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~Somewhere I belong~Kawaiinekomimiboy 18+


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"I guess my first class is your first class so i don't really know." he said sighing. "Tho I thought you might want to see Cory you haven't seen him for a few days I am sure he would like to know how you are doing." he said handing him his phone and putting his in his pocket.






Syugo shook his head. "No I just got here myself. So I wasn't waiting long." he said as he looked at him and shook his head. "I still want to know what you did to me I feel weird." he said looking at him and shaking his head and looked. "Thank your for making me feel again I guess." he said smiling. "So what do you want to do today?" he asked

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"Then there is no reason to rush," Cody laughs a little as he pokes Kyrian's nose. "By the way.... most of my classes are in the afternoon so.. I don't really worry about it too much. I do have a few days of early classes but that is about it." Cody looks at Kyrian and nods his head as he puts his phone in his pocket with a smile.




Cory nods his head, "oh, alright, well that's good," he smiles a little as he rubs the back of his head. He laughs a little and shrugs his shoulders, "I didn't really do much to you besides from being nice to you that's it," he crosses his arms with a smile. "It's no problem really," he scratches the back of his head as he looks at his watch, "hm.. well I have a while until my first class so... whatever is fine. Do you have any classes at this time?"

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Kyrian nodded. "Then I don't know why I was so stressed to get ready." he said shaking his head and then yawned as he was still waking up. "Let go eat some food and brake the news to the staff that we will be looking for a place." he said as he walked over to his door of his room and opened it.




"I have one in 15 mins I need to turn in some paper work, but the teacher doesn't really want me to stay in that class since I correct that teacher more times than any other class so they get testy in that class." Syugo said and smiled at him and shook his head. "Other than turning in the paper work I am free to hang out." he said smiling and looked at Cory

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Cody laughs a little, "I guess you just were thinking of me and wanting to see Cory or something," he rubs the back of his head. He nods his head and then looks at Kyrian, "how do you think they will react," he tilts his head as he walks outside the bedroom.




Cory nods his head slowly, "man I wish I was like you, not needing to attend classes because I was too smart," he rubs the back of his head. Cory laughs a little, "hang out as in follow me to my classes," he crosses his arms.

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"I don't know some may be sad and the others maybe happy I have no idea I know most of they will keep there mouths shut, but someone might tell my parents and you might meet them sooner than later." he said sighing and shook his head






"Yes I am going to follow you to classes I am going to find out what made you brake my hard shell." He said looking at him. "Its not fair how you broke it with so little effort and I want to know know." He said sighing and shook his head unsure of what to do next.

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Cody looks at Kyrian and tilts his head, "so is that why your nervous? There might be some of the staff that will actually tell your parents? I already told you, no matter what happens.. I will be with you," he blushes a little and rubs the back of his head.




Cory looks at Syugo and nods his head with a smile, laughing a little, "do you really think I am someone that special to break down your hard shell?" He sticks his tongue out a little, "well... I wonder if you will find your answer that you seek," he pokes Syugo's nose.

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"Yeah there might be and only time will tell I really don't want to see either of them." Kyrian said looking at him and shook his head not knowing what he wanted to do or not. "They make me feel like a unwanted kid when they come only to yell at me." he said sighing as he walked out of the room






"You have to be." he said looking at him and smiled when he poked his nose. "You are something else you know that." he said smiling and then shook his head and sighed. "Lets go turn in my paperwork and I am all yours." he said smiling and blushed at Cory then walked into the school to turn in his paper work.

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Cody looks at Kyrian and sighs as he shakes his head, "well... if it helps in any way, I will be there for you," he smiles a little. "Surely it will be better than experiencing it all by yourself," he follows Kyrian outside the room.




Cory looks at Syugo and shrugs his shoulders, "I am just a good natured person... nothing much really," he laughs a little. He slowly nods his head, "alright lead the way," he smiles as he follows Syugo to where he had to turn in his papers.

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"I guess." he said sighing as he walked down to the dinning room and set down at the table and there was already a pretty good food spread on the table.


"I thought you would be coming down to eat today so I had everything prepared." The Maid said smiling and bowing.





Syugo smiled and started to walk to the room of his class. "Maybe, but there has to be something more right?" he asked looking at him and shook his head as he got to the class room and walked in the room and handed the teacher his work for the next week or so then teacher took it and nodded and then Syugo left the room with a few of the students in the room gossiping about him.



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Cody tilts his head and lowers his head, unsure what to do to cheer up Kyrian so he follows him to the dining room in silence. He looks at the food that was already on the table and looks at the maid and then sits down at the table.




Cory tilts his head to the side and shakes his head while shrugging with a smile, "I am not sure. I mean, maybe you just sense my personality from me working with dogs and taking care of my friend when he needed it," he smiles a little. He waits for Syugo outside the classroom while he delivered his paper, yawning softly. As Syugo came back, Cory smiles a little, "so what should we do until my classes? Hm oh, by the way, my teachers are pretty chilled so they won't care if you correct them." Cory laughs a little, "maybe you should just have the same teachers like mine instead of over sensitive teachers that can't deal with getting corrected," he crosses his arms.

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Kyrian started to eat the food and looked at Cody. "Do you want a place that is animal friendly?" Kyrian asked not sure what to look for when hunting for a new place to move into as he took another bit of food.






"I don't know about anything right now maybe that was it maybe it wasn't I don't really know." Syugo said as he sighed and looked at him. "I really don't know what we should do right now. What do you want to do?" he asked and looked around the outside of the room. "Maybe its annoying tho if they are teaching they should know how to do it right the first time." Syugo said as he walked down the hall to get away from the classroom.

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Cody looks at Kyrian as he was eating and then tilts his head, "I mean... it sure will be nice to have a pet. Pets are good for people like me...," he lowers his head a little with a sigh as he goes back to eating. "I mean, it's completely up to you as well."




Cory looks at Syugo and laughs a little, "well...," he rubs his chin a little as he looks outside the windows. "Why don't we get some fresh air It seems like it was a real nice day today." Cory shakes his head, "nah... my teachers are cool about it. I heard them get corrected a couple times here and there and they didn't seem to mind," he pokes Syugo's nose while walking with him.

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"You are right well we can look for it why don't you text Cory and let him know that you are coming to school and maybe we can hang out I am sure he is bored you know." Kyrian smiling and looked at him. "And I think a pet will be great for you as well." he said





"Thats good that you have real good teachers." he said then looked out the window and sighed seeing the nice day outside. "Sure lets go hang out outside." he said looking back to Cory. "I am going to start watching you now." Syugo said smiling and looked at him then shook his head as he saw Adrian and kind of walked behind Cory and blended into his back hiding a little.

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Cody looks at Kyrian while he eats and nods his head, "yeah I will once we are going to the campus. I am sure he will like to hang out before his classes," he smiles a little. Cody looks at Kyrian, "but question is... what kind of pet should we get?"




Cory nods his head, "yeah I guess I should be lucky to have those kind of teaches that don't mind getting corrected." Cory looks at Syugo and laughs a little, "okay, well let me know when you find the answers that you seek," he smiles while walking. He watches Syugo hiding behind him while walking, "hm? What's up," he looks at Syugo.

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Kyrian smiled as he soon finished eating his food and thought about it. "I don't know I have never had a pet before what would you like to have?" he asked looking at him and then smiled and smiled at his empty plate of food he was so happy about everything right now and his life was going great.





"Yeah sorry I just don't feel like picking up my books today or redoing my homework." He whispered as he saw Adrian and his friends pass and not see him. Syugo took a deep sigh "Then came around front and looked Cory in the eye's "That group is trouble they like to rip up my homework most of the time." he said sighing. "They think its fun because I don't react, but I don't want to deal with it now is all." Syugo's voice sounded in different when he said that it was something he was use to and he didn't think anything of it. "I can't wait to meet your teachers." he said

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Cody looks at Kyrian and laughs a little, "well.. before I moved out of my parents house, they had a pet dog. They are pretty good with healing stress. Though I kind of think any animal does in a way. I can always ask Cory, he works at a pet store so he should be able to help us find a pet," he pushes the empty plate away and rests his chin on the table, yawning.




Cory looks at Syugo and laughs a little as he rubs Syugo's head, "it's okay." He then perks his head up as he saw Adrian with his friends walk by. He looks at Syugo and sighs a little, "ugh.. you have problems with them too? Well I have a problem with their leader. I am sure I know who the leader's looking for," he crosses his arms. Cory looks at Syugo and rubs his head, "don't worry, I am right here," he smiles a little. Cory laughs a little, "you might need to tell them why you are their with me."

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"Alright how bout when we get a place we go out and see what animal speaks to us?" he said smiling then stood up from the table and sighed then looked at him. "Are you ready to go? oh I want you to stay away from Adrian if anything happens call me got it." he said looking at him and sighed. "I don't want you to get hurt." he thought about it for a second. "Yeah I don't want my boyfriend to get hurt." he said calling Cody his boyfriend.






"Well its not really the leader that I have an issue with its someone that follows him." Syugo blinked and thought about it for a second. "I am guessing your friend. Is he the guy you told me about?" He asked looking at him. "I heard the rumors, but I don't listen to them that well I like to find out stuff for myself." he said and looked down. "I'm still not sure why I am with you either." Syugo said blushing.

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Cody looks at Kyrian and then nods his head, "alright that sounds like a good idea," he smiles a little. He bites his bottom lip and then nods his head slowly as he gets up from his chair, "b-but.. how can I stay away if he approaches me," he tilts his head to the side. Cody holds his arms and looks at Kyrian before he blushes a little, smiling slightly, "okay... let's get going I suppose."




Cory looks at Syugo and nods his head, "ah... so you have your own person that bugs you? Well just be lucky it's not the leader," he crosses his arms. He nods his head, "yeah, that's him," he sighs a little. "What rumors have you heard," Cory looks at Syugo and rubs the back of his head. Once outside, Cory sits down on the bench, wondering if Cody was going to be coming in today.

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Kyrian smiled and then sighed. "I don't know we just need to try to keep him away from you I don't like how he makes you feel. He makes you cry and I don't like it and I don't think Cory will either. He is bad news. I will protect you as much as I can alright." he said shaking his head and looked at him. "But I do have to go to my music class today if anything happens call me and I will leave to get you. If I have to I will drop that class to be with you more." he said Kyrian reached out and grabbed Cody's hand. "Alright lets go," he said walking back to get there stuff and then heading out the door for school.





"Yeah its not there leader." he said sighing and then looked at him. "I have heard a few rumors the 1st one was that when he was back in high school he had a stalker and that stalker raped him or something like that. I heard that it wasn't true he never had a stalker and that he raped someone who he stalked instead......." Syugo thought about it. "The second one I am not sure of yet myself haven't looked into it or no one has told me but I heard that his parents payed the dean of this school to let him move into a room and have them switch roommates so he could be close to someone." He said looking at him.

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Cody looks at Kyrian and then lowers his head, "I could have told you that...ever sine I was 18," he pouts a little. He looks at Kyrian and the nods his head slowly, "okay but what happens ... if he has his friends hold you down and...," he holds onto his arms with his head still lowered. Cody perks his head up and then nods his head, "okay, I will let you know if anything happens." Cody looks at Kyrian while he blushes,rubbing the back of his head as he grabs his bag before walking with Kyrian out the door.




Cory looks at Syugo and rubs his chin a little as he listens to Syugo as he was explaining the rumors that he heard. He clears his throat, "okay, let me shed some light on these rumors. The first rumor... I am not sure what kind of person their leader is.. but he locked my friend in a classroom and raped him. There is no way that didn't happen. My friend was comatose because of it." Cory rubs his chin, "... and rumor two..., if this was about me getting transferred out of his dorm room, that was mostly due to my grades. I guess they saw my grades were slacking with Cody as my room mate so they decide to transfer me to a more... serious room mate would help my grades or something like that," he rubs the back of his neck.

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"Cody I don't think you know how strong I am I did have to train because just in case people found out who my parents were I would be able to get free. So don't worry about me." he said smiling as he walked out the door and started to walk to school. "Oh yeah How about you text Cory tell him you are on your way I am sure it will make his day to see his friend." he said smiling.





"Damn he seems like a bad guy I feel sorry for your friend. I think there leader is crazy any way so you never know." Syugo said looking at him. Syugo shrugged, "I didn't know its just what I heard and I am not the one to spread lies and rumors around the school people tell me all kinds of things in hoping I would get a reaction to them. I don't know how annoying it is when they do that." he said swinging his feet as he set on the bench outside and looked up at the sky. "I am glad that I met you Cory no matter what." he said as he looked over to Cory and then sighed again. "When your friend gets here and if I do need to leave just let me know I can study you from a far trust me when I don't want to be seen no one can see me." he said

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Cody looks at Kyrian and tilts his head, "well.. your strong enough to carry me around when I was unconscious... and the body is usually a lot more heavy that way so.. I think I can believe how strong you are. But they are... pretty strong as well," he walks with Kyrian to school. He looks at Kyrian and nods his head, taking out his cell phone, texting Cory and sends it out, putting his phone in his pocket while he walks.




Cory nods his head, "if I didn't get to him in time.. he could have died," he rubs the back of his head. "It was the weekend and everything. Luckily I got detention ... if I didn't, I don't even want to think about it," he sighs a little. "Well it's good that you don't, some rumors and lies are not true, depending on your source I suppose," he rubs his chin. "But since I was there and I witness the end results, I can tell you for sure that the first rumor.. wasn't a rumor." Cory sits on the bench and looks at Syugo, smiling, "yeah I am glad I was failing my classes in a way or I wouldn't have met you," he laughs a little. Cory tilts his head to the side, "why do you want to leave when Cody gets here? He won't bite you," he pokes Syugo's nose and takes out his phone, looking at the text Cody sent and smiles, "looks like he is coming in today," he could see Adrian traveling the hallway and sighs, "man.. he should be like.. a security guard, I am sure he would be good at that," he laughs a little and sends a reply back to Cody.

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"We will see, but it might not even happen you know." he said as he walked towards the school. "I will protect you a much as I can and I know Cory will do the same thing." he said as he walked with him as they started to get closer to the school.




"Yeah I bet it would be bad if you didn't show up." Syugo said and looked at him. "You are a nice person. I have a feeling you would of went to look from him if you didn't hear from him." Syugo said looking at him."I won't tell anyone about what happened I promise its sounds so hard to go through something like that I don't know if I would of wanted to live after that, but then again that is with emotions so you never know I might of not felt anything after words if I still had no emotion." Syugo said and sighed. "Well is a weird way I am glad that you failed your classes and that we met each other and I could learn how nice you are." he said and then blushed. "I don't know I am still not that good around other people so I don't know what I would do if I see him." Syugo said as his nose was poked and Syugo started to pout. "What is with you and booping my nose?" he asked and then got a little nervous. "He is coming this way right now........alright." Syugo then hear about what he said about Adrian. "I don't know what he wants to be but the was he is walking the halls I think you are right."

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Cody looks at Kyrian and sighs a little with his head lowered, "I.. really hope it doesn't. I am ... still kind of sore," he rubs the back of his head as he walks with Kyrian. He nods his head slowly and smiles a little, looking up and saw they were approaching the campus.




Cory nods his head and rubs the back of his head as he sighs. He looks at Syugo, "well.. what happened if I was told he went home since he really doesn't have any need being there after school hours since he is a good student." Cory slowly nods his head, "yeah... I mean he was in a coma afterwards but I am actually surprised since he finally woke up that he didn't... try to do anything bad to himself. He was... just very distant towards everything but that is about it." Cory looks at Syugo and laughs a little, nodding his head, "I mean... we went to the same campus, so it was just a matter of time." Cory watches as Syugo blushes and smiles a little and shakes his head, "try not to overthink about it," he rubs the back of his head with a smile. "You have a cute nose... so its very poke-able," he laughs a little. Cory nudges him slightly, "easy.. he is harmless, like I told you, he is like a bunny." He continues watching Adrian and then laughs a little, "though... who would really trust someone like that as a guard," he shrugs his shoulders.

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"When we get back home I can rub your butt and see it that helps if you want. Anyway if you see him just run the other way alright." he said as he looked at him and closed his eyes as he was walking to school holding Cody's hand. "You never know what will happen, but I feel like we can't be scared and we have to face this head on." he said





Syugo looked at him. "You know you can think about it all you want is the what if this and what if that. The thing is it worked out and stuff has a weird was of working its self out....Well that is what my dad's would tell me at least." he said looking at him not sure if that would help. "Maybe Cody is stronger that you think. He might of accepted it faster than most. Did you ever ask him why he accepted it so fast?" he asked looking at him. "Yeah I guess so do you know if he is stalking Cody because the way he look right now he feels lost and wants him." He said sighing and then closed his eyes. "I'll try not to over think it. I hate to tell you my nose is not cute and poke-able." he said and then listed to him. "He is harmless?" Syugo asked and looked away. "Maybe, but bunnies still have there bad days." he whispered. Syugo took a real quick glace at Adrian again and shook his head. "I don't know maybe depends. I don't know him that well you know him more than I do."

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