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An Ancient Feud (Private, 18+)


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"If it makes him happy and gives him something to do then I'll be happy." Xavier said with a small smile being told Otso would probably buy more romance novels and tinkering stuff or drawing supplies. As long as the wolf was happy and he was giving him a way to get things to make him happy then it was a success in his book. "Admit it, Pup. You love everything about me." Xavier said with a smirk nipping his Pup's neck gently while running his hand teasingly along the other's bare chest.


"Oh so am I!" Kaine happily replied a dirty smirk on his face. "I am sure Otso and I could think of plenty of fun surprises for you." He mused more willing to make his Puppy blush once more since he really did love it when he managed to do so. "Definitely!" He happily responded when Otso mentioned getting vintage wines and alcohols especially since they had already discussed getting alcohol for the wedding.

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Adrian chuckled with a smile as he felt the other nip his neck and run a hand over his chest. "Of course I do, no question about it" He smiled warmly, kissing the others lips. "You are going to make me only want to sleep when you treat me so nicely.." Adrian hummed as he was content to stay in bed all day if it meant Xavier was his nurse.


Tenmo turned a bright pink at the two that seem to conspire together to make him turn different hues of pink and red.


"Gladly! I bet even Bryan can't resist a good drink if I gave him one!" Otso laughed happily with a big smile on his face. He would win him over for sure and not lose this challenge!

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A bright smile appeared when he was told that he was only going to make Adrian want to sleep when he was treating him so nicely. "I like to be nice and gentle with you once in awhile. You're the one who insists I'm rough." Xavier teased loving to be gentle and care for his pup as much as he was rough with him.


Seeing his pup turn bright pink made his bright smile grow even larger. Happy to see it and loving that he was part of the reason behind it. "A drink may be exactly what you need to loosen him up a bit! I would love to see him a little tipsy." Kaine admitted with a small smirk. The thought of Otso using alcohol to get a head start on Bryan was amusing but also smart. Getting even one drink into the vampire would probably be a big improvement.

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Otsos ears and tail perked up at hearing him want to be tipsy. He seemed to be thinking and started to ask Kaine a question. "Is Bryan the type to back down from a challenge or contest...and can he dance at all? Any kind of dance? Surely vampires have some kind of parties or events where they dance?" Otso tilted head curiously as Tenmo was staring back at him in confusion.


"I do enjoy your gentle touches every once in awhile..Not usually during sex but any other time" Adrian said with a small laugh and a playful smile. "I cannot say I hate being taken cared of either.." he teased while he kissed the others lips

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"Hmm... I don't really know." Kaine admitted when he was asked of Bryan was one to back down from a challenge or contest. "He can." The other said with a nod, "The more traditional dances though." He added feeling the need to pit that out there. "The coven sticks firmly to tradition. Doesn't delve in many modern things outside of business." He added feeling like it needed a bit of an explanation.


"Sometimes I want to be gentle with you though, even during sex." Xavier teased with another gentle kiss to his Pup's neck. Returning the kiss he was happy to have his husband in his arms and this calm and peaceful moment. "I definitely enjoy taking care of you, pampering you." He mused kissing Adrian again.

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“Got it, time to learn more slow waltz and older dances” Otso nodded firmly and cracking his knuckles. “I have to try to use that if the alcohol does not work. I need to use any advantage or opportunity I have to get close” Orin nodded, figuring if all else failed, maybe he could teach him to dance or dance with him. It would not be maybe the most friendly relationship but if he managed that, it was a start.


“You are really determined to make a friend of Bryan” Tenmo laughed, patting his head. “If anyone can make friends with the stiff, it will be you” Tenmo smiled warmly. “I am sure you will think of something...”


Adrian smiled happily up at Xavier, not minding being taken care of like this. Even if he liked his rough sex, the finely ness of Xavier he could appreciate before his inner sex drive craved the roughness. “I like it too..Gentle Xavier who pampers me. And we have the rest of our lives to do so” He smiled warmly as he closed his eyes in the others touch.

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"Get a drink or two in him then ask him to dance and you'll at least see a slightly friendlier attitude ." Kaine said with a small smile, amused that Otso was so determined even if it meant he had to learn old fashioned and traditional dances. "Tenmo's right, if anyone can befriend him it's you. So don't stress over it or think about it too much." He commented leaning against the table.


Xavier chuckled at the mention of Adrian liking the gentle him that pampered him as well. Watching his husband's eyes close as he continued to gently touch and caress his body. Admiring his partner's body while relaxing with him. "I am sure you would love any side of me that pampers you." Xavier commented.

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"I know, i am just eager to please~!" Otso said with a big happy smile. "Although trying to learn all that graceful dancing is going to be hard..But hey, if it will make me a friend or at least get the stuck up guy to talk to me, I will take it!" He smiled warmly up at the two of them. It made Tenmo chuckled how determined Otso was to learn how to dance for a vampire...


"I love any side of my handsome man..." Adrian said with a happy smile, getting more comfortable next to him. "I still can't believe we are actually married.." He said with a softer smile on his face, holding the hand with his ring on it that had the others ring.

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"I'm sure Alise would teach you. She loves to dance, and if it gets Bryan to lighten up I am sure she'd be even happier to teach you." Kaine said thinking about Slide and how frequently she stood toe to toe with Bryan already. She would probably appreciate the opportunity to teach Otso to dance in the hopes that she wouldn't always have to defend other coven members simple actions all the time.


"Neither can I. Though I don't think I'd ever stop trying to marry you." Xavier said with a bright smile, gently squeezing Adrian's hand. This time he wouldn't let Adrian slip through his fingers afraid he wouldn't get a third chance. Marrying him had always been something he wanted to do, and now it was a reality.

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“She would..? Really? She seemed really nice..” Otso said with a shy smile and a wag of his tail. “If you think she will help me, I would love to learn dancing from her!” He said with a big smile. He could not wait to learn to dance and use it to help take down the challenge that is Bryan.


Adrian smirked warnly at his answer, holding it tight and kissing his cheek. “I am glad it became a reality..I loved you quite a lot when he started becoming friendly, even if I would not have cared to admit so” He said with a soft sigh.

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"Of course she would." Kaine replied with a smile not seeing why Slide wouldn't be up to teaching Otso some more traditional dances. Dances that would hopefully win over Bryan at least a little bit. "Great! I'll talk ask her about it tonight." He happily replied glad to have made at least a little progress in the case of Bryan.


"I love hearing that." Xavier mused with a smirk. He was glad that Adrian was admitting to him that even then he loved him a lot. It meant a lot to hear that, and if at all possible

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“I’ll have to wear something nice for when Alise teaches me” Otso smiled, running off to go find some nice clothes. “Welll, it looks like your plan to start pulling the stick out of Bryan’s ass is swinging in motion” Tenmo chuckled before kissing his cheek.”With enough time, maybe he will lose the clipboard and even smile” Tenmo smiled at him.


“Ok come on...” Adrian said with a bright blush and a shy smile. “I am sure you did two even if we never admitted it to one another so frankly and end up the way we are now” Adrian said with a shy laigh

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Watching Otso run off to look for some nice clothes a small smile appeared on his face. "I love how excited he is." Kaine mused as he turned his attention back to Tenmo with a smile. "Do you think he'll be able to learn to dance by the wedding?" He asked not sure if Otso would be able to learn any traditional dances by that time. Some were rather complex, others not so much. Hopefully Alise would pick something simple and not overly complicated.


"You're so cute when you blush like that." Xavier said happily flashing a smile. "Maybe I did." He teased nudging the other gently and loving how easy it was to make his husband blush. The pink coloring of his cheeks was a lovely sight.

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“I am sure he will be fine..Wolves are not known for their innate ability to be traditional dancers. We tend to prefer harder metal musics or upbeat kind of music. Not waltzes and a bunch of classical music” Tenmo chuckled, not preferring it himself. He looked and felt like the exact opposite of that kind of music and style.


“Stooop!” Adrian blushes brighter and covered his face. “I hate how easily you can make me blush..” He groaned, covering his face with his hands. His heart raced, yet he loved how much it pounded in his chest. He remembered how much he hated the fact his heart pounded when he started to realize long ago how much he actually grew to enjoy the time with the man that was now his husband

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Kaine couldn't help but laugh when Tenmo spoke telling him what wolves were more into when it came to dances and music. "I suppose that is definitely one major way our species are different." He mused a small smile on his face. "Hopefully I'll be able to convince my puppy to at least do one traditional dance with me?" He half asked and half teased. Wondering if he'd be able to convince Tenmo to do that on their wedding night, "I'll even let you pick the dance."


"When you do that it just makes me even happier to see it and more eager to make it appear." Xavier teased as he leaned in and gently pressed his lips to Adrian's neck. "I absolutely adore my cute and sexy husband, especially when he's blushing." He whispered into his Pup's ear.

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“It’s our wedding..Although I am afraid I am not one for slow dances so I will need practice if I do not want to look like a stumbling fool for our dance together” Tenmo said as he kissed the top of his head. “I would do anything for you..” He said against the others head. Even if he was not one for slow or traditional dances, he would at least give it a try.


“Kaine..?” Otso called out,coming out with his wedding tux in his hands. “Is a tux too much to practice in? Or just the white shirt? I want to look nice for Alise” He said with a shy smile.


“You whispering and being a sexy beast does not help my blush go away..” Adrian said quietly, shivering underneath the others whisper. He loved neck kisses and it only made his face feel like it was on fire.

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"I highly doubt anything would make you look like a stumbling fool." Kaine responded as he shook his head. Absolutely refusing to believe that his husband could ever look that way, especially to him much less anyone else. Leaning up he caught his Puppy's lips in a deep kiss as he wrapped his arms around Tenmo's neck smiling up at him happily when the kiss broke.


Kaine had been about to speak to his puppy once more when he heard Otso calling his name. Glancing towards the kitchen door he was curious what the other wanted so soon but he arrived tux in hand and asked him about practicing in it or just the shirt. "If that is what you intend to dance in then learning in the tux would probably be a good idea. Since they can be more movement constricting." Kaine replied.


"I'm not trying to help the blush go away." Xavier admitted with a smirk. He didn't particularly want the blush to go away, he wanted to admire it more and see it more. He even wanted to make it last as long as possible.

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Tenmo returned the others deep kiss, kissing the other passionately. He wrapped his arms around the others waist, pulling him close into the kiss. The kiss finally broke with a small smile, looking down at Kaine. "You can...You can make me feel like a bumbling fool" He blushed softly with a small smile. "I would want practice though.." He admitted, not wanting his first time to be at the reception. He watched Otso run off, muttering to himself about getting the suit ready for whenever practice would be.


"You are a horrible man.." Adrian whacked him lightly with a bright blush and a shy smile. He didn't care, of course, but he was embarrassed how easily he could do it. "I am going to feel embarrassed tomorrow with how scared and anxious I will feel.." He mumbled quietly.

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"Can I?" Kaine asked giving him a curious look not really wanting to ever make Tenmo feel that way. "I certainly wouldn't want to make you feel that way." He commented giving his fiancee a shy smile. "We could... practice together?" Kaine offered when Tenmo mentioned wanting to practice since he didn't mind doing so especially if it meant more time with his puppy.


"You know I can't help it! You're to adorable when you're blushing... absolutely sexy." Xavier purred happy to see the blush whenever possible. "You have no reason to be scared, I'll be by your side all day and night." He promised with a gentle loving kiss. Xavier absolutely loved his pup and would be by his side no matter what especially when he was scared or anxious.

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"Every time you smile....Every time you kiss me...." Tenmo answered, turning a bright red before stopping himself and embarrassing himself further. "Yes, I would want to practice..I've never slow danced or know traditional dances. I would want my future husband to teach me" He said with a warm smile as his blush started to fade.


"Good.." Adrian said as he returned the others gentle kiss. "This is nothing in comparison so I should be able to move by tomorrow" He smiled as he gave him another kiss.

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Kaine couldn't help it, a bright smile appeared on his face as he leaned up and caught Tenmo's lips in another deep.passionate kiss. "I love you, Puppy." He murmured happily. Being told that he would want his future husband to teach him to dance certainly made Kaine happy as well. "That's great! I'd love to teach you some of my favorite dances!" Kaine said happily his smile and face only seeming to brighten.


"Good." Xavier said with a smile glad to hear that Adrian should be able to move around tomorrow. Giving his pup another kiss he gave him a small smile. "Is my husband hungry? We could order something."

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Tenmo was more than happy to return the others deep and passionate kiss, holding him tightly to him. The kiss finally broke after some time, loving to see the other smile. "We only need a few small things...Let's get married by the end of the week! I do not think I could wait any longer" He smiled warmly, asking "Now...when are my dance lessons?" He teased with a peck on the cheeks. "It looks like Otso will be busy with his own as soon as tomorrow" he laughed.


"No" Adrian answered and his stomach responded with a loud gurgle. "Okay maybe I am..I used a lot of energy yesterday" He said with a soft blush. 'I will be happy with anything you pick.." He said with a smile, kissing the others lips lightly.

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"I second that!" Kaine replied excitedly. The prospect of being married to his fiancee by the end of the week was an amazing one. Already being extremely eager to marry Tenmo, especially when he had already waited so long. Kaine couldn't understand how some people could remain engaged for years without marrying each other. It seemed impossible that anyone could or would want to wait that long. "How about tomorrow then? While Otso is getting his lessons with Alise I'll give you yours." He offered.


Xavier laughed when Adrian told him no but his stomach told him yes. A second later his husband was changing his answer telling him he would be happy with anything he picked. "Bbq? I really want some ribs." Xavier questioned.

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Tenmo kissed Kaine happily, his heart racing that they were to be married by the end of the week. With less to plan, it would be easy! He broke the kiss with a nod, kissing the others cheek. "I would send the message to Alise soon then so she can prepare" Tenmo smiled, adding "I cannot wait for those dance lessons with you as the rain pours outside" with a light kiss to the cheek.


"Oh, that sounds delicious!" Adrian said with a big smile, his tail wagging behind him. "I love bbq, steak....we need steak to bbq!" He said with a big smile.

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"I will... But first food! That's the whole reason we came in here to begin with." Kaine said with a laugh. He was still hungry and wanted some food while they were in the kitchen. Even if they had gotten distracted a little by Otso and the wedding it wasn't enough to completely distract him from his hunger.


"Doesn't it?" Xavier said with a smile really wanting bbq right now and determined that they get it. "Of course, Pup. I know how you live steak." He added with a soft laugh before getting up to make a call, he'd have one of the coven members go pick up the food for him so they wouldn't have to go anywhere. Especially since Adrian was still currently in no position to go anywhere.

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