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The String Of Fate (18+ Dragongirl26)


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Snow was thinking to himself how long it had been since he has seen Storm soaking wet. In most of their Masters, it was not in a shower that they saw each other. Drenched in a storm or maybe something like that, but not in a modern day shower. And he most certainly didn’t mind cuddling with Storm to his hearts content. He walked alongside the two of them to the bathroom, trying to be courteous and not get the stickiness on Master. Once in the stall of the shower, he turned back into his human self. His car hear twitched when the water hit them.


“Trying to explain that we had our familiars come to us is going to be interesting..” Aaron said with a shake of his head as he got ready to leave the room for the shower. “Me getting a pure good and you getting a chaotic neutral dragon” He chuckled, kissing the others cheek.

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Storm sighed and closed his eyes waiting till they were in the shower once in the shower he changed back and looked at the shower. "This is weird I didn't think they had showers like these." he said getting in with snow and playing with his butt again.


"Yeah it will be fun." Mason said when he got everyone into the same bathroom he felt weird taking a shower when the other two were still in there human forms, but he kind of had to there was no other way no one knew they had familiars let alone one's who could turn human

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“They’re nice enough..” Snow said as his ears were definitely soaked under the shower water. Snow could feel the other playing with his butt, wiggling his waist back and forth in a teasing manner for storm. He kissed the others chest because he was too lazy to wait for the other to lean down and kiss him.


“I’m sure it will work out..” Aaron said with a small smile when he finally did step into the shower. He had to make sure he thoroughly cleaned himself, not wanting any remnants of his pleasure to be left on his body. He leaned over to give Mason a quick peck before he washed his hair.

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"You are so cure my snowy angel." he said dipping down and kissing Snow. "You can wiggle that cute ass all you want I think I should not do anything for now that would be the worst torment to you." he said washing off his body and pulling Snow close and wrapping his wings around him.


Mason shook his head as he got in with Aaron. Mason was happy it didn't seem like anyone was here today as he started to wash his hair and his body.

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“Who is the one being tormented by it? You can’t do anything either to your cute little kitty until later” Snow teased, letting himself be held by the others body. Snow got any of the suds out of his ears and body, feeling much cleaner than he did moments ago


Aaron was washing himself, making sure he had gotten all the parts of his body. He reached over to Mason, cleaning a space between his shoulder blades since that was a part no one could really properly scrub. “Thee we go..” He smiled softly before going back to washing himself.

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"Wel lets see I can give you a boner and tie you down to the bed. That is if you tease me." he said smiling and kissed him as he was getting his wings clean. "I am going to need you to dry my wings off once we are out of here." he said.



Mason smiled and looked at him and blushed. "Well Thank you for that." he said as he washed more of his body and then turned to wash the same part of Aaron between the shoulder blades.

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“Almost makes me want to tease you..” Snow teased with a small smirk, rubbing a finger gently down the others body and leaving just before he got to the others front. “And of course I’ll help you dry off! Illl need to do my ears after cause I hate water in my ears” Snow smiles, acting like he was innocent.


“Yeah..n-no problem..” Aaron blushed when the other did it back, enjoying the feeling of his hands on his skin. So good..Aaron thought as he quickly went back to focusing on the shower.

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"Yeah you hate your ears being wet just as much as I hate my wings being wet, There a pain to dry if I didn't have you." he said smiling and looked at him then blushed. "Did you get your butt cleaned out good?"



Mason smiled and kissed Aaron's cheek. "Maybe later today we can give each others back rubs." he said smiling and traced Aaron's spine down to his butt before going back up.

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Snow blushed when the other blushed, thinking Storm blushing had to be one of the rare sexier sights out of everything about him. “Mhm..someone really did a number on me” He said with a low purr, rubbing along his inner thighs before removing his hand again.


Aaron squirmed under the others finger tracing the length of his spine, feeling where he ran along some ridges from past scars. It would take awhile to get used to being touched so intimately but Aaron was the one person he could trust with those touches and not feel scared.


Much teasing later, Snow has tried the others wings As well as his tail, staying in his human form to cuddle the other as he fell asleep in what was now their bed.


Aaron did similar to Mason, finding comfort being the little spoon against Mason. He felt all warm inside as he soon drifted off to sleep, kissing the nearest thing on Mason he could kiss.

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Mason dried off and soon went to sleep holding Aaron close to his body wondering what the next day is going to bring. Waking up when he usally did he got up and started to get dressed for class not really sure what he was going to do today. He looked at his calendar to see what was going on today only to remember he stopped doing that when he was the edgy him he smiled and looked at everyone in the room. "So you two are going to need to be in your animal forms today." he said smiling



Storm dried snow's ears once back in the room and then cuddled him and went to sleep he was so happy that he got to make love to him again. When Storm work up he sighed seeing Mason was already up and getting dressed

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“Do we have to gooo..?” Aaron groaned, not too keen on going to class. He was so used to sleeping in as long as he pleased he was not eager to get up. Aaron rolled out of bed, not that happy he even had to be awake, not used to this at all.


Snow groaned against him, hearing what the other said and was also not too keen on turning back right now as he enjoyed Storms warmth. But master asked nicely yesterday..Snow groaned and turned into his cat form, curling up against Storms human body.

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"Don't you want to go to class I was thinking skipping was my new thing. Anyway I want to go show off our new familiars you know don't you want everyone to see Snow?" He said smiling at Aaron.


Storm groaned he hated that he had to go back to his dragon form but he nodded. "Alright I'll do it I hate this so much.Hey Snow I think you might need to get up." he said sighing

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“I am used to sleeping in...” Aaron said quietly as he rubbed his eyes and started to get dressed. He got dressed and tied his hair back as he had been the last few days. He went over to cat form snow, picking him up and placing him on his shoulder.


Snow stayed curled up on Aaron’s shoulder, wanting to prove he is powerful. Even if he had to stay in animal form to do so..

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Storm changed into his dragon form and went up on Mason's neck and looked around not sure what to do..

"Alright lets go,: He said as he petted his dragon and walked out of the room locking the room after everyone was out of it and grabbed a quick bite for everyone and headed to there first class of the day wondering if he should skip or not, but decided to go to class.

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“There you are..” The teacher said, pushing his glasses up his nose. “You should not be bringing fake robotics or stuffed animals into class” He said with a sneer.

“These are our Familiars Snow and-“ Aaron started to say but the teacher raised a hand to shut him down mid sentence.

“I do not have time to deal with your lies today, Take your cotton ball stuffed animal and your robot and sit down. I do not want to see them in my next class understood..?” The teacher spoke, shutting down Aaron before he could utter another word. “UNDERSTOOD?!” He glared, Aaron going back to his seat as Snow was trying not to pounce on him and dig his claws.

“You will get rid of this toy robot and be focused on my clas” The teacher picks up Snow by the scruff of his neck, full blown throwing the “robot” into the wall behind him.

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Storm perked up when he heard the teacher talking like that to Aaron and mason he kept his cool and took deep breath, but when the Teacher threw Snow against the wall That was it Storm jumped off of Mason's shoulder and changed into his human form. "LISTEN HERE YOU ASSHOLE NO ONE HURTS MY SNOWY ANGEL!" Strom flapped his wings and held out his hand rage filled his face as he held out his hand dragging the teacher into the air and choking him.


Some of the students looked over to Mason for him to stop it if it was his familiar.


Mason just watched and smiled. "Bastard gets what he gets not my issue. He hurt Aaron and Snow." He said shrugging.

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The teacher found himself floating in the air, gripping at his throat when he could not breathe. He could not talk because he wa currently being choked.

Snow quickly managed to stand, turning into his human form as he was running to Storm. “Storm, stop! I’m okay. He is just one stupid humans I am okay, put him down” Snow hugged him tight and nuzzles his chest.


Aaron was angry that someone hurt his familiar again, not stopping Storm. But it seemed when he was going to stop him, Snow was already doing the job of stopping him for him.

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Storm growled. "He hurt you this human has no right to live!" Storm yelled as he tightened the hold on the teacher throat. "Just so you know I can crush your throat human its not skin off my back, but just so you know. Its Forbidden to hurt familiars! If you even hurt one again I will kill you and snap your neck like a twig."


Mason smiled and laughed a little at that and he was amused at it and still didn't call his familiar off he thought that the teacher needed to die for hurting snow and Aaron.

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“He is an idiot Storm, don’t give a stupid human the satisfaction of dying. That would be too easy right? Let him go Storm, please? For me?” Snow said quietly as he looked up at Storm. He reached up and pulled the others head down into a deep kiss. He didn’t want him to hurt anyone today.


Aaron knew he would not do anything stopping Storm, letting Snow take the job.

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Storm let the human down when Snow kissed him. "Aww you do know a way to my heart." he said Then let him down and sighed hugging Snow.



Mason came back to his senses as well and face palmed. "I thought I told you two no human forms!" Mason told them.



"Yeah and I told you if anyone pissed me off deal is off and I go human.. That dick hurt my snow angel so there for he shouldn't live. You never touch Snow and live to tell the tell. Ask the last person who slapped him.Oh wait you can't I snapped his neck." he said looking at Mason.


"Oh I am not upset that you tried to kill him you could of killed the bastard teacher for all I cared, but couldn't you of went to your big dragon form and ate him?" Mason said.


"And miss a chance of choking him to death.....He would be dead right now if my snow didn't want him to live." Storm said.


Mason nodded. "Well then next time he hurts you or Snow go for it and eat him torture him do what you want with him hell I might even join in." mason said.

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Snow kept a tight hold of the other, glad he could be there for him when he needed him. Storm was always there for him so he could st least calm him down when he rages.


“Guys just calm down. We are still in class..let’s just go okay?” Aaron said quietly, hugging Mason and giving him a kiss on the cheek.


“It’s okay..We are okay” Snow said as he nuzzled the others chest. The teacher held a hand to his throat, looking at the familiar in a sort of feared horror and shocked expression.


“We can just come back for the tournament later on okay..?” Aaron spoke quietly as he kissed Masons cheek again. He took the others hand and pulled him toward the classroom door.

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Storm sighed and looked at Snow. "Fine lets go if we don't leave now I might finish the job." he said as he held Snow close. "you are my sweet angel. Lets go back to our owners and see what is going to happen next. I can eat him if he hurts you again my love." Storm walked over to mason holding Snow.


"I guess we can come back my love are you sure you don't want me to kill the teacher now and get it over with I mean he did slap you and hurt Snow after all." Mason said pulling Aaron close and kissing him. "So if you say so I will let him live....So its in your hands of he lives or dies." Mason said smiling



The class was in shock they didn't know what to do or what to say.

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Aaron pulled Mason out of the classroom, waiting for Snow and Storm to leave as well. He knew everyone stared at them over what just happened, some whispering about their familiars. What powers did they possess for them to turn human? Others wanted to see them fight in the tournament and see their power when fighting.


“Are you okay Snow?” Aaron asked in concern, the other nodding his head that he was.


“Why do I always get tossed around this week?” Snow sighed, clinging to Storms side.

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Storm held on to snow. "and as he was walking to the door. Its because you are pure of heart and everyone things they can step on you. They just don't know how powerful you really are." he said looking at Snow and kissing his cheek.


Mason left the room with Aaron making it clear once again that the teacher only lived because snow and Aaron snapped the both of them to there senses. "Alright lets go back to our dorm room....I am starting to think about dropping out these people are stupid." Mason said. "I am thinking we should get some food and then stay in our room the rest of the day."

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"As much as I would have agreed with you before about dropping out of school, we can just prove them wrong? Who would want to mess with you?" Aaron said with a soft smile on his face. "And what was that...? The whole...lifting up in the air thing? Can all familiars do that?" He said, surprised at the familiars unseen ability.


Snow smiled and kissed Storms cheek lightly in return. "Despite how many times, you are right. I try to keep a grip on myself so when I snap, I snap. Not often among the years I have known you, a rare thing" Snow smiled softly, glad he never felt that level of anger and stress to turn into his more angry chaotic form.

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