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Biggest turn off?


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Well, we've already talked about everyone's fetishes when it comes to yaoi...

But what about turn offs?

Perhaps you can't stand shota or too much muscles?




I guess I have to go first, ne?

I'm not a fan of very young uke's...

Or the lack of personality.

I guess that's it :3

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you mean when we're reading yaoi?


well.. ukes that looks like child. i feel like a pedo. eww

rape, violence.. non-con in general.

and ukes that cry and whining too much. aff. if you don't want it then go away!

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I don’t like shota (one of my first yaoi was shota- and after that I couldn’t watch yaoi for 2 years, but now I am addicted to it :p)

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# Ukes, that are whiny b*tches and look like little girls

# Pubic hair

# Out-of-charakter fanfic/fanart-yaoi (or hentai) - like Sasuke and Naruto gangbanging Kakashi with both a dildo in the butt (or the like - er, you get the point)

# Violent rape and humiliation

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I'm not the biggest Shota fan...it's a bit wierd for me, and the younger the character the weirder it gets...


Dudes who look too much like a girl, that all that's left is taking of their pen*** and give them some bo***


Another thing that turns me off completly it's a sad, heartbreaking, impossible story, that comes after a romantic sweet one...

Ok this is weird... I really like drama, but i'm truly a romantic girl :p

If i read a sad story, which i already know it's sad it's ok... I like dramas tear jerking stories very much...

But what i hate is when i read a all happy manga, and then after the main story comes a heartbreaking, sad one where people dies, they slip, not a possible love...Sh*** breaks my mood tottally...

An example, Koibito no Hirakikata, the last two chapters(ok just the last one) the guy is getting married to a girl, but still keeps his lover(guy)and tell him you can't be with anyone or something...Shit all good story's till then and in the end...this...

I get all depressed...

(I rememberd this one cause i read it yesterday....shouldn't have...went to sleep sad :()

No plot! Too much plot!! Bad story, bad drawings(most of times these i don't even read them)....

I'm sure i'll remember more...

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-Lack of personality. (you know it , Nezu)


-Lack of decent storyboard. Even if it's a smutty oneshot with porn as the purpose and no plot intended from the start, the image/dialogue sequence must be well done. If it doesn't follow the reader can't even tell what's going on. It's trash.


-Extremely muscled guys.


-Extremely effeminate guys.


-While I love dirty-talk like "Suck it/F*ck me harder/Look, it's completely swallowing me in/It's breaking me" and so on, I get really disappointed at hentai-like stuff such as "Pump my hole full of your milk and make me pregnant even though I don't have a uterus". (-_-)


-Even though it's not my thing, I don't hate shota at all and I'll read it if I find it interesting, but I do get why so many people find it so nasty: the great majority of existing shotacon turns the kid into a complete c*ck obessed slut while drowning in a pool of semen at the end of the book. So for me it's not the shota in itself that is the turn off but how it's written and drawn.


That's all for now, I'm too lazy to write everything at once~

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I don't likes shota neither, nor boys who always cry, no muscular seme, no abusing, non-con or rape.

I rather prefer sex with feelings than right here right now bec I want.

It bores me to death simple plot stories.

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I also have to add bad artwork and lack of plot to my list...

Jenow keeps reminding me of things I like/don't like, great minds think alike~

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  JenovaVII said:

-While I love dirty-talk like "Suck it/F*ck me harder/Look, it's completely swallowing me in/It's breaking me" and so on, I get really disappointed at hentai-like stuff such as "Pump my hole full of your milk and make me pregnant even though I don't have a uterus". (-_-)


did you read it somewhere? seirously?? hhahahahahahahaha! this is hilarious! haha!

usually all that talk during sex is a turn off for me. yaoi or real life. specially when they talk with a voice that sounds like they're talking to a kid.. uuggghh!

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  JenovaVII said:

"Pump my hole full of your milk and make me pregnant even though I don't have a uterus". (-_-)

ROOOFL Was that a fictional example or did you truly read this somewhere??


While I love dirty-talk like "Suck it/F*ck me harder/Look, it's completely swallowing me in/It's breaking me"

Geesh, it suddenly got kinda hot in here?!

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haha im not really sure there is anything i dont like... as long as it looks good, n holds my intrest ill watch or read. i guess im not too happy when they look too girlish n too kid like as well, but i tend to forget n not even realise how old they r, i find the awsome content n enjoy lmao


i feel kinda bad now.... :)

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I also don't like the muscle bound types. While I don't mind youngish characters if they are too young it kinda gives me the creeps. I don't really mind if they cry but too much is boring. I like rough sex but not hardcore S/M.:msn_red_fox 11

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i cant stand crazy hardcore like enzai, boku no pico, or a hxxp://yaoihaven.wetpaint.com/ kinda thing. that is a TOTAL turn off

i also hate muscular ukes

that is a no no

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

My turn off are big muscle guys, lack of plot, poor artwork, younger guys, guys that look like there in their 80s. I dont mind Supernatural yaoi but thing likes talking penises is not for me :| lol

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  Uke. said:
My turn off are big muscle guys, lack of plot, poor artwork, younger guys, guys that look like there in their 80s. I dont mind Supernatural yaoi but thing likes talking penises is not for me :| lol


Oh,man! -laughs hard- You know, it reminds me of a manga I read a long time ago. There were some talking penises,my reaction was "What the fuck is wrong with this manga-ka's brain?".

My biggest turn offs are lack of imagination in the plot,bad art,too much muscle-built bodies,hairy bodies(I talk about...the fetish hairy bodies, I am fine with manly drawn boys,but...I don't want to watch hairy balls walking on two feet.) and last but not least - sci-fi yaoi related stuff. =/

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Guest FujoshiFTW

-Messy artwork

-Lack of plot

-Extremely muscled guys

-Ukes that look like girls with penises

-Huge age differences

-Ukes that whine and cry (If you don't want it then GTFO)

-Pubic hair/Hairy bodies


And gosh, who knows what else. Personally, I don't mind shota (though Boku No Piku isn't on my list for favourite yaois) but the younger the boy is the weirder it gets. As for BDSM, I perfer it to be in fanfiction rather than manga, who knows why. While some people hate semes that don't 'express feelings' during sex, I on the other hand, don't mind. In normal animes and mangas I love those guys that have that ice-cold exterior and normally don't show their emotions. The 'school-president' type I guess?

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I dislike uke's that look and act like a girl (the looking like a girl is fine alone)

I hate non-con, and am not too much of a fan of shota.

And I forgot the last thing on my list as I was typing so *fail*


.... wait!.... girls, that get in the way of the guy lovin... so unnessasary. Girls are ok, as long as they don't interupt anything from happening :)

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