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have you ever been called a (weirdo) ????


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Peoples call me weirdo very often. I don't know how many times I hear it, but my parents especially like said it to my. Why? Because I don't go to sleep on 10 or 11 at night. I like night so when I can I sit with computer, mowies or book to 3am and later, and my parents can't stand it. So I'm weird person xD

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i don't remember really when someone called me a wierdo upfront or from the back 'cause i could care less.

i mean, weird is a compliment for me after all. it means being unique to my mind.


but what i do remember tho is:

when my childhood best guy friend always call me "BALIW" (word from my mother tongue which means: Crazy) with a disgust look on his face that i always find offending.

or if other people jokingly call me that, i don't know how to respond.


i always reply to him:

"dude it's okay if you call me weird but NOT crazy. it hurts coming from you, you know."


or when my father told me: "BALIKTAD ANG UTAK." (means: Reversed Brain) sarcastically.

it doesn't look offending much when translated but when i got told off like that face-to-face with a disappointing look on his face, it's freaking hurting.


it really is scary coming from the ones you care about the most.

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I've been called weird many times, mostly because I'm a bit to happy. Smiling and laughing most of the time and share a lot of stupid puns with everyone


If I don't get along with them I'm mostly quiet and observing instead.

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you sound like the person i'd like to meet! :D


I've been called a weirdo MANY, MANY times.

TOo many reasons to list, lol!

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I would like to believe that the "weird" people are the best people to be friends with - much more fun :)

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If I wasn't my friends would disown me, i'm not the wacky out-going weird though, I'm the subtle says something when everyone's depressed that breaks the tension with laughter or makes it worse type. I'm mostly known as "That weird chick that likes gay cartoon porn" (anime ITS ANIME!)

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  • 3 months later...

well, no one has ever called me weird before, not atleast in front of me.. thinking back, i think my classmates in highschool stabs me in the back saying that im weird. im not really weird, it's just that i don't talk much. i only talk when someone asks me and that's. thats why in college, i tried to speak and not just to stay quiet in the corner for me not to be called as weird again.. it kinda tired me, you know, you are acting the "not" you, so i am definitely tired acting all day long..argh!! i wish college is over already.,.

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