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An Ancient Feud (Private, 18+)


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“D-Dad…Help” Ash said as He came back down, in black dress pants and a white button down shirt. He was wearing some sort of fancy black vest thing he didn’t know the name for, trying to tie this dark Ruby red tie but his hands were too unsteady and having tried to do it himself. He brushed his hair so nicely, it almost slicked back from how nicely he brushed it.


Shi leaned his head on Alises shoulder, waiting to hear of Otsos plans. “We might spend the night together..you know..Have a nice meal together and stuff” Otso gushed, excited to spend as much time with Bryan as possible. “I better head back, miss him already” Otso darted off through the trees in his wolf form. “Let’s go…” Shi said quietly, trying to not be upset at missing his twins all day long

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Kaine looked up when he heard Ash speak, looking up and seeing him all dressed up nice. A small smile appearing on his face as he got up to help Ash do his tie. "Someone looks dashing." He lightly teased his son trying to help Ash relax a bit. Once he was done he made sure the tie was straight before taking a step back to admire his son, knowing very well what he was so excited and eager to do, especially with how nicely he was dressed. Knowing that the next time he saw his son that he'd be engaged. It made him happy for Ash and for Asahi, having seen this day coming early on in their relationship. "Remember, don't stress over it. It'll all come naturally." Kaine reminded Ash with a smile, giving his son a hug before sending him off.

Alise laughed softly as Otso told them how the pair might spend their time together, shaking her head a little at how eager he was to get back to Bryan. Those two really were connected at the hip, granted they all really were with their partners. Once Otso had gone running off she turned her attention to her husband, gently rubbing his hand as they made their way back home. "Come now, love. Don't be all sad. They'll have a great time at school and it's good for them to socialize with kids their own age." She told him, not wanting Shi to be so sad that the kids were in school full time now. It was good for the twins and it would be good for them too. It'd allow them to get more done without the twins being underfoot with them being in school all day.

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“I got this..” Ash said in response, also trying to reassure himself. He wasn’t fond of the nice dress shoes but he would wear any sort of monkey suit and dress up like the fanciest person ever. He put the ring in his pocket, trying to shake off the last of his nerves before heading to the pack house. He got this…he got this…He knocked on the pack door house, waiting for him to come out.


Shi shrugged a little with the quietest little whimper, going to miss the little ones being gone a good portion of the day and not maybe only a handful of hours and home by lunch. “Miss them…” He mumbled, ears back out and hanging down sadly

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Asahi was eager when he heard the knock on the door, wasting no time to open it, his eyes widening when they landed on his boyfriend. "Damn Ash..." He said softly, not having seen the other man in a suit since the wedding. Even when he had been told that Ash wanted to take him to the Ritz he still hadn't realized it meant that he'd be seeing his boyfriend in a suit for the second time. Though he had also dressed up really nice considering it was a really fancy restaurant and he definitely wasn't going to go in casual clothes. Stepping out of the pack house he shut the door and leaned up for a kiss, not able to control himself, not with his already very sexy boyfriend looking even hotter now.

"I know you do." Alise admitted, rubbing his arm gently as her husband's ears came out and hung low, feeling really bad that he was so sad and missed their twins so much. She leaned over and kissed his cheek before they were stepping into their house, "Go get comfy on the couch with the laptop. I'm going to get us some tea and we'll start on the early Christmas shopping. That should be able to distract you a bit." Alise told her husband, rubbing his back a bit more before heading off into the kitchen. Feeling like tea would help him feel better too.

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Ash couldn’t help a small smile and a blush when Asahi looked him over. Did he really look that good…? He was happy the other liked it, his nerves put more at ease for the time being. He happily returned the kiss, holding him close with a growing smile. “Shall we..?” He asked, holding out his hand to hold the others.

Shi nodded, glad he had Alise at his side to comfort him. He had broken out the laptop, turning it on and went into his full wolf form. He curled around Little Daddy with the saddest puppy look in his eye. He missed the little rascals around the house


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"Yes, lets." Asahi replied smiling brightly, though he really wanted to stay in his boyfriend's arms instead. Taking the hand that was held out to him he intwined their fingers as they left the pack house and made their way to town and the restaurant. As they were walking he glanced towards his handsome boyfriend again, "I have to admit, I was a bit surprised when you first told me where you wanted to go to lunch today. It definitely didn't seem like a place you'd suggest." Asahi admitted. While he was happy to go there with him, the upscale restaurant had not been someplace he would have expected Ash to want to go. Honestly, he didn't think it was a place he would have suggested himself either, despite how well Ash did with humans now. Not that he minded, he was excited to go, especially with Ash.

Alise finished making the tea and returned to the living room to find the laptop turned on and resting on the coffee table while Shi was a wolf and curled up around Little Daddy on the couch with the saddest puppy eyes her husband could probably muster. Giving him a small smile she set her cup of tea down on the coffee table before she held his out to him, giving him the opportunity to drink from it as a wolf or change back and take it. "Come now, handsome. It'll be okay." She told him while gently stroking his back. "Now, do you want to start on the twins, or do you want to start with someone else?" She asked him as she settled down on the couch beside him and took up the laptop, casting the screen to the TV so they could both easily look.

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“No, not really, but I wanted to try somewhere different. Somewhere that seemed very upscale and nice, been setting aside money for awhile to treat you” Ash said with a faint blush, soon wrapping his arm around the other instead. “Followed by dessert on the rooftop..supposed to be pretty and all” He said with a sheepish grin. It would not be starlit but it would be easier to see and give them more time to enjoy themselves after to do anything they wanted that day. They soon reached the Ritz, still feeling out of place even in his get up among more highly dressed people who definitely looked like they could dine here every meal of the day. “Anything you want, on me” He smiled, trying to be even more of a gentleman and pulled out his chair for him


Shi carefully took the cup in his wolf teeth, setting it on the table and taking careful laps at if, resting his head on Alises lap. “The twins..” He nodded, looking back towards the tv screen. Annabelle might like more active toys or things that were more messy in nature. Kai may like more quiet alone toys, definitely less messy ones



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"That's so sweet, Ash." Asahi replied with a smile, a little surprised that Ash had been setting money aside for awhile wanting to treat him. Still it was a very sweet thing of his boyfriend to do and he definitely appreciated it. Seeing that cute faint blush on the other's face only made it better too, chuckling softly. "It's kind of cute to see you blush a little instead of it always being me." He playfully teased his boyfriend just as they were arriving at the restaurant. Asahi followed Ash to their table, finding it really sweet when the other pulled his chair out for him, settling down in the chair as Ash moved to take his seat. "This is all really nice of you. You must have been saving up for quite awhile." Asahi said when Ash told him that he could get anything he wanted and that it was on him. This was all really sweet of his boyfriend, and he had to admit that it made his heart skip a few beats knowing that Ash had saved up for awhile to do this. Already the date was really special, he couldn't possibly see how it could get any better.

Alise watched a little amused as her husband carefully lapped at his tea before resting his head in her lap. Gently she pet his head, scratching behind his ears a little as he said he wanted to start off with the twins first. "Alright, lets start with Annabelle." She replied, thinking that the things that Annabelle would really enjoy would easily perk her husband up. While the things their son would like and really enjoy were bound to help him relax as well she knew how excited Shi could get when it came to looking for new things for their kids. Happy she had thought of this to help distract him. 

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“Oh stop!” Ash Said with a sheepish grin on his face. He has been saving up for quite a bit..of course for a little more than a nice lunch and dessert. The ring in his pocket felt like the heaviest thing in the world and glad it didn’t bulge to make it too obvious. He ordered himself a nice steak and some sides that came with it, trying not to go red as he held his hand tenderly. “Love you Asahi” He said with an embarrassed look. “It isn’t too much is it..? I didn’t know if you liked these kinds of places but I wanted to make it a surprise” He said softly with a small grin

Shis ears perked up a bit as he looked at all the things for Annabelle. There were a lot of movement toys or things that looked more active or build your own big things that squished and goo toys, going back to his human form but staying in Alises lap


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Looking over the menu Asahi had decided on getting the steak too, not able to pass it up. "I love you too, Ash." Asahi replied with a smile, gently squeezing his boyfriend's hand. "No, it's not too much. I think it's really sweet of you to want to do all of this for me." He admitted. While he didn't think it was too much at all, he definitely really appreciated the fact that Ash had wanted to treat him to such an expensive lunch and time together. It wasn't necessary of course, but it was something he did really appreciate. Rubbing the back of his boyfriend's hand with his thumb, this whole thing was definitely very special. No one he had ever dated before had gone to such lengths to take him out like Ash did, even if he was already well aware that he and Ash were more serious than anyone he had previously dated too.

Alise smiled slightly seeing how looking for Christmas gifts for Annabelle had definitely seemed to cheer her husband up, at least enough for him to change back even if he kept his head in her lap. She continued to run her fingers through his hair as they looked through the toys and stuff. Picking out a few things that they knew she'd enjoy. She figured they could get each of the twins a few toys, one big gift, and then anything else they decided to get them would be clothes or other things the twins needed. While she knew that they could absolutely spoil the twins, between everyone else as well she felt it was best to keep things modest. Not wanting the twins to think that they would always get everything and anything they wanted just because they wanted it. After selecting a few things for Annabelle she moved on to Kai, moving into a different section of toys that she thought would be more appropriate for Kai.

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Ash had been happy that he could more freely be himself with Asahi. While the island wasn’t constricting, there was a life revolved around bringing children into the world and male/female mates. Here, with Asashi, he could live and be himself, not also worrying about the upbringing of his brother. Ren was safe..he was safe..they were happy. Just looking at Asahi made his heart soar, not wanting to let go of his hand even as the meals finally arrive but reluctantly doing so. In a few moments..He thought as he finished his meal, excusing himself to go check that they had the dessert they wanted and to ‘go pee’. His nerves were frazzled as he went up to the rooftop, it’s roof lit by little lights and rose petals all over the place. He would have a waiter go get Asahi and tell him he will meet him up there, just stuck in the bathroom for a bit longer. And he would be there on the rooftop, on bended knee with ring in hand.


Shi looked at the options online, trying to find things suited for their son. A lot of toys seemed rather loud in nature at ones ‘geared’ to young boys. Some stuff was messy but he did think he might like some coloring books and books in general about animals. Reminded him of Bryan in a few small ways as well

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The reluctance Ash had in releasing his hand as their food arrived caused a small smile to appear on his face. They talked as they were eating, enjoying each other's company, Asahi really enjoying their date together. After their lunch he was relaxing in his chair when Ash excused himself to check and make sure that they had the dessert they wanted and to go pee. Nodding as the other man got up, Asahi wasn't really sure how long he had been sitting there before a waiter came to get him and tell him to meet Ash up on the roof. Long enough that Asahi had been starting to worry that something may be wrong. Getting up he followed the waiter towards the stairs leading up to the roof where he was left to go the rest of the way on his own. The sight that awaited him when he finished going up the stairs and stepped out onto the rooftop surprised him, causing him to stop in his tracks, completely speechless, heart pounding rapidly in his chest.

It was definitely much harder shopping for their son, Kai wasn't your typical boy wanting loud or 'gross' toys. He didn't like things that were noisy or anything that was gooey or slimy. Not that Alise particularly minded. But it did make it a bit more difficult to find things for him, they did decide to get him some coloring books and crayons, as well as some books on different animals that were good for his age but she still felt like he was getting the short end of the stick in comparison to his sister. Something she really didn't like. "I don't know... Kai is just so much harder to shop for than Annabelle. I know he'll love the coloring books and animal books but I still feel like it's not enough compared to what Annabelle will be getting." Alise admitted, voicing her concerns to her husband. While she did think they could also get him another stuffed wolf or something it still didn't quite seem fair to her.

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Ash felt like the time spent alone on the roof was going on for eons, some desert waiting for them both on the side on a fancy clothed table and a small table candle in the center. His heart felt like it would stop when the door started to open, feeling like his nerves were a rough hurricane. His face turned bright red at the others shocked face, trying to get any sort of words out of his mouth. “A..Asashi….w…Will you marry me…?” He managed to get the words out, feelings like his knees would give out if he wasn’t already kneeling.

“I know dear…I don’t want him to feel like he isn’t getting something as exciting because he doesn’t like the messy stuff or noisy things. I don’t want either twin to feel like one is getting more than the other” Shi spoke more this time around. Even if Kai didn’t like messy or loud toys, he wanted him to feel like he got things just as cool for his interests


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Asahi was already really speechless just seeing Ash knelt down with a ring in his hand, hearing those words come out of his boyfriend only made him even more so. His heart was pounding painfully in his chest and he felt like he couldn't breath. Of course he was going to say yes, but he was struggling to find the words or the breath to speak. Feeling like this had to just be another one of those realistic dreams he had, as it wouldn't be the first time he had dreamt of Ash proposing. Though the words still hadn't come out of him he moved closer to Ash before he was practically jumping into the other's arms and catching his lips in a deep passionate kiss. When the kiss broke he finally found the words to speak, "Yes, Ash. I-I'd love to marry you." There were tears of happiness running down his face at this point. He hadn't thought that Ash would propose, hadn't expected it. But he had to admit after four years of dating he was really thrilled that he could now call the other man his fiance.

Alise sighed softly, biting her lip trying to think if there was anything else that Kai might like that could make it seem like what they both were getting were on the same playing field. While Annabelle was so easy to shop for and loved the standard things someone her age might like, Kai was the exact opposite of that. Kid's his age weren't usually so quiet and disliked things like slime or play doh, or even paints. But Kai definitely did dislike those things, any time he had accidentally put even a finger in his sister's paint Kai had come running to them almost in tears not liking the feeling of the paint and needing help to get it washed off, similar instances had even happened with marker. Kai really was a peculiar little boy, but Alise wouldn't trade him for anything either, loving him very much just the way he is. "Well... maybe we could get him a few games that they can play together that won't be messy or loud. Like lucky ducks or the lets go fishin game." Alise suggested, remembering the games with the little ducks and different shapes and colors underneath them, or the game with the little fish that would pop up and close their mouths and the tiny fishing poles you'd use to try to catch as many as you can. Those seemed like games that Kai would like, they weren't loud and there was no mess involved. To make things easier for them too there weren't any pieces that were so small they'd have to be concerned either.

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The silence felt so gut wrenching, trying to remember how to breathe as his hand felt like it would fall off holding the ring. His eyes widened when Asahi suddenly leapt into his arms, being kissed so deeply. His eyes slipped shut for a brief moment, returning the kiss before remembering they both needed to breathe. He said yes…? He..said yes…! “He said  YYEEESSSSSS!” He let out a loud whooping type of victory call in joy from his position on the ground, his eyes teary and going right back to kissing him. This felt like the best day of his life, briefly stopping the kiss to slip the ring on with shakey hands before going right back to kissing him.

“That could work…” Shi thought, figuring they were fun enough to play on his own if he didn’t want to play with Annabelle. “Maybe we can take him to one of those places where he can make his own animal? No, then Annabelle might want one. But they can’t always get the same thing either..Him building his own animal might possibly be something he likes…” He tried to think of something 


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Asahi couldn't help but chuckle as Ash so victoriously declared that he had said yes before their lips met in another kiss. When they parted lips again it was just long enough for Ash to put the stunning ring on his finger, then their lips were back together again. Asahi clung tightly to Ash as the shared multiple passionate kisses, still struggling to believe that this handsome and sexy man was all his. He never washed to be without Ash by his side, now he'd never have to be. When their lips parted again Asahi was breathless, but he was smiling from ear to ear, so incredibly happy. "I love you so much!" Asahi breathlessly told his fiance, thrilled to be able to call Ash that. 

"We could take them both to do that. Like you said, it's be hard for them both to make the and thing. That and I know Kai would really like it." Alice replied, thinking that was a good idea too. She added Lucky Ducks and Lets Go Fishin' to the cast for Kai before she was turning her attention back to her husband. "Alright, who do you want to Christmas so for next?" She asked her husband. 

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Ash was simply basking in the afterglow of the proposal, needing to force their lips to part to remember to breathe. Was this how his dads felt when they proposed to each other? It was the most magical feeling in the world! He didn’t even attempt to get up for the time being, looking up at him full of love in his eyes. “I love you so much..” He spoke in a Soft tone. He did it..he really did it! They were engaged! “I’m taking you home after cake..Can’t keep my suit on the whole time..” He said with a small blush but a slightly flirty smirk once he had calmed down enough  to be more flirtatious. 

“Hmmm..Maybe Bryan and Otso, then Tenmo Kaine and his boys..Then of course Dad and Xavier..” Shi said, a small blush realizing he called Adrian his dad. “Yeah…Otso is easy to shop for..and stuff..” He mumbled, still embarrassed from a moment ago

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A playful smirk appeared on Asahi's face when Ash said he was taking him home after cake, unable to keep his suit on the whole time. "Don't worry handsome, I'll eagerly help you get out of it when we get back." Asahi replied. Giving Ash another deep kiss before he was pulling away and helping his fiance to his feet. Heading over to the table to see the dessert, his fingers once more intwined with Ash's. "Let's have some of this delicious cake before either one of us gets too excited." Asahi playfully suggested. Knowing with how happy they both were it was a miracle they weren't running off right away.

"I agree, Otso will be easy to shop for. Bryan on the other hand..." Alise mused thoughtfully. In the end they knew if they made Otso happy that'd make Bryan happy, but she still wanted to get the vampire something. They had done pretty well these past few years, but it only seemed to make each year harder. "Hmm... for Bryan we could take the easy way out and get him a bottle of rum... he does enjoy his rum after all."

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“Maybe a bottle of rum from the year they got married or the year Otso was born? Make it something the both of them can share together and be something meaningful and that they both enjoy. They do have the cat Otso loved so something for the cat can be an Otso gift” He nodded but did like Alises idea of the rum. While Otso wasn’t as much of a drinker, he could find something suited to his tastes.

“I’m already plenty excited..” Ash purred, in happiness and eager to rip off the others clothes in his joy. His hand was joined with Asashis as he walked over to the table. He quickly took a picture for his Dad, sending to Kaine ‘He said yes! Any chance i can have the house to myself in a bit?’ He typed, too embarrassed to say the reason why. He had every place to go crazy on Asahi when he took him home. “Hope you like the cake flavor..” He said with a smile, not wanting ti ask too many questions before the lunch and had potentially spoil any surprises

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"That does sound like a good idea." Alise agreed. Thinking getting a bottle of rum from the year they married or the year Otso was born would be a great idea for Bryan. A bit of a gift for both of them, something they could share. Then they'd get Otso something for Oreo, Otso absolutely loved the cat and was always excited for new things for her. "Alright, so rum for Bryan and something for Oreo for Otso. That sounds like a great plan, though we'll have to find something for Oreo that Otso hasn't already got her." Alise commented.

Asahi was way too happy and so thinking of their engagement to realize that Ash was texting someone. Looking over the cake that his fiance had ordered for them. As Ash was saying he hoped he liked the flavor Asahi was taking a bite of the cake. It tasted delicious and was nice and moist, a truly wonderful dessert. "It's absolutely delicious." Asahi replied, taking another piece on his fork before feeding it to Ash.

Recieving his son's message Kaine turned to his husband flashing him a large smile. "Ash proposed to Asahi and put course he said yes. He wants to know if they can have the house to themselves in a little bit. I'm wondering how you'd feel to giving them the house for the night? I remember how we were when we got engaged." He asked Tenmo. Wondering if his husband would agree to give the house to Ash and Asahi for the night. 

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“Hard enough in itself, spoils the thing rotten” Shi chuckled but he was sure they would find something. Might as well call Oreo Bryan and Otsos child but he did not mind that one bit. He found a sweeter tasting rum but still strong to Bryan’s tastes, Pointing out one in particular for the pair. It should suit them both and there was this elaborate cat tree with lots of tunnels for the kitten to scratch and climb.

Ash blushed when the other went to feed him, taking the bite offered and humming in delight. “Nice and moist cake, not too dry. Lots of sugar” He chuckled, giving himself a forkful before offering the other a forkful of cake. He looked so wonderful..so perfect..even if a male, his breeding instincts were quite strong to claim him, pressing them down for a time being so he didn’t rip off the others clothes on the rooftop. He didn’t want anyone looking at his lovers body, his fiancés body. He wanted him all to himself.

“He did?!” Tenmo said, rather surprised that he didn’t know Ash was going to and did such a thing, but he was so happy Ash asked him. “Of course! I mean yes, he can!” He said with a smile, still embarrassed to think of his son doing such things but he was a grown man and he did ask if he could, wanting the privacy. “Just have to send a heads up to Solaria and Ren just in case they go for awhile”

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Alise nodded, putting the bottle of rum that Shi pointed out into their cart before moving on to cat stuff. They had to have looked at hundreds of different cat things before finding something they thought would do. "Alright, that covers Otso and Bryan. Now, Tenmo, Kaine and their boys. Let's start with, Tenmo." Alise suggested, figuring it's be easier to start with Tenmo, then Kaine, Ash and Ren. Their Christmas shopping was getting done relatively fast, leaving plenty of time in the coming months to get any last minute gifts they decide on for the twins and solo shop for each other.

The blush that appeared when he fed Ash the bite of cake caused him to smile brightly. Asahi loved when he was able to make Ash blush, especially considering how much Ash made him blush. Taking the bite that Ash offered him after, continuing to talk and enjoy the cake, taking turns taking bites and feeding each other. As much as Asahi was enjoying this he was even more excited for what he knew would be happening when they got home.

Kaine chuckled softly,  "That was why he was so nervous yesterday. He wanted me to go with him to get Asahi's ring." He informed his husband. After Tenmo agreed he texted Ash back, letting his son know that they would give the happy couple the house for the night. Kaine made sure they had what they would need for a night away from home and packed a little bag for Ren too so no one would have any reason to disturb Ash and Asahi tonight. 

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Shi handy forgotten about his twins but was easily distracted now thinking of things for everyone. He got Tenmo some chocolates he knew he always liked, Letting Alise pick out something for Kaine. It was harder for the two sons, not wanting to get the eldest a teasing sexy gift in front of Tenmo, he would have his head. But the idea did make him chuckle to himself.

On one of his bites of cake, he saw the message pop up, filled with even more delight. The whole house to himself with Asahi. Good..he didn’t even need to pretend to be quiet. “Got the house to myself today…I don’t plan on being gentle unless you tell me to” He said, less embarrassed now that the big part was over with. His focus was on Asahi and just being flirty in general. He couldn’t ask for anything more.

“I don’t think Dad will mind us and Ren staying there the night, unless we spend the night with Shi and Alise and the twins?” He asked Kaine, wondering which he would prefer more as he got up to start helping back a bag for Ren and the two of them

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Alise had to think for a moment about something for Kaine, but knowing how much he enjoyed cooking for his family she thought it best to get him something he could use to do that. After they got Tenmo and Kaine's added to the cart it was time to worry about Ash and Ren, which was proving far more difficult. After a little while she decided to get Ren something that may help with his anxiety, it was just a metal ring that could be spun around whenever he got nervous, something to occupy him a little as well as an essential oil she thought may help him at home if he got anxious about anything. While it was technically two things she felt it was worth doing for Ren, hating to know that any of them was having anxiety. Then it was time for Ash though, and her eyes moved to her husband. "What should we get Ash?" She asked truly unsure what to get the oldest of Tenmo and Kaine's kids. Ash was in his early twenties, and while that alone shouldn't make it hard to shop for him the little time they had with him and Ren certainly did.

Asahi had just taken another bite of cake when Ash told him that he got the house to himself today and didn't plan on being gentle unless he told him too. This of course caused quite the bright blush to sprout up on his face as he looked at his fiance. "You never do fail to make me blush." He admitted with a soft laugh before a smirk appeared on his face. "But I'm perfectly okay with that. We're going to have quite a lot of fun tonight." The last sentence was said with a rather seductive purr and a little wink from Asahi. There was absolutely no way he was not going to enjoy every second of tonight, he didn't care if Ash was gentle or not as long as he had his fiance. The bonus was the fact that they were getting the house to themselves, that meant they didn't have to worry about being quiet or worry about where they ended up having sex. Those thoughts alone made him all the more eager.

"Hmm... why don't we let Ren stay with Solaria and his grandparents and we can stay with Shi and Alise to help out with the twins?" Kaine suggested. Knowing that as much as Ren still adored Shi that he would probably feel better spending the night with Solaria and his grandfathers where he could get help with his homework from Solaria if he needed it and since they'd be walking to school together again in the morning. On the other hand, they would be able to lend four more hands to Alise and Shi who could probably use the help with the twins.

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“Hmm…” Shi was a bit more puzzled as far as Ash was concerned. Ren was hard still but the gift for his anxiety would help and it looked like a rather nice piece of jewelry he might wear. “Maybe something for Asahi and him..? They have been getting serious lately, maybe get them a card for a nice lunch or dinner somewhere? They can have a little date night without worrying about the cost?” Shi suggested, not sure do anything else as he tried to ponder other ideas. It did seem like a good idea and it covered the both of them. 

Ash turned a slight red when the other made a suggestive mark in return. It made his heart skip a beat with that flirty wink the others also threw his way. He didn’t think he could take it with each of them riling the other up either more innocently or more flirtatiously. “Screw it..We’re leaving…” He said with a low purr, quickly getting up and taking his hands. “We are going home..right….now…” He said with a low purr, kissing the others cheek. He quickly started tugging his hands and quickly moving down the building, dropping a wad of cash with no plans to wait for change, wanting nothing more than to get his hands on Asahi. He could only hope it was enough time to where his parents weren’t home, going right in and pulling Asahi in behind them. He shut the door with his foot, using a finger to unhook and loosen his tie and undo those damned buttons on his shirt, his cat like eyes staring Asahi down.


“Much better idea, you have Solarias number in your phone still? Send her a quick message so she knows after school to go back to her house with Ren? They’re going to be together anyway so they can tell each other” He nodded, packing some clothes for Ren to drop off and clothes for themselves.



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