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Teacher/Student Roleplay (Private between me, yaoifangirl and YaoiLoverfangurl19)


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Yukina pulls yuuki's hand...

"Leave them alone, i know that this is one of his plans isn't castor sensei..."


Yukina whispers to yuuki...

"We can use rooftop to continue this thing..."




Yukina become naughty... XDD

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Yuuki whas walking out of the Teacher lounge whit Yukina and walked mot the infarmeri and they so Castor outen for infarmeri and Yuuki said'' Castor how is Shun doing?'' he asked.

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Yuuki so on Yukina and said'' Sigh i guess you have right Yukina, la us walk to the rooftop and continue and they walked to the rooftop and opendt the door and walked futher in and Yuuki so on Yukina and start kissing him and moved his tounge inside Yukina's mouth.

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Shun is a drama queen, ne? ~ :3

Oh, thank you~ Like I already posted onto your wall yuichan, I really loved you describing Nao's feelings too~ A fan of yours! ~ x''D

I really feel like Shun is in good hands~ ^^

P.s. Shun is hyperventilating, so it's nothing too serious. He was just having a panic attack, and tried to breath too fast so eventually he couldn't breath at all. It feels like dying, but he's gonna live~ x''D I explained it if there is someone who doesn't know what it means to hyperventilate ~ :D




Shun's vision was blurry, and everything felt unrealistic. His limbs were numb, and he barely could feel anything in his body. It was like a living hell. He was well aware of the fact that he hadn't died, but the feeling of dying was enough to make this situation horrible like hell. He still tried to get some air, but it just didn't come. His lungs were turning down all of the air he tried to take in. He was desperate. `I don't want to die... I don't want to...´


Shun could feel someone touching his body, but it was just a light touch, like a feather... No, more like a ghost travelling trough his body. It felt surreal. He couldn't even open his eyes and see who was the one touching him. He was powerless. He could only squeeze the shirttail of his savior, and press his head against the warm, broad chest. It felt comfortable, and Shun managed to push a smile onto his lips before he lost his consciousness against the chest, listening to the quick beating noice of the heart inside it.




Shun opened his eyes slowly, squinting them, and holding his head with his hand. He had a heavy ache inside his head, and he felt dizzy, like some one had hit him hard, and sent him to a sleeping state. He remembered that he couldn't breath before, and he had passed out... Someone had carried him to the infirmary, but who..?


Shun raised to sit, and the he saw a glimpse of brown, spiky hair from the corner of his eye. His eyes widened, and he turned his head just to see Nao's sleeping face next to him. It made Shun blink. Had it been Nao who had brought Shun to here, to the infirmary? Seemed like it...


Shun buried his face into his hands and started to chuckle to himself. "I'm really an idiot aren't I? It seems like Nao is the adult here..." He muttered to himself. He really felt miserable. He had again caused a commotion for something stupid, and Nao had again ran after him and held him. "Isn't he getting tired of me already?" Spoke again, and now he turned his eyes to Nao again. Nao was sleeping peacefully, looking like a child. The adorable sight made Shun chukcle. He brushed Nao's smooth cheek gently, and smirked as the boy shivered and muttered something in his sleep. Shun knew that Nao had kissed Yuuki, and it still made Shun boil, but right now he tried to not to think about it. `I'm sure he has got a good explanation... I shouldn't just run away. I should listen to him even once, and stop making things complicated... Am I even good enough for Nao...?´ Shun's thoughts were really unclear and mixed, but he could still say that he was too selfish and bad for Nao. Compared to Nao, Shun was the head devil himself. Nao was just too kind and friendly, and he never complained about anything to Shun. "You're too good for me you know?" He whispered to the sleeping boy, smiling sadly, and quietly lifting himself to stand on the floor.

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Castor went in teachers lounge, opend cupboard, get stored keys and walked down. Now yuuki and yukina will not interfare thought he. I have to think how to get rid of Nao...

Castor opened door and looked at shun and sleeping Nao.

Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to interfare said Castor when he looked and shun.

I just wanted to tell Nao that yuuki is waiting him on the roof. This children, they are pretty good aren't they?

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Yukina follows Yuuki and get into the rooftop... he starts to kissing and he plays with yuuki's tongue.. yuuki is a good kisser, yukina just being played by yuuki.. he hugs yuuki and become more turn on... both of them are hardening...


"I-i want more Yuuki...."

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((Nana, I already wrote something before that thing, and I bet you didn't notice it, but well. Let's just say all I wrote happened, and then Shun went back to sleep or something, so neither one of us has to rewrite? x''D ))

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((Nana, I already wrote something before that thing, and I bet you didn't notice it, but well. Let's just say all I wrote happened, and then Shun went back to sleep or something, so neither one of us has to rewrite? x''D ))


I know i add post. look now. XD

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Shun smirked at Castor when he came in, and he waved his hand happily. He felt really energetic right now, having thought about everything that had gone trough his mind today. His mind was `almost´ clear right now.


"Nope, you'ren't interrupting at all. Nao is sleeping, and I'm dying to boredom." He said, chuckling quietly as he crossed his legs. He was happy that someone had came in because it had been really boring to be awake alone. He was just about to open his mouth, but when Castor said that Yuuki was waiting for Nao on the rooftop, he shut it quickly. Shivers ran down his spine, and he frowned. His eyes automaticly turned to Nao, but the boy was sleeping. `What in the heck is going on with you..? Are you just playing..?´ This time Shun didn't show any signs of getting hurt. He was just jealous, and angry. He wasn't going to wake Nao up, and let him go to Yuuki. He was so selfish that he was going to let Nao sleep, and never even mention about Yuuki... He didn't want Nao to go to Yuuki. `I just don't want Yuuki and Yukina to break up.´ He tried to explain to himself why he didn't let Nao go, but actually he was just afraid of Nao leaving him. If Nao was already having something going on with Yuuki, Shun didn't want it to get deeper.


"Ah, is that so...? Well Nao seems to sleep so peacefully that I don't want to wake him up. Let's just let him sleep, okay?" He asked in a whispering tone, and putting his indexfinger in front of his mouth to hush Castor. He wasn't smiling, or feeling sad. He was just feeling guilty for not waking up Nao in this kind of situation, but he brushed all the guilty away. He just wanted to keep Nao away from Yuuki. `I really am too selfish for you Nao... I'm really sorry...´ He thought, and then he smiled weakly at Castor.

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Shun swallow Castors bait.

okey, but i will put him into bed, I just don't want my student to get sick, tomorrow I have test. Castor carefuly lift Nao, silently, when nobody was watching, drugged him with sleeping peels and closed curtains.

Then he sit near Shun. I'm sorry. I don't understand anything. yukina has fight with yuuki and mentioned Nao. I don't get exactly what is happening. looke at shun.

You wanted to tell me something?

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Shun nodded at Castor, letting the man lift Nao to the bed. He didn't notice anything odd in Castor's behavior, and neither did the nurses. Then, when Castor came back to sit next to him, and told him about Yukina's and Yuuki's quarrel, and that Nao was part of it too, a flash of jealously brushed over him again. This time the only difference was that he had decided to not to cry and cause drama to these things anymore... Though he still felt bad.


"Ah... I'ven't heard about it at all... No, I was just thinking that I'm not feeling too well, so could you probably give me a lift home? I promised to borrow my car to Suminose-sensei, so I can't go by myself... If you don't mind?" Shun asked, lowering his head in a pleading manner. He actually hadn't promised to borrow his car to anyone, but he just didn't want to be alone... And Nao's companion wasn't going to be an opinion. If he had spent time with Nao, he was sure that his jealously would have flowed over, and there would have been a quarrel coming. That's why he was asking Castor now.

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of course, I will gladly drive you. sweet smile.

Can you stand up? looks at shun. allow me to take you, after all I'm indebted to you.. you listened to my story... shy expression.

at least, now I will not let this chance go to waste. thought Castor.

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Shun felt bad for a while. He didn't think that Castor was indebted to him at all. It was the opposite. Castor had helped him so much that it made Shun get embarrassed. Now again he was asking for Castor's help, and it surely wasn't something he was happy about. Castor was really a good person, and Shun liked him, and that was the reason why Shun didn't want to strain Castor. "Thank you... really much. You're a big help always." He said with a smile on his beautiful lips. "And of course I'll listen to you. Isn't that what I'm supposed to do to my important friend after all?" He asked, and flashed a smirk to Castor, starting to follow Castor to his car. For some reason the nervousness came back again. His alarming bells started ringing, and told him to stay by Nao's side, but he didn't want to. Shun would have just ruined everything. `Why am I like this..? I'm so sorry Nao...´ Shun thought as he glanced at Nao's sleeping gesture for the last time before going out of the room.

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Castor helped Shun to get to the Car. Castor switched the car and they went. Castor was looking in the way, his shirt was half unbotton and he don't have his glasses on. He looked mysterious.

I have made a mistake, thought Castor I must be composed or shun will see throught my act. Now i must put up with it. he told himself.

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wah?! I just kicked Castor out of the room to prevent him stealing Shun. And then again, you are now with Shun?! What the hell happened? ahaha! OMG. O_O Eveything's so fast. Anyways, what's the with sleeping pills? ahaha! bastard.




It was around night time when Nao woke up in the Infirmary. He blinked his eyes several times to adjust from the brightness of the room. He realized that the light is not from the sun but from an artificial light. He sat up quickly, and dizziness hit him. He closed his eyes and massaged his temples, seeing black spots in his vision. After awhile, he recovered and opened his eyes again scanning for a sign of life in the room. He looked around and remembered that the last time, he was with Shun then he accidentally fell asleep and he can't seem to remember anything after that. He got up from the bed and fixed it before going out.


'It's already night. Well, it's no surprise that Shun went home. Anyways, I'll just visit him for awhile to check how he is doing.'


He walks from the school up to the place of Shun. Along the way, he keeps on thinking about Yuuki. He left him somewhere and he hadn't came back. Nao then assumes that maybe Yuuki is with Yukina now. There's nothing he can do about it since Yukina is more important than him. While he is walking, he keeps on pondering on things. Especially his explanation for Shun about the kiss with Yuuki.


'Well, might just tell him the truth. Either way, it's reasonable enough. I did that for Shun.'


After minutes of walking, there he stood in front of Shun's house. He noticed that the light is on so he assumed that Shun is there. He approached the door and knocked. He waited for Shun to come out.

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it's night already? XD




yukina back is hurt... there are many kiss marks all over his body.. seems that yuuki can't control his lust towards yukina.. yuuki made yukina cum a lot and Yukina is so tired now.. The night has come before they arrived at yukina house..


"Awww.. it hurts a lot!" he touches his back and bend down like an old man.. "Y-you must control your desire Yuuki..."


Yukina sees a car coming out from the school and it is castor and shun.. then he remember about nao!


"Yuuki! should not you with nao? how can you see me in the teacher lounge back then?"

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Yuuki answert'' sorry i promise be gentle next time, And for answer your question, well i forgott someting on the teacher lounge so i said to Nao im going to get it, And well that happend''

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IS IT OKAY WITH EVERYONE IF TOMORROW IS THE WEEKEND ALREADY?? ~ I wrote it in big letters so that everyone would notice it~ Wise aren't I ? x''D




Shun sighed heavily. He was sitting in the kitchen of his apartment, and Castor had left already. (Is it fine with you, Nana? ~ x''D) He was alone right now, and it was making him bored and anxious. Usually he would have been reading a book about history, or watching tv, but now he wasn't interested in doing anything. His head still hurt from the hyperventilation, so he had no hurries to go to bed either. `Gosh.. I really won't go out without carrying a paper bag with me after this...´ He thought with a frown brushing gently over his forehead.


Suddenly Shun heard a knock from the door, and his head jumped a bit. `Who is visiting me at this late of evening..?´ He though, not waiting for any guests. He stood up, shrugging his shoulders. Maybe it was Castor, because Shun didn't know anyone else who would visit him. He really wasn't too much of a popular person. He didn't have too much friends.


Shun walked to the door, opening the lock, and then opening the door with a smile on his face. "Did you forget somethi--" Shun started, but his question stopped when he saw the person at the door. It was Nao, and it made Shun shiver slightly. `Does he want to talk about something...? About Yuuki..?´ Shun guessed, swallowing noisily. He managed to flash a tiny smile at Nao when he asked him in: "Oh, Nao... Sorry, I though you were.... someone else. Please come in." His voice told that he was a little nervous right now, and it could also be noticed from the shivers that ran down his spine at times. He hadn't waited to see Nao before monday.

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well okay.. XD




"Forget about it... let's go home yuuki.. i will make up today's date tomorrow.. is it a deal? hehe..." he smiles to yuuki..


he grab yuuki hands and walk together to yukina apartment...

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Sure is fine by me, evemaid, can i ask you something?


Yuuki smiled and said'' sure is fine by me, What do you whant for dinner Yukina?'' he asked.

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"Hmmmm..." Yukina thinks for a while...


"Why don't i cook for you... i-it is like a normal husband and wife relationship isn't? Yukina blushed and run towards the apartment...


"arrrrggghhh.. why do i say like that????!!"

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