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Biggest turn off?


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body hair


whiny, useless, annoying , girly ukes

poor artwork

when in teacher X student the teacher is uke

group sex

having sex with everything they found even swords

having sex with underage

crying while having sex

and so much more ...

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characters with really baby face (i dont mean shota)


having sex with everything they found even swords


0_0 Really !!!!!!!! i never run in to that kind of manga before ......

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if the uke is really young or young-looking, really puts me off (looks like a child D:)

if the uke is too submissive

i think its called "chinkos", like a talking penis SO CREEPY!!

and bad art style, if the drawings arent very good i find it hard to read

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really disproportionate art like HUUUUGGGEEEE freaky chins and shoulders *shudders*

really masculine ukes they kinda weird me out

semes and ukes that switch roles easily i prefer a fixed role

really stupid ukes

ukes that are super young

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It would have to be muscles. Too much muscles just creep me out and make me feel verrry uncomfortable, no beef cakes please :hamtaro-005 (19):

I'm ok with shotas just the ones that are toooo young, almost like they seem to be only 5 years old.

No hairy ones too or the ones that just look too manly, eg: moustache, huge square jaw.

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I don't like body hair, too many muscles, a way too unlogical story and a lack of personality.


Body hair and too many muscles aren't so bad when the story is good but when the stoy is bad... even the best drwaing can't make the manga good.

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Turn offs:

*whining ukes


*enormous muscle.


*Dirty Talk(When it's too dirty.)


*Shitty simple plots


*Unemotional Sex




*Crappy Artwork




*Sex with objects


*Too much body hair


*Group sex/gang bangs


and soo much more.T^T

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Any kind of female involvement. Don't get me wrong, I'm bi. But for some reason most girls in Yaoi are just annoying little pricks that get in the way. And really aggresive semes. I don't like that supreme-dominence-master-wants-nothing-but-a-sumissive-pet- seme. They gotta be steamy!

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Ah... shota is wierd if the guys are too young and I dislike bara..


What turns me off completly are two sparkling, girlish, super pretty guys with soft flowing long hair under roses, draped on satin pillows, showing the wonderful sensation on their geisha-like faces. -.-

That´s just so far off reality...


I have to admit that I like it kinda rough.^^' I don´t feel bad about it cause it´s fiction.

In reality it´s not ever that pleasant for the passive part...this should be reflected in yaoi for me.

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Shota - just no.

Love triangles - just pick one and be quick about it.

Consensual rape - if you're raping someone they don't enjoy it and they most certainly aren't consenting.


Too many muscles - gross.

Multiple sex partners of any kind - slutyness is not acceptable.

When they look too much alike - creepy.


- - - Updated - - -


also unemotional sex and crappy artwork... these things make me very unhappy

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too much muscles!

gang rape!

love triangle/square/whatever polygon you can think of. Please just stick to one.

i dont want having amnesias...

where one forgets the current Boyfriend and then the best friend gets in the picture turning out to be madly in love with him.

Major turn off ^.

too girly character. Man you're boys! you should still act as one!

girls getting in the picture..


Man there's a lot, i think everybody else mentioned stuffs that i dont like in yaoi manga...

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#shota (urghhh PedoBear...)


#crappy drawings


#shitty/non-realistic plots


#too much mushy fluffy romantic stuff and I-Love-You-More-Than-My-Live kind of things


#strange or annoying questions while doing it (and I don't mean Dirty Talk)


#incest (yuck yuck yuck...)


#Ukes who the whole time bitch about how they don't want this but in the end are all lovey-dovey with their Seme


That's basically it for me.

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Let's see...

1. Big muscles

2. Whiny/Girly Ukes (Take for example Ayase from Okane Ga Nai, hate the high unrealistic voice, the thin body and the fact that every male on the face of the earth wants to bang him)

3. Bad art

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My number one turn off is bad art! If the story is amazing but the artwork is awful, I have to stop. Just can't get over it.


Next in order of annoyance:


-Bad, no, or lame plot.


-No ones gettin any. You know what I mean. After a couple of chapters, it seems like someone might be "gettin some" and then nothing. You keep reading expecting something to happen in the bedroom, but low and behold your on chapter freakin 20 and still no dice. At this point I am about ready to start shaking my computer screen and scream "WTF!! Just push him down already!!"


-Guys that look like girls. I can't stand girly looking guys, seme or uke. I especially hate it when they have a super girly, petite uke sportin a hard on the size of my pinky. Whats with that! Lets face it. we all know why we read yaoi. we want to see a hot bod and a throbbing.... (I'll leave the rest for you to fill in.)


-Shota incest. I can deal with one or the other, but not both at the same time. Just grosses me out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

1. Slut uke or seme main character (the guy who become prostitute not by force but because he likes it and want more) I prefer a guy who innocent especially main character)

2. third character who love the 2nd character and try to disturb their relationship (I don't mind if the 3rd character like the main character)

3. sex animal (real animal not the guy who has cat or dog ear and has tail)

4. I don't like threesome that main character and third character have sex together with 2nd character (if 2 characters sex with the innocent main character I don't mind like manga Junk!Boys by Minami Haruka)


I like hardcore yaoi, so a liitle bit violence like bondage is okay for me

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  • 5 weeks later...

I dont like emotionless seme.. I change my mind.. I hate emotionless seme.. Yeah might sound "badass" at first.. but it gets boring over time.. I dont know if you guys agree or what..


Closet boys.. (well when it comes to reality) LMAO..


ok better stop before I rage :D

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almost all of us hate girly uke....it makes me wonder why only the ring finger knows is a hit....

anyways for me

-characters that looks so much alike...( i saw one manga before the art is really beautiful but after a few chapter i had no choice but to drop it because i dont even recognize who's who )


-shota ( loveless is exempted for me because its one of the first anime ive watched...and also because they didint actually have sex...)


- bara--- really cant take that one.....


- gang rape


-love triangle --(that's just painful to watch/read)


-bad story---full of sex no sense.....

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