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The String Of Fate (18+ Dragongirl26)


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Mason smiled and rubbed his head. "ha, Yeah I guess I did didn't I." He said looking at him then shook his head. "Tho I did mean it you were at my mercy and I wanted to taste you as well, but yeah I didn't know how little control I had over my body I had little kitten. I know you tired to fight back as well and it didn't work we both ended up giving into the the res string and all it wanted." he said shaking his head as he made his bed and then got on it.

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"Giving in is putting it quite lightly.." Aaron said with a chuckle as he sat down on the others bed. "So hey....weird question..."He spoke quietly, not believing he was about to ask this. "So...the red string is not binding us anymore. And well...I don't need to stay here anymore...But...Hey, I am staying here. Thats not a request~!" Aaron said with a bright pink in his cheeks. He could not bring himself to go all soft marshmallow on him in the moment.

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"I am glad that you are going to stay in this room." he said looking at him then shook his head. "I would love it if you stayed in my room with me. Even tho we don't have the red sting any more I still do want to get to know you in the good way." he said looking at him then closed his eyes. "I am glad you will stay with me my little kitten. Or I might have to pull you back to me." he whispered

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Aaron was embarrassed that he was being so easily pulled in by that voice. That silky voice that said he would pull his little kitten back to him..It made his heart race. Aaron, get a grip on yourself~! "You would not need to pull to get...kitty to come back.." He turned red at using his own nickname to refer to himself.

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He smiled and looked at him then smiled. "I am glad my kitty got a taste of me and wants to say with me." Mason said smiling. "I was thinking we could go out into the world and see what was going on." Mason said as he laid on his bed and shut his eyes. "If you want to join me on the bed you can I would cuddle you and not do anything that you wouldn't want."

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"i'd like that.." Aaron said with a soft smile, wanting to explore the world with Mason. Who cared if people stared, not seeing a red string. He had Mason...He said it was okay...to lean on him and not need to be strong for once. He plopped onto the others bed, turning pink as he cuddled up into Masons side.

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Mason wrapped his arms around Aaron's body. "I promise you I will never hurt you the way others have in the past. I will protect you no matter what. No matter if the world turns against me. I will be by your side my kitty now and for ever." He whispered. Mason didn't even know but they had started to be each other's strength and weekends all at the same time.

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Aaron felt same in the others arms, feeling like he could put his faith in Mason. He gave the other the strength to be edgier and Mason showed him to relax and be kinder. “I as well..” Aaron said, letting himself be held by the other

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Mason smiled just hearing Aaron say that made his heart melt for joy. "Thank you my love." He said looking at him and cupping his face. "You know I am with you no natter what. I don't want any one else to steal you away from me." Mason said as he closed his eyes really tired and wanted to go to sleep/

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Aaron felt his face flare up in a light fire, one that did not hurt either of them. He quickly put it out and laid beside other, enjoying the warmth. "If I am going to sleep next to you, do it right~!" Aaaron said in a huff, pulling the others arm over him to hold him. "Better.." Aaron said as mumbled, falling asleep beside the other.

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Mason laughed a little at out upset Aaron was from him moving. Shaking his head as Aaron moved Mason's arms to cuddle him. Mason smiled as he did that it showed how far Aaron and him really had come. Yes it had only been a few days since they had been fated by a string, but it was also the best parts as well. Somehow they both really did need each other and he was really happy about that. Mason took another deep breath before going to sleep himself.

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Aaron awoke the next morning, exhausted but content. Yesterday felt all like one big dream..Aaron thought as he laid there for another moment silently. He for a moment forget he can move freely, getting up after another silent moment to get himself dressed. He got back into his conservative outfit, working on tying his hair back with a green hair tie.

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Mason woke up later and looked around the room as he yawned. Mason looked at Aaron and smiled he was glad that they weren't cuffed by the red string any more and wondered if he would be ok today. "What do you want to do today?" he asked looking at him not sure what they were going to do today after what all they did yesterday what would top that?

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“We will have to go to clas, probably get a lot of looks” Aaron said as he finished tying his hair, looking back at the other. “Maybe go to the lake again..And you still owe me a date” Aaron said with a small chuckle. He gave Snow some of her food and pet her gently, the kitten looking much stronger now.

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Mason nodded as he got off the bed and slowly got dressed. "I am hungry and still tired from yesterday." he said looking at hi. "I know I owe you a date and that will be not on campus." he said looking at him and then closed his eyes as he put his edgy clothes on. "We can go on the date off campus when ever you want to." Mason said with a sly smile as he walked over to Aaron and kissed him on the cheek.

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“Sounds good..” Aaron said as he reached up, slightly nudging the others glasss down his nose. He chuckled to himself with a light pink blush at the sight. “Let’s get some breakfast then and get ready for the stares..” He smirked, making sure Snow had enough water for the day.

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Mason nodded and looked at him then sighed as he made sure everything was ok and then got ready to go to the door. "Alright I am ready for the stares if you are. So are you gonna answer when they asked who topped who?" He teased as he started to walk out of the room.

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Aaron turned a bright red, saying “Honestly..didn’t think about answering that question..” as he took deep breaths to quickly get rid of his blush. “I’ll leave that up to you..” He said with a cough as they left the dormitories. Maybe he would think of something later, but right now, he had no answer. Hopefully Mason could think of something..

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Mason nodded wondering how he would answer the question. If that question was asked, but for now he just decided to go with the flow and take everything as it came. "I'll think of something I don't know the answer yet but I will think of something." Mason said then actually thought about it and smiled at the outcome

"So if they do ask that question. We could tell them what do you think or we don't kiss and tell."that was all Mason said as he walked towards class.

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"Not bad...Then they can think whatever they want" Aaron laughed as he pat the other on the back. "You got brains Mason~!" Aaron smiled, hoping neither of them cracked under the pressure and said the wrong thing. Here goes nothing...He thought as he walked into the classroom first in the conservative outfit.

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"Yeah after all I do study all the time so it's only fair that I am pretty smart." He said smiling as he walked into class and over to his chair wondering if Aaron was still hurting from yesterday and wanting some food to eat as well. After this class he would see if Aaron wanted to go get some food.

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A few kids looked their way and noticed the drastic change in wardrobe, wondering what had happened between them. Seeing, or should they say, not seeing the string only made them grow more curious. The first thing a lot of this group did once class ended was go right up to them, asking them a ton of questions. "So, you guys did it?" Your wardrobes look completely different!" "So who fucked who..?" were among the questions asked, one kid chiming in with "You look so soft now Aaron, like a cute little kitten~!"

Aaron curled his hands into fists, saying "No one gets to call me that but Mason~!" He said in a fit of anger before realizing what he said and turning a bright shade of red. The kids were surprised that he said this for one and that Aaron was...actually blushing?! Some kids seemed to put two and two together, asking Mason what it was like topping Aaron.

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Mason looked at Aaron and shook his head. "So much for playing it cool." he whispered. Mason looked the other kids in the eye something he never did before. "Maybe you should mind your own business. or should I ask who you guys slept with as well. It doesn't matter what we did or didn't do. Its none of your concern. If you have an issue with that well too bad. All the string did was change us into our true selves." he said

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"I'm gonna dieeeee" Aaron groaned in a whisper as he buried his head into his arms on his desk. The kids seemed surprise by both of their behavior changes, Aaron was softer and all blushy and Mason was this tough edgy kid. It was like their personalities swapped and they both acted completely different.

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Mason rolled his eyes. "Damn are people always this way no wonder why I love being alone." Mason said looking at him then shook his head. "People who needs them." Mason said as he froze the floor. "Nothing but disappointment to everyone that all they have to do is gossip about others." Mason said making most of the class slip and fall.

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