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[Game] Go! Stop! Stay!


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Well there are lot of this game going on...

So I want to add one more... ^^;;;

This time... you answer with go, stop or stay...

So here go...


You and your friend when to amusement park...

You friend want to go into horror house...

What are you going to do?

Stay out here wait for her/him

Go with her/him

Stop her/him to go and go other place




It's for me... I will stay... --;;;

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Should we all answer the same question, or we have to put other question for the next user to answer?


At yours I answer: Go! :)


You make up next question... ^^

Sorry I didn't clear that... --;;;;

So what is your question... ^^

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So, go with her/him



So, your friend invites you at his/her place to watch a porn movie together.

What do you do?

Go and watch

Stay at home

Stop him/her to watch (this should suppose that you go at their place, but stop him/her to watch)

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Stay at home...


Next situation:


You're working at a bookstore and a cliente who's frequent ask you your name... You:


Stay quiet and ignore him?

Go pick a book that has a character name just like yours, point it out at him and in a very sexy way ask him to join you for coffee?

Stop staring at him like a crazy person and answer him all embarresed and blushed?

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What if you friend got into fight with drunk man...

Stay in one side that somebody to come help her...

Stop the fight...

Go find the help!

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@ hama-sama




Cause Nena21 posted hers :D

I changed to give it continuance :p


I change that post to answer to you question and other question... ^^;;;

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  • 4 months later...
Guest FujoshiFTW

Stop the fight and bash the drunk guy to bits and then pass it off as an "accident" :L


There's this con/concert/movie that you really want to go to but it has limited tickets and only the friend you're not so close with has a spare ticket. Do you;


just go and have the time of your life while try to get more close with them?

stay at home since going with them would just be too awkward?

try to convince at least one of your friends not to go (so this is the option for "stop") so you won't feel like a loner?

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I say stay... I don't like awkward feeling... --;;;


Q. You been working same work for long time...

Do you want to...


1. Go... Go out find new job that you never done before... even it is risk but it better then thinking about what if I did that... ^^;;;


2. Stop... Stop working... it's been so tire so just stop working at all and rest until recharge yourself...

and try to go back if you can... ^^;;;


3. Stay... Stay! there is no better choice out there any way... it's better safe then sorry... ^^

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I don't understand !


Well... I fix the question little bit...

Do you understand now or still need explain on this...

you have to choice go, stop, stay...

Then you make a question with the three choice again

and next person answer... make another question so on and on... ^^;;;

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Guest FujoshiFTW

Erm, I don't really have any work experience; so I guess I'd stay.


You're with a friend that you don't really know (so more of a classmate/acquaintance) but you see a close friend walk past you guys. Do you;


Go; explain to your acquaintance that you've seen your friend and go off, leaving them all alone.

Stop; when walking around the next bend, run off towards that close friend so that your acquaintance doesn't really realise that you're off.

Stay; ignore you close friend and stay with your acquaintance. Since running off would be impolite!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Go ... After i apologise to them i will go with friend


You are invited to drinking party, but before that you promise to your mother you'll watch over your siblings.

What would you do:


Go ... you'll call yout grandparents and begged, if they could look after your siblings

Stop ... you'll go but only for one or two hour, then you'll go back home and continue lokk after your siblings

Stay ... you'll call to your friend you can't and you will stay at home playing games with your siblings

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Stay, because that's the way I roll.


Your parents have found all of your yaoi mangas, you:

Go... And tell them the truth.

Stop... And try to say that they are not yours.

Stay... And sit there listening to your parents on how they think of your tastes.

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Stay ... i will listen their thoughts, probably i'll cry but i'm sure they will understand me one day


You are at birthday party of your best friend, her/his lover sit next to you. When your best friend isn't looking her/his lover kiss you. What will you do:


Go ... you will betray your friend and you will go out with her/his lover.

Stop ... you will let the lover of your friend kiss you once more but it will be your last kiss.

Stay ... you will hit the lover of your friend and you shout at him that if he do that one more time you kick his ass.

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Hm.... Stop and stay. It totally depends on how bad the situation is.


You were visiting your friend while at school, and as soon as you go to get something, you here voices from where you just left. You peek around the corner and see that your friend is getting bullied. You-

Go... And leave your friend there. She can handle her/himself.

Stop... And wait out by the corner to see what happens.

Stay... And stay by your friend, and protect her/him from the other.

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stay ... i want to protect my friends


Your favourite hockey club has a match tonight. Just before the match you go buy tickets, but they are sold out. What would you do:


Go ... you will cry and go home and wait till your friends tell you the results

Stop ... you will be disappointed and angry and you'll start a fight with security guard

Stay ... you won't give up and go around the arena and you'll search open window or other way to get into the arena

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Wow. I would probably choose stay first, and if that doesn't work, Go.


While at the bookstore, you finially find the book you have been looking for for so long, but you see that someone else is looking at the same. There is only one so:

Go.... And get the book before the other has a chance. You snooze you lose.

Stop.... And end up both fighting for the book.

Stay.... And let the other person get the book. Oh well, you can always find it online.

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Go ... because i've been looking for that book so long


You and your friends have agreed you'll do dance to a club. But one of your friends told you he wil take a few friends and you don't like that friends:


Go ... you will lie them and tell you can't go because your parents won't let you go

Stop ... you'll tell them "If they'll go i won't go."

Stay ... you'll reconcile with it and maybe you will make new friends

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Stay.... Because that is the right thing to do, even though I don't like them.


You and your friends have decided to do a manga, but you all have different ideas about what it should be about. You:

Go.... And you all go and make your own. If you can't decide, better to work by yourself.

Stay.... And draw straw or rock, paper, scissors. You could do everyone else's idea later.

Stop.... And incorporate everyone's ideas into it. It might still turn out well.

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Stop ... because we want to do it together


In your country is animefest. You and your best friend go there. Both of you like yaoi. At the fest you'll find new yaoi manga, but there will be only one copy and your best friend want it too. You'll:


Go ... and buy the manga only for yourself

Stop ... and agree with your best friend, that you'll split the cost between you and you'll lend it to each other

Stay ... and let you best friend buy it for him/herself

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Stop, because we share all of our manga with eachother.


Alright, you friend has been not eating a lot of food at school, and when she does, she goes to the bathroom for some time. You think that she might have an eating disorder. You:

Go.... And tell a teacher or parsing about it.

Stop.... And ask your friend if she does.

Stay.... And try not to notice.

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