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~Somewhere I belong~Kawaiinekomimiboy 18+


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Cody looks at Kyrian and nods his head slowly, "yeah," he rubs the back of his head. He rubs his head on Kyrian's chest and smiles a little, "you... smell really good," he looks up from Kyrian's collar.




Cory looks at Syugo and smiles a little, rather be taught by Syugo than going to his class, even though he did like how chilled his professor was. He laughs a little, "well.. not all professor's are like that but I will talk to my professor's and see what they say," he smiles a little as he rubs Syugo's head through his shirt which just looked like he was rubbing his stomach.

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"Alright I guess you really do care about the way I smell. You know you can use the same stuff as well and smell like me." Kyrian said looking down at him and smiling.





"I mean if I am tutoring you. You would just have to relearn it all from me and how to do it the right way so why don't we go ask now?" he asked trying to get out of the place with a lot of people

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Cody blushes a little and shakes his head slowly, "n-no that's not it," he pouts a little. He tilts his head, "apparently I already have a natural aroma that Cory said I already smell good," he laughs a little.




"Yeah I suppose, but why do I need to relearn it," Cory rubs the back of his head. Cory looks at his watch and nods his head, "I suppose we could, I mean it will save the confusion for later," he starts getting up from his seat.

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Kyrian smiled. "You do smell good like sweet berries ripe for the picking." he said smiling and looked down this shirt. "I kind of want to skip school and just cuddle you all day long." he said.





"When do you want to go ask?" Syugo asked still breathing in Cory what was it about him? He smelled so nice and he really loved it. "I am glad I met you." he said

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Cody looks at Kyrian and looks to the side, "somehow, it feels different when you say it," he blushes slightly. He tilts his head and laughs a little, "hey you just transferred and you shouldn't be already thinking about skipping," he pokes Kyrian's nose.




Cory laughs a little, "I suppose we can go now," he holds onto Syugo so he didn't fall when he got off the seat. He smiles a little, "I am glad I met you as well." Cory looks down at Syugo and laughs a little, "so are you planning to walk back to the campus like this?"

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"I did just transfer, but I don't care about school anymore as long as I have you in my life." Kyrian said smiling. "All I need is you in my life and I don't care if we are rich or poor." he said kissing him





Syugo pulled his head out of the shirt and walked out of the cafe that had so many people in it and felt better. "No, but it makes no since how I was so calm inside of that shirt when I knew there were a lot of people outside it. You are a witch or something." he said rubbing his head as he started to walk to school

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Cody blinks a couple of times as he looks at Kyrian, blushing as he looks to the side, rubbing the back of his head, "so you have no need to go to school now because of me," he tilts his head to the side. Cody looks at Kyrian while blushing and then kisses Kyrian, slowly pulls back and rests his head on Kyrian's chest, watching Cory and Syugo leaving the cafe.




Cory shrugs his shoulders, "it must have been my aroma that calmed you down," he laughs a little with a smile. He continues walking and pokes Syugo's nose, "first of all, since I am a guy, I am more considered a warlock. Also I don't really consider myself one regardless, I just... know what it's like to dealing with over sensitive people. Even if you haven't gone through the same trauma as Cody, your basically almost like him.. in a way," he continues walking.

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"Does that make any since because it does to me I went to school to fill the void inside myself, but I don't need to any more I have you and you have filled that whole inside me." he said smiling as he left the cafe with the others.




"Actually it depends on who you ask and what time period we are talking about because when men have had more than one name threw the age's Withes, Wizards, and Warlocks depending on who you ask it is different from person to person." Syugo said being all smart again. "I don't think of myself as a sensitive person just someone who doesn't like dealing with people." he said

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Cody looks at Kyrian and then blushes a little, looking to the side, "so ... in other words, you feel more complete now since you met me," he tilts his head to the side as he gets up from his seat, walking next to Kyrian to follow Cory and Syugo.




Cory looks at Syugo and then laughs a little, "well either way, I am not a witch, wizard or warlock," he smiles a little while walking. He notices Cody and Kyrian walking behind him and Syugo. He shrugs his shoulders, "and neither does Cody. Actually I am surprise him and Kyrian are a thing now. Usually such a painful past like that, it's kind of hard to start a relationship but Kyrian did something right," he continues to walk, seeing the campus from a distance.

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"Yeah you do is that a problem?" he asked smiling as he grabbed Cody's hand and looked at him as they walked down the street to school. "I don't care what happens from now on as long as I have you I will be just fine." he said smiling






"Really they look like they have been together for a while now just looking at them right off the bat." he said then narrowed his eyes. "Are you sure you don't have some magic?" he said looking at him. "I don't believe in it not fully, but you are starting to make me believe in it." he said

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Cody looks at Kyrian and shakes his head, "n-no of course not," he blushes a little as he watches Kyrian take his hand and walks with him. He smiles a little as he listens to Kyrian before looking at him, "I am.. glad I have someone like you to be with," he holds onto Kyrian's hand slightly tightly.




Cory looks over and laughs a little, shaking his head, "no it was actually pretty recent they have been together." He laughs a little and shakes his head, "I swear, I have no magic. I mean if I had magic, I wouldn't have worried about failing my classes," he looks at Syugo. Cory smiles a little, "oh? Am I now," he leans closer to Syugo and pushes his nose against Syugo's before walking onto the campus.

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"I am glad." he said and kissed his cheek. "I am really glad that I am with you as well you know." he said smiling not really sure where they would go in the future, but would be happy as long as they were together.





"Yeah how am I to know you could be failing your classes to meet me. I mean this could all be part of your plan I don't don't know it." he said looking at him then shook his head not sure what he should think do or say at this point. "I do know I haven't gave up trying to find you out." he said as they walked onto campus.

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Cody looks at Kyrian and smiles, nodding his head, "well I am glad your happy with someone like me. I am still getting use to it though," he rubs the back of his head while blushing. He could see the campus from distance and holds onto Kyrian's arm.




Cory looks at Syugo and laughs a little, "well.. failing wasn't part of the plan but meeting you was sure a plus," he smiles a little. He walks onto the campus and looks around before looking at Syugo, "well I hope you find the answers you seek," he kisses the top of Syugo's head.

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"How could I not be happy with someone like you. You give me a smile every time I am with you. I am also happy that I can make you smile." he saw Cody's body language as they got closer to school. "Cody school shouldn't make you do that. Maybe we should leave school and come back at a different time?" he asked




Syugo sighed He really didn't know why or how this guy could make him feel this way and it irritated him a little. "I will find out its what I do I need to know for myself on how you do this and why you make me feel the way I feel. You can't be a normal person...." Syugo said as the top of his head was kissed and he blushed just slightly.

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Cody looks at Kyrian and blinks a couple of times, blushing softly as he looks to the side, "I didn't... know you were so happy to be with someone like me," he rubs the back of his head a little. He looks at Kyrian and shakes his head, "no it's okay, I just have one art class today so I should be fine," he knew Adrian wasn't interested in art so he figured Adrian wouldn't be in any of his art classes.




Cory looks over at Syugo and laughs a little, enjoyed how cute Syugo was. He couldn't believe Syugo thought he was something special but in reality, he really wasn't. He just knew how to deal with certain needs, especially when it came to Cody when he was his dorm roommate. Cory watches as Syugo reacted to the kiss on the head and looks at Kyrian and Cody, "see you two at lunch," he smiles and waves, walking inside the campus and heads towards the teacher's lounge.

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"Yeah, but I have another class today and that will leave you alone." he said looking at him and shook his head not sure what else he should do he was scared and he hated that. He wasn't scared for himself, but for Cody being alone with Adrian and he didn't want him to get hurt any more. Kyrian kissed his cheek. "Call me if there is any trouble."




Syugo followed Cory and waved at the other two. almost as if to say see you at lunch. "I will find out." he whispered as he followed Cory in the direction of the teachers lounge

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Cody looks at Kyrian and lowers his head, biting his bottom lip as he rubs the back of his head, "well... it sounds like Cory is going to be taught by Syugo if Cory's teachers agree with the terms. So I can always hang out with them until your done with all of your classes." He slowly nods his head, "alright I will call you if anything happens."




Cory walks down the hallway and looks at Syugo and laughs a little, "your so very cute," he smiles as he walked into the teacher's lounge, seeing one of his teachers in here, having a early lunch, "so do you want to talk to him or should I," he rubs the back of his head.

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Kyrian nodded. "Alright I don't want you to be alone at all got it I don't want Adrian to have a chance at getting at you ok." he said worried about Cody's health and seeing Adrian wasn't good for him.





"Why don't you go talk to him I will be with you the whole time and explain if I can, but most teacher are cool about me and if i need to prove myself I will." Syugo said walking to the teacher with Cory by his side.

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Cody looks at Kyrian and slowly nods his head, "okay, I will make sure if I do ... encounter Adrian, I will be with Cory and Syugo," he rubs the back of his head a little.




Cory looks at Syugo and nods his head as he walks over to the teacher, watching as Syugo follows him.




Cory's teacher looks up as he was eating his lunch, "hey there Cory." He looks at Syugo, "hey there, I don't believe I have you in my class... anyway what's up," he looks at Cory while slurping noodles.




Cory laughs a little as he looks at his teacher, "well... my friend here, Syugo, wants to teach me my classes from now on... uh maybe he can explain it better than I can," he rubs his chin.

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"If not and you see him run and find me got it I don't want you to be near him at all." he said looking at him concerned. "No excuses just run." he whispered.





"I can explain everything in a way he understands and I need to understand him better as a person. I think you should know about me my name is Syugo I think your class is the only one I don't take since I passed the test the first day of class for the entire semester." he said

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Cody looks at Kyrian and slowly nods his head, "but... what happens if he is much faster than I am," he slowly lowers his head and slightly twiddles his fingers.




Cory looks at Syugo as he was explaining to his teacher. He figured Syugo would do a better job explaining it since he knew what he wanted.




Cody's teacher was listening to Syugo while he was eating his lunch. "So .... you want to teach Cory but in the process you want to get to know him better?" He taps his chopsticks on his bottom lip as he heard Syugo's name, "hm... Syugo... Syugo. Well I guess that makes sense. I mean if it will help improve Cory's grades, I have no problem with you teaching him."

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"Call me ok I think you have my number on speed dial and I will come running to you no matter what ok." he said looking at Cody. "Remember he might be faster than you or even stronger, but he will not brake your will." he whispered.





"Yeah he is a weird case and I have found a teaching method that works for him. Its a weird one at that, but so far after I explain it he gets it with in the first two times....His math grades have already came up a grade level in a day." he said looking at him. "He can still use some work and everything isn't perfect, but he is getting there," Syugo said knowing that most teachers knew his name well.

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Cody checks his phone real quick and seeing that both Cory's and Kyrian's numbers were on speed dial, slowly nodding his head a little. He slowly looks at Kyrian, lowering his head a little, couldn't help but to think Adrian already broke his will back when he was 18 but slowly nods his head.




Cory laughs a little and rubs the back of his head, "gees... count my blessings much," he rubs the back of his head with a smile, knowing Syugo was doing his best to convince his professor.




Cory's teacher rubs his chin, "hm.. so you helped raise his grade in just a day? That's pretty impressive, especially when it comes to math." He shrugged his shoulders, "well.. it's fine with me and I will talk it over with any of the remaining teachers when they come to have their lunch to tell you the results."

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"Don't let him run your life and lets go to class." he said holding Cody as he took him to the classroom and set down in his seat next to him and kissed him.


"Thank you sir. Cory is really smart....he just needs someone to come at if from a different angle most that teacher don't know about, I had to explore different ways until I found the right way, but I found it and I can promise you and all the teacher he will get his grades back up with me helping him." Syugo said smiling

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Cody lowers his head and slowly nods his head as he walks with Kyrian to the classroom. He sits down next to Kyrian and blushes, blinking a couple of times when Kyrian kiss him, kissing him as well.




Cory's teacher nods his head, "but if his grades manage to go down at the slightest, I can't promise you will still be able to teach him."




Cory looks at his teacher and then Syugo, laughing a little as he scratches the back of his head with a soft yawn since he just let Syugo handle his teacher.

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