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An Ancient Feud (Private, 18+)


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“You’re doing this on purpose..” Adrian said in a low growl, gritting his teeth together as he tried to keep quiet. Now he had a little girl a few doors down to worry about and Xavier was teasing him like this on purpose. Even now it was hard to resist Xavier, with him poking and teasing him like this. “You better take me at this point with all this teasing or Ill be pissed..” Tenmo said with another low growl, wanting to be taken already. He pulled Xavier down into a deep kiss, nails digging into Xavier’s back.

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"Doing what?" Xavier asked playing stupid an innocent look crossing his face for a moment before a large smirk appeared. "I'm simply giving your lovely body attention." He purred before a possessive growl followed. His fingers were slow but soon slipped inside of his handsome husband, wanting to tease him a bit more. "Oh... I don't know." Xavier said thoughtfully after Adrian had made the threat of how he better take him at this point with all of the teasing or that he'd be pissed. Still having some fun and not really feeling the need to end that to take his husband just yet. Suddenly hel was pulled down into a deep kiss, one he was eager to return a pleasured groan escaping as he felt the nails digging into his back. "Point taken." He growled needily nipping the other's bottom lip before he was letting his fingers slip out and getting into position. No longer feeling like teasing.

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"You know perfectly well so just fuck me hard already..!" Adrian said through gritted teeth, rather impatient from all the teasing. He wanted Xavier inside of him now and Xavier still continued to tease. He finally got what he wanted, letting out a low pleased growl from the back of his throat.

"Is everything okay...? I heard growling..." A small knock hit the door coming from Solaria. Adrian stared back up at Xavier, glaring at him how he better fix that problem as he thrusted his hips into the others intruding body part.

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"You're always so impatient." Xavier mused. He didn't make Adrian wait very long though before he was slipping inside of him hearing the pleased growl come from Adrian. Dipping his head down he nipped at the other's neck just as he heard a knock on the door and Solaria's voice asking if everything was okay that she had heard growling. Xavier's gaze met Adrian's as he felt the other thrusting his hips back into him, biting his lip to not groan as he felt how deep he was inside of his husband now. Taking in a breath to steady his voice he spoke loud enough that Solaria would be able to hear him from the other side of the door. "Everything is fine, sweetie. Daddy just... tripped over a chair. He's fine though." Xavier said as he shifted to thrust his hips forward now that Adrian had felt the need to tease him him by thrusting back into him he felt it was only fair to return the favor.

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Adrian clenched his teeth as he managed to steady his voice, moving his more more on the other in a slow pace. “Daddy’s fine dear..Just hurts a lot..” Adrian managed to keep his voice steady. He kept moving his hips as Solaria said a “Okay, feel better!” Solaria caked out before going back to her room. “Fucking Bastard..” Adrian said through his teeth from the others earlier teasing.

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A soft chuckle came from Xavier when Adrian went along with the tripping over a chair story, telling Solaria he was fine that it just hurts a lot. He had to give Adrian credit for keeping his voice steady while their hips moved slowly, teasingly even. Once she left she heard him speak through his teeth laughing again as he leaned down and nipped the other's neck. "Well... that almost ended bad." He teased thrusting his hips forward harder. "Looks like my Pup will have to hold in those sexy growls of his to not redraw our daughter's attention." He whispered in the other's ear.

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Adrian grabbed a pillow and had to bite down into it, knowing he couldn’t growl as loudly as he wanted to. He was getting his rough thrusting so he could not complain. He kept on pushing his hips into the other, growling into the pillow, his moans muffled.

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There was amusement clear on his face when Adrian had to grab a pillow to bite into, but he knew that this was probably going to become more common. Especially once they moved into the real house if he wanted to have any type of moment like this with his Pup when Solaria was home. At least until she was older and could understand what was going on without being scared for life. "You're kind of cute like this." He purred softly, leaning down to nip his Pup's neck before he focused solely on the movement of his hips, determined to get them both off.

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Adrian wanted to retort or say anything in return but with his mouth full of pillow, it was hard to talk back or make comments. He let out a muffled groan from the neck kisses as he clenched the pillow tighter. He definitely needed to make up for this when the house was done. He wanted to be loud and moan and growl all he wanted. Needing to keep himself quiet only drew him closer to climax, knowing they could get caught if either was too loud. His grip tightened further when he hit his climax, letting out a loud growl into the pillow before removing it. He breathed heavily as he took deep breaths without the pillow in the way.

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His Pup reaching his climax made Xavier smile hearing the muffled growl into the pillow before Adrian was moving it aside and taking heavy breaths. He thrust a few more times before he was reaching his climax as well, leaning forward to give Adrian a deep kiss. "This was fun." He mused as he pulled away and laid down on the bed wrapping an arm around Adrian and pulling him close once more. "I love you, Pup. Now we can get some sleep." Xavier laughed before pressing a kiss to the top of his husband's head, pulling the blankets over them.

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“I love you Nippy..” Adrian smirked warmly at their nicknames for each other. He cuddled up to Xavier close, loving to cuddle after sex with him. When they were so rough with one another, it was nice to cuddle and be gentle after it was all done. His eyes slowly slip shut as he fell asleep on the others chest.



Solaria was in her room, picking out a nice outfit to Wear for the day. She tried to do her own pigtails and didn’t do a good job, she gave up and brushed her hair until there was not a single tangle. She got dressed in her favorite white shirt and overalls. She packed up her homework and waited patiently for her fathers to wake up.


Adrian was still asleep, not keen on waking up so early. He put a pillow over his head as if that would make time stop and getting up early go away. Why do schools open so early..? He groaned to himself.


“Come on, it will be fun~! I promise if it goes bad we can leave okay?” Otso stood in front of Shi in his Jessica outfit. Shi wore a black t shirt with a skull on it and dark blue ripped jeans. Otso texted he was on the way with Shi, walking toward the coven house and knocking on their door.


Tenmo for once woke up without much issue, rubbing his tired eyes. “Good morning beautiful...” He said softly, leaning down and kissing his sleeping lips. He was starving and wanted to eat, trying to remember the last time he hunted..maybe a light meal now and hunt later? That sounded good..He thought to himself.

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Xavier definitely did not want to get up when the sound of the alarm clock began to pierce the silence of the room. Groaning softly he reached over to turn it off noticing that Adrian had put a pillow over his head. Nudging his Pup he smirked down at him, "Come on, love. We are both going to take Solaria to school." Xavier said as he was slipping out of the bed despite not really wanting to get up and pulling on some clean clothes.


Alise had gotten up at her usual time to set up the ballroom again, putting out snacks and drinks for the three of them a small smile on her face as she was quite eager to meet Shi and figure out this new character. With his past, she was sure it would be far more difficult to get through to him, but she didn't entirely mind either. This time she didn't have to tell Bryan she was expecting any guests, since he happened to be passing by the door when there was a knock on it.


Bryan had opened the door cold gaze moving from Jessica to Shi and back again. "Let me guess, for Alise?" He said in a tone that made it very clear he didn't care. Though there was sneaking suspicion he felt when he looked between the two about something he didn't entirely like. "Come in. I guess." He added stepping aside not really knowing why Alise had not just told them to walk in at this point. With Adrian here wolves occasionally just showed up looking for him, and most of them just walked in. He would figure at this point that it meant there were no door rules and everyone was just going to go wherever they pleased.


Mumbling something mixed between a 'morning' and 'go away' Kaine was turning his face into his pillow after he had gotten a kiss. Too tired and not wanting to deal with anything or anyone at the moment, even if he did physically press closer to Tenmo once more. He was quite content to remain where he was and not budge from his spot for as long as he could.

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Adrian groaned but he managed to roll himself out of the bed. He looked for clean clothes to wear, throwing on anything and not caring today. He felt lazy and hated early mornings. “Can you make her breakfast..? Ill make sure she is ready” Adrian said with a tired smile as he kissed his lips lightly.


“As always “ Jessica laughed, her arms wrapped around Shis as he pulled Shi into the room. “Alise dear, we are hereeee~!” Otso called our, smiling warmly and holding Shis hand. Shi still didn’t understand the point of staying so close together but it seemed to piss off the one called Bryan. He shot him a glare and he held ‘Jessica’ closer. “Alise, Shi.Shi, Aliss” Jessica gestured between the two of them


Tenmo chuckled at his reluctance to wake up, kissing his cheek softly before he was going to get breakfast. He was going to happily join him shortly but be needed some food.

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"Sure. I suppose I could try to whip up something." Xavier said with a small smile returning the light kiss before he was leaving the room and heading down towards the kitchen to fix Solaria some breakfast before they'd leave for school. He came to realize that he should probably be getting into the habit of this, waking up and heading to the kitchen to get Solaria a nice breakfast before school then either one of them or both would take her to school. Probably switching on and off and between them both taking her and only one. Reaching the kitchen he started to work on a nice breakfast, making some eggs and bacon with hashbrowns and toast figuring that it would be a good meal that would hold her over until lunch. Pouring a glass of orange juice he set that on the table and food wasn't far behind. Even going so far as to make some for Adrian and himself since he wanted her to have as normal an upbringing as possible and he was feeling a bit hungry himself.


Bryan wasn't unaware of the glare he got from this new wolf but the look he gave the wolf in return made it plain and clear he did not care what the other thought. About to tell them that they knew the way since he knew at least Jessica did, not really sure if the other had been here before when Jessica had called out to Alise saying they were here. The vampire seeming to appear out of nowhere not long after and pushing him to the side.


"Thanks for getting the door again, Bryan!" Alsie said to him before making it clear she was had it all handled from there. Watching the man leave before turning to Otso and Shi smiling at the new wolf, "It's nice to meet you, Shi. I'm Alise... I hope Bryan didn't make too much of a bad impression. We aren't all like that." She commented before she was taking Otso's hand and leading them both to the ballroom. "I don't think Bryan likes seeing 'Jessica' with another man." Alise instantly teased upon the door falling shut giving Otso a gentle nudge before she was moving further into the room once more. "Does Shi dance?" She asked her eyes moving to him before back to Otso as she remembered her friend telling her that Shi didn't speak much.


Kaine didn't budge as he felt the kiss to his cheek, but he refused to move from his spot. Even as he felt Tenmo get out of the bed to leave the room, instead he just rolled into the warmth left behind and snuggled up even more under the blanket curling up in a little ball to enjoy the warmth more and falling back asleep.

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Adrian soon came down the stairs with Solaria, walking past a pissed off Bryan...more so than usual. He didn't care to ask what it was about, walking past him and into the kitchen. "A cook among other things..? Impressed" Adrian teased as Solaria happily ran to the table. "Hashbrowns too..?! And toast?! Thank you" Solaria beamed happily, hugging Xavier before sitting down. "Daddy hurry uuuuup~!" She laughed, not wanting to eat without him sitting down.


Shi bore his teeth at Bryan, holding 'Jessica' tighter to him before Alise began to talk, only then turning his attention away from the vampire to the female one called Alise. Otso held Shis hand as he let Alise lead them both into the ballroom and the door shutting. "No way he was jealous!" Otso said with certainty..There was no way Bryan could be jealous of Jessica with Shi...no way! "If you want to see if he dances, maybe you should try dancing with him hmmmm?" Otso teased back to get back at her for teasing him.


"I brought pancakes.." Tenmo whispered in the others ear, holding a giant plate of pancakes for them to share near his nose. "I am going to eat them all if you don't wake up" he spoke softly as he placed a fork into the others sleeping hand. He set the plate between them, careful to not make a mess.

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"Yeah, Daddy! Hurry!" Xavier teased his Pup as he was sitting at the table wit Solaria waiting for Adrian to join them before they started eating. "I've picked up the odd talent here and there over the years." He commented as they ate. Cooking was something he had picked up as the centuries had passed, it was something he occasionally really enjoyed doing. Making food for Solaria and Adrian was something he was always going to enjoy doing. When they finished eating their breakfast Xavier made quick work of the dishes before he moved over and leaned down to press a light kiss to the top of Solaria's head before he was giving Adrian a kiss, and suggesting they get moving.


"Oh come on! Of course he is!" Alise said with a laugh before her gaze turned to Shi when Otso told her that if she wanted to see if he could dance that maybe she should try dancing with him. Giving the new wolf a small smile she spoke, "I don't want you to do anything you aren't comfortable with." Alise in no way wanted to push Shi to do something that he was not entirely comfortable in, wanting to make this as nice for the other as she could especially since she knew that he did not have a good past with vampires.


A groan came from Kaine when he heard Tenmo speak telling him he had brought pancakes. Suddenly feeling a fork being pushed into his hand it closed instinctively around it as his eyes fluttered a little. Looking up at his fiance before his eyes moved to the pancakes that were placed between them. "Hmm... sleeping in gets me breakfast in bed?" Kaine asked actually quite happy to have breakfast brought to him.

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"N-No way!" Otso said with a soft blush, thinking there was no way. "Anyway..Now its time you two danced. He is a great dancer" Otso teased back, grabbing Shi's hand and putting it around her waist. He took the others hand and placed it in the appropriate place. "Now, show him how to dance..Or he can dance with you, he can dance pretty good" Otso smiled, Shi nodding. "Dance with her and I will get you a steak dinner.." Otso teased, grinning at Alise so she knew he was teasing her back in revenge. "One two three.." Otso counted, waving his hand around as Shi quietly started to slow dance with Alise, already seeming to know the steps.


"You need to cook more often Dad" Adrian teased back with a small grin. Solaria and Adrian made quick work of their breakfast before Xavier had taken the plates. Adrian held Solaria's hand as she put on her backpack, her other hand taking Xaviers as they started to walk toward the school. Solaria beamed happily between her two dads, holding both hands tightly.


"You aren't going without eating..And when was the last time you had a drink that wasn't from me..?" Tenmo teased before taking a bite of pancakes. He didn't mind, but wanted to make sure their wedding night was full of passion and only biting his neck. He had to make sure Kaine took care of himself and planned to do just that!

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"You're offly eager to push your own dancing lessons aside." Alise said with a small smile. Watching how Otso moved to put Shi's hand on her waist and take her other hand with his before he was stepping back and telling Shi that he'd buy him a steak dinner for dancing with her. "I like to think that most people don't need to be bribed with steak dinners to dance with me." Alise said with a soft laugh though the two began to dance. She was pleasantly surprised that he seemed to already know how to dance, especially considering they were slow dancing. "Huh... a true gentleman." She complimented with a small smile as they danced together finding that he was doing so good that he really didn't need any dance lessons from her. To be honest, she thought he would do just fine. "So... Shi... are you going to be one of the wolves at the wedding this weekend?" She asked though she had no idea if he was going to answer or if she should be expecting that response from Otso instead.


"Now that Solaria is around, I probably will." Xavier admitted with a small smile as he was washing the dishes while Adrian was helping her get her backpack on. When he returned to them she took his hand and they left the building to head off towards the school. On the way he talked with Solaria and Adrian, happy to be spending time with the two people that he loved. Despite everything he had grown quickly fond of Solaria, someone who despite what she had been told didn't seem to hold any grudges towards him or vampires in general. Clearly she was smart enough to make her own opinions about people and not let others make those for her.


"Hmm..." Kaine murmured thinking of when was the last time he had eaten from anyone other than a sip from Tenmo. "Good point... I can't really recall but I am sure it was before Xavier and Adrian's wedding... maybe even a weak before that..." He murmured. Clearly he needed to go on a hunt, he couldn't just keep sipping from Tenmo whenever he got hungry. Kaine would need a real hunt, especially before their wedding. "Fair enough." He commented after a moment taking a bite of one of the pancakes.

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Shi just let himself be manipulated, watching as Otso stood off to the side and started to count for him. He began to slow dance with her, finding it quite simple. "....Yes..." Shi spoke up with a deep voice, answering the vampire called Alise. Otso raised a curious eyebrow, surprised he spoke at all much less to a vampire. Otso bit his bottom lip, trying to keep quiet and not ruin the moment. He hoped that Shi will speak more or at least not get angry that he was bribed into a slow dance with a vampire for some steak. But it seemed to be going well so he would leave it..


Solaria hummed happily, shaking her head to some imaginary tune she was humming. A few blocks from the school, a woman approached the trio with brightly red painted nails and her hair in a bob. "Hello Solaria" She smiled, looking down at Solaria. "Hi Mrs.Linda~!" She smiled, seeing her looked confused. "Where is your mother dear..?" She looked around, Solaria shrugging. "I don't know..so my dads are taking me!" Solaria smiled up at Adrian and Xavier. "Dads...where are their wives? Was their a divorce?" She seemed concerned before Solaria happily chimed in they were married! "I see...but you should really have mommy bring you to school. Its mommy and daddy, not two daddies silly dear" She laughed, Solaria pouting a little. "Care to repeat that..?" Adrian said quietly, the arm wrapped behind Xaviers back having dug its claws into Xaviers skin to keep himself from lashing out and going wolf in any shape or form.


"I will have to go with you on your hunt..call it a pre wedding trip" Tenmo chuckled as he ate more pancakes with the other. "And I do not think you have seen me hunt..or could keep up" He smiled softly, needing to get out some pent up energy before the wedding.

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Alise had to admit she was quite surprised when Shi spoke, telling her that he would be at the wedding. It was kind of nice to hear that and it made her smile, "That's great! It should be fun! Not to mention there won't be many vampires there so... I hope you enjoy it." She mused. As they were dancing she tried to be as silent as possible, not really wanting to push the werewolf. When the dance was finished she smiled at him, "You are a really good dancer." At this point she turned to Otso and smiled at him, "Why don't you and Shi dance now? He's really good! It will be some great practice for you."


As they were walking to school they were having fun talking and joking, but when they were just a few blocks from school they ran into a woman who had walked towards them. When the woman asked where Solaria's mother was Xavier found that he was quite pleased with the little girls answer. She seemed quite glad that she was being walked to school by her Dads instead and as long as she was happy so was he. When she asked about their wives, he could already feel that he was not going to like it. When she spoke again he definitely wasn't very happy and the pout that had appeared on Solaria's face really pissed him off since she was way too sweet and had been really happy to have her two dads that this was beyond unfair for her. Feeling the nails digging into his back from Adrian he didn't speak to the woman or his husband at the moment instead reaching down to cup Solaria's face and giving her a smile. "Hey, sweetie... don't pout. There is nothing wrong with your dads taking you to school." Xavier said before he was turning his attention to the woman. "Mrs. Linda right?" He said his voice making it clear he wasn't very happy at the moment. "I'd prefer you don't say things like that to or in front of Solaria, or any child. If you want to continue this lovely discussion, I'll be more than happy to meet with you some time to discuss it." The nails in his back brought Adrian back to his attention and he smiled at him leaning down to press a kiss to his cheek. "Relax, love." He said softly to him wrapping an arm around Adrian and slipping his hand into Solaria's once more. "Now if you don't mind, I don't like being tardie." With that he side stepped her pulling Adrian with him and leading Solaria past her and continued in the direction of the school.


Amusement appeared when Tenmo told him he would have to go with him on his hunt, "With some cute bows?" He asked teasingly a smirk on his face. But he of course wouldn't argue to Tenmo going with him, in fact, he'd be quite happy to do so. When the other mentioned how he too would need to hunt but that he did not think that he would be able to keep up a soft growl came from him. "You don't think I could keep up with my Pup when he hunts?" Kaine repeated with an almost challenging tone.

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"I am sure that will make Shi a bit happier.." Otso smiled as he waited for their dance to end. He heard Alise say he should dance with Shi, taking the others hand. "You sure Bryan wouldn't get mad at seeing Jessica dance with another man..?" He chuckled, trying to poke fun at Alise before she could do it to him. "Ready Shi..?" Jessica smiled, letting Shi take the lead on the dance. It was weird to slow dance with someone other than Alise, and much taller and broader than her as well. But it was good practice. He was glad he was wearing his heels otherwise he would be a lot shorter than him. Jessica danced slowly around the ball room with Shi, enjoying the dancing.


Solaria seemed very upset at the woman's comments...Did she...not like her dads? Little tears sprung to her eyes when the lady sounded mad at her dads walking her to school. Xavier told her that it was okay, sniffling and wiping her eyes. "Gladly.." The woman scoffed at them, looking disgusted. "I would be more than happy to join that discussion as well on why you feel the need to make a little girl cry" He said with a serious yet wicked smile through gritted teeth. Xaviers leading them away was the other thing keeping him from saying a few choice words to the woman. "Why did she have to be so mean..?" Solaria sniffed as she had to dry her eyes again.


"Yes...with bows..." Tenmo said with a sigh and a smirk. Even if he said no, Kaine would act like his cute self until he got him to wear one. He heard the other say that he was implying he could not keep up with his hunt, smirking. "I have taken down bears..you can hardly keep up with me swimming in wolf form. Good luck love" He teased with a bigger smirk.

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"Kaine isn't a big fan of most of the coven, so it will probably just be Xavier, Bryan and I from the coven there. Maybe a couple of members of the council as well but not very many at all." She commented as she settled down at the snack table while Otso moved to take her place and dance with Shi. Laughing when he mentioned Bryan being jealous, "Bryan probably won't come anywhere near the ballroom. I highly doubt he'll know that you are dancing with Shi." Alise responded with a laugh. Watching the two dance, finding that it would be good for them. Especially for Otso since Shi was around the same height and build as Bryan, so it was a good opportunity.


After leading Solaria and Adrian away from the woman he noticed the tears from Solaria and frowning he released his hold on Adrian and picker her up carrying her as they made their way towards the school. "It's okay, love." He said softly as he carried her, definitely not okay with anyone who upsets her like this. "Not everyone likes it when two men are together, Solaria." He replied as they walked. "Don't let her upset you though, you know it's okay and we love you very much. She can be mean if she wants to be. But your Daddy and I will be here to always make you smile." Xavier said as he tickled her side a little to bring that smile back. Solaria was happy she had two dads and her teacher didn't seem to remotely mind either. As long as Solaria was happy nothing else mattered, and Xavier wanted Solaria to grow up thinking that it was okay to be with whoever made you happy. Gender didn't matter when it came to the person you loved, and it honestly shouldn't matter. Holding Solaria in one hand he took Adrian's hand with his free one, they were quite close to school now but he didn't put Solaria down again until they were at the front door. Dipping down and setting her on her feet, "Now, is our lovely daughter happy and excited for school now?" Xavier asked with a smile.


"Yay!" Kaine happily replied leaning over to steal a kiss when Tenmo sighed and a smirk appeared as he agreed to the bows. Not that he expected him to object since he knew if he whined enough that he'd get what he wanted anyway. "Are you trying to say that I am not capable of taking out a bear?" Kaine asked with a raised eyebrow and a serious look on his face. "That's not fair! You cheat!" He complained poking the other in the side when he mentioned not being able to keep up with him in wolf form swimming in the lake.

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"Okay good..I do not think my poor heart could handle a dance with Bryan right now" Otso said with a hand to his forehead as he pretended to act all light headed with a laugh. He didn't think he could handle it right now, being so close even as Jessica. But if he was not even coming near the ballroom, he wouldn't have to worry. Otso's mind eased as he did not seem to have to worry about Bryan barging in and wanting to dance. Otso rested his head on the others chest as they danced, slowly dancing around the ballroom again.


Adrian could not help but blush at Xavier comforting Solaria, thinking it was the most heart warming thing he had even seen. Adrian took the others hand, making sure Solaria was okay before he continued walking. "Yeah~!" Solaria smiled, giggling when she was tickled. "I love you Dad!" She hugged him, the sight tugging on Adrians heart strings. "Love you too Daddy!" She smiled as she ran inside.


"It's on love...You are coming with me on my next hunt.." Tenmo said with a low growl and a smirk rising on his face. "Get to see your future husband in action.." He smirked, kissing the others cheek.

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Alise couldn't help but laugh, "Aww! But what if he really wants to dance?" She asked happily. Though she knew that Bryan was not about to come to the ballroom, he seemed to always avoid it like the plague whenever they weren't hosting an event. He wasn't the only one of course, most of the coven was like that but Alise actually quite enjoyed being in the ballroom no matter what. Watching the two continue to dance around the room a small smile on her face as he watched them, "You two look kind of good together." She teased a little taking a bite of a chocolate covered strawberry she had on the table.


Seeing how Solaria was so happy now and lighthearted made him incredibly happy, as she hugged him. Hugging her back, "I love you too, Solaria." He mused watching as she gave Adrian a hug and said she loved him too before running off into the school. Turning back to Adrian he slipped his hand into the other man's and lead him back in the direction they had come from. "I don't get why people have to be like that in front of a child." He sighed as they walked intertwining their fingers together.


"Yay!" Kaine said happily when Tenmo agreed that he could go with him on his next hunt. "I definitely am excited to see that." He admitted quite happy about it. "You've gone hunting with me after all, it's only fair that I get to see you hunt in return." He added as he took another bite of one of the pancakes.

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"Oh please! You get Bryan to come here and dance with Jessica and I owe you a dinner" Otso laughed as he stopped resting his head on Shi's chest as they continued to dance for a bit. He wanted to get a bit more practice in before he would stop for a snack.


"Me either..It made me so angry" Adrian said with a growl as they walked back toward the coven home. "But...You were very cute back there" Adrian said with a soft smile, kissing the others lips gently. "I did not think you had a way with children..It was so cute. It made you look even cuter.." Adrian smiled warmly at Xavier.


"Try and keep up.." Tenmo teased with a small kiss to Kaines lips. After laughing, he went back to eating the pancakes. He was excited now for the hunt..he couldnt wait!

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