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Don't Worry, Darling, I Will Make It Quick [Rin&LoneDigger]


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The man was silent the entire time, walking ahead to the rec center as if he were ignoring the other. But then something suddenly stopped him and changed his mind, subtly, he changed his path and started walking off to more quiet section of the building. They reached a dead end before they stopped, and then finally the man turned around to speak with the faintest if smirks tugging up his lips.


"It's obvious you love to talk, but have you ever thought of putting your mouth to a more useful task?"


He hummed as he reached out to caress the other's face, but it wasn't long before his touch became harsh, almost controlling. And if the bitch didn't know what to do, which he doubted, then he would just forcably show him the most valuable skill of survival here, staying on the man's good side meant protection.

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The moment he noticed the dead end, Aleksander realized he had probably walked into a trap. Haha, what a nuisance. Was his panther really going to try to corner him? He was almost laughing on the inside, but he knew that he couldn‘t just burst out giggling like a madman in this situation, especially since he spotted that small devilish smile on the taller man‘s lips as said brunette turned to face the Russian. Aleksander looked deeply into the other‘s bright eyes, as if he could find an answer to a question in them, but he had to painfully notice that there was absolutely nothing. The other was transparent as ever. It was fascinating.


Lavender hues briefly watched the arm which was extended towards him and as soon as the hand reached his face, there was tension building up inside his chest. The urge to avoid that was strong and it grew even stronger when the foreign grip strengthened to a level of where it slightly hurt.

Was the other seriously referring to the sex-for-protection system right now?


It was hard not to fight back, however it wouldn‘t be clever to ruin his oh so helpless act. Additionally, the last thing he wanted was a fight with his pet.


„Me? What an honour. I thought you hated me. Or doesn‘t that add to the equation?“ he sarcastically answered.

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"I think the answer to your equation is that you would bite off my dick right now if I even tried..."


Kaiser smirked, he may not have the half of it about the other male right, but he wasn't a complete idiot either. He could feel the venom in his words now, feel his hatred towards such a notion.

Did this guy really think he was above him? He hadn't even been here a day or two and already this faggot thought he had the upper hand. It was really annoying, because Kai couldn't figure out quite yet why this was the case.

The unknowns were always the scariest, that's why he built the right connections and stuck to a strict routine to avoid most surprises in life.

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"That would be preciously inconvenient, now wouldn't it?" Aleksander's voice was filled with a tone that didn't allow a disagreement. Like it or not, the penis was a man's greatest value. Nobody would want a blowjob from someone they didn't trust or could control at least, and Aleksander wasn't one to control. Of course, at some point during his stay here he would have to face up to the system they had here, however he was avoiding it as well as he could for now.


The blonde raised his hand nonchalantly and laid his pale, slender fingers around the wrist of his pet. There was a little amount of pressure to it as well, but not too much to make it uncomfortable. However, talking against the other's firm grip was indeed highly annoying.


"I like you, Angelface, but not that much."

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Was he seriously still talking? Just fucking shut up already... but what really brought the man out of it was the light pressure against his pulse.


Oh, fuck. He was still holding onto his face? Now who's the faggot?

Kaiser casually removed his hand despite his own mental cursing at himself for loosing control like that. It wasn't wise at all in front of someone who didn't even understand the system here yet.


"You don't have to like me, hate me if you want even~"

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The moment Kaiser removed his hand, Aleksander's slid off his wrist as well. He casually smiled. "Hate is such a strong word. Also, look at the time! I've somehow disturbed your routine. I am so sorry." The words were drowned in malicious joy, but at the same time, he wasn't going to challenge the other just yet. So, he took a few steps backwards and waved. "Bye, byee~"


- - -


Throughout the days, avoiding the right people became harder. The rest of the newbies were slowly but surely pressured to either join a gang or become a victim. Aleksander preferred option C, which was minding his own business, and also apparently not available. The more he thought he was invisible, the more eyes he felt in his back when walking down the corridor. Now, what would people want with a Russian? Weren't the prejudices on his side here? He had even had a quite violent "conversation" with an Italian the day before. Because he couldn't have anyone know that he was indeed a fighter, he more or less fled before it could get ugly, however not without a mark on his cheek. What a nuisance.

He had heard of the existence of a Russian gang, whose leader was a sadistic asshole and creative murderer. It was not worth it. Everyone in here was just a fish. A fish swimming around the surface of the water. Down in the deepest darkness was where the true criminals hid. In two months he was going to leave this prison and he was going to take Kaiser with him.

Speaking of the devil...

Dinner time was going to be soon. Aleksander had spent his day in the library and left after finishing a book. The blonde already knew most of Kaiser's routine, so it wasn't a challenge to step into his way the moment he left the showers of the gym. "Hey~! Good evening. What's up? How was the workout? Did it go well?" he asked with a smile on his face. Maybe his pet was a little more cheerful today. He doubted it, though.

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"Oh, it's you again. Too bad. I was hoping that you and Armando would have killed each other by now~"


Now that would have been nice. He didn't particularly care for the Italian Bastard and he especially didn't give two shits about... whatever his name was. The retarded Ruski was all he was known as in his mind.

Kaiser meanwhile actually wasn't really in the worst of moods, as clear by his teasing manner. One way to figure that the man was really pissed was when he lost his sense of humor. Then things got really bad.

He was actually almost always in a better mood after working out and releasing all his pent up aggression. Which the longer he stayed here, the worse it seemed to build. But he couldn't forget that he would be out of this hell soon, he just needed to keep his routine working.

His dark hair was wet and kind of plastered against his head since it hadn't had time to dry all the way since just leaving the showers. The soap was just generic but the scent wasn't all bad. Just a hint of cheap spice. It wasn't like he had a choice, everything here was just second rate. The food, the clothes, just... everything. Hell, even most of the men in here were too.

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"Oh, so considerate," Aleskander commented the other's sarcasm with a grin of his own. He was really hard to provoke. "I assume work-out went well, seeing as you don't look as tense as usual." The blonde stepped beside and turned around so he could follow the brunette just like a shadow once more. "I read a really interesting book. Its story was inspired by a true incident that happened in 1928. Are you going to Dinner early, by the way? I am already quite hungry." He slid both hands into the pockets of his trousers, looking up towards the taller male to wait for an answer which he was probably not getting. His pet was good at ignoring him and his babbling, but he could tell that he had at least get used to it.


His free-time he mostly used to organize the life they would lead after the break-out. Kaiser wouldn't need anything, not that he owned much. Aleksander had thought much about what kind of style he would be forcing on his panther. Maybe casual and elegant. Suits would suit him really well, but jackets and tops would also. It were hard choice to make, after all Kaiser would become part of his image. There was no way he could embarrass him, or let him embarrass himself.

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"Why? Is this some kind of a fucking date? You know what happens after that, right?"


The man chuckled darkly, today he really was in too good a mood to even be annoyed as he usually was. Fine, they could eat together. What's the worse that could come of it?

He had no idea all the thoughts and plans that were festering inside the Russian's mind as they walked, hidden by the not so innocent chatter that Kaiser never had the patience to even remotely listen to, hence why he didn't even answer the other half the time. Blah, blah, blah... The idiot was worse than any woman he ever knew when it came to running his mouth. At least a woman would know by know how to suck a dick properly. Stupid Ruski.

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"I have to disappoint you, I am not good at dating," Aleksander giggled. "If you feel that way, I must disappoint you a second time, my heart belongs to me, myself and I. I mean, I am handsome, I totally understand, but you know, I wouldn't want to hurt your feelings~ Like Empress Elisabeth of Austria used to say, belonging to onself is the truest value of life." Which was funny because Kaiser already was his, just without the other's knowing. That was fine, after all that was the plan. It was annoying to call the other names while being aware of his true first name, however he couldn't blow his act. There was no way a normal criminal would know all those things.


"Do you know what they serve tonight for dinner?"

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"Oh, you know... Tuesday's delight is mystery meat and slop on the side. Top it all off with some water straight from the sink tap."


Kaiser answered sarcastically as usual, but really he knew what was actually on the menu. He just didn't feel like giving the other a real answer since he didn't deserve it. Especially after rambling on about more things that weren't even the slightest bit interesting to the man.

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Aleksander took a deep breath and sighed dramatically. "Fiiiiine, I get it. I'll see for myself. I like surprises." Well, actually, he hated them. "How about this. Story time. You can laugh, no problem," he went on as they followed the corridor towards the dining hall. "When I was four, I was so hyped for snow that I ran out of the house to play with it. Now, back then my parents had a pretty long carboard connected to the front door and the ground was solid concrete. So, I ran out the moment my mother opened the door and gained speed on the long concrete way, because I was about to jump into the snow piled up on the street. I didn't see the small piece of ice on the concrete's end and slipped and fell right into the concrete face-first!"

Aleksander had already noticed Kaiser's slight tendency to sadism and mischievousness. The question was whether it depended on his mood or not. Maybe it was a weak spot, too.

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"Oh? Well, that explains why your face is so fucked up. Not to mention the obvious you're not exactly all there, huh? It's not your fault you fell. Since you were only a stupid little bastard back then... Though I heard everything happens for a reason, so~"


Kaiser was just being an ass at this point and he knew that, but it was fun to mess with the other after all the Russian had done ever since arriving was fucking with him too, so it was just pay back for the treatment he was receiving.

He already had his spot in line and the same place at lunch, he didn't care if the other wanted to follow him around leeching off his protection when he wasn't even under his wing. So that's why the little fucker was doing this?

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"Mean!" Aleksander laughed, however it was a worthless gesture, for there was no trueness in it. He was a violent person, but sadly all his mother had given him were weak bones and a fragile body. Physical strength had been swapped with above-average intelligence somewhere in the process. It was a pain at times, though it didn't keep him from doing what he wanted. He just needed a puppet to do the dirty work for him. Usually a gun worked against certain people who felt the need to be bitchy, but in Kaiser's case it was a necessity that he remained out of trouble.


They stepped in line for the food. Of course some people made space for Kaiser and Aleksander also knew where he usually sat. It was only when he looked around in the hall out of boredom that he spotted a familiar face. It didn't fit the image in his head because the person in front of his mind's eye had brown hair and was muscular. But that man over there was blonde and rather skinny. Was that... was that who he thought it was?

The person noticed that he was being stared at. From the other side of the hall, he lifted his gaze to meet the lavender eyes of the Russian. Instantly, a shocked expression spread on his face. Silverware dropped out of his tanned hands.


Aleksander advanced a step in the line as the guys behind him pressured him to finally move on, but he didn't take his eyes off the fake blond. Said man stood up and left the hall with quick steps. Hell, if he had known that that guy was here he would have brought a shotgun. His men had never found that jerk, which now made sense because he was in an American prison. How long had it been? Three years? Tow and a half?


Aleksander's gaze moved back towards Kaiser. What a nuisance. He would have to get rid of the fake-blonde first... That would mean that tomorrow was going to be full of planning on how to do that. His pet had to take second place.

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"Oh? You checking out the blondie over there? Hey, would it be nice if you could go piss him off for a change? I'm sure he'd love to hear some of your riveting stories~"


Kaiser teased with another short chuckle as he continued with his lunch, not noticing how the Russian's eye contact on the newest guy had gotten quite... scary. Luckily the man had stopped talking so he could eat.

But then of course... The leech was still sitting right next to him, staring at him again. He sighed softly, but then smirked.


"What the fuck do you want? I already told you my feelings won't be hurt if you decide to go fuck with someone else for a change."

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"Hm? Pardon?" Aleksander blinked, even though he had looked at the other the entire time, now he realized he hadn't listened closely. "Oh. Well, let's see." That guy would hear a story for sure, preferrably a lullaby where he would die a horrible death.


Aleksander sat down next to Kaiser and took the silverware into his hands. "Do you know him?" Like the days before, he separeted the pieces of his food and cut them. He started with the vegetables and then went on to the cooked cheese. It was a challenge to stay calm while thinking of so many various and satisfying ways to get rid of the fake-blond. His grudges never died. He was a very resentful person.

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"... That's lovely. You should definitely go do that right now."


Kaiser scoffed with a little smirk tugging up his lips, he was already almost finished eating, but he knew by now that the Russian had his little rituals when it came to things, especially his food. Why did he cut it up into such small pieces? Probably he was a spoiled kid who had his mother do that at every meal and now he expected everything to be that way. Pathetic.

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He doubted that the Lion had any friends in here, but it wasn't at zero possibility. What if the wrong people learned of Aleksander's true identity? Would anyone even believe that? Sadly, he couldn't rely on how silly it sounded that someone of his appearances was part of the Russian mafia. His name wasn't even well-known up here. Only the underground personalities would recognize it.

A little upset, he drummed his fingers on the tabletop and aimlessly pushed a pea around on his plate. He hated it when a rat was moving around freely. Nobody knew what stupid ideas the Lion might get.


"Well then, I am off~"


Putting on his stupid fucking act again, Aleksander rose from the table and smiled down towards the brunette. "Sleep tight and have sweet dreams!" With those words, he left the unfinished food and his pet to the cold. There was no other choice than to remove that little bug, before he could continue to work on Kaiser's and his acquaintance.

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"Okay, play nice~"


Kaiser mocked again as he waved back to the Russian with an equally stupidly sarcastic sort of tone to it.

What a fucking pain in the ass. Thank God someone else had got his attention or else he didn't know how he was supposed to wait this out another whole year.

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The next day came quickly. Most of it, Aleksander spent gathering a little information on his side-target. The Lion was apparently quite unpopular and transparent. He never talked to anyone and didn't get attention as well. He didn't participate in the system either, he was just a henchman of some wannabe gang.

He had to wait until evening while everyone else was in the dining hall to try his plan out. It was simple. Just simply break his neck, nothing too big. The guards wouldn't care, nor would a judge, and his uniform would stay clean.

Now, finding a black sheep really wasn't that hard. The Lion was a kind of awkward person naturally and socially incompetent. Honestly, he probably saw it coming, because he was nervously and warily wandering the corridors, and the moment Aleksander caught up to him, he would already turn around. Unfortunatey, he was too slow to react and it was over pretty quickly.


The corpse was found in the late evening and carted away. To maintain his usual routine and in order to stay out of trouble, Aleksander spent the whole next day in the library, casully reading through various books. When the night descended, he was shooed back into his cell and this night he slept much better. Finally that bastard had left his life. After three years of searching, he was finally dead.


The next day didn't hold too much in it as well. There were rumours of the possible murderer of the Lion but nobody was truly interested, not even the gang he had been a member of. Aleksander had had breakfast pretty early and then vanished into the library. It was Friday, which meant that new books had been delivered. He was indeed curious to see what was new there.


Kaiser? Ah, his pet would find a way. But right now, Bloody Mary was a pretty well-written!

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Holy fucking shit.


Okay, yeah. He had been the one to tell little Ruskie to go off and 'play' with blondie but he didn't realize that the other was actually going to make good on his subtle threat.

What the hell had he said again? Something about a lullaby of death? He never really listened closely and now was the one time he was regretting it.

So the other was actually insane, and very dangerous. No doubt this had been his first kill, nor would it be the last.

Of course Kaiser went about acting the same as everyone else was. Who could have killed the blondie? Don't know, don't care.

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Time flew by. The point of no return had finally caught up to Aleksander. If he wasn't in the library, he often came across some guys who were eager to introduce him to their well-known system. And today was just another day of that.

"I am not interested, really!" There would be no use in fighting anyone here. He had already neglected his pet, which he was terribly sorry for, but dealing with these pricks took up most of his time.

"Nobody cares," was the cold answer. Of course not. However, before the man could corner the Russian, he ducked away from the grip and slid to the side - and off he was into the next-best corridor. Only after turning five corners, he stopped and leaned against the wall, sighing to himself.

He waited for a while until he couldn't hear any more hectic footsteps. Aleksander walked around the corner back into the main corridor. A mob of darkened brunette hair caught his eye in the same moment. Ah, this prison really wasn't so big, now was it?

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"You again?"


Kaiser scoffed, as if this was such a nuisance to him. But then he noticed that the other seemed a little out of breath. He couldn't image seeing the little Ruskie working out at the gym, so why was he winded?


Perfect timing then.


"You seem a little breathless, maybe the system's finally catching up to you?"


The man hummed softly, his forest green gaze focusing on the male intently, unable to hide the faintest hint of lust behind his eyes. He had been waiting for this.

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"Me? Ah, maybe, a little," he tried to play it cool. Sadly it was hard to fake not being exhausted, so, all he could to was agree for now. "The system is... persistent, to say the least." Aleksander rose a hand to his lips and cleaned his throat. He sighed silently to himself, finally catching his breath again. Briefly, he looked around, but both sides of the corridor were clear. Good. If he was about to see that fat man again, he would most likely puke.


Lavender hues once more met the green ones of his counterpart. What was that look he was giving him? But not what he was thinking, right? It was rare to see that Kaiser had actual interest in him, now that he had annoyed him for days. Killing with kindness was quite the proven method, it seemed.

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"You can't keep trying to outrun it. Sooner or later it will catch up to you, and when it does..."


He couldn't help a little dark chuckle from escaping him,


"Well... I'll be there to watch~"


That was putting it in the nicest most vague way possible, but it was clear he meant something more than just that.

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