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The Price Of A Dream ( private 18+ with StainedCrimson )


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Name : Ako

Age : 18

Likes : Shipwrecks , Human Things , Singing

Dislikes : Royal responsibilities , Small spaces , His many suitors

Small boi: Ako was the soul prince to the 7th Kingdom , other prince and princess form all over the ocean came to see if the young prince would take his hand in marriage . Ako had his head outside of the water he adored the human world, he even had a collection of human thing he found on some old ships .




Start : Tonight was the night ,he would swim up to the surfaces and see the world above him . Ako moved out of the window of the castle making sure no one saw him leave . He wonder what wonder awaited him as he keep moving till he notice a rock this would be the prefect place to see the wonders of this world . Ako sat on the rock and saw fire in the sky he was amazed wonder what human called these work with fire ( fireworks ) He watched the sky seeing the ship that they seem to be coming from, a real floating ship! He had to see it just a little closer this would be his chance to see a real human . moving off his rock to the side of the ship staying out of sight gazing a the handsome pan aboard . “Wow..” it was like a trance as if stricken by love at 1st sight. He no longer wanted to go back . He longed to be a part of this mans world even just for a few days.

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Laughing Kaito accepts a cup shoves at him that splashes over. The rest of the crew is also rowdy as they celebrate and shoot off fireworks while dancing around on the deck below the explosions. Out of breath, he walks over to the side to jump up on the edge with one arm tossed through the rope to keep him anchored. Grinning, he tosses back a large mouthful of his drink feeling a touch buzzed.


"Oi! Let's hear it for our Prince! May he sail with us for another year!" The crew all turns to face Kaito with a loud cheer while raising their own glasses before downing their drinks. Laughing Kaito joins them and downs the rest. Right as he finishes there's a loud explosion and the whole ship shakes. No longer laughing, he grabs onto the rope rigging to keep himself from falling as shouts and yelling rises. A firework went off prematurely causing damage and fire to erupt on the ship.


Despite attempts to stop the spreading of the flames they are too close to the other fireworks which causes another mass explosion. Pieces of wood and other debris go flying as the ship shakes violently. Kaito looses his footing having tried to get back on the deck but is knocked off and into the water. Right as he's about to right himself to enter the water, he's hit by pieces of the ship as more fireworks go off and is crushed into the waters while unconscious.


Slowly he sinks further into the ocean's depths as others attempt to look for him amidst the turmoil and even after.

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Ako watched he smiled happy the humans did not seem bad he noticed the one he was looking for get closer to the ege so he moved away he had to make sure he was not seen by anyone “prince ?” He smiled he really was looking for a name but hearing about the other man made him happy soon the ship became like fire but not like the good fire in the sky this was a very bad fire he saw His prince fall and sink in to the ocean he swan after him he was going to save him .


After flapping his fins faster then he had every had he grabbed him pulling him to shores he place his hands on his chest getting the water out giving him air knowing human need it. Once he was done he started to sing not going to leave his side till he saw the prince eyes open. He keep touching the man face he had to find some way to be with him but his father would never allow it. “ Someday” after hearing voices he moved away back in to the water below he had to find a way to get his dream.


Love sturk he didn’t go home no one would understand but who would ? He sat outside a dark cave . “Maybe I should just go home” he played with his tail wishing that he had legs he closed his eyes thinking what it be like having no clue who the caven belong to.

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Kaito's eyes open shortly after the merman takes off, and is soon surrounded by a rescue group. They had spotted a figure on the beach just as they were about to take off to go comb the waters for their missing prince. Grateful that he had somehow survived, they carefully but persistently take him back to the castle. Only after Kaito had been evaluated, bathed, and fed was he allowed to rest in peace. Laying down, his mind wanders to the voice he had heard right before he had been found. With a sigh, the prince resolves to go back to the beach the next day.



"What's this? Are we in such a state of distress that manners are no longer used?" A low voice rolls out from the cavern's depths. "Tsk, tsk... Whatever would your father say were he to learn that you loitered in front of someone's home without even saying 'hello' or introducing yourself?" The voice continues as a form begins to take shape as the voice's owner makes their way out of the dark tunnel. Eventually the shadows give way and reveal a tall male figure, but unlike the merman the figure's lower half consists of smooth tentacles in shifting shades of black and red with the pattern encasing his arms and part of his torso and shoulders, and long black hair so dark that it almost appears to be blue.


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Tilting his head, the kraken crosses his arms to stare down at the other and examine him. "Pretty little thing aren't you. Pretty things should be careful when so far from home." He lightly chides while gliding to a stop a short distance from Ako, eyeing the other curiously. "You had best swim on home before you're missed little prince. I don't need the headache of your father barging into my home today."

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Ako heard the voice and started to shiver “ I am very sorry , I didn’t know anyone. Lived here.” He bowed as he watched a shadow get closer “Forgive me ,my name is prince Ako I am sorry if I disturbed you sir.” He moved back to stand before finishing his apology

“I didn’t mean to” Feeling as he upset him as if he upset some kind of sea monster.


When he saw the other Ako was both surprised and in awe ,seeing something so different. He looked down feeling he was being rude .

Ako recalled hearing story’s of a sea witch who had many legs .


When the other moved closer he didn’t move away .Very used to other telling him he was pretty so it didn’t affect him “Thank you but.. I don’t wish to go home I wish to be human.” If this Kraken was someone who could help him he was willing to pay any price .

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The kraken hums in disbelief when the other apologizes and then so easily tells him the wish. "Oh? So easily you'd throw away your friends, family, and all you've ever known? Surely not." With a casual shrug and a dismissive wave he turns to head back towards his cave. "Even if I was willing to help you, as I said before it is not worth the headache of your father bothering me. I doubt you have anything to offer as payment anyway."


"So long little prince. Be sure to not get eaten on your way home." He calls out while entering the front of the cave. Part of him is curious if the other will persist in trying to get the kraken to help him, or if the merman will go home as he's told. Though if he tells anyone about me that will be troublesome too. Other such thoughts also drift through his mind for a moment before shifting to thinking about dinner.

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Ako didn’t like the man dismissing him it wasn’t something that was going to be easy for him , all he wanted was a chance to see what the human world was like first hand.

“So you can’t “ He huffed maybe this wasn’t the one he heard stories about then he stopped as he moved closer to the cave hearing something about payment . “ What would you want?” He knew he should just go home but he was curious so he followed the kraken back in to his cave “ Can you give me time to get to know the prince?” He wasn’t leaving till he knew the cost .

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The kraken gives a dismissive laugh when the other huffs at him. Nobility. Always so easy and quick to take offense. Glancing over his shoulder in amusement, he pauses to look at the other when asked about payment. "Persistent aren't you? Fine then." Turning around he faces the merprince, head tilted slightly to one side. "The cost would be your voice and you would be given three days on land." Of course nothing is yet said about the condition the other must fulfill within the three days, nor of the consequence should the other fail to complete it.


"Now then, I'm very busy so if you're done it's time for you to go home and me to return to work." Once more the kraken turns and heads into his cave.

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Ako sighed not sure if the Kraken was going to help him ,it seem hopeless.

Hearing Him name his price made his eyes light up. give up his voice for 3 day?



“ How will I speak with him ? and what need to happen in 3 days?” he didn’t seem worried about the consequence he was young and hopeful .

“I would like to know more “

He wasn’t going to go home now knowing the Kraken could help him be with his prince .

There didn’t seem to be any going back, he was hopeless in love with the man he saved he keep moving closer to the other man having no clue how much his dream would cost him.

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