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Biggest turn off?


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I've read more yaoi/bl stuffs so I'm adding to my list.


"but we're both men"- I roll my eyes every damn time. Especially when it keeps happening.


I don't want to say "bad art" because art is subjective. I don't mind stylistic choices, but I really don't like "yaoi hands".


Bad kissing art. I was reading Worlds Greatest First Love and the kissing in that manga drove me nuts. It looks like they're literally eating their faces. Very comical and it takes me right out. The kissing is one of my favorite things!


Thankfully, I haven't read anything with golden showers or scatting, but I know that would be a turn off for me. A fisting scene snuck attacked me though and I don't know how I feel about that. Damn shorts collections.


I really hate misogyny. I was reading a book by Yamila Abraham and the character at one point turns into a female and it was super insulting the way it was handled. Also referring to male parts as female(pussy, tits) grates me.

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Like many here, I hold distaste for shota, and I know loli isn't yaoi, but it goes both ways! I'd rather not see a child copulating with someone, male or female. No matter what their age is, their appearance makes me recognize them as a child! >.

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I really reaaaaaally hate in yaoi when the main couple is surprised by someone else while making out and the seme just let that person join them. Damn i hate it. If my man did this to me i would be like "WHAT?!!! i m supposed to yours, we're supposed to be in loved and you just give me to someone else??? GO DIE" I would be sooooo mad lol but the uke is just like oh? ok, what a joke...


And i don't like weak uke who 1) cry all the time, that just annoying and 2) who forgive absolutely everything to the seme, like, "oh ok you cheat on me but it's ok just let's forget that, even if you sleep around with others people i still believe you love me so i forgive you".


Ahh... just talking about it make me mad XD weak uke are really just not my style ^^

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i love shota too ^^ i guess it just depend the mangas and how the author write the story. It's the same with incest, sometimes i love it, sometimes i don't. Some authors are really good to make you root for taboo love story :3

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bad artwork, mainly. I laugh more than anything but I don't read it seriously if the guy has the famous yaoi hands or anything similar o


Aaaand golden showers. That's a big nope with a closed tab and all. Same with fragile protags like in okane ga nai and similar (welp)


Aside from that I dont think I have anything like that?? Maybe bara but not that much, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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#1. Bara. While my mind can differentiate from fiction and reality, I still can't find myself being turned on by bara. Although...I tend to use images involving Yaranaika for comedic purposes.


#2. Weird/bad artwork. It leaves me confused. I hate being confused. Makes me ask myself "...Do I laugh or cry?".


#3. Anything involving bodily secretions not meant to be seen/mentioned/used in lovemaking. I have my limits.


...That's pretty much it, really.

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Uh, So MANLY art or what you called BARA but it depends on the art. I mean, when the artist drew it so manly.. I got turn off. But SAKIRA.. SAKIRA IS A GODDESS! (Sakira is an artist)

Next is.. The expressions, their faces when they're doing 'that'. It should be more erotic, more feelings, I hate it when it's not appropriate to their faces doing 'that' kind of stuff.

And lastly.. Shota? It depends on the manga itself, but apparently.. I usually don't like shota anymore. In the past, I'm so addicted to shota. But now, nope. BUT some are good, so it depends.

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1. Shota/Bara. I do enjoy some of Mentaiko's work like 'Priapus' & 'Gachinko Battle' & Hamu and the boy who cried wolf'. I don't know if that's considered as BARA but most of my fujoshi friends find it too extreme for them ... XD Shota... sorry no :L I don't like tiny ... *cough*


2. -First day confess, have sex, become lover- plot

0u0 i really can't. A confesses love to B. B found out he loves A too. They have sex. They became lover. End. NOT FOR ME HAHAHAA


3. Rape turns into love. Not really stockholm syndrome IMO but I don't get the logic of repeated rape slowly turning into affection.

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1. Female (and perhaps even male) yaoi creators who heteronormalize homosexual relationships. An example of this is when the "uke" is written to act much like the female in a typical (slightly sexist) heterosexual relationship, and all of the issues that gay people face are swept under the rug and ignored.

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(the Wikipedia link is a recommended read, yo) as a genre is great because it's written for a gay male audience, rather than for girls, and can cover many of those issues that are made light of and/or ignored in it's yaoi counterpart. However, I'm not the biggest fan of typical bara artwork, so I spend more time looking at "yaoi" pictures instead. xD


2. Yaoi hands. Artists that don't even understand male anatomy before trying to draw male characters, lol. Also, excessive censoring.


3. Male pregnancy. See number 1. Please... just adopt.


4. Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics. More of a fanfiction thing, but it's typically paired with male pregnancy and heteronormality. It ruins many a good fic.


5. Scat.


6. Excessive rape and forced love, with no build up.


7. Asshole, cliche alpha tops/semes. whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

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There are so many things that ruin BL for me it's faster to list the things I DO like lol


But one thing has been bugging me a lot lately. I don't like it when the seme rapes the uke and the story makes it seem like a gesture of love or blames it on the uke. It's just really insensitive to real rape victims and I know things are different in fiction, but I feel like this just shouldn't be romanticized.


I actually don't like Junjou Romantica because it started out like this. Love Stage is pretty much the only yaoi I've seen that handles the rape trope correctly (by having the seme go on his hands and knees begging for forgiveness and never doing it again until the uke initiates).

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  • Switchable positions. I have a thing that when I establish a top and bottom I just can't get myself to read/watch it if they switch positions. Even my non-canon OTPs have their established "positions" and when I see fanart/fiction that switches it, I don't consider it to be my OTP (a pity because there's so much interesting and good stories and things that I'd enjoy if that didn't happen).
  • Bara;
  • Incest, unless they're both aware and at a consenting age;
  • Rape;
  • Just sex;
  • OT3+ pairings.



I'm sure there must be a few more, but I think these are the mains.

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i will focus my list on "regular" yaoi.


*I Think its boring if the characters dont have a story and after 6 pages says "I love you", its to soon and to fast.

*I dont like when the guys looks (in the art) to girly with to teary Eyes and long eyelashes. However if it is a hentai with a guy wearing a skirt or something it could work but it still needs to be a guy-look.

* i dont like guys with big muscles or facial hair. i dont like it IRL and i dont like it in manga/ anime.

*I Think its boring if the problems the couple have are stupied easy simpel missunderstandings. If there is a problem you talk to your partner, in some manga they dont talk so there is a silly missunderstanding and that is boring.


What I do like with Junjou romantica and Sekaiichi hatsukoi is that IF there is a problem the characters do bring up the problem and they talk about it, like Normal people do.


I guess thats the things i Think about when i read yaoi. in other manga i dont like to girly Girls. i dont mind If there is a guy who like girly things like in Otomen (not a yaoi).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Too girly(looks and acts like one) and too manly (too much muscles!). In addition gorilla like guys(hairy..very hairy combined with over the top muscles), kids (I am no pedo!!),and slow-witted character.

When it comes in genres, I am not fan of rape, incest & smut. It is not entertaining ( and my high blood pressure is probably escalating. lol).

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It turns me off seeing beautiful men with long hair wearing make up and stuff like dresses. And Shota too, I just don't like reading them.

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  • 1 month later...

I don't like ukes with big eyes and very feminine features. Makes me re-think if I'm reading a hentai or a yaoi.

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  • 4 months later...

When the seme hurts/ be cruel/physically torture the sweet uke until he ended up crying. I really can't make myself to continue to further read or watch it....

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