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An Ancient Feud (Private, 18+)


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It didn't take Ren that long to make it to their art class. The only reason it evergreen took him that long was because he was behaving himself and not using any of his natural speed. That and he was extra careful about people bumping into him, not looking the contact. Which could be difficult in the crowded halls. When he arrived he let out a sigh and was glad to see an empty spot next to Solaria. He was quick to take it, knowing that there were probably other people who'd be eager to do so if he hesitated.

Alise knew that one Shi was done chasing after her or grew impatient that he'd catch her. So she didn't mind darting through the house and in and out of different rooms until she suddenly felt her husband's body colliding with her's. Laughing softly at how careful he was to make sure that she didn't hit her head or anything. "You always do." She purred back. Giving him a loving kiss as she felt his hands on her body.

"You're not!" Kaine happily replied. Definitely glad that when he was behaving in such a manner that his husband couldn't bring himself to wait. He was so excited and eager that he didn't even care that his husband didn't fully undress them. Happily moaning as he felt him enter him. "Damn puppy..." He groaned out. Always way too eager to take him, shifting to press back into his puppy's hips. 

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There were a few quiet dang it’s from the guys and some of the girls, Ren snagging the spot first. Solaria smiled Ren got here with enough time to get a spot beside her. “How were your other classes?” Solaris smiled as she tied her hair back into a low ponytail, not wanting her hair to accidentally dip into any of her paints she started to then open


“Don’t forget that” He smirked, kissing the top of her hand and slipping off her top. “I swear you look more beautiful every day I look at you” Shi said softly, more open with affectionate words and gestures when he was alone with her alone.

“can’t help it…” Tenmo growled, happily bucking his hips Into the others more when the other was doing the same. He nipped happily at the others neck, not caring if he left big marks all over

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Ren didn't pay much attention to the quiet responses of some of their classmates because he had made it to the spot beside Solaria first. It wasn't like he was going to hesitate and give someone else the opportunity. He didn't have many classes with her and he'd take advantage of the opportunity to actually sit next to her and talk. Since it was an art class talking wasn't that big a deal, especially today. "They're alright. Teachers don't seem bad, the other students are... well as expected." Ren replied as he eyes the canvas not really sure what he wanted to do with it. His other classes he often found himself struggling to pay attention but here... he could express himself more. However, he hadn't really done much art and so he wasn't really sure how good he would be at it. Which caused him to hesitate in making any decisions. "What about yours? Excelling as always?" He lightly teased her with a small smile.


Alise chuckled softly and dipped her head to kiss his husband's neck with a clear smile on her face. "Don't worry, handsome. I could never forget that." She purred. Shifting to make it easier for Shi to get her shirt off. Her smile only seemed to grow when he said she looked more beautiful every day that he looked at her. "How sweet." Alise mused. Finding it quite adorable that Shi thought that and loving how far he had come since they had started dating and had gotten married. He was much more open with such affectionate words and gestures while they were alone together and she loved seeing how far he had come. Alise was happy to catch his lips in another kiss, wanting to enjoy this as much as possible.

Kaine couldn't hold back the moans as Tenmo's hips bucked into his, driving his husband deeper and causing him to tremble against the counter. The nipping to his neck really wasn't helping, only seeming to get his mind even more lost in the pleasure. He didn't remotely care if his husband left large bites or not, enjoying the pleasure far too much. It wasn't like it was uncommon for his puppy to mark him anyway, it seemed stranger when he didn't have marks from his husband these days. 

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“Now you’re just buttering me up you ham!” Solaria chuckled, loving the light teasing from the both of them. She felt so relaxed around the other, starting to paint on her canvas as she planned on having a big cat standing on a cliff at sunset as her painting for the class. Nothing complex with the limited time of course but she was excited. “So far so good though, making sure I get up early for try outs, they had a practice uniform to lend me when I signed up so I have to wear it to try outs tomorrow to make sure of I guess beigng able to dance in it and stuff” She laughed some more


Shi kissed her lips so sweetly, growing more hungry for his wife. He felt at ease whenever he was around her, at his best. Alise was a blessing he would never forget or take for granted. She came into his life and made it see how it was worth living! More clothes slowly came off with time, undoing all of the others clothes and soon both just naked on the floor. He was almost desperate  enough to take her right there but he did want to go somewhere else and do it proper. You know what? They had plenty of time and several hours if they wanted, laying claim to  her right there on the floor.

Tenmo growled louder as the pleasure grew, moving to grip the others hips tightly as the force and speed behind his thrusts grew. He could not contain himself and show restraint, letting out all of his love on the others body, soon spilling a releas into the other. He finally remembered to breathe properly, breathing heavily against his neck 

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Ren chuckled softly, unable to help but tease her a little. It definitely helped ease his nerves and get him to relax. Just starting his painting and seeing where it's go it slowly seemed to meld into a rainforest with a river running through the front of it. He knew it was a memory of where he had grown up in the Amazon before his dads had adopted him and Ash. A soft little hum escaping him at the realization. His mind was distracted suddenly by Solaria at the mention of her having been given a practice uniform to try out in. A little too excited to see how she'd look in it. "You'll do great I'm sure." He expressed. 

It was nice to kiss and enjoy each other a they slowly removed each article of clothing. Once they were naked she was convinced they'd relocate to somewhere else since her husband seemed to hesitate and think about something. Shi seemed to think about it for another moment before deciding that having her here wasn't a bad idea after all. The pleasure that filled her definitely made it so she didn't care either.

His husband's hand gripping his hips tighter as his thrusts grew more forceful and spotted up he moaned and gasped louder. Head falling forward, forehead against the counter as he was drowning in bliss. Trying to at least keep some control of the volume of the sounds that his puppy were drawing out of him, knowing that Ash and Asahi were upstairs and able to hear them. Kaine ended up teaching his climax just before his husband, trembling and moaning deeply. Breathless himself, he shuddered as he felt his husband's breath on his neck. Both taking a moment to recover and just stay close to each other. "Damn, Tenmo. I swear you get even more eager and intense when the full moon is close." He chuckled, lightly teasing his husband.

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“Thanks…” She smiled softly, her focus now back in her painting. Every once in awhile, she would sneak a peek at the others art, giving him compliments on it. It looked quite gorgeous, it seeming like the place described to her of where Ren had grown up. She couldn’t wait for the paint to dry, it being nearly complete as the bell had rung, the wolf looking like her Dads form in its shading and colors. 

Shi let out a low growl when the warmth surrounded him, finding it difficult to keep a loving gentle pace for too long. He needed her..craved her…hungered for her. His hands raked up her body, either curled  around it or tangled in her hair, taking her in a slowly growing more wild passionate love making.

“I have reason to be..I like feeling you. I can’t exactly take you as a wolf now can I..?” He purred lowly, wanting nothing more than to claim him yet again but knew their ‘children’ would be down soon, counting him as a child of his already as a son in law. “You are lucky or unlucky they are home..I would be ravishing you far more than once..” He whispered, hearing a shuffling from upstairs. Redressed, soon Ash seemed to come down the stairs, only pants on and hair disshuffled. His skin was littered with various marks all over his body, him not seeming to mind one bit


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The little encouragements from Solaria throughout the class kept a small smile on his face. It also made him feel much better about how his painting was coming along where this wasn't something he had done before. As their class was coming to an end he turned his attention to Solaria's painting, which was quite impressive. A small smile crossing his face since he was quite familiar with the wolf present in the painting. Having seen his grandfather as a wolf many times since he was adopted. "Nice wolf." He mused. Knowing that Solaria always had a love of wolves.

Alise couldn't help but squirm from the intense pleasure he husband was drowning her in. Like always being quiet wasn't something he made possible either. Her pleasured sounds steadily getting louder as his thrusts changed. It was hard for her to even form a coherent thought as it became more wild and passionate. Breathlessly moaning and gasping, body trembling as her climax was rising quickly.

A blush sprouted up on Kaine face at the mention of how it wasn't like Tenmo could fuck him as a wolf. "That's... true." He admitted. That fact alone caused his husband to be me eager to fuck him as much as he could before the full moon. It was hard for Tenmo to turn into his human fork during that time. Though whenever he did it meant that Tenmo had every intention of fucking him that night. Which usual left his legs weak and him walking a little funny in the morning. Not that he minded. Hearing the sounds upstairs he had just finished pulling his pants back into place when Ash appeared. "Morning son. Did you two have a good night?"

Asahi had let out a little groan when he woke up and stretched. His ass quite sore after the rather intense and frequent mating from the night before. That soreness caused a smile to appear, actually living when Ash took him so much so intensely that he felt it in the morning. It took him longer than his fiance to be able to get dressed and standing. Walking was a whole different challenge, his legs still feeling weak. Managing to make it downstairs a bit after his fiance he groaned again. Still feeling like he could feel the other deep inside him when every step or shift. Asahi was only in shorts himself, not really managing to put much else on. He greeted Kaine and Tenmo with a smile, trying to walk a normally as possible despite the soreness. He was sure that Kaine could relate but it'd be a bit embarrassing for his future in-laws to see him like that. 

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“Thanks..Always had inspiration for wolves and creatures like it since I was little, you know?” Solaria knowingly smiled at Ren as werewolves and were people were important parts of her life and Rens life. “Anyway..I better run off to my next class..I need to grab a clean set of clothes from home if I’m staying over tonight” She nodded softly before gathering all of her things to move on.


Shi only grew faster and harder as her noises got louder, it was almost like his own personal full moon for him. Her noises drove him crazy and he loved every little quivering moan as it raised in volume.  He didn’t even begin to slow down until he had hit own own climax with a loud growl into her neck, riding out his orgasm.

“Wonderful..” Ash said with a happy purr, looking over His fiancée proudly at the way he wobbled about in just his shorts. He eyed him up like a snack with a low purr, not caring his parents were right there. It was his monthly heat and it was his new fiancé so it can be easily excused. It would be weird to think around now his own little brother will experience his first. “Have fun yourself there Dad..?” He smirked, sniffing the air and seeing their slightly disshuffled state


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The knowing smile that Solaria gave him just confirmed that the wolf was indeed Adrian. It was a really good painting of him, he had to admit there were very few people he thought could outshine Solaria when it came to painting any member of the pack. He nodded and gave her a smile, "I'll see you later." Ren mused as he gathered his things and they parted ways for their next class. He was looking forward to having Solaria spend the night again. Any extra time they got together was something that he very much enjoyed.

It really wasn't doing much other than make her even louder when Shi's thrusts only got faster and harder. Alise was more than aware the louder she got the faster and harder her husband got but it was quite hard to control. Her climax came hard crying out the other's name as she shuddered and breathlessly moan. Gasps following as Shi didn't slow until he had hit his own climax, his growl into her neck causing a small smile to appear. Turning her head she caught the other's lips in a deep kiss, "And this is why we can't manage to have sex when the twins are home." She playfully teased her husband.

There was a slight blush that appeared on Kaine's face as he rubbed the back of his neck when his son brought attention to the fact that they had obviously just had sex themselves. "Definitely can't hide anything around you." Kaine laughed. Not really surprised that Ash had been able to tell. Asahi couldn't help but chuckle a little when Ash purred lowly as he had managed to wobble down the stairs and join everyone else. With the full moon close his handsome fiance was in heat, something he never really did get used too with how frequently it seemed to occur but something he enjoyed all the same. "Well, sit down you two. Food is almost finished." Kaine said as he turned his attention back to the food that Tenmo had been cooking before he had distracted his husband.

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“And that’s a problem…?” Shi purred, lavishing his wife’s neck with more kisses. He knew he got rowdier, as a wolf does, around this time of year and season, knowing the full moon was coming soon. “I like you when you’re loud darling..” He added with a soft little growling flirty tone to his voice. He felt far more handsy around then, only for his wife. It was hard when he was alone before during these times, but now..he had an outlet. A sexy..sexy outlet…

Ash sat down, still eyeing up his Asahi with a low purr. He had half a mind to take him again after giving the other a small respite to rest a bit. “Ren will be going through his soon..everyone will have their hands full” He said softly, giving Asahis butt a light squeeze with a soft purr

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Alise couldn't help but moan again as Shi was lavishing her neck in more kisses. Shuddering at the sparks of pleasure it sent down her spine. Her husband was still inside of her which wasn't helping either. Shifting a little she couldn't help but smirk when he said that he liked her when she was loud. "Oh, I know you do. You get even more eager when you get me louder." She teased lightly. Kissing the other's neck this time, knowing how the louder she was always ended up in her husband being more eager and his thrusts becoming more wild and intense. Not that she minded but it really did make them having sex when the kids were asleep a lot harder. Since it was never easy to keep quiet to begin with and anytime she got even a little louder her husband responded and made it impossible to quiet down again. This caused her to giggle a little, kissing his neck even more. "Hmm, just think. We have all day to enjoy as much of each other as we want before we go pick up the kids." Alise purred.

Asahi groaned when Ash squeezed his butt while purring in such a soft way. Noticing the look his fiance was giving him and that Ash was probably more than eager to take him again, only seeming to want to give him a small chance to recover. The other man always was hornier and almost seemed to have never ending stamina when he is in heat. While he still wasn't fully accustomed to his fiance's heat, he had gotten used to the fact that every month Ash seemed to enter his heat. It always left him unable to walk or walking like he already was by the time the other's heat was over.

Kaine took the food off of the stove and put everything on the table for everyone to grab what they wanted to eat. Not missing how Ash was looking at Asahi and already aware and used to his oldest son's heat. What caught him off guard though was Ash softly saying that Ren would be going through his own soon. "That... might make school a bit rough." Kaine said his eyes darting to his husband, a little alarmed at the thought of having Ren in heat too. Especially their youngest son's first heat. Not to mention he knew Tenmo would be in heat this full moon and he wasn't really sure how he was going to handle having his husband and his son in heat at the same time. Ash had hooked up with Asahi rather soon after their adoption and so dealing with his heat hadn't been something Kaine had to worry about. Ren though... it was going to be a rough full moon for sure.

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How was he supposed to help himself? He normally was more reserved and quiet, not much for loud noise and environments. But his wife..oh his wife..One beckoning call or a moan and Shi would pounce like he was starved for the attention. Shi let out a happy growl at her somewhat subtle suggestion of having all day before getting the kids. “You had me at all day..” Shi growled happily, managing to shift to his knees and get up without even leaving her. He would have to manage to not mark all over his wife’s  neck or ther would be a lot to explain to the kids and anyone who saw them.


“We will manage darling..We will figure this out together. I will do my best with the heat to try and..be calmer. We will be there for our son, wolf or not” Tenmo hummed as he knew he would do whatever it took to help his son and his family. Ash carefully went over what a heat was like, more so for someone who wasn’t mated. There was the, of course, heightened sexual urges and needs, singles either seeking out mates or a person to claim over or more displays of…self love when they do not currently have one. They can be more agitated, or more so wound up  of course. They are more prone to ‘display’ themselves for potential partners, whether through showing off physical abilities or their bodies. It was important on their island that genetics were passed down, similar to a peacock. Females would pick the strongest and most impressive males as they say their displays each heat. 

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Alise shuddered when Shi managed to shift to his knees while staying inside her. Her legs tremble slightly, even more sensitive after such an intense climax. Biting her lip she groaned at the feeling, it had been awhile since they had been able to really have sex as much as they wanted and she knew that her husband's heat would ensure they took advantage of every minute they had before they'd have to go pick up the twins. "Damn you're so deep." She groaned.

"I know... just a bit nervous." Kaine admitted. He knew that they'd figure it out, that his husband would help the best he can. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad? After all Kaine's mind as a parent anyways jumped to worse case scenario. But maybe Ren would be easy to handle despite his heat. Asahi was munching on piece of sausage as his fiance explained some of the behavioral changes that usual occurred. "Bummer, I didn't get to see you strut around and do displays." He pouted a little. They had started dating before he had ever experienced Ash in heat and such displays hadn't been necessary to attract him. 

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“I didn’t need to, you were already mine in such a short time. I didn’t need to display and strut much for you to  have my attentions” Ash hummed as he kissed the others cheek. “I think last night was still quite the..display” he purred as he kept squeezing the others butt as he ate. “I’m sure you being around me as much as you are, you’ll eventually get tastes of it by watching Ren” He hummed. Tenmo kissed Kaines cheek, sure that it couldn’t be too far off from a wolf heat, they can figure this out. They would always have others and the coven to help if it was needed.

“And I’ll get even deeper inside of you, you wonderfully sexy woman” Shi growled with a sexual purr, putting her back against the wall, gripping tightly onto her hips.l as he gave another thrust into her. He felt so young and alive around her, especially with his heat coming in.

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"True..." Asahi agreed when Ash said he didn't have to do any displays to attract him. The mention of last night having been quite the display caused his cheeks to flush a light pink. "It was." He admitted. It really had been quite the sexual display, and some strength had been shown off too. His mind was rather distracted since Ash continued to squeeze his butt as they ate, causing little surges of pleasure through Asahi. "You're right. I always worry too much." Kaine agreed with a small smile. Knowing his husband was right. 

Alise let out a helpless gasp as he back was put against the wall, hips gripped and her husband thrust into her. Biting her lip as he succeeded in going even deeper into her, her legs had tensed and back arched from the thrust. It never did cease to amaze her how amazing he made her feel. Alise nipped lightly at her husband's shoulder, knowing they had to be careful of how many visible marks they left or twins would ask questions. 

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Tenmo placed a few reassuring kisses on the others neck before he plated some food for both Kaine and himself. “You have a right to be worried all the same love. It is within reason” He wants to reassure him and validate his feelings. “When you aren’t with your fiancé, if your father needs it, I would love help or support if Ren needs it, please, it would help” Tenmo smiled softly to Ashas he gave Kaines neck another kiss, Ash nodding softly


Shi could devour this woman and pick at the bones like a hungry hyena whenever he made love to this woman. She was perfection to him, no other man or woman or anyone could compare to his wife! He started leaving plenty more marks all over her chest, careful around the front so he didn’t make her front of her chest too sore

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The reassuring kisses and words he got from his husband had him smiling. Taking a bite of the food Tenmo got for him as the other asked Ash to help him out with Ren if he needed it and he wasn't busy with his fiance. He was biting into a sausage as he felt those lips against his neck again. "Puppy!" He half whined half moaned. Asahi was happily eating his food, one hand resting on Ash's thigh since his fiance so had a grip on his butt. Gently and almost teasingly rubbing it as they ate. 

Alise dug her nails into Shi's back, drowning in the pleasure shooting through her. The marks he was leaving over her chest weren't really helping, causing her to squirm more as her climax was rising quickly again. "Shi." Alise moaned loudly.

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Ash couldn’t help but worry a tad about his brother and as a somewhat father figure from having raised him for so long. He hoped the others schooling wouldn’t be affected by his first heat whenever it did come, figuring humans, if it got bad, would treat it to a normal boys hormones. He hoped he would find an object of his affections regardless of their gender, although it seemed Ren was into women, or one certain woman but that was to be seen. He hummed happily at his thigh stroking and it seemed his fathers were enjoying each other’s company, Tenmo looking like he was doing his best to not full on grope him.


He could only go fast in this position but did what he was able to do to Alise up against the wall when she made wonderful noises with those nails dragging down his back. He moved back up to take her in a hungry kiss, not sure how much longer he could last this round either

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Kaine was doing his best to sit a still as he could and try to focus on his food. That was hard to do when his husband seemed fat more interested in him and was doing everything but outright groping him or taking him right now. Shifting he tried to encourage his husband to at least finish eating before he let him sweep him away already knowing what his husband wanted. Asahi was still stroking his fiance's thigh as they ate, occasionally slipping his hand further up to tease the idea of rubbing his enticing groin only to move his hand back down his thigh. He could feel his own heat and he had a feeling this full moon would be quite interesting. 


The hungry kiss allowed Alise the opportunity to try to get the pleasure under some sort of control. It was difficult with how fast he husband's thrusts were, her body starting to tense, nails digging deeper into Shi's back. Her climax came a few thrusts later, gasping breathlessly as she broke the hungry kiss. 

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Tenmo did manage to focus on eating though he remained right behind the other. He would take bits off his place and bring it around to his mouth, a few hip motions away from grinding into him but pretty much pressed into the others back. Ash was doing his best to not just yank Asahi off the chair and drag him back to the room now. The full moon would be interesting but all he wanted was him right now


Shis pleasure filled growl was rather loud when he felt Alises fingers drag down his back, his climax soon following Alises, panting against her neck. “You make it and to let go of you darling” He purred happily, Alises phone going off with Yukis mother, probably to call to arrange the plays date. He gave it a low growl, wanting to ignore it but left it up to Alise, continuing to kiss her cheek as it rang 

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Kaine was doing his best to keep his mind on the meal. With Tenmo pressed against him so firmly it was a bit difficult. His arousal stirring and making him shift occasionally. It almost felt like his husband's heart was contagious. Not that it was ever difficult for Tenmo to arouse him. Asahi was definitely aware of how much Ash wanted to stay him back up to his room. He was almost as eager, but at least he was able to finish eating first. Teasing his fiance once more as he stood up, his fingers that had been on the other's thigh lightly trailed over Ash's groin and he gave him a wink as he moved towards the kitchen sink with his dishes.

"I could say the same about you." Alise purred. She didn't want to move away or stop yet. Hearing her phone start to ring caused her to groan softly, instantly sending her husband's unwillingness to let her go. Giving him a slightly apologetic smile since seeing up a playdate for Kai was important she worked away and grabbed her phone. Answering the phone with a bright and happy voice, despite the calls bad timing. 

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Shi couldn’t help an unpleased growl at having to let go, sure his quiet growl could have been heard over the phone. “Oh is that the dog you or someone mentioned? Training dogs as a job or something?Sounds like a big puppy” The mother smiled, Shi letting out a dog sort of Yelp to keep the mom occupied on the phone, arms wrapping around Alise. “Woot..” He said in the quietest whisper into Alises ear


Ash let out a low purr at being touched, quickly jolting up when Asahi brushed him yet again so teasingly. “Sorry got to go, tired” He said, snatching Asahi around the waist and slung him over his shoulder,  rushing him back to his room for another round of love making.

”Ren won’t be home for a bit longer..” Tenmo purred, properly grinding back into the other now. “Can probably squeeze in another round. Have you bent over the counter…screaming my name as you take me..” Tenmo said with a low purr, nipping. At his shoulder

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"Oh yeah, have a relatives dog for the weekend." Alise replied with a small smile towards her husband. The little yelp he let out causing her smile to grow as she tried not to laugh. "He is great around kids though. You and Yuki won't need to worry." She said into the phone. Feeling her husband's arms wrapping around her, she shuddered a little as he whispered in her ear. His closeness and the whisper only succeeding in arousing her again. The call trait was poorly times, nott that she expected the other to know what they were up to. 

Asahi gasped when the arms of his fiance closed around his waist before he was effortlessly slung over his shoulder. Even though he had been aware his tease would evoke a response he was still caught by surprise. His tail popping out and wagging as he was quickly taken back up the stairs to Ash's room. Instantly struggling against him when the door shut, his own heat making him eager.

Kaine couldn't keep from moaning as Tenmo was now properly grinding against him since Ash and Asahi had quickly left for their son's room. Groaning he squirmed a little under his husband, "You're so eager to keep me bent over the counter today, Puppy." Not that Kaine really minded, he never complained no matter where his husband wanted to take him. 

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Shi could hear the others mother seeming to make plans, not paying attention to it being during a full moon. “Hello mam..yes..mhm..We will have a family member take our daughter out for the day so it will just be the boys and the dog” Shi finally spoke up, hands snaking lower, one on her chest and the other lower. “Down boy..Our dog is getting..frisky. Down boy” Shi said into the phone with a small smirk, moving both of the hands around. “We will have to call you back if we need to discuss further” Shi purred, half a mind to just take her while she was still on the phone.


“Maybe I like the view..” Tenmo purred, figuring the others knew what they were up to anyway and 3/4 of them were in heat or about to be any moment. “Now darling..bend over..” Tenmo said with a low  growl, giving Kaines ass a small spank.

“You smell good..” Ash purred, even if he was a different species, he could smell his heat coming in and it didn’t help his eagerness. He tossed him onto the bed, pouncing on it soon after.

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Alise trembled under her husband's touch as one of his hand was on her chest and the other lower. Biting her lip and trying to stay quiet, not wanting Yuki's mother to realize what's going on. She tried to keep her head straight as she was finalizing a couple aspects of their plan for the boys play playdate.



The light smack to his butt as he was told to bend over made him groan. Kaine obediently bending forward over the counter once more. It wasn't like they had to hide what they were doing, pretty sure Ash and Asahi knew. They did have enough time before Ren got home for another round before they'd have to wait until their son was asleep to go again, so there wasn't any reason to object either.

"So do you." Asahi growled seductively. His own heat coming in made Ash's heat smell different but enticing. As usual Ash tossed him on the bed, his body bouncing before Ash pounced and was above him. Asahi's ears and tail were both out, the scents in the air making the beast in him stir more. It was harder for him to stay such an eager bottom with his heat, there was a need to show how strong and capable he was. Even if he rationally knew his place and enjoyed being the one being taken. Asahi's heat made him not as quick to accept that role. 

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