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Tat-chan INCOMING!


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Hey all Yaoi Shounen ai and Boys love lovers It's your friendly yaoi otaku forum poetry writer here! Many people who know me are aware of my poetry writing and how I take requests for them. I have been a fan of Yaoi for about hmm 7 years now starting with my fanfiction writing and gradually getting into shounen ai manga and going from there.


I'm from a small town in the middle of the U.S (wont' say any more for security reasons lol) But I am a farm girl lol. I've done a lot of work in my life and I do look younger then I am. So my theory for life is if you dont' look your age who says you have to act your age?


Because of my job I work a lot so I'm not on the forums too often. But when I am you can find me in the chatroom where I'm seen taking requests for poems updating other members of my poetry and just having a good time!


See ya on the forums guys!

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Hi Tat-chan! Our talented poetry writer! :hamtaro-005 (12): I wonder who doesn't know you already :D

I'm glad you have decided to make an introduction so we can know more things about you! :hamtaro-005 (8):


See you around! :)

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Tat-chan! I've been reading your poems and I can say I'm a fan of yours! Glad you made the introduction and nice to meet you in a more personally way! :D

Hope we can be good friends :hamtaro-005 (8):

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Oh... so you live down in State... I am up in Canada... ^^;;;

I just lost my brain... --;;; more like feel like... ^^;;;

I just hope you get out from your writer's block soon...

And I believe your poem is good... ^^

Hope to keep up...

See you around...

I am going back to rest now... ^^

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Hi Tat-Chan ...

I'm a countryside girl, also.

I think that the age doesn't count here.. I hope otherwise I'm in a bad situation.. :p

For me, When you have a "young heart" it's for all your life.. :)


Ohhh !! Humm...

"A talented poetry writer"

So, I 'll have to go and see those poems when I will have time ! :)

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For a second there i thought another tat-chan had joinned YO :D


Glad it's you...I'm glad you're here with us, and definetily glad you're one hell of a writer :)

Please keep on presenting us with the beautiful things you create...

And of course, hope you'll be around for an undertemined period :p


A big hug and kiss :*

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