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~Somewhere I belong~Kawaiinekomimiboy 18+


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"I don't really know if she does or not. I do know what her dream is she has told me well broke down and kept hitting me screaming it at me. That was about a year ago when she screamed at me. She really wants to be singer, but she can't do that or even do anything like that because she is here. I told her I would try to see about getting her out of here tho she is really close to her family. The choice was she could leave here with no money, no home, no family and go out on her own or she could stay here and be cared for and have everything she wanted just not her dream. oh and if she told anyone about me she would be killed. That is the contract my parents set up for when anyone wanted to have kids." he said



"Well let get going on Math then." Syugo said as he brought out his math books and smiled. "I am glad he is fine now lets focus on math right now and then after you can tell me about all your troubles. What do you have the worst issue with?" he asked.

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Cody listens to Kyrian as he was eating and then sighs a little, rubbing the back of his head. "So working here is not her idea of the job she wanted, instead she wants to be a singer? But it's kinda bad that she isn't able to fulfill it," Cody lowers his head with a soft sigh as he goes back to eating.


Cory nods his head with a sigh and then takes his math book from his bag as he looks at Syugo, nodding his head with a smile and then opens his math book, resting his chin on his palm, "pretty much anything but simple math confuses me..," he sighs a little.

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"Yeah some days I wish I wasn't even born. Then these people here could follow what ever dream they had." He said as he took another bite. "I am sorry for being so depressing. It can't be that mush fun. I have just never had anyone to talk about this two." he said.



Syugo smiled. "Alright Math is pretty simple. Well once you start thinking about it in different terms. Like with something you like in art in stead of numbers think of the numbers a colors and then you can blend them together let me give you an example." Syugo said as he started to explain now you could make numbers into an art form.

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Cody rubs his chin a little, "well... since there is no dorm rooms available, why don't you just get an apartment, I mean you are rich after all. I am sure you can easily afford an apartment no problem, that way you will get what you want and the stuff here will get what they want," he finishes eating and shakes his head, "no it's okay," he smiles a little as he takes a sip of his drink.


Cory looks at Syugo and taps his fingers on the table with a sigh but then perks his head up, "I can... relate art to math?" Cory listens to Syugo and slowly nods his head, "hm... it sounds pretty simple now that you explain it like that," he smiles a little.

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"I guess I can try to get an appartment by myself. Well that is with you of course. The only question is what will my parents do when they find out about that?" He asked and started to think about it deeply. "Would they like that I am out of there house or would they hate it because they can't know if something bad is coming down." he said



Syugo smiled. "Yeah some times is just how you look at the question. Now try to do the new few questions on your own thinking of how I just taught you." Syugo said smiling and waited to see if he could do the next one on his own.

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Cody smiles a little but then blushes when Kyrian was offering for him to move in with him. He crosses his arms as he lets out a sigh, "I mean... they clearly don't care about you if they consider you as a mistake," he lowers his head a little and bites his bottom lip with a sigh, "I think... it will be something good for you and you did say you felt bad for the staff and it's not like.. we will not take care of each other."


Cory looks at the question and then looks at Syugo, slowly nodding his head as he starts working on the question with the information he got from Syugo. Within a few minutes, Cory shows Syugo the question to see if he got it correct.

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"Yeah I am there mistake. One that they want to keep my eyes and ears closed. You know what why don't we look for an apartment closer to the school. Maybe then we can live. I'm not really a good cook tho." he said as stuffed some more food into his mouth.


Syugo waited as he did the question and then looked it over. "That is great you got it right on the first try. I have a feeling now that I explained it to you on a level that you would understand that you would be good at that." He said smiling and shook his head. "Would you like to try more or move on. If I were you I would try one more."

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Cody sighs a little, hearing about Kyrian's parents made him feel sick. He looks at Kyrian and smiles, nodding his head, "aw don't worry, I know some cooking. The perks with living with a lazy ass," he laughs a little as goes to lay down since sitting position was hurting him.


Cory looks at Syugo and smiles, rubbing the back of his head, "well.. that was thanks to you that I was able to get it." Cory looks at the problems and rubs the back of his head, "I should practice it a little more before moving on," he looks at Syugo.

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"Alright then I might do that." he said smiling. "I guess if all else fails I can fight back with my parents." He said sighing. "One more thing if you ever meet them they will tell you anything and I mean anything to get you away from me." He said looking at him and then shaking his head. "So if there mouth is moving they are lying unless they are talking about money." He said



"That great Cory all it takes is just one person to say the right thing and then you get it. That's what I have learned. So I know everything there is to know about different ways of teaching. Not really sure what I want to be when I grow up and that's bad I know. I think I am going to do something in music and art." He said smiling. Syugo then smiled looking at him. The only reason that Syugo would think about music was he could almost play any instrument there was. "Alright try a few more before we move on to the next class." Syugo said

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Cody shakes his head, "I am sure the apartment will work out. I mean.. they did invent recipe books for a reason," he laughs a little. He tilts his head to the side and then shakes his head, "no matter what they say..., I won't listen to them. You saved me.. twice. When I was attacked in the halls and.. from enduring a second round from Adrian. Nothing they say will change my mind, even if they do offer money," he pouts a little.


Cory looks at Syugo and slowly nods his head, "well it's good to have different methods on teaching," he rubs his chin a bit. "I wish actual teachers would do that but I guess some teachers only know the subject that they actually teach," he laughs a little. Cory looks at Syugo and smiles, "oh, I work with animals. Nothing related to what I do on the campus, mostly a dog walker and work at the animal daycare to watch the animals." Cory nods his head and then goes back to working on some more math questions.

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"I wish I had got there sooner for the second round I regret not waiting with you. If I had just waited nothing would of happened I would of saw Adrian and then took you to my home then and there." he said. "So when we move out of here do you think you can teach me the stuff that my staff won't let me do? You know like cooking, Cleaning, Laundry?" He asked looking at him for once he was excited about something.


"If teachers show that way it would help a lot, maybe I wouldn't have to work so hard to tutor everyone they ask. Tho since I got into collage I only accept certain one's You know people who need the most help and not someone who just wants me to sit by them so they don't learn because they can't focus on what I am saying." He said sighing. "Anyway I love animals tho where I live they don't allow animals in the apartment." He said smiling what he didn't say was he still lived with his parents because tutoring didn't pay much if not at all sometimes.

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Cody sighs and shakes his head, "I didn't... want you to get hurt running in the rain. I mean it's enough that you got sick because of me," he lowers his head slowly. Cody looks up at Kyrian and smiles, nodding his head, "yeah I suppose I can help you with those kind of things. I guess you don't want me to do everything around the house huh," he tilts his head to the side.


Cory looks at Syugo and rubs his chin, "so how many students have you actually tutored," he then looks back down at the paper so he can work on his questions. He looks at Syugo and smiles, "well.. I do focus with my work, but I had to look after my friend. Before college had started, he just got out of the hospital a few months before it started. I had to watch over him... like a hawk," he sighs a little. Cory smiles a little, "so .. I guess taking you to my job isn't the best idea," he tilts his head as he pushes the paper in front of him so Syugo can look at it.

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"If you want you can, but I have always want to learn and they pushed me away telling me that they were paid to do that. So did you take your meds? I really do hope they help a little." Kyrian said looking at him. "when you get better we will get a car and an apartment. Also I don't think I would of got hurt even if I did I wouldn't stop running I needed to get to you." he said


Syugo smiled. "About 15 I think. Your the first one I have accepted in collage tho no one else seemed to care, I don't know what happened to make me accept you. I guess you seem different than the other people I have been asked to tutor." he said and smiled. "I think that might be why I do want to work with you, because I see you trying. Its really sad what happened to your friend. I hope you don't have to watch over him that closely any more." He said tapping his figures on his book wondering what to day next. "Really you would take me to your job. I really do love animals my whole family does we just can't keep any of them because where we live." He said and graded the paper. "Oh this work you did great up until here you made a simple mistake." he said and showed him. "You didn't add the one like you should have to your answer. Other than that it was right."

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Cody looks at Kyrian and then nods his head, "well.. I am not really strong yet to do anything heavy doing so," he rubs the back of his head and lowers his head. He looks at Kyrian and pouts a little as he looks at the medicine on the side, shaking his head, "hey.. I never said I wasn't fussy about medicine," he laughs a little. Cody blushes a little an shakes his head slowly, "but.. there is no way you could get to the campus in time if you were wounded," he sighs a little.


Cory looks at Syugo and laughs a little, "because I needed a tutor not because I was failing for a completely different reason," he tilts his head to the side. Cory then smiles, shaking his head, "things are a lot more different for him now since he is not at the dorms anymore." Cory laughs a little, "oh so they wouldn't care if you smelled like animals? So mostly the building you live in doesn't allow pets.. but both you and your parents love animals? That must suck to love animals and not have any pets," he sighs a little as he watches Syugo grade this paper. Cory perks his head up and looks at the question and corrects it, resting his chin on his palm.

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"You might not be strong, but that is why I am here. So I can be your strength." he said smiling. "Really you don't like it either. Well then I can give it to you the same way you gave me my meds." he said and looked at him. "Tho you would be awake for it." he said as he brushed a kissed on Cody's forehead. "I would of found some way if I was hurt." he said.



Syugo ignored what he said and looked at him. "That is good that things are different you can focus on what you want to do and your work more and not have to worry about him. Don't get me wrong I hope your friend is going to find someone who he can be himself with. I know it made a world of difference if you can find someone to be yourself with I know that was true for my family or at least so I am told." Syugo or so he left it at that the truth was he remember most of his childhood he just didn't let any one know he did. "No my family wouldn't mind. They might be a little upset with me for not bring them along, but they will get over it soon enough." He said looking at Cory. "Do you want to move on or do you want to stay in this subject today and go to the next one tomorrow?" he asked

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Cody looks at Kyrian as he blushes and smiles a little, nodding his head slowly. He sticks his tongue out and then laughs a little, "yeah.. I am not a big fan of medicine either," he pouts a little and then blushes slightly, "oh? You think you can get me to take my meds hm." he pokes Kyrian's nose. He blushes a little and then lowers his head, shaking his head, "what matters is that you came before anything else happened. I am sure that.. wouldn't have been the only round I was going to endure," he sighs.


Cory nods his head, "though.. it will feel kind of strange since it was like a daily habit since he got out of the hospital," he sighs a little. He laughs a little, "oh he found someone just fine, with a little push from me of course. Both him and the person that was crushing on him needed a little... assistance as you would call it." Cory listens to Syugo and then laughs a little, "well... you can bring them over on the weekends to see the pets as well," he rubs his chin a little. Cory looks at Syugo and rubs his chin, "hm.. I suppose we can start the next subject," he smiles a little.

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Kyrian smiled. "I can try hard if I need too." he said smiling as him and grabbed the meds. Lucky for him they gave him the liquid pain killers he thought maybe it was the easiest to go down. "I am just glad I got there before he went for a round two on you. I have a feeling the way you talked about him is after his shower he would of came back and raped you again." he said sighing as he grabbed the meds and put it in his mouth and climbed on Cody pinning his arms down and then with his hand clamped his nose shut and waited for him to open his mouth once he did Kyrian kissed him and slipped the liquid into Cody's mouth and covered his mouth with his until he drank it. After he pulled back. "There ya go."


"When you get use to something and it changes fast it gets hard sometimes." Syugo said smiling. "I am glad he found someone, Ahhh you pushed them well good to go. Tho I do wonder how did you know he was crushing on him? I am glad that you helped make a difference in his life." Syugo asked wondering about how he knew that someone was crushing on his friend. "I might see about that....Maybe you can walk over to my place and I can have them meet us outside the apartment. I am sure they would love it. Most of the time my parents are really busy. So I am sure I can ask them when they are both free." he said then shook his head. "Sorry I got carried away alright next subject what are you wanting to do next." Syugo said giving him a really cute smiling not really meaning to do so.

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Cody looks at Kyrian and laughs a little, "I would probably.. just curl up if I have fallen," he lowers his head with a sigh. He watches Kyrian grab the medicine while he pouts a little. Cody nods his head slowly with a sigh, "I can just imagine he had more in store for me," he lowers his head slowly. Cody blinks a couple of times when Kyrian was suddenly on top of him, looking up at him and looks up at his arms, "h-hey! I didn't give you your medicine like this," he pouts while blushing as he felt Kyrian kiss him, feeling the medicine going into his mouth. Cody blinks a couple of times as he looks at Kyrian as he was drinking the medicine and then when he finished, Cody likes Kyrian's hand with a soft grumble.


Cory nods his head slowly with a sigh, "well I am just glad things will be a lot more different for him now that he is actually in a relationship." Cory looks at Syugo and laughs a little, "well... let's just say I wasn't born yesterday," he smiles a little. "Hm.. well I would but I don't... exactly know where you live," he laughs softly. "It seems you get distracted by talking about animals... cute," he smiles a little. Cory nods his head as he was ready for the next subject.

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Kyrian smiled and let go of his nose and brushed Cody's hair from his face. "You are so cute. I hope that helps out and I didn't think you would would take the meds any other way." he said and cupped his face. "You are so cute I am so happy that I have you. Now you can finish your food off if you want it." he said as he went back and took another bite of his food.




Syugo smiled and looked at him. "Well I am glad that they have each other I hope it works out for them." Syugo said looking down at the books. "I can give you the location of the apartment and you can come by sometime......" Syugo heard that he was cute when he was talking about animals and he started to blush as he grabbed an Art book. "Um.......Let......lets go back to art next and art history..." he said. Syugo was getting flustered just a little bit and now looked away from Syugo this was the first time anyone other than his family that called him cute.

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Cody looks at Kyrian and pouts a little, "hey I may not like medicine but doesn't mean I react to it like you do," he laughs a little. He then blushes as he looks at Kyrian and smiles, "you know.. we should really do a real kiss at some point. All the kisses we been doing is transferring medicine," he laughs softly. Cody looks at Kyrian and then the food, nodding his head as he goes back to eating.


Cory nods his head, "yeah I am sure they will. It will just be a slow process for my friend... since he has a bit of trust issues," he rubs the back of his head. He laughs softly, "well.. yeah having that information would help," he smiles a little. Cory notice Syugo's sudden change when he was called cute and laughs a little, nodding his head, "alright, let's get the next subject in the works."

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"You know I think this is going to become routine for us in order to give each other meds we have to kiss the other. Thats a great way to get stuff ready to go you know." He said smiling. "One day we will have a real kiss and it will be great. Let me know if it starts working alright." He said and smiled at him looking a little tired as he finished eating drank some of his drink and laid down in bed.



"Trust issues are real. I know my family had them when I was growing up......." He said not sure what to say. "Everything worked its way out for the best. So I know that it will work out for him. Oh yeah and don't forget to check in every now any then with him if not everyday or he might think you don't care any more." Shugo said smiling. Shugo got himself back together and explained what he needed to for the next subject to Cory. It took Shugo longer than normal because he was thinking of the right words to make Cory understand it better, but all in all he did what he needed to do. After he got done he took a deep breath. "Did that help? Do I need to explain anything else?" He asked

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Cody looks at Kyrian and then laughs a little, "though we really should normal kiss without passing medicine," he looks to the side with a slight pout. Cody then perks his head up and then blushes a little, slowly nodding his head, "so what was this medicine for exactly," he tilts his head to the side as he lays down, starting to feel the medicine work on him.


Cory nods his head slowly and then looks at Shugo, placing his chin on his palm, "well getting trust issues at the age of 18 is pretty bad. I am sure he still has them now at points and he is like 24 now. But I am sure things will get better," he smiles and nods his head slowly. Cory smiles a little and nods his head, "hm.. I wonder if he would be okay with meeting you. You already heard so much about him around well.. besides details cause by his comatose," he sighs a little. He perks his head, "he knows I am just a phone and text away. I am sure he knows I won't give up on him." Cory listens to Shugo as he looks at the sheet of questions, shaking his head, "I think I got it," he smiles as he starts working on the questions.

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"It was just a pain reliever to help you not feel any pain. I hope it makes you feel better and you know if you want a kiss without passing meds that bad you can kiss me right now if you want." Kyrian said smiling and looking at him. "Or I can kiss you. Its what ever you want, but I do think we both need to rest." he said.



Syugo shook his head. "Yeah trust issue at a young age is hard. I do hope he can learn to trust more people. No everyone is bad in this world, but there are a lot of bad people." Syugo said shaking his head. "I have a question? What made you tell me about him did you just need to get it off your chest? Have you been holding in this for so long that you just needed someone that didn't know either of you to talk to? I can have a few guesses why someone would go comatose." Syugo asked. "At least he knows you are there for him." He said smiling. "I am glad you got it." Syugo tried to think of the right words to say next. "You are smart you just needed someone to show you the right way of learning." He said then looked away and pulled out his buzzing phone and smiled as he started to text back. "So do you work tonight?" He said kind of wanting to see the animals. "If you bring them over and see my parents don't freak out alright." He said

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Cody looks at Kyrian and then nods his head, "okay, I was just making sure," he rubs the back of his head. He perks his head up while blushing, looking to the side and slowly looks at Kyrian, "let's rest first," he smiles a little.


Cory nods his head slowly with a sigh, "well... it's hard when you been attacked in such a brutal way," he shakes his head slowly. He perks his head up and looks at Syugo and rubs the back of his head, shrugging his shoulders, "well.. I felt like my tutor should know why my grades went down and why I needed a tutor. Maybe I went into too much detail but it's not like I exactly told you what happened," he laughs a little. He nods his head while he was working on the questions, "oh, you think so? Maybe it's just the way you teach. Does that mean one day you hope to be a teacher?" Cory looks up at Syugo and nods his head, laughing a little, "well sounds like your looking forward to seeing some animals. Probably mostly dogs because they need to go on walks," he rubs the back of his head and pushes the sheet of paper to Syugo.

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"So are you feeling any better?" He asked and smiled. "I am glad we both need to sleep now." He said as he set his plate of food on the floor so the syrup won't get all over the bed then he closed his eyes. "You might need to text Cory later today or tomorrow he might think I have ate you." Kyrian said joking.


"Its fine I really didn't need to know. I know what the emotions should be when one is attacked and one is never the same after one." Syugo said and looked around the shrugged not really sure if he should of heard all of this and he would never forget this either, That was the bad thing about his mind. No matter what he couldn't forget anything. "I don't really know what I want to be right now. I guess I am just not sure at all. I don't know if I can deal with kids that much. Most people don't get me." He said rubbing his head. "Yeah and both of my parents will be home tonight if you want to drop by with the dogs." He said giving him the cutest smile ever.

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