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~Somewhere I belong~Kawaiinekomimiboy 18+


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Cody looks at Kyrian and blushes bright red, slowly nodding his head. "But.... I can't just simply run away, when people want something... they are a lot faster than normal and I can only run so fast anyway," he lowers his head with a sigh, "I am a mess...," he slowly moves his head, resting it on Kyrian's arm. He looks up at Kyrian, "I wish it was that simple," he pouts a little.




Cory looks at Syugo and nods his head, "yeah, I am glad it turned out the way it did... though the whole raping thing isn't necessary," he crosses his arms. He looks at Syugo and rubs his chin, "well... in a way, he is stronger than most people at least." He shakes his head, "I figured... he didn't really want to talk about it too much so I didn't really talk to him much about it." Cory shakes his head, "I am... not sure, probably. I am not sure why he has to be this way towards Cody," he rubs the back of his head. Cory laughs a little, "but it is cute," he smiles a little and rubs Syugo's head. Cory nods his head, "yeah you don't need to worry silly. I have known him for years so there is no need to be worried." Cory nods his head, "yeah .. probably but I never really witness his bad days," he rubs his chin. "Yeah... very true. I wish I didn't," Cory shakes his head slowly.

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"I know but if your scared you run faster remember that." he said and then looked at him and closed his eyes walking a little more and opened his eyes. "Your not a mess and you are fine alright. If you want you can always quit school." he said looking at him. "Or move schools."





"No That was the only part that shouldn't happen." Syugo said and looked at him. "I bet he is stronger than most." he said smiling and just listened to him and didn't know what to do. "you know him for years. I bet you have known him. Cody seems like he is strong maybe I can learn more from both of you. I am sure Cody has a bad day as well." Syugo looked at him and shook his head as he started to play with his hands in his lap

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"I suppose... you do have a point," Cody looks at Kyrian and nods his head slowly. He sighs a little and lowers his head, "but.. I can't even have my first time with someone I like because of him," he pouts a little. Cody blinks and looks at Kyrian, shaking his head, "I couldn't... do that. Maybe some day Adrian will move on from me and find someone else to pester," he crosses his arms and then stops at the front gate. Cody sniffs a couple of times and lets out a soft, tiny yet cute sneeze.




Cory nods his head a little and annoying watch Adrian, shaking his head slowly. "Yeah, most people wouldn't want to live after something like that happened. I actually know someone that committed.. to take their life just because they were raped. But their friends stop them by going over to their house to comfort them. It's amazing what the power of true friends can do," he smiles a little. Cory looks at Syugo and laughs a little, "you going to follow Cody around as well?" He nods his head, "oh I am sure he does," he rubs the back of his head and laughs a little. Cory perks his head up as he heard a sneeze come from the gate and laughs a little, running over, "hey, is that your new 'I am here' making an appearance after not coming in yesterday?"




Cody blinks as he jumps back as he heard Cory suddenly at the fence and pouts a little, shaking his head, "n-no of course not," he crosses his arms as he got all flustered.

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"We can pretend like it doesn't count alright. That is if you want to. I know you might not be a virgin. If you want I can slow you the pleasure that you have never felt before." He said smiling and looked at him as they came up on the gate. "You are cute when you pout." He said as they started to walk as he heard Cody sneeze. "Damn that was cute." he said and heard Cory. "Well lets go over there." he said smiling as he grabbed Cody's hand and pulled him to where Cory's voice was coming from




"THat is sad I am glad that Cody still lives and hasn't gone that far." Syugo said. "I bet its all because of you." he explained then looked around. "Yeah I might I don't know mostly you I want to know more about you." Syugo heard the sneeze and looked to where it was coming from and then he saw two boys walk over to him. Syugo got up off the bench and went behind Cory and kind of hid from them.

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Cody lowers his head and then blinks a couple of times as he looks at Kyrian while blushing, "are.. you trying to tell me something," he tilts his head as he looks at Kyrian with his face bright pink. Cody shakes his head, "n-no I am not cute," he grumbles a little. He covers his mouth after he sneezed and shakes his head, nudging Kyrian and nods his head as he walks with Kyrian onto the campus.




Cory nods his head slowly, "yeah me too," he rubs the back of his head with a smile. "Probably, I kind of was there, helping the doctors take care of him while he was comatose but I never told him." Cory laughs a little, "Cody would probably panic if he knew you were following him." Cory smiles a little as he looks at Kyrian and Cody, "hey you two, miss you yesterday," he rubs the back of his head. He looks at Syugo hiding behind him and sighs, "are you just going to hide," he laughs a little.

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"Why do you say that you are so really cute and you know that." he said smiling as he walked over to where he saw Cory and someone hiding behind him wondering what was going on. "Sup Cory how are you doing?" he asked




"I am good at hiding." Syugo whispered as he still hid behind Cory and watched the two new people walk up he had seen them on campus a few days ago, but thought nothing of it and just wondered what was going to happen. "Shhhh." Syugo whispered to Cory.




Kyrian looked at Cory weird and looked at him. "Sooooooooooooo.....who is the person hiding behind you I saw him when we walked up." Kyrian asked holding Cody's hand

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Cody looks at Syugo while blushing and shakes his head while grumbling a little, "n-no," he walks beside Kyrian to Cory. He looks up at Cory, "hi Cory," he smiles a little and tilts his head as he saw someone behind Cory.




Cory laughs a little and sighs a little, couldn't believe that Syugo was hiding. He shakes his head slowly as he watches Kyrian and Cody walking over, smiling, "hey, I am good and you two?" Cory glances behind him at Syugo and smiles, "oh, he is...my tutor, he is pretty shy," he rubs the back of his head. Cory decides to step to the side and looks at Syugo, "say hi already, they won't bite you."




Just as Cory step to the side and saw the person that was behind Cory, Cody hides behind Kyrian, holding onto his shirt tightly so Kyrian couldn't step to the side like Cory did.

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Kyrian smiled and rubbed Cody's head unsure of what to do or say next. He was more into the fact that there was someone hiding behind Cory.




Syugo didn't move from behind Cory when he was talking to the two of them he was wondering why he was hiding. It wasn't like him not at all to be this shy. I mean he was shy, but this shy? Was Cory doing this to him as well? Syugo didn't understand. When Cory stepped to the side he looked down and played with his hands. "Um........Hi I'm Syugo." Syugo said as he reached to grab Cory's hand to calm him down not knowing why.




"Ahhhh." Kyrian said looking at Cory and as he saw Syugo held his hand. "Tutor huh? Seems like he is hanging onto you like Cody is to me." he said smiling and looked at Cody. "Cody, it will be fine alright. I won't let him hurt you ." Kyrian thought it was funny how he was holding onto his shirt so he couldn't move out of the way. "Any way we are doing pretty good as well as you can expect." He said. "Cody just so you know if he is hanging around your friend I am sure he is cool." Kyrian said trying to talk Cody down and it was it a gentle voice.

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Cody looks up at Kyrian and then looks to the side, biting his bottom lip as he holds onto Kyrian's hand.




Cory shakes his head since Syugo didn't move from behind him. He had dealt plenty with shy people since Cody usually did the same thing, even hide under his shirt. Cory looks at Syugo and laughs a little, "come on now... give some eye contact to your new friends," he let Syugo hold his hand but puts his finger under Syugo's chin, picking up Syugo's head so he could actually see Cody and Kyrian, even though once he noticed that Cody was hiding behind Kyrian and laughs a little. Cory looks at Kyrian and rubs the back of his head, "ah.. well, we are in the starting a relationship," he smiles a little.




Cody looks at Kyrian and lowers his head, pressing his forehead on Kyrian's back and tightens his hold on Kyrian's shirt.




Cory nods his head and smiles, "that's good. Are you getting better from being sick Kyrian? Didn't get Cody sick did you," he laughs a little. He looks at Syugo and points towards Cody, "see? You will make perfect friends," he pats Syugo's head.




Cody looks up at Kyrian and then steps out from behind Kyrian, looking at Syugo, "it's.. nice to meet you, my name is Cody," he holds onto Kyrian's sleeve.

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Kyrian smiled. "Welcome to the group Syugo I am still new myself so I know what being an outsider feels like in a weird way." he said smiling and looked at him then back at Cody. "See he can't be that bad if Cory is wanting a relationship with him right?" Kyrian said smling.





Syugo looked at both of them and said something really weird. "I am studding Cory for my own knowledge. I usally can tell who someone is by looking at them and I can find Cory out he is like a mystery that I have to study." Syugo said sounding dorky. "Than and he need to pass school." Syugo looked at him wondering if he said the right thing.

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Cody rests his head on Kyrian's arm while he looks up at him, lowering his head as he holds onto Kyrian's shirt and slowly nods his head but just continue to hide his face.




Cory looks at Syugo and then Kyrian and Cody, laughing a little, "yeah, I am his little.. experiment I guess in a way," he rubs his chin. "Syugo is trying to figure out why I am so different compare to everyone else that he met since it turns out I broke his anti social shell so quickly," he rubs the back of his head.

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"Cody look he is just as scared as you are." He whispered. "So I don't think he would hurt you alright. Trust Cory alright." he whispered to Cody hoping he would not feel scared for a lot longer. "That would be a good reason to study you." he said smiling. "You and cody both are different and weird, but in a good way." he said





"I have never found something that I couldn't solve." He said looking at them then looked down not really sure where else to go from him and he shuffled his feet. Hoping Cory would take the lead with talking to these new people and maybe friends.

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Cody looks at Kyrian and lowers his head a little as he felt his face against Kyrian's shirt. He wanted to become friends with Syugo since he was 'friends' with Cory but most of the problem was he noticed Adrian walking within the hallways within the campus.




Cory looks at Syugo and laughs a little, rubbing Syugo's head, "well... I do wonder what makes me so different from everyone here. I don't really do anything differently than other people," he shrugs his shoulders. He looks over at Cody and then looks at Syugo, "you two... remind me so much of each other it's not even funny," he scratches his neck a bit. He looks at Kyrian, "I guess it will be our job to help these two gain a friendship huh," he laughs softly.

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Kyrian looked up and saw Adrian in the hall way. "Hey why don't we go to the cafe and talk. I think Cody might be shy it being his first time back since you know." he said smiling. "I guess it will be our job huh." he said looking up at the window




"I am going to find out what makes you so different as well." Syugo said and blushed then looked at him. "Is that why you like me so much? Is because I am like your friend?" Syugo asked a little confused.

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Cory looks at Kyrian and then looks at Cody, slowly nodding his head, "yeah, I have afternoon classes so I still have a few hours until I have to go to my first class," he looks at Kyrian, seeing he was looking at the window, probably figuring he noticed Adrian as well. Cory looks at Syugo and tilts his head, laughing a little, "what? No of course not, your a goof ball," he pokes Syugo's nose, "you make it sound like I... have the hots for my friend," he crosses his arms and shakes his head.




Cody looks slightly up and looks at Cory, tilting his head to the side as he starts slightly pulling on Kyrian's shirt, wanting to go to the cafe.

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Syugo looked at him. "How do I know that you don't like your best friend that way?" he asked and then looked at him and blushed. "Stop it." he said not sure why he kept poking his nose then covered it. "You make me feel weird on the inside when you do it." he said the feeling he was feeling was being embarrassed.





Kyrian smiled and turned away holding on to Cody as he started to make his way to the cafe.

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Cory looks at Cody and shakes his head, "well.. I like him but not in like that kind of way," he rubs the back of his head. He laughs a little, "I would.... but your reactions when I do it is so cute," he smiles a little. Cory looks at Syugo and rubs Syugo's head, "well... you will get use to it eventually I suppose."




Cody holds onto Kyrian while following him in the direction of the cafe, hoping that Adrian wouldn't decide to walk there.

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"Really so you don't like him like that, but you like me who you say is like him?" Syugo said as he tilted his head to the side wondering what to do next. "My reaction isn't cute at all." Syugo said looking away and pouting a little. "Maybe I will I hope I do." He said as he followed Kyrian and Cody





"Alright after we get there we can get to know them both a little better alright." he said smiling and rubbed Cody's head and shook his head not sure what to do about Adrian who looked like a lost puppy walking back and forth. Kyrian also knew he was looking for Cody,

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Cory looks at Syugo and nudges him, "of course, Cody... is just a childhood friend is all... but when it comes to you, it's kind of different," he smiles a little. He laughs a little, "but.. it is cute," he shakes his head slowly and follows Kyrian and Cody.




Cody looks at Kyrian and nods his head slowly, twitching a little as he felt Kyrian touch his head. Cody looks in the window, watching Adrian walking within the hallway and tightly holds onto Kyrian's arm while hiding his face within Kyrian's arm as well.

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"How is it different? You don't want to jump him but you want to jump me? That type of different." Syugo asked as he started to follow Cody and Kyrian and looked back to see Adrian looking out the window and that was when he understood what was going on with Cody and why he didn't want to leave Kyrian. "I think I am starting to understand why Cody didn't want to leave Kyrian." he said






"Its ok I got you." Kyrian said as he held Cody and took him to the cafe to get some space from the school and from Adrian.

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Cory looks at Syugo and laughs a little, nodding his head, "don't you see the difference? Besides, it's not like I can have Cody now since now he has Kyrian but I am not sure if I wanted a relationship with a childhood friend...," he rubs the back of his head. While walking, he looks at Syugo and nods his head, "yeah.. being in a group is less likely to getting attacked," he sighs a little.




Cody looks up at Kyrian while he kept his hold on his arm while he walks next to Kyrian, letting him lead him to the cafe.

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"Yeah I guess." Syugo said then shrugged not sure what he should do or not at this point as he walked to the cafe that they were doing. "There is safety in numbers or so I have head. Never really experienced it before I was always alone." he said looking at him and then shook his head





"Its fine alright." he said looking at him and smiling. "I am happy that you are with me and that you think I am safe for you." he said smiling as he reached the cafe then walked in and set down at the table that they usually set at

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Cory looks at Syugo and then nods his head as he continues walking to the cafe. "Well that is just how it works in general. Did you notice that Adrian didn't just simply came out? He basically stayed inside when he saw that Cody was with others."




Cody looks at Kyrian and slowly nods his head as he continues walking. He looks up at Kyrian and blushes a little, resting his head on Kyrian's arm and then walks inside the cafe, sitting next to Kyrian.

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Syugo nodded. "Yeah I saw him and how he was watching Cody." Syugo said on the walk there. "I am guessing that is why he was looking the way he was." Syugo said looking at Cory. "I feel sorry for him." he whispered





Kyrian smiled and hugged Cody. "Do you want to get anything to drink or just hang here till class?" he asked smiling trying to get Cody's mind off of Adrian.

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Cory sighs a little and nods his head while he walks, "yeah... that is just how he is. I bet his whole reason why he came here is because he wanted to 'meet' up with Cody again," he walks inside of the cafe. "Yeah I bet it was. Cody... sometimes shuts himself off to certain things. I wish I could help him out more.. but at least I was there for him when he needed it. I did all that I could, I helped when he had panic attacks and also when he... got sick from stressing out," he rubs the back of his head, "I think.. it's up to mostly Kyrian now." Cory looks at Syugo and then at Cody, nodding his head, "yeah.. me too," he rests his chin on his palm.




Cody hugs Kyrian and presses his head against his chest, looking up at Kyrian and slowly nods his head, "b...both," he glances to the side and rests his head now on Kyrian's arm.

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