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An Ancient Feud (Private, 18+)


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"I had actually been thinking a schoolgirl outfit, but I could totally get behind a maids outfit instead. You'd certainly look hot in it." Xavier playfully responded with a smirk watching Adrian wiggle his hips which only encouraged his mind to think of cute ways to dress him up. Adrian was standing up and getting dressed a moment later though he had to admit he kind of liked that he had put his shirt on first, since it still didn't hide much and gave him more opportunity to admire that lovely ass of his.

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"Get either of them or any cute outfits and I'd wear them for my new husband' Adrian said with a teasing smirk as he pulled up his underwear and then his pants. He would wear any number of cute outfits if he could see the look on Nippys face. He would be embarrassed but it would all be worth it to tease Xavier and see that piercing gaze on his body.

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"How sweet, Pup! I'll definitely have to do so!" Xavier replied quite happy to know that Adrian was his and so willing to do something like that for him. "You'd be absolutely adorable." He added as he moved over to his pup wrapping his arms around his fiancee and leaning down to kiss him. "You really would look absolutely adorable that way." Xavier complimented Adrian. Wanting his Pup to know that he'd find him adorable even if he was aware that his Pup would be slightly embarrassed doing this for him. "No one will ever know either. It'll be our little secret."

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"Good.." Adrian said, feeling a little better if that part was something that was just between them. "Keep a few pictures as a little momento? I am sure wouldn't mind if looking at naughty pictures of your husband either..?" Adrian teased t the other having pictures of him being naughty. "To be sure you don't forget.." he smirked, feeling a bit better after he could tease him back. "Are you sure I would only look adorable.." Adrian teased further, kissing the others lips.

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"I would certainly love pictures of it." Xavier admitted with a smile not minding that Adrian was teasing him back. But he would really love pictures of his Pup dressed up like that for him. Returning the kiss he flashed his fiancee a large grin, "Of course not, Pup. You'd be far more than just adorable." He replied happily. Though anytime he called Adrian adorable his pup still looked more than just adorable to him.

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"Of course..." Adrian said with a small wink, saying "Bring a camera then to your house sexy little Nippy. I do not plan on sleeping until I am broken.." He smirked, kissing the others lips lightly. He needed to hurry up and finish planning so they could have a magical wedding day. Adrian felt so happy, his tail coming out and wagging happily at their soon approaching wedding.

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"You got it, Pup." Xavier replied with a possessive growl and another rough nip at Adrian's neck. He'd be sure to have a camera for the event, especially since he was quite looking forward to it. Loving that his Pup was so willing to do things for him. Seeing his fiancee's tail appear and start wagging happily made him laugh catching the other's lips in another deep kiss, the last for the night he made sure to drag it out as long as possible. "I love you, Pup. Now, go home and get some sleep. Then you can start planning again."

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Adrian growled happily, letting the others lips grace his neck with rough nips. "And I will make sure to get lots of planning done..I just need to make sure I wish my son a happy birthday quick tomorrow and I'll start planning" Adrian said with a nod and a kiss. "And don't worry, I will make sure I eat a meal today.." He said with a nod, turning into his wolf form. He wanted to get home fast so he could wake up sooner and finish planning sooner. Adrian quickly ran off in the direction of his house, way to eager to get ready for bed.

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"Don't ignore him completely on his birthday." Xavier said with a soft laugh seeing how eager Adrian was to go home and go to sleep so he could start planning the wedding again when he got up. Amused he shook his head as he watched the wolf dart away before he was turning and heading home himself, he'd get some sleep too before he got to work on the plans for their house and discussing the materials for construction. He was hoping he'd get the construction started or even possibly completed before the wedding.

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Adrian had no plans to completely ignore his son on his birthday. But knowing his son and Kaine, Kaine probably had planned on doing something with him on his birthday. It was the first time they spend his birthday together so they probably were going to celebrate it. He would get his birthday wishes in quick and then go back to party planning. Adrian landed on his bed, ending up falling asleep in wolf form.

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Kaine stirred in Tenmo's arms waking early for the meetings he had to attend that day. He was as careful as possible when slipping away from his fiancee and out of the bed needing to go and change his clothes before he could attend the meetings. Leaning down he pressed a quick kiss to his Puppy's forehead before he was writing a note letting him know he loved him and hoped he had a great birthday and that he'd see him that night for his surprise. Leaving a time for Tenmo to sneak into his window that night before he was tucking the note into the spot he had occupied beside Tenmo and was leaving the house running back to his own home. He was quick to shower and change into business clothes before gathering what he'd need for the day and heading towards the conference room for the first meeting of the day.

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Tenmo remained fast asleep, not waking up until long after Kaine left. He rubbed his tired eyes, not seeing Kaine anywhere in sight. He did find a note, wishing him a happy birthday and a time to come later for his surprise birthday present. He smiled softly, sending an 'I love you' to the other on his cellphone. He got up and dressed, getting swarmed by Otso as soon as he left the door with a big 'Happy Birthday~!" "Thanks Otso" He said with a small roll of his eyes and a smile. Tenmo tried to press Otso for hints, not saying anything, not even saying he sent instructions on how to set up the chocolate.


Adrian had already been up long before Tenmo was, stepping into the hallway. "Happy birthday Tenmo" He said with a warm smile. "I made you your favorite breakfast.." He nodded, Tenmos eyes widened at how well he was being treated already. Tenmo sat down to a giant plate of eggs, bacon, sausage, steak and corned beef hash, talking with his dad with a smile on his face. Adrian finished the meal and waited for his son to finish, kissing him on top of the head before running off to plan for the wedding.

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The business meetings were just as boring as he expected it was a bunch of back and forth between both teams and no one really seemed to come to an agreement. Like always. When they did finally end the meeting it was just for him to have to run off to the next one, his day seemed to be nothing but running from one meeting to the next until it was finally over and he was able to get ready for his surprise for Tenmo. He saw the text from his cute Puppy telling him he loved him before he was reading the message Otso had sent him once more to prepare the chocolate. Showering first he set to work preparing the chocolate wearing nothing but a pair of shorts while he was doing so. When he finished he made sure to let it cool enough so it wouldn't burn when it met his skin before he was heading back up to his room to finish preparations.


When he was ready and it was close to the time he was expecting his fiance he made sure the rope was already hanging out his window before he was slipping out of the clothes he had been wearing and setting them aside. It felt odd, to drizzle chocolate onto his own body but it felt even weirder for it to be on his skin so he shrugged it off. This was for his Puppy after all, and that meant it was worth it. Kaine wa still careful though, making sure it was on him and not his bed, he even went so far as to tie a ribbon around his neck with a little bow on it that matched his eyes knowing Tenmo loved the color and feeling it'd be the best way to make it clear that this was definitely a present for his Puppy. As if this wasn't enough there was still some extra melted chocolate and he had bought Tenmo a box of chocolates, since Otso and Tenmo both had expressed just how much his fiancee loved chocolate to him. Now it was just a small waiting game for him knowing he wouldn't have to wait very long that didn't mean he wasn't a little nervous about this and continuously telling himself that Tenmo better love it or Otso would certainly get an earful about it.

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Tenmo was more than happy to leave the house at the time he was told to, quickly going by Otso who seemed to be smiling to himself. Whatever...He did not feel like asking what he was so giggly about. He rushed over to the others house, already seeing the rope waiting for him. "No princess waiting for me?" He said with a laugh as he was halfway up the rope. Tenmo didn't look over straight away at the bed as he was climbing through the windowsill."Hey, something smells good, I smell choco-" Tenmo finally looked over at the bed, seeing the most amazing site he has ever seen. "....late...." He said quietly, his ears and tail popping out the second he saw him. He even had a little bow and ribbon that matched his eyes around his cute little neck. "Damn..." He said in a breathless whisper, walking over to him and flicking his tongue over some chocolate on his stomach.

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Kaine had to admit the response he got from Tenmo when he had turned to see him was well worth the wait and the surprise all together. Watching as his Puppy walked towards him flicking his tongue over some of the chocolate he had drizzled over his stomach. "Surprise." Kaine happily responded as he was watching Tenmo. "I hope this was worth the wait?" He asked with a curious look crossing his face.

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Tenmo flicked his tongue more over the others stomach, registering the other was speaking. Tenmo glanced up at Kaine, shrugging off his shirt quickly. "Very much.." Tenmo said with a possessive growl, he looked so damn appetizing and it was hard to not just take him right then and there. His inner animal loved it as he was trying to reign it in, lifting up the others leg and slowly licking down it. Chocolate has never tasted more delicious than drizzled all over Kaine..

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He had to admit he loved the sound of that possessive growl from Tenmo watching his fiancee quickly shrug off his shirt. A pleased smile appeared knowing that his Puppy thought that this was definitely worth the wait, "Enough to make it a yearly thing?" Kaine teased lightly. When his leg was lifted up he was watching his Puppy lick down it licking up the chocolate and making him moan at the feeling of his tongue on his skin. Otso had definitely had a great idea and he was enjoying it quite a bit himself.

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"Please..." Tenmo agreed with the other, not wanting to lift his tongue off of the others skin. It was so good..so delicious...He wanted to devour Kaine whole. He kissed over some of the chocolate marks, kissing his way up the others body and sucking on the others nipples. He wanted to get every last morsel of chocolate off of that sweet body. He dipped his finger in some of the chocolate, smearing it on the others lips. He opened the others mouth and dipped some on his tongue, taking his lips in a hungry kiss.

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Hearing Tenmo agree to wanting this to become a yearly thing made him happier to have gone through with the idea. He could have just ended up chickening out at the last minute and tried to figure something else out but he knew that this was a good idea. That it was something Tenmo would enjoy, especially since he had even made sure to get dark chocolate like his Puppy had told him was his favorite. Watching Tenmo move up his body he moaned loudly when his fiancee was sucking on his nipples, silently praising himself for remembering to put some chocolate there too. When they were released he saw the chocolate get wiped up a little by Tenmo's fingers, smearing the rest over his skin before he was smearing it on his lips and encouraging his mouth to open before wiping the rest on his tongue. It had to have been a second after the fingers left his mouth that Tenmo's lips were on his in a hungry kiss. Kaine moaned again into it, reaching up to run his own hands over that lovely bared torso of his. "I'll be sure to surprise you with this every year... it'll be our little tradition." Kaine whispered with a small smile once their kiss had broken.

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Tenmo let out a deep pleasure filled growl in agreement at making this a yearly thing. "No gift I could give you could top this.." Tenmo whispered against the others lips when their kiss finally broke. It was so perfect...Tenmo got some remaining chocolate he could find, smearing it on the others crotch. "Even better.." Tenmo let out another possessive growl, licking the chocolate off on his way down to his front. He slowly licked along the other, lapping up the chocolate in slow strokes.

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"Glad you like it." Kaine said as he was catching his breath from the kiss and feeling his body relax a little as Tenmo was gathering up most of the chocolate that was left on his body before he was smearing it on his crotch, just him smearing it there was enough to make him moan softly the possessive growl only adding to it. Tenmo giving it actual attention by licking it made him let out a pleased groan as he squirmed a little enjoying the feeling and wanting to feel this again and again. "Tenmo... now you're being a tease." He groaned out.

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"Who is being the tease...? Laying there looking like the delicious snack you are?" Tenmo said as he flicked his tongue over the others tip. "Now if you do birthdays, you will need to tell me what things you like. I want to make you feel as good as you are making me right now.." Tenmo growled, taking the other into his mouth. So delicious..Tenmo thought, the others natural taste mixing in with his chocolate.

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"You're the one who has to be so thorough." Kaine groaned when Tenmo said he was the one being a tease lying there looking like a delicious snack. It was so worth it too, even the way his own body was being teased by his Puppy's tongue licking up all the chocolate was worth it. Maybe even a bit of an added plus. "Fine! But not right now! Just hurry up and take me already!" Kaine needily responded. He'd tell his fiancee whatever he wanted to know about him later, but right now he really just wanted his Puppy to take him. "I'm yours all night. You can tease me later!" Kaine breathed out with a groan.

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"I want to get every last bit of chocolate.." Tenmo smirked, licking over and chocolate he had just smeared on the other. Tenmo smirked again when he heard the other beg him to take him. "Gladly.." Tenmo said with a possessive growl, working on getting his pants off. He shrugged them off into the floor and raised the others leg, making quick preparations for the other to take him while he licked some remaining chocolate off his legs. 'Mine.." He said in another possessive growl, putting himself inside of the other.

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"You can get every last bit later, we can even add more later! Just... take me now!" Kaine objected when Tenmo told him that he wanted to get every last bit of chocolate. As far as he was concerned they could just do so later, right now he had other needs that were only getting worse with each lick. Finally he seemed to get what he was so desperately hoping for, his fiancee saying 'gladly' with another possessive growl as he was slipping out of his pants. Of course Tenmo would tease him more as he was preparing him for what he really wanted by licking off the remaining chocolate that was on his legs. Thankfully it didn't seem like he had to wait very long before he was feeling him entering him with a deep pleased groan his head fell back, even just the entrance felt amazing. Through all of the business meetings and the past month he had really been anticipating this himself and was finding that he was enjoying more than he thought he would. Kaine had been sure Tenmo would enjoy it, but he hadn't expected it to affect him this much as well.

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