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Teacher/Student Roleplay (Private between me, yaoifangirl and YaoiLoverfangurl19)


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Shun sighed heavily. He was sitting in the kitchen of his apartment, and Castor had left already. (Is it fine with you, Nana? ~ x''D) He was alone right now, and it was making him bored and anxious. Usually he would have been reading a book about history, or watching tv, but now he wasn't interested in doing anything. His head still hurt from the hyperventilation, so he had no hurries to go to bed either. `Gosh.. I really won't go out without carrying a paper bag with me after this...´ He thought with a frown brushing gently over his forehead.


Noooo, I missed my chance again. XD oh well. XD



Castor didn't want to frighten shun so he left early. I don't have a good feeling about this he thought.

Castor was driving when he saw a pet shop. He stopped Car and went in the shop. Castor was looking araund when he saw a little kitten with big green eyes. he bought a kitten.

Now I have a reason to visit shun he thought.

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((Nana, well you we'ren't online, so I couldn't ask you~ x''D Plus, Nao came, so I couldn't say that you were there too, because then I would have needed your interaction~ x''D Plus now I can't do anything because Nao isn't answering... >____

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Waaah! Sorry for the late reply >.


@Nana ahaha! missed your chance again, eh? Welcome to my world dear :p ahaha!

@evemaid what should we be doing again on the field trip? I forgot. Sorry >.




The door opened after some seconds passed by and Nao felt his heart leaped when he saw Shun. For some unknown reason, e was kind of expecting Castor to open it or something. Anyways, he was just glad that it isn't Castor. When Shun invited him in, he scanned the place looking for a sign of Castor. But he smiled, feeling relief when he found out that Castor isn't around. Finally, he can have some private time with Shun after for a very long time. How he wished to talk to Shun everything and clear up all misunderstandings they are enduring now. He then sat on the sofa and stared at Shun, following his every movement while he is pacing around the house. But deep inside of his mind, he's preparing the reasons he has to say later. When Shun finally stopped walking around he took a deep breath and gained enough courage to speak.


"I, uh,...." He began, but decided to just finally go and get to the point. "I know that you saw what happened between me and Yuuki, and I'm sorry." He looked at Shun for a sign of annoyance or disgust to come across his face, but felt happy when he saw none. He took this as a "continue-I'm-listening" silence and continued,


"I-I did that for you to feel jealousy. I really really want to know how you feel sensei.." he broke off. Swallowing a large lump in his throat.


"...towards me." he managed to spit out the words.


"I know that you were hurt and I know that I've been too selfish.. I went overboard without considering on how you feel. But in truth sensei, I did that to make you realize what you felt for me. Even though it's hate or disgust, I'll still accept it at least I know how you see me. But I want you to know, that I really really love you so much that it hurts. Just by seeing you everyday, a mix of pain and pleasure rushes in my heart, confirming all my doubts that I'll not be able to live without you." He exhaled.


"I know that it sounds like gay-ish, but that's how I really feel towards you. Now knowing this, I assume that you don't like me anymore. So just tell me to get out of here and I'll do so." He waits for Shun's reply expectantly.

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Yuuki walked in the house and so Yukina and hugged him and said''it's okey Yukina, your are not the only one so think we have a normal husband and wife relationship i think so to, And for to be honest i hope i can marry you someday Yukina, And sure you can make dinner to us but dont make dinner whit pasta in it becuse im allergy mot pasta, sorry about that''

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@Nana ahaha! missed your chance again, eh? Welcome to my world dear :p ahaha!


XD XD tell me that again. XD Why i mist my damn chance everytime. XD



Castor drived to shun's house, lights were on so he knocked the door.

He was standing there with little kitten. he wanted to give him to Shun as an apology.

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@xyuichan, Well I was thinking about hot springs? *smirks* I hope it's fine with everyone x''D




Shun stared at Nao with confused eyes. By every word that Nao said, Shun's heart started to beat even faster, and a blush raised to his cheeks. He had been so insecure about this whole thing, and he had doubted Nao's feelings all the time. So it had been Nao who had doubted Shun's feelings too? It made tears well up into his eyes. He was so happy right now. Nao had said that he loved Shun, and that's what made Shun almost hyperventilate again. His heart was beating like the wings of a hummingbird, and his throat was suddenly dry. He could only stare at Nao and sob.


"Nao.." He whispered in a hoarse tone, and wrapped his hands around Nao's neck tightly. He pressed his face against Nao's neck, and sobbed. He felt so happy right now that he could die. "I..." Shun started. He was about to say that there was no way that he would hate Nao, and that he too loved him, but just then he heard a knock from the door. He was so suprised that he quickly pulled away from Nao, seeming almost frightened by the sudden noice. Then he shook his head, and flashed a quick, sad smile to Nao. He was sad because he hadn't been able to finish his sentence, but he had to go and check who was at the door.


"Wait a moment." He murmured, sighing heavily, and walked to the hall. He looked at the mirror, and wiped off his tears. He hoped that his eyes weren't too red so that the visitor wouldn't notice anything. Then Shun opened the door, and a suprised smile took over his lips when he saw Castor standing in there with a little, cute, green eyed kitten on his arms. It made Shun's heart melt. It was such a cute sight that Shun couldn't help but start smiling at the kitten. "Good evening Castor-sensei." He said to Castor, smiling widely. "What brings you here? Oh, and how adorable kitten. Is it yours?" He asked, reaching his hand to touch the soft, furry kitten. He loved cats.

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Yukina heart beats so fast and it's like it almost come out from his body..

"Oh my GOD! you are too close yuuki..."


Yukina starts to make something, he never cook before so, when he starts to do something...





something explodes from the kitchen..

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Good evening shun, I'm sorry I came too late, but when i was going I sensed that you must felt lonely. sweet smile.

So I brought you a little present. gaves a kitten to Shun.

Castor looked at shun and notice that his eyes were red. Soft movement, he gently touched Shuns forehead. you were crying weren't you? Cared look.

Do you want to go out?

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Yuuki walked to the kitchen and so something exploderte and walked mot Yukina and said'' What happend Yukina? are you okey?'' he asked.


And evemaid sure hotspring is fine whit me

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"n-nah, i'm okay.. it is just the microwave isn't cooperative..."


Yukina takes off his dirty shirt and starts to cook again..

after he finished cooking he puts his cooking at the table...


"W-well i want to make something more tastier than this but i guess i only can cook fried rice.. i'm sorry yuuki.."

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Yuuki laughed for a bit and said'' hehehe your are so funny Yukina, No need to worrie, fried rice is okey whit me, What about i teach about cooking so you can make better food next time?'' he asked.

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"really? you will..? okay then... i will learn from you yuuki.. how about after we finish this we take a bath?"


Yukina seems regaining his good mood after being toyed by castor-sensei.. he just hate castor so much..




is it just my feeling or is it only yukina and yuuki who are lovey-dovey here? lol XD

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Shun blinked when Castor gave the kitten to him, and the kitten pressed the tiny, soft head against his chest. It made Shun shiver, and his eyes widened. "You're really too kind! Thank you so much! I love it!" He said, almost crying from being so touched. Then he placed a kiss on the cat's head, and smiled widely. "You're cute." He murmured, and the kitten cuddled against his chest. It made Shun's chest feel warm.


The sudden movement of Castor's hand on Shun's forehead made Shun blush, and his heart started once again beating wildly. `I must calm down! This isn't good!´ "U...Umm... Actually, I have someone visiting already... But I think I can go for a short ride as a thanks for the cat." He said, stepping backwards once. He was again feeling really nervous and embarrassed for some reason. It was almost like when he was with Nao. `No!! Geez, what am I thinking? Castor is just a friend. He thinks of me just as a friend... Calm down now!!´


"I'll go to inform N... my quest." Shun felt that for some reason he shouldn't mention Nao's name to Castor. He flashed a quick smile to the other man, and the ran to the living room, where Nao was sitting on the sofa, not seeming too happy. Shun noticed that he still had the kitten in his arms, and Nao was looking at it, seeming to be a bit questioning. "Umm, I'll go for a quick ride, but if you can, please wait? I'm not going to be there for too long. Just maybe ten or twenty minutes. Thanks!" He said, and ran back to the hall. He flashed a smile to Castor and asked: "So, do you accept my offer?"

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Yuuki bluched when Yukina asked him he whould take bath whit him and he so on Yukina and said'' Sure is fine whit me, And now i remember you asked me where i work and i never answert your question sorry about that, so here is my answer on your question, im working at luxury's resturant, you know where we can buy much good food and have romantick dinner there'' he said.

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Of course smiled Castor.

Shun and Castor went out. Castor took Shun in the hightest place and showed him night view of their town.

You know, when i come to a place like this, I offen think that this huge houses looks so small... inhale

So i think that any problem is a tiny compered to this view, and I found myself calm. touches shuns cheek, so if anything bothers you, please tell me. smile.

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"Is it okay for me to go there? i don't think i can buy anything in such place...."


Yukina feels that he does not suit to go to such place, he is not a rich man who can effort to buy everything he wants...


"Well.. we'll talk about it later... let's have a bath..."


Yukina goes into the bathroom and turn on the hot water.. it's freezing out there, so there is nothing better than a warm bath...

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Yuuki answert'' hm okey then, Sure let bath then,'' so he walked to the bathroom and tok off his clothes and and so Yukina did the same and he so on Yukina and thinking'' wow he have a damn sexy body and thenk at i have add sex whit him, my dream come true'' so he walked torwards the bath and sat himself down in the bath and waited on Yukina shall do the same.

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A deep blush rose to Shun's cheek, but he didn't feel anxious or bad at all. It felt just nice. Castor's warm touch gave a comfortable counterbalance to the cold night breeze that brushed over Shun's body at times. He felt a bit cold because he didn't have his jacket on, but it wasn't bothering him either. He was just enjoying the beautiful view of the city. Blackness full of lights and shimmer. It took his breath away.


"Actually, right now there is nothing that bothers me. I feel really calm and stable. Almost like all my problems would just have disappeared to this view. It's so beautiful." Shun murmured, almost not able to take his eyes off from the beautiful city-view. When he managed to turn his gaze to Castor, he smiled gently, and shivered as the cold breeze swayed his clothes and hair once again. He really felt comfortable in this moment, and he would have stayed here and enjoyed it more, but Nao was waiting for him.


"I think I should leave soon... I don't think Nao likes to wait too long." He said, suddenly feeling really quilty for feeling like this in Castor's company. He should have felt like this with Nao only, but it wasn't like that... Even though Nao was the one he loved the most. He smiled at Castor, waiting for his reply.

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Shun was not wairing his coat, Castor wanted to give him his, but than Shun told him that Nao was waiting for him.

He hugged Shun. It's cold, right? pained expresion.

he gently touched Shuns chin, lift his face close to him and kissed gently.

Castor was looking into shuns eyes, kissing and hugging tightly. He slowly devored shuns sweet lips and looking his every movement.

Than he murmured in Shuns ear: I like you, please don't go. hugs.

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Shun was suprised when Castor hugged him, but when he heard Castor's question, "It's cold, right?", he thought that Castor was just warming him up. It made an odd sensation twirling in his stomach. "Ye..Yeah.. Thanks.." He murmured, and his heart almost broke when he saw Castor looking so pained. `Why is he always this pained when he sees me...? Why does everyone get pained with me..?´ He thought, wanting to brush Castor's pained expression away, but he was interrupted;


Suddenly Castor touched his chin, and it made a tickling feeling well up into Shun's chest. He blushed as his face was rised, and he was made to look Castor in the eyes. Then he saw in slow motion, that Castor's face got closer to his, and he just couldn't move. Pictures of Nao flashed trough his mind, and he almost knew what was happening, but he still couldn't move. And he also couldn't help but be suprised when he felt Castor's warm, soft lips pressing against his. The kiss was slow, but still intense and passionate. It gave out a signal of strong feelings, and Shun's knees bent under the weight of his own body. As Castor's lips were devouring Shun's lips, he could just open his own lips and answer to the kiss. Even if he hadn't noticed it before, he noticed it now: `I like Castor...´


Just when Shun started to feel that he would lose his mind, and that Castor would engulf him into the sweet kiss, the soft lips were pulled away, and Shun was once again pulled into a gentle hug. The sweet words that were murmured into his ear, and his heart started to beat like a crazy once again. This hurt Shun so much. Nao... Castor... Nao... Castor... Many things were going trough Shun's mind, and he just couldn't think straight. He felt happy, but he still felt sad. It was confusing him greatly. The other side of him wanted to hug Castor back, but the other side of him was thinking about Nao who was waiting at home.


"U..Umm... Castor.. I need time to think... About this..." Shun managed to whisper after a long quiet moment. "I really am happy that you like me, and I... I think I might like you too... But.. Nao..." Shun was about to cry right now. He felt so useless. `Why am I always bringing trouble to everyone?!! Why!!?´

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Castor gently touched his face, when he heard Shuns answer.

I'm glad that you don't reject me. loving careless. Castor put his coat on shun.

okey, let's go, I don't want to force you. It's must be your choice. they went back.

When they Came back Castor looked at shun, whispered You are only one from me.

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Nao hasn't even answered yet when Shun immediately left. He sighed and scratched the back of his head. He lied down on the sofa until Shun comes back. He massaged his temples attempting to relieve the pain from his headache. It was around 9pm but Shun hasn't came back yet. Nao began to worry that what if there's something that had happened to Shun, but he immediately shook the thoughts off saying,


'No. I must trust Shun. He's old enough to take care of himself.'


He relaxed again and just stared at the ceiling as thoughts of him and Shun keeps on disappearing and reappearing in his head. But he felt a little annoyed because everytime he explains it to Shun, someone will just come from nowhere and interrupt. Just like an hour ago. He felt excited at the same time nervous at Shun's answer. His curiosity level has rose up ever since that time. He's curious to know Shun's respond to his explanation. Well, he did tell him that it's okay and he'll accept it if Shun hates him. But unfortunately, he's unprepared. He doesn't want Shun to hate. No matter how he'll convince his self to forget about Shun, he already knew that he couldn't. He loves Shun too much to just go in a disco bar, have some drinks, dance with everyone at the center, and the next minute, hook up with a random bitch. Either way, it's his lost because he'll lost Shun. While Shun is gone, he took the opportunity to get his self to prepare for the upcoming event.

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Yukina sees Yuuki have taken off his clothes and he do it as well.. His skin colour is white pale so it really contrast with his pink nipple.. Yukina is shy to take a bath with Yuuki but he thinks that it is okay to do so.. after seeing Yuuki naked he starts to think wildly and it makes his nipples erect..


"I-i couldn't resist to not thinking weird.. waaa...."


He get into the bath and the water starts to flowing... even though the bath is too small for both of them but yukina feels comfortable.. his position is facing yuuki so he can clearly sees yuuki eyes, nose, hair, and even his well build body.. and then his face gets red and he sinks half of his face to the water..

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Shun gasped loudly when he heard Castor's voice on his ear once again. It made his heart beat, but it hurt him too. He was feeling like crying right now. `What should I do..? This isn't fair at all!!´ His thoughts were one hell of a mix, and he couldn't get a hold of them. It was frustrating.


"I...I'll see you on monday then..." Shun said, being relieved that it was friday, and there was the whole weekend for him to think about everything. He smiled at Castor, weakly, and shut the door. Then he sighed loudly, and sobbed once. He was just about to start crying, when the little, green eyed kitten appeared from the kitchen. It came to Shun, and meowed cutely as it cuddled against Shun's leg. Shun smiled sadly to it, and took it into a tight hug. "Hey there kitty. I think we should give you a name already, right?" He asked, smiling, and walking to the living room, holding the kitten in his arms.


Shun almost dropped the kitten to the floor when he saw Nao laying on the sofa. He had totally forgotten that Nao was still here, and now it made him panic. He remembered Castor's kiss, and his chest started to hurt automaticly. A guilty expression took over his face, as he tried to smile at Shun. "He..Hey... I'm sorry it took so long." He murmured, and the kitten scratched his chest lightly. It made him jump a bit.

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Yuuki still whas embarrassed of tak bath whit Yukina, he start talking to him'' Do you looking forward to the hot spring? And do you know when we leave to the hotspring?''

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