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An Ancient Feud (Private, 18+)


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“I’m sorry I’m sorry no, don’t get Bryan!” ‘Jessica’ called out to her, cheeks a bright red. Please don’t..I feel like I am going to die if I see Bryan right now! Now am I supposed to be confident if I feel like a nervous wreck? No matter how much ‘Jesica’ squirmed, Shi kept them in a tight hold. Otso knee he wasn’t going anywhere, trying to get a grip on himself for the inevitable.


Adrian puzzled it over, remembering something Tenmo mentioned awhile back to him. “I think there is a lake on your side of the border. I believe that is where my son proposed to Kaine. If anything, a place right there would be perfect for them” Adrian smiled, happy with the location.


“I know..But I would do it again over and over for you..I think they started getting some sense knocks into them then. Or at least, we shortly after found out about their past..so it worked out in the end” Tenmo smiled softly.

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Alise hunted through the halls for Bryan and realized it was harder to find him than normal, clearly he was hiding out probably already having a feeling she'd come hunting for him again. If only he knew why though. Finding him on one of the higher floors she took his hand and was dragging him back to the ballroom telling him that she needed a big favor. On the way back she filled him in and told him that she needed him to dance with Jessica and be a bit of a tease, flirt some. This of course made him start mumbling and saying how he couldn't flirt but she wasn't having any of that. As they entered the ballroom she was pulling him forward and smiling at Shi, "I got Jessica a dance partner!" She said happily pushing Bryan towards them.


"The lake?" Xavier said a little surprised. "It's been quite some time since anyone from our side has gone to the lake... I honestly kind of forgot about it. But... that would be perfect then." He said thinking about it a little. If this was where Tenmo proposed to Kaine and a place they both liked it would be perfect. Not to mention waterfront property, a major bonus. "Let's check out some designs then and we can get it in the process of being built before the wedding. That way they can hopefully move in not long after and not have to be waiting as long as we are for it." Xavier suggested.


"You're so cute, Puppy." Kaine purred as he leaned forward for another kiss. It meant a lot that Tenmo was willing to do that again and again for him but he definitely hoped it would not be necessary. "You're definitely the best thing that has ever happened to me." He added happily.

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Shi saw them come back and nodded, pushing Jessica towards Bryan. “Really dear it’s fine..” Jessica spoke before Shi already placed the others hands in their proper position and let them go to dance. “I swear those two..” Jessica sighed, not sure what Shi and Alise has planned by making him dance with him again? Sure he was flustered but he wasn’t going crazy..so..what did they do?


“True..” Adrian said with a small nod. “I am sure it does not have to be as grand but a wolf needs their space” He chuckled, figuring they would love the house big or small. “That would be the best wedding gift to them ever..Alrhough warning in advance, Tenmo might very well pounce on you with a big hug” Adrian laughed a bit harder.


“And you are for me..Look how I was the first day we met. Quiet..lonely..You even made a full moon me perfectly calm..and carried on a normal conversation” Tenmo held the others hand with a soft smile.

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Bryan wasn't very thrilled with this whole situation, being dragged back to the ballroom, back to Jessica. He wasn't sure how to go about this, glancing back towards Alise who gave him an encouraging look making him groan inwardly as they danced. Why did it have to be him? After some silence had passed between the two a small smile appeared on his face, "So, Alise tells me you were quite eager to dance again?" His tone was oddly friendly, maybe even... interested. Which he'd be lying to say that he wasn't interested in her. Still, flirting wasn't his forte, but he would give it a shot because Alise was promising to not bug him again until the wedding.


"I am sure you are right, the size of the house won't be that important. Honestly... it's just them so even a one bedroom house would probably be perfect for them. We can still look over some different designs, I am sure you'd be able to help me figure out what is the appropriate size for a wolf. Kaine... you could shut him in a closet and he'd technically have all the space he needs." Xavier said with a laugh. The advanced warning that Tenmo would probably pounce on him with a big hug made him laugh again. "I'll be sure to make sure I am standing firmly to not get knocked to the ground then." He mused.


"I'm a great wolf tamer." Kaine teased giving Tenmo a soft nudge. Leaning over for another kiss he sighed and was happy to stay with Tenmo just like this. But they had to get some more dance practice in, and they had to get Tenmo ready for his hunt tonight. So with one last kiss he was slipping out of the bed, "Alright. Come on, we need to get back to dance practice."

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Bryan can smile....? And he was acting friendly..? Jessica felt confused before she realized what they were planning, shooting them a quick glance. Shi gave him a thumbs up and he swore he would kill those two. But two can play at that game..! He won't let them get to him. "Yes, I am going to learn from the best and I would much rather dance with you. You know how to treat a lady and make sure I am doing only my best" Jessica smiled warmly at Bryan as they continued to dance.


Adrian chuckled along with Xavier, feeling like they were getting multiple people the best gifts ever. Solaria would have their own room to decorate and Tenmo could be in his own house with soon to be husband. "They will appreciate it, I just know it Nippy. Why don't we stop by the pack home, see if I can find that old kimono of mine?" He smirked up at Xavier.


"Right...Time is flying by already.." Tenmo smiled warmly, getting himself prepared for more dance lessons. "Is my teacher ready..?" He said with a small snicker.

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"Well Alise is the best." Bryan said when Jessica had said she was going to learn from the best, she already had the best teacher. At least he liked to think that no one would be better at teaching another to dance than Alise, that was probably one of very few positive things he had to say about anyone. "That's sweet. Centuries talk I suppose." Bryan mused a thoughtful look appearing. After having lived for centuries he would hope he had learned how to treat a lady by now, especially with the eras he had lived through. "I must say though, you're definitely quite the lovely flower." Bryan spoke with a deep purr knowing that this was what Alise wanted from it and thinking to himself that she definitely owed him for this.


"I know you're right, Pup." Xavier said with a small smile. Knowing that Adrian had a point and that both of them would absolutely love a house built for them. At the mention of stopping by the pack house and seeing if they could find that old kimono made a pleased growl come from him. "I have to say that sounds lovely." He replied already pulling Adrian off in that direction quite eager to see if they could find it.


"I'm always ready to dance with you, love." Kaine said with a loving smile on his face. Leaning in he pressed a quick kiss to Tenmo's lips before dragging him back down into the living room quite happy to practice dancing with him. Absolutely loving his Pup and more than willing to do anything that made it so they were close together.

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Jessica blinked as he understood what Bryan was saying, now fully understanding their plan with Bryan’s flirting. He felt like he could drop dead with blushing if he was anyone but Jessica right now. But he had a bit of a stronger resilience at least as her. “What can I say? You are taking very good care of this flower..Only matched by your piercing (forgot the color, I’ll put in later) eyes. Far more handsome than I’ve ever seen” Jessica said in her own little purr.


“Someone sounds eager..” Adrian chuckled as he was pulled along to the pack house. When was the last time he even looked at the kimono much less worn it? Hopefully it still fit, it should..He thought to himself as he arrived st the pack house, going toward his office to look for it.


Tenmo smiled and placed his hands in the leading dance position, waiting for Kaine. “I am ready for you love..” He said with a soft smile on his face.

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Bryan wasn't surprised that she turned around to flirt right back, considering how flirty she had been before he had even been talked into flirting with her. He laughed softly at the comment of his eyes though, "They aren't anything special." He mused trying his best to not just quit since he figured this would give him more to hold over Alise. That and Jessica... seemed kind of nice. In a way that maybe he wouldn't mind her company more. "Are you as delicate as a flower too?" Bryan asked giving her a curious look, though he was sure he already knew the answer no. Especially if she was with Shi, clearly he was a wolf, and he was not blind to the fact that she was too.


"I'm always eager when it involves you." Xavier responded with a laugh. But he was being completely honest, anytime something had to do with Adrian he was more than eager. But this was also something that involved their past together, bringing them back to when they had met. He wanted to see his husband in his kimono again, remember that time in their relationship even more. Even before it had become anything remotely friendly or loving.


Kaine couldn't help but laugh, "You're adorable." He mused before they started dancing, enjoying being close to Tenmo. Even if he knew his fiance would prefer a faster dance he enjoyed the closeness that slow dancing caused. Leaning up for a quick kiss while they were practicing and knowing that Tenmo would have this dance mastered by their wedding.

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“But they are lovely! Don’t tell yourself you aren’t special..!” Jessica smiled, patting his cheek. “They are lovely..” She said with a soft smile before putting his hand back on the others side. “Oh please, I have been man handled too many times and tossed around, I can take a punch” Jessica laughed as she danced close to him. Shi types on his phone and showed it to Alise -I am not sure if this is going well or bad-


Adrian kept searching through the shelves and various cabinets. “Aha...!” He said, pulling out his hair ribbon he used and his dark blue kimono. He slipped it on over his clothes, tying his hair up in a high ponytail. “Vampire bastard..” Adrian chuckled, looking over at him.


“You are far more adorable” Tenmo smiled softly as he slow danced with Kaine. While a faster dance was what he was used to, he was happy to be this close to Kaine. He leaned down to return a quick kiss as he held the other tightly.

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"That's sweet." He mused when Jessica insisted that his eyes were lovely, even if he felt and was positive that they were nothing special. Bryan was a little amused when she told him that she had been manhandled too many times and tossed around to be delicate. "That's not true, even if you can take a punch I am sure there are other ways in which you're delicate. Just like a rose." Bryan mused. Jessica dancing close to him only encouraged him to hold her closer, figuring maybe he could find another way to flirt and tease her while they were closer.


Alise glanced at the message that Shi had typed out for her and she sighed as she watched the two. "In hindsight Bryan isn't one to flirt so he's probably out of league." She sighed as she crossed her arms over her chest watching them. "Either way it's a bit amusing to watch." Looking up at Shi a soft smile appeared on her face. "So... you think I'm cute when I blush?" She asked with a raised eyebrow already knowing the answer because of Otso, but she wanted to ask anyway.


After a bit of looking Adrian seemed to find it, tying his hair up in a high ponytail and slipping the kimono on over his clothes. An appreciative sound came from Xavier and a smirk appeared on his face when the other spoke turning to him. "Definitely just as sexy as I remembered." He purred before letting out a possessive growl and kissing Adrian deeply. Wrapping his arms tightly around the other's waist thinking that this was the best thing they could have done with their time right now.


"I suppose that's a matter of opinion. My pup is after all quite adorable." Kaine teased as they were dancing. "So handsome." He murmured with a happy smile. Leaning up to kiss him once more, "Keeping the tradition of not seeing the bride on wedding day is going to suck." He groaned when he remembered that this was how their wedding day would go. He'd much rather Tenmo see him whenever and however he wanted before the wedding, but it just wasn't how it was going to go.

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“You are too sweet to me..” Jessica smiles softly when he felt Bryan pull him closer. She let it happen, being closer to Bryan. “I suppose my kisses and blushed are delicate like a rose would be..but even roses have their thorns so I can be just as passionate about those” Jessica said with a quiet giggle.


Shi nodded, not seeing Bryan as a flirting type. A serious workaholic is more like it..too serious. And why did she have to smile like that? It was way too soft and sweet..Shi thought as he typed his reply on his phone. -yes- The screen said as his gaze was elsewhere when he showed her


Adrian couldn’t formulate a reply before the other had him in a deep kiss. He hummed happily as he deepened it, kissing the other deep in return. Almost as wonderful as the very first time they kissed, a rough and passionate one it was. He gripped the others hair tightly, giving his head a shove to deepen it further.


“I nearly forgot..It’s going to be torture..” Tenmo groaned as they danced, hating the thought. “I am going to miss you all day..” he whispered, holding him even closer. He kissed the others cheek with a gentle touch.

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"That's true." Bryan agreed when Jessica said that even roses had their thorns so she could be just as passionate about those. It was true, they did have their thorns, and he was sure that Jessica did too, but who didn't? He absolutely refused to believe that anyone would be completely delicate without any ticks or thorns of their own. "So, Alise tells me you have been quite the little tease today, hmm?" Bryan mused a smirk appearing as they danced knowing that there was still one move he had up his sleeve that might get him to cause Jessica to blush and become embarrassed like Alise wanted.


The yes she got in response made her smile grow and her eyes sparkle a little so happy to hear that Shi found something about her cute when she definitely found the other wolf cute. Shly she was looking at the floor a soft blush sprouting up on her cheeks, "I think you're kind of cute too." Alise admitted in a soft tone. She was embarrassed but she wanted to say it, if she admitted it then it meant that Otso had nothing over either of them, and that would make any time they spent together a ton easier as well.


Xavier groaned softly into the kiss, it was quite the deep and passionate kiss. He was holding his pup close to him and he could feel Adrian's hand in his hair before it was pushing his head down causing the kiss to deepen when he hadn't thought that was possible. Once the kiss was finally broken he was out of breath, breathing heavily and smiling down at his Pup, "It's been quite some time since we've kissed like that." He purred with a smirk.


"I don't even want to think about a day where we have to be kept apart. Even if it's just until the wedding and I walk down the aisle. It'll feel like forever." Kaine whined softly. This tradition had never made any sense to him, it was apparently bad luck but why did anyone believe that? Still, it was tradition so they would have to grin and bare it even if he would rather do anything but. "I suppose it will just build suspense, huh?" He asked with a soft sigh.

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“I suppose she told you huh..?” Jessica said with a small smile when he saw Bryan smirking at him. “I couldn’t help Myself..Shi and Alise being too adorable not to tease” She giggles, wondering why he was smirking. Did Bryan find something funny about him teasing them? Was he planning something?


Shi looked over at her and she was blushing again, saying how she...found him cute too. He looked at his phone, not sure what to even type in response. What did he even say..? He blinked, unsure of what to say and tried to shrug or do any sort of anything...trying to show he didn’t know what to say. Shi stuck out his hand for her to dance, figuring they might as well dance while Bryan and Otso did their thing.


Adrian breathed heavily, their kiss only breaking until they ran out of air. “I do too..Man..It’s been awhile since I’ve kissed you like that” Adrian smiled up at him. “And in this..?” He chuckled, holding himself closer to the other.


Tenmo groaned, not even remembering they were dancing with each other. “Build suspense my ass..torturous..” He chuckled as he held him tight while they danced. “I suppose seeing you after so long will make it even better” He smiled again.

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"Of course she did." Bryan replied his smirk not disappearing when Jessica was honest with him telling him that she couldn't help herself as Shi and Alise were being too adorable not to tease. Well, there was still one way he could tease her back and hopefully get a good enough response that he could continue doing his normal business. Leaning his head down he stopped when his lips were hovering just over her's, his eyes had a sparkle in them and his smirk was still there. "I suppose it can be quite tempting to be a tease." He said softly over Jessica's lips before he decided to close the distance a bit more letting his lips brush over her's teasing the idea of giving her a kiss and wondering if she'd close the distance or if this was enough to get the blush from her that he knew Alise wanted.


Her gaze had remained shyly on the floor when she noticed the hand being held out to her, looking up at Shi who was clearly offering to dance with her again. Since Bryan and Otso were already occupied why not accept it? Taking his hand she smiled and lead him out onto the dance floor. At least when they were dancing nothing had to be said, they could just enjoy the company of the other person.


"You look extremely sexy in this." Xavier purred as he was catching his breath again. Smiling at him before he was leaning down and giving him a quick kiss. "I could get used to seeing you wear this more often." He added after a moment of silence had passed. Adrian was so adorable normally, but like this he was not just adorable, but outright sexy. There was no denying how much he loved him to begin with, this reminded him just how much he had loved him even back then.


"Torturous is right. How will we ever survive?" Kaine whined before sighing softly when Tenmo indicated that it would make seeing him after so long even better. "You enjoy seeing me even after a minute apart. I can only imagine how happy you will be to see me after hours."

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Jessica noticed Bryan getting closer to him, eyes widening for a brief moment in surprise. “Very tempting..” Jessica said in a whisper, closing their lips in a quick kiss. He just as quickly separated, his face turning a bright red. He coughed lightly in embarrassment, his face feeling like it was on fire.


Shi took the others hand, holding her close so him so they could slow dance. They both managed to be facing them for the kiss, lightly tapping her arm. He can’t believe Otso actually did that..to kiss a vampire so easily! He was..surprised.


Adrian chuckled, kissing the others cheek lightly. He loved his sexy vampire no matter what..


“I will be quite happy to see you..” Tenmo said worth a soft smile.

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The brief surprise displayed on her face was perfect, and he had a feeling he was going to get the reaction Alise wanted. The quick kiss he was given made a smile spread across his face though and he definitely wasn't done teasing himself. The way she blushed and coughed lightly only made him more tempted. "Come now, if you're going to give someone a kiss you have to do it properly." Bryan teased before he was leaning forward to catch the other's lips in a longer kiss, a deeper one. When it parted he flashed one last smile before stepping away, giving Alise a wave and saying he'd see them at the wedding before he left the ballroom without so much as another glance towards Jessica.


Alise had been happy to be close to Shi again, especially after admitting that she thought he was cute. When he tapped her arm she followed his gaze to Otso and Bryan seeing the way Otso was now blushing after having given Bryan a quick kiss. A pleased smirk appeared, but what happened after was completely unexpected even for her. Watching as Bryan then moved away and said he'd see them all at the wedding a clear remark that he was not to be dragged back into dance lessons. "See ya!" She called after him before a smirk appeared and her gaze moved back to Otso, "Oh that was even better than I could have planned!" Alise happily said.


"Let's go now love, and head back to the other house. We should probably look at some house designs before we need to go get Solaria from school. Our window of opportunity to get it built and done before the wedding or at least almost done is quickly closing." Xavier said softly leaning down for one more kiss before he was taking a step back. Waiting for Adrian to decide if he was going to wear the kimono home or if he was going to take it off and carry it back.


"Aren't you always quite happy to see me?" Kaine asked with a questioning look on his face. He liked to think that his fiance was always happy to see him, even if not seeing each other for hours before the wedding would certainly make them happy to see each other again. It was something that would leave him bouncing around the room he'd be stuck in constantly asking if it was time yet and groaning and complaining whenever he was told no while almost dying of excitement when he was finally told yes.

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Wait..what? Jessica thought and before she could even react, Bryan had leaned in and given him a deep longer kiss. His eyes widened wide, not expecting that at all as his face went an even brighter red. He stood there speechless, not sure what to say to Bryan or Alise or Shi. “You didn’t say he was going to kiss me like that...!” Otso managed to squeak out, his blush quite terrible.


“Deserve it...” Shi nodded as he continued to dance with Alise. While he could never had expected the vampire to kiss Otso, he would let it go because it was revenge for teasing them. It was also revenge for saying what he said about Alise. If seemed..that this one also thought he was cute. That..was new..


“You are right, we do not have a lot of time” Adrian chuckled, returning the others kiss. “I have plenty of clothes back at home so I’ll wear it a bit longer..” Adrian smiled as he took the others hand. Walking past the maple tree will be weird with him wearing this again after all this time..


“Of course, I’m never not happy to see you” Tenmo said with a small smile on his face. “That time I couldn’t see you for a Well all that time ago..it would be horrible if I had to do it now. Even a few hours is going to be a nightmare..” He said with a sigh.

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"You really do!" Alise laughed as she continued dancing with Shi. Though that had even been unexpected to her it had been great to see the way Otso was now. "You wanted to be a little tease, I convinced Bryan to be a tease and get a certain reaction out of you in exchange for something I know he wanted." Alise commented as she continued dancing with Shi. Quite happy with the reaction Bryan had managed to get out of Otso, it was far better than she could have expected especially since for awhile she had thought he was in way over his head and would not be able to get Otso back for them.


"I can't say I mind." Xavier replied a little eager when Adrian said he would wear the kimono back since he had plenty of clothes back at the house. Which was true, and as his hand was taken by his husband he was eager to lead the way out of the pack's house and back towards the vampire house. Past the building site of their own home, though he stopped long enough to take another deep kiss from Adrian under their tree with him dressed like this. Flashing a smirk and giving a possessive growl before he went back to leading the way home.


"I don't like to think of that time." Kaine commented not a big fan of when they really had not been able to see each other. "The only part of that time I am particularly fond of other than your proposal and sneaking you home was you climbing through my window." He admitted with a smirk. Something they had already covered. Leaning up he kissed his Puppy before he was pulling away and out of his arms. "Alright handsome, what do we have to do to prepare you for your hunt?" He asked practically bouncing as he was so excited to see his fiance in action.

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“There was no way he wanted to give Jessica a deep kiss like that..” Otso said as his blush burned on his cheeks. Bryan’s lips..oh my god Bryan’s lips. They were so soft and just-amazing. Damn heart why do you have to keep racing? He only did that to tease you, and that was a teasing kiss for Jessica, not you. If all vampires lips were like that, he would love trying to find a man in the coven.


Adrian was happily leading them back to the coven house, being stopped when they got to their tree. He was pulled into a deep kiss, more than happy to return it. It felt more special when he was dressed like this..Adrian thought as he returned the kiss. He let the other lead the way back, shivering under the possessive growl.


“Sneaking through your window was probably an interesting sight” Tenmo chuckled, pecking his cheek. “And not much needs to be done in the way of preparation, just need to get better shoes on. And I like this shirt so I’m not wearing one to hunt so I don’t rip it if the clothes rip when I transform” He said with a small chuckle at the others eagerness.

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"You don't necessarily know that. No one really knows what goes on in that head of his." Alise commented as she continued to dance with Shi just glad that they had managed to embarrass Otso after he had embarrassed them. "You know... if you keep blushing like that I might have to make him come back..." She mused a smirk on her face. When her dance with Shi was done she smiled up at him, "You're also a really great dancer! Maybe you could... save me a dance at the wedding?" She asked.


"You know... I think you'll have to wear this for me here and there love." Xavier said as they made their way back to the vampire house. When they entered he dragged Adrian up to his office, shutting the door behind them and leaning in for yet another kiss. After which he lead him to the desk before he was rummaging through a filing cabinet and pulling out a few different blueprints. Mainly of smaller houses because he knew that the boys didn't need tons of rooms, but he also pulled some out of larger houses as well. Returning to the desk he was putting them all down so they could figure out what they would have built for Tenmo and Kaine.


"It was definitely a lovely sight." Kaine mused with a smile. "Well then let's do that!" He said happily when Tenmo told him that not much had to be done in preparation. Not much, but he was still quite eager to see Tenmo hunt all the same. Clearly vampires relied more on their appearance to lure more willing prey.

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“N-no!” Otso quickly said, not thinking he could take anymore of that today. He would surely die of blood rushing to his face if they made Bryan come back. He was in no condition to handle anymore of that..His heart was already pounding enough! “I can’t take it..” He mumbled, going to the snack table and shoving a bunch of fruit down his mouth.


Shi smirked at how flustered they got Otso to act, even if it was ‘Jessica’. It would definitely make this wedding a more interesting occasion to watch, watching Otso Try to act normal around Bryan after that. He looked down when Alise asked him for a dance at the wedding, giving a small nod of yes in response. Why not..? He might as well do her the courtesy of a dance after she put Otso in his place like she did. She seemed clever and cunning..


Adrian happily kissed him back, never thinking he would ever be wearing this kimono anywhere near the vampire house much less in it. He watched Xavier get the plans, looking them over. It was just for them sure, but he knew Tenmo likes bigger rooms over smaller ones, but figured giving them more Rooms would be better if they wanted to bring company. He looked over the plans with this in mind, picking one he likes.


“This is weird..Never thought I would be accompanied on a hunt. Much less with a vampire and my future husband” Tenmo chuckled, kissing his lips. It will be as interesting an experience as him being with him and so close in the full moon.

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Alise laughed softly when Otso said no, that he couldn't take it. Finding it quite amusing that he was in this state watching as he went to the snack table and started stuffing himself with fruit. As her dance with Shi ended and he had agreed to save her a dance at the wedding she flashed a bright smile before she was moving over to Otso and giving him a light hug from behind. "I think your dance with Bryan at the wedding is going to be quite interesting." She mused with a soft laugh. Alise thought this wedding was going to be a whole lot more interesting now, not that any wedding where a werewolf and vampire getting married wasn't going to be interesting to begin with.


Xavier was leaning back in his chair waiting to see which plan that Adrian would choose and knowing that he would know what was best for Tenmo or what his son would like the most. When he did pick one Xavier glanced over the plan a little curious about the number of rooms present in the plan but surely Adrian knew best. "Alright, we can have this one built for them." He said as he moved to pack up the rest of the plans all while grabbing his phone to call their architect to get the building process started asap knowing the boys would like to have their own place just as quickly as they would.


"I like to think I'll be a great hunting companion. Even if I'm just watching." Kaine mused happy to return the kiss. He was super excited to watch Tenmo hunt and seeing what it was like for them. "I will said I never thought I'd be able to see a werewolf hunt. Even when you proposed for one reason or another I always thought you'd tell me no." Kaine admitted with a small smile.

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Shi followed Alise to go embarrass Otso some more, watching her hug him. Otso turned a brighter red at her motioning it was going to be interesting. “Knowing you’re watching me and knowing he deep kissed “me” is going to be awkward enough..” Otso groaned, Shi patting his shoulder. He nodded in agreement with what Alise said about this wedding being very interesting to watch.


“They will be so happy and thrilled..Although we might not want to give them their gift until after their reception..or at least midway through..” Adrian chuckled, placing a light kiss on his lips when he was done with the phone call. “They will probablg want to use their new place right away and consummate the marriage” Adrian chuckled, knowing how head over heels his son was for Kaine he would likely do just that.


“No to hunting with me..?” Tenmo said with a small smile. “I honestly never thought I’d consider taking you out on a hunt to ask..” He said with a small smile, holding Kaine tight. “It will be an interesting experience for sure..Might want to show off and go after something big if you’re watching..” He teased with a smile.

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"It'll be even more awkward if you guys kiss again and he's able to make the connection between you and Jessica." Alise mused thinking of other ways that them dancing could possibly be awkward. "You'll be fine though! Besides, he didn't know it was you, so use that to your advantage." She encouraged as she was moving to sit in a chair and eat some more of the snacks as well. "We'll have fun at the wedding either way." Alise added absently.


Xavier couldn't help but laugh at that, being told that they probably shouldn't give them their gift until they were at least halfway through the reception. "You're right! I'll just keep the keys to it on hand until then and we can congratulate them and give them the keys." He mused thoughtfully. "That's true though." Xavier added knowing that Tenmo and Kaine would want to use their gift immediately and would surely vanish at that point.


"Aww! But I take you hunting with me!" Kaine playfully complained when Tenmo told him that he had honestly never thought he'd consider taking him on a hunt to even ask. After taking his fiance on a hunt with him he would definitely want to do the same with Tenmo. He wouldn't go every time of course, but every once in awhile would be quite nice. Being told that Tenmo would probably show off a little and go after something big if he was watching made him laugh softly. "Oh? Well just make sure it isn't too big for you." Kaine teased.

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Otsos eyes went wide when Alise mentioned kissing him again as Otso. He blushed bright still and said “I would need a lot of alcohol after that if I even did that..” He said shyly as he got comfortable in his chair eating his snacks. “I am sure you will..Shi, you’re going to have to wear your nice suit. I know you slick your hair back during formal events” Otso smiled, not trying to tease Alise but Shi always did look handsome when he got dressed up, even if he wasn’t interested in him.


Adrian nodded with a small chuckle as Xavier agreed with him. “I am sure you would have done the same when we were that young..” He smiled kissing his cheek. He couldn’t wait to see his sons face when he got his gift.


“I don’t think you took me on a hunt yet when i first proposed” Tenmo mused with a small nod. “And I haven’t gone hunting in so long it hasn’t come up yet” He kissed Kaines cheek. “But I’ll be fine..If I can take down a bear, I’d want to show off. Or at least the biggest thing I can find” He laughed some more.

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