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Ravensong by T.J. Klune


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please take your time! I'll always be here for Ravensong yoyo5 (im so cheesy)

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please take your time! I'll always be here for Ravensong yoyo5 (im so cheesy)


Shinya, while you are waiting for us, how about you write a review about Ravensong in out main site?

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how do we do it? Also I might not be that good of a reviewer :D

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how do we do it? Also I might not be that good of a reviewer :D


The information is on my signature Shinya, and you're a gooy reviewer. Just write what you think ;D

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haha I hope I won't fail you. I'll try to do it soon :)


Shinya..no pressure ok? Just do it if you want to and have free time ;D

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Hey guys,


I see this book everywhere but I can't seem to get "hyped-up?" for it, but I really want to read it. If some of you who already read this book could kindly give me a good review based on their thoughts I'd be really glad because the stuff like already written basic information about the book just doesn't give me the motivation to read.


Thanks again. (:

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, thank you for choosing me RavenSong promoter :D

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I get what you mean, and it's okay, because I think books are not for masses but for individuals, and the thing with this series is majority of the people find something for themselves in them so that's why we all (but not ALL) so hyped-up about them :)


As for what I find in this series, I'm a little obsessed with wolf-related things, I read books, watch documentaries and listen songs.. yeah little obsessed :D I've read many shifter (wolf) stories but these books just clicked right with me. I loved them because, 1) I love the author's voice, 2) I love how this alpha/beta/omega dynamics are portrayed, 3) I love the wolves that are written here, and 4) I love the humans that are written here.


Okay I know what I write is pretty vague as well but as I said in the beginning, you have to take a look and see it for yourself, whether you find your inner wolf in these stories or not :) And if not, it's perfectly okay!

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You did a great job at explaining, and I'm very glad you understand me on this.

I do enjoy alpha/beta/omega stuff too so I'm kind of looking forward to it. (:

Hmm, and to see if I can find my inner wolf huh...that sounds enough to convince me to read it. Thanks!

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for tagging me for the August read. I finally finished reading Ravensong and also re-reading Wolfsong (because I kinda forgot the plot... bad memory xD )


I will put my thoughts and questions in the spoiler since everyone hasn't read the books yet.




Ravensong had much more action in it compared to wolfsong. Of course there are a lot of feels too, what with Gordo's resentment and anger towards the wolves and Mark because of the past. At one point, I was a bit tired of Gordo's anger and kind of felt the plotline 'MC realizing his feelings after his lover is in danger' was too cliche. But I still liked the book. I remember not being that excited to continue the series after I read wolfsong (because the story kind of felt done to me after wolfsong with the villain being defeated and all) but I was excited to read Conner's story after finishing Ravensong. But alas, we don't get Conner's story next xD


Also, I am confused about some things. Was the temporary head alpha (what's her name? xD) working with Gordo's dad all along or that just happened at the end? Seemed to me like she was working with him all along?

I thought the wolves always recognized their "mates" first because of the smell as happened with GordoxMark and OxxJoe but that doesn't seem to be the case with ConnerxGordo'sbrowolf and KellyxRobbie. Unless both Conner and Kelly are too clueless?


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, hello! So nice you have read Green Creek series! (≧▽≦)


I agree with your opinion for "Ravensong", 'MC realizing his feelings after his lover is in danger' is cliche and tiring, indeed. But with T.J. Klune's brilliant writing style, some humorous moments, and the sweet, sweet brotherly bonding between Kelly & Carter, the book is enjoyable to read until the last line. (*ˉ︶ˉ*)


So to answer your questions with my opinion:

I guess Michelle Hughes had been in contact with Robert Livingstone after Thomas Bennett's death and when she started to plan to be THE HEAD ALPHA, no longer temporary one, since she also disliked and distrusted Joe being too reckless and too friendly with human for being the candidate? Oh, and she really wanted the Green Creek area because it's powerful resources for the wolves? So, yeah, next story in "Heartsong", she's definitely the next villainous "minion" working obliviously for Robert Livingstone, heh.


Re: mate scent. Yeah, I'm confused, too. Did Carter not recognize his mate in timber wolf because of the omega thing? Both wolves are now in omega status, right? But then why the timber wolf seemed to instantly recognize him, then? Because the mate scent was so strong and the timber wolf could smell the scent in his uhhh wolf form?


So what about Kelly & Robbie, then? Are they really mates? Seems to me Robbie was just attracted to Kelly after the gentle rejection from Ox. And Kelly, hmmmm, gradually liked Robbie and might developed some deep feelings later in "Heartsong"... I may be wrong because we need more information about mates in "Heartsong" and the following Carter's book. But for now, I consider Kelly & Robbie not being soulmates. But! They will be the cutest couple~ (╭ ̄3 ̄)╭♡



Aaaah now we have to wait long for "Heartsong" to be released~~ 2019 is so faaar away~~

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:) yes, the writing style, feels, and bromance etc. make Ravensong and the series a great read. But to be honest if someone had explained the basic plot of Ravensong to me in simple sentences, I probably would have skipped it because it's cliche xD I guess that's the magic of writing where authors like T.J. can make even a simple plot into something great.




Yeah, I think you might be right about the head alpha being in contact with robert livingstone for quite sometime ! Also because she kept mentioning robert to Gordo in all the meetings so she was probably in contact with him the whole time when she was head alpha. It is just the way she was so scared and surprised in the end when robert arrived and disclosed his plan to her seemed like she was not working with him directly but as if robert understood her motivations/greed so she was doing his work for him indirectly.


haha yeah the mate scent thing is quite confusing. I wish it was more straightforward because it is a big part of that universe. It says 'Kelly x Robbie' in the Heartsong's blurb on goodreads so I was taking them to be official mates. It was mentioned somewhere that Kelly is asexual, which also seems to be the case based on the plot so far so that might be the reason why the connection between Kelly and Robbie is special. Excited for their book because Kelly is such a cutie and then there is this whole plot of 'minion head alpha' manipulating Robbie so Robert gets timber wolf. But one more year to go ~


Also, yeah probably being an Omega messes up the mate scent but then the timber wolf was an omega and he recgnized Carter. Also Mark because an omega but he recognized Gordo as well as his mate afterwards. So probably there is another explanation there. But we will have to wait for it for 2 years xD



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Hmm, true. She might have worked with Livingstone even before then. But my opinion is also based on what she said when Livingstone suddenly just barged in:



"You can't be here."


"Assistance? What assist--"


"You come into my territory uninvited . . . You are not welcome here, witch."


Feels to me, she had been in contact but never in her pack area? And if she didn't then why not taking action like arrest the witch on the spot, then?



Re: asexual Kelly, yes, even T.J. Klune called him the royal majestic asexual or something like that on his twitter. But hopefully asexuality does not hinder the mate scenting in this case.



Re: Timber wolf, hmmmm, I also have this notion that the timber wolf might not all in omega status. He had been bitten, true, also he was a son of a powerful witch, so he might have been the same as Gordo. But after being bitten, he was trapped(or cursed?) in wolf form since the shifting process might have been a forceful one? Then he became one of the pet of that King hunter.



So uhhh yeah, need Carter's book. Aaaah but I hope it won't really be in 2020, I will be getting very impatient, then. orz

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yeah I hope it isn't 2020 too... I would forget everything by then and would have to re-read again OTL


Yeah I guess you are right, the whole series of dialogue between them in the end seems to be that they were in contact to conspire but hadn't met before



It is just when she said "Assistance? What assist-" that makes it a bit confusing because it made it seem like she didn't know his plans or something... hopefully we know more in the next book



About Kelly x Robbie



Yeah it would suck if T.J. goes with the poor plot line of Kelly's asexuality hindering mate scent. Maybe something happened to both Carter and Kelly when they were away for three years to affect their ability to scent their mates?



About the timber wolf



One of the witches told Joe not to bite Gordo when he was injured because witches cannot survive the bite to become a wolf. So I think Gordo's bro must be powerful to be able to survive getting converted to a wolf, but he is still trapped in the wolf body because it takes more power for a witch to make the shift especially with being an omega wolf.


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, tbh I can't with series that published with a year or longer between each books. . . Need reread to refresh some details. . . Even next with "Heartsong" I will definitely reread these first two books again heheh


Re: Asexuality and wolves' mating

Actually I really really have high expectation for "Heartsong". Because Kelly is revealed by T.J. Klune to be a royal ace!!! (≧▽≦)


Also! I wanna know how T.J. Klune will handle the mating situation -- if and when Kelly & Robbie actually being soulmates like ThomEliz, Jox, MarGo, and the next CarTim (I call him Tim the timber wolf in my head lol).


So like if Kelly & Robbie are soulmates, will they need to do the mating ritual? I have this uhhh expectation that if there ever mating ritual between asexual and sexual wolves, no steamy scenes but only biting? Or is it necessarry to have penetrative sex for them to be soulmates?


I have read one book about ace being mate of an alpha wolf. But in the end, despite the alpha being respectful for ace's boundary, the mating scene in that book still required (penetrative) sex. . . OTL


Hopefully T.J. Klune will have the best option regarding this mating situation if Kelly & Robbie really end up as soulmates.



Re: timber wolf

Yes, I also think he has powerful magic in him. But I still don't know if he was a practicing witch like Gordo or he never used his power at all. . . And what is his story being bitten and turned into a wolf?? And how come the King hunter got him as a pet???

But one thing I can guess, the timber wolf also recognize Gordo as familiar to him. He had stopped attacking Gordo that time, right? And when he was in Gordo's house, he was smelling around? So, deep down timber wolf knew that he had connection with Gordo.


Also, look at that; Gordo has wolf brother~~ And Gordo is Carter's uncle's mate AND his mate's half-brother~~ I wanna see Carter's reaction when he finally has realized~~ (>


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haha same here... I just can't remember all the plot details and character names and need to reread (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻




Ah yes now that you mention it how would the whole mating ritual with Kelly's axesuality work out?... quite interested to know how T.J. Klune would write it. Maybe like you said, biting without sex is enough? but sex in the mating ritual was made quite the highlight in the first two books so I am not sure.

Hmmm it doesn't seem right if the ace character is required to have sex to get mated ...


Btw, what does royal in royal ace mean? sorry for my ignorance and hope you don't mind me asking but curious to know.


I know I also have so many questions about the timber wolf... that's why I was so excited to have Carter's book. I was actually expecting his book to be next because of the ending and also because he is the elder brother. I wish T.J. releases both of the last two books together because you know Kelly is Carter's tether so they need to be together and their books also need to be together XD


Also, who could be Kelly's tether?... my guess is Carter because Kelly seems really close to him and they are always together. It would be cute if it turns out to be Robbie though.


YASS I can't wait for all the bromance between Gordo and his half-bro...

haha yes all these convoluted relationships...lol Carter's reaction= mind-blown ⊙▂⊙




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So... I finished Ravensong, and I had to start with wolfsong because I haven't read it yet and it took me like a week to finish both books XD.


And I just have to say...



I say I love Gordo Livingstone

I say I love Joe Bennett

I say I love Mark Bennett

I say I want to be a werewolf... ok no.

I say thank you guys for voting for this book




Also, first time reading a book by this author and his writing style is amazing, don't know if it is just for these books or if he writes like this in general but I love it.

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oh now I'm embarrassed uuhhh no meaning of royal when I said "royal ace", it's uhhhmmm I just said it like T.J. Klune said "majestic ace" on twitter aaaa OTL




Re: Kelly's tether

Yes, I agree. Kelly's tether definitely is Carter. If not, I guess his is something like "pack" with Ox and Thomas? "Family"? "Home"?


And Robbie. . . Robbie's current tether is Ox the Apha, right? I don't really remember, but I want his tether will be Kelly next book instead. . .



Also, YES! Can "Heartsong" and Carter's book published in the same year??? Kelly & Carter need to stick together so their books should also come out together aaaaaahhh o(≧口≦)o


But, but, lama, lamaaa! T.J. Klune said "Done. All 459 pages of it. Fall 2019." -- on twitter re: "Heartsong"!!


I mean, like FALL 2019?! FALL? So does it mean Carter's book will be out the next FALL 2020? (っ╥╯﹏╰╥c)


But, yes, yes, okay! Looking forward for next Fall session~~


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, yay! You have read and finished "Wolfsong" & "Ravensong"!


Sooo, can I ask what scene is your most favorite?


What's your opinion regarding what happened to Maggie Callaway in "Wolfsong"? Do you also think is it necessary for Maggie to *spoiler* just like that?


Also, in "Ravensong", what do you think about younger version of Mark and his tendency to stalk Gordo? Hehe, for me, younger Mark was quite different from adult Mark; shy, awkward yet adorable and so freaking lovable...


Re: T.J. Klune brilliant writing-style, may I recommend you Tales From Verania series and "How to Be A Normal Person" for your next reading by T.J. Klune? (*ˉ︶ˉ*)

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Sorry sorry! don't be embarrassed...I was just curious to know since it is just recently that I came across asexuality in mm fiction and I want to learn more.


Noo Fall 2019... OTL


YASS both their books need to come out together since PackBroTether


Also, sorry for interrupting your convo with Riki but I totally agree with you on young Mark being an adorable creepy (because of the stalking xD) cinnamon roll (*-*) I just loved their past relationship before that evil hunter woman ruined it :(


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Yay you finished reading. Welcome to the Pack!


T.J. Klune has a great writing style. You should definitely check out his other books. He has a way of making you love his MCs.


Which book did you both like more btw? Wolfsong or Ravensong? For me it is almost a tie but I would probably go with Ravensong, even though Wolfsong was more moving when I read it for the first time.

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PackBroTether FTW,

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!!! Aaah dammit I really really love Kelly & Carter's brotherly bonding! It's just aaaah so beautiful I can't--! In "Wolfsong", their brotherly love not showing that blatantly, but in "Ravensong"? I thought I would only read it for more Kelly & Robbie interaction, but T.J. Klune just went out there and has slammed us hard with Kelly & Carter's brotherly affection instead! AAAAA

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Yes! Kelly and Carter's awesome brotherly love, Gordo's anger being helpless in the face of pack love, and the bonding between Carter, Kelly, Gordo, Mark, Joe, Ox (I guess I should probably include all the pack member here xD) was what made me really like Ravensong!

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, even the side characters have their awesomeness, too! The Garage Boys and Jessie, their loud and not subtle convo in the background, ALSO Jessie's coming out as bisexual??? Excuse me but are there hints regarding her bisexuality in "Wolfsong" before??? I can't find them!!! Aaaa between Kelly being oblivious ace, Jessie's bisexuality and Tanner's aromantic sexual, I really love the series for these LGBTQ+ representations and visibility~ Kudos to T.J. Klune!!!

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my favorite scene... cndfgsdif i don't know, probably



When Mark and Gordo were mating? (how do I call that scene? XD) or When Gordo was falling after his encounter with Elijah and Mark went GORDO GORDO GORDO and transformed? what's yours? :)



Small Mark was so adorable and very very mature for his age I think! Yup I also think he changed a lot but given the circumstances, I understand


About Maggie..



I don't know. If that didn't happen Ox would have probably not become what he is now so yeah, I think is was necessary. Do you disagree?



Thank youuu. I'll check those books up :D


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That's quite a difficult question XD. Ravensong I think, because it feels more mature (? but I also like a lot the cuteness of wolfsong and the epilogue, god I love it haha.

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