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An Ancient Feud (Private, 18+)


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"Adrian." Xavier purred when he noticed that his husband was watching the wall and not looking at him. "Look at me." This time the growl was a bit demanding. Determined to put some authority in there even if it was just a simple thing like that. His eyes were sparkling, his feral smirk reappearing. He may not be able to tease the wolf like he could his husband's human form, but there were still ways to tease him. One thing Xavier knew was the reason Adrian was refusing to look at him was because he would end up cracking his resistance. "Come on! Give your handsome husband at least enough attention that you look at me!" He played complained reaching for the wolf's chin and turning his head to look at him. "Don't be mean to your vampire."

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Adrian shivered when Xavier growled at him like that, looking at the wall like he would die otherwise. F-Focus...R-remain...focused...He kept thinking, trying not to crack under the others growl. It was much easier when he was not looking him in the eyes as he did it. Adrian was so focused on the wall, he didn't even see the hand reaching for his chin and turning his head to look at him. Those sparking eyes...that feral smirk...It made his heart skip a beat and there were some major cracks in his resistance. If he was in human form, he would be a dark red at this point as the others expression and tone of voice warmed up his entire body. He shook a tiny bit from how tense he was and how many cracks formed in his resistance looking at him with that expression etched in his eyes and smirk.

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"It's quite mean to not even look at your husband on your wedding night!" Xavier whined softly. Though the look on his face made it clear he was using this as an excuse to forced Adrian to meet his gaze and not keep staring at the wall. Leaning forward he pressed another gently kiss to his pup's snout able to tell by the look in his eyes and how his ears were that his resistance to him was cracking. "I give you tons of attention. It's not nice to ignore me." If anything he could just guilt Adrian into giving in to him. Especially now that Adrian wasn't staring at the wall anymore. "So, how about you give me at least a little attention? Cuddle a little? Even as a wolf you have to have some need or want to cuddle right?"

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Adrian pressed his face into the others chest shortly after mentioning cuddling, the others former feral smirk and sparkling eyes having broken down a good chunk of his wall of resistance. Adrian found himself in his human form again, face buried in the others chest as his tail wag slowly behind him. It took him a moment to realize...he lost. He lost pretty much to the others voice and that damned dominating attitude. Xaviers feral smirk and dominating growl had to be his biggest weakness..

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Xavier was pleased to feel his husband pressing his face into his chest, instantly he ran his fingers through his fur and pat his head gently but it wasn't long after he found his naked lover pressed against him. "You know, I wasn't expecting this when I said I wanted you to cuddle. But I absolutely love it." Xavier commented as he ran his fingers through that long hair that he absolutely loved. Running his fingers down the other's back gently, he pressed a kiss to the top of his head remaining relaxed. "You're so cute." Xavier murmured softly.

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Adrian wrapped his arms around the other, holding him tightly to him. "Do you know how hard that was...?" He said in response to the other calling him cute, turning a bright pink again. "Looking at me with those fucking eyes and the feral smirk and your dominating growl...That was impossible.." Adrian groaned, face buried in Xaviers chest. It was hard to fight basic instinct to just change and let him take him right then and then, not sure how he managed to do it. Adrians tail finally calmed down, enjoying the warmth of the others chest on his face.

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"Yes. Why do you think I did it?" Xavier replied with a soft laugh before he was pressing another kiss to the top of his Pup's head. "I told you that in the end I would win." He said with a soft smile. "I love that you can't keep it up though. Just proves how much you're mine." He added with a possessive growl. Running his hand along that gorgeous body of his husband. "I love you, Adrian. You'll always be mine." There was a clear promise in his voice when he said those words. Determined that Adrian knew that one hundred percent just like he knew that.

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He knew it was his weakness and he used it against him?! He couldn't blame him, that man could get him to do pretty much anything with a little smile and a growl. He truly did belong to Xavier completely, his heart soul and everything belonged to his husband...His Nippy. "Always.." Adrian said with a tiny growl of his own, pulling him into a deep kiss. He held it for so long before breaking apart, breaking only once he needed to breathe. He had to get it out of the way..restraining himself made him feel like he was going nuts.

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Xavier was happy to return the deep kiss that Adrian pulled him into, his hand stilling on his Pup's butt. Fingers gently rubbing against the skin there, when it broke his breath was slightly fast, having needed the air just as Adrian had. Flashing a large smile at his Pup, "You're the best, Pup. I also absolutely loved that you can't resist me for long or be a rebel for very long." Xavier felt the need to say that, wanting to make sure of it. "Though I have to admit, on the full moon I absolutely love your feistiness. Even now I love it."

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Adrian blushes lightly at being told he could not resist him very long or be a rebel. “That’s your fault being all dominating and controlling like that..How do you think you got me to begin with..?” Adrian said as he looked up at him. “I don’t remember exactly what we said that night but I was quite rebellious. You..were not a fan of that..I was thrown off...I think we fought a tiny bit but the power and dominance you showed..amazed me” Adrian said as he looked up at him shyly. “I could repeat that day over and over again..”

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Xavier laughed softly when Adrian spoke, it was cute really and he had to admit he liked that it was his dominance that had won his Pup over. "I expected you to be rebellious, it's part of a wolf's nature right?" He mused as he thought back to that night. "I handled your behavior much like I would a newborn vampire. A strong, dominant and commanding presence and attitude is needed to reel them in. I figured the same would translate to you in a more instinctual state." Xavier admitted as he thought back to it. He had handled Adrian like he would any newborn vampire, creatures that too were locked in a state run by instinct.

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“You Aren’t wrong..” Adrian said with a nod, often having to use that to corall people on full moon or get people to behave. “And I was quite rebellious I like to think..We first met each other and first thing we did was fight! I wasn’t going to let some, at the time, leech best me in a fight” Adrian chuckled at the memory. “Hell, if I could take down this powerful feeling aura vampire, then that means something” Adrian smirked up at Xavier.

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"Vampires and werewolves have similarities, even if our races like to try to deny that as much as possible." Xavier said with a soft sigh still absently running his fingers through Adrian's hair as they were talking. When his Pup mentioned that first night they had met he chuckled softly, "We did." They certainly had fought that first night at the border, it had been... the first of many. "You definitely gave me a run for my money. Even now, I am sure if you wanted too you'd be quite the match for me."

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“Try going back and telling us we would be like this the first night...married to each other as husbands” Adrian laughed as he leaned against the other and letting the others hands continually stroke his hair. “Kept coming back for more fighting..Oh we fought so many times..I honestly don’t recall how that remotely turned into anything romantic...I’m sure we would rememebr if we thought about it awhile” He chuckled, sure he could remember if he sat around awhile and thought about it. “I would fight you a million times and do it all again” Adrian laughed, kissing his cheek. “If I could, I would be a match to you, leech scum” He teased him With the thing he always ended up calling Xavier when they fought back then.

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"If anyone had told me that then, I would have torn them to shreds for being so stupid to think such a thing was even possible." Xavier admitted with a sheepish smile on his face. "Even looking back on it, thinking back on it I can't truly recall what changed as to why I fell so hard for you. But whatever it was... I under no circumstances regret it." He wanted to make that very clear as he caught his Pup's lips in a quick kiss. "We did fight a lot, I think it was for weeks straight we would return to the border and fight as though trying to best each other when to be honest... neither one of us really got the upper hand in the fight. It always seemed to end in a draw." He was thinking back to all of that as he spoke, those nights they fought each other, trying to best one another but never truly succeeding. "I would always accept that challenge." Xavier said with a smirk.

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AdriN chuckled that hey shared a similar mentality to the whole thing back then, wondering how them meeting and fighting at the maple tree, then for weeks at the border turned into love. “Neither Of is really ever winning, more until we got bored or He night was over..” Adrian chuckled as he reminisced for a bit. “Oh really now?” Adrian smirked back up at him. “I would like to see the blood sucker try..” Adrian affectionately teased him with one of the other nicknames he usually called him in their fighting days. “Challenge accepted” He chuckled, giving him a kiss on the lips.

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Xavier laughed again at that, "You're right. We did eventually grow bored or the night ended and just kind of... went our separate ways." He mused. "So the mutt wants to challenge me?" He teased giving Adrian a soft nudge. "You would always accept the challenge!" Xavier said with another laugh. "I do have to admit, even though we started off quite aggressive with each other, and... it didn't get any gentler." He mused as he leaned down to nip the back of his Pup's neck. Though their fighting had come to a stop... at least until that one fight that had ended it all for them for so long but that had been verbal even if it had physically hurt. But their sex certainly hadn't been gentle, not even back then, though his Pup clearly hadn't remotely minded. "Even now you don't like me being gentle with you."

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"I did not and still do not like being provoked. You challenging me was just asking for a fight..!"Adrian said with a smile. He hummed happily when the other nibbled his neck. "I still think your little nickname might have come from one fight. Trying to keep me off you and you roughly went for my neck but still didn't kill me...So I ended up calling you Nippy to tease you about it" He smirked, thinking about the other mentioning their rough fighting turned into rough sex. "Definitely started out as fighting for dominance in the sexual relationship..I just ended up really liking your rougher side..A fight you could win" Adrian smirked again up at him.

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"Like any predator I went for the throat." Xavier replied with a smirk. Sure he hadn't killed Adrian, his intention had never been to kill him even that first night he had no intention of killing his Pup. He had wanted to best him, to prove he was stronger and make a point, but not kill him. "Yet it turned into a term of endearment, one I found myself loving to hear from your lips." He agreed with a small nod. At first being called Nippy had royally pissed Xavier off, but as time had passed he had learned to love the nickname and now wanted to hear it any chance he got. "What's that, Pup? Are you trying to say that I can only win our fights when it comes to sex?" Xavier asked acting as though he was insulted though he knew that in a physical fight neither would win. Maybe that was different now, Xavier didn't do much fighting anymore leaving that to the younger members of the council when violence was needed.

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"Now you go after the throat with more than just your hands.." Adrian smirked playfully. "You calling me pup was probably something similar. I hated you calling me that so much. I would get so mad at you" He laughed, resting his head on the others shoulder. "Maybe I am implying just that Nippy.." Adrian teased with a smirk. He mellowed out when ended up having Tenmo as far as jumping right into a fight. But it hadn't been since Tenmo blocked him from attacking Kaine had he really fought so hard before now. "What's the matter blood sucker? Scared?" Adrian tried to act all tough and cocky ln a teasing manner like he did when he was younger.

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A smirk appeared at the mention of him calling Adrian 'pup' was probably something similar. "It was, you were young and had an aura about you that was much like a young pup. At first it was meant to insult you and that was exactly what it did, but clearly I do it now out of love." He mused with a small smile. A deep growl came from him when Adrian teased him with a smirk, saying that maybe he had been implying that. "Not at all." Xavier growled dominantly when his Pup decided to try to act touch and cocky just as he had all those years ago. "We both know I'm the more dominant person. Maybe no longer physically stronger, but I have other ways of beating you."

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"Insults and fighting turned into love.." Adrian chuckled, kissing the others cheek. Adrian shivered and blushed under the others dominant growl, already weak to try to begin to resist it again. That was half the reason he was drawn to the other in the first place so it was hard to resist his power. Adrian scoffed with a little smirk, kissing the others lips. "You are lucky I love you.." Adrian teased, kissing him again.

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"That it did. Odd how that worked, huh?" Xavier mused thoughtfully. Seeing the way his Pup shivered and blushed when he had let out a dominant growl made him smirk at his Pup, it was so sweet that he couldn't resist that. At least that was how Adrian felt about it even if it made his husband blush. "I don't like to think of it as luck, I'm just too good for you not to love me." Xavier said with pure amusement.

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“You’re too good?” Adrian said with a laugh, deciding to tease him a bit more. “Says the one who threw me against a tree once mid fight.” He smirked, trying to remember what fight that was..There were so many. The first of course would always be the most memorable one..

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"Hey now! That tree took more damage than you did." Xavier replied with a laugh. "Even now you're quite easy to throw around, aren't ya?" He teased with a gentle nudge. He smiled at his Pup remembering those dreams, leaning down and pressing a kiss to his Pup's cheek. "But admit it, even then I looked great!" Xavier just couldn't help but be playful and tease the other. "You did too of course! Even if I was not going to admit that at the time."

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