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The String Of Fate (18+ Dragongirl26)


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Mason smiled and started to eat his food smiling as he was holding on to the ice cream cone as he did so. "Yum, this is so good." he said as he ate more he had to remember to chew. When he said he wanted his ice cream Mason handed it to him and licked the ice cream that melted off his hands. I wonder how good he would be if he licked me he thought

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Aaron was quick to eat his sandwich, wanting to get to his ice cream before it melted. He was eating his ice cream when he watched the other lick the ice cream off his hands.

-He looks so good doing that..His mouth will taste like sweet ice cream- Aaron thought as he tried to focus on his ice cream without looking at Mason. "I love ice cream, so sweet and perfect in any kind of weather" He smiled, licking the ice cream from the bottom so it did not drip.

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"It was sweet and rich at the same time. I don't think I have had anything like that before I bet its better in cold weather it won't melt as much." he said as he finished eating his food and held his stomach it wasn't really happy with the food today. Mason realized that they didn't have a drink either and sighed then closed his eyes wondering what he should get.

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"Let's just get you some water..You had enough new food for one day" Aaron said with a small smile, going to get Mason a glass of ice water.

-You need the water, you are the one who is so thirsty for Mason's mouth- Aaron thought, trying desperately to push those kinds of thoughts aside as they seemed to be plaguing him today.

"Here you go!" He smiled, handing him the cup.

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Mason smiled as he grabbed the water and slowly drank it. When he was done he gave a face that looked like h was content. "That was so good thank you for the meal. I owe you, So what do you want in exchange for getting me good food." He said smiling and in a sexy voice. Almost as if the string was taking over. "Do you want to sit on my lap?" He whispered so Aaron was the only one who could hear it.

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Aaron coughed as his face started to blush a bright pink at the request. That sexy voice...it made his heart pound in his chest. "Make room then.." Aaron said as he got up and did not know what in the hell he was doing. He moved to the other side of the table, sitting himself in the others lap. He had no idea what he was doing but he did it anyway. He grabbed his ice cream and continued to eat it, takign a spoonful of it to feed to Mason.

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Mason smiled when Aaron got onto his lap. "Ahh so I see this is what you want." he said smiling as he smiled and rubbed Aaron's butt. Then took a bit of the ice cream that was being fed to him. "Its so good. I bet it's as good as you. I want to taste all of you." he whispered in Aaron's ear the string taking over again as Mason was starting to get turned on

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Aaron shivered when he heard the others whispers, it sending shivers through his body. The string was starting to take over again, looking into the others eyes. "Why don't you take a bite and find out then..? And I am not talking about the ice cream.." He said in a breathless whisper into the others ear, wiggling himself on the others lap.

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Mason smiled. "With pleasure." he whispered and started to lick the other's shoulders. "Your so sweet." he said as he started to nibble on Aaron's shoulder. "So good." he whispered and pulled back. "Thank you for that sample." Mason said he was turned on and wanted more of Aaron, but didn't want to do it in the cafe.

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Aaron face turned a bright pink as he felt the others lips on his shoulder. Feeling those teeth and lips nibble on his neck was such a turn on..He thought as he squirmed in the others lap. “You’ll need to take some more next time..” He said in a low whisper and couldn’t help but let out the faintest moan. Aaron seemed to snap to reality, quickly getting off the others lap and back to his seat. “This is getting bad...” He said as his heart was pounding in his chest. Please let his parents come soon so we can get the kiss over with and get rid of this string.

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Mason smiled and pulled back. "I will show you more later. For now we need to go to class." He said smiling and licked some of Aaron's ice cream slowly and in a slow sexy movement. The string was in full swing and Mason was still fighting it it was the only thing he could do to get away right now was to go to class. Mason hated his parents, but he wanted them to show up soon so they could get this over with as well.

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Aaron was still a bright pink as he watched that tongue slowly lick over the ice cream. So..good..Aaron thought as he couldn’t look away. Aaron quickly got up, following the other toclass. He tried to forget the feeling of the others lips on his neck..and that tongue..damn tha Tongue...


-Mason, please come to the office- the speaker called sometime later to Aaron’s pleasure, needing the distraction to stop thinking of Mason.

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Mason was in class working on his homework. They had to move Aaron's desk closer to his because they couldn't go to far away from each other when he hear his name over the intercom. "Well lets get this over with." he said getting up still in his edgy clothing that shocked everyone when he walked into the room no one would of though that Mason had that side to him. Mason pulled onto the string to tell Aaron to go with him. Mason took a deep breath as he walked to the office and then walked into the office.

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Everyone looked just as surprised at Aaron’s clothes and his much longer hair. They didn’t think they would see him in anything other than edgy clothes ever. He felt a tug on wrist indicating it was time, following the other to the office


Masons mother stood there, giving him a glare along with his father. “We saw your grade..And I must say we are very disappointed” She said, getting right to the point.

“And your cellphone isn’t working and you dare come in front of us in this get up..? And now fated to a man..?!” His father chimed in, looking at them disgusted.

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Mason looked at them. "You know other parents would be happy that I get an A or B, but no you aren't happy unless I run myself into the ground I do my best, but it's not good enough for you!" Mason said the string working in a different way. "As for my phone I used the counter spell so you won't be seeing any more of my grades I don't care if I fail now you both have push me too far!" Mason said looking at the both of them. "This is who I am now and as for the string I'm not really happy about it either." Mason admit to all of them Aaron knew he wasn't happy about it, but he was learning to accept it. "Now unless you can break fate this is who I am." Mason said

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Masons mother stood up and got right in his farce, slapping him right across the face. “You do not talk to us in that way and you will most certainly not be continuing this disappointing behavior. Worthless son you are..!” Masons mother screamed at him.

Aaron seemed to snap, standing up from his seat. “Now listen here you fucking bitch...” He said with a growl, fire spiraling up his arm as he got really angry when he saw his mother slap him like that. It felt like something inside him just snapped. “You do not lay your hands on him and you will not call him worthless! HE IS NOT WORTHLESS!” He yelled in a growl, the fire around his arm feeling like it was getting stronger

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Mason was shocked when his mother slapped him. He wasn't so shocked when she called him worthless what he was shocked about was the way that Aaron reacted and all the fire that came on his arms. Mason reacted quickly and covered his arms in ice as he touched Aaron. "Its on calm down. Take a deep breath Aaron. Everything will turn on right alright." Mason said and looked at his mother. "This string has showed me who I really am and I am not going to take this any more. I am tired of being worthless to you when I know I am so much more. I won't be the scared child I was any more. I am stronger now and I don't care if you accept me for who I am. I have always been worthless in your eyes no matter what." he said looking at them. "Not any more. I don't care who my parents are or who we were related to I am me and no one else." he said looking at both of them.

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Aaron was trying desperately to calm down, feeling the cool of the others Ice arm on his own. His mother was a bit shocked when Mason stood up for himself, speaking in such a tone along with his father. She seemed to dig something out of her purse, wallet, and threw it at him. “It has cash inside..This is the last we want to hear from you. You are no son of ours..” The mother stood up, the father wrapping a comforting arm around her as they turned to leave the office.

“You get your fucking asses back here right now! You are not walking away from your son and the most amazing guy I’ve known. Get back here right fucking now assholes!” Aaron yelled after them, the fire getting out of control on his arms. No one gets to say bad things to Mason..No one gets to treat him like shit, that’s my job. I am not going to let anyone hurt Mason...!

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Mason sighed as he saw the money thrown at him. His body encased Aaron's. "It's ok alright I knew you his was coming." He said as he put the money on his pocket and watched them walk away from him. "My mom doesn't accept gays. I knew this was coming since my fate was tied to yours." Mason said sighing. "Let's head back to our dorm room." Mason said.

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Aaron was still angry, furious even! No one can treat Mason like that “It’s not fair..” He grumbled, letting himself be led back to their dorm room. “She has no right to judge you in something you can’t change! Grades is hard enough but those can go down or up..” Aaron said as they make it back to their room. “They cannot treat you like that because that’s something you have no control over. They can’t see you’re amazing and wonderful and gorgeous and perfect so fuck them!” Aaron said, in the heat of the moment taking the others lips in a kiss.

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Mason walked back to the room rubbing Aaron's shoulder. "It's okay I know I think the last straw was the string. I never told you this but in my family it's a sin to be faded with someone that's a guy if you are a guy." Mason explained as he walks to his dorm room and open the door. Mason walked inside and take a deep sigh as he open the money to see what was in it there was a note from his grandpa for some reason in there and a lot of cash almost over a million after he counted. The note for his grandpa told him. 'no matter what happens I support you here's my phone number we can keep in contact.' "well there is one person from my family that supports me." He said as he sat on the bed

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Aaron pulled himself away from the other after the quick kiss, glad his red string decided not to go berserk on him. Aaron couldn’t help but look astonished at all the money that Mason had after he counted. “Shit dude..you’re loaded!” Aaron laughed before smiling over at Mason. “I am glad you have someone who supports you..At least you have your grandpa” He said with a happy smile and a pat on his back.

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"Yeah my family was rich. This is the rest of the money for the rest of my life." He said looking at Aaron. "Yeah I don't know what to do this is a new start to my life." he said smiling as he just realized that Aaron kissed him and it felt good. "Thank you so much for standing up for me. I am glad that after all this is over I will have one friend." He said

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Aaron smiled softly when the other said that he had at least one friend after all this was over. “Ole you said..you got me and I got you right..?” He smiled, scooting a bit closer. “I’m happy I could help...” He looked In the others eyes with a soft smile. “I really want to kiss you again...” Aaron said quietly, scooting into the others lap. Body,,what are you doing? Stop! He started to think but it was already too late as he had Masons lips in another kiss.

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"I am glad we have each other he said as Aaron got it on him. " I want to kiss you too " he said as Aaron kissed him this morning I'm Mason kissed back pulling on his bottom lip to open up and once he did Mason's tongue entered the others mouth. Mason moaned at the sweet taste of his tongue on his.

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