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An Ancient Feud (Private, 18+)


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"Don't you already get lots of attention from me when we're in private?" Kaine asked with a small smirk as he felt Tenmo squeeze his butt. Leaning up he caught his puppy's lips in a deep kiss, "I'm certainly excited. Now we'll dive headfirst into the planning of our own wedding. It'll be absolutely perfect!" There was no doubt in Kaine's mind that their wedding would be the best day of his life.


Xavier laughed at that, "It certainly would look quite odd!" He agreed with a smile. Watching the video and seeing cake smeared into thin air would seem quite odd to watch, but be no less amusing. "I have to admit... I would very much enjoy licking cake off you instead." Xavier replied with a pleased purr and a small smirk leaning down to kiss those lovely lips once more. "You certainly are the only one I'd ever let get away with licking anything off me." He whispered into his Pup's ear. If anyone else tried that he'd probably rip their throught out, not a fan of anyone touching him remotely like that who wasn't Adrian.

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“I’d want more..Jealous puppy would want extra love on hunt days..” Tenmo teased with a small smile on his face. He deeply kissed the other in return, more than happy to start planning their wedding. It was going to be perfect and he was super happy at the very prospect. He already had more members to his family, considering the vampires all members of his family or at least his honorary ‘pack’ family.


“You’d like that wouldn’t you Nippy?” Adrian teased with a whisper into the others ear, happy he would be the only one that was allowed to get away with this touching. “Maybe save a few slices of cake and you can really enjoy those pictures and eating your dessert. Some relay naughty pictures for you to commemorate the marriage to your husband. I’d only do that for you..” Adrian whispered more to tease him.

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"So let me see if I got this right...not only can I have fun on my hunts but I then have extra fun and attention with my Puppy?!" Kaine happily and teasingly responded wanting to know if he really understood what had been exchanged. Wrapping his arms around Tenmo's neck and leaning up to press a light kiss against his Puppy's cheek. "What colors do you think our wedding should have? Other than our lovely eyes!"


"I definitely would." Xavier agreed with a large smile appearing. At the mention of saving a few slices of cake for later so he could really enjoy those pictures and eating his dessert a naughty smirk appeared on his face. "You're definitely not going to make it through tonight without my doing so now." Xavier whispered back.

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"I can expect not to walk tomorrow and smelling like cake and sex..?" Adrian whispered in the others ear, more than eager for later tonight for their honeymoon. He would wear any outfits Nippy wanted and he was more than ready to enjoy what was sure to be an eventful evening. And he was looking forward to ripping off his husbands wedding tux..


"I better get extra attention if you have fun...more than who you play with" Tenmo said with a small smile, kissing Kaines lips lightly. "Besides those beautiful eyes of yours..?" Tenmo smiled warmly, giving him yet another kiss. "Maybe some dark blues..and greens..that arent my eye color" Tenmo said as he held Kaine close.

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"You know I could get behind that pup!" Xavier replied with a possessive growl more than willing to make that reality. It would be great really, having his cute pup dressed up in all kinds of outfits, taking pictures of it and to cover that gorgeous body in cake for him to enjoy and take pictures of too! It sounded like heaven to him and he was far more eager to just whisk Adrian away and begin their long night of nothing but great sex. The more he thought about it the more he just wanted to run off with Adrian, even if he knew they had to make it through the rest of the reception first.


"I'll be sure to give you plenty of attention, my jealous little puppy." Kaine playfully replied a small smile on his face. "You'll definitely get more attention than any meal ever would from me." He added absently knowing that it was completely true. Tenmo had every part of him, his heart, mind, body and soul. The only thing any of his meals would ever have was his body if that, sometimes he just got their hearts racing with oral before having a taste finding that he liked the blood better that way. He even enjoyed having a taste of Tenmo during or after sex, though he enjoyed a taste of his fiancee any time. "That would be lovely." Kaine commented when Tenmo told him what other colors he may like other than his eyes commenting some dark green that wasn't his own eye color as well. "We could do like a pine or forest green maybe?" He asked curiously.

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Adrian chuckled lightly as he kissed his lips, looking forward to the end of their wedding reception. He knew Xavier really wanted it to end as well, knowing he was able to wait and so could he. He was looking forward to a night where he was going nowhere the next day, knowing he would be spending the night and the next day at Xaviers house. And if that possessive growl told him anything, it was that it agreed with this assumption of his. He ate more of his cake, seeing plenty of cake was left.


"Good..." Tenmo said with a small lure and a smile, his tail wagging slowly behind him. "Use your fiance and soon to be husband to lure your food in...and then get sweet love from him when you're done.." Tenmo whispered into Kaines ear, giving him butt a quick smack before he went back to behaving himself. He looked back toward Adrian and Xavier, smiling at how happy his father was with him.

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Wrapping his arm around his Pup as Adrian ate some more cake, Xavier had already eaten as much cake as he would eat. Well... not including what he'd end up eating off his Pup later on. Despite how eager he was to just take his new husband to bed he enjoyed the reception all the same, talking with and hanging out with those members of the coven he hadn't had much time for lately but were still important. He also got to know the members of the pack that Adrian had invited to the wedding, knowing he needed to build some sort of relationship with the pack members as well. They were after all a new part of his family, and though it was still a bit of a hard concept for him to understand he had to admit it was kind of nice all the same.


"Sounds like the perfect combination to me." Kaine happily replied liking that idea a bit too much. Leaning in he pressed his lips to his lover's neck before flashing a large smile, "Let's have some cake now!" He said happily dragging Tenmo towards the cake more than eager to have a peice.

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Tenmo chuckled at the other practically dragging him to the cake, cutting a piece for the both of them before walking up to his father and Xavier. “So..congratulations” Tenmo said with a small smile. “It’s about time , and that makes you my second father..” Tenmo just had to tease Xavier about it, knowing he would be seeing a lot more of him around.


Adrian was glad Xavier was talking with and enjoying the company of his pack..well I guess it was kind of their pack now. Adrian chuckled at Tenmos teasing, looking up at Xavier for his reaction. “So how does it feel to be a father..Daddy?” He teased, kissing his cheek as he was finally done eating cake. He had enough cake right now and had already eaten his fill of meat.

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Kaine was happily bouncing a bit as Tenmo was cutting them some cake, extremely excited about it for whatever reason. Not that he could really explain it any. Following his puppy to Xavier and Adrian he had to admit he was a bit amused when Tenmo said that it made Xavier his second father, probably quite an odd concept all in all.


A small smirk appeared on his face when he noticed that Adrian had looked to him after Tenmo had called him his second father listening to his Pup ask him how it felt to be a father followed by calling him daddy. "Great. At least I know since he was your son he was raised right." Xavier replied happily flashing a smile. Then his gaze moved to Tenmo, "I suppose it really does make me your second father though. Just don't go getting all emotional on me." He teased the other lightly.

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Adrian And Tenmo both chuckled, both having a similar laugh to the other teasing Tenmo. “What? I can’t bother you Dad?” Tenmo teased right back and stuck his tongue out. “Or would you rather have Father call you Daddy?” He teased again, making Adrian cough a bit in embarrassment. “Are you quite finished?” Adrian said with a bright pink face, Tenmo laughing and hugging his father to show there were no hard feelings.

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Xavier smirked slightly at the two teasing him, "Oh I don't know... I suppose you could as long as you don't start crying on me." He playfully replied. Xavier was sure that Tenmo wasn't one to be crying often and he was sure that if he was crying he'd probably go to Kaine or Adrian before every coming to him, but he couldn't guarantee that either. "I might be able to get behind that." Xavier teased Adrian giving his Pup a light nudge and noticing how pink his face was right now. "Think we should add that to our fun tonight?" He asked with a soft chuckle. Having way too much fun teasing him, especially at this point.

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Adrian turned a bright red at Xavier’s teasing about calling him Daddy. He..He needed revenge! While he still had some shred of his sanity left! “Whatever you say Master..Or do you prefer being called..Daddy?” He whispered into the others ear with a small smirk. If you are going to tease me Nippy..I shall tease you back..!

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The bright red that appeared just made this whole teasing thing even more worth it and he had to admit a pleased smirk appeared as he looked down at his adorable husband. There was a pleased and possessive growl that came from him when Adrian spoke, his smirk turning to an almost feral smile, "Bold, are we? I have to admit, Master has a nice ring to it, Pup." Xavier replied though both had a nice ring to it when being said from his Pup in such a manner he had to admit he really enjoyed being in complete control of things.

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Adrian’s eats and risk popped out at the others possessive growl and feral smiled, it sending shivers down his body. God that expression held such power..Adrian thought as he made his heart pump. “You will have to make sure you show your authority over your pup..Master” He said with a low growl into the others ear, pecking at his neck. He was going to regret it later but he was obliging to tease that man as much as he teased him while he still could.


Tenmo could see they were having a moment, pulling Kaine away as they seemed to be ayfulyl flirting or saying naughty things to each other as hey whispered. He loaded Moreno meat into his plate as he found a place to sit next to Kaine..

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"No worries. Pup is certainly aware that I can and will show him his place." Xavier replied loving how his Pup's tail and ears had popped out and the way he heard his heart pounding in his chest. It was appealing and he had to admit anything he said which gained that reaction was well worth it. "Enjoy being a tease while you can." He playfully mused leaning down to catch those lips in a deep kiss. Xavier was only briefly aware of Tenmo pulling Kaine away from them obviously realizing they were having a moment.


Kaine complained a little when he was pulled away from Xavier and Adrian not caring that either man seemed more focused on each other and were clearly having a moment. He quickly gave up on protesting though settling in his seat and eating his cake with a pleased hum while Tenmo was getting some more meat. When his puppy joined him he flashed the other a smile, "Well, Xavier and Adrian seem to be having fun. Even if they are... preoccupied." Kaine mused.

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“You will definitely have to show me my place Master..I am a Bad Puppy” Adrian growled playfully in the others ear. He heard the other say to enjoy himself while he could tease him, returning the others deep kiss. “I bet you are enjoying me calling g you that Nippy..Me in a little school or maid uniform..Calling you Master while you do all sorts of things to me..” He growled lower into the others ear, nipping lightly at his earlobe befor he moved away from the others ear.


“Very preoccupied..” He chuckled as he took a bite of his meat, watching them be all over each other like they were both looking at a delicious snack. Any moment, they were probably going to run off with each other. Unless hey were trying to hold out until the end of the reception to do anything.

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"That you are." Xavier agreed with a smirk still planted firmly on his face. "I certainly can't deny that I enjoy it." He responded with a small nod. "Admit it, Pup. You're going to enjoy being dress up as my little schoolgirl or maid and calling me Master while I do all sorts of things to you." Xavier teased back his smirk only seeming to grow as he said that. "You're quite the naughty little pup." It was added after while Adrian was pulling away from his ear but it was true all the same.


"I am sure we'd be similar on our wedding night. If we could even be found anymore at this point." Kaine said with a small smile having finished his cake and was just leaning back in his chair thoughtfully watching the newly weds. "It's kind of sweet really." He commented as his gaze finally moved back to Tenmo. "I take it as I'm staying with you back at your place again? I can only imagine what they are going to get up to tonight and I'll completely pass on any chance of hearing anything that may come from it."

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“I can’t deny the fact Master..” Adrian teased more with a flirty smirks, DuPont his finger into a bit of left over frosting on his plate. He raise it back up and licked it off slowly while he looked Xavier in the eyes. “I want to see all the nasty things you plan on doing to me or having me do..” He teased further with a small smirk.


“I am sure we will..Although by that point I would have already taken you once and had have been dragged back here by the both of them” Tenmo smirked as he placed a kiss on Kaines cheek. “And go right ahead..Is take anything you need to get now as they might duck out to do..honeymoon stuff for awhile and I am sure you don’t want to se or hear any of it” Tenmo smirked as he packs up some food to go.

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"Oh don't worry Pup, you will." Xavier commented as his arm wrapped securely around the other's waist. "You're definitely sealing your fate though." He added with another possessive growl. Xavier was quite pleased with how today had gone and now that it was getting later he had absolutely no problem steering his new husband home and celebrating this union in a much more sensual way.


Kaine laughed when Tenmo told him that by this point he would have already taken him once before being dragged back to the reception by Xavier and Adrian. Which was probably quite true despite how amusing it seemed. When he was told to go ahead and get anything he'd need he quickly hoped up and kissed the other's cheek before running off to get some clothes he could change into come morning. That was really all he packed considering the only other thing of significance to him was the engagement ring that never left his hand.

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?Is the reception over yet..? You don?t know how badly I want to see what you can do to me..Husband...Nippy...Daddy...Master?Adrian used every nickname he had in his arsenal for him. He definitely knew at this point he would regret all the teasing but he would use it while he can. That possessive growl made the thought of what was to come all the more tempting


Tenmo waited for He other, people being tasked with taking food home and cleaning everything up. As soon as Kaine met back up with him, he held his hand with a smile. Tenmo started to walk with him back toward the wolf house.

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"Over enough. Everyone else seems to be taking care of things too." Xavier replied with a small smirk slipping his hand into Adrian's and tugging him towards the house and away from the reception that was currently being cleaned up by everyone. It didn't take him long at all to get Adrian home, dragging him up the stairs to his room... or well their room he figured. At least until their new house was done being built and they could move in. The moment they stepped into the room the door was shutting and locking behind him as he turned to Adrian that rather feral smirk reappearing as he growled possessively. "Let's not waste any time, strip for your Master, Pup." Xavier responded in an almost commanding tone.


Kaine was walking happily beside Tenmo as they made their way back to the pack's home, and the home he was staying at the most lately it seemed. Not that he remotely minded, he rather enjoyed it if he was being entirely honest. Leaning up he pressed a kiss to his puppy's cheek. "I say we start the planning for our wedding first thing tomorrow! I'm quite eager for our special day!"

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Adrian let himself be dragged, loving the others eagerness so much. He ended up into what was Xavier’s room but might as well be their room, watching the other quickly close the door behind him. His possessive growl passed his lips again and that feral smirk that sent his heart racing. “Yes Master..” Adrian said in a breathless sigh, loving the commanding feral side of his new husband. His ears and tail popped out as he loosened his tone and tossed it, one by one his suit came out and laid on the floor beside him until he was completely naked.


“Tomorrow it is! The sooner we can finish planning, the sooner I can finally call you my husband..” Tenmo smirked down at Kaine and giving him a kiss on the lips. “It looks like a lot of time will be spent here andivimg here until their house is done..or otherwise. That will be a question for another day..I cannot wait to plan our wedding” Tenmo smirked, knowing he would need to get them rings at some point.

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It was with over observant eyes that Xavier was watching Adrian's every move as he was stripping out of his suit. A pleased hum escaping him when he was bared for him completely, at which point he was motioning to a box resting on the dresser in the room. "Your first outfit is in that box, pup. Might as well slip into it now." The look that crossed his face made it clear he was quite eager to see what he was going to look like wearing it, though he was positive that Adrian would look quite sexy.


"I can't wait! I want to call you my handsome husband for the rest of my life!" Kaine happily responded as they were walking towards the pack's home. "It does appear that way, but I can't say I mind it too much. I mean... I've kind of gotten used to living with the pack, even if I couldn't be any more out of place there." Kaine admitted with a small laugh giving his pup a smile.

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Adrian saw the other gesture to a box sitting on top of the dresser, lifting up its lid once he walked over to it. Of course he would chose the maid outfit first..Adrian blushed as he saw how...tiny the uniform looked just in the box alone. He slipped on a see through black top with attached apron and a skirt that just barely covered his front, which only made him redder. His tail popped out from underneath the skirt, raising it ever so slightly in the back.


Tenmo laughed as he looked over at Kaine with his own smile. "You are pretty much an honorary member of the pack once we get married..I am sure Otso would love someone else besides me to pounce on and tease. And I still need to thank him properly for...a wonderful birthday gift last week.." Tenmo kissed the others neck with a small smirk.

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It was quite eagerly that Xavier watched Adrian get dressed, his pup looked even sexier in the outfit than he had originally thought. Especially when he realized just how little it covered on him, watching as his tail popped out raising the back of the maid outfit a little. Walking over to him his hand moved immediately to that enticing ass of his Pup, his other hand running up to his cheek to pull his head towards him. Giving Adrian a deep kiss he smiled at him once it broke, "You're even sexier than I could have ever imagined."


Kaine laughed, "You're right. Otso probably would love to pounce on and tease me after we're married." Kaine admitted a bit amused by the prospect. When Tenmo mentioned how he still needed to thank him properly for a wonderful birthday gift his smile turned to a smirk. "You really do. I'm still not completely sure how he came up with the idea, but it was definitely fun." He agreed with a nod.

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