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The String Of Fate (18+ Dragongirl26)


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"Mason..Me too" Aaron said with a soft sigh, going to lean toward the other as well. Their lips were just about to touch when Mason back away, snapping him back to reality. His eyes widened at what they were just about to do...and all the things they had said. "I...I don't know...It's getting bad! We almost...we said..." Aaron said as he ran a hand through his hair. That string was making them worse by the day! He didn't want to find out what that cursed string would compel them to do if it stayed on any longer.

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"Ok so after we see my parents I think we need to try to get this string off." Mason whispered pulling out of his dazed and shook his head. "It said it would get worse before it gets better I don't know how much worse it could get." Mason said and looked at him. "Alright I don't want to give into the string, but we might have to and then we can go our own ways for a while." he said looking at him and shook his head not sure what to do as he laid back down next to him trying to control his emotions.

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"Yeah..I do not want to find out how it could get worse" Aaron nodded, retying his hair back in a hair tie before lying down. "We might have to, just a quick one, get it over with and we can be done with it" Aaron agreed, wanting this to be over with before it got worse. The string was pretty long right now and it was already making him do all this..

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"This really sucks." Mason said sighing and shook his head. "I don't even know how to deal with something like this. Its messing with out minds and I can't stop it." he said sighing. "You know how hard it is I am just starting to get control over my life and this is forcing me to do stuff." he said sighing and shook his head. "I also think that sighing is now in my nature now." Mason said laughing

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“Or was it calling me beautiful..?” Aaron said with a small laugh, playfully punching him in the shoulder. He had to try to make a joke out of this..so they didn’t both dwell on it. Things were already awkward so maybe this would help? “Anyway, we better get back to the room, You need sleep” He smirked, getting up from his spot laying down, calling Snow back to him.

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"I guess I do. I don't have my phone any more so they will be pissed at me. For that also my clothes and my grades." he said smiling. "And some how I could care less." he said smiling as he got up off the ground and brushed his clothes off. "I wonder what tomorrow is going to bring in class we are moving onto bigger and better things at least that is what the teacher said."

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“I have no idea..” Aaron said with a shrug, not sure what the teacher will be talking about in class tomorrow. Must be exciting if it’s ‘bigger and better things’..He thought to himself before looking back at Mason. “Hey, you got me there so I got you. Stand up to the man!” He laughed, his punk clothes coming back on for a bit before going back into his conservative ones. Snow seemed to meow in solidarity to the idea.

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"I don't either, but I can't wait to find out." He said trying to change the subject to the red string as he stated to walk back to his room and shook his head. "Oh I plan on sticking up to the man as long as you are with me. For some reason you give me power." he said smiling as he . "I really do like my look on you it is more you." he said as he walked into his room and there were now two beds in there

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“It’s so simple..It’s not cool! I am a walking marshmallow” Aaron said with a small laugh. “Or a cuddly kitten that wants to be pet” He laughed to himself st his comparisons. “Now you, I never thought I’d see you in my style. Makes you look powerful and strong, it’s a good look” Aaron said with a small smile as he walked at his side.

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"I think you are cute when you are like that. It shows a side of you that you have had locked away and I don't think anyone has never seen before." he said smiling looking at him. "You know what I think that you are the cutest kitten I have ever seen." he said smiling and went to lay on his bed damn he wanted to kiss Aaron so bad and Mason had no idea why he was fighting every bone in his body. "I like this style it makes me feel powerful." he said

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“No not really, I have dressed edgy and punkish for as long as I could remember” He said with a small nod. “And it’s weirder when you say it..” Aaron mumbled, cheeks a light pink before he got a grip on himself. “You need to wear it more often, it suits you. You look good in it” Aaron smiled as he went to lay in his bed. Man I wan those powerful lips on mine right now..Aaron thought before he tried to shake off that thought. You do not want it, no you don’t!

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"Yeah well sometimes its time for a change don't you agree." he said as he closed his eyes once on the bed. "Watch out for Snow ok. Since you finally gave up on hiding her. She will want to be with you from now on." he said smiling and took a deep breath. "You never know what is going to happen next but I am excited for the first time ever." he said as he started to go to sleep

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“I will, I can take care of a kitten” Aaron rolled his eyes with a small smile. “I gues tomorrow will be full of surprises..” Aaron sighed before closing his eyes to sleep. Who knows what his parents would bring for them..or that damn string.


The next morning he woke up, feeling like his hand was in a different position than what he went to sleep in. He woke up to Snow on his chest, shooing her away before siting up. The first thing he did was look down at the string..and realized something. It was shorter, way shorter, now shorter than him. “Shit..” He said quietly under his breath as he undid his tie to brush his hair, wishing he hadn’t seen the now shorter string.

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Mason was not wanting to wake up at all he woke up and found out he had fallen asleep with his glasses on again it was starting to be a bad habit. Mason looked down to see the string was shorter. "Damn it." he said sighing he was guessing that now they had about 5 feet of room. He didn't think it would get short this fast he thought he had lot of time to figure this out. Mason set up and rubbed his head. "I don't know what to do now." he whispered and then gave a slight cough as he got up and got dressed in his now edgy clothing.

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He looks really good with his glasses on..would it get in the way of kissing..? Aaron’s mind drifted again before he tried to redirect his mind elsewhere. “Neither did i..We had to have lost a good 20 inches overnight..” He sighed as he put a white hair tie in his hair. “We can’t wait too much longer then..” He sighed before saying “let’s just take care of your parents and we can figure this out later..” Aaron said as he looked over at Mason, putting on his conservative clothes.

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Mason took a deep breath Damn he is hot when he ties his hair back like that Mason thought and then looked at him. "Anyway I figured we would just go to class like normal until my parents show up. Sure they will be pissed , but they will pull me out of class and you are going to be stuck going with me no matter how good the lesson is." he said smiling as he ran his hands through his hair.

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-Please Run your hands through my hair like thAt..- Aaron thought as he took another deep breath of his own. “Not like I care about skipping a clas anyway darn what a shame..” He sighed with a teasing smile. He was not sure what to expect of the there aprents but it could not be anything good. If they are going to be pulling him out of class overnit.

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Mason shook his head. "Maybe I should explain that better I just realized what that sounded like. They won't pull be out of school only one class period to talk to me I can go back to that class the next day after I have a fight with them." Mason said and adjusted his clothes. "Alright lets head to class we have to get some food now." he said looking at him his stomach craving more food from what he had yesterday. "I'll let you pick something for me since you gave me something great at lunch." he said

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“Darn..” He said with a snap and a small laugh. “Hey one missed class will be no big deal” Aaron said with a small shrug. “We can take care of our predicament after classes are over? Unless we have time after your parents yell and we can just do it quickly then? It should not take that long..” He shrugged, figuring the kiss would be a quick peck, nice and easy.

-I want more than just a peck from those lips..I want all of it..- His kind started thinking before he pushed it away again.

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I want to pull him close and strip his shirt off so I could play with him. he thought. "Yeah I know you wanted me to get pulled out I'm sorry that's not going to work at all." He said smiling. "My parents may disown me, but I still want to be a good ish student. I have never really not cared before so this will be new for me." he said smiling. "I'm just not going to study as hard as I use to." he said smiling

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“That will be a sight to see..” Aaron laughed with a small smile. “Seeing you not study will feel like the worlds ending” He teased with a playful shove of his shoulder.

-Those lips are probably so soft, I want him kissing me down my neck while he calls me his little kitten..- He thought, looking at something else. Anything else...

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"Yes we will." he said smiling and walked to the cafe trying to ignore his own mind telling him that he wanted to kiss and make out with Aaron. "Alright I'll let you order for me again." he said once he entered the cafe and went through the line. "I'll buy again today alright you bought lunch yesterday." he said smiling at him

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“If was just a cheese sandwich..” Aaron looked away from him as his mind kept telling him about wanting to make out with a mason and have those lips kiss him all over and mark up his neck. “That looks good..Maybe we can have you try ice cream today~!” He smirked happily, pointing to a chicken sandwich he wanted for himself, recommending milk and a plain old cheeseburger for him.

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"Yeah thanks. I am sure soon enough I will be used to ordering food by myself, but right now I'm just not too sure about anyting." Mason said as he went through the line with Aaron. "I am willing to try any food that is good. I am sure you know all the ropes and what's good and what's not." Mason said wanting to jump Aaron

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"Yeah...I am pretty good I guess" Aaron shrugged with a small smile, putting the ice creams in his hand and the sandwiches in Masons.

-I want you to lick me like that ice cream cone- Aaron thought as he cursed the string for now even ruining food for him. Not everything has to be sexual~!

"I think you will like the burger, its really good" he smiled, taking a bite of his chicken sandwich. He got some mayo on his lips licking it off the corner of his lips rather than getting a napkin. "I'll take my ice cream so you can eat" he laughed, setting the ice cream down in the middle of the table.

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