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~Somewhere I belong~Kawaiinekomimiboy 18+


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Cody looks at Kyrian and nods his head with a smile, "yeah I am feeling better but just a little," he holds onto his arms. He yawns a little and rubs his eyes a little, perking his head a bit while blushing and slowly nods his head as he then falls asleep.


Cory looks at Syugo and shakes his head, "I... wasn't really going to tell my tutor what my friend went through," he laughs a little as he continues working on the questions. "Well.. I am sure you will discover what you want to do eventually," he smiles a little. "Ah.. so does that mean you don't really have a big amount of friends or something," he rests his chin on his palm. Cory looks at Syugo and laughs a little, "alright, I just hope I don't get yelled at for being animals on a no pet territory," he rubs the back of his head.

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Kyrian pulled Cody close to his body and kissed his cheek before he slowly fell asleep.



"I am sure I will I an just glad I have people who support me in what ever I want to do." Syugo said smiling and shook his head. "Um...Animals are my friends when ever I meet them does that count?" He asked. "If it doesn't and my parents don't count no. Mostly because no one likes to be friends with kids smarter then them." He said and shook his head. "Don't worry as long as you don't bring the animals inside the buildint you will be fine." He said and wrote his home and phone number on a piece of paper. "Thats the building I live at so bring the animals by please you can text me when you do or if you want to study." Syugo said

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Cody smiles a little as he holds onto Kyrian as he was sleeping, blushing slightly when Kyrian kissed his cheek.


Cory looks at Syugo and nods his head, "well I am sure a lot of people support you." He rubs his chin as he things about animals being friends and then smiles, "well of course, they are the best kind of friends." Cory shrugs his shoulders, "meh... they are just bias because they are dumb asses," he laughs a little. Cory nods his head, "yeah I wouldn't bring random dogs inside of a building, I am not paid for that really," he rubs his neck. Cory looks at the home address and points at the phone number, "is that your cell phone number?" Cory laughs a little, "I can tell your getting pretty excited to getting to see animals." Cory shakes his head, "nah I think I did plenty of studying as it is," he laughs softly as he looks at the sheet, "so how did I do," he crosses his arms slightly.

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Syugo smiled. "Then I am friends with most animals I meet. Some people never sees a stranger. Well I never see a strange animal." Syugo said smiling and shook his head. "Then you will be fine to bring them by the building. Yeah that's my cell phone? I didn't think you wanted me to follow you around so I gave you my number to call me when you are outside my building. That way we can see the animals." Syugo said smiling. "I love animals. They never judge you and love you for who you are no matter what." he said still smiling. Syugo started to gather up all of his books and smiled. "You did great. You might not need my help for very long once you started and understood the idea then it was easy for you." he said smiling

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Cory looks at Syugo and laughs a little, "your lucky, those are probably the best kind of friends to have," he rubs the back of his head. He smiles and nods his head, "I can tell your looking forward to seeing some animals." He nods his head, "was just making sure it was your actual number and not like the apartment house phone or something like that," he laughs a little and then nods his head slowly. Cory looks at Syugo and smiles, "I can tell you like animals," he twirls his pencil within his fingers. "Yeah that is why they are the best kind of friends." Cory looks at the paper and laughs a little, "well I am glad," he looks at his watch to see the time.

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Syugo smiled. "They are the best type of friends. I don't really need human friends as long as I have some animals I can see in this world." He said and gave Cory another cute looked not even meaning to but he started to flirt with him. "So I am guessing you live in the dorms so you don't have animals in there right? So how did you start with this job?" he asked smiling. "I don't deal with people well either so I am surprised I can stand to be with you." He said and after that left his mouth he hit his head. when it came to work an animals he knew what to say, but with humans it was so much weirder.

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Cory looks at Syugo and then smiles, laughing a little, "well just think, I see animals on a daily basis," he rests his chin on his palm. He sighs softly and nods his head, "yeah.. can't have animals in the dorms so.. but I told the professors if I ever do smell like dog or something that I work a pet place." Cory shrugs his shoulders, "well.. I had to get a job to help support my friend. I had to get money for groceries and to feed him mostly, even if he did all the cooking." Cory stands up from the chair, "well... looks like it is time for me to get to my job now," he rubs the back of his head.

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Syugo smiled. "Alright well text me when you drop by my house alright." He said looking at him and waving then headed off into the halls and smiled. "I can't wait animals are so cute" he said as he hurried home to tell his family about it. Once there he smiled and talked to his dad. "Dad I am home."


"Welcome home." A male voice said as he came from the kitchen. "HAve a good day."


"Yeah so a person I met is going to bring some dogs so we can pet them later." Syugo said.


"Alright that is great. Oh your father will be home soon. He is running a little late he had a last minute thing come up." the male said.


"Alright so what are you making it smells good." Syugo said smiling.


"I am making some burgers your favorite." he said

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Cory nods his head with a smile, "alright I will let you know when I am at your apartment." He watches as Syugo leave and laughs a little, "so cute when it comes to animals," he smiles as he gathers his belongings and walks out of the library, heading down the hallway. He heads his dorm room, dropping off his stuff that he didn't need for work and then walks out the building and off the campus, walking in the direction of his work.

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Syugo smiled at set down at the table. How does it get so late so fast I mean I haven't even had lunch yet." He said sighing and shook his head.


"Thats not good Syu. You need to eat three times a day to keep everything up." His dad said smiling.


"I know its just something I am not use to when I am studying and you know that." Syugo said.


Just then the front door opened. "I'm hope." A blond male said that walked into. "How is my baby doing?" he asked kissing Syugo's head.


"Stop that dad." He said looking at him. "I'm not that little kid any more.


"To me you always will be." He said smiling.


"So a guy I tutor is going to bring some dogs over to let us pet tonight and I can't wait." Syugo said excited.


"You are so cute you know that I bet you can't. But there is a rule you get to pet them if we do as well." His father said.


"That's why he is bring them over here." Syugo said

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Cory took out his phone while he was walking to his work and puts Syugo's number into his cell phone. Once done, he texted Cody's phone, saying he was going to work and then he plays some games on his phone. Once at his work, he saw the puppies jumping from the windows and laughs a little, "they always get so excited when I get here," he smiles a little as he walks inside, listening to the birds chirping and the dogs barking. He goes into the employee room so he can get his uniform on.

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Syugo smiled as he talked with his parents about the day and ate his food smiling. He was thanking them for everything they did for him and being there for him no matter what. He told them about his day and everything he was so excited that he met someone who loved animals and told his parents how he wanted to get animals when ever he moved out.

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Cory stands at the counter as he checks on the money supply as he looks up, smiling as he watched one of the puppies scratched at the glass wall and laughs a little, "silly boy," he lets out a yawn as he watches one of the other workers go to feed the animals.


Syugo's other father, Ryuji comes home after a long dad, "hey... sorry I am late," he lets out a soft sigh as he takes off his shoes as he stumbles into the dining room and sits at the table with a sigh.



Ryuji- Syugo's dad

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Syugo smiled and looked at his father. "Long day dad?" He asked looking at Ryuiji. He when over and kissed his cheek


Diyan came over and kissed him. "WE started eating because you said you would be late. Sometimes your late is pretty late." Diyan said and looked at him and then shook his head as he walked over to the table. "I have everything ready. I got home a few hours ago myself." Diyan said smiling.


"Some times neither of you are home at this time so I was happy that I got your text saying you would be home and I have a surprise for you as well." He said smiling just waiting for the text. "It should be here soon."




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Diyan his father that was cooking

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Ryuji smiles and nods his head with a sigh, "yeah... it was pretty exhausting," he rubs the back of his head as he rubs Syugo's head with a smile, "how was school today?" Ryuji looks at Diyan as he approaches him, kissing him with a smile, "yeah, lots of paper work today," he sighs a little as he sits down at the table, "everything looks good," he smiles a little. Ryuji tilts his head, "hm? Your waiting for a text? From who exactly," he starts eating dinner.

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"School is fine I finally decided to accept torturing again. I just hope what happened last time doesn't happen again." He said smiling. "Yeah the kid who I am helping out is going to bring something by soon I don't know when, but I can't wait." He said smiling.


Diyan smiled. "You know not everyone hates you for being smarter then them."


"I didn't care it just got annoying after a while. I don't get along with people that well and nothing that anyone can say about me can hurt me you know that." He said looking at him Syugo reached up and took his glasses off and set them on the table as he started to eat. "Besides I guess if it happens again I will just change my phone number." He said shrugging


Diyan looked at him and ate his food and looked to Ryuji not really sure what to say to there smart son.

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Ryuji smiles and nods his head, "well.. just don't let the other students get to you. Just continue doing your best with your classes." Ryuji tilts his head and then smiles, "oh? It sounds like your really looking forward to it," he continues eating. Ryuji shrugs his shoulders, "I am sure you will make some friends, I mean.. it already sounds like you made a friend," he smiles a little. He sighs and shakes his head, "I am sure everything will look out in the end. Everyone functions differently, some don't like overly smart people, some do, and some don't really care too much as long as they get a new friend. It all depends on the person really," Ryuji continues eating.

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Syugo looked at his father. "Is that what this is a friend?" he said looking at him not really understanding the concept of friends Syugo looked at his phone again and then set it down as he stared to it. "Its hard to do well in class when you can pin point when the teacher does something wrong and then you have to correct them." Syugo said.


"Have you thought about to correcting the Teacher?" Diyan asked


"But how can we learn if they teach us the wrong stuff?" Syugo asked as he turned his head size ways.


Diyan rubbed his head and looked at Ryuji for help not really sure how to talk to him.

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"I mean.. this person you met sounds pretty nice. Even though you didn't really mention much about them. But people don't generally go out of their way for bringing over something just by being ask to," Ryuji laughs a little. He watches how Syugo was with his phone and smiles a little, "besides, the way your reacting to your phone means something at the very least. Ryuji looks at Syugo and rubs his chin a bit, "well... obviously they shouldn't be teaching their subject if they don't know all the facts... I mean what is the point if your going to get corrected." Ryuji perks his head up as he stares at the window hearing barking.


"Hey sorry for the late reply. The animals were eating and I had to make sure to get plenty of baggies for them," Cory finally texted Syugo as he was waiting outside the apartment.

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"Thats what I think. They should know this stuff before teaching it." He said sighing. "But they hate it and half of the time they say well I was just checking to make sure you were paying attention. Don't give me that BS." He said as he heard barking and his phone went off looking at his phone he smiled the unknown number said the word animals and he knew it was Cory the one he was tutoring earlier. "Dad's follow me." He said getting up and pulled on both of there arms and went out front.


Diyan smiled. "I think I know what the surprise is." he said smiling.


Syugo pulled both of his dad's out to where Cory and the dogs were once out front he ran over to Cory and smiled at the dogs and got down and waited for them to say it was ok to pet them once the dogs licked him he started to pet them all.


Diyan smiled and walked over to the dogs as well and did the same thing that Syugo just did and then started to pet the dogs. "Thank you for this my name is Diyan. I am guessing you are the person he was tutoring?" He said as he pet the animals.

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Ryuji shakes his head, "if they don't fully understand what they are teaching.. then what is the point in teaching it," he sighs a little as he heard the dogs barking. He looks at Syugo as he stands up from his seat and laughs a little, "easy there Syugo." He looks at Diyan and nods his head, "I think the barking is a big clue." Once outside, Ryuji saw the dogs and a young man outside, tilting his head, "you said .. kid right Syugo? I don't think he is considered a kid," he laughs a little as he watches Syugo pet the dogs as he walks over was well, petting the dogs as well, "it's nice to meet you, my name is Ryuji," he pets the dogs.


Cory looks at Diyan and Ryuji, watching them pet the dogs with Syugo and laughs a little, "oh, um, it's nice to meet you, I'm Cory," he smiles as he opens his jacket, exposing a kitten that had her nail stuck on his shirt but had fallen asleep shortly after he went out to walk the dogs.

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Syugo looked at his father. "But aren't all people my age kids you and dad call me kid all the time." He said moving his head to the side and then looked as Cory moved his jacket. Syugo looked up and smiled even bigger he looked like a kid in a candy store that could by anything that he wanted. "Kitten." He said as he got up and walked over to Cory he was careful not to make a loud sound and smiled. "Is it ok to pet her?" He said in a soft voice trying to to alarm the kitten.


Diyan smiled as he petted the animals and looked at Ryuji. "our son really loves animals. He must get that from you." he said as he reached over to hold Ryuji's hand and smiled.

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Ryuji laughs a little, "well.. yeah I guess but your really more considered a young adult then a kid," he rubs the back of his head. He watches how Syugo reacted to the kitten and laughs a little, "look how happy he is." Ryuji looks at Diyan and nods his head, "hey your a fan of animals too," he smiles as he holds Diyan's hand.


Cory smiles and nods his head, "yeah you can pet her. She kinda is a little... over attach so I think she got stuck on my shirt on purpose," he laughs a little.

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"Yeah but unlike you he and I don't share any of the same genes." He said as he poked Ryuji's nose and smiled. "Syugo is getting more like you every day." he said smiling. "and you know what one day someone is going to peel down that shell of his like I did with you." He said as he petted the dogs more.


"She is so cute." Syugo said and started to pet the kitten. "Her fur is so soft. Thank you for bringing them by." He said smiling his eyes sparkling with joy. Syugo petted the kitten more trying hard not to wake her.


"Some how I think he might of found a person who can open him up." Diyan whispered to Ryuji

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Ryuji nudges Diyan and smiles, "don't say that, you two bond pretty well for not sharing the same genes," he pouts as his nose was poked. He smiles a little as he looks over at Cory and Syugo, "I think someone already did," he laughs a little as he pets the dogs.


Cory smiles and rubs the kitten's head with his finger, "yeah it's no problem," he watches as Syugo was rubbing the kitten.


Ryuji laughs a little, "oh you just caught on huh," he smiles and nudges Diyan.

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