables, also threw a few pieces of baguette in to make it more filling. As the smell of the stew ran up his nostrils, and as he caught the sight of Wryn sleeping peacefully with his eyes, Gildir almost felt like everything was like the way it used to be, as if they were still the father and son pair before the trip. But of course that couldn't be further from reality. Everything has changed, and everything was in flux. He knew Wryn's attitude towards him was changing, even though it was due to such unfortunate circumstances, but would it change into the kind of love Gildir was looking for?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wryn just needed the okay from Gildir and his eyes were shut and he was falling asleep. He slept soundly all evening and when he finally felt the morning sun against his cheeks he still slept. Exhaustion coursed through his veins and he couldn’t help but be utterly dead to the world. He felt Gildir slide out from under him but he didn’t mind. His legs curled up and he pulled a hand up under the cheek that Gildir’s chest had been resting on. He slept until the smell of food woke him and his stomach was growling loudly.


When he woke his eyes blinked open and he realized that Gildir was watching him. He smiled softly and moved a little, rubbing his eyes sleepily. “Good morning…did you sleep any?” he asked softly, his voice husky from sleep. He sat up with a light groan; his body feeling a little soar and tired. He stood and sighed, walking over to Gildir and sitting down beside him. “What ya making?” he asked, peering into the pot that was slowly making their breakfast. Looked like stew made out of what they had, it would work. He smiled up at Gildir as a thank you and peered down at himself. The human clothing he was wearing felt gross; he peered up at Gildir and sighed. “You think at the next town I could find some Elven clothes? This hard material feels…icky.” He chuckled softly and hugged his waist as he peered down into his lap. It was going to be a tough call about clothes, and he knew he would most likely have to stay in these clothes for the rest of their trip.

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"Thankfully I was able to retrieve some of our clothes from where we left them. Looks like whoever went through our luggage when we were away , they were only interested in cash, and we got that replenished too." Gildir said as he looked after the stew, which smell was making Gildir's stomach rumble. Soon enough the stew was done, and Gildir smiled as he passed a bowl of it to Wryn.


The two of them shared a rather peaceful and enjoyable meal, which given the recent developments seemed to have become more precious than ever before. Afterwards Gildir helped Wryn to change into more comfortable clothing and decided to rest a bit longer since he didn’t want to strain Wryn’s body more than necessary. Gildir took out the map and checked their road ahead. If they were to continue south across the Central States, the fastest way would be to pass the city state of Fernandios. Even for someone like Gildir who’d never step out of the Elvan village till now, he’d heard rumors about the infamous place, as Fernandians were known for their blatant discrimination against non-humans. He remembered Wryn telling stories of Fernandian slavers who’d raid villages of non-humans for slaves, and even used them as sort of a “boogeyman” to scare him into behaving. Now having to actually go to the land of the boogeyman, he couldn’t help but feel a little anxious, of course not in fear of being taken away by slavers himself, but the safety of Wryn. But at the same time he didn’t want to waste time by going around the city state, as he had no idea what could happen if Wryn’s curse progress further, which was why despite his reservations, the two began to head south for Fernandios after they’ve rested.


The journey took around a day of travel, which would’ve been longer if not for the horse. Soon they’ve passed the sign which marked the border of the city state, and as they approached the city they could see a caravan from afar, seemingly heading for the city as well. Gildir could see clearly that the carriages were transporting large cages, all filled with people of different races, humans, elves, dwarves, even some species less common around the area like lizardman. While Gildir despised the idea of slavery, given that it was the law of the land there was nothign he could do. Not to mention the fact that the caravan was protected by countless menacing looking guards. He had no choice but to suppress his disgust.


“Let’s go, father. The city is not far.” Gildir said as he rode the horse passed the caravan, trying his best to ignore the lifeless eyes of the hopeless slaves. As they left the caravan behind the walls of the city state quickly entered their sight. As they passed through the city gates Gildir was surprised by how “normal” everything seemed, at least from the outset. While he could feel some curious and unfriendly gazes coming from the citizens around them, there were any clear hostility. In fact most seemed almost friendly, especially the merchants and clerks who as called out towards the two elves and invited them to come close and buy their products. Gildir muttered: “I suppose they don’t discriminate against money... shouldn't be too difficult to find a hotel to stay for the night.”

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Wryn smiled softly as he heard that their clothing could easily be fixed. That sort of changed his mood on things and he quickly ate his breakfast. After eating Gildir helped him into something much more his style. Like before he was able to wear tight fitting riding pants that cupped his butt just right. He happened to lose all of his shirts so Gildir had to give up one of his own. It hung loosely on Wryn so he tucked it into his pants. He then slipped on his belt which held small jugs, pouches, and a hunting knife. The pouches were full of herbs and medicines and the jugs on his pack were potions. Little things just in case they needed them.


He quickly slid the knife into its sheath and peered over to Gildir. He looked exhausted. When they rested longer Wryn really wished he had fallen asleep because when they finally started to pack up Gildir just looked so tired. Wryn didn’t say anything though, he was in no position to be making the decisions at the moment with his body being all messed up. Gildir had to keep them going or Wryn would stop and rest for far too long and the curse would advance. Wryn could already feel the hint of it coming back as they mounted the horse.


He groaned softly and pulled his pack over the horse and himself before holding onto Gildir. The journey took a day to the very cruel city of Fernandios. A rather dark area for anything other than a human. Slavery was legal, but not just any slavery inhuman slavery. Human mercenaries would go out into the world, raid villages, and bring back slaves to the human race. High ranking elites in their society would then buy these slaves for household chores, sex slaves, or whatever else they wanted to use them for. Many had no real rights or protections so they were treated however their master wanted to treat them.


It was disgusting. By the time they were entering the city gates though Wryn could hardly feel the chill of the air. His body was so warm it felt like it might explode. He lightly pulled on Gildir and he sighed. “I think we need to find a hotel now…” he peered up at him with understanding and worry. The curse was coming, and quick. He didn’t want to jump Gildir infront of all these people, they would arrest them.


“There is one inhuman inn here…it’s not the best but its our own kind. We would be safer there. It’s on the edge of the city toward the western entrance.” He rested his cheek on Gildir’s shoulder, feeling his hands slide down Gildir’s chest and into his lap. His hands apparently were doing their own thing because he started rubbing Gildir through his clothes. “Hurry.” He spoke huskily not minding the people around them. They were too busy with their own busy lives to care about what two elves were doing. Plus, no one had any right to say anything. Men slept with women in the streets all the time. Why would this be any different?


Wryn blinked a few times and pulled his hands away quickly, “I’m sorry…just get us out of these streets please…” he spoke softly and a little hurt that he had done something in the middle of a crowd. Not only that but something in him wanted to dominate the situation. Take over and ride Gildir like he was this damn horse. Or better yet…what face would Gildir make if he was under Wryn? The thought sent a shiver down his spine and he realized he hadn’t really thought of that before. He was always the one that was fine being on the bottom but did Gildir want a turn? Or was his body making that up?

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As they rode into the city, Gildir soon noticed that something was wrong with Wryn. The first sign was the increased body temperature of Wryn which he could feel on his back, and then obviously was the rather suggestive touches of Wryn over his chest, his thigh, and even his groin. A small groan escaped his throat as he felt Wryn;s fingers rubbing against his length, which despite his best effort to stay calm, was quickly gaining hardness. "Fa... father?" Gildir muttered as he looked around, and he could see Wryn's beautiful face was all red. At this point it was clear that the effect of the curse has kicked in, much sooner than Gildir expected. The talk about needing to find an inn quick sounded almost like an invitation, and who could withstand such a seductive plead coming from the one you love?


Thankfully Wryn removed his hand before things really get out of hand, and Gildir let out a heavy sign of relief. "Ye...yes father. Right away!" Gildir said hurriedly as he gave the horse a light kick to urge it to go a little faster. Given how crowded the street was he couldn't really let the horse run in full speed, or he'd certain run somebody over. He wondered would it be faster if he just hop off the horse and go on foot instead, but then again abandoning the horse in the middle of the street isn't exactly what you'd call normal behavior.


Eventually they arrived at the inn Wryn talked about. Gildir quickly helped Wryn get off the horse and asked the clerk for a room. While the clerk gave the two a weird look as he’d noticed the strange condition Wryn was in, a few coins in his hands quickly brushed away any of his reservations. Moments latter Gildir and Wryn were lead to their room, and Gildir laid Wryn down on the bed.


“Let me help you with your clothes...” Gildir said as he reached for Wryn’s jacket, then his shirt. As he reached for Gildir’s pants he could see the bulge between his legs clearly, and the slight wet stain at the tip of the little tent. He then helped Wryn get out of the last of his clothes as well as his own. Soon the two of them were on the bed, both completely revealed in each others’ eyes.


“Wryn...” Gildir said as he shifted closer to Wryn and covered the other’s lips gently. Even though he wished to keep these things as “medical” as possible, at this moment Gildir could hardly contain the feeling in his heart. As he tried to find comfort and sense of assurance from Wryn, it was inevitably mixed up with love, lust and desire.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wryn couldn’t help the shameful blush that covered his cheeks. Of course he was embarrassed for practically sexually assaulting his own son in the middle of a busy city. His face buried into the others back as he tightened his hands in the others shirt, trying to keep himself busy and out of the gutter till they got somewhere. He hadn’t thought the curse would hit again so quickly. He was worried about the mark growing on his body but part of himself wanted to just forget about it. Wanted to embrace the lust he was feeling.


He felt the horse pick up a little speed but it was rather hard with the city being so crowded. He welcomed the comfort in his sons voice though. They did eventually make it to the inn though and after putting the horse up they went inside, paying for their stay. He knew that the clerk was giving him a weird look but he didn’t care. He just needed this burning sensation in his body to stop.


He was quickly laid down and his clothes were being pulled off. His pants were then removed and his breathing grew a little heavier. His name pulled his attention to Gilder who lay naked beside him. His eyes closed gently as he felt lips cover his own and his arms wrapped around Gildir’s neck pulling him down onto him. Wryn felt one of his hands move on their own, gliding down Gildir’s shoulders and chest. His legs gently wrapped around on of his legs as his hand persisted lower still. He didn’t stop until his fingers were lightly dancing over Gildir’s cock.


He lightly nipped his bottom lip before kissing down his chin toward his neck. His hand was now stroking his cock slowly as his lips roamed up his neck. Part of him wanted Gildir to be kind of rough with him, another part of him had a want to push him down and ride him like he was a horse. His body didn’t really know which one he wanted but he knew he wanted Gildir no matter what. Wryn’s lower half pushed up into Gildir’s thigh wanting to feel some relief from his rock hard erection.

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Gildir gasped when he felt the teasing touch of Wryn's fingers over his rock hard erection, and the hold of Wryn's arm and leg around his body felt heavenly. While he knew that Wryn was only being this intimate because he was under the influence of the curse, it was still quite somthing to see the one you love lusting for you like this. While Gildir had played a more active role during the last several times, he didn't always envision himself taking charge in bed. After all, when he first realized his feelings towards Wryn, he was still very young, while Wryn just seemed so infinitely more stronger and bigger. He'd imagined being held in his strong adopted father's arms, surrendering all himself to him. Of course that was before puberty kicked in and the endless energy plus libido of youth made his fantasies more "explicit".


BUt of course none of his fantasies could compare to the reality in front of him. He couldn't help but moan when Wryn begen to stroke his erection, and when the beautiful elf began to push his lower half against him he could even feel his hot rod pressing against his thighs. All of these were simply overwhelming.


"W.... Wryn....!" Gildir moaned as he reached out his hands as well, unable to stop the urge of wanting to feel and touch the man he loved more than anything in the world. Did it feel like he was doing something morally wrong? For sure. But did it feel like it was what his heart, his body, his soul wanted? Absolutely. Gildir's fingers roamed across Wryn's smooth skin as he felt every curve of the body which he'd seemingly got so familiar with for the past few weeks. But now, with his fingers touching Wryn's body without reservation, he was really starting to know Wryn's body. Driven by his instincts Gildir laid his palm on Wryn's chest and though a bit clumsily, began to rub on Wryn's muscles, then moved towards Wryn's nipple, touching carefully as if it was a precious jewel.


Meanwhile his waist moved on its own, pushing into Wryn's hands in accordance to his movements. Precum was secreting from the slit on its tip and got on Wryn's fingers. Whiel his other hand went down to hold Wryn's erection and began to rub and stroke on it lovingly.

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Wryn felt his entire body heat up. Its warmth flowing through his limbs like a fresh fire on a cold night. His body shivered as he felt hands roaming over his chest. His lips parted softly and he let out a gentle moan, his hand on Gildir’s length moving faster. The older elf bit his lip softly and his eyes flicked up to meet Gildir’s face. He could tell he was feeling it. Pre-cum was dripping over his fingers, wetting the surface and making the handjob a little less dry.


Then again he didn’t really have time for such lagging. Wryn shifted under Gildir, lightly pushing him down onto his back so that they were flipped over. His slender body shifted, straddling Gildir’s waist as he rubbed his ass against the others length. His cheeks were flushed compared to the rest of his pale body. Exposing himself in such a way infront of Gildir normally would have bothered him but today he didn’t mind.


His body shifted as he put a hand behind him, rubbing Gildir’s length once more. His free hand slid into his mouth, wetting it with his saliva before roaming down to his entrance. He closed an eye as he felt his fingers enter himself, a weak moan leaving his lips. There was some tenderness down under but it wasn’t anything he couldn’t handle.


After warming himself up some he peered down at Gildir with a blush, “I…I’m going to ride you…if you get tired of it just push me off and put me in a different position.” His voice was raspy and almost out of breathe as he guided Gildir’s head to his entrance. He whimpered softly as he felt the tip slide into him slowly. His free hand steadied himself on Gildir’s chest as he slowly backed himself up on his cock. His eyes closed tightly as he felt the large expanse enter him and make itself at home.


His body was still sore from the cultists but the curse was keeping most of the pain from Wryn’s consciousness. Once he was completely sitting on Gildir his eyes opened and both of his hands found their way to his chest. His hips slowly started to rock, causing Wryn to moan lowly. He set a rhythm and went with it. After awhile he started to speed up, his moans coming quickly now as his cock stood erect between his thighs as he rocked himself on Gildir’s cock.

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At this point Gildir was pretty lost in the sea of pleasure he was getting from Wryn. As his body seemed to acted on its own he just wanted more, and luckily Wryn seemed all too eager to satisfy him. He offered no resistance when Wryn pushed him on his back, and as his eyes followed Wryn's every move, he was quickly given a wondrous view of the elf's body on top of him. Mesmerized by the sight he just laid there and gulped while Wryn put his fingers in his mouth, which just looked unbelievably lewd and tantalizing, and when Wryn reached that finger towards his back it took Gildir's breath away. Wryn, his adopted father, preparing his ass for him to enter? That was simply beyond his wildest dreams.


And indeed, dreams wouldn't even get close to this good. Shortly after Wryn seemed to have finished the preparation, and as he pressed his body down Gildir soon felt the familiar hold of Wryn's rear around his member. "I... I seriously doubt I could get tired of this..." Gildir muttered before a sweet moan escaped his lips. He felt himself being taken deeper and deeper into Wryn's body, the wet warmth enveloping his member. Gildir could almost climax from excitement of being ridden by Wryn alone, but he did his best to hold himself from surrendering too quickly.


Slowly, Wryn began to move his waist, and as Gildir felt his member being stimulated he couldn't help but began to moan almost helplessly. "Wryn... ha.....a..ugh.....ah.... you feel so.... good!" Gildir moaned as he felt pleasure building up inside him. He could just lay there and enjoy the moment, but he also wanted to touch and feel Wryn more. He looked up at Wryn's lust-filled expressions, his perfect body which was decorated by a tint of red from the heat, and glistening from the sweat of their passion. Then his gaze moved towards the rock hard member jumping between Wryn's legs as he rocked his butt up and down, and rather naturally reached for it, holding the shaft between his fingers and began pumping. While his other hand reached towards Wryn's chest and played with his nipple.

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Wryn blushed softly as he watched Gildir watch him. He could feel his sons eyes attached to every move he made. Every adjustment, every sound, every facial expression he was watching. He couldn’t help but feel the blush reach the tip of his elven ears. His fingers lightly rested on his chest, positioning himself where he needed to be. That blush seemed to deepen as he felt eyes watch him ready himself for Gildir. He had never done something so lewd and obscene before but something in him was being slightly aggressive today.


His son’s breathless response shocked him and he couldn’t hold back a gentle chuckle. He leaned down after fully embracing his cock and kissed Gildir gently. “I’m glad…now enjoy me…” he spoke softly, his voice like silk. He felt Gildir’s length tremble inside of him and Wryn was partially worried he would cum right then and there but thankfully he held out. He smiled softly as he began to move, stimulating the both of them.


He could hear the soft moans from Gildir as his hips rocked on his cock. Wryn couldn’t help but tighten a hand into his son’s abs under his fingers. Those nails lightly digging into the toned skin there as he moaned himself. His hips started to quicken, using more of his weight to cause them to fuck a little harder. Then again he didn’t think it could get much better but it did. He felt a hand roam between his legs and grab his erection. He blushed softly and felt his cock slowly being stroked. He sucked in air through his teeth and had to try really hard to stifle a moan.


His head leaned back, exposing his pale features to the dying light from the window in their room. It shimmered against his skin, painting him in a rather orange-ish glow. He couldn’t help it but his thighs started to tremble and he whimpered softly against Gildir. He leaned down licking his lips softly as his lower half kept rocking against him. “Ngh…can you…take over..?” he panted softly. Without realizing he had forgotten he was incredibly sore from earlier and every so often a slight pain would hit him in his lower half. He figured it was probably the position but he also knew, that if he kept going he was going to cum. He needed to change positions because Gildir was hitting his prostate far too easily. He didn’t want this to end just yet…

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Gildir was in such a state of absolute bliss and pleasure that everything felt a bit unreal, almost dream like. His father, his noble, beautiful, strong and wise father was riding his cock with such ferocity and passion that would put the most insatiable whore to shame. Yet it was real, very, very real. The slight pain he felt from Wryn's nails digging into his abs was easily overwhelmed by the waves of pleasure. Gildir moaned as he felt pleasure quickly building up from the intensified rocking of Wryn's hips, and hastened the movement of his hand stroking Wryn's member as he tried to push them both towards the inevitable climax. Suddenly Wryn leaned down, as Gildir looked up he soon felt the warmth of Wryn's body pressing down against his chest, and saw Wryn licked his lips seductively wanting Gildir to take over.


At that moment it was like something suddenly clicked in Gildir's mind. He wrapped his arms around the older Elf then with one swift move, he rolled around and pinned Wryn down below him. Gildir looked down at Wryn for a moment and almost instinctively pressed a passionate kiss on Wryn's wet lips. His tongue seemed to have grown a mind of its own as it intruded inside Wryn's mouth and mingled with Wryn's counterpart. Meanwhile his hands roamed along Wryn's body freely until he grabbed onto Wryn's legs, pulling them apart and down so he could get a better angle while thrusting his member, which he had also began doing. Having let Wryn did all the work till now, it was like Gildir was trying to make up for lost progress and began to work his waist feverishly.


"Wryn... I am.... Close!" Gildir groaned as he pulled away from the kiss and looked into Wryn's lust-filled golden eyes. As he pounded his member inside Wryn's body and rubbed against his sweet spot Gildir could feel the threshold getting closer and closer. Until finally with one last thurst his whole body shivered, his eyes closed shut and held his breath while bursts of thick slimy cum ejaculated from his member and down Wryn's intestines. Gildir stayed still like that as the lingering waves of pleasure coursed through his body, until finally the wave subsided. Gildir collapsed onto Wryn as he panted heavily, and he could feel the cloud of lust which shrouded his mind starting to disperse.


Yet Gildir didn't pull his now half hard member out of Wryn's body like he should. He had just came inside Wryn and the curse's effect would pass soon enough. Wryn would revert back to his normal self and they'd become father and son again. Gildir had tried his best to hide his feelings maintained the facade for all these years, but right now, after everything they've been through recently, a moment of weakness overcame him and he simply wasn't ready to go back to being the loyal son right now. "Wryn... I want you..." Gildir whispered as he began to kiss Wryn slowly, while his hands wrapped around Wryn's body in a loving embrace, and slowly but surely, the member lodged inside Wryn's body was getting hard again.

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Wryn was panting softly against Gildir’s lips when he felt arms slide around his lower back and pull him to the side. Next thing he knew he was on his back, peering up at Gildir, pinned under the young elf. He blushed lightly, a little piece of himself realizing that Gildir was not a child anymore. He looked so…handsome. His hair pushed back in a messy sexy kind of way. His back slick and gleaming with sweat from their fuck fest. And his face, the jawline was so defined he hardly remembered that his cheeks used to be so soft like a baby.


Something in him liked the way he looked. Liked how attractive his son was and wanted him. But another part of him knew he couldn’t. These thoughts didn’t get to last for long because he felt his face being pulled up into a kiss. A tongue sliding through his lips, causing a soft gasp from the older elf as his tongue slowly intruded on his own. He didn’t mind and his tongue quickly started to mingle with Gildir’s, enjoying the sense of wonder it was giving him. His arms wrapped around his neck pulling him closer, harder against his own body.


Wryn could feel hands sliding down his body till they found his legs. Gildir parted his legs even further, holding onto his legs, and started thrusting into him. A very loud and happy moan left Wryn, letting the moan dance across Gildir’s lips as he felt the first thrust from his son that night. Even that was powerful…how had he not realized how strong he was?


Wryn’s hands tightened in the bedsheets as he felt the others waist start to rock back and forth, over and over again. Wryn was moaning helplessly when he heard under it all that Gildir was close. His golden eyes opened, peered up at him and nodded, happily accepting the idea of Gildir cumming inside of him. “Ngh…m-me too…” he panted softly, roaming a hand down Gildir’s waist. He felt the thrusts pick up until they were hitting his prostate perfectly. His back arched against Gilder and he could no longer hold back his moans even if he wanted to. He think he even came before Gildir because before he knew it white hot cum was exploding onto their chests and stomachs.


At the same moment he felt warmth explode into his lower abdomen and he couldn’t help but close his eyes in the bliss of that feeling. He felt Gildir fall onto him and he smiled softly hugging him gently. He let his lips lightly trail over his neck, leaving small kisses here and there as if as a thank you for stopping the curses affects. It wasn’t until Wryn realized that Gildir was still inside of him, and half hard, did he suspect anything was wrong. His body was no longer hot, no longer feeling that horrible itch. It was just him now (of course there were still hints of the curses affects but still), and he didn’t understand why Gildir hadn’t gotten off and started to clean himself and Wryn.


Gildir was just about to say something when he heard Gildir whisper something. His eyes blinked a few times as he tried to catch what he said, but was taken off guard by the kiss. He whimpered gently into it, feeling arms wrap around him in a way he hadn’t really ever before. Wryn could feel Gildir’s member slowly start to grow again as they kissed. Part of him didn’t care that his son wanted him, they had been sleeping together for a few weeks now, it made sense. There was something else here though, something other than just sex.


Wryn broke the kiss and was panting softly, “…just take me then…” he whispered back, those golden orbs moved looking up at him. Wryn obviously didn’t mean it in the long term but in this moment he wanted nothing more than to be held by Gildir. A part of him wanted to experience this…without the curse shoving it down his throat. To prove his point he gently kissed Gildir’s neck before nibbling on it lightly, letting his hands roam down his muscular back before lightly clawing at it. His body language was definitely saying that he wanted Gildir too…he just had to take him.

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Gildir felt his body was a little heavier than before. After all it was a long horse ride here and he'd just came. Most man would have calmed down and wanted to rest, but Gildir was too immersed in the moment. He could feel the warmth of Wryn's body, the rapid pulse of theirs resonating in each other, the smell of sweat, and cum mixed with the natural scent of Wryn himself, and Wryn's magnetic voice giving him permission to claim him as his own, all put Gildir in an almost intoxicated state. In a way it wasn't that much different from an actual addiction, as he was so hopelessly attracted by Wryn and would certainly suffer without him. He let out a soft moan when he felt Wryn's lips on his neck, nibbling so sweetly, and he responded by going for the closest thing to his mouth, Wryn's ears. He reached out his tongue and ran it along the Elf's long and pointy earlobe, and then he held the tip between his lips and began to nibble on it lovingly.


"Wryn... you're so beautiful..." Gildir whispered into the older Elf's ear, while Gildir's hands explored Wryn's body slowly and meticulously, and this time it was really more of an exploration than actual sexual stimulation, as if he wanted to remember and claim the touch of every inch of flesh, every ups and down of Wryn's body line. Right now, at least at this moment, Wryn was his and his alone, free to do as he pleased. During all this Gildir began to move his waist again, but unlike the feverish thrusting earlier his movement was much slower and gentle, drawing circles with his waist as he rubbed the tip of his length against Wryn's sweet spot. This was partly due to the fact that he needed some time to recover, but even when Gildir should have regained enough strength he kept his movement slow and gentle, and would actually stop from time to time so that he would last even longer After all, this was the first time they had sex without the influence of the curse. It was really Wryn's consent and not a curse-induced one. He wanted to relish every moment and if Wryn allowed it, he may very well continue this whole night.

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Wryn would be lying if he said he wasn’t exhausted. He was, and he wanted to sleep, but his body was slowly coming down from the high it had been riding out. Every nerve in his body ached, resounding the touch of the younger elf over and over. His lust filled eyes lost their haze and he slowly came back into who he was. He smiled gently against Gildir’s neck as he felt the others hands pull him closer. It was like music to his ears when he heard his precious son moan in his ear. A part of him wanted to make that noise resonate in the room they were occupying. Another part of him, that parental part of him, told him that the arousal from such a sound alone was wrong. He didn’t know which part was going to win, but right now he knew he wanted Gildir, more than anything.


Wryn felt his body slowly heat up as he felt Gildir’s lips against his ear. He shivered weakly against him, a soft gasp escaping his lips. The others words made him blush, the older elf could feel his abdomen heating up. “Gildir…” The others name was like a whisper on his lips, the first time he had used it in such an erotic way without the help of the curse. Wryn’s hips gently pushed up into Gildir causing him to moan against the others neck. He had forgotten that Gildir’s hardening length was still deep inside of him, mixed with the warmth of the other mans sperm. He felt hands roaming down his chest, feeling him in every way possible. It was like that first nudge was what Gildir needed and his hips slowly started to move.


It was nothing like he was used to. Then again, he didn’t remember much from their lust filled nights together. The curse didn’t keep much but the waves of euphoria that were left after the curses affects wore off. This was much gentler though and it was like Wryn could feel a deeper feeling within it. It felt…like Gildir was making love to him. His arms lightly wrapped around Gildir’s neck, his hips slowly moved up to meet his own. Soft pants were escaping his lips as he clung to his son. Gildir needed no coaching, his length was slowly brushing against his prostate and Wryn was loving it. His head fell back in pleasure as his thighs shook. His body was still so sensitive that now his erection was raging between the two of them. Thankfully, Gildir stopped here and there, giving Wryn a chance to catch his breath and senses.


Wryn whimpered gently leaned up to nibble on Gildir’s chin. His lips slowly trailed up to meet his lips, pulling him into a hungry kiss. His tongue slowly traced his bottom lip before making its way into his mouth with a very enticing moan. One of his hands slowly roamed over Gildir’s back, etching the muscles into his mind. He was so strong, his hands were so rough and Wryn couldn’t get enough of it. He moaned lowly, nipping Gildir’s lip. “Can…we change positions?” he blushed lightly up at Gildir, thinking the question might be a little unneeded. They were in the middle of a break at the moment so he figured that this could work for now.

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Gildir moved slowly and gently, savoring every single moment. It was really the first time he "made love", instead of "having sex". The subtle differences between these two descriptions seemed illusive to Gildir before, but now he understood. Knowing that Wryn was accepting this not because of the effect of some weird curse, but on his own accord brought so much more joy to the whole thing that Gildir simply couldn't get enough of it, and Wryn's loving call of his name was like the Siren' song, luring him ever closer, but not to a watery grave, but to an endless sea of pleasure and happiness. It was truly a blissful time. And soon enough he could feel Wryn's member gaining hardness and given their proximity, the member was sandwiched between the two men's hot, sweaty and slimy body, and Gildir was all too willing to


As Wryn's lips began to work its way up along his chin, Gildir naturally moved close as well and joined Wryn in a surprisingly hungry kiss, proving further just how much Wryn was into the moment despite his own fatigue, which given what he'd been through recently should be far worse than what Gildir was feeling. Gildr chuckled when he heard Wryn's request and said: "Of course Wryn, let's get into a more comfortable position."


Gildir pressed one last kiss on Wryn's lips before he began to pull away, the moment their bodies parted the room seemed to got a lot colder than it actually was. Reluctantly he pulled his member out of Wryn's body, which was painfully hard and glistening with his own sperm and also Wryn's intestinal fluids. Gildir flipped Wryn around and helped him getting on all fours, then he held his hands on Wryn's butt and positioned his member against Wryn's welcoming entrance. Gildir let out a blissful groan when he embedded the whole length back inside Wryn's body. He leaned down and wrapped his arms tightly around the older Elf's body and began to move his wasit again.

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Wryn moaned softly, one hand lightly grabbing onto Gildir’s forarms to keep himself grounded in a way. His body was so sensitive that his erection was oozing with pre-cum, threatening to give way at any moment to his orgasm. He wanted so badly to just hold onto Gildir, let him fuck him senseless but apart of him wanted for it to keep going. He didn’t want it to stop so soon in a way. The kiss was magical and he couldn’t help but moan into Gildir’s mouth as their tongues wrestled with one another.


Gildir didn’t mind the request for a new position and he was glad. His body was moved a little to where he was on all fours. Wryn shivered lightly, Gildir’s hot body no longer pressed against his own left him cold. When he was on his knees infront of Gildir he lowered his chest down to the bed, resting his head there. His ass was in the air, wiggling lightly as if beckoning for Gildir to enter it again.


Wryn couldn’t hold back the moan that escaped his lips as he felt Gildir reenter him again. His hips trembled lightly and his breathing was hard already. Thankfully he didn’t need to be cold for long, Gildir had a plan for that. He felt arms wrap around his waist and he groaned softly at the warmth around him. One of his hands lightly tightened into the bedsheets as he let out a whimper. “Go…go fast…” he panted out softly as he pushed his hips back into Gildir’s hips.

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Gildir felt a certain thrill when he saw Wryn's body shiver in response to him entering his body once more. It was truly a wonderful feeling to be like this with the man he loved. As the warmth from Wryn's body spread from his back to his chest, Gildir kissed and nibbled on Wryn's shoulder as he moved his waist. His own heavy breaths and groans joined with Wryn's beautiful moans into a lustful symphony, and Gildir was all too willing to make it louder.


"Of course Wryn.... anything you want." Gildir whispered as he laid a kiss on Wryn's cheek and began to pick up the pace, his movements met with Wryn's own instinctive reaction and began to pound against Wryn's sweet spot repeatedly. Given that he'd just came earlier, normally it would take a bit longer for Gildir to reach climax again. But Gildir could feel the waves of pleasure surging up surprisingly fast, most likely from the psychological joy of actually having sex with Wryn without the effect of the curse.


"Moan louder Wryn... let me hear your sweet voice..." Gildir muttered as he turned Wryn's face around and reached for a loving kiss. Meanwhile he reached a hand around Wryn's waist and grabbed onto his twitching erection, rubbing on the tip which was leaking pre-cum, and then began to pump on the hot rod in the same rhythm of his thrusting.

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Wryn was panting softly as he felt Gildir gently kissing and nibbling on his shoulder. He lightly pushed his face to the side, peering back at Gildir as he granted his wish. He smiled lightly to the kiss on his cheek but it didn’t last long. Moans were quickly escaping him as he felt Gildir pick up the pace. He felt like he was losing his mind as he felt Gildir hitting his sweet spot again, and again. He moaned loudly, letting his voice echo off the walls mixing with the sound of skin smacking against skin.


He heard Gildir ask for louder moans and he gave it to him turning around and greeting the kiss welcomingly. His tongue quickly fought with Gildir’s as moans were escaping his lips. He was feeling a hand reaching around his waist and starting to stroke him. He moaned louder, breaking the kiss as he held himself up on his arms.


His head tilted back and he let strings of moans out as his erection quickly twitched and came over the sheets. His lower half was shaking as his upper body collapsed on the bed. His hair was slicked down from sweat and his cheeks were red from the overall use of himself. He blushed softly peering back to Gildir before reaching back and gently kissing him once more.

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